News Briefs – 06/25/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Jeanine Peppler, publicist who just committed suicide nthe same way as Anthony Bourdain, and Kate Spade, hanging out with the Rothschilds.

Sarah Sanders kicked out of restaurant because she worked for Trump. Have no doubt, these people are being tracked and monitored, and these confrontations are being planned. For everyone else, service like this is a stepping stone to an effortless life of wealth and ease, but for Trump’s team, they left behind lives of wealth and comfort for this. All because these people are fighting for us and America.

NJ Governor increases fees for gun permits 700%. We really need a federal law with preemption that standardizes the rights of all citizens across all jurisdictions according to one interpretation of the Constitution. There is no reason citizens in one place have less rights under the same constitution than they might have elsewhere in the same nation.

Another fatal Military plane crash. We’ll see if it becomes part of a wave.

Soros complains that Trump’s revolution is succeeding. Great Soros sad/guilt-face expression at the link. In my experience, most normal people don’t make that face unless they are acting.

Mueller knocks New York Times and WaPo for fake reporting on his investigation. That is epic-level narrative work, if he is really Trump’s guy. Trump’s ostensible enemy would be saying the same things Trump said about fake news. That would be devastating. If Mueller were Cabal, he would say nothing, I would think.

Fox notes that Blacks say the conditions in the Border Patrols Detention centers are better than in many projects.

Ashley Madison say Seattle is # 1 for cheating spouses. Bear in mind, cheating spouses is not as r as rank promiscuity, which is not as r as homosexual promiscuity.

NGO picks up migrants Libya was supposed to pick up and return to Libya, and then rushes to Italy which turns them away, saying they will only see Italy on a postcard. Very persuasive.

NY Democrat is using Sex Apps like Tinder with fake profiles to lure in voters and appeal to them. Not a bad way to appeal for rabbit votes, according to r/K.

CNN poll shows support for Mueller plummeting from 29% to 20%. The God Emperor’s Kung Fu is flawless.

There are now two more who were just hit at the Cuban Embassy and evacuated out have been medically confirmed to have been attacked. That whoever is doing this has not been tracked down and dealt with speaks volumes, given what our most elite intel can accomplish. Top level sophistication, possibly using contractor-only toys the government cannot ID because the tech has not been shared. If Russia had this, it would probably not use it because we would roll out better toys, and hit them back with force. Same with China. Whoever this is doesn’t fear the counter-attack. That could be because they are stateless.

Man’s temporary boss accidently trips automated firing system by forgetting to renew his contract, and automated system proceeds to fire him, locking him out of every system and ordering security to eject him from the building, even as his regular boss and their boss try unsuccessfully to stop it.

Trump cancels congressional picnic, sends the food to people who deserve it – at Walter Reed.

Fishing vessels in the Pacific, “some” based out of China, have been hitting our pilots with lasers. These feel like things some third party would do to start a war.

Glenn Beck’s Media Empire imploding. He could have ridden the Trump wave. He was perfectly positioned.

Mr Population Control, Bill Gates, brags that he told Donald Trump not to investigate vaccine safety – “I said, ‘No, don’t do that, that would be a bad thing.'”:

Anti Clinton GOP candidate injured in deadly head on crash, where another car, whose driver was killed, drove the wrong way right into her. Was the other driver even alive when the car was being driven

Washington DC is named the psychopath capital of America.

Supreme Court gives Trump more Power over Federal Employees. An interesting article, because it highlights how somebody took over the SEC Administrative Law Judiciary, stacking it with their judges in a hiring process run completely autonomously from the President, and they were using it to boot people out of the securities industry arbitrarily. That reeks of an intelligence-type operation to seize full control of that environment, and that sticks of Cabal. Everything is controlled, or at least it was.

La Raza Board Member runs non-profit that made over $1 billion under Obama from managing illegal children migrants, and will make $500 million just this year.

Stormy’s lawyer Avenatti says something isn’t right about his interactions with prosecutors, who have ditched a meeting with him that would have covered Stormy helping their invesigation.

Spread r/K Theory, because something isn’t right

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6 years ago

Wasn’t convinced there were hostile underground cities until I saw this.

6 years ago

What Mueller and his team have tomworry about:

6 years ago

Arrlington defeated the anti-Trump GOPe Sanford. If she had died, I suspect that Sanford would be the GOP nominee.

6 years ago

Another r/K phenomenon? This report in the Daily Mail covers the genetic basis for neuroticism. Wonder how much the ‘worry’ gene is affected by r/K?

6 years ago

Just what anyone one could say about this level of body mutilation I can’t say. Not one for anyone with a needle phobia, that’s for sure.

6 years ago


I was connecting to your site today on my phone, and it was throwing an SSL/TLS error. The HTTPS URL is throwing an error, because the certificate is incorrect. It appears the certificate was create in 04/2016 and is valid till 04/2019, but for the wrong domain name. The CN and Subject Alternative Name (SAN) are for wildcards for the domain. The certificate would need to have in there somewhere (CN/SAN). Anyone connecting using the HTTPS URL will get an error message. I’m not sure if there was some maintenance on your hosting provider or “someone” is back fooling around with your site again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I had the same issue yesterday. Brave threw up a block, I looked at the warning, had the same message as Bman.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

It happened a couple times to me. It wouldn’t work. Then it worked fine and then it was broke again. I wonder if your provider was having some IT issues. It would be interesting if anyone else saw what I saw, yesterday. The other odd part was I saw literally no blog comments on this particular article until right now. I checked yesterday and today. Until right now, I saw zero comments.