News Briefs – 06/22/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Social activist who harassed Homeland Security Secretary works in the Department of Justice. Probably not for long.

Former Secret Service Agent launches RICO suit against Clintons, Podesta, Soros and many others for killing Seth Rich and commiting other conspiracies

Facebook deleted the account of a guy who dies from a heart attack at the request of a stranger, and now the family can force them to say who asked. Cabal covering something up?

American children are being seized up by Child Protective Services all over the country, but nobody cares about them.

Ukrainian Diplomat says his government interfered in the election, and he was told it was being done specifically to stop Donald Trump.

Two anti-Trump FBI texters are named by congressman. FBI counterterror would normally have frightened him into silence, I’d think. Something is changing.

The Russians are supposedly getting tired of Edward Snowden.

Trump uses his possession of nicer things to amygdala hijack the left.

Trump administration promises to release Fast and Furious gun-running docs. The US arming up cartels at the border never made sense, unless the Cartels were Cabal, Inc employees.

Obama Admin approved 50,000+ DACA requests despite criminal backgrounds. MS-13 foot soldiers.

Kim Jong-Un polls more popular than Nancy Pelosi.

Fake News Flashback – WaPo says Trump’s path to electoral victory isn’t narrow, it is nonexistent.
I assume that election had been hacked, and then must have been unhacked.

Gunfire injures 5 in Sweden, Police tell people, don’t worry about it. Rabbits need deadened amygdalae, and on some level, they know it.

Immigrant children as young as 14 beaten, left with broken bones to sleep naked and shivering on hard concrete floors – Oh, and it was the center where they sent the MS-13 members and other older criminals and gang members, so we know they couldn’t have done any of that to each other.

Spread r/K Theory, because new is relative to knew

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6 years ago

The first 3 links and the last one show up as “page not found”

6 years ago

I can’t get a good read on Snowden. Early in the Q phenomenon I thought maybe he was Q. I haven’t ruled it out entirely.
AC, what do you think of him? What if he was the guy who brought the cabal intel to Trump once upon a time. If not him, I do think someone did. Perhaps good guys in the secret service or mil.
Does the cabal hate him? If so, he’s a good guy, no?

6 years ago

You won’t believe it. Joe DiGenova outs an admiral who went to Trump early in his campaign to warn him that he was being taped. That is why Trump moved out of Trump Towers
“Brazen Plot To Exonerate Clinton’ Starting To Seep Out” Daily Caller Interviews Joe DiGenova

Joe DiGenova lays out a huge conspiracy.

6 years ago

A few of those links aren’t working properly.

6 years ago

First 3 posts: “page could not be found.”

6 years ago

How do we know the Russians are getting tired of Edward Snowden? He’s not causing them any problems; he even brought his own girlfriend so he doesn’t have to harass the local women. The most likely reason for his silence is that he has no more state secrets to reveal, nor any opinions that he hasn’t already shared, and he graciously accepts that his 15 minutes of fame are over.

That article reads like more Deep State wishful thinking, like a recent article about the terrible mistake Putin made invading Ukraine. As with Syria, when accused of getting Russia into a “quagmire”, Putin says, so what if the war lasts 100 years, all the better to hone our skill at killing terrorists.