News Briefs – 06/18/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The big story is Trump’s tweet thread below, which ICE says they didn’t know would be released publicly:

One disturbing thought. We have reason to believe at least one missile was been launched at POTUS while he was on Air Force One, and it is still not clear if one may have been launched at Hawaii and was intercepted. Maybe I am taking this too far, but Tom Delong did describe an alleged previous incident where “The Others” remotely activated our nuclear missiles, and prepared them for launch, in an effort to get the Russians to launch at us. I had been thinking Cabal compromised some US Military Officer or Officers through traditional intelligence methods, and coerced them to execute a real or potential launch in the most recent incidents. But is that any more likely than some technologically sophisticated entity, which it seems pretty clear is likely here, and which is alleged to have done so previously, remotely activating a missile itself using its own advanced technology? It makes me wonder if some past highly technological human civilization, as it approached this point, began down a path of exposing The Others, and then may have been leveled using its own weapons, remotely hacked by The Others. It might be time to take that prepping hobby a little more seriously. Just a thought.

And another strange thought. In the book Chameleo, which detailed the travails of a gangstalked/harassed/heavily-surveilled itinerant, and childhood friend of the author, the protagonist was adamant that he saw individuals in his apartment at the beginning who had the body shape of humans, but who were wearing some sort of invisibility suit, which couldn’t be seen visibly from the front, and which appeared as a visual distortion when seen from the side, such as in a reflection from a mirror. It was identical to several other accounts which have come to light since, including the accounts of radio host Tom Bauerle, who saw the exact same optical camouflage and tracked down the patent-holder who confirmed his photos showed such a technology. In Chameleo, the protagonist was also adamant they were exceedingly small, as if the government/intelligence/Cabal running that operation only recruited children or some sort of very physically adept midgets, perhaps for technical reasons, leading to the author coining the phrase “invisible midget” for them. Now I am wondering on this timeline, whether there was not some other explanation for why the body-types he saw were so small. We don’t know what we don’t know, and in this timeline the amount we don’t know seems to be ever-expanding.

Good video on Bugout Bag strategy. The most interesting thing was Special Forces guys preparing for SHTF have ratty, filthy Homeless Person outfits they stash in their bags so if SHTF they can look like they have nothing so people will leave them alone. I assume you would also have a filthy wig and choose a ratty bugout bag as well, frayed and filthy, so it would look like a homeless person’s bag as you move. Also those folding bikes are cool if you have the cash for one. Another interesting video here from the same guy on Knife selection and manipulation.

Kyle Kushev’s admission to Harvard is rescinded over racial slurs he wrote in google documents shared in study groups. Understand in today’s surveillance state, the Secret Society is running their children against your children in our schools, and they are assembling files on your kids. It sounds crazy, absolutely Stasi-esque, but I will guarantee it 100%, and I do not do that often. Kids who your child will know and consider friends are in the know and they are reporting everything back, and it is going into your kid’s files. It is a shame, but if your child wants to have any aspirations, make them understand that, and make sure they are guarded with everyone growing up. One Nation Under God hasn’t been a thing for quite some time, unfortunately, and as things progress in the coming decades, it is on course to get even worse. And even our children are not immune to what is going on.

New York to give Driver’s Licenses to illegals. Rural New Yorkers oppose, but the leftist city allows Cabal to run things.

Mastercard will let trannies use whatever name they want on their credit cards. We should support this, and try to expand it to driver’s licenses and passports. It may facilitate creating, at least to regular citizens, alternate identities, and taken far enough, it may muddy up the ability of databases to track us to some degree. Now I can get credit cards in several different identities. Add in DLs and Passports, and I am good to go.

African migrants at the US Southern border have suddenly spiked to record numbers. Somebody has set up a supply line of migrants. If Cabal is a global conspiracy, as would be indicated by a cursory examination of its surveillance/intelligence/informant ground operations globally, it is possible it has declared an “all hands on deck” in the US and is shipping its assets from all over the globe here for one last stand of some sort. If so, and it exhausted its operative pools in Central and South America, having brought almost all of them north already, it suddenly shifting and importing Africans in large numbers might make sense. The question would be, will that last stand consist of some sort of street unrest, or is it some sort of massive voter fraud operation scheduled for 2020, to try and take back control of the political machinery through a more covert process? Or might it intend to bring forth a pandemic as a last ditch Hail Mary?

Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine diagnosed with throat cancer. My main memory of him is an interview in which he renounced satanism. He claimed in high school he wanted to sleep with the prettiest girl in school, who was completely out of his league, so he cast a satanic spell, and was sleeping with her by the end of the week. He credited the satanism and the rituals he partook in with his band’s success, and then went on to say he had found Christ and rejected it all, but you should never underestimate the power of the dark arts. Now, knowing that like many, he was probably being observed by hidden watchers from the start who control an unusual amount with an almost cult-like zeal, I am unsure if he actually tapped into dark forces, or if he was merely misled to believe he had, so he could be controlled without knowing he was controlled.

China has been caught placing fake “Made in Vietnam” labels on its goods to try and get around Trump’s tariffs.

Conservatives pledge support for Macron in France, all but killing the center-right Republicans there. Our leaders were never our leaders. They were (((Their))) leaders, who we supported, but whose loyalties were never to us.

Gloria Vanderbilt died, but what is interesting is in this article it notes that Anderson cooper said of her in a documentary, “My mom has lived many different lives and has inhabited many different skins.” Is that how you would ever phrase it? Picture yourself saying that. “Many different skins.” I don’t know why, but I heard that and it creeps me out, like it was meant as a double meaning of sorts, perhaps related to the Cabal belief system, or even to some event in a Cabal ritual. I see the rumor of Hillary donning the face of a child who was just ritually skinned.

Independent observers say voting in Peterborough which was narrowly won by Labor was like voting in Kazakhstan. People were seen photographing their ballots, a banned practice commonly seen in confirming contracts for payment. Known Labor vote fraudster was brought in too.

John Cornyn wonders on twitter what Joe Biden means when he calls for a “Physical Revolution.” The actual video shows he first said he would have a brass knuckle fight with republicans and then called for starting, “A real physical revolution.”

Black Cube has not employed first rate tactics against targets in recent cases.

Explosion completely levels a home in NJ.

Celebrity Private Eye busted for setting up sex romps on a target, videotaping them, and then trying to blackmail the target to lay off a court case for sexual molestation against a relative. Whenever things go strangely in directions you wouldn’t think they should, you are being set up.

Rabbit Joe Biden assumes free resources – says, “The first thing I would do is raise taxes… There is plenty of money to go around.”

Officials confirm an 8th American Tourist who died suspiciously in the Dominican Republic.

Man sentenced to prison for sharing video from the Christchurch shooting. 21 months.

Pakistani politician accidently livestreams his press conference using a cat filter, which puts cat ears and whiskers on him.

New York City Mayor Deblasio says of his not receiving a single vote in Iowa that he has nowhere to go but up. Don Jr on twitter notes it makes a catchy campaign slogan.

We have a new hero in Based Canadian Pan Man. The only way he could have been better would have been if he came up with his cigarette still between his lips:

Bombard says Trump knows more than he is letting on about UFOs:

I was amused that at the end, at 2:11, after Trump navigates the minefield exceptionally well and reveals nothing about something mind-blowing that he obviously knows a lot about, in full screen you can see his expression features a little bit of a satisfied smile on the left side of his face, and a blank, serious expression on the right.

Q says “Watch the water, “Nasa Earth says “Follow the Water”:

OANN says Pentagon is considering targeted strikes on Iran’s Uranium enrichment facility in July.

1000 additional troops to the Mideast in response to Iran.

Vigano is outing members of the homosexual mafia in the Church.

Admiral Shoshana Chatfield is the first woman to lead the Naval War College. Where do you know her from? She appeared to be the woman on the beach being gangstalked and then openly assaulted in Guam by Cabal’s ground surveillance/harassment forces while she was stationed there, who was highlighted at the top of a previous brief. So we have a woman who knows all too well that there is some nefarious conspiracy afoot, and she is now overseeing a crucial stopover for Naval officers seeking high leadership positions in that service. Think that might affect the ability of Cabal to infiltrate and rise to high-level Naval leadership positions, now that she is calling the shots? Also note, if as the previous brief noted, the previous incident was a public message from Cabal to young Naval ensigns in military intelligence that Cabal was all powerful and they should bow to it, the Navy just sent another message to those ensigns – Patriots are in control and we reward and protect their own. Nice to see.

Reports that Gmail has widespread outages. Also an outage at WhatsApp. Also link-shortening service has an outage.

Huawei says revenues will be $30 billion less in next two years due to Trump. Presumably that will go to American companies, and we get the intelligence advantages too. All Trump.

State Department is doing its own investigation into all the violations that occurred in handling Hillary’s emails, and is finding lots of violations. Investigation still in progress.

Trump opens 1.4 million acres to hunters and fishermen.

Trump redoes the order of succession for the position of Director of CIA. Interesting in two ways. One, obviously Haspel must be at risk from Cabal, though that is not new. But more interestingly, there is no official record I can find relating to Obama changing the order of succession of DCI on September 16th, 2016, as he braced for a potential loss of Cabal’s power and control to Trump. So whatever Trump is undoing is unknown, but it must have related to Cabal’s backup plans somehow.

Islamophobia is rising in Europe, and leftists are freaking out.

Trump slashes aid to Central America over their failure to control migrants. Will withhold hundreds of millions from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Trump shifts education funding away from migrant children and to American children.

Justice Department intervenes to keep Manafort from spending time in Rikers.

Active shooter thwarted at Federal Building in Dallas. 22 year old former Army Infantryman with an AR and numerous magazines failed to gain entry and collapsed in the parking lot outside, died later. Best video is here. Notice the White Pickup just chilling, taking it all in and only speeding off after he collapses. If I was FBI, I would look into who that was.

Trump says to Stephanopoulos, “Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center. It were other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also.” If he goes there, and I assume he will, everyone’s ground will shake. And it also means Trump will have to deal with everyone involved, decisively, because if he does not, a lot of patriots will take things into their own hands to make that right.

Muslim Brotherhood now demanding an international investigation into the death of former Egyptian President Morsi, calling it a full fledged murder. Supposedly the cause of his collapse and death in court was a heart attack. That just happened to a judge too in the last few days. I didn’t include it in a brief because its significance was unknown.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will make a state visit to North Korea on Thurs & Fri — Xi’s first official visit to NK as head of the Chinese Communist Party. The visit takes place a week before G20 Summit in Japan where Xi is expected to meet with President Trump.

Justice Thomas fires the opening salvo in support of the Supreme Court beginning to overturn its own precedents.

Americans are setting up parties across the country to celebrate Trump’s announcement of his reelection campaign.

Spread r/K Theory, because we know far less than we thought.

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5 years ago

Tom Delong? You mean the blink 182 guy?

Also, MasterCard, indeed all credit cards, have long been willing to issue cards with whatever name you want on it so long as someone verified has agreed to pay for the charges. There was a guy who got a card with the name Michael Jackson on it and used it to impersonate him to hilarious effect. appears to be down but there’s a reference to the prank here:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Never thought I’d read about Dave Mustaine here. The man has fascinated me for decades. With your commentary, the plot thickens.

Researching bassist Dave Ellefson, who is in leadership of Megalife (get it?) Church in Scottsdale may provide some clues. I said “may.”

5 years ago

[…] via News Briefs – 06/18/2019 — […]

5 years ago

I like your comment on Kyle Kushev. School is FOR THEM—NOT for thee! This is downright scary. We live in a Marxist society that you must be ideologically pure or else you don’t eat. We are living in those days, the mark of the beast. America does not have a society any longer. It’s gone.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

You can get Harvard’s course materials online for free. Harvard isn’t in the business of education, they’re in the business of selling certificates.

If you had a choice between hiring a candidate with a degree from Harvard, and another candidate with a degree from Cow College, which would you, as an employer, hire?

If I’m ever in that position again, the Harvard resume is going in the wastebasket. They’ve been too converged for too long; why would I want to hire anyone who had their brains washed there?

5 years ago

> ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens

I’ll do the Happy Dance if it happens, but I’ve seen variations on that announcement before and no action taken. And it is going to have to be deportations of hundreds per day just to keep up with *new* criminals jumping the border. Anything less than, say, 500 per day is just going to be posturing.

Congress’ usual schtick if it looks like something may actually happen is to rush through bills granting amnesty or citizenship. Poof! “Neener neener neener!”

5 years ago

> remotely activated our nuclear missiles, and prepared them for launch,

While I wouldn’t put it past some moron to run the launch authority system across the Internet (after all, the drone control systems at Creech AFB have been shut down multiple times after being infected with viruses and malware), the original system relied on the telephone system, voice contact, and authentication codes. One of the Men In Black always near the Presdent carried a folio known as the “football” which contained the current codes.

At the launch site the phone would ring, a voice would give the order and recite the code, and you and your shift partner turned your keys.

Of course, there was a lot more behind the scenes, before it got to that point:

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

The football contains comm gear and attack plans (so the President can pick from the menu, so to speak.) There are authentication codes that the president carries — the “biscuit” (which Clinton kept sending to the dry cleaners and would often lose for months at a time) but a nuclear response/attack can be ordered without them.

What it really takes is the POTUS getting on the comm gear in the football — or the Oval Office, or AF1, or Marine 1, or wherever he has a secure line — and to say, “I’m Donald Trump, and I authorize the release of nuclear weapons.” The Pentagon will take care of the rest, one way or the other. Codes are for people under the POTUS.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

It wasn’t authenticated. That’s what made it a Pinnacle Bent Spear situation.

5 years ago

> Pakistani politician accidently livestreams his press conference using a cat filter, which puts cat ears and whiskers on him.

…and none of his handlers, staff, or family warned him? Or none of them were watching?

I’m not entirely sure it wasn’t deliberate. “Hey, I’m just an ordinary schmuck, see, I have trouble with this social media stuff…”

Now, if it was a dog filter his career would probably have come to a sudden end.

5 years ago

> “Nasa Earth says “Follow the Water”

A few years ago I went to NASA’s web site. Their entire main page was about “saving the Brazilian rain forest.”

It’s going on half a century since NASA made any progress toward Moonbase or the first Mars mission. They blew a lot of money on the Space Shuttle, which was “Dyna-Soar by committee”, and some robot probes to Mars. And we have a time-share on a Russian space station, that we can’t even get to without buying seats on Russian rockets.

Meanwhile, NASA blows most of its budget on “overhead” – salaries (Federal bureaucrats), “studies” (handouts to favored contractors), maintenance (for launch sites and programs they haven’t used in generations) and just-frittered-away.

Note: Every President since Reagan has promised a space station, resumption of the Moon landings, a Moonbase, or a Mars shot. And every one of them, regardless of political party, ran up against the sucking vacuum of NASA’s budget system. “Yes, we can do that, but it would take twenty years and some sizeable chunk of the Gross National Budget…” Note their cost studies are *vastly* different depending on whether they’re begging for yet more money or being tasked with actually doing anything.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

Great comment

5 years ago

> active shooter video

Already removed from the site.

“Nothing to see here, move along…”

5 years ago

In your research, have you looked into the so called “dark web” at all? I don’t see many references in your posts, so I thought I’d bring it up as it almost is like another layer of the matrix coming down.

For many people, their model for thinking about the dark web was the “silk road” saga, and everything that implies. At a minimum, the ostensible anonymity offered via Tor is interesting in terms of reducing your online footprint. Even though Tor has been around for quite a while, I don’t see very many references to it in the network of websites I visit, which is at least surprising.

One thing that did find surprising, was not so much that there was a global market for illegal content hiding in plain sight, and protected by the Tor (created by DARPA). But what did surprise me was the accessibility of identification services. I’m not just talking about fake IDs, there are plenty of those. But supposedly legitimate identification in the form of passports from major western democracies that would enable global anonymous travel.

Reply to  Notmyrealemail
5 years ago

Wrong and wrong. So wrong you shouldn’t even open your mouth lest you get somebody fucked.

First, Tor was created by Navy Research. Used for the CIA. Think about it, if only spooks used it, anyone using Tor could be considered a spook. So they want people using it to cover their comms and get them lost in the noise.

Second, tor relies on some central nodes. Most of which are located in northern Virginia, spook country.

Third, look into all the busts of people using Tor. All the articles will say “they used poor opsec, Tor is secure.”
You believe that? Dumb as shit.

Go google “black hat conference unmasking Tor connections”

It gets very technical, but what it should teach you is that if you’re not very technical, or stand no chance.

If you want to go dark, there are was, and Tor is part of that. Think of a ninja, it’s not his mask that makes him invisible. It just helps, his sneakiness plays a bigger roll.

If you guys are interested in really going dark, I’d gladly write a guide. It’s been on my roadmap for awhile. You guys say the word and I’ll help you out.

My question is this, when shit hits the fan, how do we team up and corrdinate, avoid infiltration, and mount an effective counter to threats in a zero trust system?

This has been the piece of the puzzle that has stopped me from really trying to build something.

You gents have any ideas?

5 years ago

Also link-shortening service has an outage.

This one is brilliant.

Make a One-Time Pad of specified URLs. Give a schedule for checking them. When you need to make a dead drop, you make a random post on some obscure forum, and then shorten that to the custom URL on the OTP for the next day. When the target checks the URL on the OTP, they get sent to a random, not-reused forum somewhere that has the comms.

5 years ago

“Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens…”

Does anyone really believe this? I don’t think he has any credibility left with anyone except for the most sycophantic MIGA supporters. Him tweeting about doing something pretty much guarantees it won’t happen. I don’t think the left believes it either or they would be rioting in the streets in every city in the country.

He can’t lock that witch up or any other coup plotter, but he’s going to deport millions of illegals….all of the sudden…after sitting on his hands for the last 2.5 years?

It’s just posturing and it won’t be long before a pissant district court judge waves his finger at Trump, then Trump happilly back down because he never really wanted to do the stuff he promised and will blame everyone else for his willful failure.

Honk Honk!!!

Reply to  Thor
5 years ago

Oh, ye of little faith! Trump’s an enigma, but strangely predictable. Though his rhetoric outflanks his accomplishments, he slowly does a fraction of what he’d promised. For me, that’s enough.

At least he’ll get rid of some of them … before 2020. He’s correctly motivated, you see.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Well said.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I don’t doubt that Trump is the real deal; he has all the right enemies.

Regarding deportation, I think this would be important in the run up to 2020. At least some of these people would be voting, and that means fraud for the Democrats. Remove them from the country and the vote totals start to look more like they should. It’s in Trump’s interest to make it happen for real.

5 years ago

“There are only two possibilities.”

Why only two? Why can’t there be a third possibility that he was a charlatan, that wasn’t part of the cabal, who accidentally won? After winning, he had no clue what to do and who to hire, and relied on the swamp to fill appointed positions. He would have been better off firing at least half of the executive branch and filled it with random Trump voters. He’s so in over his head that he can’t even appoint people to enact his agenda and fire those who don’t. Instead, he whines on twitter.

Sure, Trump has nuked the credibility of the Lügenpresse, but he still gives them press passes while banning Infowars and Rebel media.

I think what happened is that he was sat down after the election and threatened or blackmailed by the cabal and they came to an “understanding.” He played their game in the sandbox for awhile that he was allowed to operate in, but both Trump and the Cabal double crossed each other. The system appears to be hopelessly corrupt and the only way to fix it would be to use the military. I don’t think boomercuck Trump has even 10% of the testicular fortitude to do what needs to be done.

As for Q, it appears to be a deep state psyop that was meant to placate Trump Supporters and run out the clock on justice. Q hasn’t really said anything that wasn’t already in the right wing “conspiratorium,” hasn’t correctly predicted any actual events, and hasn’t shed new light on anything. Alex Jones has been talking about most of the Q stuff for decades. It’s also very telling that he never says anything about (((The Tribe))). Arrests have been imminent for 2 years, which has led to the right getting fatigued and giving up on justice.

“On this deportation program, it may be real. Maybe there is an enforcement action. Or maybe it was designed to precipitate action by Cabal…”

Mass Deportation is the 1st or 2nd most important thing Trump could do. Aside from flipping the script and taking the fight to the enemy, 2020 is the very last election that the GOP has *any* chance of winning. We’re not losing the argument, we’re losing the math. Trump stabbed Heritage Americans in the back when he said he wanted “immigrants in the largest numbers ever.” The only thing worse than illegal immigration is legal immigration-80%+ of third worlders vote to end the Bill of Rights and steal the fruits of my labor.

“All we can do is either support Trump, which gives us a chance, or waste time concern trolling and diminishing Trump, when supporting him is the only chance we have.”

My point is that we have to hold his feet to the fire-not just for our good, but his own good. Trump is failing miserably and unnecessarily. There’s a huge mob of counterproductive MAGA sycophant boomers that think he’s the best president ever and can do no wrong. If he doesn’t start putting these Demonscats in prison and taking the tech monopolists out back to the woodshed, they’re going to win and put the boot on our necks.

Don’t forget that the two men who handed him the election-Seth Rich and Julian Assange, don’t even get a single tweet. Trump literally cares more about legalizing butt sex in third world hellholes, than Seth Rich. Seth Rich alone unravels the entire Russiagate hoax plaguing his presidency, but Trump doesn’t play the ace card?? What the fuck is going on?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Sounds like R/K isn’t cutting it anymore. Time for a new book? 😉

Reply to  Thor
5 years ago

Thor, you question trump, but who are you in all this?

Are you moving us closer to our goals?

Are you giving us a clearer picture of the world?

Thor: “Shalom manishma fellow free thinkers, I said boomercuck, I am edgy too”

Reply to  Thor
5 years ago

Why can’t there be a third possibility that he was a charlatan, that wasn’t part of the cabal, who accidentally won?

Because “accidentally” doesn’t mean what you think it means.

5 years ago

Career USAF intel officer says something interesting:

5 years ago

Just like Nadler?

Merkel Misfires; Shakes Violently At Ukraine Ceremony, Reboots By Drinking Water

5 years ago
5 years ago

Skinwalkers and some voodoo-type rituals involving wearing skin, physically or by energy.
I heard from a bloke into black magic it’s called “godform assumption” where they’re possessed or act like a deity.