News Briefs – 06/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Lest you think you are actually talking to an anon on the Chans (or that you are an anon yourself), FBI filed a search warrant for 8chan relating to the Poway synagogue shooting, and they included attached screenshots of the 8Chan thread discussing the shooter, and it was filled with (You)’s. (On 8Chan, when you post, you see (You) next to your ID, so this means the thread was filled with posts by the government, and they took the screenshots right off the system they were posting on.) Supposedly 8Chan doesn’t store IDs though, so the warrant shouldn’t yield anything, making me wonder if this was Trump’s administration just giving the anons something to dig on. And then there was this analysis of IDs which people are talking about which shows there were other ID’s who seemed aware of what was coming, as if they were part of an operation that produced it. Also, one of the shills with pre-knowledge tried to blame the shooting on Russia. There may be more to come on all of that. Also, understand the vast, vast majority do not post that much, and the government and Cabal has filled the void with their people to control what you think. That is why people who post material online are seen as such a threat to (((Their))) control. It also means the country is likely not nearly as fucked as it would appear. It would not surprise me if 98% of Hillary’s online support was fake posters, and the people you saw on TV supporting her in real life, were part of the conspiracy and acting the part to further its goals. Drag Queen story hour is not mainstream. And it is possible almost nothing you see happens by chance or individual force of will.

Dozens of Jimmy Buffet fans take a trip to the Dominican Republic and end up violently ill. Again, are foreigners getting ill at the same rate as Americans?

Argentina and Uruguay hit with nationwide blackouts. Hit Paraguay too, though that’s not reported everywhere.

Netanyahu’s wife convicted of misusing public funds on catering bills. Gets a fine. I have little doubt this was standard operating procedure. What it highlights is how if you do not have a failsafe plan, that uses extensive preparation and planning for every contingency, the Machine is set up to take you and everyone you love down using all of its corrupt assets before you even get close.

Rival factions of the Sinaloa Cartel have a machinegun battle at the border, and the losers beat feet to the nearest port of entry and request asylum in America, citing fear of the Cartel faction they lost to.

A majority of Americans predict WWIII in four decades.

Local Police Department in Tennessee tells city council it can’t write tickets just to generate money, city council dissolves the entire department.

Alarms went off at the Court Compound at Guantanamo. After some time, they were turned off, and it was speculated it was either a glitch or a test, though no official explanation has been forthcoming.

London Murder rates surpass New York City. Two leftist shit-holes ruled by leftist assholes, and it is just one big race to the bottom. Imagine when the economy collapses, and the Muslim population comes out to play for real. Also shows a national gun ban will not change anything.

Texas appeals court rules a University has sovereign immunity to copyright infringement despite the fact it took a copyrighted image from a stock photographer’s library (which was only obtained after he rented a helicopter to take aerial shots), stripped the copyright from the image, and used it in their promotional materials. And he had to pick up the legal costs. When Cabal is operative in your nation, rulings like this make you wonder.

Migrants exposed to Ebola arrive in Kentucky.

Starved of women due to the one-child policy, China has become a major trafficker of vulnerable young Christian girls from neighboring countries. The government is probably tolerant of it because it doesn’t want a massive population of young males with nothing to lose as the global economic collapse hits.

Border Patrol is wracked with illnesses from arriving migrants.

Illegals are suing DHS hoping for a payout because DHS migrant facilities are overcrowded because so many illegals are crossing into the US illegally. Break our laws, get a payout, and now you are rich as well as a protected class.

Stimulation of the skin with pulsed electromagnetic frequencies adjusted to create neural/sensory resonance, done with computer monitors. Oddly enough the Patent is believed to use a fake name, raising the issue of whether it was disinformation, designed to distract research from a real, but different mechanism, perhaps infrasound, with similar effect.

60 Minutes producer dead at 45 from cancer. A part of me wonders if this is the Storm, or if the tech deployed on them does it.

Colorado has made $1 Billion in state revenue since it legalized Marijuana.

Buried in the New York Times story is an allegation some Pentagon and Intelligence officials are launching unilaterally authorized ops against Russia behind Trump’s back because they fear he would not approve the operations. Could be fake, but regardless, Holy… Fucking… Shit… Can you imagine the lawlessness Trump is dealing with from literally every direction, if this was true. People in government under him in the chain of command, doing shit that could set off a world war, and not briefing him because they think he would say no.

NY Times admits NXIVM was buying surveillance/intelligence on politicians, including Chuck Schumer.

Japan hit by 5.2 Magnitude earthquake.

The power of the stillface – this guy just gets more stratospheric despite the driver doing absolutely nothing to antagonize him further. Imagine if he had locked eye contact:

Head of Pakistani Intel booted after eight months on the job.

Trump says his plan for replacing Obamacare will be released in about a month. That is not going to happen when the Storm reveal happens. So the reveal is either soon, before July 4th, or after. On 4Chan, it has been noted Shill activity is sky-high, so shills think it is coming soon, but they do no necessarily know anything and could just be responding to feints. Or not.

Bernie leads Trump by nine in shock Fox News Poll. Imagine the Bernie Bros when he gets screwed yet again, and he could have won. Of course the same rubes told us President Hillary was a 100% probability, but we’ll ignore that for now. Also, Sanders is calling for a political revolution to change the US economy to a more Socialistic one.

Trump’s new border czar is hardcore.

Putin-Trump meeting may happen on the eve of the G-20. Is disrupting this alliance why we see the insults from US media thrown at Russia through the Chernobyl TV Show, and the NY Times falsely running stories claiming Trump is trying to knock out Russia’s power grid to show Russia “who is boss”? They don’t want Trump and Putin uniting Russia and the US against whoever is behind the scenes, be it Cabal, or even “The Others,” who according to the mythology regarding (((Them))) want the US and Russia at war and divided:

That last video is interesting. Without knowing nearly enough to comment on it, I would not focus on the chatter about The Others being interdimensional. At that level of technology, nobody is going to be able to tell where somebody is coming from, and whether it is a dimension, cloaking, or really fast, instantaneous travel from another solar system. It will all merely look like magic. But it does fit very well with a lot of Q’s mythos. Q has said his messages are in large part for (((Them))), whoever (((They))) are. His messages would be a good way, indeed the only way, to send messages to something watching society, but with no direct contact address. It would offer an explanation for why a ruthless, materialistic mercenary like Hillary Clinton would embrace things like seances and the idea of spiritual possession. The video also touches on many things Q has said, such as we are believed to be being farmed like livestock in some way, it is bigger than we would believe, they want us divided, it goes back through history, and his implication that the elites in our society are practicing some sort of occult worship of tangibly powerful “spirits” of some sort. If this is the case, secrecy about it is the stupidest thing I could imagine. Going through college, I was struck by how the vast, vast majority of students entering STEM fields were simple recording devices, mindlessly regurgitating what others told them and lacking any creativity and flexibility of thought themselves. If we face an uncharacterized existential threat of this kind, the answer should be to make as much as possible about it known to as many people as possible, to get it in front of those few unorthodox thinkers who will statistically increase the chances of making massive jumps in understanding about it by proposing hypotheses and the means by which to test them. Those few are the only people who are going to give you an exponential boost toward a solution to an issue involving technology. It would also have the effect of increasing the numbers of people who would seek out fields relevant to the battle early on in life, especially given how it would make STEM fields suddenly seem vital to the very survival of the human race. To many creatives, a clear enemy and a set of data which was to be creatively manipulated to screw them over would be extremely enticing. Keeping this secret would not do anything beneficial except to keep the list of potential solutions available limited and help The Others and those who have pledged loyalty to them to maintain control.

Poor gun-turn-in rate in New Zealand after the ban is due in large part to the fact New Zealand has no gun registration. Partly yes, partly no. They know where a lot of these guns are. They have monitored online message boards where people posted pictures of what they owned, often showing off their super-pretty gun-room or closet-armory. They have members covertly going to gun clubs and ranges and documenting what people have been shooting there. I’d bet they even have many gun shop owners as covert informants, supplying them with lists of who is getting what. I’ll even bet a firearms ownership card got people extra attention. But they don’t want to reveal any of that activity, so for the time being, the public pretends to not have anything, and they pretend not to know. Which is all fine, until we find out exactly what the big secret is about what is going on, on the surface of this globe.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t even know for sure who the enemy is yet.

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5 years ago

Is there a reason for not linking to Neon Revolts article about the 8chan stuff? Seems he was the one who discovered it no?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Impressive! I hit about a tenth of your daily reads, and only on days when I’m not swamped.

Where’s zero hedge on your list? I’ve watched ZH mutate into a more political site with strong, often libertarian (econ and pol) positions.

Reply to  Rob
5 years ago

Because Neon Revolt glows in the dark and is riddled with reddit cancer.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

He also doesn’t do any actual digging and just repackages what other people do. For exampl, he misses the entire point of the part. The affidavit specifically wants “electronic messages” — meaning EMAILS — from, not server logs. He says it just goes to a holding page.


There’s also three MX entires for in the DNS system. That means that the domain name handles EMAIL.

Glow-in-the-dark Revolt (it’s right there in his name) doesn’t want you looking at anything important.

MK in the 517
MK in the 517
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Whoa. There’s some serious Neon Revolt haterade there. Are you butthurt that Neon has exposed inthematrix and microchip (amongst many others) as frauds?

Reply to  MK in the 517
5 years ago

Nope. I’m butthurt that he’s a paytriot who brought reddit cancer to voat, tries to make Q about him, and is a general rtard.

5 years ago

Re: the stimulation patent… it issued in ’03, and expires in June, 2021.

It was filed in the name of the inventor (an individual with, as you pointed out, a name that could be an alias). However, there has been no recordation of assignment–meaning it is still in the name of the inventor. And all three maintenance fees have been paid (the last one being $3,700, paid back in ’15). Would seem to suggest that it is generating cash (i.e., it is being licensed), or being used defensively to simply prevent others from making/using the claimed invention.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

True, but simply having the patent issued would achieve that. Doesn’t explain whey all three maintenance fees have been paid. Generally speaking, and especially so with solo-inventors, if a patent isn’t generating $$$, or being used defensively, the maintenance fees are nothing but money down the hole, aren’t paid, wherein the patent lapses.

5 years ago

(On 8Chan, when you post, you see (You) next to your ID, so this means the thread was filled with posts by the government, and they took the screenshots right off the system they were posting on.)

Looked at the affidavit. Affidavit Anon was posting the link to the alleged manifesto (because now it is an open question of whether or not he wrote it or the FBI did) and then bumped their own comment less than a minute later.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Check this out:

Affidavit Anon posts “GET BACK IN HERE ANONS” and then the FBI wants to subpoena all the IPs that posted IN HERE.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Also Affidavit Anon:

He may have been rightfully upset with the way the world is, but he may have been manipulated into this by something that is not.

I’d blame Mossad, the CIA and FBI too, but this time I am not so sure. We know that all three of them can meme because we are shilled all day long by them.

Next time you see a Concern Troll here who think that AC is losing it, or he should change up the way he does these, or it’s just so BOOOORING here now —

Remember this evidence.

5 years ago

Argentina and Uruguay hit with nationwide blackouts. Hit Paraguay too, though that’s not reported everywhere.

It was election day in Argentina.

5 years ago

For years and years, Sara Netanyahu has been accused of spending government money on jewelry and other posh personal items, as well as luxury service by her staff. She’s a “princess,” according to the rumors, one who routinely mistreats people.

I don’t know if this is true, of course, but these rumors have not only persisted, but have been added to over the years.

Oh, and no one expected her to be indicted after Netanyahu won the election — part of his winning was her exoneration. Israel has been plagued with politicians on the take. One of the better things about that country, though, is their willingness to indict and convict corrupt politicians … though not their wives.

Is the Economy 'the Greatest Ever'?
Is the Economy 'the Greatest Ever'?
5 years ago

What do you think of article:
“America Will Lose The Trade War Because That Is What Globalists Want To Happen”

“Trump has gone on to attach his presidency so closely to the performance of the economy and primarily stock markets, that any crash now will undoubtedly be blamed on him. He has been Tweeting incessantly about how the economy under his watch is the ‘greatest ever’.

To those who actually track the health of the US economy, Trump’s statements might seem delusional. If you understand that Trump is controlled opposition and that he is playing the scripted role of a bumbling villain, his statements make perfect sense. The US economy is NOT the greatest it has ever been, in fact, it is the worst it has been since the crash of 2008, as I evidenced in detail in my article ‘The Crash In US Economic Fundamentals Is Accelerating’. Trump is wrapping himself around the implosion of the Everything Bubble as a mascot of fiscal destruction, and he’s trying to drag all conservatives with him.”


Trump will win the trade wars that China and others started.

But thanks for your concern. 🙂

Is the Economy 'the Greatest Ever'?
Is the Economy 'the Greatest Ever'?
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Why do you believe Trump will win the trade war with China?

Do you believe the US economy is the greatest it has ever been? If yes, why?

Do you believe it is impossible for Trump to be controlled opposition? Why?

These are serious questions.

“Thank you for your concern” is not an answer. It is condescending and arrogant…


ALMOST as condescending as being a shit eating concern troll.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

OT- In reflecting on my own experiences with gangstalking and the “machine” at work in this society, I’m increasingly finding some of VaultCo’s musings relevant. Trump may be able to substantially degrade and rollback Cabal, but I’m increasingly of the view that our society is so damaged on a moral and spiritual level that there is no hope of re-birth. The behavior and treatment I’ve received has been so brutal, so utterly sociopathic that I’m really left feeling that the individuals involved are simply irredeemable. The entire thing happened largely because I never imagined that people could even want to participate in such savagery. And yet it’s entirely clear that none of this requires any great threat or pressure at all, just some minor creature comforts at most.

This corruption runs throughout our entire society: law enforcement, judiciary, social services, non-profits. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone is on the take. We are, without any exaggeration whatsoever, far worse than any of the authoritarian societies we were warned about growing up. East Germany had nothing on us in terms of sheer cruelty.

And the frightening and amazing thing about it is that people find all of this crap normal or excusable. Our foreign policy is genocide. Our domestic policy is authoritarian snitch state.

The idea that all of this will just stop with a few arrests or high level disclosure is simply wishful thinking. The soul of American society is the photos of Abu Gharib prisoners. I can tell you without hesitation that there are millions of American teachers, cops, and other local government employees who would engage in equally horrific abuse against their fellow citizens. Indeed, most of the guards in those photos were corrections workers back home.

Being on the receiving end of gangstalking and all of the horror of it, realizing the sophistication and heartlessness of what I experienced, and from that realizing that these people were extremely well-practiced and thus must of built these skills at the expense of tens of thousands (at least) victims, I honestly feel like vomiting. I can’t imagine putting anyone through what I have known. I can’t imagine putting anyone through it for any reason. And the only reason I can forgive any of the participants is that in my heart I know that they cannot even faintly grasp how horrible their actions were. I used to think that most people were good people, but they simply are not.

It is going to take an extraordinary moral leader to even have a chance of rebuilding this society when Trump is done. I don’t think Trump himself is up for the task.

Robert What?
5 years ago

@AC, I see you frequently referring to (((they))) or (((them))). I assume you mean the world wide Jewish cabal? They are most definitely hostile to traditional Western values of liberty, rule of law, equal justice, etc. If not that, who are (((they)))?