News Briefs – 06/17/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Dumb tourist reaches out to pet a wild lion while on tour, almost loses his arm. No amygdala.

A Ted Talk on why we need to be understanding of pedophiles, because they do not choose that orientation. Seems I heard that before about gays, maybe forty years ago:

Comey would have covered up Weiner’s laptop for Hillary, but NY FBI Agents rebelled, and went to Nunes, and that forced Comey to reopen the probe.

Man takes mental health med for the first time, and immediately flips out and shoots a mother, two kids, and a third random guy because of uncontrollable rage. When I see this, I can’t help but wonder if the med he was prescribed was the med he got, or if some organization managed to get into the supply chain and give him a special pill as a test to see what it would do to him. Dude he shot in the truck could even have been part of the observation team tracking him and cataloging its effect. Nothing is impossible today. We are all cattle on the Cabal’s ranch.

This is just all kinds of fucked up, and was deleted off /pol immediately. Some anon found a twitter from somebody who is with the “Q modelling agency,” asking to borrow this headpiece for an illuminati-themed VIP wedding. This led to a photo of a guy who looks exactly like Obama in the headpiece with a very sparkly cape, with some other black guy, possibly at their wedding. Whole thing reeks of a Q troll of the elites. The original image of the character in the headpiece appears to have the double vertical smile-line of Obama on his jaw, and if you look close in the archive shot linked above, the vertical vein on the temple. And Obama has been photo’d with that other guy in the shot before. Deep waters. Click for the full version, its worth it. Enjoy:

Homeless spikes have become a thing, to keep the homeless from laying down in places. Ingenuity is of no use when the people at the top make solving the original problem impossible:

Obama admin handed migrant children to child traffickers. Imagine if Trump has purposely blown up the separating migrant parents and children, so the media will create a firestorm. Then it can be revealed that Obama actually created the process and fed the children into trafficking networks, or disappeared them, and the media has to cover it, and Trump can be appalled and fix the problem.

IG Report shows Obama lied about knowing about Hillary’s emails.

Nicaragua teetering on the edge of full Civil War.

Cruz smokes Kimmel In Charity Basketball Tournament.

White Advocate Jared Taylor gets right to sue twitter over banning his account. Huge precedent if he wins.

Merkel may be out by next week. But not if Cabal has anything to say about it.

NYC Mayor’s son writes Op Ed complaining that his accomplishment in getting admitted to Yale was dismissed by Asian students at his high school, because his father was NYC Mayor. His getting in as the only son of the most prominent ultra-left winger is an accomplishment, but if a white person gets in it is totally white privilege. We should replace white privilege with the term “elites privilege,” and throw it in the face of every elite who ever does anything. Because much today that is claimed as accomplishment is just Cabal privilege.

Libyan man goes viral posting comparison photos before Obama and after Obama. Libya vibrant and modern, and then Libya blown up and wrecked. It happens in nations, and it seems someone had it planned for the entire west.

£6 Billion Royal Navy fleet spends 80% of its time in the docks, because it is damaged by the heat. Bad Steel from the Cabal plot to destroy the west? If the US was going down globally in a WWIII, so was the UK. We would all have had to be wrecked.

FBI wouldn’t touch the devices of Hillary associates for fear of how many crimes they would find.

Fairfax country approves Transgender friendly sex ed for kids.

World IQ is going down. Pic Related:

Joe Rogan talked with Anthony Bourdain, who told him he never was happier, and didn’t know he could be that happy, and then he “killed himself.” Mainly interesting because in the first few minutes, it felt to me like Joe started to speak honestly, realized it could be seen as questioning the suicide’s validity, and quickly walked it back, lest anyone question things. Maybe I read too much into it, but sometimes I get the impression Joe was warned to walk the straight and narrow since his audience took off.

Trump’s Alpha Dog policy brings the world into line. Game in politics. Trump is an education as well as a savior.

Spread r/K Theory, because better news is coming with the K-shift on its way

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6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

That article made me realize that the investor community — specifically value investors, or what’s left of them after the central bank-induced asset inflation of the past 10 years — would probably be a great place to spread r/K theory. They’re interested in new “mental models” and tend to respect intellectual honesty to an usual extent in our corrupted age.

This site might be a redpill OD, however the book provides a novel biological explanation for “irrational exuberance” and other mass delusions that such investors try to avoid. That r/K is being “suppressed” to some extent would probably increase the allure, as the concept is more likely to provide a unique intellectual edge to investors who study it.

6 years ago

some of us are old enough to remember another time, in which nicaragua was in civil war, and there was also tension with iran. ironic that a man once involved in trafficking firearms to a foreign power is now president of a firearms association. also ironic that an old unattractive shrew is today denigrated – but uncharged – for destroying electronic records, but back then, a quite attractive young woman was “heroically” shredding documents and wound up being charged for it. the more things change, the more things stay the same.

6 years ago

What’s the best way to deal with Africa and inevitable migrations to the west and elsewhere there is prosperity?

6 years ago

Are startle reflex and amygdala related? I have an extreme startle reflex and have read that psychopaths have none? Any correlation?

Happy Father’s Day!

Jeff Baxter
Jeff Baxter
6 years ago

Re: The Ted Talk –

Were I in that audience and they took questions/responses, this would be mine:

“That was the single stupidest lecture I have ever heard! Did you for a moment consider your words in light of the simple rules of logic, or Natural Law? No.”

Reply to  Jeff Baxter
6 years ago

amazingly, that youtube link to the video is now dead. i wonder why? 🙂

6 years ago

Berserker meds?
Merkel was supposed to retire but she’s the lynchpin, she’ll retire when the EU is a stable police state with the platinum parachute they’re all promised or in a body bag. People boo her in public.
Classism is the word SJWs are allergic to, all identity politics is a distraction from it. Who can afford tutors? How is that legal and not rigging the test compared to the working class? The Asian students cheat all the time, they can hardly speak English, I’ve seen them and their transcript doesn’t match. On campuses everywhere you’ll see “essay help” for foreign students charging them specifically so they aren’t detected on arrival either. One from every group (they only socialise with one another except events) typically gloms onto a group of white students to spy on them and “borrow” or scan their notes with the pretense of friendship. Students need to be aware of this danger. They’re graded on a curve so they’re damaging themselves twice over plus for every Asian student’s grades counted against theirs who happens to “check” their notes. Even happened at Eton when an Asian was in charge, was in the news. It also happens with some S. Europeans, Spanish and Greek.

6 years ago

One Q drop showed a photo of Obama as a student holding hands with another male student of Pakistani origin. He asked anons to trace the Pakistani and implied he was a senior placeman in Obama’s administration with full security clearance without any background check. Seemed to suggest they had been in a relationship at Uni. Wonder if that is who Artur Davis is?

6 years ago

Neon Revolt has a much clearer answer to that photo of Obama in the headdress and who the ‘other man’ is. The explanation of the roots of their ‘sexuality’ is interesting and explains the big push for transgenderism atbthe end of Obama’s Admin.