News Briefs – 06/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Everyone take a moment and wish our favorite President ever a Happy Birthday.

Q’s board thought there were two Bidens, but I think he has just had so much plastic surgery it has actually changed facial creases and structures. I think he is actually older in the left pic below, but notice the different ear lobe, the forehead creases that went up at the outer edge of his forehead which are now either cut off or pulled down, and the wider, more open eyes from his upper eyelids being shortened so they can’t droop down. I think they actually pulled his face back so far they had to anchor it to his ears and that is why the lobe changed. Trump literally has him feeling so insecure he missed Iowa and had major multi-part surgery that took weeks to recover from. That is amygdala, and it is already ripe to be played with in a debate.

CNN reporter says it is troubling the DOJ is looking into the actions of the CIA, because nobody should ever question the CIA or review their activities, even against Americans in America. Thinks CIA should exist in its own world beyond scrutiny. None of these people you see are honest, or logical, nor are they what you think. This dude is clearly not a journalist who always wanted to do journalism and competed honestly against other such people. He is Cabal/CIA, stationed there to feed the narrative to us, and looking to protect his own base of power. It gives you an idea of what is coming, and what we will find out. A lot of people were not who they seemed.

The United States military on Thursday released a video that it says shows an Iranian navy boat removing an unexploded mine attached to the hull of the Japanese-owned chemical tanker Kokura Courageous. Trump appears to not want war despite the hawks in his administration. It is tough to see what Iran gets out of these niggling attacks, outside of a major league ass whooping as they give the hawks the leverage to trigger a war.

Owner of Japanese oil tanker attacked in Strait of Hormuz says its crew saw an Iranian naval vessel nearby.

One tanker crew says they clearly saw “flying objects” prior to the explosions.

Jurors are shown images of child pornography that were produced by Raniere. Verdict is likely in a week or two.

Facebook searches out and uses information about your offline behavior and private conversations to label you a hate agent. Did you meet Tommy Robinson in a bar and get along with him? If Facebook finds out, you are a hate agent because an association with Robinson is grounds to be labeled according to their guidelines.

DHS says there are so many border crossers they are being released into the US without disease screenings.

Criminal who shot a man five times and was shot by Marshalls, setting off a riot in Memphis that injured 24 officers, was seen on social media taunting cops before it and challenging them to catch him.

Vermont will allow taxpayer funded sex reassignment surgeries on children. I’d love to see accurate numbers on how much homosexuality and transgenderism there is in resource starved areas like Africa, and how that changes with resource availability and violence-mediated death.

US suicide rates the highest they have ever been. Interesting. On the one hand, I would expect the meeting point of peak-weakened-amygdalae and K-stimuli stresses to produce this. On the other, you can use technologies like infrasound and other techniques to crush mood and limit brain function, and Cabal might be prone to cull the intelligence files and decide who to set to self-cull.

California sees the biggest earthquake storm in three decades, as tar begins oozing up out of the streets.

6.5 earthquake off the coast of Chile.

New York Times caught covering up a pedophile scandal that is being exposed in Norway. Always pedophiles. The evil that was running things is unimaginable.

Christchurch/New Zealand shooter pleads not guilty on all charges.

Teen Vogue does an entire article telling young teens how to get abortions without their parent’s consent.

Lawsuits claim Alexa is recording kids and archiving the recordings without parental consent. I keep coming back to this screengrab from the chans, and the part about our files. I have no idea if JFK Jr is coming back, but that part could very well be accurate:

Look at it this way. AI’s get smarter the more data you feed into them. (((They))) are now creating data files consisting of everything from private conversations from a citizen’s childhood, up through everything that happens to them throughout adulthood (especially in cities, with the high-rise buildings), and quantum computers which could process it all through AI are on the way. And I think they may have found the capacity to save all of that data somehow, maybe even some sort of quantum memory. I can’t even imagine the implications of such a system a century from now. Pre-Crime could even become a thing one day. By age three, the machine could determine you will be a killer. And then the question becomes whether to initiate reprogramming to avert what hadn’t even happened. Peak dystopia, on the way.

California moves to let felons sit on juries.

Some dude bangs Andrew Cuomo’s wife, and next thing you know an illegal kills his mother. And she was a pretty high-flying socialite. How many of them get beaten to death by an illegal?

ATF lost a bunch of guns when a corrupt guard at a facility carted them off to sell them. The disturbing part of the piece is they were all slated for destruction, and how many guns are destroyed by them, including many former agency weapons. That could be millions for the widow’s and children’s fund if they just set up a penny auction site, and people would get affordable self defense. I assume manufacturers bought politicians to get that to happen so if you want a Glock, there is a limited supply of used pieces, and you have to buy new. They might as well just be taking all that money out of the pockets of the widows and children of fallen LEOs, and give it to Gaston Glock to blow on even more strippers and booze.

California holds a contest for ten year old girls, played in front of boys, to see who can put a condom on a model of an erect male penis the fastest. I hate to say it, but it is hard to see how God doesn’t hit that state with a major earthquake soon.

Avenatti sued by a paraplegic for siphoning away his $4 million dollar award. This guy was so incompetent he could credibly have been a Trump operative working to discredit the left. Tell me God is not personally sending Trump enemies who actually help his cause.

1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their intellectual property in the last year. Imagine the size of the intelligence network they are running, just for economic espionage. It makes me wonder if that is also Cabal’s network shifting operations over to China as planned.

From here: “The asshole customer yelling at you about something out of your control could be our next president. Or it could be Jeb Bush. Devon remembered a night when she had to break it to the ex-Republican presidential candidate that she couldn’t get him a milkshake. “The pastry chefs are busy making dessert for everyone, so there are rules about when you can order milkshakes,” she said. “One night, Jeb Bush is there, and he flags me down and asks for a milkshake. I give him my spiel about why you can’t get a milkshake before 8 pm. He’s like, ‘No, I really want a milkshake.’ I’m like, ‘I’m sorry, sir, I can’t get you one.’ So he asks to speak to my manager.” Like his presidential campaign, Bush’s milkshake confrontation would end in defeat. “So I find a manager and tell him what’s going on. He goes back over to the table and tells him basically the same thing I did. Jeb Bush gets kind of angry. He says something like, ‘Do you know who I am?!’ My manager bends down and says, ‘Yes, sir, I know who you are. But the milkshake rule still applies to you.’” The funniest thing is if Donald Trump had been there you could see him, two minutes later, walking by Jeb Bush sipping alternately from two milkshakes with a big, fully satisfied, shit-eating grin.

Another vacancy opens on the Ninth Circuit.

Federal Elections Commission chair Ellen Weintraub said Thursday it is illegal to accept foreign interference during elections after President Trump publicly suggested he would accept foreign intel on opponents. This is not a game. Learn to play the game. Now, here is one of (((Them))) saying you can’t solicit foreign help because it is illegal. Meanwhile we know Hillary hired a foreign spy to contact Russian spies to get dirt on Trump, as the Democrat party went to Ukraine to get more dirt on Trump. And even (((Cabal))) operatives say it is illegal. Trump made all of that happen with an offhanded comment.

Sarah Sanders is leaving the White House. I’d have put it in the bad news section of the brief, except for the fact she will not rule out a run for Governor of Arkansas, which is a major Cabal hotspot, what with Mena Airport and the long history there. Trump is encouraging her.

Russia is looking at creating a gold-backed cryptocurrency.

NXIVM experimental “child learning center” in Mexico is shut down by the government.

Italy shuts Mineo migrant camp and tightens sea rules.

Hope Hicks to testify before House Judiciary Committee. Strange she would comply with any investigation, unless as with Don Jr’s testimony, the investigation may not be as it seems. Hope will be a potent weapon if Trump intends to destroy Cabal’s ground intelligence game among the public. Hope is a pretty, petite girl, and no matter how accomplished or competent, men will naturally feel protective of her. If she gets called in and tells of surveillance coverage which was observing her every moment of every day, intruding on her most private moments in the privacy of her residence, even possibly observing her showering or listening in on private moments, it will greatly poison the entire country against the very process of surveillance, making it look as if it is a taxpayer-funded creepy attack on innocent and helpless young women who the nation should be protecting. If it is women running the operation, the only way it is not seen as intolerably offensive is if the investigation has a legitimate predicate and the women assigned were an order of magnitude more attractive than Hope, something unlikely. If there was no reason for the operation, and the women running it were offensive 300lb uggos, it will be seen as a baseless personal attack on a pretty girl, leveraging taxpayer-funded governmental force, by a secret club which people will not want anywhere near that level of technology and governmental power. And if it is young men running the operation against Hope, it is even worse, by orders of magnitude. Kelly Anne already touched upon this publicly, with her comment about microwaves being turned into cameras (she was referring to the use of through-wall microwave radiation to see through walls and generate real time imaging). That shows White House staff was briefed on the fact something was targeting them and the extent of its intrusion into their private spaces and private moments, and the staff was not told to protect that data from public exposure and keep the secrets, as you could have expected if Trump intended to coopt it for his own purposes after the Storm. If the surveillance state is coming down, watch for Hope to get a heightened profile in the coming months.

US Reliance On OPEC Oil Hits 30-Year Low.

UK signs extradition order for Assange to be sent to the US. It would seem to me if Patriots were not in control, that would have taken a lot longer.

FOIA revealed DOD research into Invisibility Cloaking; Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy; Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions; and An Introduction to the Statistical Drake Equation. Another reveal of the US being concerned with UFO data in the DOD realm.

Google must face a class-action lawsuit brought by Republican attorney Harmeet K. Dhillon on behalf of the tech giant’s conservative employees, according to a California court.

Horowitz has been cleaning out a ton of DOJ corruption and rule-breaking that previously went unpunished. Again, you’d want him to take down all of the pedophile Cabal in the first six months of the new administration, but what if the entire machinery to do it, from DOJ, to the courts, to the juries were all part of the conspiracy. Which raises an interesting point I had thought of a few days ago. Either every knowing Cabalite needs to be publicly exposed, so jury selections can be kept free from seating conspirators, or there will be no prosecutions which use juries. Either/Or.

Instagram down worldwide. Also PlayStation network down as well. Some have said (((They))) use those systems for hidden comms.

Bakery that sued Oberlin college just got an additional $22 million in punitive damages to add to the $11 million in compensatory. Actually they were awarded an additional $33 million which would have brought it up to $44 million, but a state law cap will reduce it to the first amount.

Falling import prices due to tariffs are hurting China.

Durham is also investigating whether U.S. intelligence was politicized to justify the investigation and continued surveillance of the president-elect and his advisers through the transition and beyond the inauguration.

Spread r/K Theory, because ten year old girls shouldn’t be racing each other to put condoms on.

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5 years ago

On Hope Hicks and surveillance. My biggest fear is that once it’s revealed that we all may be under this level of scrutiny most people will just shrug their shoulders and continue on about their business. In fact most people I know already assume they’re being spied on (Alexa, etc) and they just don’t seem to give a shit. Maybe that’s because they don’t see a way to stop it? Feeling powerless creates feelings of helplessness. The Storm needs to provide folks with an action plan of sorts. Even if it’s just taking care of their families and neighbors. Sitting back and enjoying the show will just create more apathy I fear.

5 years ago

Turning point USA is suspicious:

From 11/06/19

“The southern African nation of Botswana decriminalized gay sex on Tuesday, as its high court overturned a colonial-era law on Tuesday barring the practice.”

I don’t know why the trump admin’s foreign policy involves tolerating deviant homosexual behavior. This is worrying to me.

5 years ago

And I think they may have found the capacity to save all of that data somehow, maybe even some sort of quantum memory.

One of the problems with memory is that it doesn’t seem to be stored in the brain. No one can find where the memories are or what the mechanism is. One of the “out there” theories is that they are actually stored in a sort of quantum cloud, and our brain is simply the access mechanism. The idea is that all memories are stored in the same cloud, and that experiencing something tells our brain where to find that memory in the cloud. This is also an explanation for dreaming, ESP, etc. If it is a quantum cloud, it would also store all possible memories.

If that cloud existed, that is where you would store all of, well, everything.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Regarding mass Storage issues.

Of course I don’t know if this is true.

5 years ago

Now, here is one of (((Them))) saying you can’t solicit foreign help because it is illegal.

Is it foreign help if they are dual citizens?

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Nadler, Schiff, Bernie…

I clearly remember from Jr. High Civics class back in the Cretaceous that Americans were not allowed to be citizens of two nations. When/how did this change?