News Briefs – 06/09/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arrest in the murder of the German Politician. Apparently a young guy he had a “personal relationship” with. That was fast. How could they have moved so quickly? How could they know who it was? Can you guess? Was it stellar police work, tracking clues gathered after the fact? No. The answer is surveillance owned all of the houses around him, lived in them, and was monitoring him from them 24/7, including when the murder happened. Then they followed and ID’d the perp. I checked the area on streetview, but it was too remote and hadn’t been mapped. I checked what looked like the smallest town closest to it, and it was loaded with vehicular and foot. So it is there.

I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and the mechanism behind it, and ways to convince you it is this aggressive and ever-present. All I can say is this game has been being played for far longer than the short time you have been thinking about it. The people playing it have seen everything, and it has all been incorporated into their strategy. Take the United States. We have 100 Senators, who control US Policy. They control the spending of trillions of dollars each year. Some have access to classified intelligence. They confirm supreme Court Justices and cabinet officials, so there is even an element of Human Resources to them, and you know how spies love HR. The vast majority of Senators are mentally retarded, and completely morally-bankrupted scumbags who do the stupidest, most degenerate shit in their private time. In short they are a blackmailer’s dream come true. And often they are out there, living their lives however they want, totally blind to the game.

Suppose you were US Counter-intelligence, and things worked the way we were taught. You were the big dog, and your job was to protect the US. Don’t ask would you buy up the houses around them, and station someone in them 24/7. Ask could you possibly not buy up all the houses around them and put teams on them 24/7? If you didn’t, how long before a Russian or a Chinese team did it, and ended up owning a Senator? Could you possibly go hands off, and pull back, and not pay any attention with immoral imbeciles like these, in such positions of power? Now imagine it is worse than that. Suppose there is no US intelligence in charge, or even a Constitution. Suppose when it comes to big things, the FBI is just there for show. Suppose what is in control is a global conspiracy, with no rules, except gaining total control. Now, not only would such a strategy as buying up all the neighbor’s houses be playing defense, this is also how you play offense, and get and maintain control. Of course they would buy up those houses. If they do that, they can own a senator. Remember Larry Craig, playing footsie in the men’s room stall? How about Garry Condit and the semen from three men, all not him, found in his bed during the Chandra Levy investigation. Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Denny Hastert, and on and on. They are all just out there for the taking.

This pro-migrant asshole was in the Conservative party. How did that happen? He was picking up young boys at town festivals, and bringing them home to bang them. Why do you think he was pro-migrant? If Germany had a genuinely patriotic intelligence service, devoted to the good of German citizens, would he have been blackmailed into supporting the mass importation of migrants by Cabal? Given that logic, who do you think owned all of the houses around him, and quietly watched as he got his ticket punched? Who was in control of those forces, at the top?

All that has happened is that over the years/decades/centuries, that program expanded. Probably first to terrorism targets, and then State politicians, and then threats to them, and then activists, and then criminals in the areas, and then interesting people who might run for office, and eventually it became looking at everyone, once the opportunity presented after 9/11.

Now fast forward to a revolution. How far do you think it will get, if that kind of coverage is in every neighborhood, around every target of value, and has spent the last several decades building files on everyone who visits areas where troublesome little pricks are likely to drift through? Do you think they know who got a blackbelt in Kyokoshin? Do you think they know who has bought guns? Who belongs to the NRA? Who shoots 3-gun competitively? Who has a military background that could make them dangerous? Who is cool with an all powerful government determining winners and losers based on who will push around fellow citizens for the machine, and who is not? Chances are all of that is in files somewhere, even for you. FBI has even admitted pulling in the names of everyone with a motorcycle license, because they have a higher than average tendency to engage in crime.

So when you ID a target in the revolution, they will have likely already have ID’d you, and picked up on your plan all the way back to when the first little hint of irritation at the government was voiced at a neighborhood barbecue. And when you roll up to that target, if it was valuable in any way, chances are there will be three or four residences around it, and a metric shit-ton of mounted tech which will be watching you as you put your plan into action, and then there will be vehicular following you as you leave. (((They))) will know, unless you are very sharp in terms of counter-surveillance techniques. Then they just make it look like they found you innocently.

This is why our “leaders” in the west have so brazenly laid waste to our civilized societies these last few decades. This is why they felt so completely insulated, as men’s daughters were raped and loved one’s were murdered. It is why they would risk bringing in diseases, and crushing economies by draining them to fund the migrants. They know this system is out there protecting them, and because of it, they were untouchable. And most of all, because of it, they had to support those positions, or they would be destroyed and have all their laundry aired out publicly, assuming they weren’t JFK Jr’d, or Andrew Breitbart’d or Michael Hastings’d.

Way back, when Clinton was in office those first few years, I remember distinctly thinking, he was the most loathsome human being I had ever seen. He enacted policies which enraged people. The economy was still shit. He was practically a porn star, defiling an office which is still sullied in the public eye, no matter how illustrious its present occupant. I remember thinking, if any President has been legitimately assassinated by an enraged-nutjob/psychological-outlier, Clinton will have several assassins make runs at him, because psychologically, he should trigger even more motivation in those triggerable psychologies than any other President in history. But I also recognized my understanding of the system could have been wrong, and all the other assassinations could have not been as they seemed. I thought it was possible that even getting close enough to launch an assassination was impossible. If that was the case it was possible nobody would ever have even tried. And sure enough, where good, decent men like Lincoln, and TR, and JFK, and Gerald Ford, and Reagan had assassins come out of the wood work, Clinton, the most repugnant human being, let alone President, that I had ever seen in the public eye, never had a one emerge over two full terms. I realized, repugnance and ideological opposition must not have been what motivated assassins, and a simple nutjob could never even make it to a President to do an assassination – and it may have been like that for a while. Which would probably mean, all of those previous shooters had been created and let through by something plugged in enough it could get them through.

Understand the system. It is not like you were taught, and your opposition has been playing all-in, to a degree you would never even believe, for a very long time. If you ever want to get into politics, understand, they will be looking to compromise you.

Hillary brother Tony Rodham dead. Convenient, because he was at the center of a lot of questionable deals that swirled around the Clintons. If I was Hugh Rodham, I would be shitting bricks right about now, because he is an even bigger loose end I would think. Also, anons on Q’s board wondered if Tony Rodham bought that Haitian gold mine so Hillary could move Khadafy’s gold back into the system as newly mined gold. Because you can’t just show up at a bank with gold bars you found. They are heavily controlled and need certificates tracking their origins back to the mine where they were taken out of the earth. But to get that provenance, you need a mine to draw up papers for you.

NYPD Detective Mike Sheehan passes of cancer at 71 on Friday. A Major Case Detective who handled any high-profile case in New York City, and who was still plugged in as a reporter.

Scottish sex abuse inquiry uncovers sex abuse of boys by priests at satanic parties.

Woman who worked at Commerce Department, and was previously at NASA and the World Bank, killed in murder suicide. Not a word on the news.

Army Veteran died mysteriously after being arrested in Pennsylvania, body was returned to his family without the brain, heart, and throat. This is the problem with the DNA databases. Suppose you match a Cabal leader who needs a heart transplant, and he can’t find any donor, so the choice is either harvest your heart, or die. And don’t tell me a Cabal leader who needs an organ couldn’t get access and find a match out there on one of those databases.

Huge accumulation of studies in Navy Report documents effects of microwave and non-ionizing radiation on people. Among the effects is everything from sensations of vibrations, to metabolic and cognitive changes. Many of the vital signaling compounds in the body have electrical charges, so anything which involves any alterations to electromagnetic fields has the potential to interact in some fashion. 5G could be harmless, but I would be very surprised if it could not be hacked by a very clever and creative mind to be made harmful in some way, even if just to degrade health in a way to shorten lifespans of selected individuals. Especially given how its short range will require numerous towers placed very close together, facilitating potential wave interference effects.

New report shows Muslim prison gangs are forcing other inmates to convert to Islam. On the bright side when we purge and kill all the Muslims we will get rid of a lot of our criminals too.

Single winner of 530 Million Mega-millions jackpot. It seems like they need money fast, so they are not going for the 1+ billion dollar jackpots now. It will be interesting to see how they rigged it. I’d imagine Cabal’s view of it is they are like a magician being paid several billion dollars per year to perform a magic trick which makes the drawing look random, in much the same way David Blane makes you think that card he pulls from the deck that matches your’s was totally random.

Someone is filming University of Oregon students as they walk around the campus and posting the video to porn sites. Ask yourself, who is doing this and why? What is the statistical probability that a University of Oregon student was surfing a porn site and skipped the videos of naked people having sex and surfed right to the videos of clothed girls just walking around, until they recognized the videos as being done on their campus? What is the chance they cared it was being done and went on and called the Campus cops to report the videos? How did this whole story come about? I’d then ask, what does it accomplish? What this will do is make everyone in the area get paranoid, and begin looking at the people around them, to see if anyone is paying unnecessary attention to them. If Cabal operations require an unrecognized covert surveillance infrastructure to keep watch in their area of operations, this is a quick way to make everyone paranoid, and force the surveillance to go underground and curtail operations. A quick look on youtube definitely shows people recording videos of covert harassment going on in Oregon. It is possible we will see a bunch of these types of operations to get people looking around them skeptically, as this machine gets revealed. It might also point to there being some sort of ops center on University grounds which will now have a degraded surveillance coverage going forward.

Another woman takes a swig of soda from the minibar in her room at the same Dominican resort as the mysterious deaths, her mouth burns, she spits it out, and she is bleeding from her gums and mouth. Possible poisoner at large down there.

The story of a Navy SEAL which the machine set its sights on and suddenly everyone was pressured to find him guilty. His appeals just finally came through because one individual decided to come forward and reveal what was going on, and everything he was convicted of was reversed. There are a few gangstalking videos out there which if you watch them, really capture that there is this entire club out there, floating around, of people who know that you are either in the club or out of the club. It is eerie watching some dude of zero operational significance, who just wants to go about his business, get surrounded by people who obviously know one another, and who either want to intimidate him, or have gotten some type of orders to irritate/intimidate him. Once you realize that is out there, organized and operative, it is tough to see something like this and not begin to wonder if whatever differentiates the guys in the club from those on the outside there, is at play in bigger cases like this. Was the woman who made accusations against this guy sent in to get close to him for some reason? Was she sent in to set him up for these charges? Was the Command who pushed this in the club? Where they playing a part in all of this because orders came down from somewhere? If so who was it at the top who decided to put the target on this guy? Why? Were they afraid he would run for office? Is there some sort of bloodline/ancestry thing at work? The Storm really needs to fire up, because the curiosity on what is behind this is just off the scales, and I am increasingly thinking we will find a lot of these strange cases of overzealous prosecutions, be it in the Military, among Police, or just regular citizens, are because there is some sort of bigger competition at play – one revolving around factors which those of us on the outside would not even believe could possibly be of interest to anyone.

Muslims now hold key security positions in London.

Walmart will deliver groceries to inside your refrigerator. Cabal intel is already getting hired on as Walmart delivery people, and recruiting the rest as junior agents.

60% of voters find the Democrat field of Presidential candidates underwhelming.

Ocasio Cortez says we need at least $10 Trillion, just to have a shot at doing anything for Climate Change.

Russian Military General publishes an article claiming human and animal telepathy are 100% real. I’ve had a few dogs now who sometimes made me feel as if we were one animal with two bodies. And one who my family all thought was a mind-reader. Interestingly, it was the one who barked at any surveillance people it saw.

California is battling a zoonotic (capable of infecting humans, albeit harmlessly) bird virus which normally isn’t present in the US, but which is endemic to Central and South America. So probably came up with the migrant flood. To fight it they have to track down everyone who has any types of pet birds in zones where it could spread, and euthanize all of their birds, sick or not, to the delight of children whose pets are killed by teams of euthanizers who show up with court orders. An outbreak in Texas in 2001 cost $161 million to put down. Another wonder of the migrant diversification.

From this article about Whitey Bulger“Trump is experiencing what Mueller and company can orchestrate,” Bulger said in a different letter from September. “[Mueller] should observe biblical saying – ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'”
One month later, Bulger was dead. The 89-year-old was fatally bludgeoned with a lock stuffed inside a sock in late October 2018. He was killed within 12 hours of his arrival at the Hazelton federal penitentiary in Bruceton Mills, W.Va., according to prison records obtained by NBC News. No one has been charged in the killing, and federal prison officials have yet to explain why Bulger, an FBI informant, was placed in a general population unit at one of the country’s most violent penitentiaries.”

Like I say repeatedly, and you see at the end of this, the Secret Society is acting their parts, and they all know the secret, even as you think they are just like you, and trying to find truth:

In the Mexican Migration deal, Trump got what he needed to take incoming migrants and immediately ship them right back to wait in Mexico while their asylum applications wind their way through the courts.

Hungarian government prioritizes new families over economic growth. The best way to promote families is to program kids with the K-psychology through training in competition/combat in their youth and coming of age events to get them feeling as if they have overcome their major challenges in early adulthood.

Sex is disappearing from the big screen. And back to K we go.

Italy’s model migrant town has gone far right in the latest elections, and the previous leftist pro-migrant mayor has been barred from coming to the town. Former mayor was also put under house arrest for trying to set up fake marriages for women whose asylum applications had been rejected, so they could stay. That last part sounds kind of like a corrupt politician doing a favor for mafia pimps.

Yellow Vest protests are still going. Western media is still ignoring.

Oberlin College’s insurance policy does not cover the huge verdict against it for wrongly demonizing a bakery owner as racist.

Gaetz says people are tired of the double standard that exonerated Hillary. Cabal wouldn’t say this, call attention to the injustice, and then let the system just go on. They would hide it and try to perpetuate the myth. Gaetz is calling attention to the injustice, which will put it under threat, and that doesn’t make any sense unless his side intends to destroy it and thus doesn’t care.

Farage is going to unveil plans designed to give Brexit party contributors the ability to make decisions for the party. Systems will inevitably be corrupted by very clever psychopaths without boots on the ground within the organization whose sole life purpose is the protection of the systems from corruption at all costs. The key is assiduous elevation of such individuals within the organizations, and even then the corruption may be inevitable, requiring a constant destruction of the system and a rebirth. The only real advantage freedom lovers have is they are more willing to die for the cause. It points to a system which makes ascension to power entail a very real risk of death and permanent disability possibly being the best option of all.

New Mexico Town that tried to stall the privately built border wall dropped its opposition quick once death threats and vitriol from patriots began to show up in their voicemail boxes and emails. This is a big reason to oppose the total surveillance state that knows everyone and watches everyone. While not an anarchist who supports assassinations, I know those most prone to despotic behavior fear death the most. If Cabal’s surveillance is out there in full control, it can let through threats that target its enemies, and fully protect its own. Remove that surveillance, and our people will have the same risk, but the big difference is, (((Their’s))) will as well, and they will curtail their behavior to not betray the country and oppress good Americans as much. With the left there are no morals or reason, or loyalties to appeal to. All you can do is threaten consequences. And if surveillance is watching everyone, it is very hard to credibly offer any sort of consequences. The physical surveillance state that exists above all laws has to go, if America is ever again to have a government ruled by the people for the good of the nation.

Two Italian intel chiefs sacked directly due to their involvement in the Russiagate Coup attempt.

True The Vote wins a $2 million dollar settlement against the IRS for Lois Lerner’s illegal targeting.

Merkel’s party hits a new low.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are not going to win the lottery.

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5 years ago

“The only real advantage freedom lovers have is they are more willing to die for the cause. It points to a system which makes ascension to power entail a very real risk of death and permanent disability possibly being the best option of all.”

Wonder if there is any way to make power a deathtrap for all psychopaths. Where to step foot into power is to die for them.

5 years ago

HBO has a new documentary called Foster, about the “heroes” of CPS in Los Angeles. No doubt Cabal orchestrated to try to cover up that a high ranking head of CPS was busted with kiddie porn eaier this year.

5 years ago

Lincoln was NOT a good man, he was an evil tyrant.
BUT his death WAS faked for political advantage and to let him retire early because he was dying.

You can read about it here:

5 years ago

> Clinton … never had a one emerge over two full terms.

I remember the guy with the airplane… Wikipedia mentions four half-hearted “attempts” (three of the four Clinton wasn’t even there, and the last was foiled by ye aulde “anonymous tip.”

Well, obviously, when not acting as bellhops and busboys for Hillary, the Secret Service was super-duper-efficient, and/or everyone luuuved Dollar Billy…

5 years ago

“My brother, Tony Rodham, died tomorrow of natural causes.”

5 years ago

Hey AC. A random OT thought I had and wanted to share.

Jim Carey is well known today for denouncing Trump. Let us not forget how he was trained by someone “who helped CIA agents endure torture” or some business when he had to sit for 8 hours to get makeup to film The Grinch.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yeah but… you know ten minutes after receiving that $20m he’d have had to hand back $16m & get buttpumped by a small hat!

5 years ago

What do you think of this organization model?

In my opinion it will be an advantage for whatever side adopts it. And I think those of our side will benefit from this model of organization. Effective agile organizations will outmaneuver and beat bureaucratic organizations that currently dominate our world.

I would like your thoughts on this.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Here is a documentary on this organization: