News Briefs – 06/02/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Yes, plebes, if you want to be safe from (((Us))), put your phone in the microwave, because it is a perfect Faraday cage we cannot possibly penetrate! Oh clever plebe, then we will have no ability to spy on you! I actually just connected to my phone while it was in the microwave, though admittedly I have a stingray nearby which adjusts my phone signal to three bars no matter how shielded it is. No shit.

Virginia Beach Shooter has been described as a disgruntled employee, but his parents say he had no problems at work. From this site, which talks about the shooter’s military service: “Scott said he worked in a different division from Craddock, whom he described as quiet, polite and a “nice guy.” Scott said he thought Craddock was in good standing at work and had never heard negative reports about him.” The ABC News report featured a coworker who said he was friends with him, and nothing was awry. He said he saw him right before the shooting, and they had a pleasant, short conversation, wishing each other a happy weekend, before the coworker went home early. Also, neighbors described a recluse, and they showed all the surveillance cameras on the front of his house pointing out watching the street (another trait you will see among people who feel besieged by something targeting them). At this point I question whether he was even a democrat or a Muslim. It would not even surprise me to find out a look-alike did the shooting, dropped his dead body at the scene, and took off out the front door in one of Tom Baeurle’s invisibility suits. Something very strange is going on in the country.

Q research believes they identified the last man to speak with the shooter mentioned above, who went out giving interviews after the shooting, as a Mason in this photo and this one. So this dude went in, said hi to the shooter right before he went volcanic, and then left for the day, and apparently came back after the shooting to do interviews. The curiosity is absolutely about to blow a circuit in my brain.

Hillary and Chelsea looking at launching a feminist film and TV production company.

Nigel Farage was banned by Downing street from meeting Donald Trump next week during Trump’s visit.

Donald Trump baby blimp given permission to fly during US President’s state visit. What special relationship?

Hickenlooper booed in San Francisco for denouncing Socialism. Either he has no desire to win the primary, or he believes he will win it despite this. Or, more accurately, either he knows CIA has already fixed the outcome, or he intends to lose this time around, and is just elevating his profile for 2024.

Japan has begun opening itself to immigration. Just a little while back they were firmly opposed to it. What has changed in just a couple of years? Somebody gives these orders from behind the scenes.

Woman charged with Battery after throwing drink at Matt Gaetz.

Record number of migrant boats are making the trip to England, Home Office seems unconcerned.

Drew Pinsky says LA’s public health problems go beyond Third World, and are into the medieval phase, and they promise to explode this summer. And they can’t be cured by housing because the real problem is massive numbers of mentally ill who do not want housing. Says Tuberculosis and Bubonic Plague are going to be a problem.

Former Obama Officials trying to help Iran outmaneuver the United States.

Obama travels to Brazil to lobby against Bolsonaro expanding gun rights. Says, “Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time. Without much, if any, regulation, they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns.”

Child sex abuse allegations doubled against the Catholic Church last year, and it paid out $300 million in damages.

Police in hospital after riot in migrant hostel in Germany.

CNN will make freelancers wait 90 days for payment. There is no money in news. The news you get is subsidized, by people who want to control what you see.

Democrats are advocating Court Packing as an issue for 2020. Civilization only works so long as people can agree to rules they will abide by. No rules, no civilization, and increasingly we are seeing there are no rules. Either the force propelling the Democrats in this direction abates, or we have maybe ten years before everybody gives up on the government’s rules and it is Civil War II.

Gorsuch highlights that there are so many criminal laws that almost anyone can be arrested for something these days. Again, not an accident.

Stacy Abrams anointed by both the CFR and Bilderberg Group? I have rarely seen someone who is so viscerally repulsive a personality, and she is physically unattractive and low IQ as well. And yet she appears to be somebody’s pet project. Did they get incredible blackmail on her? Does she know something about somebody with juice? Is she a bloodline family descendant?

Muslim Doctor in Sri Lanka began sterilizing patients without their knowledge or consent.

Prosecutors refuse to release Flynn wiretaps despite a judge’s order.

9 in 10 illegals released into the US do not show up to court hearings.

Elton John: ‘I am a European – not a stupid, imperialist English idiot.’ We’ll see what he says once those Brit “idiots” finally pop and start killing EU Globalists by the busloads.

Is the OK sign becoming a hoax White Supremacist symbol something which happened fully by chance, or was somebody trying to hide something?

Kamala gives up her mic to a soyboy as fast as she’d give up sex for a job offer (and then she gets off the stage and runs for her life):

Comey put out a tweet with a Q appended at the end, then deleted the Q:

If Bronfman was being surveilled by his daughters and Raniere, complete with keystroke loggers, there is no telling what they got evidence of, given he was associated with the elite Mueller/Dupont/Cabal Secret Society.

First Rare Earth processing facility outside of China to be built in Texas. God Bless President Donald J Trump. If and when the next world war comes, it will be Trump who won it, even if it is in fifty years.

Yellow Vests still going in week 29.

Dershowitz says the Supreme Court could over rule an unconstitutional Impeachment.

Texas bans red light cameras.

Stocks close lower on Mexican Tariff threats. Again clever. Obviously Trump is dealing with the problem of immigration, but he is also putting a finger on the scale of a Stock Market that wants to rise exponentially (and almost uncontrollably). It is a finger which he can take off at precisely the right time as the next election approaches. Investors here might want to factor in a model where a lot of these trade disputes which are suppressing the market now will be solved and lifted at precisely the right time to boost the economy to stratospheric heights just as 2020 comes into view.

Mexican President hints he is ready to make migration concessions to get tariffs lifted.

Veterans and Law Enforcement walk out of a meeting with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

POTUS tells Britain if the EU won’t give them what they want, they should just walk away.

Shock Express POLL: 85% Would back BREXIT Party!?

Trump says off-handedly of Megan Markle, “I didn’t know she was nasty.” I was thinking today of the brilliance of this. So many people never even looked twice at this exchange, let alone realized the brilliance. Trump could not only see it, he came up with it on the fly in seven seconds or so, while his brain was occupied with an interview. He came up with it, in seconds, using only a small fraction of his brain. The interviewer had asked him about Markle’s comments about him, and Trump clearly stalled him in the interview with comments about how it didn’t matter, as his brain ran through a rolodex of options in the background. Moments later, he dropped this “nasty” bomb, and then just moved on. A normal person, thinking in the moment, wants to decisively win in that moment. Not Trump. He plants a seed – that first step in a Rube Goldberg he can map out that will play out in the future, long after he has left this issue and moved on to others. He knew the media would all report on the “Nasty” word. And now, across the globe billions of people have heard Markle’s name associated with the word “Nasty.” The brilliance is, Trump knows what is coming. Stories like Markle being called in to get chewed out by the Queen for being a bitch to the Royal Servants, as she just was a month or so ago. Markle leaving her personal assistant in tears, which would drive her to quit. The rest of her staff quitting because of how difficult she is. Her rift with the ever lovely and agreeable Kate. Her role in splitting Harry and William. In short, Markle is a disaster, and anybody who is remotely familiar with the Narcissist will recognize in her the glazed eyes, the plastic smile, and the constant drama that erupts wherever she goes. Now, every time one of those stories crops up, people have already attached the word nasty to her. So in every case, even though in a week nobody will remember Trump saying this, her destiny is set and she will be seen as the “nasty” enemy in each instance. Even her doomed relationship with Harry may be hastened to a split sooner because of this. Then the public will inevitably turn against her, and viciously so. As a narcissist, her response will be to turn on them, and from there everything is over. And Trump knows. He did it to her purposely. With a single word he mapped out years into the future, on the fly, with just a small part of his brain, while doing a public interview with a global outlet and talking about something else. Think about that. How can anyone ever hope to compete? He really is a wizard-level, past the realm of logic and into magic.

Only 8% of Americans think abortion should be legal until the 8th trimester. Whatever you think of abortion, you must be intrigued that the anti-abortion position had such a strong grounding of support among the people for so long, and yet nothing ever came if it, until just recently when suddenly it was as if everyone were freed from some external control.

Palace fears Trump will back Brexit in front of the Queen. Says something about the Royals. They fear Trump will espouse good for their nation in front of them.

We have chemical plant fires, the Russians do things a little differently. What secret Cabal OPs center did Putin just get rid of?

Spread r/K Theory, because sometimes all you need is one word.

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I Want to Know Truth
I Want to Know Truth
5 years ago

Raconteur Report has his latest Ebola update:

The disease is spreading further in Africa with risk of spreading to other continents.

5 years ago

As a “heathen,” I pray to different Gods than the God of Abraham; but I, too, pray for Mr. Trump’s success as President.

5 years ago

Abrams is somebody’s sick joke. Maybe, fall thing.
“by the busloads” Not to mention, preening fags.

5 years ago

>”Only 8% of Americans think abortion should be legal until the 8th trimester. Whatever you think of abortion, you must be intrigued that the anti-abortion position had such a strong grounding of support among the people for so long, and yet nothing ever came if it, until just recently when suddenly it was as if everyone were freed from some external control.”

I don’t know if I posted this here already (I have the impression I did, but I don’t know for sure), sorry if I already did AC, but here it is:

(24) – “Why Are Jews So Pro-Abortion?”

(25) – “Large majority of Jews favor abortion—for non-Jews”

(26) – “Alabama’s Anti-abortion Law: This Is What Christian Rule Looks Like in America”

(27) – “Groups Girding For New Fight On Abortion Rights”

(28) – “Jewish Groups Fight Abortion Restrictions in Health Care Bill”

(29) – “Behind the Headlines: Abortion Rights Issue Galvanizing Jewish Women’s Groups in America”

(30) – “Why Won’t Christians Stand with Alabama’s Decision to Ban Abortion?”

(31) – “Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter”
NOTE: the sources of this source are offline but archives for them can be found here:

That’s from here:
Created May, 17th, 2019:

5 years ago

“Stacy Abrams anointed by both the CFR and Bilderberg Group? I have rarely seen someone who is so viscerally repulsive a personality, and she is physically unattractive and low IQ as well. And yet she appears to be somebody’s pet project. Did they get incredible blackmail on her? Does she know something about somebody with juice? Is she a bloodline family descendant?”

No. They’ve given up trying to control the US. Now they are trying to speed up it’s disintegration, which remains a possibility even if Trump manages to deliver on The Storm and build The Wall – those things will just get the bleeding under control. And so far the Storm has had no public results where the press is playing the role of Bagdad Bob talking of victory while the explosions are clearly visible in the distance and the good guys are clearly storming in unchallenged while The Wall has not only been stopped repeatedly, but now also has been redefined as “barrier” which can easily be cut through. What (((they))) can’t control (((they))) burn down.

So, yeah, safest bet is move 30-50 miles away from any city over 10,000 people and homestead, preferably somewhere with snowy winters or the desert as the harsh rural environment will keep the rabbits away. I recommend an Earthship Global model if you can swing it due to solid year around thermal stability and rainwater collection good enough to not need a well(although a well with a handpump is still recommended). Chickens/poultry, garden(raised bed, Ruth Stout, aquaponics, hugelculture, etc) so that you can feed yourself within a few years and be able to add capacity from there. Take medical classes, especially first aid. A smallish machine shop in your garage with basic wood and metal working tools wouldn’t be a terrible idea – tablesaw, welder, lathe, bench mill/drill etc.

The final and least important piece of the puzzle is the one everybody focuses on – guns. Bottom line, rack grade PSA AR15’s in 5.56 are fine as are factory standard Glock17-19/M&P9/CZP10. Standard rifle rated plate armor is probably overkill but it will help you get into the warrior mindset so go for it. Get a standard loadout decided on and invest in a set for every adult and teenager in your family. Proper training and 1000 rounds per month per person skills-maintanence recommended.

As you can probably tell, at this point I am not optimistic that Trump & the Patriots can do anything more than buy preppers a little more time, for which I am grateful.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

“Drew Pinsky says LA’s public health problems go beyond Third World, and are into the medieval phase, and they promise to explode this summer.”

Could be a cabal move to get rid of that troublesome population they created but apparently have little hope for receiving federal funds to address. This will be followed by blaming all the ensuing death and mayhem on Trump, of course.

Felix Bellator
5 years ago

Remember the okay sign over the eye was the “Be seeing you!” salute in the TV series “The Prisoner.” It was also used by PsyCorp in the TV series “Babylon 5.”

MK in the 517
MK in the 517
5 years ago

Hmm. No comments. Here’s what I spent much of my Saturday night reading:

Based ex Black Panther with a lot of info.

5 years ago

DoD bought phony military gear made in China, including counter-night vision clothing that didn’t actually work

5 years ago

Off Topic but I was restlessly browsing 4Chan about 9 hours ago and found some guy on/x purporting to be NSA, said he would do a AMA if he got 50 replies. He got them and proceeded to describe himself as a “first responder” to alien crashes, said they visit our planet as something like a tourist/scientific zone, are basically indifferent to us. He then said he had to leave for a while but would return soon. When I checked back the thread was deleted. I then went to /pol where seemingly the same guy posted he would do AMA if he got 50 replies, he got 200+ but didn’t show. On the original /x thread, a lot of replies were “you again” or “you didn’t deliver last time”. If it wasn’t copycats, it looks like someone putting exploratory AMA announcements all over 4chan in a certain timeframe, doing an alien-themed AMA on one of them and then the thread being deleted without trace – can’t find any mention of it. He said his name was something like David Wilkowicz (can’t remember spelling). The tone was serious and matter-of-fact.

I would have thought nothing of it but that it was deleted and there’s absolutely no trace of it on the internet. Later, I thought that if there is some truth to it, and they are interested in us for sport or science, they may have a use for foetuses and babies and small children, which might explain part of the Left’s odd insistence on unlimited, even post-birth, abortion.

5 years ago

> all the surveillance cameras on the front of his house pointing out watching the street

Most home security systems are set up that way unless you specify something else.

Most people eventually figure out they need a camera to cover wherever UPS and Feral Excess dump packages, but I suspect the security installers deliberately avoid that area so they can get more money to come out and update the system later.

5 years ago


it was saved in my phone’s History, apparently it wasn’t deleted thoroughly enough, it just disappeared from 4chan

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

“And they can’t be cured by housing because the real problem is massive numbers of mentally ill who do not want housing. ”

This very well may be true. But what is producing all of this mental illness? Clearly we’re spending huge amounts of money on mental health services. And presumably, some of these people are graduates of the system. Perhaps our mental health system is hurting more people than it is helping?