News Briefs – 06/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

An interesting mechanism by which 5G may be bad which sounds plausible. A simplified version : When your cells burn energy, they produce harmful exhaust. Picture a nerve like a garden hose connecting two points. The surface of the hose is covered in calcium pumps, which pump calcium ions (Ca+) inside the hose out, and covered in “channels” which normally stay closed, but which can open allowing those calcium ions that were pumped out to flow back inside suddenly. Nerves burn energy pumping Calcium ions out of the cell, and as they do, the calcium ions begin to exert pressure on the outside, because they want to flow back in due to diffusion pressures. The way it should work is that the pressure is maintained until one end of the nerve is triggered, at which point the channels there open and calcium ions move into the “hose,” and the slight electrical charge they carry, generates a small electromagnetic field (just like electrons moving down a wire). That electromagnetic fluctuation trips, and opens, those voltage-gated channels next to the open channel. When nearby gated channels experience the EMF from that charge movement, they reflexively open, allowing more charges to move through them. The result of all of that is, the charge-impulse from a nerve travels down the length of the hose as channels open, one after another next to each other. The result is a wave of opening channels that moves down the garden hose’s surface, and a wave of Calcium ions (and other ions), flowing across the membrane, eliminating the concentration gradient that the pumps had built up. Once the nerve fires, and all the calcium ions have flowed across the membrane, it evens out the concentrations inside and out, the channels all close, and the cell begins burning energy pumping the Ca+ ions back out. Once the pressure is built back up the cell can relax until it is called upon to fire again, and it stops producing exhaust and can clean itself up.

What he is saying is the EMF we are exposed to from 5G and other sources hits those channels all the time, popping them open as if it was a channel next to it opening, and that lets charge through, which needs to be pumped back out. So the cell never gets to relax, and it is constantly producing harmful exhaust which builds up and damages DNA in ways that can produce cancer. It is interesting to me in that another cancer researcher hypothesized something similar. She thought that in cancer patients cell membranes became “leaky” due to a deficiency of certain types of fats in the membrane, allowing ions to leak through the oil-like, water-impermeable middle layer of the cell membrane. That leakiness did a similar thing, forcing the constant burning of energy and a build up of free radical exhaust, as the ions were pumped back out. She developed what was called the Budwig protocol, a diet designed to flood the system with special type of fats which would plug up leaky nerve membranes. Some swear by it as a preventive, some think it is a cure, but evidence is unclear last I read about it (then again if EMF did the same thing and some patients were exposed to it, the evidence would be unclear). But I never thought about a leaky membrane being produced by other means, like EMF hitting voltage-gated calcium channels and popping them open for a moment, allowing Ca+ to leak out of that channel as it triggers a wave of ion channel releases, and forcing the cell’s energy mechanisms to stay on constantly to keep the nerve charged.

Also note, if the 5G system is wired into the internet and can be controlled remotely, to create constructively interfering nodes, then given the tight spacing of emitters it requires, it could be a great way to give out cancer (or other nerve pathologies like arrhythmias) for any intelligence operation which managed to hack into it and get control over the emitters so they could be coordinated. I trust Trump to get this right, but like CIA officer Kevin Shipp, I am wary of this.

Mass shooter in Virginia Beach, 12 dead. Perfectly interrupted Hannity’s Deep State Special. Early indications were a black Muslim Democrat, so it won’t get much press.

Watch this, which shows how subliminal changes in the environment can affect thought and intention. Derren Brown has done a few of them. Some who have built up beefs with their local Cabal intelligence ops have reported seeing things throughout their local environment which seemed customized to them, and often things which would seem impossibly difficult to arrange. Stories the local TV News news did, things on the radio, signs and billboards on their way to work, people when they are out having loud conversations customized to them, large crowds dressed similarly, bumper stickers on cars, even somebody here on this site reported a message customized to them written in the dust on a car parked by the front door of a store they went shopping in. A part of me wonders if you could have seen the world around this shooter in the weeks running up to the shooting, whether his environment was customized, perhaps in conjunction with his “therapy,” to elicit this specific reaction. Gangstalking may actually be the massive operation designed to produce these specific changes in people who they have been able to affect, making them vulnerable to the same effect Derren Brown gave us a brief window into. If Brown can control brains that much with a staff of just a few people and some extras used for a few hours, imagine if he had 4-10% of the entire local population, including TV and newspaper reporters and anchors, radio hosts, and others in positions to deliver stimuli, willing to follow his orders, 24/7/365, no matter what those orders were. Add in full surveillance coverage of his targets, including next-generation technical monitoring for years prior to trying to manipulate them, as well as all throughout his experiments, so they can test and adjust stimuli. Like I have said, there is a Secret Society out there who sees the plebes on the outside as serfs, and it has been up to stuff none of us would believe. I always loved the ambiance of the X-files, even if the actual episodes didn’t quite live up to it. I never thought my real, day to day life would become infused with that ambiance. I have to admit, for all of the pain in the ass, it is making things interesting.

Virginia Beach was to have a seminar on active shooters tomorrow. A common theme among active shootings. Could these be the psychological triggers? They get reported on by the news and radio, maybe a flyer finds it into the mailbox of their little wind-up toys, setting them off? It does seem there is a connection.

A photo from the shooting. Maybe it is me, but that blood doesn’t quite look like arterial spurt, but doesn’t look like pressed contact transfer either:

Suddenly scientists say to themselves, maybe we should try to figure out why there are strange flashes of light on the moon’s surface. They’ve seen them since the 50’s, and just never wondered what they were?

No link but it is interesting to me Drudge is promoting a new Book by ardent Never-Trumper George Will. The book is nothing new, basically it says we are moving from a society which favors and respects individualism to a more collectivist system. I suspect even that is bullshit, given nobody seems to really know how much of what we are told is happening is not really happening. Rather we are being told it is happening by a massive system designed solely to deliver that message, so we will not think somebody is doing it to us and fight it as a rebellion. So why does Drudge give a link to a book which doesn’t say anything new, by an outright enemy of freedom who opposes Donald Trump?

Trump administration will demand social media from Visa Applicants. If the US is the target of a hostile foreign intelligence operation, now those seeking entrance will either have to perfectly backstop a social media account, or expose their plants to increased scrutiny.

Bilderberg is happening now. Jared and Pompeo to show up, hopefully their speech begins, “Ladies and gentlemen, remain calm, and pay no attention to the Police surrounding us…”

Trump says he didn’t know Megan Markle was “nasty” when informed of her nasty comments about him, but says he hopes she will succeed. Wise move. Everybody likes Harry, and when that relationship implodes, as it seems destined, everyone will see her as nasty and take Harry’s side.

Duterte may have said he was gay, but cured himself. Said in a rambling speech as he went about insulting other people for being gay. Put here because it is being said, and may be true, but the translation sounds a bit shaky so it could be fake news. Then again ti would have made him blackmailable.

Trump issues a tweet supporting gays, but says we cannot forget gays being persecuted and killed overseas, and leftists claim the tweet is warning gays he is going to persecute and execute them if they get out of line.

As second case of typhoid hits LAPD, report noted infestations of everything in the Skid Row station, including even locusts. Report also notes infestation of rats/rodents, fleas, roaches, flies gnats, and mosquitoes. Their issue may be the whole area around the station has so many homeless and trash that all of that is there, but it isn’t visible. Then again, if God were to pick a place to smite…

Prostitution may be next vice to get legalized.

Facebook lawyer says users have no expectation of privacy.

Italian government is now trying to revoke Bannon’s lease on the property he was going to use for his right-wing political training academy.

Mexican President sends a letter to Trump, repeatedly says migrants have a right to come to the United States if they want. Clearly they also have a right to come in our houses as well, and take what they want. One benefit of maintaining hostile relations with other countries and waging trade wars is it prevents this self-suicide attitude among the left from getting a foot in the door.

Pelosi says they will be ready to Impeach Trump before 2020.

Chamber of Commerce considers filing suit to block Mexico tariffs.

Sheryl Sandburg sold $10.4 million worth of facebook May 29th. Same day the Vice Chairman sold $10 million, Bain Capital sold $7 million, and the Exec VP sold almost $17 million,

Influencer with 2.6 Million followers fails to sell 36 T-shirts. All of advertising is like this. I believe much of it is just a money-laundering scheme.

Obama, giving another high-priced speech in Brazil, says America was founded on inequality.

Trump is sending DHS agents to the Guatemalan border try and stem the tide into Mexico.

The Pope says Globalization is bad and upends traditional values?

Now Tucker hosts a Military Intel Officer who says we have recovered UFO debris, and then when asked if it is extraterrestrial, stops himself by saying he has to be careful about his NDE. But earlier he made the case it was not our’s, and it was not any other country’s either. Something really big is coming, and something really big has changed if the controlled media has begun down this path. What a timeline.

Barr lets out that Huber wasn’t working on FISA recently, but rather was investigating full time into issues relating to Hillary Clinton, and that is now winding down and they should “bring those to fruition” soon. They are going to be revealing this entire takeover of America as a story. The only question is how they plan to tell it. This makes it look like they may begin with Hillary’s and Obama’s treason in Uranium One, as well as other Clinton Foundation pay-for-play shenanigans. It is possible that they figure doing that will explain why Obama and Hillary were so desperate they would go to such extremes as to spy on Trump. Otherwise, if they open with the spying, people think maybe the spying was innocent, maybe not. But if there was a massive crime they needed to hide by getting Hillary elected, then it is obvious why the spying happened, and it looks much worse. (It also explains why they went with Hillary instead of a better candidate – it needed to be a coconspirator, or whoever it was might blackmail them.) Also from the article: “I mean, republics have fallen because of Praetorian Guard mentality where government officials get very arrogant, they identify the national interest with their own political preferences and they feel that anyone who has a different opinion, you know, is somehow an enemy of the state. And you know, there is that tendency that they know better and that, you know, they’re there to protect as guardians of the people. That can easily translate into essentially supervening the will of the majority and getting your own way as a government official… I just think it has to be carefully look at because the use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign to me is unprecedented and it’s a serious red line that’s been crossed.”

DOJ preparing anti-trust case against Google.

Kim Jong Un executed five people by firing squad over the failed summit. Others, including a top spy and the translator, were sent to work camps.

Nevada Governor vetoes National Popular Vote bill.

Giuliani accuses Biden and son of extortion and bribery. George Bush could have fought like this, and after 9/11 it would have destroyed leftism forever, and yet he did not.

Harris poll shows Trump has the highest approval of his Presidency due to enthusiasm over the economy.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s always quietest before the boom.

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5 years ago

Pelosi says they will be ready to Impeach Trump before 2020.” Heh, save it for the election and see who it hurts, but it’s all they have.

5 years ago

So does that last tweet from trump mean pence is on the ticket?

5 years ago

“Several US government agencies and international organizations work cooperatively to monitor research on the health effects of RF exposure. According to the FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO), among other organizations, to date, the weight of scientific evidence has not effectively linked exposure to radio frequency energy from mobile devices with any known health problems.”

That settles it with regards to 5G. If there still are adverse effects, they must be very small, to the point of being insignificant, to not have shown up in the data.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

That’s a lot of trust you’re places in a study that you haven’t reviewed rigorously for flaws…

Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago

I don’t know what you mean by “a study.”

These are two separate organizations, the FDA and WHO, who have both reviewed the body of research from the past three decades to come to the same conclusion independently: normal levels of RF exposure is harmless. Even if you were to have a cell site mounted on top of your house, you would still be well within the safe limits.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I’m not so sure this is a problem. Remember the”power line EMF” scare. One of the Northern European countries, can’t remember which-Denmark maybe, did a study of every single persons health records for decades and linked it to every single power station and distribution station in the country and found…nothing.

I’m not saying that EM fields are not in any way a problem but with most irritants like nuclear radiation and poisons in low doses it seems to make heath better.

In Taiwan a Chinese mainland company sold illegally radiation contaminated sheet rock and they found the people living there had better health and less cancer. Go figure.

It’s possible that 5G will increase the health of people exposed to it.

5 years ago

Regarding spygate and “DOJ preparing anti-trust case against Google.”
A major theme of the 2016 election was interference by an international coalition of state intelligence agencies.
2020 will be far worse. Now the private intelligence agencies (tech companies) will play their hand. We have already seen their coordinated deplatforming political candidates mid-election. We’re already seeing books being unpublished and payment systems suddenly cut off. Expect it to accelerate.
Expect far more sophisticated algorithmic shadow banning and more intense winnowing of media to which the public is exposed. People will become increasingly unhinged from reality as the tech companies reveal how extensively they control the flow of information on the internet.

5 years ago

I recently went on a date with a woman I met on a dating app. The next day, she sent me a picture of herself with a shirt on with a drawing of an angry-looking rabbit pointing a giant gun towards me. A rabbit shooting at me? Really? I hope they enjoy reading this comment. I picked up on this, guys. Congrats. AC, if you want me to send the picture for your collection, you can e-mail me and I’ll send it.

5 years ago

Sheryl Sandburg sold $10.4 million worth of facebook May 29th. Same day the Vice Chairman sold $10 million, Bain Capital sold $7 million, and the Exec VP sold almost $17 million,

One thing to remember is that when people are given stock options as part of their salary, as insiders, they have a “blackout” period that they aren’t allowed to sell the stock, but instead have to sit on it.

So when you see a bunch of them sell at once, that’s what happened. A blackout expired, and they are cashing in for salary. What you really need to worry about are when one person sells and none of the others do, because that is a much better indicator of insider information.

5 years ago

a DHS insider exposed to us Congo migrants have made it to the USA with confirmed cases of #ebola. 3 are in custody in Laredo Tx and 6 in Laredo Mexico, and in Juarez next to our wall

Note that they are trying to introduce ebola to Texas again.

5 years ago

VB Shooting is crazy, couple miles from me. First heard about it from the Daily Mail, base wasn’t locked down or anything. That usually happens when things go off locally or country wide.
Increased force condition.

I have no insight, just feels so random. It’s like it never happened around here. Haven’t been by the scene, but locally life is just going on like this event is normal. Sad.

5 years ago

Any thoughts on Jeopardy contestant James Holzhauer – whether it could be rigged and how about his facial features/expressions?

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

“A part of me wonders if you could have seen the world around this shooter in the weeks running up to the shooting, whether his environment was customized, perhaps in conjunction with his “therapy,” to elicit this specific reaction. ”

Therapists fill a critical role in this. Not only for the inputs they direct towards the subject, but for their chance to question the subject and see how things are working. They can also bring up anecdotes or paint seemingly random visual images and metaphors. If their patients are jacked up on amphetamines for ADHD, it can increase focus. Anti-psychotics are helpful as well, because they dull the perception of ideas of reference. If a patient starts thinking that there is some kind of conspiracy behind all the events that they see, the most common antipsychotics dull this sense while allowing the staged events to sink deeper in.

You’ll also find that all sorts of other professionals are in on this. Cabal has very much targeted life coaches, psychics, ministers, and other. Anyone who is in a position of trust that you’d reveal your thoughts to is going to be of interest to cabal for their intelligence value. Many people have sat in a church before and thought it miraculous that the preacher has preached a message that uniquely resonates with their situation. I’ve had this happen and it’s downright uncanny and staggering. And then if you finally do realize it’s not coincidence and something more sinister, you enter a state of shock that is hard to describe.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Another thing to consider about the Derren Brown video: what was on display and applied was clearly a body of knowledge that has been sufficiently tested for them to know that it would produce the desired results. The odds of this just being something dreamed up and purely theoretical, and it working, are exceptionally slim. So the question becomes how did they know it would work? So far as I know, this kind of thing is not a part of standard psychology curricula.

You’ve often mentioned that Cabal may be a generation ahead of us in terms of technology such as in surveillance, sonic weapons, and aircraft. Our eyes usually don’t see what our minds have ruled out. It’s entirely likely that we are being bombarded with psychological tricks that people with psychology degrees have never heard about.