News Briefs – 06/30/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Prosecutors will say in secret whether they used controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act spying tool domestically against an American neo-Nazi accused in Baltimore power grid plot, in a purely American case.

I’d want to do the analysis myself to confirm it but in this video, it appears for a brief moment, the guy talking into Biden’s earpiece could be heard on Biden’s microphone, telling him what to say, just before he said it.

Jill Biden is taking a bold stance in secret negotiations regarding President Joe Biden’s potential exit, demanding a $2 billion presidential library fund, legal immunity for the Biden family, and a $100 million book deal. She must be confident they are going  to sell a lot of books to be worth $100 million. But how why would she think party big wigs could impose on a publishing house to supply such a deal? Wouldn’t the publishing house want to see what the book would be about first, and decide itself? This makes it sound as if book deals are just money laundering, and the people running the DNC are the same people in control of the publishing houses.

Daily Mail – President Joe Biden was set up in a ‘soft coup’ to oust him, a top Democratic insider claimed last night.

Jill Biden’s ex-husband slams first lady for apparently encouraging the Prez to stay in race after debate disaster: ‘I don’t even recognize her.’

President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family on Sunday. Jill might have gotten that $100 million book deal.

Biden campaign working overtime to ‘minimize’ concern after disastrous debate, hold hastily arranged DNC call.

Chris Matthews says Biden’s not ‘smart enough’ to keep up with President Trump.

The AJC Editorial Board is publishing a front page editorial Sunday calling on President Joe Biden to step aside after Thursday’s debate in Atlanta.

Bob Woodward thinks Biden debate performance was worse than Watergate. He is a Cabal intel operator. If he is saying this, he was given it in a script, which means Management plans to shove Biden out.

More bad news for Democrats: Biden cannot be replaced on ballot in three swing states, except for death or 25th Amendment.

Report: Biden only fully functional from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

House Speaker Mike Johnson called on President Joe Biden’s cabinet on Friday to invoke the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and remove the commander in chief from office given his troubling debate performance the night before.

Doctors express concern about Biden’s apparent cognitive issues during debate: ‘Troubling indicators.’

68 percent of independents want Biden to drop out after disastrous debate.

Biden vows to return for second debate against Trump after disastrous performance. Very dangerous, if he were not removed by then, as seems most likely. He will deteriorate more, they will be desperate after the last debate, he will be physically weaker, and they will probably try to give him a little extra juice, stimulant-wise, out of panic. It is entirely possible he would just keel over on stage.

Biden stock tanks in election betting markets after disaster performance.

Plane toting ‘BI-DONE!’ sign soars over Biden’s star-studded Hamptons fundraiser.

Five mental health professionals, some of whom already accused Donald Trump of being “dangerous,” prepared a risk assessment for New York state Judge Juan Merchan to consider in his July 11 sentencing decision on Trump, according to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a longtime critic of the former president. Kangaroo Court.

The Heritage Foundation is preparing election legal challenges in case Biden is pulled from the DNC nomination.

Flashback to 2019 – 350 health professionals sign letter to Congress claiming Trump’s mental health is deteriorating dangerously amid impeachment proceedings.

Biden’s border chief claims power to admit more illegals.

The Biden administration will expand deportation relief and work permits to an estimated 309,000 Haitians in the country already, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Friday.

Federal immigration authorities previously released two illegal immigrants who are now accused of killing a 12-year-old Houston girl — but a congressional report says there were plenty of detention beds available to keep in custody.

Daily Mail – Shock reality for US of Venezuela’s epic drop in MURDER as ‘thugs who think crime is part of regular life’ come to America.

Haitian migrant accused of raping teen girl in Boston freed on $500 bail.

FDNY commish Laura Kavanagh prohibits firefighters from ‘political expression’ — critics charge she’s silencing Trump supporters.

FDA is a front organisation: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs. Questionable source, but then again, in this timeline? Nothing would surprise me.

Even as they push trannies more and more, the percentage of people rejecting the flexible gender bullshit is growing.

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Biden admin seals Covid vaccines safety data until 2026.

Large, sun-like UFOs spotted and videoed in Canada.

Federal government to pause student loan payments, interest for 3 million borrowers.

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The Biden administration has sent Israel “at least” 14,000 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs and 1,000 bunker-busters, according to a new report from Reuters.

In Belgium, Cardinal Jozef De Kesel and Archbishop Luc Terlinden have both been ordered to pay more than $1,000 in damages for having ‘discriminated’ against a female pastoral worker by refusing her requests to enroll in a training course for future deacons.

European allies call on Democrats to axe Joe Biden following disastrous debate amid fears a win for Trump could impact support for Ukraine. Foreign election interference?

Bolivian forces arrested the army commander who led a coup attempt against President Luis Arce on Wednesday, shortly after rebel soldiers besieged the government headquarters for hours and tried to break down one of its doors.

12 of the 14 undecided voters in a Frank Luntz focus group swung to President Trump after the debate.

Over 5 million guns have been purchased in America during first 4 months of 2024.

Spread r/K Theory, because it would be tough to replace Biden if he died on stage in front of a national audience


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8 months ago

Spread r/K Theory, because it would be tough to replace Biden if he died on stage in front of a national audience

That’s how they end the impersonation in the movie Dave.
The impersonator gives a speech before both houses of Congress and fakes a massive stroke (the kind that made the real POTUS a vegetable in the basement), then they let the real one die and be buried and the impersonator goes back to his old life.

8 months ago

What’s the deal with presidential libraries? Are they just private clubs for the ex-presidents? Do they actually have books? Can the public check out books on a library loan? I read Bubba liked to hang out on the rooftop garden of his library, smoking cigars and probably banging broads. Sounds like maybe they’re fortresses for Dr. Evil types?

Reply to  Jimmy
8 months ago

Presidential libraries don’t have books as you might think. They have all the documents and records from the presidency, to be accessible to historians. They also serve as a sort of office and meeting hall for the ex president and the “historians” studying them. So yeah, they are kind of half shrine, half lair.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Wrong. JFK Library has Hemingway’s archives. I personally studied them there a couple times in high school for English AP. But then, I also attended some PEN awards ceremony there years later when I was in a pretentious hipster phase, and besides one author who wept about Charles Ives, everyone there seemed absolutely phony. Including my girlfriend, in retrospect.

Reply to  Jimmy
8 months ago

Theoretically the Presidential Library is a place where the retired president puts forth his papers and his vision and his successes; and all the documents that historians would need to do research on it.
However, it’s well known that loads of money laundering to the retired President takes place with it, with him handing out jobs/construction related to it and all the sweet gubmint money.
This is the whole deal with Obama choosing a piece of prime Chicago real estate, costing a zillion dollars and rewarding all his Chicago pals (and going way over time and over budget.)

Reply to  Ingot9455
8 months ago

Yes, but has the damn thing even been built?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jimmy
8 months ago

They’re probably some sort of tax free foundation, useful for money laundering. Just speculating here.

Reply to  Jimmy
8 months ago

Thanks guys. Helpful answers.

8 months ago


New Indictment for Trump Coming?

Posted Jun 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Is Trump some sort of Super villain hero; is he the Shadow? Can we each have a ring?

Last edited 8 months ago by teotoon
8 months ago

Five mental health professionals, some of whom already accused Donald Trump of being “dangerous,” prepared a risk assessment for New York state Judge Juan Merchan to consider in his July 11 sentencing decision on Trump, according to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a longtime critic of the former president. Kangaroo Court

Merchan didn’t ask for this, and neither did the state. These are a Just bunch of whackaloons writing crazy letters to the court. If merchan even mentions this letter, he’s putting the nail in the coffin on this case in the appeal and he knows that.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago
8 months ago

AC I went to check the debate again because I wanted to hear the moment for myself and I am pretty sure that what is being heard is Trump with his mic cut off replying to Biden sarcastically saying “let’s see”. The moment is just after 1:29:30 in this video. I’ll note that the family in the video and the guy making the Tik Tok don’t show Trump on the screen only Biden. I could be wrong, we’ve certainly seen Biden and other politicians potentially wearing mics and being told what to say in the past but I’m not really convinced this is an example of that this time.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ultra
8 months ago

More very troubling news. Yesterday’s CWSA, Scott Adams reported that some J6ers who pled guilty to Obstruction Felony charge that the Supreme Court just overruled, signed a plea deal that said if the Supreme Court struck down this obstruction charge they would have to STILL SERVE the sentence and NOT request a new hearing.

What total phucking evil.

See, the problem is not the “guberment”, nor our DOJ, nor the lawyers–its the Colleges and Universities taken over by Marxists. That is the problem. You can’t allow atheists, Marxists in teaching positions in colleges and universities. Since Marxism is a religion–one has to perform a religious test on people. Church and State GO together. You can’t have it any other way. Trump is NOT going to fix this. Neither is the Repuke party, the Heritage Foundation, Miller’s foundation, Judicial Watch –NOT the Christian churches which are all Marxist. You have to suppress Marxist publications, burn the Communist Manifesto, you have to clear out the Frankfurt School and all of its acolytes. That is the problem.

Is there a fix for that even on the horizon? NO. I can’t convince anybody about the importance of II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”! How many church sermons in the past year have been on that topic?

The solution is Arete (virtue) and that is nowhere.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

I can’t convince anybody about the importance of II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”! How many church sermons in the past year have been on that topic?

Praise God that this heresy doesn’t prosper.

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Colossians 3:14

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

I don’t believe such a deal would stand up if challenged.

8 months ago

Here we go: a rambling long internet essay about light therapy for various illnesses. The author writes about internal light therapy. One form pulls blood out, irradiates the blood, then injects the irradiated blood back into the patient.

It’s summer. The milder version is just go outside and get a tan in your swimsuit. Eat watermelon, because it has citrulline, which relaxes blood vessels. Lay on your stomach and get a tan on your back. I thought it might affect kidneys and the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys, somehow. The author highlights the blood vessels on the backs of the knees as a good irradiation site.

The author highlights Russian clinics that use this. Anecdotally, I’ve heard, vaguely, of South American clinics and Thailand clinics. I have no idea.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  wooderson
8 months ago

you are correct about the sun, and correct to smell a rat. AMD is a clown anyways

8 months ago

It can be interesting to watch the comment “downvotes.”
It looks as if not long after you clear a bunch of comments, one person goes through and down-votes everything. There is a highly variable number of up-votes, but before the end of the day, nearly all of them will have a single down (unless it really is a legit poor comment, then it might have a couple more).

In any case, thanks for all you do and all your links. God’s work.

Reply to  Rn
8 months ago

Could just be a bot with a batch code written to click thumbs down..

8 months ago

> She must be confident they are going to sell a lot of books to be worth $100 million. But how why would she think party big wigs could impose on a publishing house to supply such a deal? Wouldn’t the publishing house want to see what the book would be about first, and decide itself?

Books deals have been a standard method of laundering payoff money for at least a decade. Both Hillary! and Michelle wrote books, collected massive advances, and hit the NYT best seller lists… while going directly from the printer to the “remainders” table.

Like Hollywood, the publishing industry gets a pass from the IRS, in that they’re exempt from normal standards of accounting. Look up “Hollywood accounting” for how that works. Though there have been many lawsuits filed by actors and authors, none have ever gone anywhere. The IRS is allowing this on purpose.

8 months ago

> Biden vows to return for second debate against Trump after disastrous performance. 

*A* Biden might return. I’d want a DNA sample along with a drug test, next time.

8 months ago
neighbor puts up surveillance camera peering over fence.

8 months ago

Another overt reveal of the surveillance. They are outing themselves now.

AC, I am praying you are right that true humans will be outraged and stirred to fix the problem.

On another topic – I’m reading this book by Nathan Reynolds:
Snatched from the flames: One man’s journey to uncover The Family Secrets buried in his blood-stained past (find it on Amazon)

He claims to be from a Bloodline family, describes his MK Ultra programming, how the Bloodline families work, etc. and his break with “Cabal” and how only by the Grace of God he found redemption through Christ and through God’s protection he and his family have survived to date.

It is a fascinating read and I find him to be credible. It helps explain why no one breaks rank or speaks out about Cabal.

God bless you and keep you AC. We are still praying for God’s protection for you from your evil, demonic tormentors.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Name
8 months ago

Plenty of good information out there about the guy who called himself John Todd, former illuminati and witch, he claimed, interesting talks he gave, some background information seen around the net, one example seen here:

Utube recording tapes played, I believe 6, they have the play list for all of them in the data below the ID of the one posting, this is the #6 tape:

Claims the TV show Dark Shadows had some scripts inspired from family diaries, plus more, might be worth a listen.

8 months ago

14 + 2 + 1

8 months ago

Here’s some positive news for a change.
3rd baby in the Bman household was born. Mom and baby are doing good. Little monkey came a few weeks early.

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Best wishes and many happy returns! 🙂

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Big congrats!

Start planning for No4 soon. (Yep, there is never enough space, money or time. Even so…)

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

All the best Bman. Here’s to many more.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Congratulations Bman

The Twister household has also welcomed it’s 2nd offspring.

That’s two “wild births” now in 4 years, ZERO (and I mean ZERO) contact with the Health system.

I delivered the first in year zero (2020) the second I can’t claim as I was sat on the toilet at the time having just woken up from a nap, but my wife is highly K selected and didn’t need me anyway.

After 4 years and NOT ONE SINGLE sleepless night with an 4 yr old and six week old, I recommend NEVER letting any abusive Healthcare professional near your offspring with anything resembling a needle!
Also baby sleeps in bed with mum.

Have watched too many doctors testifying that they NEVER see the unvaccinated children registered to their practices!
That’s the route we chose.
Tip tip:
An amber necklace and Camomile powder ensures teething is practically a non event.

The nearly 4 year old has never seen a TV and is already enjoying Voxs “children’s classics” he already has a larger vocabulary than your average school teacher. And sorts out bullies in the park double his age!

Avoiding the influences of clownworld though, that’s a tough gig!

Reply to  Mr Twister
8 months ago


Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Thank you.

8 months ago

Pardon me, I haven’t felt goosebumps in a while, not like this. Ahem: AC, if you had heard about this book before, I knowwwww you would’ve mentioned it repeatedly already, so this must be new to you. By the way, this post is DEFINITELY for everyone’s eyes, not just yours. I trust that you will post about it, I expect you to post about it asap, and you’ll soon see why. The book is 1996 by Gloria Naylor. Here is a longish overview. Thank god it’s longish, and thank god for the reviewer, she gets it.

So, I already knew David Foster Wallace wrote a book with oodles of Stasi vibes and clues, Infinite Jest. (Published in the *year* 1996, by the way.) But Naylor’s book reeeeeally is basically an Anonymous Conservative novel written decades ago. She is a fucking hero. A national hero, and a hero of the entire human species. I am ordering a copy right after I post this. Hopefully, there are many used copies for everyone here to read. This is a black woman who put down in professional, artful words over the course of a whole novel, as explicitly as possible, EVERYTHING you and we have been talking about. I hope that will make an impression on some of your readers who aren’t big fans of black women. And I hope we all now understand, finally, or more than ever: WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS FIGHT. Also: WE ARE GOING TO WIN.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Thank you. I just finished reading it. (I’ll get to the addenda later.) What a hero. GLORIA! GLORIA! HALLELUJAH!

8 months ago

A friend on Twitter just posted two pages from the addendum to Naylor’s book for me. CHECK. THIS. OUT.

8 months ago

Naylor addendum page #2.

8 months ago

Federal judge blocks Indiana law to place age restrictions on porn as unconstitutional.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Hey judge bro, it’s probably a more time efficient move to just say you’re a pedo groomer rather than do all this rigmarole.