Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – US To Further Restrict Chinese Technology Acquisitions For AI Development
DFT – HSBC Predicts Major Recession Imminent In The West
DFT – Germany Sees Record Capital Outflows
DFT – US Debt To Double Over Next Three Decades
DFT – Hunger Afflicting Millions In The UK
Koch network plans to spend $70 million exclusively to block President Trump from GOP nomination.
Harvard hints it will use personal essays to circumvent court ruling. This thing has nothing to do with race. They need a pretext for people with perfect test scores and GPAs to see other less competent people taking positions which should have gone to them. People with juice are making calls and getting Cabal surveillance members working positions in these giant intel/surveillance/blackmail ops which are higher education, and they aren’t going to stop that just because the Supreme Court said to.
RFK Jr: Affirmative Action undoes the ‘effects of racist policies.’ It also is an excellent cover for decent, competent people not getting hired because Cabal installed one of their own in the position instead. Why is he really supporting this?
RFK Jr. says he would sign ‘assault weapons’ ban if it reached his desk.
Hunter Biden set to be deposed in lawsuit brought by laptop repair shop owner. It is ironic. When he was doing crack and hiring hookers and making videos with his niece in his bed, he never came close to a courtroom. Now he appears to be off the crack, and he goes from one court case to the next. It is like something huge under the surface changed.
Pressure grows on judge to reject Hunter Biden plea deal amid evidence of DOJ interference.
Biden’s failure to treat sleep apnea may have increased his risk of dementia, studies show.
Suicide rates nearly 8 times higher among transgender people, study shows.
Michigan bill makes it a felony to cause someone to ‘feel’ frightened, includes 5-years in prison.
FTX managed to get $400 million in funding after Sam Bankman-Fried and an attorney invented a ‘sham’ agreement to explain close ties with Alameda, new CEO says. Do you really think if you hit it big in crypto, and did the same thing, it would have gone the same way for you, and people would drop $400 million on you?
U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosts former acting CIA Director Mike Morrell for a discussion to help multinational corporations engage with fourth branch of government. I’m just an ex-spy here to help…
Members of California’s Black reparations task force presented their two-year report, spanning more than 1,100 pages, to state lawmakers Thursday. Payments will be $1.2 million per, but the numbers are subject to change, if new information comes in.
Nigel Farage says they’re trying to force him out of the UK by closing his bank accounts. Why doesn’t he talk about the surveillance, though?
France will deploy 40,000 police officers to quell violence that followed deadly police shooting.
Enormous power grab: France, Germany want to end veto rights in the EU this year.
Visiting Zelensky Mike Pence declares “No room in Republican party” for those who do not support Ukraine war. As if you needed more evidence the Russians are the good guys. Also – Mike Pence earned MILLIONS through Book Deal, six-figure speeches, new filings show. $550,000 from Korea to appear at a “summit.”
U.S. actively considering giving cluster munitions to Ukraine. You thought the minefield video was bad?
U.S. close to approving long-range ATACMS missiles for Ukraine, officials say.
Wagner: Satellite images show activity at military base in Belarus.
NATO believes Ukraine’s counteroffensive unsuccessful so far.
Abortion rates plummeting one year after Dobbs decision.
Mel Gibson releases new video bringing awareness to child trafficking. He is promoting the movie about child trafficking by Jim Caviezel. Caviezel seemed real deal, but there are pictures of him out there, making the one-eye’d pose, and he is a big Hollywood star. Then again, you want to love Based Mel, but he has made that pose as well, and is an even bigger star.
Paul Ryan: ‘It is a disaster if we nominate Trump,’ ‘He could win.’
56% of US voters view DeSantis as ‘unfavorable,’ only 34% view him as favorable.
New poll shows Trump leading Biden and DeSantis losing.
Fox News poll: Trump gains ground post-indictment.
Trump’s lead over DeSantis has grown 19 points since February.
Spread r/K Theory, because those we are shown are not who we think
“A popular Mexican TV doctor who regularly appeared on “Mexico Today” as a “vaccination expert” died suddenly from a myocardial infarction, aged 42, according to reports.”
Ha-ha, thanks for kicking off my holiday weekend on such a positive note. This kind of news will never get old to me.
Guy was really on a high horse, too. NAKED GUN movie style self parody. Suggested it should be made mandatory “for the public good.” Called anti-vaxxers “idiots” who should not be able to leave their homes until they complied.
Then he drops dead from same. Not a good look for your entire life.
And for some reason I find the name “Alfredo Victoria” to just be delightful. Sounds like some kind of gay transvestite porn star.
Mark Crispin Miller regularly lists the died suddenlies (including the Mexican doctor here) in his outstanding Substack:
World Economic Forum partners with official Virtuous Pagan Central Propaganda Network for ‘Summer Davos’ conference
May find this site of interest
Felon in possession unconstitutional, new Federal Court ruling
Today it is not possible to view twitter without an account.
also, “Trump to return to twitter soon”…
Ya gotta love this.
They had millions of eyeballs on absolute crap – in the main for free which they obviously encouraged.
Now they shut that access down and they no longer have the eyeballs to sell to advertisers.
Perhaps Elon got some new subsidies from the taxpayer to assuage his loss making “shitter”.
True. First thing I thought wad Yaccarino sabotage.
But, this is also showing how every single other “journalist” and “media” outlet uses Twitter as the only source of “news”.
They actually can’t do anything without twitter.
It’s amazing. Musk has shown the total centrality of his property.
Twitter is like drinking from an RV’s sewer hose. It is evil and will rot your brain.
Maybe not like the satellite signals in the movie “Videodrome”, but it’s still a leftist platform, run by the enemy, and your entire “online experience” there is carefully managed to present the leftist viewpoint while ridiculing yours.
You probably can’t even delete the app from your phone – most modern phones, if you manage to do that, the nightly software date will reinstall it behind your back – but you don’t have to *use* it.
Military Academy ‘Carveout’ In Supreme Court Affirmative Action Ruling
Twitter now “members only”

For someone who has been booted off Twitter, that’s significant. Because I was still able to view and share tweets to other platforms. So that will be reducing a lot of eyes that banned people used to bring to various tweets.
If you are not using fake email addresses for every website you’re NGMI
Email is not the problem.
The mobile phone (geo-located) is the problem
And the Twitter app, which is spyware.
“Welcome to the real world.”
Musk says it’s temporary.
People keep saying banned, but it’s a permanent suspension. I got permanently suspended on J8 2021 along with a sitting President and 150,000 people. But I can still log in and see tweets; I just can’t do anything. I can look at the notification that I have a DM, but I can’t read it. But the suspended accounts can still see tweets. And of course, to see tweets, I have to go to the person’s page because I don’t have a feed, although the c*cksuckers recommend accounts to follow to me.
Tucker Carlson on twitter.
Nigel Farage on twitter reports getting unpersoned.
Trump to go to twitter.
Twitter goes “account only” and shuts them down.
Australia fine for liking “wrong” tweet, $10,000.
They want to know who you are so they can get you.
The scabs that run all of this are so petty and menial.
Their fuckery is overt, but what you would expect from a bunch of effete pantywaists.
Clicking on a heart icon on the internet gets you a $10,000 fine. That’s actually a thing in Australia, the little communist convict colony down under.
C’mon Tex. Someone’s feelings were hurt. Show some understanding!
Not certain why anyone would not post anonymously.
A legal opinion can get you fired, arrested or murdered.
Rest assured, this will be rolled out globally.
I was telling the Australians this stuff was coming for thirty years, they laughed at me and said I was nuts.
Then all that stuff happened like I said it would. One thing I used to tell them in the lunch room every day was … aspartame is a cancer causing formaldehyde solution that will destroy your brain tissue. They’d laugh at that too.
I’d tell them … clearly your government is pushing you all towards a Red Chinese style totalitarian society. A lot of you are going to end up in concentration camps. That’s why they are taking away all your guns. They’d laugh at that too.
I think they are so slow by now they probably don’t even realize that Yank was right all along. I doubt if they even remember anything I ever said to them.
Every day for thirty years I’d repeat this stuff to them. Every office, every company. Just to make sure somebody would warn them.
Mate, do not believe what you read. Lots of stories are just made up to keep you in your box. Who is the lady fined for “liking” a tweet?
I would bet she does not exist. That would be such a simple court case to win.Notice that such stories never run for more than a couple of minutes and then disappear into the ether?
Just another psyop, like daleks and bigfoot. Personally, I am watching for the tardis to be wheeled out as being true and Maxwell Smart as being a transexual alien sloth.
“Haha the jackboot of totalitarian government hasn’t crushed MY head yet, surely it must all be fake!”
Cope, seethe, dilate, etc…
I think the studio may have intended that for the Smart reboot, but Agent 86 inadvertently set the aliens on fire and then accidentally killed them trying to beat the fire out with his shoe phone.
They already know who you are. They need cover to act so the Normies think it’s all legit. Don’t be fooled into thinking you have any level of anonymity online; your local surveillance post has all your traffic, data, activities, etc.
This. They need to explain how they knew you were a troublemaker, because they don’t want people knowing about the surveillance.
And you do not get away clean. It is basically either the official authorities show up to drag you into the system to make a public example of you, or the gangstalkers show up and follow you around, and interfere with your path, and maybe zap you in bed, all while preventing you from proving they are doing it. But is is probably better than federal court.
low hanging fruit much?
Someone asked a few days ago for the explanation of why I think the recent bank runs are an attack by non-FVEY external actor. This is a good explanation and what first opened my eyes to the possibility. The author also has a twitter acct but it seems rn twitter is req an account to view posts….
The concept is quite simple. Foreign nations acquire USDs as the result of foreign trade (and seek to acquire them for future trades) because of the “global reserve status” of the USD.
Some nations conduct a lot of foreign trade. These nations accumulate a lot of USDs. Some nations conduct a mind boggling amount of foreign trade. These nations accumulate a mind boggling amount of USDs.
Accumulated USDs are mostly stored in USTs. USTs are almost perfectly liquid and secure. But not all accumulated USDs are put into USTs. Some are placed in bank accounts via shell companies.
Some nations have possibly trillions in these shell accounts.
Calculating how much needs to be moved to trigger a bank run is trivially easy.
‘A California Reparations Task Force meeting got heated this week when several people began publicly denouncing the United States for its role in slavery, with one even calling for a “divorce.”’
How about we include one-way plane tickets to Africa as part of those reparations packages? There’s a “divorce” I could get behind.
As long as they can never come back.
AC, do you think there is surveillance on the surveillance? Like there could be good people who follow the sadistic people around as well to keep them from harming certain people? And sometimes when you see the surveillance you could be seeing the good ones, and maybe they want you to see them?
I don’t think so. The thing is, something out there is powerful, massively powerful. I don’t see it being that big, that powerful, and then just being uncontrolled in places, or tolerant of anything not completely under its full control. I think it would be one homogenous whole. If there are other minor operations, or even its own people out of control, it would just deal with them, to tighten up its operation and efficiency.
That said, I think all the surveillance is under surveillance themselves. That is why I think they don’t really think regular people should be bothered by it. They have all essentially grown up in glass houses, knowing everyone they knew was watching them all the time from hen they were children, so they probably think it weird there is this vast swath of the majority who want to close their doors and disappear into their homes with everything else locked out and kept away from them while they recharge.
They are really quite bizarre psychologically, to the point I would think their psychology and regular people’s psychologies would be completely incompatible, and if their full activities get revealed, I do not see normal America even feeling like it can continue to have them present in their environment.
And I know people I know in it read this stuff and think I am calling for the death, or saying I am about to start smoking people. I am not. I am looking at this rationally, and somebody who has been under everything, from a clueless normie loving my “privacy,” to the high amygdala priority gangstalking target, to someone who understands it all and is able to look at it without the uncontrollable urge to act, and I am just thinking how it is when you first find out, and mapping where I think this goes if you have most of America, in that mood, and thinking all the surveillance is laughing at them, and telling them to fuck themselves, as it invades their homes, 24/7, and keeps their amygdalae revved for weeks, or months.
I Just don’t see the vast majority in high amygdala, feeling constantly like Raul down the street is watching them go to the bathroom, watching their child go to the bathroom, plotting against their families, and using this detailed info against them, and laughing at how they can’t do anything, and they just cope. Plus you have the moral aspect. What wll stand out are the most inhuman acts of this thing, and everyone will get tarred with those. In addition to the elimination of it being a massive relief (I probably cannot imagine such a utopia myself right now), it will have a moral aspect. And then there will be the meme that everything noxious about the world is due to their operation. Corruption. Mass shootings. 9/11. Attacks on cops to reduce policing and increase crime. Releasing criminals. Soros DAs. Pedo blackmail ops. Cultural degeneracy. Wild Fires. Rigged elections. Oppressive government. Tranny child molestation parties. Mutilating kids genitals. Pedo Priests. Raul down the street did all that!
I think you will see a return of the mob, where the masses decide to do something, decide it is right, maybe even something quite out there and totally nuts, and everybody else gets out of their way, or pitches in, because the level of amygdala they are under, constant and unrelenting, needs to stop, and everyone else realizes standing up to them is a level of amygdala they do not want to face.
And surveillance should understand, the amygdala it creates is quite massive, especially at the outset, just from being watched, in one’s home. Average people will agree, anything will be perfectly reasonable to get rid of it. And once you hit that point, everyone who has gone moderately crazy will probably let themselves be guided by the most crazy among them, just to be sure this is brought to a permanent end. If this is all revealed, I have zero doubt you will see the periodic American equivalent of cartel videos, where things got out of hand in a few places.
The only reason all that might not happen is if there is something unknown, which I entirely have no idea of. Pretty much just if these things are all alien skinsuits or something. And I hold that out because all of this is so obvious, I cannot imagine how the command which assembled this thing, just assumed it would never come out. They should have seen this would end in something horrific, and that they were committing suicide. It is baffling we got to this point.
So either it was hubris, and we will be into Cartel territory in America in my lifetime, or it is aliens, and somehow this will continue to get covered up successfully. Given the level of stupidity the hubris explanation requires, I am not entirely sure we won’t find out Kyle Odom knew something.
But either way we are on track to find out. At this point, just the actual truth of the world, whatever it is, will be a huge step up.
My guess is that the low level surveillance grunts are rather low quality people. And they are watched closely and are well aware of a brutal justice that will be inflicted upon them if they get out of line.
Cabal does have a bunch of perfectly normal families, and it DOES watch out for its assets. For these low level grunts to engage in petty crime against an upper middle class cabal family would result in very severe retaliation.
Things in America are much uglier, more brutal, and more unjust than people realize.
In America, we have a believe that after you’ve done the time you should not continue to be punished. Cabal doesn’t feel this way. They keep coming. Even if you’ve never been charged or convicted of anything. If you’ve merely offended or upset the wrong people you’ll suffer for a long time.
I foresee the backlash period will be even crazier than now. People who belong to Amway or once rode in a Shriner’s float will be dragged out of their homes and hanged by mobs who just stopped bothering with much discrimination at some point. No juries, no trials, no nothing. A guy screams and points to a house and that guy is lynched. Similar periods in history had very broad nets and were very nutty. Face it, modern people are bears of little brain. Just a suspicion will be sufficient for them to kill somebody once they get revved up. Another reason to own an impregnable vault hidden somewhere.
“Harvard hints it will use personal essays to circumvent court ruling. This thing has nothing to do with race.”
You’re.right and wrong. It’s also about including mass quantities of visibly low IQ joggers for the demoralization factor. One of the frens here may be able to remember the name of the Russki from way back who’s on video explaining that demoralization is the point, and that people in general can’t come back once you’ve pushed them past a certain point of demoralization
Yuri Bezmenov?
I had a 1500 SAT, back when it was still a rigorous exam, and a 3.7 gpa from an academically rigorous high school. That got me a full ride to an excellent university where I majored in history with an emphasis on the Middle East. That’s not the point. I had a black classmate, a political science major also focused on the Middle East. That meant we had several classes together. He struck me as being both a good guy and my intellectual equal. I liked him up to the day he made a comment about Harvard offering him a full ride scholarship. He turned it down. I never considered applying to Harvard, but this black guy got offered a full ride scholarship. Talk about demoralization. I felt it. It still pisses me off.
He was smart enough to refuse the poisoned apple.
Getting an unfair opportunity that you’re not ready for is as destructive as winning the lottery – something NOBODY survives, no matter how well prepared they are in business matters and moral responsibility. The only people benefiting from affirmative action are those who distribute it; a slice off the top for those in the know, and useless toxins for everybody else.
Yuri Bezmenov, he’s on substack and he publishes great pieces irregularly.
Michigan bill makes it a felony to cause someone to ‘feel’ frightened, includes 5-years in prison.
I’m thinking some of their actual constituents are probably “frightened” by all the Somali tards they’ve imported.
I find the entire Michigan government and police system to be frightening.
When can we begin the arrests?
The artificial sweetener aspartame might soon be declared a “possible carcinogen,” or cancer-causing agent, according to a leaked report from the World Health Organization.
Maybe another excuse to cover for the turbo cancers from the clot shot.
I thought it was sucrose that was in the news…
The next killer is already lined up.
WW1 -> WW2 -> Cigarettes -> Sugar -> Aspartame -> etc
The next killers are already killing
“Michigan bill makes it a felony to cause someone to ‘feel’ frightened, includes 5-years in prison.”
So everybody in Detroit then? Detroit already is kind of an open air prison though.
Don’t ditch your Diet Coke just yet: Harvard doctor says added sugar is still WORSE than artificial sweeteners for health – despite WHO linking aspartame to cancer.
“Harvard doctor says…” Warning lights should be flashing; this “news” just reassures the Diet Coke drinkers in a back-handed way. Pretty sure part of my ex-step-dad’s Parkinson’s is due to his former consumption of 3-6 cans of that poison per day.
What about option #3? Do not drink any of that crap.
Leaving aside that whole ‘Harvard doc’ thing – IIRC, it was Harvard docs who took Big Sugar’s $$$ back in the 60’s to write reports pointing the finger at fat instead of the real culprit, sugar – leaving all that aside, here’s what it boils down to: What’s more likely to be Most Toxic? The stuff that grows naturally in the earth, or the stuff they make in labs? While wearing significant PPE?
Fuck Harvard. Fuck doctors. Fuck Harvard doctors especially. Sugar is bad, m’kay? Aspartame is 50X worse.
^ Sanity
Distilled tap water
Don’t forget to add a few drops of Trace Minerals (T) back in after distillation.
“Sugar” my ass. High Fructose corn syrup.
^ More Sanity
If insulin resistance is the root of all modern evils, then high fructose corn syrup is the handmaiden of the devil himself. Should be outlawed along with arsenic from food production.
I agree with AC’s comments on affirmative action, but to be clear on the ruling itself, it essentially says Harvard and the University of North Carolina can continue to discriminate against Whites and Asians as long as they lie about it. So whatever.
Cabal is suffering in the US because their tards are running too many things and there aren’t enough non-cabal normies with credentials to unwittingly carry water for them anymore. So they bring in immigrant tards and this accelerates the feedback loop of US Cabal, and via proxy, American, destruction.
The SCOTUS ruling may have been a Cabal attempt to get more ‘unwitting water-carriers’ for themselves. Sort of ‘throwing meat’ to the hungry lion of national destruction. That may be why Roberts went along with it, and Barrett or Kavanaugh didn’t defect either.
If caught out, they can be sued.
Legal defense is expensive
> Hunter Biden’s four-year-old daughter won’t get his last name – but will get one of his paintings: Settlement agreement with baby mama reveals president’s son will give child a piece of his artwork worth up to $500,000.
“Value” after Gropey Joe leaves office: $0.65.
Then again, the value of any given Hunter Biden painting is about that right now; they’re just markers being used to money laundering, and only a fool would buy one unless they were counting it as a payoff.
> DC police arrest Seattle man several blocks from Barack Obama’s house with explosives in vehicle
Likely, given the Fourth of July is imminent, some fireworks that are prohibited in the District of Columbia, but can be sold to children in most of the surrounding states.
I did some rough calculations in my head about the end effect of the COVID injections. We are getting more information that a huge percentage of the injections were saline or goo, so the ultimate death toll will be lower than feared.
In the USA, the injections were approved in November 2020, and the campaign to induce or force people to get vaccinated lasted until about April 2022, with apparently most of the injections happening in late 2021.
The last figure I found for the number of Americans injected at least once was something like 280 million. I am using approximate figures. Edward Dowd, using conservatve calculations, estimated 226,000 deaths several months ago. More recent, credible, calculations released about a month ago put the death toll at more like 600,000.
I suspect that the intention was for the injection itself to be a bioweapon, but, possibly due to sabotage, this was foiled due to the vast majority of the injections being saline or goo. So we are trying to estimate the percentage of real injections that made it through. There is some complication in that 40% of adults got multiple injections, and another 40% or so only one or two.
The Dowd figure, calculated about a year from the height of the campaign using VAERS data, implies a 0.1% bad batch rate. COVID itself had a survival rate of over 99%, so something like a 0.6% fatality rate by comparison. However, this was only a year out, and we would expect the effects of this, which seem to operate on the circulatory system, to be long term. The later, 600,000, figure implies that the death toll will climb. Maybe 300,000 will be added each year.
So we are looking at 3 to 4 million people killed by this thing by 2022, implying a bad batch rate of just under 2%. This seems reasonable with th information we have now.
The big picture is that a secretive cabal tried to commit mass murder against the populations of the West, and had the resources and institutional control to make a serious attempt. And most people completely co-operated with it and pretty much the assault on themselves, and tried to get other ordinary people who resisted to be injected. The damage was only limited by the incompetence of the cabal leadership.
“The big picture is that a secretive cabal tried to commit mass murder against the populations of the West, and had the resources and institutional control to make a serious attempt. And most people completely co-operated with it and pretty much the assault on themselves, and tried to get other ordinary people who resisted to be injected. “
This is really the key factor that the normies need to come to understand. It’s far, far more than Pfizer buying off media. Or general “big corporations looking to make profit.”
I’m a longtime reader of this website. I’ve been gangstalked most of my life. My family was destroyed by cabal. And even I was gobsmacked by just how much compliance cabal managed in small local governments and schools with the COVID operation and later Black Lives Matter. BLM stuff took off like MAD. Like a nationwide firestorm. And then the blatant election fraud.
I know many red pilled people who think we are in a good place because a number of people resisted the vax or suspect something bad is going on. But really, they are just like lone sheep who have dug their heels in going up the ramp to the slaughterhouse. They still don’t fully comprehend how big the system is what what awaits them up the ramp.
Uprooting this system will be a herculean task.
Fair, but also remember the cabal-slanted numbers are barely near 50% in many many areas. There are a significant number of people who are seeing behind the curtain, and if you see the clot shot psyop I’m imagining it’s pretty damn hard to go back to sheep-ville.
Far out bra that is some awesome hopium.
As “vaccines” generally require 5-10 years of studies to know what the effects are before approval could be sought (prior to the covid scam), do you not think the same timeline should be used at the bare minimum for the crap people took just a year or so ago?
Vox day has a post up regarding the air defensive capabilities of the the Russians’ vs the US’ offensive air weapons: the Empire of Lies is losing. He is referencing article by Simplicius the Thinker:
Anatomy of Storm Shadow Interception.
My thoughts: it is amazing as one considers that under Communism the technological education system did not falter; yet, under socialism in America, Stalin’s idiot children could not, nor can his more idiotic grandchildren, build or maintain a technological educational system. Both societies received an influx of German scientists; yet we also got Germany’s intelligence operatives and its psychopaths psychologists. Unlike Russia, we were also flooded — a tidal wave in fact — by socialist favoring, Christian hating,Semitic hating, Japhethite Jews who claimed to be Semitic Hebrews; like parasites, they have burrowed into every aspect of Western Civilization: we are tottering like a crank addled addict on the L.A. streets.
We are beyond “Johnny can’t read;”we have become a “Johnny cannot think” nation.
As for Christians, we have been so infested with Judaism (the Khazarian Talmud & the Kohar) that multitudes of believers have become religious trannies: Judaeo-Christians.
Confusing username
Martin Luther has been excoriated as a hate filled antisemite because of this book primarily, but also a handful of other observations about Jews. He’s called that because the people flinging the hate his way desperately do not want you to read his analysis of Jews in the mid 1500s. If you did read it, you might be struck at how the Jews are exactly the same today. And that would be bad for Jews. So don’t read Luther’s book. He is a really bad bad man. Trust me. And, oy vey, don’t read his book.
Martin Luther wrote that book after attempting to reach out to the Jewish community believing as do today’s Judaeo-Christians that the Jews were “the elder brothers of the Church” and willing to be reconciled; he discovered they weren’t and reacted accordingly.
No religious wars in the comments.
I’ve been thinking about AC’s observations regarding cabel and the lack of action regarding 2A. How about RFK jr narrowly beating Trump? A couple of years later a white supremist takes him out? Instant worldwide condemnation, something must be done. Single shot rifles no greater than 223. Double barrel shotguns no greater than 12g. Six shot revolvers no greater than 357. Maximum of one of each per person to be stored in a safe. Destruction or demilling required of all semi/autos. Nearly impossible to obtain permit/registration for anything else. Massive penalties for noncompliance. Hotline with big cash rewards to report your neighbour. H/t to Matt Bracken.
Sounds like Disney will hire you.
Well, I’ve expressed similar sentiments here before and it’s not been well received. But I’m going to try it again:
Why do you think Cabal is so keen on taking everyone’s guns? It’s cabal that is SELLING all of these guns and ammo to patriotards. The gun rights movement is also infested with cabal. Not because they care about rights, but because they like pulling in donations from patriotards and also having influence on the voting of patriotards.
Sure, most high ranking cabal people don’t like the idea of widespread gun ownership. But I’m sure as a practical matter it doesn’t concern them at all.
All this endless talk about guns protecting us from tyranny was rendered absolutely bogus with the COVID restrictions. We all discovered, quite clearly, that cabal had already built out a tyranny in this country without gun owners even being aware of it. We’ve been surrendering to tyranny for decades.
For a long time, they’ve been able to do whatever they’ve wanted to do. Drain government coffers, rig elections, send us into pointless wars, take over the public schools and universities, completely dominate our media, bully the CEOs of our biggest companies.
American gun ownership hasn’t stopped any of this.
And then there’s the more practical issue: They don’t just want your guns. THEY WANT EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. They want your pension, your social security, your inheritance, your property, your savings. They want it all.
Why do you think they’d want to bother keeping you around? The vaccination depopulation agenda and the COVID infected patients in nursing homes should have given you a clear indication that they don’t really care if you live or die.
So once you accept that, you have to ask yourself: why go to the hassle of going door to door to disarm people that you don’t plan on keeping around anyhow? Why keep around a bunch of pissed off people who feel violated and outraged that they had their guns taken, or are upset that their cousin was killed in a police raid. Why keep them around? Best to off them and seize ALL of their assets.
Look, by all means, feel free to own guns for “home defense.” Or because it’s fun. Or because it could come in handy if the Red Chinese arrive. Or some post apocalyptic survival scenario. But the tyranny is already here. Been here for a long time.
Cabal is far more interested in getting you tagged and implanted (in the off chance you have some useful skill) and attempting to secure their grip over more institutions around the world. Worrying about armed patriotards is the least of their concerns.
When they want your guns they won’t send BATF agents. They’ll use their time proven methods of mass starvation, chaos, disease, or poisoning.
They are too smart to get in a straight up gun fight.
Guns have curtailed many of their plans, though, and right now offer us a way out, if we can expose the surveillance to destroy it. Nobody has used them yet because nobody has felt someone was actively targeting them. I think you will see that change at some point.
Having guns already freed this country once. The key is will we end up with a population with the amygdala development to use them. I think we are getting there.
I’m replying to this a day late, but its worth a reply that probably no one will read.
Widespread individual gun ownership did help with the COVID restrictions. Their imposition was much lighter in areas with widespread individual gun ownership. Individual gun ownership does seem to offer some protection against tyranny, though I agree the American gun movement makes a bit too much of this.
I actually agree with the other points. The American gun movement seems to me to be focused on the guns themselves, and not on procuring ammunition, establishing a means to resupply the ammunition, or on the organization and training of the gun owners themselves. Not doing these other things will render widespread individual gun ownership useless if an actual civil war kicks off. And any military veteran would understand this, so its notable that we get so much guns = freedom propaganda. And nothing about bladed and blunt weapons that don’t require ammunition.
“It is ironic. When he was doing crack and hiring hookers and making videos with his niece in his bed, he never came close to a courtroom. Now he appears to be off the crack, and he goes from one court case to the next. It is like something huge under the surface changed.”
I would bet money Cabal is removing their protection of the Bidens because they’ve got a jiu-jitsu move planned to screw us even harder. They have plenty of options at their disposal.
he is cut loose like a bad bet. they have other needs and priorities.
This is what I think. He has become a liability and nobody is allowing some simping crackhead to interfere with the plan of which he is inconsequential to.
One theory is that Biden was under protection via Obama, and that now that he has disobeyed Obama’s directive not to seek reelection, he is being thrown under the buss, and Cabal has removed it’s protection.
From Gab:
This Corporate USA, Inc is a dictatorship. There is not a chance in Hell these bastards are going to back down.
Right now, we are heading to a place where the public is more aware than ever, and the machine is more oppressive than ever. I mean, this is how you would try to trigger a civil war.
It is so vital we expose the surveillance. Literally the fate of the entire planet depends upon it.
As AC knows, I’m a tremendous cynic and pessimist about all of this stuff. I think the damage done to our nation is absolutely extreme. However, even I am optimistic by the number of people who are waking up.
Trump is polling very highly right now. What that tells us is that millions of Americans have a deep distrust of the media and of the government. After all the anti-Trump operations, it’s really quite amazing that has popularity hasn’t been reduced at all. To put this down they are going to have to really expose themselves and be more cruel, which risks waking more people up.
The shutdown of twitter may be an attempt to keep a lid on things.
French are getting murdered and are ready to throw the perfumed ponce out of the Élysée Palace.
Trump, Tucker Carlson and Farage have no problem shining a light
For those speeding through, it is a video of Putin saying Russia does not allow people to disrespect the Koran.
I was laughing as I watched. Putin is stirring up trouble in Europe, where some guy burned a Koran filled with Bacon outside a mosque in Sweden. Now, Europe’s Muslims are rioting, and this will force Turkey to oppose letting Europe enlarge NATO. It is a brilliant play, and one I would make myself. And Putin almost cracks a little knowing smile.
Russia has sizable Muslim and Buddhist minorities. But so far as I understand it, they tend to leave them in essentially autonomous areas. So long as they aren’t “fraternizing with the enemy”, so to say, they are considered good Russian citizens. It wouldn’t surprise me if Russia has some strict laws against behavior that is meant to be deliberately provocative against religious minorities, just for the simple practical reasons of running such a vast and diverse state. But on the other hand, I doubt Russians are silly enough to try to force everyone to live and work together.
Russia is still running an empire, and they know how to do it right.
A single homogeneous nation might be better in some ways but Russia needs its empire in order to survive and they have a good amount of experience in how to run it.
Don’t underestimate Swede complicity. With the China Swedes in NATO, Sweden is surrounded by NATO and don’t need to actually be in NATO anymore. Very convenient.
Is there a need to be in NATO?
In fact, what is the benefit of getting in to bed with Biden and the Ladybug man?
None. Zero. Except the piliticians who get actual suitcases of USDs.
It’s too perfect of timing to not be Swedish gov plan.
Universities can go bad. They have, since their founding. No one brags about University of Louvain, as far as I can tell. It’s old. Cambridge and Oxford wax and wane. Universite de Paris has a long, uneven history. Henry whichever clawed back all the funds of church establishments that were schools.
My question is: Harvard was founded by specific ministers and teachers for the preservation of a particular faith, in a particular confession. The watered down version is that they were teaching against particular free-thinkers, who are always the heroes in the story. I would almost go along with that, except I could not tell you what they were freely thinking, and what the orthodox position was.
Since we have been in the hands of free-thinkers and women public intellectuals since the 1960s, and I think we can all agree that things are less free, overall. What were the orthodox ideas? Why don’t we know what they are?
Since the Ivies were the brain trust for the Northeast when it was becoming a manufacturing powerhouse, with high fertility, literacy, and female literacy, and really, the cradle of the most free nation in the world, maybe it’s worth looking into their ideas? I would not even know where to start on that project.
Is filling the place up with people who hate the founders of the university one way to bury their animating beliefs and their ideas?
Schools like Harvard are hedge funds with purely vestigal educational institutions attached. It’s over. Whatever was, is done.
The entire Bologna System was a failure.
Time to move on to a new thing.
Calpers is a hedge fund with a state attached. California has manufacturing, but not animating ideas. California has a Chinese population, and nobody sues to keep them out.
Harvard was a meme factory, founded by successful meme makers. A pastor, in a heavily religious nation, and not much in the way of mass media, that pastor was a big deal.
I’m glancingly familiar with Jonathan Edwards, who was one of the founders of Princeton. He was one of the most original American founding thinkers. He’s presented as this big, mean, scary fascist, but when you read his life and writings, he’s interesting.
Yale spawned off the first registered atheists, inspired some of the first perfectionists – the religious term, not the women’s magazine term- well, maybe them, too- and the first, literally the very first, socialist. Then, Yale sent out missionaries to China with all these perfectionist techniques, and we all see how that turned out. Marx was plagiarizing a Yale guy. Mao’s self incrimination sessions were straight up Yale.
Stanford ? Theoretically, not quite religious. Home base of an amazing amount of tech company founders. Religiously, in theory, they are all over the map- materialists, Buddhists, drug fans- but when push comes to shove- their funeral – they all fight to have the funeral at the Stanford chapel. Which means it’s a successful religion, of what type, I do not know.
It’s like the British. In theory, rock stars are wildly free, atheist individuals, or Satanists, or Episcopalian. When they die, they all have a funeral at their village church. If they are eminent, they get a cathedral. Darwin, theoretically atheist, is immured in a cathedral. So, they believe in Englishness, more than they believe an imported MENA theory, or Roman hijinks.
Nobody is having agonies suing to get into South Dakota State, or any of the HBCUs. So, why Harvard? What ideas are they trying to bury?
I can tell you, the interesting papers that should be at Yale were burned in the 1920s-ish. There are deaccessioning movements on a regular basis at the other schools. So, what were the Harvard ideas that are being memory holed?
Look, it’s like Detroit. Right now, we mourn Detroit as a failed city. So, we really never think to look at the astonishingly beautiful public architecture of a heavy manufacturing city, and ask why we have meager, plain buildings now, instead of further beauties. Why are our new factories so ugly, and our public spaces so bland? It’s hard to imagine something ex nihilo. Right now, the big thing is sighing after pre-WW1 European glories. Except, we, as Americans- had astonishingly beautiful public spaces for ordinary people, not things reserved for nobility only.
Or, like Science Fiction. Currently colonized by quite rabid, spiritually and socially deformed weirdos who really do not like the founders of the genre. It’s a horror show of trannies and perversions. This hides the original, animating ideas- going into space and colonizing the universe. This sounds frivolous, defending the books that made children dream- but those children really did grow up and build rockets into space. The question is- who is going? Christians (the astronauts celebrated Mass) or slaves, trannies and slave owners ?
This is all fair enough. The academic work of the US post civ war to WWI was of impossibly high std. Harvard especially. It might have been a world historic peak.
I am not against higher education. I myself have quite a lot.
But, I doubt there is any suppressed knowledge (other than incredibly high quality stuff) in their vaults.
And the Universities should be seized by the State and all property and money taken away.
We really need a clean break.
And Sci-fi has been a CIA psyop from waaaaaay back. Look up Cordwainer Smith.
Look, I am pretty much a LaRouchite. So, you know, I am into advanced education and industry and high tech madness.
I agree with everything you said. But the way forward, for me, doesn’t include Harvard or the Bologna System.
It’s more like what Russia is doing re: education.
I didn’t check the sign in- it’s me, Wooderson.
Anyway, I’m not talking about 1900s information. I’m talking about 1700s sermons. It’s not ‘hidden’ exactly. It’s just not popular publications, or it’s in books with a print run of 500, and 495 of them are pulped, and the library does not scan, or tags in unevenly. Or they use common terms and ideas for the time- stuff they were debating- and we have no idea what the terms mean. The usual hijinks.
Yale has the Noyes archives. The Oneida descendants burned their own writings in the 1920s.
Princeton has Jonathan Edwards, who is presented as a horrifying monster who preaches on a God who enjoys torturing humans. Except: he is writing a horror movie for people who think the torture will happen to other people- it’s a Stephen King narrative movie, not a piety sermon. Then he’s got stuff on science, and his wife was definitely an early pentecostal. He had tons of children who all loved him, so I’m guessing he was gentle with them. Then he died ministering to quite- not-Christian Indians suffering and dying from measles. Which, again, does not match the caricature of wicked, hate filled terror- monger worshipping an evil god.
So, his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” gets put in anthologies, with explanations by non- Christians, and most teachers are not familiar with the frame of his writing. I was fortunate to have an English teacher who had trained for the priesthood. He explained how entertaining it was. Three hours required for sermons, so why not have a Stephen King movie? Other pastors would buy copies of his sermon and act out the sermon for their congregations. We don’t present Stephen King as a guide for living; this is not a guide for living. It’s a horror show, on purpose, for entertainment purposes.
The people who don’t know the context read it bare- I mean, could you imagine reading, say, Anne Rice, or Stephenie Meyer, as documentaries on American history? Same thing.
Then you’ve got Harvard, which was started in reaction to Anne Hutchinson and Rodger Willliams. That’s what we are told. Anne Hutchinson and Rodger Williams are both presented as brilliant free thinkers and the Harvard guys as none too bright reactionary, conservative fuddy duddies who are absolutely wrong- and icky- on every point. Which, conveniently, is also the plot of every last single movie of the past century. Which is why I have questions.
I don’t know the answers. I don’t even really know how to formulate a way of looking at this. My best guess is that Congregational, or whatever form it was then, thinking was complex enough that to become a technician in it- a pastor- one needed a good education. Sort of like how most people can do 2+2=4 math, but far fewer can do algebra x+2=4, solve for x, much less higher levels of math. And the frustration is the same- at higher levels, one thinks all of it is easy, while the lower levels- it’s not. So, x+2=4 is obviously nonsense- it’s a letter, how can it be math? What idea? Solve for x? It’s already solved- see the four? Why would you ask to solve for a letter in a math problem?
Is it just me, or does it seem odd that France can just scrounge up an additional 40K of “police”? Like are these retired police, police from non-protesting areas, ex-military, current military? Surveillance members recycled into “police”? Who manages this process to call them up? Where do they stay? Who gives them orders? Does France not have a National Guard?
Hi, ANONYMOUS here; I just read anothernonymous’s
“Anonymous Awaiting for approval” comment with the orange text.
Was that supposed to happen, or did the comment appear without your approval?
I don’t even know if it matters, but I thought you’d like to know.
We do not know why that happens, but in rare instances one anonymous may get to briefly see another anonymous’ post.
Pornhub Blocks Virginia-Based IP Addresses Ahead Of New Age Law
Just got this error on an article at DFT:
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /hermes/bosnacweb09/bosnacweb09ai/b1451/ipg.ac03892/financialtrends/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 2019 Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /hermes/bosnacweb09/bosnacweb09ai/b1451/ipg.ac03892/financialtrends/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 2019
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or that contact with the database server at could not be established. This could mean your host’s database server is down.
Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?
Are you sure the database server is running?
If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress support forums.
Thanks for the heads up. They are aware from what I have heard, and supposedly it is being worked on.
Hi, it looks like the main page is still stuck on the article for 6/30/2023. Is it WordPress (Delenda Est) being WordPress, or is there another problem?
I have had to install a cache plugin due to the host complaining about how much traffic I am pulling, but for some reason lately it is failing to update the cache it serves people. If you hit the page, and think there should be something new and it isn’t there, hit refresh. When the software sees the same IP ask for the page again, it assumes something was wrong with the last version, and it burns a new copy to the cache and serves it.
It was the cache plugin, or move to VPS hosting for a few hundred a month.
That doesn’t work for me, only logging in works.
I think the cache is only serving logged in users.
I had to hire somebody to do a malware clean. Some hacker got in the system and was deleting files and defacing pages. They may have fucked up the caching program. I’ll try reinstalling it.
And the post for 7/1 just showed up. WPDE!
Jesuit training: