News Briefs – 06/29/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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A week ago, Thomas Massie was on Tucker:

Now this week, he posts to Twitter:

Nobody knows any details yet, and neither he nor his office are revealing anything, but obviously everyone is fearing it was somehow not a random event. Some thought this tweet to him was a threat:

Supreme Court ends Chevron Deference. Means regulatory gun control has suddenly gotten much more difficult.

Some delicious Liberal tears:

From 4Chan, the ladies of the view inadvertently get turned on, while talking about Trump:

Joy Behar: These people, who are, like, sitting on the fence, or something, or are all-in for Trump, I’m fascinated by that. You know, it’s almost like, you know, you know when you’re a woman and you’re dating? So you have a really nice guy who takes your – holds your pocketbook while you’re shopping, you know, or really treats you well. And you ha-, you’re bored with him.

Sunny Hostin: And you’ve got this one on the motorcycle.

Joy Behar: This other one, who’s a convicted felon on a motorcycle, you’re hot for him. He’s the guy, you know!

Ana Navarro: And who grabs you by the hoo-ha without your consent!

*audience applause* 

LOL. All of a sudden they all are fanning themselves, and biting their lips, and staring off into space forlornly, thinking about the Donald…

The New York Times: To serve his country, President Biden should leave the race.

Biden surrogate Rep Ro Khanna: Biden’s advisers shouldn’t have agreed to a 9:00 P.M. debate, he’s ‘much better in the day.’

Joe Scarborough said Friday on “Morning Joe” that former President Donald Trump will win in November unless there is a “change” following President Joe Biden’s debate performance.

Former President Barack Obama admitted that Joe Biden’s debate performance Thursday night was “bad” — but still urged voters to back his former veep over Donald Trump.

CNN debate drew nearly 48 million TV viewers, another 30+ million online.

Biden is not looking so hot the day after the debate, as he comes down off his stimulant cocktail:

RFK Jr. says he’s open to the idea of replacing Biden on the Democrat ticket.

Trump says Biden ‘will be the bominee’ amid Democrats’ concerns over debate performance.

Biden vows to return for second debate against Trump after disastrous performance.

Biden just confirmed he wants Trump locked up.

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele says the IRS & excessive American tax system are an illusion and completely unnecessary.

County officials in Rio Grande, Colorado have terminated their contract with Dominion and all funding for their voting machines have been rescinded.

Board of Supervisors of Shasta county, California, decided in a 3-2 vote to terminate Shasta County’s contract with Dominion Voting Systems after next month’s special election in the city of Shasta Lake.

Elon, totally not running cover for his bosses:

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Judge Cannon grants request for hearing on whether Jack Smith improperly pierced through Trump’s attorney-client privilege.

Jack Smith’s January 6 case against President Trump torpedoed after Supreme Court overturns 1512(c)(2) obstruction charge.

Supreme Court rejects Bannon’s appeal, former Trump adviser must report to prison Monday for a four month sentence.

On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in Fischer v. United States that a federal obstruction law does not apply to January 6 protesters.

Phelps gives the skinny:

SCOTUS opinions was a big day.
Biggest was Fischer, the J6 case. Like a lot of people (including me) were saying from the start, the “obstructing an official proceeding” charge was on an Sarbanes Oxley law, and it was about Enron document shredding. It made it a felony to shred documents to cover your crimes. There is an “otherwise impeding” clause in it, and the prosecutors tried to drive a truck through that. The SCOTUS just shit on that truck and lit it on fire.
SCOTUS holds that the law (18 USC 1512) applies to documents. Duh. The ‘otherwise’ has to tie to documents somehow, and the example they gave is that someone might forge evidence rather than destroy it. It does NOT cover things like, some folks took tours of Congress and this made gin-soaked Pelosi weep London Dry in a simulacrum of tears and kept Congress from voting. SCOTUS has reversed and remanded (meaning it goes back down to the original court) and instructed the court to follow its narrower ruling, meaning that the charges are either going to be dropped or dismissed.
If I remember correctly, this is the VAST majority of the felony charges on the J6 defendants, and other than a few violent assholes, everyone else just has misdemeanors other than this.
The Loper Bright case is also huge. Short version: The Chevron doctrine is dead, dead, dead. Chevron held that if Congress was open-ended or ambiguous on the powers that it gave a federal agency, the the courts had to just take that agency’s word on how much power Congress gave it. It sounds incredibly stupid when you say it like that, because it was that stupid.
This one is huge, and is probably even a bigger deal than Fischer in the long term. This is going to effect essentially everything some alphabet regulator has done since 1985. All the EPA bullshit, all the BATF bullshit, all the NTSB bullshit in cars, the BLM regulations on ranchers, all of it is now up for review by the courts, the courts are instructed NOT to just assume that agency knows what it is talking about, but to do their jobs.

Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the APA requires. Careful attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry. And when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts must respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within it. But courts need not and under the APA may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.

Last opinion released would be the big opinion on any other day, but the two above are huge. Grants Pass v Johnson is about an anti-camping law. These are essentially vagrancy laws, preventing bums from setting up shanties and ramshackle hovels in their hobo jungles in the middle of town. Pro-hobo activists claimed that these laws are Cruel and Unusual Punishment because it makes being a poor a crime.
SCOTUS called bullshit, especially since the plaintiffs themselves were “homeless” only because they wouldn’t go to the town shelter, where they had to smoke outside and not be drunk. Anti-camping laws now have full effect again (which also applies to Texas, which makes me happy that the police have to do something about the hobo jungle down the street from me.)

A Chick-fil-A restaurant in Texas has been temporarily closed after two employees were shot and killed inside the fast-food establishment by an immigrant in the country unlawfully from El Salvador.

A pair of brazen bandits stormed a crowded Brooklyn restaurant and robbed three diners at gunpoint while the horrified dinner crowd looked on, according to cops and a report.

Former Uvalde school police chief, officer indicted in 1st-ever criminal charges over failed response to 2022 mass shooting.

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Rural retailer Tractor Supply eliminates DEI roles, Pride support and carbon emissions goals after backlash over CEO’s contributions to leftist causes. A conservative boycott caused its market cap to fall by more than $2 billion.

Delaware set to mandate insurance coverage for abortion, prepares more anti-life laws. Much more than just a political issue.

Europe endorses its first mRNA vaccine for RSV. Never really thought about how weird it is going to be if you have cells expressing multiple antigenic peptides on their cell surfaces, from multiple different vaccines. That is much worse than just the vax.

UFC contender Jiri Prochazka says champion Alex Pereira is using shamans, spiritual forces, and rituals to win fights. When you do this, you signal you are controllable, be it to real demons, or just to your local surveillance, who conclude if they can fool you into thinking they are a demon, you will do what they want.

Idiots trying to do their child-predator catcher act for clicks run into a black dude with a gun who shoots one in the leg. Video isn’t that great, as they dropped the camera as the fight started, so you are only listening to it as the camera films the ceiling.

ADL makes sure everyone knows, anti-Semitic tropes are gaining traction. We are getting closer to Cabal’s top of the pyramid.

Cassandra “Glows in the Dark” Fairbanks is pushing video of some Jewish professor saying since you make kids go to church, and do other things they do not want to do, having sex with them is fine too. Think about how non-functional your brain would have to be to put video of yourself on the internet, saying having sex with children is fine. Even if you are hardcore fucked up and want to have sex with kids, real pedophiles are going to hide it, because even an idiot can see, broadcasting you are a pedophile is not helpful to your position in life. I think almost everything we see is produced, and presented, to produce an effect.

That is not to say there is not a problem with Israeli influence in the US government : Secret Israeli government intelligence machine seeks to redefine US law, silence protesters, manipulate government officials.

Far-right leads in latest poll ahead of France’s legislative elections.

Bolivia coup sparks CIA conspiracy theories.

Zelensky says he is preparing a ‘plan’ to end the war with Russia. Seems his handler MI-6 could have gotten better terms before Russia had overwhelmed all his lines.

Iowa Supreme Court upholds law protecting preborn children after detectable heartbeat.

The Dems can’t make Biden leave if he won’t go. They’re stuck. As a narcissist, Biden cannot admit to any flaw in himself, as it would just be too overwhelming. Either Biden will be the nominee, or the Democrats will kill him, or he will die of natural causes.

Campaign finance laws mean that if they try to replace Biden, all the money raised so far cannot be shifted to the new candidate, unless it was Kamala.

Shocking debate polling! “Biden is the worst we have ever seen” 90% of swing voters now voting for Trump. I would feel better if this was not a script from the people who have let the country be destroyed so far.

Trump leads in New Jersey, a state not won by a Republican since 1988.

Spread r/K Theory, because I don’t quit


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8 months ago

Israel, West Bank: New Measures Push Israel Closer to Annexation
Israel’s security Cabinet authorized the legalization of five West Bank outposts and sanctions against Palestinian Authority officials, releasing three months of frozen tax funds for the Palestinian Authority in exchange, The Times of Israel reported on June 28…

8 months ago

“country be destroyed so far”

Once again, however icky it feels to dwell on this because it resembles the Covidian line of “if it weren’t for the vaccine, she would’ve died even harder”, one must still, as a moral duty, as a duty to the logic of evaluating your probability matrix, etc. — one must STILL contemplate a farrrrrrr worse possible outcome, e.g., we’d otherwise all be dead already and rotting in FEMA coffins unless it had gone down more or less this exact way. Of course, I also intend to grill the absolute shit out of whoever is responsible about that “more or less” part, even if there were only one extra victim than there needed to be. Speaking of Q, I’m surprised that (even with the MOMENTOUS day yesterday) you didn’t see fit to post the Time cover, since it strikes me as a Top 5-10 Q Proof so far. “Panic.” Mmmm. Where? In DC. Just the word PANIC. How about that.

8 months ago

p.s. Q: Where is the word “Panic” printed? A: On a magazine, in a magazine called Time. IN TIME, ahem. [QUEUE the Sly & the Family Stone song]

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Many people post anti-jewish posts about the Sanhedrin, Talmud, Epstein etc… but for Israel supporters that is either jew-hate or just the activities of a fringe.

As a big supporter of Israel, Q post “Israel saved till last” left a big question mark.

Israel can be seen killing innocents and stealing Palestinian land.

Still undecided about Q, but it does seem like a Q Proof.

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

If you think about it, just a few years ago any criticism of Israel was forbidden. All of a sudden it’s out in the open, off of /pol. Israel’s actions are out in the open and undeniable. That could be part of it. Trump said of Netanyahu just a few years ago “Fuck him!”

Suddenly, Israel isn’t completely holy and blameless in all regards. That wasn’t possible 4-8 years ago. And it’s out in the open that AIPAC assigns babysitters to Congress demons, and people are starting to ask why. I view this as a positive. It had to be brought into the light to deal with it properly.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

this is a much bigger deal than people seem to understand. israel has been THE ‘touch it and you die’ 3rd rail of US politics for 75 years. each year their control over the USG got stronger and more complete. and now, out of the blue… this.

yinyang diagram proven right once again.

Reply to  anonymous
8 months ago

Amen. I am impressed the Narrative has shifted this far.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Ana Navarro: And who grabs you by the hoo-ha without your consent!

Trump never grabbed anyone. He said groupies permit it.

It was Bill Clinton that grabbed a stewardess by the genitalia
comment image

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

“Ay-yi-YIIII!!! Mi panocha! She ees muy TINGLY!!”

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Those Ulvalde “Police Officers” look like a couple of Cartel Capos

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

They probably are, quite literally.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago
Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Far-right leads in latest poll ahead of France’s legislative elections.

We really do need an alternative expression to “Far-right”. What is the normal reaction to your country’s destruction?

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Ivan Throne began calling it the “hard right”, and is working on an event this fall to try to bring some enterprise coherence and vertical integration to the right in Europe and the US.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

He is reinventing the wheel.
It already exists!
See also: Jared Taylor and American Renaissance
It is true that when one is over the target, one gets a LOT of flak.
This is true about Jared. He is over the target.
Mr. Ivan needs to just get in touch with EU Parlimentarian Dries van der Hove.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

In case you missed it… Homeland Security discussions on the beam. Just a conspiracy theory!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

They have handed the tech to the lowest rung of morons with low impulse control.
Why they did that is a different question.
General r selected degeneration throughout cabal is my answer.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

The general idea of handing things over to the moron apparatchiks explains a lot. And why they did that is a very interesting question, although what better way to create chaos?

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Remember how quickly Tory Smith went downhill, and I suspect the same for many others including Yasser Arafat

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Both survived assassination, but were removed with dementia (beamed)

8 months ago

The Dems can’t make Biden leave if he won’t go. They’re stuck. As a narcissist, Biden cannot admit to any flaw in himself, as it would just be too overwhelming. Either Biden will be the nominee, or the Democrats will kill him, or he will die of natural causes.

I think they will cut off his supply and let him die.
But they can just change their own rules and throw him out if they want to, nobody will stop them.

Money is no issue for them either.

Last edited 8 months ago by Farcesensitive
8 months ago

“the ladies of the view inadvertently get turned on”

Subconsciously, The Handmaid’s Tale is a romance novel. Making babies with powerful men.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Romance novels are Pr0n for women.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
8 months ago
Reply to  Teo Toon
8 months ago

Kicking off World War III next month will enable them to kill tons of people and make more miserable, and provide an excuse to form “governments of national unity” in Oceania and openly suppress dissent. They just need to have the war, they don’t even need to “win” it.

It also will provide cover for testing a more lethal version of the Beam.

I can’t think of a reason why they wouldn’t go for it, and they have already started confiscating Russian assets.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Teo Toon
8 months ago

Given that israel have still not defeated Hamas after 9 months it may be premature to suggest Hezbollah will be finally dealt with in 3 months. Unless the US/NATO also become involved. But as Douglas McGregor stated, once Hezbollah/Israel finally go at it, this will bring in Iran. Russia and China will not allow Iran to fall.
Also, if Hezbollah bomb Cyprus, to prevent Israeli planes taking off to attack Lebanon, this may bring in Greece, which will then bring in Turkey.
It appears the fuse has been lit for an almighty conflagration.

Last edited 8 months ago by English Tom
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
8 months ago

Martin Armstrong:

Supreme Court Overruled Jan 6th Charge

Posted Jun 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of the Jan. 6 defendant in a dispute over an obstruction charge that was clearly unconstitutional and a selective prosecution. The Court ruled in favor of a former Pennsylvania police officer charged for his alleged participation in the U.S. Capitol attack, saying a felony obstruction charge was improperly applied in his case. It was a 6-3 opinion that came from Chief Justice John Roberts but was joined by a Democratic appointee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. The majority also included Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh.

8 months ago

Something I’ve noticed the last two days is that Brandon’s face is too smooth for somebody 81 years old. Are they dosing him with Botox, or is the mask too tight? It is not natural.

8 months ago

I’m getting on two planes in the future, so I can accompany my wife while she visits with her relatives in South America. Planes have started falling out of the sky due to Boeing’s collapse. I’m going to a rural area that may not even have an internet connection, but if no comments suddenly appear from me, and it lasts for a long time, its because I’ve been on a plane that has fallen out of the sky.

So that is out of the way. Here is a black pill, a conversation between Mel K and a financial advisor, about finance, so boring but actually quite substantive and informative, and it includes good information about dealings between the governments of the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

Here is a white pill, from the Duran:

The CiA is losing its ability to just overthrow governments it just doesn’t like.

Another white pill, Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn on the “debate” late Thursday evening:

Notable because Kirn notes that he interviewed Kamala Harris in 2020 and she was completely coherent, then she became Vice President and acted like an idiot in all her public appearances. Then they showed a video clip of her on Thursday evening and she is coherent and sort of intelligent in her remarks. He thinks she was told to act like a complete idiot for four years to cover for “Biden”.

[Ed Note: I gave this a minor edit. I hope you do not mind.]

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

No problem with the edit. The idea was to forewarn that if no comments from me appear for a long time, you have some idea why.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago


Kamala Devi Harris was born in Oakland, California,[11] on October 20, 1964.[12] Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a Tamil Indian biologist, whose work on the progesterone receptor gene stimulated advances in breast cancer research.[13] She moved to the United States from India as a 19-year-old graduate student in 1958, after studying home science at Lady Irwin College in New Delhi. After studying nutrition and endocrinology at the University of California, Berkeley,[14][15] she received her PhD in 1964.[16] Kamala Harris’s Jamaican American father, Donald J. Harris, is of Afro-Jamaican and Irish-Jamaican ancestry.[17] He is a Stanford University professor of economics (emeritus) who arrived in the United States from British Jamaica in 1961, for graduate study at UC Berkeley, receiving a PhD in economics in 1966.[18][19] Donald Harris met his future wife Shyamala Gopalan at a college club for African-American students (though Indian American, Gopalan was allowed to join).[20][21]

With parents like that, you might not be free from social anxiety, but it’s very unlikely you’re as stupid as Kamala’s public persona.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Safe travels, Ed.

8 months ago

The US Army is taking down the floating Gaza pier. That was a disaster. But the real story is that it was just temporary—You know why? Because they used it to insert American Special Forces into Gaza! You didn’t hear that did you?

The podcaster of “What is going on with Shipping”, YouTube channel, a former military contractor himself, familiar with all of the US Military merchant marine capabilities said at the beginning that the floating pier was NOT the type used for that situation. The floating pier that they installed is for proper bays and harbors with destroyed infrastructures —NOT for the open sea–they have OTHER form of piers that they can use!!!

Sooooo, why did they install a shitty pier that can’t do its job????

IT WAS ALWAYS meant to be temporary–to funnel US Military Assests into Gaza FOR israel.

And the food that was supposed to be delivered?????

Is being HELD UP by the israelis!!!!

Famine is in Gaza. A million people are starving to death. Because of America and the Jews. The US Military and our government IS RESPONSIBLE for the Famine in Gaza—A Million or more! Since the war is a failure–their plan B is to starve them all to death!

Failure in Afghanistan. Failure in Ukraine. Failure in Iraq. We destroyed Libya—For what???? And now we can’t even build a proper pier to feed people. This is plain Evil. And it was a joke in the first place–it wasn’t about feeding people at all but a cover to insert special forces—Our Military is bat-shit EVIL.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

See my link to the Whitney Webb Redacted interview above.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

Next stop after they polish that bunch off is America.They are perfecting these tactics in Gaza. It is going to be us they starve to death next. Don’t worry, they are working on the mealworm flour supply even as we speak.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

SF doesn’t need a pier for insertions/extractions.

8 months ago

Regards demon’s view on abortion, see the movie “Nefarious” if you are a strong Christian.

8 months ago

A Chick-fil-A restaurant in Texas has been temporarily closed after two employees were shot and killed inside the fast-food establishment by an immigrant in the country unlawfully from El Salvador.

This part of Irving isn’t hood. Its a fairly nice area (Los Colinas).

Reply to  Teo Toon
8 months ago

I often ask the rhetorical question of “where is the line between government, media, big tech, big business, big harma, Wall Street, etc.?” They all march in lockstep toward the exact same goals. There is no public disagreement on a single point of debate. It’s all the same organization; the lines only exist to give plausible deniability to the people who fear being called stupid names like “conspiracy theorist”.

8 months ago

>Either Biden will be the nominee, or the Democrats will kill him, or he will die of natural causes.
Just give him a light shove from the top of some stairs. “Whoops he fell. RIP. Anyway here’s Gavin Newsome.”

Reply to  anon
8 months ago

I’m hoping for Big Mike because the memes will be epic.

8 months ago

If Biden is already dead (or “retired” on an island in the South Pacific) and we are just seeing body-double replacements (a la the move Dave) and it’s all a production (Wag the Dog style), then there is no “if Biden doesn’t want to step aside” because he’s a literal puppet. It’s all about what the script-writers and faction puppeteers want. Vox figures they are on at least Joe # 4 so “his” decisions are that of whatever faction currently has his PR megaphone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I would bet you will reach levels with psychopaths who are on par with the Vox Days of our side intellectually.

In the past perhaps.
But knock your estimation down multiple rungs on the IQ ladder for the degeneration of this thing from top to bottom

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Yes, the enemy is so stupid they’re just randomly kicking our asses at every turn and dominating the battlespace with almost no real resistance.

Stop thinking they’re stupid, they’re not; and if they are, then that means our side is stupider. Underestimation is the easiest path to defeat.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Their ancestors were cunning if not intelligent, but they are stupid.
A 6ft 8in tard with a baseball bat can beat you to death, that makes him dangerous, not intelligent.
Their ancestors set them up with great power and it is taking a long time for them to squander it, but we can see it diminishing.

8 months ago

The real danger.

So I clicked on MSNBC to see what they were saying; it was the Katie Phang hour. So first off, you have an Asian lady, then two blacks discussing the fate of America and Biden. Yep, nothing but foreigners. Then, all three voiced their support for Biden–AFTER the debate showing.

You, me, all knew that Biden was incompetent when he ran for president in 2019. He stayed in his basement. He was old and decrepit then. He is worse now–and here three people discussing the NYT piece that says Biden has got to go–supporting Biden.

This is the real danger–a whole mass of people who do not live in reality. The Enlightenment pushed this “Age of Reason”. Where is this “Age of Reason”–but this situation is EXACTLY what the Enlightenment pushed!!! It’s all a Joke.

Trump’s election, if it is not stolen again, is NOT going to fix this. Talking on X or any other media is not going to fix this. This is real evil. The Anglo-Saxon has lost control…completely. Nothing but foreigners, Jews, Blacks, Asians have control and are dictating policy here. The four Wasps, Whitmore, Newsome, Hillary, Speaker Johnson–Yeah, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. These people are raving dangerous lunatics and that includes the majority of our generals.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

Completely agree. Politics is the shiny object to distract you from the truth – many of your neighbors and work mates are stark raving psychopaths who will vote for the Democrat evil and not even understand why or what they are doing. This should be our concern.

8 months ago

>Women hot of bad boy trummp
This seems like a natural instinct. A place gets conquered women have a choice between putting out and dieing. The loyal ones died with their men. The ones that survived and reproduced put out. Very evolutionary. I think its interesting that Trump is triggering such an instinct. From the outside it doesn’t like it that much. But maybe, being part of cabal, them dying really is on the table and boom survival putting out instinct triggered.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Rollo Tomassi of the Rational Male calls it the War Brides phenomenon. It is built into female psychology. women have ALWAYS been a spoil of war. ALWAYS.

Last edited 8 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

Then we must wonder if we have been already defeated given how many European women actively welcomed the invading aliens; and how many American women have done likewise; not only with the invaders but by burning the charcoal.

Reply to  teotoon
8 months ago

Women look for security.

When an incoming lion defeats the pride lion, it kills the previous lion’s cubs and the females shamelessly come on heat shortly after.

While one wouldn’t look twice at me, there is something sexy about a racist woman. At a genetic level, it means she is loyal to her man & group

English Tom
English Tom
8 months ago
Whitney Webb exposing Israeli Mossad/Unit 8200 control of American cyber infrastructure and who will really be responsible for the coming cyberattack on the US/West to be blamed on (probably) Iran.
26 minutes of very important information. ITZ coming get prepared.

Last edited 8 months ago by English Tom
8 months ago

RE: Biden double

Joe Biden’s Endless Hug with Hillary Clinton

I’ve seen it suggested that this moment is when the real Biden realized that Hillary wasn’t Hillary. Shortly after we got a new Biden. Assuming that’s the case we have no idea just how far the whole Biden admin magic show has actually gone, only clues left during the inauguration like the funeral salute instead of the presidential salute and all the weirdness afterwards. I continue to believe that “Biden” is there to take the blame for a bunch of problems that need to be corrected.

If Biden is a fiction then there is no POTUS. SCOTUS decision made it clear that POTUS and CiC can be different people. We have seen Trump with the nuclear football, and he keeps referring to being 45 and soon 47. State of emergency declared.

“The people must be shown. The end won’t be for everybody. The choice to know will be yours.”

What I take all of that to mean is that a continuity-government is in charge as a sort of interregnum, but that we never get official confirmation of it any more than we will get confirmation of Q. Then we get boomer-Trump to come back and not deport enough people to restore the traditional 9-1 white/non-white ratio that is desperately needed for the country to function correctly, and while we won’t be getting any CBDCs we probably aren’t going to end the fed and get back constitutional currency. Everything I see happening on the horizon falls into the category of “almost but not quite.”

Hope I’m wrong.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

The only (insufficient) excuse for the movie being so horrible so far is that it’s going to end with a wild and extreme pendulum swing that exceeds what we think is possible.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

The only problem with Biden being a double is why did they not instruct the double to not act like a retard on stage at debate?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Did Q suggest the elites are not that clever. They gain control, power & wealth because they are ruthless but not because they are clever.

Their plans depend on controlling both sides.

As we see in Ukraine, it falls flat when the opponent doesnt play by the script (*). Perhaps that is why Farage, Trump & Putin make them panic.

(*)assuming Putin is not on board.

8 months ago

You’re watching a scripted movie.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

Joe Biden starred in Poltergeist 2
35 second clip….

8 months ago

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

“Ladies of the View get inadvertently turned on talking about Trump”
That is one brewing fondue I want no part of. Barf.

8 months ago

This is what the left wing GenX looks like. I don’t agree with his proposed solutions, but I do think common ground for negotiations could be reached easily.

How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

8 months ago

The ADL also claims no children are harmed in Jewish rituals. I do not believe them. …”The origins of the blood libel — also known as the ritual murder charge — date back to the Middle Ages. The first accusation against Jews for allegedly killing Christian children emerged in 12th-century England following the death of a boy named William in Norwich. Years later, a monk, Thomas of Monmouth blamed local Jews for the boy’s murder, accusing them of killing William in a perverse re-enactment of Jesus’s crucifixion. The accusation then transformed into blood libel in the 13th century on the continent, when a blood motif was added. Now, Jews were accused of killing Christian children to obtain their blood.”

Reply to  Anonymau5
8 months ago

That’s a representation of the elites obtaining adreno C Child has to be in a great state of fear for the body to produce the stuff