Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Macquarie Group Of Australia Divests Itself Of US Port
DFT – Hungarian Finance Minister Calls For Closer Ties With China
DFT – Germany’s Recession Poised To Worsen
DFT – Saudi Arabia’s Production Cuts May Cause US Crude To Surge – Bloomberg
DFT – Russian IMF Official Says The United States Is Driving Other Nations From The Dollar
Tucker Carlson asks why are we at war with Russia? Notice they use the word “Democracy” over and over.
Overseas payments to BIDEN family could exceed $40M, Comer says: “This was Organized Crime.”
Biden snaps at reporter asking if he was involved in Hunter’s “Chinese shake-down text message.”
White House confirms Biden, 80, is now using CPAP breathing machine to treat sleep disorder – after thick mask lines on his face sparked more health questions. Also possible they are oxygenating him up with pure O2 before appearances to energize him and clear his head.
Biden has confused Iraq for Ukraine twice in the last 24 hours.
Rudy Giuliani questioned by special counsel investigators probing Trump over 2020 election.
McCarthy called Trump to issue groveling apology after criticizing his 2024 campaign: I ‘misspoke.’
Speaker McCarthy: ‘Trump is stronger today than he was in 2016.’
Trump sues E. Jean Carroll for defamation, false statements after jury orders him to pay $5 million. She went around saying he raped her, even after a jury found she did not in the civil case, so he was defamed.
Crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space and time,’ leaving one investigator ‘nauseous and disoriented’ when he went in and discovered it was much larger inside than out, attorney for whistleblowers reveals. ‘“He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later,’ he said. ‘There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion.”” That doesn’t sound right. That means every second in there, as the alien is looking outside, twenty minutes blows by in a blur. If there is time distortion, it should be, they are in there for four hours, looking out, as everyone outside is moving like molasses as only two minutes passes while they drive the ship around everything standing still.
Notice, this is a controlled unroll. If they were seriously doing this organically, they would bring in Bob Lazaar, who was saying all of this decades back, and has several predictions which panned out, from his description of how they fly at a tilt being seen later in videos, to his description of the labs using X-ray hand scanners which measure the bones of the hands as security access scanners, which is more precise than a fingerprint, and which is now known to be used at the highest security labs, to his name being in the Area 51 phone book, despite the government disavowing any association with him. But no, they are picking guys who seem to not even know how things work, and are making it up as they go along.
GOP congressman suggests UFOs may be ‘ancient civilization’ or time travelers from the future, but the worst case is they are another nation’s tech. Why is it worse if they are another human nation’s tech which just slightly exceeds our own, and better if they are some aliens who aren’t human, who are millions of years beyond us? They are not sending our best to DC.
At least 16 bodies pulled from Chicago waterways since 2022, promoting serial killer fears: ‘Not just a coincidence anymore.’ “Ok, he’s going to ask you to get in his car. Get in, and lets see what happens.”
Scientists have uncovered startling evidence that many of the batches of the Pfizer vaccine deployed in the EU may have been placebos — and the regulator knew this and did not subject them to quality-control testing. I said at the time it would not surprise me if some company execs looked at the early data and realized the vax was really bad, and they subbed placebos in subsequent shipments to lower the adverse reaction percentage and lessen their legal liability to lawsuits later on. Also, abandoning the shipment protocols, keeping it frozen at 80 degrees, or whatever it was, might also have been a move along those lines, to degrade whatever didn’t get subbed. Of course if they did that, their drive to self-preservation might have thwarted the depopulationists. If so, watch for the depopulationists to come back for a second bite at the apple.
Along those lines, a picture of Jamie Foxx shortly before he was nearly taken out is here, Everybody is saying he is fine, he’ll be back soon, but he is not coming forward and they are continuing to shoot the movie he was in with a body double. It makes you wonder if they are going to try and AI Deepfake him into the rest of the movie.
A cervical cancer trust is under fire for disgustingly suggesting that people call vaginas “bonus holes” to avoid offending transgender people. Levels of stupidity even Idiocracy could not foresee.
Bud Light to lose a quarter of its business permanently, due to supporting trannies.
Open borders Germany sees net migration hit record high of 1.5 million.
Missouri AG to investigate ‘possible CCP outpost’ linked to Chinese intel service. It is interesting. Domestic intel should be territorial. Is this running by putting domestic intel in a place where they cannot parallel construct a way for it to be discovered? Even so, its members would be gangstalked to fuck and zapped in their beds. But apparently not. Is it running with tacit approval/support of whoever runs domestic intel?
It appears some moron was posting to Instagram, and that gave the geolocation right to the Russians who immediately hit the location. What kind of idiot uses social media in a warzone?
Wagner Group head Prigozhin is in Belarus.
President Alexander Lukashenko had revealed Yevgeny Prigozhin is in the country, and Lukashenko reportedly said he has offered Wagner fighters the use of an abandoned base in his country. Sounds like Wagner is still operational, and is now no longer affiliated with their enemy, the state of Russia, so they can do anything, like clean out Poland – and nobody can blame Putin. And it is probably just a cover, in the event they get caught running sabotage ops, which they probably won’t get caught doing anyway, rolling in and out fast. LOL. European asshole status: Puckered.
Russia says Wagner’s operations and military support in Africa ‘will continue.’
Swiss Federal Council rejects export request for Leopard 1 A5 tanks destined for Ukraine.
Florida judge allows blocking of automatic union dues deduction starting Saturday.
Ron DeSantis plunges to all-time low net favorability rating.
Sources close to former President Trump say he has a plan for keeping Congress from ever again forcing him into “disgraceful” and “ridiculous” spending situations – he will seek to resurrect the impoundment power. As President he would simply refuse to authorize the spending of monies. Will require a legal battle in the courts, and maybe a law if that fails.
Poll: Donald Trump grows lead over primary field in South Carolina as DeSantis falls another 8%.
Trump is likely going to return to Twitter soon.
Spread r/K Theory, because this nation is failing, even by Idiocracy standards
The western satanists and the Virtuous Pagans are mortal enemies, right? right?
“coming from China” = “This means the Chinese Communist Party” is a fallacy. The Cabal ruling America is global, including China.
There is no way the CCP is not involved.
We see there hand directly in too many other related subversions and in their collaboration with Brandon and Co. etc.
Jesus on the hell-bound:
“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”
Revelation 22:14-15
“Missouri AG to investigate ‘possible CCP outpost’ linked to Chinese intel service. It is interesting. Domestic intel should be territorial. Is this running by putting domestic intel in a place where they cannot parallel construct a way for it to be discovered? Even so, its members would be gangstalked to fuck and zapped in their beds. But apparently not. Is it running with tacit approval/support of whoever runs domestic intel?”
Of course it is.
Just like surveillance is seamless when you go to China.
Cabal and CCP are Siamese twins, they only fight over who gets to dominate.
“It appears some moron was posting to Instagram, and that gave the geolocation right to the Russians who immediately hit the location. What kind of idiot uses social media in a warzone?”
Tards living kickass lives at the expense of those with merit.
Some cabal kid wanted to LARP as a Ranger and some K strategist was derailed from his path in life to make room.
“Trump is likely going to return to Twitter soon.”
“My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us”?
Twitter has blocked free access

Musk said it was an emergency self-defense against extremely aggressive data miners that were essentially DDOSing the site. Says it’s temporary.
Temporary is how cabal tests reactions & prepare the normies.
When it becomes permanent, people are less likely to rebel.
Confirmed via Nitter, Twitter bookmarks working yesterday now display as “user not found” pages …
Cool. On board with this.
Productivity improvements already being realised by not dealing with clicky American social media time suck.
McLovin’ this more than a McRib.
Well, it seems to me DC is terrified that the tech is from a rival power because DC believes in the pagan saying: “the strong do as they will and the weak do as they must”.
That’s how our foreign policy has been since at least WWII.
And DC politicians don’t want to be treated the way DC has been treating GER etc etc.
Yeah. I think RUS moved Wagner to Belorus as a symmetric response to NATO/US controlled UKR.
RUS is now able to take the war to NATO EUR which is effectively UKR’s strategic rear and supply base.
UKR is well aware of EUR’s effective second class status. UKR’s army is light years ahead of EUR’s forces. They could take EUR by themselves if RUS let them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if DC hadn’t planned for UKR to be regionally dominant power after the war.
Also very important to note that Belorus shares a border with Latvia. Latvia has had the second most advisors in country (behind London). London plus Latvia have had I think over 85% of all advisors.
And there have been a spate of sabotage attacks within Latvia recently. Almost certainly RUS partizans testing Latvian internal capacity and readiness.
London ran the war in UKR as fought on the ground along with Latvia. And Latvia is probably a more important attack vector than Poland because we don’t ever hear about it.
Latvia also had the Black Sea port of Riga.
more interesting is the land bridge to Kaliningrad.
I have to say, I still don’t really believe that the narrative we hear about the tidal influx of immigrants is real. But that’s just a belief, idk. It might be.
I just find it hard to conceive of the logistics required to do it and the devastation along the route. And that’s if it is all co-ordinated successfully. And the monetary cost.
A planned population transfer of that size would massively distort the global economy and geopolitical scene in South and Central America.
An unplanned one would absolutely devastate the entire region: ecologically, economically and politically.
Of course, there is a lot of evidence of ethnic population movement within the US. Especially blacks. But that’s a lot easier than global transport of a hundred million young males.
Very unlikely that active duty 101st Airborne elements are in Ukraine. The guy in the Screaming Eagle t-shirt, in the foreign mercenary quarters in Kramatorsk, has the fatbody physique of a retired grunt who let himself go. There’s no chance he’s active duty, elite units don’t deploy slobs.
Anti-EU politician Nigel Farage is locked out of banking.
They have a variety of weapons, as discovered by Andrew Tate, Marine le Pen, Pym Fortuyn, Kevin Samuels etc
Ukraine colonial status confirmed
The Hum
I would say yeah, except nobody heard it before 1970, and that has probably always been there. The hum is something deployed for surveillance. We don’t know what yet. But I think we will at some point.
This one isn’t an audible hum, it’s a gravitational wave.
More like 100 million angels singing.
Pet theory: advanced civilization sent by G_d to keep earth from self-destructing.
Could explain much seemingly contradictory behavior in DC and elsewhere.
Self-immolation of American society, destruction of remaining cohesiveness and culture? To what end, as proles would never be as productive or beneficial in whatever system. Maybe those at the top have some cyanide tablet or exploding chip variants embedded and are told what to do.
Keep praying and persevering.
No need to post
Link for “John Solomon called Biden’s secret global phone…” is for previous NY Post “Overseas payments to BIDEN family” story. Maybe meant to link one of these?
Thanks for all you do.
Thank you. I try to compete with all these operations that have ten or twenty people on staff by running at my redline, but that means sometimes I get sloppy. I really appreciate when people catch my mistakes and help e fix them.
DFT is looking very good again. Whatever Greenberg did to it worked.
AC, I think this will be worth the time to read.
Request: when providing a link to an article or a video, please try to tell all of us why we might be interested or why it might be worth our time. What is it about? What points are being made? Why would this specifically be of value to us?
Please understand that multiple people post recommended links here every day. To go through all of them would add up to a lot of time. Try to help people with that decision process.
This isn’t the Conservative Treehouse. 🙄
If you’re curious, click. Other people’s time is just as valuable as yours. Maybe anon did what he had time to do and didn’t have time to post more. We’re all just crowd sourcing here.
Thank you. Very interesting read.
What was it about?
Do you also give pump reviews on amazon?
Thank you for linking that. I really struck me. Made me happy and sad at the same time.
This/was an excellent article. So I think, maybe he has more good stuff. I then see he has an article called,”The Freemason Invention of the Nazi Party”
Not again. When I see this sort of thong. I mean if you think the Free Masons run the world then first tell me how many newspapers, TV networks, TV stations, TV programming companies, radio stations, radio networks, Banks, Federal Reserve banks, I could on and on, tell me how many of these they own and how much cash they give to politicians. I will tell you if they not in the top of all these, then they don’t run the world. Of course, we know who it is that this is true of.
I see this all the time. A little truth and a pile of lying shit piled on top of it. In fact, when you see this you know you can’t really believe anything they say that you can’t 100% verify yourself. So sad because it was a good article.
The article was about a small school and small State beating out all the other States and schools in a nationwide math competition. It also talked about why our schools are failing.
Take one guess who created and still controls the Masons.
I drive to visit family every now and again. Its about a 2 hour drive. I live somewhere fairly rural and there is a gravel farm road I like to pull off on to pee about halfway through. I do this pretty much every time I make the drive. This time, right before I get to my designated peeing spot I get a tractor driving on the road which slows me way down. Then when I get to the spot, there is a fedex truck parked for no discernable reason because there aren’t any driveways near it. Its just bushes and gravel right there. It pulls out right before I turn off. As I am peeing, a starving and dehydrated kitten walks up to me. About the size of your hand. Very affectionate little beast. I don’t have the heart to leave it to probably die of dehydration (its 100 out). I bring it home and feed it and water it. Spent 20 minutes just drinking water.
With the tractor and the fedex truck, it smells a lot like a skit to me. Also, again none of the farms are anywhere near that spot, so why the kitten would be there I can’t guess. Since it is alive and might wander off there would be a lot more time sensitivity than other skits, explaining why the truck had to still be there when I showed up. But I can’t figure out why cabal would want me to have a kitten. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but its really strange that these various factors coincided as they did.
Definitely sounds exactly like a setup. That is how it would look, to time it ultra-perfectly. They could even seek out a cat who was prone to run up to any human it saw.
Possible reasons I would see:
Infect you with T.gondii. A cat could be an excellent vector. I would make sure to be careful about washing your hands after handling it, and do not let it near your food.
Tie you down. Traveling becomes more complicated. Now you have to deal with a pet, so you are more controllable. They may have detected some opportunity in the future for you which would require you hit the road a lot.
They calculated based on travel patterns you will meet your soulmate at some event you go to in about a year. Her file shows she is a dog owner with a German Shepherd who hates cats, and she had a bad experience with a Cabal boyfriend who had a cat, and now believes every man with a cat is a lying deceiver who will appear as a nice guy, but cannot be trusted any farther than she can throw him.
Just a training operation. Somebody new is told, we want this guy to have a cat in this training op. See if you can make it happen, and leave him none the wiser.
Somebody in the operation with a farm had a litter of kittens, could not keep them, but was a cat person, and didn’t want to put them in a shelter or kill them, so they asked around in the Cabal surveillance network they belong to, and the machine calculated you would take it if it was presented like this. There may be eight other people who all had the same thing happen to them there. It is this big, and will fuck with people’s lives down to this granular a level. As I keep saying, it is weird. And obnoxious.
It is nuts to think every time you were going to relatives, they were tracking you, to the point they could set this up, isn’t it?
Did you ever feel like you were being watched when you stopped off? Cars drive by?
What is the house-sightline situation there?
What is the telephone pole situation?
How heavy are the comm wires on the telephone pole (the lower level of wires, under the electrified wires at the top)?
Is there a visible router there, or a transformer, or other box of some type? If you go by there and can get pics, it would be awesome, if they didn’t dox you.
Again, this isn’t necessarily that they are totally focused on you. There is a neighborhood unit there, and the head of it is assigned to know everyone in the neighborhood, and have his unit listening to speakers which get feeds from every pole-mic all at once, so anything sound-wise will clue them in that something is happening, and needs to be checked on. If it is rural, on every trip you may have been the only car going through, so your engine noise attracted attention, and curiosity on who you were and where you were going and what you were doing, which went in the file for future reference so they were on top of what you were up to every visit. They heard a car, checked through and ID’d you. Because the operation is so massive, most of the time they have nothing better to do.
When you stopped, the watcher heard the sound of tires coming to a stop on gravel on the mics, which is a huge flag, checked which pole mic it was, saw no houses there, and was curious why you stopped, so cars would begin doing drivebys on his order, as close as they could without alerting you. Maybe one dumped a navigator a ways away, who crawled through the bushes and radio’s back, “He’s just peeing.” That then goes in the file under common activity. They never know. You could have been dumping a message to a target there, or dropping something for somebody. From that point on, they registered every stop, and were watching. One would even say to the new guy, “See this car heading here? Every stop this guy gets out right here to pee.” Maybe even put a camera somewhere there to make sure on each go-around that was all you were doing.
These things sound crazy, until you see the machine, and the level of corruption, and how it is entirely fed off the fact criminals control the government and are using it to rip everyone off, of almost everything they make. Get rid of these people, let us all interact freely, and form a society which not only seamlessly helps each other out of good will, but who all profit from it as well, and this nation would be utopia. But then they would have to be princes in heaven, rather than Kings in hell.
Thank you for the account – and sharp eye, anon.
Nobody is pulling anything over on you! I like to see that.
I agree that this is, based on description, a set up.
I think many of your possible explanations work: a cat ties you down, it may keep you away from someone to allergic to cats, etc. Whatever it is, cabal has presented you with something and they are using it to control you, if only by this new critter taking up your attention.
“Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts”
Could be. I have recently been working with my brothers friend. I asked him if he wanted the cat and he said he was allergic. Might be a way to try to stop that.
Its a difficult position. Part of the true, good and beautiful is having compassion. Leaving such a amiable creature to dehydrate and starve to death would be consciously cruel. This would be a spiritual backslide. I suppose they know that about our kind and can make that into a kind of weakness. Either I chose to leave it to probably die losing positive polarity, or I get tied down with an obligation which I don’t want and may prevent certain marginal decisions on whether or not to go do a thing or not.
Not that I would recommend it for you, it seems to be working out OK for you.
But in my own case, my heart is ice. I would drop any obligation like that at a shelter myself at this point, and I love dogs. I am 100 percent at war, and until this thing is done, nothing will be slowing me down.
I would never suggest leaving an animal to die. What I would suggest is being exceptionally wary of the long-term changes they are trying to make in your life by putting you in such a situation.
When I realized I had a cabal cat, I didn’t kill it or abandon it. I found it a home.
It could be. It could also be the work of something higher than cabal too. Hard to know really.
Could also be a coincidence. They DO happen from time to time. How many times did he drive that route, stop to piss and absolutely nothing happened? Maybe the FedEx guy was eating his lunch, texting/talking on the phone or even beating off? Any kitten that young and in that condition would come up to a human, being that small would mean it was probably less than 5 weeks old. It’s mother could have abandoned it because it was sick, you’d be surprised how far they can roam, even that young. I’ve been reading this site for a long time, and maybe I’m just an idiot but I never notice any kind of surveillance type behavior going on around me. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but every strange coincidence is not an indicator of Cabal fuckery.
It could be. It could also be the work of something higher than cabal too. Hard to know really.
Taking ivermectin a couple times of year is always a good idea. Worm your critters and keep them clean. Clindamyacin kills t.gondii in humans.
It is prescription only in UK.
Many off the shelf invaluable treatments have been banned in the UK.
It reminds me of a youtuber who went hiking and found an abandoned kitten on his chosen path, he now does cat videos.
I don’t know what it means, but it may be part of their playbook.
Amazing. Even the kitten is a standard operating procedure.
Yes, it is. Happened to a male relative of mine, as well. I think they wanted to keep him home more. I’m absolutely sure it was a cabal job for reasons I can’t explain here.
Wow. Number three. They must have millennia of experience, and at some point this happened and they saw some effect, and over time, it became clear it worked the same way every time. Because the ones I see are not that creative.
Ian Fleming in the James Bond book Goldfinger wrote “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action”.
Six or seven weeks ago a stray cat I first saw last fall adopted me. She’s a beautiful maine coon cat, very independent and a certified rat and mouse killer. She’ll cuddle and purr and is adorable. Sleeps all day inside if she’s here when I go to work, spends nights outside roaming. I keep half jokingly accusing her of a being a spy robot.
We’re being infiltrated with cats now?? Wtf.
I won’t lie, the thing is like it is bred to be as endearing as possible. One of the most affectionate cats I have ever been around. Always wants to cuddle with you. Wants to sleep on your shoulder or with you. Has claws, but is fairly careful about actually extending them so it doesn’t scratch you. Auto use litterbox, although that part I think is pretty normal.
If you read the origin of species and the side note on pigeons, especially tumbler pigeons, its kind of crazy how behavior can be bred into an animal.
People drive by my house all the time, despite it being a dead end. The neighbors have been doing construction on pretty small houses for years on end. At this particular location? Nothing special. Cars drive by occasionally, but I wouldn’t say notably.
I don’t think there is much in the way of poles. No house sightline, otherwise it wouldn’t be a good place to pee.
In any event, this is a place I picked out to pee, not something they guided me to. I don’t think this would be an ideal spot to pull a skit, but this is where I stop so that is where they would have to try it.
Oddly enough I read an account from a target who had construction going on next door. In his case he was a quasi-legit intel target over his wife being involved in national security and accused of espionage, if you can believe anything is real or legit.
It turned out the construction was cover for excavation noise, as they tunneled under his house. They made entry at one point, coming up through the concrete floor next to his boiler, but the quick-repair teams they bring with them fucked up the repair on the concrete, so you could see where they came up.
That ight not be your case, but they are probably hiding something with the construction noise.
My parents’ house where I lived from age 12 to 18 was on a dead-end street, at the end of several right turns, like a big question mark. It was out on the edge of the city limits (small town), all residential, no businesses, no through-roads, just one road though several adjacent subdivisions.
All.night.long, fifteen to twenty minutes apart, headlights would light up my bedroom as they came down the street, made the last right turn, went around the turnaround, and came back up from the dead end. That’s a lot of traffic, particularly considering the town had a 10 o’clock curfew law.
There was almost no traffic during the day; the stream of cars was only at night. And primarily on weekdays; on weekends, there would only be two or three per night, probably legitimate people lost or trying to find a different route out of the maze.
I have a phone, I doubt they actually need more than the geolocation data from that to know I stop there regularly. Perhaps trivial, but right there I do lose service briefly. Or else the internet part goes down cause the podcast I listen to always stops until I start driving again. Same with listening, I am sure the phone can provide all the audio they need.
I wonder if they installed a microwave imager there? Oddly enough one of the things I noticed long before surveillance was when I would watch local news on over the air antennae, every car going by would kill the reception for about five seconds as they passed. I assume they were beaming microwaves sideways, out at the house as they drive by, and do that everywhere they go to image inside them.
I was thinking, maybe lower probability, but there is a technology which allows recharging things through motion. They had a watch for a while which supposedly never needed a battery if you wore it every day, because the movement would move something inside which would generate a charge and a capacitor would catch it and use it to charge a battery and power the watch. It is a smaller probability, but they develop these technologies, and they test them out on the US public. I would not be shocked if they would implant something like that in the kitten, maybe even with some sort of sensor wired to the bones around the ear to catch sound.
The cat will follow you around the house, always bringing a listening device right next to you. I could see them developing that as a tool for other operations, but they need to field test it, and looked for someone who was of the psychology they would not leave the cat, and who would put themselves in an isolated position where the cat could be dehydrated, starved, and then dropped near the person, so it would approach them looking for help.
Again, small probability, but I would have that in my probability matrix.
Ya, I thought about that. Though with a phone and computer, I doubt it would actually be necessary.
The CIA officially acknowledged “Acoustic Kitty” in 2001, but it was widely known before that. They implanted a microphone and transmitter into a cat, which was supposed to become a mobile spy device.
As you might expect, the problem wasn’t wiring the cat, it was trying to get the cat to go where they wanted it to, and then stay there. Which should have been the problem they attacked first…
Actually, nowadays, as long as you didn’t let someone pick it up and touch it, there are animatronic cat toys almost close enough to pass as real cats if nobody is looking closely. Through a few million in dark funds at it to make it more realistic, and a robocat spy would probably work quite well.
Later the CIA made an animatronic dragonfly:
Holy shit I replied above about my stray being a spy cat before seeing what you and AC wrote about there actually being spy kitty tech. That is fucking diabolical.
“Illuminate” a microwave retroreflector with a maser.
Maybe God wanted you to save the kitten?
Maybe with being surrounded with all the bad things a little ray of goodness and light stepped in?
The Bud Light illustrates what saps most people are. The Tranny is a squirrel, Look, over there! The real issue is the CEO.
In the military and was so spooky he got sucked into the CIA. And from there straight to CEO of ABI. No experience in: brewing beer, food service, manufacturing, fluid process control systems, mass marketing, or working in a corporation. His only qualification is doing whatever the CIA wants.
Nothing to worry about. It’s not like Pfizer was slipping something into the clot shots that has been killing people, eh?
How many people drink CIA brew? Hahaha
The MK Ultra crew gaining access to the supply stream of beer, something which red-blooded, freedom-loving Americans drink, and which is grown in fermenters and could easily see its Saccharomyces cerevisiae have some DNA added to produce almost anything, or have an entirely different bacteria added, which they found in the guts of schizophrenics, or depressives, or rage-filled criminals. Even mRNA for vaccines. I ean if you added the mRNA for the Covid vaccine, who would know?
The comedy Strange Brew, from 1982 or so, featuring the SCTV characters of the stereotypical Canadians, Bob & Doug McKenzie, was about a plot to take over the world by a Brewmeister Smith, who was intent on putting a mind control drug in the beer supply.
“I Was a Zombie for the FBI” was also made in 1982, about alien invaders who had nested in a soft drink factory and were putting mind-control drugs into “Health Cola.”
The movie was made by the University of Tennessee drama department, in black and white, deliberately aping the B-movies of the 1950s. I caught it on the late-late show a couple of times in the late 1980s.
It was released on DVD later, but it’s not worth watching. Some bozo stripped the original soundtrack out and replaced it with utterly inappropriate RAP, mixed so loud your ears will bleed before you can hit the mute button. Which is a shame, because the original was really a pretty decent movie.
Hops extract is an estrogenic. Lite beer reduces alcohol calories and increases hops extract.
Lite Beer = Man boobs. Man boobs = Tranny bras.
Tranny Bras = CIA faggs
Now THIS I believe! Someone at Transheuser Busch really screwed up the plan by turning off so many regular Americans. Let’s hope they have the good sense to avoid the rest of their shitty beers
I think a lot of that stuff would degrade pretty rapidly. Beer is fermented with yeast, not just any old bacteria.
All processed food is suspect
The good news is with the right bacterial mix. Fed to the person. He/she could be cured.
that’s the issue with anything you did not farm / make / prepare yerself.
This is my #1 worry lately. They may just be sticking it into everything, period.
Stop drinking. It makes you gay.
Light beer makes you light in the loafers. A good stout is manly.
But then, good vodka makes you Russian
Focus not on easy Stereotypes.
Plenty of non-Russians drink vodka.
Vodka kills germs, viruses and cleans teeth.
Off topic but damned interesting. This is Andrei Fursov, a renowned Russian historian and sociologist, explaining what is going on in the West, the “black swan event” that was Trump, and interestingly he refers to the “16 year plan” of Obama and Hillary that Q makes reference to.
Fursov is basically “one of us”, for the most part. He explains clearly in other videos why JFK was killed, why our educational systems are being dumbed down, the role of the Vatican in cabal, and so much more. He’s worth listening to. What he says here is very interesting and indicates how much the Russians understand what is going on.
Well RAND is starting (this is just a start) to talk about the world-historic logistics issues we will face when/if we decide to take the fight to China.
The talk about the “insatiable” hunger for supplies and munitions is pointedly not extended to the “insatiable” hunger for lives of such a conflict.
“If so, watch for the depopulationists to come back for a second bite at the apple.”
They’re already doing that, by putting the mRNA in all kinds of food, including apples. All common human cultivars (wheat, rice, corn, millet and soy) will likely just become spike protein factories in a couple of years. Everything you eat will be a vax shot.
All processed food is bad and likely carrier.
“Levels of stupidity even Idiocracy could not foresee.”
I love you AC, but these are the fruits of stupid + demonic evil. Idiocracy could not foresee this because as good as the movie was it did not have a distinctly Christian worldview. One could argue it was even against Christianity because there was no positive, stabilizing Christian influence for future American civilization, just a bunch of idiots mired in various carnal sins.
Anything that is not specifically focused on our Savior, Jesus Christ, will inevitably let you down. That is the rule. Western man cannot exist outside of a Christian worldview.
Just because one isn’t a Christian does not mean they necessarily become TV addicted masturbating carnival chimps. And, I’d argue, being a Christian is by itself insufficient to keep that from happening. There’s all kinds of Christian yards running around.
It moves the behavioral distribution curve. Due to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Keep working 12-16 hour days anon. You can do it. You can succeed and get ahead………….
This leader in specific locale has been in the news lately due to a legal action that revealed a sex scandal. It won’t take much more digging to find a connection to this other person from the same area who surprised many by completely changing her allegiance recently no to mention her views on hot button issues. She did this partly because she was caught up behind the scenes in the same wild sex scene.
Powerful North Carolina Republican House Speaker had ‘group sex with people wanting political favors’ and an affair with wife of ex-town councilman for years, damning lawsuit claims
Tim Moore is accused of having a three-year affair with Scott Lassiter’s wifeLassiter claims Moore and his now ex-wife Jamie engaged in group sex for favorsMoore called the accusations ‘baseless,’ Jamie Lassiter called Scott ‘abusive’ .
What we’ve guessed at for a long time:
Hey Vox, remember this little nugget?
“You need to be getting bigger. You need to be gaining mass.”
Fetal alcohol syndrome ballooning into whale size.
“Protesters storm Swedish embassy in Iraq as global fury grows over Koran burning: Huge mob forces its way in after nations including Iran, Turkey and US condemned holy book desecration”
Total “Minnesota Moment” – “how could other people believe in something so strongly when we don’t” shocker.
Nigel Farage Faces Fresh Persecution With Bank Accounts Shuttered & No Explanation.
This is a form of exile or forced expatriation without a ruling by either the PM or the Parliament.It is exile of hidden government parties by use of second and even third hand parties.
>Missouri AG to investigate ‘possible CCP outpost’ linked to Chinese intel service. It is interesting… Is it running with tacit approval/support of whoever runs domestic intel?
Of course it has approval, two heads of one beast. To think China of all places is cabal-free is ludicrous; communism, one child policy, social credit, mass genocides in the relatively recent past, open surveillance state, open totalitarian city lockdowns over COVID, the list continues.
China does not have the USA or it’s true citizens’ best interest at heart. It makes no difference if it’s a national policy or a Chinese cabal policy, they should be expelled from our country. They don’t belong here either way.
With regard the “CCP outposts”, if you think of China being at least partially controlled by the same armpits who “run” the US for the past 80 years you can see how and why this works.
a) They are part of the same group therefore it is permitted, and
b) These outposts are set up to ensure those with special knowledge are prevented from releasing that knowledge in the US.
c) Such outposts exist in other jurisdictions like Oz, Unzud, the Y..UK, Canada-stan, and the E-pooh.
Everything happening in China from its rise from rags to riches to economic powerhouse to special status by UN etc all makes sense when viewed through the prism of Cabal moving into China.
The regular chinks – those who deal in menus that go by item numbers are no less blinded than the yanks were in the 50s and 60s.
Off topic:
There has been a lot of talk here about China’s electronic surveillance system, social credit, and all of that. As Americans, we naturally recoil at this, but a lot of that is our tradition, if another society wants to do this, that’s fine by me. Other societies can do what they want, particularly if the population accepts it. I’d not be surprised that some very smart people could use such technology to make life better in certain cities.
I think a big problem with cabal surveillance here in America is this: cabal is insane. This surveillance clearly is not for our benefit or protection. It’s clearly just a criminal activity meant to drain the life and happiness out of some and reward others for doing so.
as far as the Chinese being “communist”, I really think that is a misnomer, and I’d suggest that the worst excesses of that system were purely the result of cabal being the managing directors of all communist revolutions. The various forms of Bolshevism are really nothing more than instigating a population to turn on itself, to attack their own history, traditions, and prominent families with the end goal of producing a disconnected and vulnerable population that can be easily ruled behind the scenes.
a communist revolution softens up a population for cabal domination.
Now that Xi appears to be breaking cabal’s grip, I’m not near as concerned with China’s surveillance.
A lot of the suspicious people on me are straight mainland Chinese. Because they’re Chinese doesn’t make the surveillance any less insane, invasive, or downright evil. It just means its Chinese.
About that Affirmative Action ruling, They left a loophole where the college can consider essays on how racism affected the applicant’s life.
I am approving stuff, but we are entering another period where for some reason the site will not connect to the database for a block of 4 or five seconds, then it connects for ten, then disconnects for three, they is up for twelve. The host again said they are working on it.
> What kind of idiot uses social media in a warzone?
Unfortunately, it’s a big problem for most military forces. The first I heard about it was in Israel, when they found the Palestinians were monitoring cellphone traffic to locate Israeli soldiers.
Later, the Americans ran into the same problem in Afghanistan, with the extra bonus that by then most of the phones were “smart” phones, and various installed apps were reporting the phones’ GPS location in realtime, not tower triangulation needed.
Public schools gave up trying to keep cellphones out. They’re still banned in most prisons, but somehow get in anyway, along with drugs and who-knows-what.
To say current military discipline is on par with prisoners or grade school kids is probably the most unintentionally true but still funny take I’ve heard in a while.
> He still doesn’t get it! Tone deaf Ex-CIA Anheuser-Busch CEO won’t rule out Bud Light working with Dylan Mulvaney AGAIN – and then says firm needs to ‘appreciate’ what the consumer wants – despite debacle costing firm $20 BILLION and counting.
It should be apparent that they don’t see “beer” as their primary business any more.
Insert Stonetoss “Burgers?” meme here
> President Donald Trump is reportedly considering offering an alternate event to the first Republican National Committee (RNC) debate.
But… but… but… there might be an UNDECIDED VOTER watching the debate, who might be swayed by DJT’s rhetoric!
Most candidates grovel to the mostly-mythical undecided voters. Really, how many people could there be, who are thinking, “Well, I don’t really know whether I want Trump or Biden” and are willing to watch an entire debate without hammering the channel changer like a rat at the kibble dispenser?
Undecided voter is the crutch used to explain the vote rigging. They might truly be undecided in that cabal hasn’t picked their winning horse yet, so the fraudulent votes are still undecided on their destination.
They do exist.
The fight of Good vs Evil is all about soul of the normies