News Briefs – 06/29/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Our own Lowell has up a new Bootstrappy.

And another Bootstrappy popped up as well.

On Jan 6 the Secret Service offered to escort Roger Stone to the front of the Capitol march and walk him into the Capitol but Stone smartly declined.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann tells reporters she will not be releasing audit counts on Monday. She tweeted that was never the plan, they have to still complete electronic reviews of machines, and she doesn’t know where that story came from. So it looks like either the other side is leaking stories like that to affect our side’s motivation, or Q’s side is leaking it to get Cabal to use up their diversionary attacks.

Tucker Carlson says a whistleblower told him that he is being spied on by the NSA, and NSA plans to leak his electronic communications in a bid to get his show taken off the air. One, Tucker has a lot more coverage than some desk jockey doing a database pull on him at NSA. They are in his house, in his car, and in his office, as well as any open place he travels to which they can follow him into. Two, I just don’t see NSA running a massive domestic civilian informant/surveillant network, complete with purchased residences next to targets. They seem more technological surveillance than physical surveillance, though anything is possible. My guess is Tucker’s real problem is FBI or CIA, maybe running private sector contractors, or some hybridization of the three. They got his intelligence, and now leaked it to him, blaming NSA. But moreover, I would be surprised if Tucker did not know about the much more intrusive coverage he is under, which would make me wonder why he is attacking NSA, and not that personal, physical coverage. I mean I can show it to you on my surveillance page on Google streeetview, following the google car. Where Tucker goes probably makes the google streetview car look like it is in the middle of nowhere, with nobody around for miles. Why is he not bitching about that physical, in-person coverage? This article on CIA spooks in media says Tucker was once an applicant (that we know of) to the CIA. And CIA doesn’t get along with NSA. It also points out that 44 years ago, CIA had planted 400 agents in news rooms across the nation. Remember, networks only grow, and as they do, placing additional agents gets easier and easier. 44 years later that network could be the entire news media.

Pretty amazing video where Government of Nova Scotia Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang says openly the new lockdowns are not just to stifle the spread of the Chinavirus, but they are also to stifle the spread of unauthorized information the government does not want to spread among the people. No meeting and talking amongst yourselves unless you have government approval for what you intend to say.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is set to hold a Senate Rules Committee hearing in Georgia discussing voter integrity laws next month with a focus on the federal takeover of elections to prevent restrictions on voting.

Mike Lindell promises to show ‘100% non-subjective evidence’ of election fraud in August.

Mike Lindell states that MyPillow’s BBB rating went from an A+ to an F when he went all in for Trump in 2016. I’ll say, I have bought My Pillows, the price was what he said, and the pillows arrived as advertised. I can’t see how anybody could complain. Notice how Cabal infiltrates and subverts all these authority organizations. Want a law license? Want BBB accreditation? Want a media outlet to promote your product? Better be a part of the network.

Mike Lindell says cybersecurity experts have validated 20 China-linked election data packets.

An article on Yahoo titled, “Nothing there: More Republicans are calling out Trump’s election lies,” contains gems like this, “The more we learn about Donald Trump’s baseless, false and discredited claims about the 2020 election, the more baseless, false and discredited those claims have become.” It is probably a 99% probability this writer has been running illegal surveillance operations on fellow citizens, with the voice in the earpiece in their ear, and a 95% probability they were doing it from the time they were a kid. Understand these propaganda pieces are being produced in our news media by full on spooks, from trusted spook family lines, who work for one of the alphabet agencies, and are even doing spook shit in their spare time. All to overthrow our elected government and replace it with their puppet government.

Former DNI Ratcliffe calls for a “larger discussion” on UFOs, and warns they display technology the US doesn’t have and can’t defend against.

An agreement reached between the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in Washington, D.C., and former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, stated that Clinesmith’s law license should be suspended for just one year after receiving only probation for falsifying a FISA document during the Trump-Russia investigation.

North Korean TV makes rare comment on ’emaciated’ Kim Jong-un’s weight. Not necessarily bad, but could be. If he was being kept ill to control him before, it is possible he has more energy now and is growing more healthy. But it is also possible he is being hit with Havana Syndrome weapons and is losing sleep. Tough to say. I still wonder if those Havana syndrome weapons are Cabal, or something else we still don’t know about. I mean, we are in the middle of a massive ammo shortage, shortly after billion dollar expenditures to train our military to fight in underground tunnel systems, which still isn’t really explained. And we have Tic Tacs flying around inside of Relativistic warp bubbles.

Sundance points out all the facts which make Bill Barr look like a swamp monster. Of interest, is the fact Durham was appointed as a Special Prosecutor, despite the fact he was from government, and the Special Counsel statute specifically says Special Counsels must be drawn from outside of government. A guy who possibly doesn’t exist outside of a few photoshopped pictures, occupying an office he is not legally allowed to occupy. And the question is, why appoint Durham as a Special Counsel, given how it complicates things for Biden. Why not leave him as a mere prosecutor doing a grand jury which can quietly be dismissed without generating charges. And all along the way, Trump is in the background, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, clearly knowing something as he dances around Flynn, Powell, and Byrne’s attempts to rectify the screwups.

President Trump says, ‘Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the crime of the century.’

Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners – an investment firm led by Hunter Biden – was a lead financial backer of Metabiota, a pandemic tracking and response firm that has partnered with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) is introducing a new bill that will replace law enforcement with “community-led first responders” as crime skyrockets across the nation. Note these would be all Cabal agents.

Liberals admit mob pressure was instrumental in Chauvin conviction.

South Carolina lawyer gets suspension after Facebook post about George Floyd. Those who are practicing law are allowed.

Sacramento fire captain almost loses his job due to California assault rifle charges after ATF raids home and finds AKs and ARs. It looks like they may let him plead to misdemeanors due to an impressive history of heroism and charity in the course of his decades of service. Article states what may be saving him is that many are expecting the assault weapons ban to ultimately be knocked down by the Supreme Court. Plus I get the impression where he lives is pro gun and the prosecutor wants his reelection. I hope the ban gets knocked down by the Supreme Court, but I wouldn’t rely on this Court for anything.

Immediately after Trump joins Rumble, the platform changes its terms to ban ‘antisemitic hate speech.’ There are those saying Trump must have made Rumble do this in return for honoring Rumble with his presence and bringing all that traffic to it, but I don’t think so. It appears Rumble agreed to host Trump behind the scenes days ago, and Canada immediately announced all Canadian companies who post any form of hate speech are going to be fined $16,000 per day per incidence (Rumble is a Canadian company, so this will put them out of business, and you know they will get hammered by it if they let Trump post to his fans and supporters). I think Rumble worked out a deal with Trump days ago, and Cabal knew about it through surveillance and promptly announced this, as a way of putting Rumble out of business to scare any other organization away from offering President Trump any outlet to the public. Rumble got word about the policy, and the ban on hate speech is just to cover itself in the event that law in unleashed on it.

Supreme Court refuses to hear New Hampshire’s challenge to Massachusetts taxing New Hampshire residents who never set foot in Massachusetts because they were telecommuting during the pandemic. Don’t expect corrupt Cabal Justices to ever intervene where Cabal is separating people from their money so it can be funneled into Cabal pockets.

Jim Acosta suggests that school board meetings could lead to “insurrection.” I just realized that all these Cabal agents, who know full well they have their hand stuck firmly in the cookie jar, and who know all of the things Cabal is doing which will piss everyone off, are looking at all these images of our kind rising up with a sense of dread and terror. For decades, they have just told the sheep what to think, and watched them placidly graze. But now insurrection is in the air, the natives are growing angry, and these traitors know the Cabal leadership will protect itself by throwing them to the mob. It must be terrifying. This is why they are trying to re-establish lockdowns, just to keep us from meeting up with each other and talking amongst ourselves.

Immigrintarinos getting wrecked by the big mean border wall: Trauma nurse at Texas border town visited by Kamala Harris reveals her hospital is full of migrants suffering broken legs, smashed spines and shattered hips from falling over the border wall.

Buried report showed 576 preborn babies have died following mothers getting Covid-19 injections.

China discussed making bioweapons to target ‘races,’ and covertly launching attacks with asymptomatic spreading. I’d think it a safe bet at some point we will have to confront them, and when that time comes, there is a good chance they will unleash something covertly.

The Taliban have seized control of a third of Afghanistan as they continue to accelerate their blitz offensive while the US continues to withdraw their forces.

Advocates for female inmates push back as transgender prisoner transfers ramp up in California.

Oakland diverts $17 million from the Police budget.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) requested additional police protection at his New York home in January while demanding police departments be defunded in America.

Poll says a majority of young adults have a negative view of capitalism. Everything is propaganda. No way to know the truth though, given the brainwashing.

White influencer ‘identifies as Korean’ after surgeries to look like Korean pop singer.

In New York City, even gay parades are turning violent – Revelers attack food vendor and clash with cops in Washington Square Park as peaceful Pride celebrations spiral into chaos in NYC’s new crime hotspot.

Man crowned Miss Nevada USA, first in pageant history.

NFL proudly declares that ‘Football is gay,’ ‘queer,’ and ‘transgender.’ Note how businesses, in an honest capitalist system, where such a business would need to cater to their fans, would not do this.

Supreme Court lets stand a lower court ruling that schools must let transgender kids use the bathrooms of their choice. What about locker-rooms and gym showers? Technically, it should apply there too. Alito and Thomas wanted to hear it.

Czech President calls transgender people ‘disgusting.’ With a return of functional amygdalae, will come heightened disgust responses, and you will see more stuff like this.

The U.N. human rights chief called on the world to dismantle systemic racism and “make amends” to the oppressed — including reparation payments, while groups like Black Lives Matter should receive “funding, public recognition and support.”

NATO warns that cyber attacks on member states could trigger a coordinated military response. Not good given Cabal wants a war with Russia as a distraction from what is coming.

EU approves landmark climate change law that aims to put climate at the heart of all EU policy making. Europe has its own saboteurs.

A team of engineers at computer security company Eclypsium, Inc. has found four vulnerabilities in Dell BIOSConnect features within Dell SupportAssist, which is designed to allow technical support to connect to a computer remotely directly through the bios.

Iowa report claims ‘overwhelming’ sex abuse by Catholic clergy. One, all it takes is a couple of agents infiltrated in, and two, I wouldn’t be surprised if all the victims were targeted by an analysis unit dedicated to looking at kids and identifying the problematic ones. The thing about intelligence organizations is they are trained and cultivated to go whole hog. We procrastinate, or moderate, or act within reason. They are trained specifically to not do any of that, and go for the jugular.

11-year-old girl reportedly becomes UK’s youngest mom to give birth. We still haven’t made the switch to K, though it is coming. In the meantime, as part of the population responds to ancient triggers switching them to K in preparation for what is coming, part is still careening r.

On twitter – This new anti-Critical Race Theory bill from Pennsylvania is *incredible*. Not only does it prohibit universities from promoting any of the usual forbidden concepts, it also prohibits them from hosting speakers or assigning readings that do.

The man who kept hanging ‘Trump Won’ banners at baseball games has been barred from all MLB stadiums, but he’s now telling his followers to do it for him.

Toyota tops list of corporate donors to anti-election-certification Republicans in Congress after Capitol insurrection.

Number of children raised by two parents rises to 30-year high. K is coming back.

Manhattan DA won’t charge President Trump.

Sen. Ron Johnson (Wis.) on Saturday urged his fellow Republicans to “take back” local government positions in order to “take back our culture.”

Spread r/K Theory, because the natives are growing restless and Cabalites are terrified.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“but they are also to stifle the spread of unauthorized information the government does not want to spread among the people. ”

The day of the rake approaches, leaf.

Quick, somebody say something about liberal, secular “democracies” being better than everyone else. Say something about Canadian human rights too or a proud tradition of open thought. I’ll wait.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“President Trump says, ‘Bill Barr’s weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the crime of the century.’”

Yes, that is how they do it, a RINO, Neocon, Cuckservative or civic “nationalist” lowers the defenses and opens the gate then the left storms in. Bush then Clinton, Bush II then Obama. For years they did that to IT and this weakness allowed China to hack everything and anything Western, including stealing weapons designs for things like our most modern nuclear warheads and F-22s and F-35s. They also sat in on Corporate boards, weakening cyber security and sending jobs overseas so that foreigners could steal pretty much every single piece of American intellectual property.

Never trust someone who weakens or ignores the defenses. Never trust a cuck.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Supreme Court refuses to hear New Hampshire’s challenge to Massachusetts taxing New Hampshire residents who never set foot in Massachusetts because they were telecommuting during the pandemic.”

We are definitely entering a new era in the US. If your money in any way runs through another state, that state may try to tax it.

Live in Texas and bank online? You will end up paying California, New York and Washington state taxes because banking servers are located there.

Buy a good in Nebraska and it ships through Illinois to reach you in Ohio? You’re paying IL state reparations bills for urban Chicago yoofs.

Think that can’t happen? It already is. Separation, especially peaceful separation, is a farce of farces.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“China discussed making bioweapons to target ‘races,’ and covertly launching attacks with asymptomatic spreading. ”

That’s not in the long term best interest of people with any Chinese DNA in them. What can I say? Fight the CCP, or die.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It was cheaper to wall off and glass them from the start; their gay antics exceed Vietnam KIA, if we’re just talking US non-vax injuries.

Anyone advancing these ends in NATO territory are accessories to the crime(s) and it’s past time for America to – for once – preemptively and decisively act from the uncontested moral high ground. Paper Tigers are highly flammable, though smallpox blankets a la Unit 731 ‘Paperclip’ frenemies would be more poetic. Surely all those shipping containers gone missing in the past half year didn’t have PLA war materiel—

Bared Gushder : DDD
Bared Gushder : DDD
Reply to  LordAmogus
3 years ago

Fug : DD
Agding againsd the allies of teh US greadest ally is andi-Semitic. : DDD

Galling the ADL right nao. : DD

PS: China and Israel/Jewish collective power are really tight:

1) – “University of Texas Child Porn Professor is a Chinese Spy under FBI Espionage Investigation”

A quote:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) testified on behalf of Zhao, shocking the community. Support from the NAACP, despite Zhao being caught red-handed by investigators with Possession of Child Pornography, that was described by prosecutors as “some of the most disturbing videos ever witnessed” by the Northampton County Courts.

The NAACP is s Jewish founded and controlled organization

3) – “Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China”

4) – “One Belt, One Road – Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy”

5) – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

6) – “Chinese groups debate supporting US gun ban activists, says report.”

7) – “A Jew in Mao’s China”

I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.

“Israel accused of selling US secrets to China”

“Jews have been working with chinks for decades, look at Zuckerberg and all the other rich jews already mixing with them. China is the new host body for them to be parasites on.” – Anon
“Rupert Murdoch likewise ” – Anon

10) – “Israel and China a ‘Marriage Made in Heaven,’ Says Netanyahu”

11) – “China and the Jews”

It is a sad and sobering fact that the Jews are already deeply entrenched in China and have been been so for centuries. As an erudite China watcher on my site was quick to point out recently, the sinofication of Jewish names was already underway during the time of the Ming Emperors several centuries ago:
“During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone….
…The Jewish merchants who had bought the opium in India then shipped it to China on their opium clippers where it was exchanged for silver from “Chinese middlemen”—most of whom were Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews—another fact that has been carefully concealed by our politically correct court historians. These Chinese Jews thereupon proceeded to distribute the opium all over China, causing an epidemic of opium addiction [blamed on the British]

12) – “The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China. Mao ZeDong, Yale & Illuminati Skull & Bones”

13) – “Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.”

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

==Huawei reportedly acquires Israeli IT networking company Toga Networks for $150 million==
December 7, 2016

==Israeli chipmaker taps Baidu to enhance driverless car technology==

==Bank Leumi and Chinese Insurance Giant Ping An to Cooperate in Promoting IsraeliHigh-Tech in China==
March 22, 2017

==Chinese TV Series Lauds Israel: The Alliance Between China and Zionism==
Aug 18, 2010

==Jack Ma receives honorable doctoral degree at Tel Aviv University in Israel==

==China’s Baidu makes first investment in Israeli start-up==
December 7, 2014

==Alibaba invests in AI ecommerce search platform Twiggle==
01 June 2016

==Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba to open Israel R&D center==
OCTOBER 12, 2017

==Alibaba Invests $26 Million In Israeli Database Innovator In Outreach To High-TechNation==
May 30, 2018

==Chinese Investments in Israeli Tech Mapped==

==Israel Selling China Military Technology, C.I.A. Chief Asserts==
Oct. 12, 1993

==Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China==
24 Dec 2013

==Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology==
December 21, 2016

==Baidu Tracking Online Behavior to Assign Credit Score to Users==

==Technion Becomes First Israeli University to Open Campus in China==
December 19, 2017


Israel has refused an American request to inspect the new Chinese-built Haifa port that will be operated for the next 25 years by SIPG, a Chinese company. This is being seen in both countries as a test case of Israel’s relationship with China and with the United States.


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Advocates for female inmates push back as transgender prisoner transfers ramp up in California.”

That’s good. It’s not like a bunch of White, right-wing, Christian, mothers and women were about to be rounded up on trumped up charges and jailed with 6 foot 4, pre-op fake trannies or anything.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“NFL proudly declares that ‘Football is gay,’ ‘queer,’ and ‘transgender.’”

There’s got to be a nerd, or (((nerds))) behind this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

cue the old dick shawn gag about football

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“In the meantime, as part of the population responds to ancient triggers switching them to K in preparation for what is coming, part is still careening r.”

Meanwhile, the r types go into extreme r mode. The higher IQ r’s try to spread r to other groups as well, like a virus of r. One of the most r things to do is to try to make groups (other than your own) r selected in the course of your groups wanderings. Do we know of any groups who do that?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The Jewish tribe in modern times has adopted a strategy of using their collective power in media and culture to try to push other groups to be more r while trying to keep their own group as K as possible. But alas, Israel is one of the gayest Countries in the world, per capita (a Jewish paper even had an article saying 1 in 3 Israelis are bisexual).

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Right, you can’t unleash the powers of the devil without catching serious blowback. The books of Job and Isaiah come to mind.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Not just modern times.
It’s a trick they learned from Balaam and Midian.
But they forgot to learn from how it turned out for Balaam and Midian.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“44 years later that network could be the entire news media”.

44 years later that network IS the entire (mainstream) news media. And a sizeable chunk of the *alternative* news media as well.

“White influencer ‘identifies as Korean’ after surgeries to look like Korean pop singer”

The surgeon should be struck off and jailed

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Toyota tops list of corporate donors to anti-election-certification Republicans in Congress after Capitol insurrection.”

The Sun also rises. Again.

3 years ago

>”Rumble got word about the policy, and the ban on hate speech is just to cover itself in the event that law in unleashed on it.”

The thing that does not make sense is: why go for a Canadian company when GAB, a 100% American company who would no bend to Canadian communist law, would be the better alternative?

It would only make sense if you take into account what Gab’s founder says about Kushner gatekeeping Trump from joining platforms where criticism of Israel is allowed. In other words, Trump could have supported a A1 loving, US Constitution respecting American company (and isn’t America First about supporting American companies as much as possible too?) instead of allowing himself to now be subject to Canadian law. He chose one, and not the other, and it only makes sense if he was being kept in a place where his handlers (if you assume he is being forced to make that shitty ass choice, and not making it of his own volition) can ensure that criticism of Israel will not happen.

Trump either cucked to protect Israel, or got cucked into cucking himself to protect Israel (IMHO it was the latter, the Israel firsters in his family and circle of mega-donors made him cuck).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It could be entirely sociopathic. As long as there is Israel, they can’t complain “they have no where to go.” Go to Israel.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The also hae the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, it’s even bigger than Israel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“… As long as there is Israel, they can’t complain “they have no where to go.” Go to Israel…”

That’s my position. I want every last one of them in Israel.

And if they try to weasel out I have that covered too. If you are half Jew, Israel. 1/4 or more you will have to get on your D.L. or other official documents that you are _% Jewish and will not be able to marry anyone _% Jewish until your children reach 1/256 Jewish then they are removed from the list “if” you want to stay. Otherwise go to Israel. After all Jewish people need “diversity” too, let’s force them.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

And to drive the point home regarding sociopathy:

comment image

Again, Jews have many places to fuck off to even if Israel gets destroyed. “But then Jews would kvetch” is the silliest of reasons to try to defend Israel. Even if Jews had no place to go besides Israel (and they have lots of them), nobody owes shit to the Jews, and you’d have to be a major cuck to let meaningless kvetching let convince you that you owe something to them.

Trump is no cuck, so he is being forced to cuck and act like he doesn’t give 3 shits about the US Constitution which he basically uses as the foundation for the legitimacy of his actions that he claims are done to bring back power to the people. Delivering the power back to the people means that 1A is respected no matter the cost, which means that if a foreign hostile power gets destroyed because of the 1A, that’s just too bad (unless you want to do away with the US Constitution because “Jews would cry that they have no where to go despite having plenty of places to go to besides Israel”, which is very silly and very cucky IMHO).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Trump seems to only deal with people who consistently support him”

I agree that he has that vibe, but looking at his pardons and the people he has selected for so many important cargos that ended up screwing him (latest biggest ones Pence and Barr), either his perceptions of who is loyal got hoodwinked, or (what I think happened) he got shit advice from people around him in which he misplaced his trust.

>”Torba is kind of pushing a meme of Trump as a follower, following Kushner’s orders about protecting Israel first.”

Seems to me the meme is accurate, because although Trump is one of the most intelligent and skilled people in the world in all things related to dealing with people, nobody is infallible (and as I have said 6 million times in your great blog, just repeating for any potential new readers), and his daughter being turned into a hostage for the Israel first Kushner (and he is Israel first because he claims that criticism of Israel is “anti-Semitism” because he knows that way he can make it illegal, which means he does give a shit about the US Constitution because he puts Israel first and foremost (which is treason, very serious situation)) to use as leverage. IMHO Trump is getting forced to act like a cuck because of that leverage, because the alternative to this hypothesis is that Trump is cucking because he is a cuck, and I don’t think he is a cuck at all.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s not so much Israel that Trump supports, as it is the Talmud/Kaballah Chabad freaks who control the strings of Trump, Putin, and the lot of them. Kushner is one of their top boyz.

I’ve given links, copious links, before. People must just cover their hands and ears I suppose.

Sticking with Trump is just falling for the same old ploy, Hegelian dialectic, where they present a bunch of crooks (the libtards), and then show you the man of Reason. Robespierre and Stalin were also seen as men of reason, to counter the crazy commies, see where that got France and the Soviets?

Trump will deliver America’s fate, as God intends. God hates your nation, so He will give you Trump (again) in due course.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Trump may support Israel strongly enough to not associate with a platform that criticizes them”

That would make him a hypocrite, and a traitor willing to see his people get their 1A (part of the US Constitution, which is the moral basis for his whole “we need to do this legally and cleanly”) trampled on due to support of an hostile foreign power. If this is the case, his whole campaign and promises lose all legitimacy, because if he’s willing to have his people lose their constitutional rights in order to protect a foreign HOSTILE (sends US secret military tech to China, involved in 9/11, uses their agents in big tech to censor Americans, etc) power, then it’s just talk and no walk. That’s why I believe he must be being blackmailed, not with the typical degenerate bs most career politicians are, but by having his daughter being a hostage, because I truly believe he is American First, but got fucked by his Israeli connections into being compliant with their demands.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”But I do know Kushner would never contain Trump if he wanted to do something. If my read of Trump is solid, he probably enjoys people trying to contain him, and then doing the exact opposite of what they want.”

I think it is obvious Trump is not the type of being pushed around, but nobody is infallible, and Kushner is not alone in his Israel first interests, he literally has an army of people inside and outside the US with different skills and blackmail on lots of people that support him in his Israel first mission. Nobody is infallible, and this decision makes no sense at all unless either he is being forced to cuck, or is a traitor/cuck (which I don’t think he is).

>”And that kind of makes me wonder about Torba. He was the first “alternative” to twitter, and he got good enough press I never stood a chance of not hearing about him. He could be legit, or he could be just a better form of controlled opposition, getting phone numbers, luring in twitter dissidents before any of them form their own platform, and then disseminating a meme of Trump not as a strong leader, but as being led around on a leash like a little dog by the Dark Lord Kushner.”

Could be, but it doesn’t seem like it is the case IMHO. Makes no sense to subject yourself to Canadian communist law, do stupid and humiliating pardons, etc unless he is either cucking of his own volition (which I am sure he is not IMHO because he absolutely challenged the zionist hold on power in the US in other ways, like destroying the trust for MSM, and refusing to give them their wars in Syria and Iran) or being forced (via unavoidable leverage, such as wanting to keep his daughter safe) to cuck.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I think it’s his daughter that pushing this Israel stuff.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Interesting, is it a gut instinct thing, or based on some data points? Would be curious to know how you came into that hypothesis.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

gut instinct He doesn’t seem to listen to anyone but h loves her and doesn’t want to upset her.

If you look at her before she got plastic surgery she looked like a Jew.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”I’ve been ready several times to start grabbing people up left and right and line them up against a wall to blow them away, or hang them from lamp posts, only to later find out they were OK after all. And I’ve had a few times I thought somebody was OK, only to see them turn around and utterly screw Trump.”

Good point. As I said, everything is possible, but it doesn’t just compute to me at all. In the way I am looking at things, I really can’t see any other hypothesis that either him being a cuck (which I don’t think it’s the case) OR he being forced to cuck (which is very plausible given the particular Kushner whole thing about being willing to shit on the US Constitution for the benefit of Israel). Again, although Torba does focus the meme on Kushner, obviously it’s a team effort, Kushner is just one of the many Israeli agents trying to influence Trump (although he is certainly one of the most important).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”As a general rule, I think Trump is the only guy who has consistently pushed us in the right direction.”


>”If there was a side of Cabal, he fucked it over. He even put illegal surveillance on every conservative’s tongue.”

Yes. He fucked a whole lot of gaybal projects, capabilities and aspirations (including many Israel first ones).

>”If he hasn’t gone with Torba, we may end up with a surprise coming out at some point about Torba.”

Anything is possible, but I think it is unlikely. And if the problem was Torba, and not the fact that GAB allows free-speech (which would be bad for Israel), then why select a Canadian company that is now subject to their ultra cucked laws (and conviniemtly for the Israeli agents surrounding Trump, bans criticism of Israel), and not spend all this time he already spent since the usurpation getting his own free speech respecting company up and running? After all, communicating with his people is top priority, and he would get all the donations needed to finance a project like that (and as said, he had enough time by now to have had it up and running). Even if Torba was comped (which I don’t think he is), the decision still makes no sense, unless one assumes Trump was forced/blackmailed into cucking by Israel first forces.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

(((psychopaths))) gravitate toward power. and for senate-confirmed positions, most gopers would only support (((cucked nominees))). trump cut the best deals he could. he also wrang the shit out of a lot of people. and didnt fill every position if he didnt think he needed to.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Gab does not require a phone number for basic use.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

As long as Trump keeps joining up with and putting people in charge that are of the pozz then whatever happens is no one’s fault but his. He has no excuse for constantly doing this.

You might could make excises for say a year or even two but…it’s not reasonable to continue to make excuses for his behavior. It’s like making excuses for your psychopath kid who keeps stabbing other little children at school.

I’m not saying I totally rebuke him or anything like that, as if I could or that it would matter, but it wouldn’t totally surprise me if we found he was just another agent to give us Hopinium for a while while they push plans for our demise.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

IMHO it’s not even that he is an agent, it’s that he is getting fucked by the Israel firsters in his proximity, and the only way to help him fight back is to completely destroy support for Israel until all zionist influence and lobbying (and donor money) gets removed from the West, permanently. It seems Phelps thinks I am saying this in order to try to get Israel destroyed so that Jews can try to play the victim in order to be allowed to stay in the West, but that’s not the case, and off course I could be lying, so instead of just telling you that’s not the case, I will tell you why it doesn’t even matter if someone with that agenda tries to pull that off: 1) there are other places where Jews can go even if Israel gets destroyed for losing support due to the gen pop getting exposed to the facts regarding all the shit it has fucked America with; 2) even if Jews didn’t had any place but Israel to go to, that’s not our problem, nobody owes Jews shit, and only cucks and retards would fall for attempts at playing the victim if everything about Israel was shown to the gen pop.

Also, I don’t even want Israel to be destroyed, I want all Jewish collective power (which includes zionist influence and money in politics and institutions and lobbying) to be gone from the West, so Western governments can start serving their own people instead of the agendas of the globohomo international Jewery and the zionist mafia. All support for Israel should be terminated on the while General public until Israel stops being a threat to the Western people, and that will only be the case once all zionist influence and money gets out of our political process. And the o KY thing that needs to happen for that to happen is for people to have free speech.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I should also add that IMHO some racial Jews can integrate into the West (I like Ron Unz, Stephen Miller and some other racial Jews) as long as they are OK with the total termination of Jewish collective power in the West, but if the Western people want then all gone on racial grounds, then the p Western people should have the right to decide to do so. And Jews have plenty of places they can go.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump did this, Trump did that…true. I don’t deny it but the Jews used to run the Nazi party and the John Birch society too so the idea that they would not do or support what Trump did is not really a good solid 100% guarantee that he’s not their guy and totally comped.

It’s not like the press reputation was in good shape anyways. Why not burn them now instead of a couple years down the road but get people to trust Trump which has far greater value.

The press shroud learn from this. The Jews will always stab you in the back. Every time.

The Jews changed the Serra Clubs policy about mass immigration. The cost was if I remember correctly $100 million.

They created Hamas. They’ve done this over and over.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump issued a declaration to acknowledge mass stalking. I can’t see how someone could do that and work for Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”I would totally assume he is controlled opposition, except for the long-term damage he has done to Cabal’s machinery. That is the one thing I cannot get past.”

Yes, I agree completely, that’s why I say his stupid decisions were most likely not taken by his own volition, but he was forced to do them. And if the only allies he has are Israel first Jewish supremacists (Chabad is openly supremacist, and anti-Christian to the point of desiring to implement Noahide law, which requires Christians to be decapitated (the punishment for idolaters)), then this fight does not have a political solution at all, if that is indeed the case.

As I said, IMHO Trump is forcibly fucking himself out of legitimacy to claim to have to follow the rules because of wanting to adhere to the US Constitution when he gets to comply with anti A1 bs just because his advisors are Israel first and don’t care about the Constitution, just like the people they claim they want to take down. Hopefully the support network of Trump is not made up of those people, because that means that ultimately, every American at first, and Westerner ultimately is going to experience how it is being treated as a Palestinian in Palestine (not that I particularly care about Palestinians per-se, I just realize we have a common enemy (and I still think Islam has no place in the West BTW)). And they will never allow for a viable peaceful fair solution (they are supremacists with the religious belief that God will provide them with the enslavement of all non-Jews, literally, and this is well documented and verifiable).

Trump getting reinstalled is very far from things being over, and there is the possibility that the people will need to come to his aid by totally obliterating support for Israel and Israel firsters in the West as literal life or death issue (because guess what happens when Jewish supremacists take complete control (you don’t have to, their Noahide laws and their treatment of Palestinians tells you)).

Trump is a blessing, but he is not infalible, and he might get get weaponized against the people and the whole West for the benefit of the zionist mafia despite his good intentions.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Speaking of stalking and using social media to stalk people, here is undeniable proof that Mossad uses American Jews (many who don’t even have dual citizenship) to spy on and harass Americans (on American soil) in person and using fake social media accounts, including sending their information directly to Israeli officials:

This was documented by a Jew journalist that infiltrated various AIPAC connected organizations and secretly filmed them and recorded their interactions and phone calls.

Nobody has the most to lose if Americans have the power given back to the people for real than the Israel firster zionists and international Jewery.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It’s not even new. Jewish women were pushed in the 60s to get jobs at airline ticket counters so that Mossad could give them BOLOs on certain people. Their whole job was to just let them know if certain names came across their desk, a 30 second phone call.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“Presidential Message on National Stalking Awareness Month, 2021”

I didn’t know about that. Definitely pushes the bar towards Trump NOT being an agent for them.

AC is right that if the extensive extent of surveillance comes out it will hurt them bad.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

To be honest, Torba is not controlled opposition. He got deplatformed from the web and financial institution for running Gab. Torba did not give up and was able to work through the issues that Cabal put upon him.

In reality, Trump not being on Gab is blessing as Gab remains free for people to join and avoids the additional pressure of Trump’s presence. More importantly on Gab, people are starting to question the Jew interference of America and Trump admin.

3 years ago

“No meeting and talking amongst yourselves unless you have government approval for what you intend to say.”

Interesting book on Legalism and how its a precedent for modern day Totalitarian Government and techniques of surveillance:

“The book describes a government system that was developed and implemented by emperor Qin Shihuang and his Prime Minister LI Si in 211 BC. Qin Shihuang was the emperor that conquered all other states that ended the Warring States Period that lasted from 401 – 221 BC. The emperor would not have succeeded with his victories without applying the Legalist system Legalism is not only a theory, it was implemented.

The purpose of the legalist system was to make the state as powerful as possible with at its head a king or emperor that had absolute power. The emperor decide what had to be done and could not be challenged by any person or group. The emperor used the law to tell the people what to do and think. Nobody could refuse what the law specified and nobody was allowed to question or criticize any law the emperor had issued. The emperor decided when and how to change laws. It was not the “role of law”, it was ruling with laws.

To achieve absolute adherence severe punishments were applied. Nobody could question a verdict nobody could issue a pardon. This also required a “thought police”, the “universal mutual surveillance system.” Families were organized in groups of five ten. Each member had to report if anybody was acting or expressing opinions forbidden by law. A person that did not report suspicious behavior was punished the same the person that had broken the law.

The country was divided in 64 provinces (“commanderies”) each with a civil servant as its head, chosen and appointed by the emperor. In principle anybody could become a member of the civil service after passing a civil service examination. The civil servants were promoted on a basis of performance and without regard family relations or wealth. This system was very effective and still functions to day

After the emperor’s death, the dynasty collapsed. The first emperor of the next dynasty,
Goazu of Han was a legalist. He replaced the legalist teachings with Confucianism, which was reinforced by a successor Emperor Wu of Han. The author writes about this change as follows ” Legalist tenets exerted an enduring and overriding influence on China’s imperial institutions and political practices,,,,. The function of Confucianism as a tool…as a rhetoric ploy for policy justification has proven to be effective.”. “This feature of the Chinese imperial political tradition is referred to by most, if not by all, Chinese scholars as wairu neifa (outside Confucian, inside Legalist).” The two Han emperors certainly did not act in according with Confucian concepts.

Mao Zedong admired Qin Shihuang and strongly opposed Confucianism. Mao said: “Emperor Qin Shihuang buried only 460 Confucian scholars alive (page 129). We burned 46.000 Confucian scholars. I think that he killed too few Confucians… Those Confucian scholars were indeed counterrevolutionaries.”

Deng Xiaoping after succeeding Mao changed direction. Deng Xiaoping worked for Sun Yat – sen known as the father of modern China. Sun Yat – sen considered “Universal Love’ very important a concept, advocated by another Chinese Scholar of the warring states period, Mo Tzu. Deng increased freedom and with his policy of “Open Up and Reform” reduced legalistic influences, traces are still left. The experience with legalism
shows that it is necessary that even though breaking laws needs punishment, excessive punishment leads to instability. The administration of provinces by competent civil servants rather than by nobles or aristocrats had become standard practice.

This is an important book if you want to understand the history of China and the merits and the risks of centralizing power without restraints in one leader.”

Reply to  info
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Very interesting. An interesting side effect of making all positions in the government by competitive exams is that the people who win these seats will ALWAYS support the government. They have no other power centers. The opposite situation where people are appointed by who they are can muster power from their families so are 100% in thrall to the government central power.

I think this is part of the dynamic of the pozz in the US. People at the top weasel their way in but many of the rank and file are there competitively or in the case of affirmative action the same but different guide lines. Their power center IS the government so when asked to do sketchy things they do them even if they doubt that it should be done.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

We need to bring back the spoils system.
They said it was corrupt but at least the corrupt people were replaced entirely with every power change and you couldn’t have a deepstate.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Agreed. Patronage is a much less-bad system than Civil Service.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“The opposite situation where people are appointed by who they are can muster power from their families so are 100% in thrall to the government central power.”

I garbled that up should be they are “NOT” in 100% in thrall.

If it wasn’t for spell check you would not even be able to read a quarter of what I write. My typing and spelling skills are dismal.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

“No meeting and talking amongst yourselves unless you have government approval for what you intend to say.”

This is in the 2001 USA Patriot Act. Something along the lines of any group of 3 or more people gathering in public without official government sanction will be considered a terrorist and/or gang threat. Which means they can be surveilled, arrested, and/or investigated under this guise.

Also, anyone having $6,000 cash or more on their person will be considered money laundering for terrorists or gangs until proven otherwise. Justification for asset seizure. Guilty until proven innocent while they hold your assets for safe keeping

Seems to be the #1 job of all Federal Police especially FBI.

They(Cabal) have been working these angles hard for more than 20+ years.

3 years ago

No wonder the Israelis were dancing when the towers came down, nice way to stop the goyim from ever be able to effectively organize to liberate their own Country.


“Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country”

3 years ago

Jewish groups openly targeting GAB:

Nobody has the most to lose of the US Constitution gets respected in America than Israel and all the Israel first traitors.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

and they have real or fake christiancucks helping them.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Those “Christians” obviously missed the parts about the Synagogue of Satan in the Bible.

3 years ago

Facts. Only possible when the Western people get rid of the influence of International Jewery and Israel in our territory and culture:

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Currently, even the best informed don’t know about many of the Jews very worst transgressions and crimes against humanity. A brief look into the background of most European “Royal” and “noble” families will get you insight into much of the horror, with examination of Leopold II of Belgium’s antics with the inhabitants of the Congo area demonstrating their usual M.O., which rarely changes, and was the same during the days of the Tudor Kings, Thomas Cromwell, and even the Carolingians, much as some will deny it over hurt feelings.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

“…examination of Leopold II of Belgium’s antics with the inhabitants of the Congo area …”

I believe that’s a bum rap and an attempt to attack Kings(Not that I’m any fan of Kings they can all go to hell for all I care). They said he forced people to cut the arms off of workers if they did not pick enough rubber or whatever.

Now stop and think for just the slightest moment. Even if you only have six or seven neurons to briefly spare for this think about this. How much rubber can you pick with no arms??? Wouldn’t it be better to whip them horribly or scar their face or anything but cut their arms off? If cutting arms off of slaves was such a fine idea then why didn’t any slaves in the US or Haiti or Brazil have their arms cut off?

Also do you think the King of Belgium is monitoring things that close? I bet the whole line on this is nothing but Jew propaganda.

It’s all a pack of Jew lies. The guy they show with his arms cut off has got to be some poor fellow that got caught in some sort of endless tribal African warfare. That’s the only people that would do such a thing. Anything else makes no sense.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I think the King himself was a Jew, or had Jew ancestry, as did the whole inbred rat’s nest of European “nobility.” But it does make sense to not deform a slave so he can no longer work for you. That said, aren’t the allegations that it was the African’s children who were often deformed? Also, remember that the Congo slaves were in no way valuable. They bred like insects and there were plenty of them around — probably way too many, since you didn’t need to ship them across the Atlantic.
That said, “they cut my arms off,” does sound like the sort of ridiculous kvetch a Jew might present at the Nuremberg trial, doesn’t it?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Further Note: you wouldn’t need to cut off very many arms to put enough of a scare into the other Joggers that they’d get to work and jog faster.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

It’s not as effective as you think. There is a serious lack of empathy and cause-effect noticing in that population. They don’t see something happen to someone else and think, “that could be me.” They just laugh.

It’s why the death penalty isn’t a deterrent for their crime. They never consider that they could get caught. It’s great for preventing recidivism, though, so I’m still for it in principle. (I oppose the current version because we are too fond of convicting innocent people.)

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago


>”Currently, even the best informed don’t know about many of the Jews very worst transgressions and crimes against humanity.”

The redpills need to keep flowing. Some people will be focusing on other aspects of this fight (like raising families and building Churches, etc), but the redpills definitely have to keep flowing.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

>It’s why the death penalty isn’t a deterrent for their crime.

That’s true, and so is your take about innocents being convicted.
One thing is certain, though, those of them who offend and are not removed will continue, repeating again and again. We shouldn’t be forced to pay for their upkeep. Maybe commit them to a fenced in acre with a tarp tent and rain barrel, a garden spade, and some packets off collard and mustard green seeds.

We had one here who, for years, would run out from his front door, grab a passing woman, drag her into his living room, rape her, strangle her with an extension cord, then bury her in a crawl space. He’d still be doing that if he could, right up to the time he needed a walker.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years agoń_(film)

Came close to depicting just that, The Lives of Others about the same time on the GDR & Stasi. More recent attempts to valorize Red Terror like Baader Meinhof Complex boil down to “first world problems & white ally/savior vanity” to their lumpenprole catlady pets.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
3 years ago

I haven’t bothered to dig into the BBB, but I’m sure a dig would be productive. All I know is, the more a sales pitch touts the organization’s BBB membership, the harder I’m going to get screwed. Restaurants with a bunch of BBB awards in the window are generally going to be a bad experience. The BBB is a BUSINESS member organization. It represents the businesses, not the customer. There is a process for customers to complain, but the org represents the businesses and will come out on top for its members. You can’t trust a BBB rating any more than you can trust a paid Yelp review.

MyPillow makes great products. My wife complained about every overpriced memory foam pillow I ever bought her. She loves the MyPillow. I’ve since bought a mattress and sheets, and also the slippers. Great products.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

It’s pretty simple. They wait for consumer complaints (When Mike Lindell went open for Trump, the purple hairs can be relied on for this.) Then, you either “donate” to the BBB to get the reviews removed, or your ratings tank.

It’s an open secret that you can pay the BBB to remove bad reviews. It’s just a scam.

Sole Proprietor
Sole Proprietor
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

BBB performs a real shake down job attempting to coerce local businesses to join and pay up. When I have been contacted, and declined or questioned their reps, it has been very much like being under personal attack.

Note that the public can and will be able to make a positive or negative report on you at the BBB site, even if you don’t buy a membership. That’s what caused the BBB to contact me the first time: somebody had made a good report.

The way the harridan who called me acted when I declined caused me to realize that if the BBB had enough power, influence, and pull, all businesses would be required by law to join.
It was not a pleasant experience!

Also worth noting: in the days when one needed to contact the BBB by phone, there were two or three times I wanted to complain about rotten or semi-sketchy services. I could never, I mean never get through to them.

3 years ago

You laugh you lose (big rapper edition):

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Ehh, I’ve seen so many monkeyshines personally that it didn’t really do much for me.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Let me make up for it:
comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

You have to be seriously ignorant not to know who Hitler is.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Shieeeet, she donnou bout dat Lil Reich nibba, he lit!

3 years ago

At this point it just feels like Lindell is rubbing our noses in it.

3 years ago

As far as the NSA doing physical surveillance and the same stuff as the cabal…trust me, they do. I can’t get into it for fear of doxxing, but they definitely don’t just sit behind desks. And I don’t mean like they hire locals or homeless people. Even their best and brightest get out and do stuff.

3 years ago

This Israeli inspired forced cuckery of Trump will undermine him totally. Hypocrisy doesn’t bode well with promises of giving the power back to the people:

3 years ago

Want BBB accreditation?

BBB? What’s that? //sarc//

Only Boomers would care what a business’ BBB rating was.

The BBB has long been compromised and no one with a lick of sense would ever trust their rating system.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

> Boomers

And the finance company your business uses, and the insurance company who wrote your business policy. If you have a nontrivial business, you’re writing them checks every month.

The BBB is a joke, but it still has its tentacles in your wallet, even if you’re a Pajama Boy.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

And the finance company your business uses, and the insurance company who wrote your business policy. If you have a nontrivial business, you’re writing them checks every month.

Uh-huh. I’ve been self-employed for nearly 20 years. Don’t even have a BBB rating. Have never had a problem with obtaining credit and/or insurance.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

He’s saying that your vendors are paying them off and passing the cost on to you.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

Big Boomer Bullshit

: D

3 years ago

> Mike Lindell promises to show ‘100% non-subjective evidence’ of election fraud in August.

Yap, yap, yap, yap…

If there’s some true reason to hold off until August, then STFU. Otherwise, lay it on us.

We have, what, five people who claim to have the Secret Sauce, that have all independently(?) decided to brag about it, but the we have to be nice children and wait.

Every one of them has run that schtick *already*.

“Put up or shut up.” Until they can prove otherwise, they’re all false fronts.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“Mike Lindell promises to show ‘100% non-subjective evidence’ of election fraud in August.”

When you’ve got a killer hand in a poker game you keep quiet and act like you’re holding shit.

When you’re holding shit you talk real loud and tough like got the best possible hand.

This Lindell guy sounds like he’s bluffing.

3 years ago

Survive the Orc invasion… perhaps the first r/k shift?

Reply to  A
3 years ago

Amazing. Very interdasting fren.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  A
3 years ago

I believe this about Neanderthals. I think we eventually got together and wiped out most of them because of their aggressive attitude. I also believe the Jews have a vast amount of Neanderthal genes in their system. It’s part of why they are so aggressive.

People who look like the stereotypical Jew, look just like Neanderthals.

3 years ago

> Sacramento fire captain almost loses his job due to California assault rifle charges after ATF raids home and finds AKs and ARs.

Just because he has guns doesn’t make him a good guy. I could see the prosecutor delaying the case until the courts quit bitch-slapping each other about whether the state’s gun laws are Constitutional, but letting him plea down… that doesn’t happen to regular schmucks. *Particularly* with the ATF involved.

He’s one of them, and they’re protecting him. The case will drop off the media, and in a few months charges will be quietly dropped.

“One kind of justice for them, a different one for you.”

3 years ago

> Trauma nurse at Texas border town visited by Kamala Harris reveals her hospital is full of migrants suffering broken legs, smashed spines and shattered hips from falling over the border wall.

Bill their countries for their care and upkeep. Or fling them back over the wall with a catapult. Or both.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

que lastima

3 years ago

> Advocates for female inmates push back as transgender prisoner transfers ramp up in California.

The People’s Democratic Republic of California claims it costs them $68,000 per year per inmate; one of the highest costs in the country. And they’re running two parallel systems; one for men, one for women, with all the duplication, featherbedding, waste, and graft that entails.

I’m frankly astonished they haven’t taken the upportunity to set up yet more prison systems, one for each of the 52 different sparklepony “genders” the whacktards promote now.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“> Advocates for female inmates push back as transgender prisoner transfers ramp up in California.”

If the DRC, Demo-Rats Republic of California, is paying $68K per inmate, well then you best believe they are charging the tax-slaves $100K per inmate. Private prisons are among the most profitable businesses in America, and… the number one investors are the Judicial Mafia and the Medical Mafia together as partners.

The Junior Partners are the Teachers Unions. Yes, them. They’re in this racket, too. Up to their armpits. But…


Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

CA private prison system business has been booming, especially for criminal psych. ‘Red Dawn’ canon fodder contingencies for the Pacific beachhead, no doubt.

3 years ago

But moreover, I would be surprised if Tucker did not know about the much more intrusive coverage he is under, which would make me wonder why he is attacking NSA, and not that personal, physical coverage.

Serbian Jew Double Bluff. NSA “whistleblows” to Tucker that they have him under coverage. Tucker sues them. In “defending” themselves, they disclose what they have, showing that the coverage isn’t them — and who it actually is.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“After college,Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied, after which he decided to pursue a career in journalism with the encouragement of his father, who advised him that “they’ll take anybody.”[26][51]”

Was it really denied?

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

You’re a smart one

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago


3 years ago

When you point out to a normand the inconcistencies (sp?) of a MSM narrative:

comment image

3 years ago

I just realized that all these Cabal agents, who know full well they have their hand stuck firmly in the cookie jar, and who know all of the things Cabal is doing which will piss everyone off, are looking at all these images of our kind rising up with a sense of dread and terror.

When you are Dr. Frankenstein, you are always expecting torches and pitchforks to start coming up the road.

But they are really screwed when the villagers and the Monster start talking and realize that the Dr. is the real enemy.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

>”realize that the Dr. is the real enemy.”


Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Doctor Frankenstein. He is the enemy of both the villagers and the monster. At the end of the book the monster turns on him, kills him, and then mourns him, because killing his creator brought him no relief, and he’s still a monster.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I was just memeing, but that was a great and insightful answer to my memetardation.

3 years ago

Is it just me or it is kind of funny (due to the irony of the situation) how the corrupt powers that be in CA are trying to punish other states for not being as r facilitative by using a K mechanism (out grouping them)?

I’d say this only makes the people on other states turn more K (which would be self defeating in a way for CA (although they just want the other states political apparatus to comply, they obviously don’t give a shit about the people in the states feel about anything)), but I have no idea.

3 years ago

“Czech President calls transgender people ‘disgusting.’ With a return of functional amygdalae, will come heightened disgust responses, and you will see more stuff like this.”

Thank You, Mr. Czech President!

Trannies arrrrrrrre DISGUSTING!
Homosexuals are DISGUSTING!
Women covered with tats are Disgusting!
Pedophiles are abominable(worthy of death and destruction)
and… those who support these decrepit ways are even more DISGUSTING!



3 years ago

This post made me visualize one of those “God hates fags” people who go around holding signs with that written on it : D

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This post shows how sleazy enablers are.

Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

The Satanists among us will always try to deflect, misdirect, obfuscate, distract, do anything they can to defend and enable the homosexual/pedophile cult that rules America.

I threw a verbal rock at the faggots, AND NOW LOOK AT WHO SCREAMS!

3 years ago

My comment wasn’t negative, I actually like those “God hates fags” guys, they have the balls to tell it like it is despite getting shit from everyone.

Pls no bulli.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Russia shutting down camwhores. Pretty good stuff.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Trump is irrelevant. Six months out from him leaving office and things are worse than ever.

Conservative, Inc. is just giving way to America First, Inc. to keep the farm animals pacified.

3 years ago

A powerful look at the rot we’re living in

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“A powerful look at the rot we’re living in”

Except for the homosexuals, right? The homos are your brothers. You love the homosexuals, don’t you?

3 years ago
3 years ago

Future cuckservatives:

comment image

3 years ago

JIDF laying siege to Torba’s account:

3 years ago

If I was an Israel first fag I wouldn’t want Trump supporters to be exposed to these facts on Gab either:

3 years ago

International Jewery revving up to take away even more rights from the Western people for the benefit of Israel and Jewish collective power:

3 years ago

Some wholesomeness to remove stress:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I like that. This is my 100% super favorite animal clip.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That’s me everyday after I think about the absolute state of the West for more than one second : D

3 years ago

Is this legit AC fren?

Also, anyone has any docs that confirm what he is claiming?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Also, that answer contains some of the most disturbing things I ever read about (how relatively “easy” it is for high IQ bionibba to cook up nasty flying poz shite).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”I don’t think middle easterners naturally travel across the ocean just to blow us up.”

If you’re talking about Muslims, they do it because of Israel. They accurately believe that the only reason why Israel is able to commit crime after crime against them is because the US works for Israel, so they attack the US in their own territory. Mike Scheuer explains that quite well, he was on the ground when he was still on the CIA. If there was no zionist money and influence in the US and the West, there would be no Muslim terrorism in the West (and of there was no Jewish collective power in the West, there wouldn’t be no Muslims on the West at all).

So yeah, that Rothschild founded pedo haven is not worth the trouble (even if Jews had no other place to fuck off to, which they do (which doesn’t even matter because nobody owes them shit)).

Mike Scheuer on the Congress:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Biochemical equivalent of ‘zero point’ energy & 3D printing problems for the control fetishists, and perfect for a rolling Coof Tet Offensive with assets in situ

Cuts both ways, but the ~60 ourguys compromised by Hilldawg’s email server likely impacted that dimension of MAD (McAfee software allegedly was in on that, hmm.)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“No covid”.

This is total bullshit. I know someone personally who got it and had symptoms he has never had before from the flu or and other normal type sickness. He said at one point he seriously though there was a possibility he could die from it. Interestingly he did not test positive for corona BUT a person he picked up with corona symptoms before he came down with it did test positive. He also said he was having heart problems. That does follow what we are hearing now about this spike protein. Also there were many test done of corona (the covid name is being used to hide that it’s a corona type virus) and they found engineered sequences in the virus. Note the person I’m talking about is NOT fat, out of shape or a drinker, smoker, etc.

Now maybe he doesn’t have this material or is telling the truth but I would be very skeptical of anything this guy says from now on because lots of people got corona with totally odd symptoms totally different from the flu.

Now he says that because they only got thirty base pairs and not the whole thing it’s not real. Also note he said they sent samples to many places and got no covid yet in the same video he says there is no covid. So if there is no covid how the hell could he tell if it was covid or not? Where did he get the data or the samples that said “covid” if it doesn’t exist?

Well just thinking’s out loud, what if it was engineered that way, that it was less held together than a normal virus so it was difficult to culture outside of a subject???

I also think it possible, but can’t really verify. that all those pictures of people falling out in the streets in China were real. A viral researcher who has actually engineered and weaponized viruses said that weaponized viruses fall apart rapidly. It could be the weapon was released in China, Italy and Iran. It then fell apart and became less lethal until it hit a point where people now think maybe it was fake all along.

There’s no doubt at all that there was a huge cloud of haze and smoke over Wuhan. People said they were burning so many bodies that it caused this. I could believe this. The Chinese would totally hide the fact that there was mass deaths and burning of bodies. Any bad news that can in any way be tied to the Chinese government they clamp down on immediately.

The reason I’m so adamant about this is I know someone personally who is a paramedic and a smart guy and he KNOWS he had corona or at least something that damn sure wasn’t the flu and I know he’s not lying. Now if I did not know him maybe I could be convinced but since I do have first hand knowledge of this I say it’s bullshit.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

The point is that the pandemic is under their control, and it oscillates between propaganda and an actual weapon.

This is full-spectrum warfare.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

“…The point is that the pandemic is under their control, and it oscillates between propaganda and an actual weapon…”

I agree with that notion but that’s not what he said. He’s saying there is no such thing as corona and that’s not true and he’s using distorted truth to pretend that he is right. Little lies.

I personally believe that some people saying there is no corona and that mask are stupid are prepping people to not pay attention “if” they hit us with another more lethal virus. People convinced it’s all a lie poo poo the whole idea that there is a virus or that mask help. These people are then killed by the enhanced virus. Well mask may not be 100% but neither are seat belts but I’d rather be wearing seat belts in crash than not. Same with mask. They do have some effectiveness.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Masks have no benefit and are bad for you.
That is true whether there is or was a real virus that was actually dangerous.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I also think it exists. I believe I had it in Jan/Feb of 2020 while it was supposedly only in China. Thankfully my case was not too terrible but it was like no flu or cold I’ve ever had.

For about a week I couldn’t stand without feeling dizzy. While walking my feet felt like they were encased in concrete.I’ve never been so tired.

I didn’t have an oxymeter at the time but if I had I’m certain my blood oxygen level would’ve been low 90s at best. Thankfully that was as bad as it got.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Corn Pop says,”I also think it exists. I believe I had it in Jan/Feb of 2020 while it was supposedly only in China…”

This is further confirmation that the Jews did this. If it wasn’t an accidental release then that means someone did it.

I have zero, totally zero, belief that the Chinese killed off a bunch of their people on purpose to “somehow” later affect the US and US elections. It’s not creditable. The Chinese value stability (we’re talking stability for central government control) over ALL THINGS. This has been the case for hundreds of years.

So that means that people in the US did it and the US itself has zero interest in spreading viruses in the US or China. We are a declining power and doing risky shit like this is not in out interest.

But the Jews want this. Kill of a lot of non-Jews, possibly start a war between China and US to kill even more non-Jews, punish China for not letting this psychopath group of evil Jews take over China, disrupt the elections in the US and then slow down the rate at which people learn about the Jew infestation. They are the only ones that benefit.

3 years ago

Get ready for major censorship:

Archive everything, make back ups and prepare to adapt.

3 years ago

>> Mike Lindell promises to show ‘100% non-subjective evidence’ of election fraud in August.

Two more weeks guys.

3 years ago


So I am watching the movie “Hollow Man” with Kevin Bacon. There is a scene at 22:38 minutes where a camera is doing a fast-approach shot toward the Pentagon. So the Pentagon is in the distance and then the camera rushes forward across the landscape until it hits the entryway.

The sound they used was that of jet engine.

Movie came out in 2000.

3 years ago

Computer teacher resigns over CRT. Epic resignation letter.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I got some odd responses from your blog.

So I’m at address

and I click on the comments

I get “Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead”

I open the specifics and it says “Websites prove their identity via certificates. Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for the following names: *,


Now I notice the link I have for you is not https only http so I change that to https and then it starts working. Funny thing is it now works on the http page also.

It works fine now and I have NO idea what this means. It’s odd as can be. Could very well be the guys looking at my net are screwing it up and had a glitch.

I’m not expecting anything just reporting what I see. I get odd stuff like this every so often.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I got that the other day too, my browser reeee-ed at me telling me “go away goy, site not safe!” and made me click 2 or 3 buttons to finally be able to come in.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…I should also add that IMHO some racial Jews can integrate into the West (I like Ron Unz, Stephen Miller and some other racial Jews)…”

I don’t trust any of them. Not even one. I don’t know Unz motivations. It would not surprise me if he was just collecting names because most normies have no idea the stuff he covers anyways.

And there’s always the fact that if you keep a bunch of Jews around they will have kids and…there you go the same F—ed up genes will pop up and we start all over again. I want complete and total segregation of all sorts of interaction with them. Total.

A simple example is Blacks. I’m polite to them in public and don’t start anything but if I can in any way avoid them I do. If there are a lot of Blacks at a gas station unless I’m on empty I’ll go some where else. There’s just no gain at all in dealing with Jews or Blacks. It’s all loss. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel, with them it’s always a train.

People act like they’ve accomplished something if they tolerate or deal with Blacks and Jews but in fact you’ve gained nothing. You could deal with a regular White and 99% of the time you would be better off and not have the problems the others constantly create. This toleration for their psychopathic evil behavior is what drives us ever deeper into grief.

A handful of Jews acting semi-decently can never make up for the damage they have done as a group. Even unz shills for mass immigration of Hispanics(in actuality South American Indians). I’m all done with the “everyone is an individual” business. I’m interesting in my people first, second and last.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Understandable position.

Jews have plenty of places to go to (even if Israel stops existing, which it might, and that’s OK), and nobody owes them shit.

Btw, civic nationalism is 100% not sustainable in the long-term (Greeks figured that one out some thousands of years ago), and it’s not racist or hateful to point that out. Curiously, the only place where it is kinda working out is in Russia, and Putin says (and he is right IMHO) that they don’t want “Countries” without the Country because they want to keep the current extent of the territory as big as it is now, but alas, unlike in the Western judeocracies, in Russia you don’t have politicians criticizing ID politics while engaging in ID politics with every racial group except Whites, and you don’t see Putin allowing anti-White and anti-Christian bullshit.

3 years ago

Hackers exploited 0-day, not 2018 bug, to mass-wipe My Book Live devices [Updated]

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Zero day means glowie backdoor. If it was used, it was 100% glowie.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

You know gents just wanted to say a hearty ThankYou to everybody here, especially AC. BOOTSTRAPPY is doing great because he drops the link at the top of the page. It jumps the view count by a factor of ten in a day.

It’s kind of funny, the video I spent no time on and threw together in editing about tossing potatoes in the ground is showing almost double the the views of the vid on the router that I spent a month on. I’m genuinely laughing. I’ve heard several Youtubers mention this sorta thing happen to them, and it always turns out well. You know when I get one of those eps uploaded it’s the only time I feel a genuine sense of accomplishment about anything lately. For a few hours I feel like I’m doing what I am supposed to be doing.

So thank you, again to AC for the promotion, and to everybody who watches. I appreciate it more than you know.

P.S. – My specialty soda victory dance was a Lorina – BLOOD ORANGE apparently imported from France. Really recommend it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“No pinkies in the air either.”


3 years ago

Not a fan of the Daily Stormer, but found this interesting and worth the read:

3 years ago

Dan Bongino creates new anti-‘cancel culture’ payment platform in response to Trump ban

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

But if Israel firsters like Kushner have their way and make criticism of Israel legally anti-Semitic, and anti-Semitism a crime, and payment platforms cannot facilitate crime, what happens to the people who happen to have legitimate criticism to make about Israel?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

There is no legitimate criticism if israel, goy! (!) Report to the secret police immediately, or it will go harder for you!

3 years ago

Imagine my SHAWK when I see how good this vid is (not really, I really like PJW, he is based and doesn’t refrain from criticizing Israel and other Jewish collective power related problems):

3 years ago

/pol/ frens activated their weaponized autism regarding the owners of the Miami condo that was apparently demolished:

3 years ago

Impressive video (1 min) showing the power of deepfakes:

It’s very impressive and disturbing.