News Briefs – 06/28/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Joe Biden seemingly downplayed illegal immigrant crime during Thursday night’s presidential debate by asserting that women are also raped by their in-laws, brothers, and sisters.

Politico – Biden bombs and Trump pounces.

Politico – Democrats consider the unthinkable: It’s time for Biden to go. Down-ballot democrats are starting to panic.

CBS – Babbling’ and ‘hoarse’: Biden’s debate performance sends Democrats into a panic.

Daily Mail – Democrats in full-blown panic over Biden’s disaster debate: Party members call for Joe to be REPLACED after ‘gamechanger’ showdown with Trump where he glitched after MINUTES.

“Biden has a cold”: Campaign tells reporters midway through disastrous debate Biden has been sick for days

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This would support Farce’s theory RFK is who the Dems are going to have take over from Biden in the script:

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Biden dismisses calls for him to drop out of race. There is one other possibility. If Q were real, and this were all a script to show people how bad things are, I could see the script now being what a total shit show America is, what a total shit show Biden is, how even Democrats are saying he will be lucky to get 10% of the vote, and then the election happens, and Biden again beats Trump like 53% to 47%. At that point, everyone realizes the elections were totally rigged.

‘Christians against Trumpism’ co-founder arrested for soliciting sex from 15-year-old boy.

The number of foreign nationals in the U.S. currently eligible for naturalization outnumbers the 2020 presidential margin of victory in five battleground states meaning newly naturalized citizens could theoretically swing the election: Report.

White House Press Corps was forced to watch the feed of CNN debate from building across the street because they believe there may be a “medical emergency” involving one of the candidates requiring on-scene coverage.

A government watchdog filed an ethics complaint Thursday against a former Biden administration official who sits on the board of an organization that received billions in taxpayer cash.

Tractor Supply Co. backs off ‘woke’ policies after backlash: ‘We have taken this feedback to heart.’

Google search results favor Joe Biden, bury Donald Trump’s campaign site.

Supreme Court leaves Idaho abortion ban in place because the case needs more time at the lower court level before it can weigh in on the merits but leaves in place injunction allowing abortions if the mother’s life is in jeopardy.

A bankruptcy judge on Thursday put on hold an attempt by the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim to seize the business bank accounts of the Infowars broadcaster Alex Jones.

Michelle Obama will not campaign for Biden because of the Biden family exile of Hunter’s ex-wife and her good friend Kathleen Buhle.

RFK proposes to Biden they both take a poll, and the one less likely to beat Trump agrees to drop out.

Top female bodybuilding champion, 36, dies days before top-level competition after suffering a blood clot in Brazil as tributes are paid to ‘angel in human form.’

Making ends meet is a concern for one-third of U.S. consumers.

Jobless claims data show ‘warning sign’ for the US labor market.

During an interview with CNBC on Thursday, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo stated that “We want China’s economy to flourish.”

US negotiating to send Israel’s Patriot systems to Ukraine.

Ukraine does not want to prolong the conflict due to the high count of killed and injured at the battlefield, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said. “We must put this [settlement] plan on the table within few months. We do not have much time, because we have a lot of killed and injured on the battlefield. […] Therefore we do not want this war to last for years. Therefore we want to prepare this peace plan for the second summit.”

Bill Maher calls left ‘aggressively anti-common sense’ at Aspen Ideas Festival, predicts Trump ‘very likely will win.’

Trump leads Biden in five battleground states.

Spread r/K Theory, because all of this is scripted

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8 months ago

Shocking Experiment: Human Brains Forced To Power Computers

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Vile arrogance of the technocrats.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Sounds like The Matrix doesn’t it?

8 months ago

UFC contender Jiri Prochazka says champion Alex Pereira is using shamans, spiritual forces, and rituals to win fights

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Pereira doesn’t need any of that shit to win fights because he was a world champion pro kickboxer, and now in MMA he demolishes almost everyone they put in front of him.

8 months ago

In regard to the “debate”, all these towel wringers on the left that are “shocked” by ANYTHING Biden does are witless. Have they listened to the man speak before last night? He is severely degraded. Have they compared his behavior now to when he was really in gear bragging about his superior intellect to a roomful of midwit supporters in the 1980s (he actually may have been the smartest man in that room). Watch the man walk and move. He’d fit well in Disney’s The President’s of the United States animatronic exhibit; he’s stiff and his movements are robotic. His ability to speak coherent sentences and thought are greatly hampered. At one point last night, he touched the right side of his face at the ear and held the position for just a bit too long – he did not scratch an itch. At that moment, I said, “He’s wearing an earpiece.” So, it could be that he has that in at all times and is having progressively greater difficulty processing his “thoughts” into spoken language. I know the speculation is that all of these people wear earpieces, they probably do. It could very well be that people that make it to these kind of positions are selected because they have the ability to use an earpiece more efficiently than others and don’t care that they are not expressing their own thoughts. They WANT to be tools to get the goodies. They are the epitome of Ron Burgundy.

On another note, the calls to replace Biden and how “they can’t work” because of this rule or that law. Does anyone think anyone in the machine cares about rules or laws? The Uniparty’s response will be: “Hold my my beer. You haven’t seen anything yet.” Whatever needs to be done to get the results they want will be done.

8 months ago

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Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Belgian Malinois are incredible animals.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

What a champion

8 months ago

Welsh Police Pay Home Visit To Man For Displaying Reform UK Political Sign

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

The clay fell from my eyes with the Scam-demic mask wearing.

I couldnt believe it when I saw people clapping at the sky.

75% of People are NPCs. Of the remainder 80% comply, remainder rebel.

In WW1 Germans knew this and called the last 5% the “One in 20 Men”.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

They’re creating indignation as a means to get people to vote for reform. It’s all theatre, a complete pile of shite. There is no democracy there is a conocracy and rule by the banksteins.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

Perhaps, but know this, they are frit of the mob.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Previously solid Conservative area… Only signs seen are the Sexual Deviants Party (LibDems).

Zero Reform posters seen. Supporters, probably assume they will get a brick through the window.

Such intimidation is suppressing public support for Reform.My suspicion is Reform support is far greater than polls suggest.

8 months ago

The “debate” was sad. Keeping Joe Biden is just plain elder abuse at this point.

He has the nuclear codes. Think about that.

Reply to  Maniac
8 months ago

meh. the military/Intel Cartels/MIC demonstrated it pretty clearly to Trump (and JFK): they only follow the orders they wanna follow. I wouldn’t be surprised if Grampy McDiaper has already ordered multiple nuke strikes, (“NUKE those goddamn jews!”), with Real President Jill (the reason biden ain’t gonna drop out, no matter what) standing behind him shaking her head & mouthing “no” to the generals struggling to keep a straight face whilst their “commander-in-chief” rages on. maybe they just tell him they did it and then he calms down and forgets. that’s the traditional easy way of dealing with the senile.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Maniac
8 months ago

Joe never had the nuclear codes.

His entire “presidency” has been a puppet show.

Reply to  Maniac
8 months ago

He doesn’t have shit, his handlers and puppeteers do.

8 months ago

‘Making ends meet is a concern for one-third of U.S. consumers.’

I’m going to contact the bank that handles my company’s 401K and ask if they can refund the money they took from my weekly paychecks (without consulting me first), minus the “match.”

8 months ago

Biden dismisses calls for him to drop out of race. There is one other possibility. If Q were real, and this were all a script to show people how bad things are, I could see the script now being what a total shit show America is, what a total shit show Biden is, how even Democrats are saying he will be lucky to get 10% of the vote, and then the election happens, and Biden again beats Trump like 53% to 47%. At that point, everyone realizes the elections were totally rigged.”

I did see much of whatever that was, and this is the most plausible take.

I’m still not onboard with the “plan is to replace Biden” idea, because that could have been done numerous times in 2020 and later, and somehow wasn’t. The humiliation exercise idea makes more sense.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

RFK couldn’t win the primary, so they used Biden to block anyone who could.
They also set up RFK to be “the hated outsider maverick that the DNC didn’t want” and delayed the change until he is their only choice.

I don’t think Q controls the enemy enough to force them to do AC’s idea, and they aren’t stupid enough to not know this would happen with Biden sooner or later before the election.

All they need is to cheat and then tell everyone that a huge majority hated Trump enough that they would vote for RFK and would have voted for Biden if he wasn’t a senile vegetable.
It will work better for them because RFK doesn’t have Biden’s record in office.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Very few plans control the enemy

8 months ago

I did just check the Marginal Revolution debate thread, and commentator “PHinton” made a good point.

The 25th Amendment exists. It allows for the transfer of power from a President to a Vice President if the President is incapacitated. It requires a majority of the Cabinet to agree and to inform Congress. A President can challenge it and just needs the backing of a third of Congress, but a genuinely incapacitated President would not be able to do this.

So why hasn’t this happened? When were the appearances before Congress when cabinet officers were asked why they hadn’t triggered this? There weren’t any. Why?

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Because Biden is a fucking commie democrat, and democrats and commies DO NOT RELINQUISH POWER. EVER. see: Wilson, Edith. see: FDR running for Preezy in 1944 despite being a) well along in the dying mode and b) out of his head/senseless a large % of the time. see: shitwad senators with decades in office preferring to die in office rather than let go of their power one second too soon – Biden himself, Bobby K.K.K. Byrd, Ted Kennedy, DiFi et al. Same with the House: Pelosi. The Dingells. John Quincy Adams. etc etc Then too, petty legalities like, say, “must be a US Citizen” or “stealing elections is wrong” or “The 25th Amendment” simply don’t apply to democrats, and they never have. If we’re still hoping the law will save us, after the endless bad examples of the past 110 years, then we really are doomed.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Kamala Harris is married to a name partner of an international law firm. The firm is one of the three biggest law firms on the entire globe. Handing the presidency to her does not hand the presidency to her. It hands the presidency of the United States of America- and the USA military- and the USA Treasure printing press- and the copyright and trademark and patent office- to a global-spanning law firm.

No one wants to be demoted to a minion in a department, from subject matter expert in charge of a great, big, independent country.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Because this is the plan and always was the plan.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

This would support Farce’s theory RFK is who the Dems are going to have take over from Biden in the script

If this does happen prepare for the Left to have whiplash as they pivot from “die! you vax denying CHUDS” to “Warp Speed Drumph lied, millions died!”

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

RFK is definitely not taking over from Biden, at least not with the approval of the Deep State or the DNC.

Reply to  Another Dave
8 months ago

Watch and see.

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Many of their shills have been laying that foundation with republicans and libertarians for some time now.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Not saying you’re wrong. I just despise these faggots with their malleable positions.

8 months ago

Electoral votes:

  1. Wisonsin 10
  2. Nevada 6
8 months ago

Commentator EMC at the Naked Capitalism web site. I’m looking at all the normie websites about the debate:

“What I don’t understand is how anyone could be surprised, never mind “shocked” at Biden’s debate performance. It was apparent to anyone paying attention during primary debates in 2019 he had early dementia, though non professionals can be forgiven for missing it. Then. But we have had four years watching progressive dementia, obvious to anyone living in reality. And I avoid him, as much as I avoid Trump, so far less exposure than many. It baffles me that I have conversations with people claiming he is “articulate”. It baffles me the DNC pushed him on us in 2020 when they had plenty of other compliant options, even more perplexing now. They had to know it would be a train wreck.”

This person nails it. The “dementia” issues were obvious in 2019, and there were something like two dozen other Democratic candidates, including Kamala Harris and Michael Bloomberg, and “Biden” lost in both Iowa and New Hampshire, pretty badly. This is much more complicated than people think.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

The point behind this theater is that the Cabal actually running the WH actually needed someone with dementia, as it lets them exercise total control with no input from the individual supposedly running the country.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

I know some lefties who work in the allied health field so you’d think they would be aware of his diminished capacity during the last campaign. Nope. After that election, these NPC’s said things to me like, “Welp, I just voted for Biden–the grumpy grandpa.”

That is what passes for cognition with these people.

Reply to  🌲🌲
8 months ago

They did know, they didn’t care.
Lefties only care about power and they trust the party to run things through the senile vegetable.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Fair point. Thank, Farce.

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Biden is more pliable than other Dems. Blackmail material for decades on the whole damn family, so a solid bloc. With a swamp President(!) directing the corrupt DOJ and with media turning a blind eye when not lying that spells trouble for Americans.

There is good news from SCOTUS today. They took a few bites out of the Deep State by restricting operative latitude and telling them to go through the courts like they used to decades ago.
That has a few benefits:
1. reduce the Policyfare (Lawfare BS Analog) that the SES dems and borderline commies have used to push their proggie nonsense; and
2. disincentivize the revolving door between government and industry.
Good start, next restrict pharma bureaucrats after the Purdue smack-down .

8 months ago

2 Timothy 2:20-2120 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

8 months ago

Joe Biden seemingly downplayed illegal immigrant crime during Thursday night’s presidential debate by asserting that women are also raped by their in-laws, brothers, and sisters.

That sure was oddly specific.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

I am surprised that our side has not latched on to that weird comment a bit more. Seems like everyone is too nervous about bringing that ugly fact about the Bidens proclivities

8 months ago

A bankruptcy judge on Thursday put on hold an attempt by the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim to seize the business bank accounts of the Infowars broadcaster Alex Jones.

Really, really dumb move by the lawyers. This was a blatant and open attempt to end-run the bankruptcy judge. The judge said

“Let’s just do this with process and transparency,” Judge Lopez said in the hearing, held in Houston. “The last thing I want to do is start hashing out another dispute about two sets of families that have been through enough already.”

That’s leaving a lot of tone out, because judges know that the written record is what goes. There was probably not yelling, but a degree of raised voice there.
Bankruptcy court is a court of equity, not law. That means that the judge can essentially just do what he thinks is “fair,” (which is also what all the SJWs want to do — replace the law courts with equity courts) and that makes it an even worse place to just piss the judge off. This makes all the Sandy Hook families look like money grubbing trust fund kids fighting over an estate.
(To be clear, an equity court can’t do anything it wants — they are fenced in by a few laws and the general constitution — but it’s a circus compared to the normal court procedure, where the judge is generally hemmed in left and right by statutes, rules, and common law.)

8 months ago

Alt theory: Biden #5 stays in, beats Trump handily w/109% (you kept it at/below 100%) of the vote, 10 days dark, military starts unsealing indictments

Pray whatever happens, God saves our nation from Cabal

8 months ago

SCOTUS opinions was a big day.
Biggest was Fischer, the J6 case. Like a lot of people (including me) were saying from the start, the “obstructing an official proceeding” charge was on an Sarbanes Oxley law, and it was about Enron document shredding. It made it a felony to shred documents to cover your crimes. There is an “otherwise impeding” clause in it, and the prosecutors tried to drive a truck through that. The SCOTUS just shit on that truck and lit it on fire.
SCOTUS holds that the law (18 USC 1512) applies to documents. Duh. The ‘otherwise’ has to tie to documents somehow, and the example they gave is that someone might forge evidence rather than destroy it. It does NOT cover things like, some folks took tours of Congress and this made gin-soaked Pelosi weep London Dry in a simulacrum of tears and kept Congress from voting. SCOTUS has reversed and remanded (meaning it goes back down to the original court) and instructed the court to follow its narrower ruling, meaning that the charges are either going to be dropped or dismissed.
If I remember correctly, this is the VAST majority of the felony charges on the J6 defendants, and other than a few violent assholes, everyone else just has misdemeanors other than this.
The Loper Bright case is also huge. Short version: The Chevron doctrine is dead, dead, dead. Chevron held that if Congress was open-ended or ambiguous on the powers that it gave a federal agency, the the courts had to just take that agency’s word on how much power Congress gave it. It sounds incredibly stupid when you say it like that, because it was that stupid.
This one is huge, and is probably even a bigger deal than Fischer in the long term. This is going to effect essentially everything some alphabet regulator has done since 1985. All the EPA bullshit, all the BATF bullshit, all the NTSB bullshit in cars, the BLM regulations on ranchers, all of it is now up for review by the courts, the courts are instructed NOT to just assume that agency knows what it is talking about, but to do their jobs.

Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the APA requires. Careful attention to the judgment of the Executive Branch may help inform that inquiry. And when a particular statute delegates authority to an agency consistent with constitutional limits, courts must respect the delegation, while ensuring that the agency acts within it. But courts need not and under the APA may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.

Last opinion released would be the big opinion on any other day, but the two above are huge. Grants Pass v Johnson is about an anti-camping law. These are essentially vagrancy laws, preventing bums from setting up shanties and ramshackle hovels in their hobo jungles in the middle of town. Pro-hobo activists claimed that these laws are Cruel and Unusual Punishment because it makes being a poor a crime.
SCOTUS called bullshit, especially since the plaintiffs themselves were “homeless” only because they wouldn’t go to the town shelter, where they had to smoke outside and not be drunk. Anti-camping laws now have full effect again (which also applies to Texas, which makes me happy that the police have to do something about the hobo jungle down the street from me.)

Last edited 8 months ago by phelps
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I agree. Our signal to noise ratio has been high lately, but we have some priceless subject matter experts like Phelps here. Much appreciated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Yep. What AC said.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anominous
8 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Best easily understood summary of Loper Bright overturning Chevron is this one:
It has enough detail to give good background with the how/why it is important, and its limitations, but not so much legalese that it makes no sense to a typical person.

Reply to  Rn
8 months ago

Excellent writeup, and I endorse it completely.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Yes thank you Phelps for assisting us with not sounding like complete retards trying to explain this to our normie friends

Reply to  Rizzo
8 months ago

Chevron in particular is really, really hard, which is one of the reasons the SCOTUS shitcanned it. Even judges have a real hard time applying it the way it was written to be applied.
The thing Chevron did was put a lot of stuff out of the court’s reach, unless it was really, obviously unconstitutional. They had to assume that the agency knew what it was talking about. Now, everything is back on the table for “what specific law says you get to build a waterslide?”

8 months ago

Israel is the only country responsible for Havana syndrome.

8 months ago

The Trump-Biden debate was the most boring of all worlds. Trump even seemed to notice how unprepared Biden was and backed off his usual aggression.
Maybe they, the Deep State, told Biden they’d have his back on the debate and then just sent him out to die abandoned. Biden clearly has a lot of connections and influence and this debate may have been the mafia-style message that he’s been supplanted, being left out to dry. It would explain Biden’s lack of tech-support (earpieces, minimal CNN moderators running interference, ineffective drug cocktail) as well as Trump going soft on him after it became obvious he didn’t have a team behind him anymore.

General's Addition
General's Addition
8 months ago

“Daily Mail – Democrats in full-blown panic over Biden’s disaster debate: Party members call for Joe to be REPLACED after ‘gamechanger’ showdown with Trump where he glitched after MINUTES.”

Joe Biden is a warning to all of the people out there who think that their drug habits will make them more functional.

Here’s the most powerful schemer in a government office and even he can’t get his shit straight on drugs.

This guy has the best drug techs that Circle D (The Democrats) can afford, and what does it get him?

A verbal ass kicking by someone who enjoys brawling.

Kids, don’t do drugs, they make you cheap steak tough like Joe Biden.

8 months ago

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8 months ago

Vigano say Francis is not a Pope

8 months ago

Modernized G3 – [AK4D] Speedway [ Long Range On the Clock ] – Practical Accuracy

8 months ago

“A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between female and male brains. The researchers found no overlap between male and female, and rejected the idea of a “continuum.””

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Yves Christian wrote about that in his 1991 book Sex Differences, Modern Biology and the Unisex Fallacy.

I991. Great book! Sex differences : modern biology and the unisex fallacy : Christen, Yves : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Seems sus.

Reply to  🌲🌲
8 months ago

I misread the link title.
Reading a little more attentively—good content.

I retract “sus” 😉

8 months ago

RFK Jr. Addresses Possibility of Taking Joe Biden’s Spot on Democrat Ticket

Kennedy, who previously challenged Biden in the Democratic primary before changing his party affiliation to independent, was pressed by NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo about whether he would be open to replacing Biden as the nominee.

Cuomo said Biden is “in freefall,” and that Kennedy being the Democratic nominee could “really solve their problems and yours at the same time.”

He asked: “Would you be open to talking to them if they reached out to you?”

“Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off,” Kennedy responded, adding that he believes the Democratic National Committee would otherwise try to get him removed from the ballot in states across the country.

More at:

8 months ago

They’ve taken him off everything, they are going to let him die.