Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – OPEC Predicts Oil Demand To Increase Through 2045
DFT – Fox News Replaces Tucker Carlson With Jesse Waters
DFT – Oil Prices Stabilize After Russia Resolves Wagner Rebellion
DFT –Among European Nations Only Russia Saw Food Prices Fall
DFT – Turkey’s Central Bank Returns Nation To Financial Rationality
The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to impose new limits on state courts reviewing certain election-related issues by ruling against Republicans in North Carolina fighting for a congressional district map that would heavily favor their candidates. Constitution says state legislatures should decide how elections are run, Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett join Roberts to say, no, a court can over rule them. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch dissent.
Mysterious DoD Iran attack memo does not exist and is not part of Jack Smith’s case against Trump. They had Trump, dead to rights, because he was on tape shaking a folder and telling a reporter, “I never declassified these documents here on attacking Iran, which I took from the White House.” Except after the media all saying this is it, Trump is done for, it emerges there were no such documents, so he didn’t actually admit to anything.
There’s evidence 60 percent of ACT Blue’s donations come from China.
North Carolina House Speaker, sued by ex-councilman for having ‘degrading’ group sex with the councilman’s wife, hired a goon to plant secret camera to dig up dirt in retaliation, explosive lawsuit alleges. Interesting case. The Speaker was banging the guy’s wife, but then he ordered her to bang other men with him, who he coerced using their needing something from him as Speaker. You see how it works. It had little to do with the sex. He was gathering blackmail, and had cameras put up everywhere. So if you needed something, he would offer it, but only if you bang this woman. Then it was probably, “I’ll just be over here watching.” And next thing you know, there is a video of the guy who needed something that he really dis not want on the internet. Nothing worked the way normal people would think. It was all blackmail, and the degeneracy it fosters. This speaker is probably such a fuckup because the only reason he is there, is Cabal intel caught him being degenerate and retarded in some other instance, got the blackmail, and owned him, at which point he flew up the ladder – while getting his own blackmail, because that is how it all works. And likewise, who do you think rises in society off getting what they and their business need from the North Carolina House Speaker? Again, more degenerates. Mr Squeaky Clean Christian did not get those government contracts he needed, and his business was the one that failed. You can see the nature of the cream that rises to the top of society in a blackmail-oriented world. Meanwhile where is David Patterson again?
Jeffrey Epstein’s death WAS suicide with no outside involvement, DoJ rules.
Spectator reviews the comments on UFOs and aliens by officials who should know something.
Hunter Biden privately SETTLES with baby mama over child support payments for their four-year-old daughter: President’s son’s contributions drop from $20K to $5K a month and daughter cannot use family name. Interesting. Hunter unexpectedly reopened the child support case last September, claiming he had suffered ‘a substantial material change’ in his income. And she looked at something in the discovery, and agreed to cut the support from $240K per year down to $60 K per year. Might something have happened to the Biden family, to unburden them from their wealth, even though Joe is now President, and could probably sell more than ever?
Reuters: former President Donald Trump only living President to not have slave owning ancestors.
Roseanne Barr says ‘no one died in the Holocaust.’ “…nobody died in the Holocaust. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now cause they cause all the problems in the world. But it never happened. But it never happened — Mandated.” Jewish groups are saying it was satirical, but she sounded kind of like her brain may have been confused. She is Jewish. Not sure if this is significant as some sort of acted-out narrative script, as she previously held herself out as a big Q-supporter.
Dr. Anthony Fauci joins Georgetown University as ‘distinguished’ professor.
US government spent $12,700,000,000 to bail out 10 wealthy depositors amid banking crisis.
Baseball-sized hail smashing into panels at 150 MPH destroys Scottsbluff solar farm.
Vermont town to let 16- and 17-year-olds vote in local elections, after legislature overrode veto.
Huge asteroid the length of ten BUSES is hurtling towards Earth at 26,000 meatballs per hour.
Health officials have recently detected five malaria cases in the United States, marking the first locally acquired mosquito-borne malaria to be diagnosed in the country in two decades. Due to “international travel.”
Paris erupts as police ‘execution’ of teenage driver sparks riots: Youths set cars alight and pelt officers with fireworks in night of anarchy after ‘French-Algerian 17-year-old’ was shot dead by cop who told him ‘I’m going to lodge a bullet in your head.’ More Muslim fun and games. Video shows he nearly drove over cops pointing guns at him while pressed against the car. Also two backpack walkers at 0:38.
Hundreds of Canadian military members file $500 million lawsuit over COVID jab mandates.
Millions of dollars in fines to punish online misinformation under new draft bill in Australia.
A woman in Australia was fined $10k for liking a post that misgendered someone.
This twitter account from a Wagner PMC family member says now that Belarus is secured with tactical nukes, and Wagner was disarmed by Putin as an enemy of Putin and Russia, it will begin launching attacks on Poland on certain targets, which will not be grounds for Article V since it is not in any way related to Russia. Is Poland offering some sort of support to Ukraine?
More tweets:
Female marketing exec behind Mulvaney partnership no longer employed at Anheuser-Busch.
Former President Trump receives “Man of Decade” award from Oakland County GOP.
President Trump Headlines The New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women Lilac Luncheon:
There’s evidence 60 percent of ACT Blue’s donations come from China.
How can we ever thank the Virtuous Pagans for spreading the good, the beautiful, and the true like this?
No Chinese ever gangstalked me, falsely arrested me, used psychological torture on me, barred me from employment, or sought to destroy my family. No Chinese government official never engaged in the sheer level of criminality and overt abuse against me that American public officials have.
id rather live in China than this place. Sadly, being an American, I’m not free to leave.
and there’s something else: sure the Chinese might be buying off American politicians. But they are only able to do so because our own politicians are some of the most corrupt, dishonest, exploitative swindlers on the planet.
I can’t blame the Chinese for wanting to use every possible measure to encourage these lunatics to self destruction. This nation presents far too much of a threat to its own citizens and the world.
The Chinese support the people who do all of that and seek to give them more power to do it.
They aim to become the top dog in the globalist tyranny and do all of it to everyone, just like they do to Chinese in China.
They could support Americans who want non-interventionist policies and virtue.
But they are not virtuous and seek to conquer us and the rest of the world and subject us to their version of the devil’s world order.
That’s absolutely ridiculous. No current state except the USA aims to become “the top dog in the globalist tyranny”. Even the Israelis grasp the fundamental problem of empire.
The Chinese, like the Russians, want to be left alone in their sphere of influence. They’re nowhere nearly as dumb as you imagine them to be; they understand that empire means choosing what foreigners will rule over your grandchildren.
China was invaded and occupied by outsiders for over 100 years. It’s downright retarded to blame them for wanting to be strong enough to prevent it from happening again.
Their actions speak louder than your words.
Balaam and Midian were destroyed for doing to Israel what the ChiComs are doing to Christendom in collaboration with the western satanists.
China will reap the same reward.
P.S. Trying to claim that nobody but the US wants to rule the world is a joke and nobody is going to believe anything you have to say after you make that assertion.
The Israel at the time was at least attempting to keep God’s Covenant and therefore had God’s protection. I don’t think America enjoys the same protection.
Who else has the military bases scattered across the world like the US?
I’m not so sure that the want to conquer us to rule the world. What I am certof is that they view our ruling class as an utterly depraved, sociopathic group of unstable lunatics. They likely see them as pure rabid dogs that absolutely must be put down.
I also think, for reasons of national pride, that they seek for China to be the leading country in the world. You know, leading in infrastructure, growth, industry, science, engineering. All of those things that America has given up on as it’s rulers have spent the last several decades devouring the middle class with a greedy, rapacious, unspeakable cruel campaign of pillage that would shock Genghis Khan or the rulers of ancient Assyria.
The Chinese probably also realize that these predators who have destroyed their own country are probably the most likely to attempt to conquer, swindle, pillage, extort, and rape them. The rulers of this country will do anything to stay on top of this world, except investing in and cultivating their own population. That necessarily means they plan on using force and violence and sabotage to destroy any rivals who may outshine them.
The Chinese want to excel and shine. Which country is ruled by people who have a proven record of destroying anyone who outshines them?
The Chinese have likely concluded the obvious: the biggest threat to their continued advancement and prosperity is the lunatics running this country who are OUR biggest obstacle to advancement and prosperity.
China is bending every effort towards building a world government under their control.
Look at who controls the WHO and used it to impose their self destructive lockdown strategy on the rest of the world.
Their entire history is one of seeking to conquer and dominate all of their neighbors.
They also have a long track record of destroying anyone inside or outside their country that threatens to outshine their ruling class whenever they have the power to do so.
They are Tweedle Dee to the western satanists Tweedle Dum.
The CCP does not treat its people well. There are some 250 ethnicities, and only the Han have any potential to advance. Pollution and toxic environmental practices play Hell with human health. Much of the population is not well. Very few make more than $150/year. The CCP mandated the population take its home grown Covid-19 jab. It’s killed a lot of people, leukemia is rampant among children. The money allocated to regions, provinces, cities, state factories, etc. is skimmed at every level, resulting in insufficient funds to purchase necessary supplies, materials, pay workers. Workers often bring their little children to work with them in those situations because the factories will pay fractions of the wages they are supposed to pay for the child labor, while a parent oversees their work. The surveillance in China and the restrictions applied-many times capriciously- to mess with people, or solicit bribes to release, is far more intrusive. Life means nothing there especially in the cities. As an American, one can make some decent money teaching English as a foreign language. Your not going to find freedom, charity or humanity there.
China has been at asymmetric war with the USA for 20 years, as per the military doctrine laid out in Unrestricted Warfare. All of their interactions with the USA is designed to weaken and undermine it in order to eliminate the US Navy’s ability to interfere with them in their own backyard. How is it possible that you still do not understand this?
Oh I think Farce understands it clearly. He just doesn’t think The Hans are so wonderful in their current iteration as commies.
I think the argument is not are the Chinese wonderful or not. I think the question is, who do we need destroyed first and most. I don’t think anybody will argue if we get rid of Cabal, and it is us or the Chinese, the Chinese are dangerous, but are that as dangerous as Cabal? And another question is, are the Chinese a bigger headache for Cabal right now, or are they a bigger threat to us?
And that is complicated. Because right now Cabal has managed to hide successfully for centuries, maybe millennia, and maintain full control, as they do unspeakable evil. I have gotten accounts of just the most lovely, innocent young kids, who were so innocent they could not imagine evil. And they happened to be smart, and they are just wandering through life, a threat to nobody, and this thing gave power to cruel, evil people to just bust into their lives out of the blue and hurt them and then try to destroy their entire lives, to take them off the gameboard. I mean really empowering demons you would feel an uncontrollable urge to kill, so they could derive joy from hurting pure innocence.
I can’t retell the stories, they were private, but I know you guys. As fundamental protectors, you would hand this place to the Chinese in a heartbeat to bring justice for those stories, and worry about dealing with the fallout of that later. You would walk through fire.
Now suppose we can’t expose Cabal by ourselves and unseat them. But suppose China could unseat them. Could China hide as well once it did? If not, a viable path might be to help the Chinese take over and unseat Cabal, before turning around and unseating the Chinese, who would have it more difficult against us. It is not impossible that is even what is being done, though I have no evidence it is, and would call it unlikely off the top of my head.
These are complex issues, mainly because currently we are ruled by satanists who are likely torturing and killing children as part of blackmail initiation rights for the elites, running pedo blackmail for the lower levels, and they are just embedded so deeply, and have somehow recruited like 10 percent of the country to serve them. I mean, do we fight off the Chinese for Cabal, so it can keep doing all that? Or do we let our enemies hurt each other, and do a Vox Day and just dance around fomenting chaos until an opportunity emerges to exploit?
Is the Siamese twin on the right or the left a bigger threat than the other?
I’ll munch popcorn while they attempt to kill eachother.
But I won’t lift a finger to help either one or promote one as better than the other.
Russia is the one to cheer for right now and China is a danger to them as well.
I wish God delegated the job to the servants who love him. But that will only happen after the second coming.
My take is he understands perfectly what so many here seem incapable of comprehending: just because they {china} are the enemy of your enemy {Globohomo}, that don’t automatically make them your friends.
5000 years of chinese history pounds home one lesson, over & over again: the chinese are incapable of civilized interaction with other peoples and countries. ADD IN the fact they’re now also godless fucking commies who will gleefully kill millions of their own people at the drop of a hat – or whenever the Big Man gets a little nervous about his job security – and the fact y’all routinely, reflexively, pathetically-in-a-manner-first-described-by-Pavlov sing their praises, like schoolgirls swooning over Justin Bieber, is… interesting. One wonders what a psychiatrist would say about that.
How is it possible that you do not understand that spreading evil is evil whether you do it for the sake of evil or as a weapon of war?
Balaam tried that trick with Midian to defeat Israel and GOD didn’t appreciate it at all.
Only demons support other demons. That’s always been true. The path of the righteous is straight, and will remain so.
God does use the evil empires Assyria and Babylon as his instruments of Wrath. But later destroys them for exceeding their mandate by excessive violence and cruelty.
A few JDAMS in the center of the Three Gorges Dam might be a polite response.
Hmmmm. I won’t see him in Valhalla since it is a pagan euphemism for what is really Hell. That is one place I do not intend to see anyone. You should do likewise and may the Blood of Christ lead you to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb instead.
I’m sure that the Sheepdog Warriors of all kinds have their own clubs in the many Mansions Christ promised us where they can pal around with their own kind while the sheeple hang out with their kind. (None of it being mandatory, just natural)
“It was all blackmail, and the degeneracy it fosters.”
The blackmail game in DC is more degenerate than you can imagine. I’m going to share a story that only made sense to me years afterwards. It involves my extended family and it took place when I was a naïve teenager.
I had a cousin that was a staff member for a DC politician. My cousin was very ambitious and within 8 years of living in DC he supposedly owned eight DC town-homes. The homes were rented out to various names of which some were famous. Everyone in the family was very impressed and proud of my cousin. His parents were middle class btw so he had no help from them in this feat.
My cousin had a younger sister the same age as me that he adored and doted on. He was 10 years older the us.
After a visit back home one summer this cousin invites me, his sister, and one of her friends to come visit him in DC for a week. I drive us all there and since his personal residence had only one bed we all slept on cots downstairs. Nice place but very minimalist. It was a loft typed place so everything was open including his bedroom space upstairs.
Well one afternoon after coming back from seeing the town I mention I’m tired so my cousin says “hey, you can sleep in my bed”. Then my girl cousin mentions she’s also tired so he says she can sleep there too. “It’s a big bed” he says.
I was fine with this until he suddenly decides he and my cousin’s friend needed to go shopping. The friend did not want to go but he basically bum-rushed her out the door leaving me and my cousin on the bed alone. Awkward.
Nothing happened of course but knowing what I know now I’m certain we were being filmed for blackmail. I was never invited back btw. Not shunned but not invited back either thankfully.
I’m certain now that my cousin was a cabal property manager that had his apartments wired up for gathering blackmail. It also came out a few years after this that he was gay. No one was really surprised but it was probably how he was compromised when he was a young man. He didn’t come out until right before he passed away a few years later.
I do forgive my cousin but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around his willingness to use his sister in this manner. I mean he loved her more than anything in this world and yet he set us both up for this thing. Madness.
It is cases like these where you wish you could run a parallel model in a supercomputer, where you fell for the blackmail, just to see where that would have taken you. I would bet you would have become a billionaire, or a governor, or a super rich business leader or something. And it would have just happened, effortlessly. You might even think for a while you had done it, before this thing swooped in and let you know, you could lose it all, and have the video emailed to all your family if you didn’t sign on.
Did you think his sister was in on it, or did he just throw her to the wolves of fate for the command?
This story 100-percent makes total sense to me. It captures this weird quality of the people involved I have tried to describe, but failed – kind of like they were taken over by some sort of “outsiders,” who are just walking among the farm animals, and are on a totally different wavelength. And at the same time, I have no doubt, even as he betrayed you to this thing, and used his beloved sister as bait and fully betrayed her, in your interpersonal interactions, he seemed like the nicest, most loyal guy out there, just like you.
I think that is what screws with my head most of all. There are clowns, who you can spot a mile out in your history, but guys like my friend Danny can feel like you’re looking in a mirror, even as they are just puppets of something else, and would end you in a second for it, I assume. Even as they are screwing you. And they would be cool with taking you out, and just go on to the next job. But you cannot see it with some of them. Indeed, they will feel exactly the opposite, and just like you, even be hyper-likable.
Because they feel like you, you want to assume it is a measure of the fact they know something, which if we knew, would make it all make total sense to us, if we were in their shoes.
Obviously it is unlikely, but for others reading, to illustrate what I mean, imagine the cousin pledged himself to the Others, or lucifer or something, and lucifer appeared before him, and he was promised to be reincarnated as a billionaire 100 times over, and wanted this anon to be brought in too, for his own good or something. Then, how they are, how they look when you deal with them, it would make sense. They would know something which would make the goodness not actually be fake. Because they will seem, decent, loyal, compassionate, even patriotic, just like you. Meanwhile you go home and their organization is zapping you in the head with some vibration beam to keep you from sleeping because it didn’t like your last blog post. And you know they ha to look at 9/11, and all the dead, wounded, maimed, military guys, and the state of the US, and shrug.
But in the context of what I think reality is, assuming there isn’t something we don’t know, it is really more likely they are just absolutely undetectable, utterly ruthless sociopaths, blindly agreeing to do whatever command tells them, as this bizarre thing, which is so massive it is beyond belief, tells them to focus entirely on you, surrounding you, and controlling you. And seeing so many people surround you, who must be utterly ruthless as cogs of this machine, who are so undetectable, and seem just like you, it is unnerving.
This is a great comment, because it captures how a decent fellow encounters this thing, and he can’t hate the guy who is betraying him, and is left even more puzzled than anything. It captures that incomprehensible aspect.
>It is cases like these where you wish you could run a parallel model in a supercomputer, where you fell for the blackmail, just to see where that would have taken you. I would bet you would have become a billionaire, or a governor, or a super rich business leader or something.
Don’t forget there’s 10000:1 faceless losers running surveillance posts to famous people in this game. Everyone has to give up the blackmail, only those they deem “worthy” to ascend ascend, and there’s probably bloodline or some bullshit like that going on in their calculations.
Don’t think for a minute choosing to join the dark side will give you an easy life and riches and hedonism. You’re far more likely to be someone’s planted neighbor in a low income neighborhood used to surveille them leading a largely normal, boring life.
“Did you think his sister was in on it, or did he just throw her to the wolves of fate for the command?”
That’s a question I’ve asked myself periodically over the last 35 years. There’s a decent chance.
I have a memory from around that time of sitting at a dining room table in their house and my aunt, who loved to tease her daughter, saying “oh she just thinks anon is just so handsome”. My cousin was mortified and ran into her bedroom in embarrassment.
Was this a primer so that I would know she found me attractive and perhaps more willing when the time came for us to be alone? Is the entire family involved in this thing? I mean I’ve always felt my family was kept at arm’s length even though we only lived an hour from each other. There was zero overlap in our respective family social circles. No shared schools, friends, etc.
We only saw each other during Sunday visits to our grandparent’s house. We were sort of the country mice and they were the city mice even though I’m certain my parents made more money and we lived in the larger city. It’s also why the invitation to DC was unexpected. Maybe my older gay male cousin was degenerate enough he just wanted a private porn collection starring me and he was willing to use his sister to get it. Although, why not just use her friend if that’s the case? No, my cousin would’ve made for iron-clad blackmail. It must be that angle.
The only thing that gives me pause in thinking their family is not cabal is that even though we’re now all late middle age their station in life hasn’t risen any further. My cousin and her remaining brothers (there were four kids total) never became fabulously wealthy or famous. They seem to have had careers commiserate to their respective educations (one masters and two bachelor). I don’t know what to think.
I’ve never shared this with anyone in my immediate family as they would think I’m nuts but I have very good intuition and I believe we were being set-up for blackmail. There is no way my parents or even hers would think leaving us both alone on a bed would be acceptable. We were both attractive 19-year-olds.
Fortunately, we were not degenerates that act on base impulses. If we were there is no telling what kind of orders I would’ve received from this thing. Probably banging a lot of ugly people I would want no part of lol. I think I would’ve made a great honey-pot for older married women in DC on business etc.
June is of course the month in which the longest day occurs and the summer begins.
It is, from one perspective, the “peak”. From another it is the beginning of the “end”. As the days become shorter.
The shoertest day of the year is “death” but also “rebirth”.
Guenon discusses this often in reference to the two feasts of St John and their importance to esoteric Christians like the Templars and subsequent Masons and others.
Seems to me the two headed jack card is about this. And there is probably a tarot equivalent (source). Tarot probably being the record of the course of initiation.
Note: this cosmological stuff is all very hard for me to keep in my head.
But this is almost certainly why June is Pride month.
AC, I appreciate your work. It’s my newspaper in the morning. Possibly saved lives in my family in the last couple of years because I was able to warn them against the largest single psychological operation in history. I realize by nature they are combined. But much thanks.
I love these posts. Thank you for coming here, and giving me the purpose.
Money is nice but Truth is the food that keeps me pressing on to help my loved ones. Only a few left now…
Help whomever God brings across your path. There are Ethiopian eunuchs everywhere.
I agree, this is the first place I go in the morning also.
Counting NATO bloc resources is trivially easy for RUS given their quality of intelligence.
The brutally obvious psy op to sever Wagner and place them in Belorus area as Russia’s symmetrical response to NATOs UKR gambit was amazing.
RUS has demonstrated they can maintain vastly superior tempo over sig longer timeframes in airland battles.
Looks to me like they’ve shown tempo superiority in the psyop field.
NATO is a logistical rear of UKR and now RUS is threstening it directly.
It sure looks like whatever Prighozin and Putin were up to short circuited whatever importance blowing up the ZPP had.
Looks to me like this is all heading towards RUS making a direct threat on CONUS after EU rendered powerless. And that probably requires naval conflict mostly submarine first.
It’s like UKR was just step one of N steps required to get to Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0.
It looks like they want to fast track UKR into NATO. This may come as soon as July with the big NATO summit in Latvia.
Big trouble ahead.
Maybe so. Idk. I try to keep in mind that (as conducted by rational ppl) War is a negotiation. From the viewpoint of the Strategists. Wars end at the table with the documents of surrender ready to be signed.
But it’s a long bloody road to that table and the losing side puts the winner through their paces hoping for a blunder. Because even if merely competent, both sides are well aware of the outcome very early on, often before the beginning.
The recent “banking crisis” was pretty clearly an attack by a non FVEY actor on the US led global financing sector.
Some party used some of their thousands of shell companies to move USDs accumulated in trade in such volume as to expose domestic Banks positions.
Looks to have been just proof of concept because it stopped pre-cataclysm.
Could you elaborate on this interesting premise? Sources to validate, etc.?
And Luke Gromen on Twitter.
It’s really quite simple. Foreign nations acquire USDs during the course of global trade. Some nations acquire massive amounts. A portion is invested in USTs, perhaps most. A portion is kept as USDs and deposited into the global banking system via shell companies and nodes like the Caymans etc etc.
A country like China accumulates mind boggling amounts of USDs. Even a very small % of these USDs placed in banks via shell companies represents an existential threat to any bank, even the very largest. All China would have to do is calculate the USD amount it would need to move out of Bank X to trigger a collapse. That’s a rudimentary calculation.
Even JPM is exposed to this.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels the ominous vibe from the “slave holding ancestors” meme.
I wonder what the Sephardim think of this?
who cares… watch them squirm…
Indeed, why were slave auctions closed on Saturdays? 🤔
On the subamarine front: Poseidon test.
Very interesting
‘Fox News Replaces Tucker Carlson With Jesse Waters’
More like Jesse Water-carrier. The only thing he was ever good at was being a toadie for Bill O’Loofah and ambushing anyone who had the audacity to disagree with Bill or refuse an invitation to appear on his TV program.
Tucker laughs.
>Marco Rubio says he’s heard shocking ‘firsthand’ accounts of UFOs from top Pentagon officials who claim US owns crashed non-human craft – and is working on reverse-engineering their technology.
I’m surprised he could pull his face out of another man’s ass long enough to do anything, let alone listen to this nonsense. If Rubio loves it, you should hate it.
Aliens are obviously real and here and have been for thousands of years at least.
This claim by us that our Mil has Alien tech is also obviously BS.
It’s meant to distract from RUS fielding objectively superior equipment and equipment NATO does not have and most likely never will have.
We have no ultra high tech killer app mil hardware derived from alien tech.
We have a lot of FVEY coping and seething though.
>Millions of dollars in fines to punish online misinformation under new draft bill in Australia.
>A woman in Australia was fined $10k for liking a post that misgendered someone.
Thedawg & other AUS shills on suicide watch
They’re really bringing the hammer down now. Building the walls of the barn around their own citizens and nailing the stable doors in place. Most of Australian leadership spends more time in China behind closed doors meeting with the Communist politburo than they do even deigning to meet with the hoi polloi. I doubt if human imagination can even keep up with the whack they are planning to drop on their own population. Social credit will be arriving hard soon, likely mandated on your mobile phone.
I had a feeling my son and I literally slid out under the gate by the skin of our teeth. If I had waited even another month it would have been impossible.
I have friends there and I pray something happens to change the course of events.
We dont have no stinkin CIA, FBI, DNI, etc unlike the “land of the free”.
If you are silly enough to use any social media “platform” without thinking it is owned by the rule makers then you are a buffoon par excellence.
If you delve into court cases involving those who were fined during the co-flu pandemic you will find almost all fines being thrown out by the courts – so Oz courts still function as you would expect….. to a degree.
Hell, the “land of the free” has been discriminating against whites for years while you all yawned, stuffed your gobs with more pringles washed down with the finest gay beer in the land all while polishing your weapons – including your guns!
Riddle me this, which shitty country still bans tourists who have not taken the clotshot while giving phones, accomo and cash to those magnificent specimens of humanity that cross from turd-world Mehico?
The “land of the free” indeed.
Direct repression is less needed in a prison colony that never rebelled.
You sheep are much farther gone down the chute to the slaughter house so the herdsmen don’t need to use the prods, especially since you let them cut off your horns.
I was thinking about this in light of the Moloch allegations. The word holocaust (literally “a burned sacrifice”) was an odd choice, given how few are even alleged to have been cremated. The six million number has also been pretty obviously a mystical fudge, based on kabalistic apocalyptic “prophesies”. The mystical zionists needed the six million number to justify the formation of the present state of Israel.
But I think that the moloch part could be the key to the holocaust claim. If they are active moloch worshipers, then they could be insisting on the holocaust term as a commemoration of their sacrifice to moloch, which would literally be death by passing through the fire. Even through they were shot and bulldozed into ditches, they still call it holocaust because they see them as martyrs to moloch and want them to be remembered as if they had been burned for moloch.
ditto with abortion and (((their))) mass murders of others
Incredibly complex part of history with many rabbit holes and layers, some of which are mystical. Hard to tell the cart from the horse though…or maybe its more like a horse pulling a cart which has a horse in it.
But I have a slightly different take on how this word Holocaust is being used, or at least offering a counterpoint, that more or less boils down to etymology.
The original Greek meant “burnt offering to God”, though it is often used as “burnt offering”, while in modern times it was used to refer to any large scale fire, usually resulting in death.
The word holocaust was commonly used by newspapers during WW2 to describe scenes of firebombing. I have a book called “Holocaust” written in 1957 which is about the Coconut Grove fire in Boston.
What we now call holocaust was known as shoah until the early sixties. No one is sure how and when exactly…some articles here and there started using it…but once Hollywood picked it up it stuck.
I think part of what is going on is that there is a perception that Israel came about as a result of the jewish genocide, and so rebooting the term in its original greek usage (burnt sacrifice to God) reflects a reframing of the narrative that martyrs the victims. The notion that civilizations are built on murder (sacrifice) is about as Biblical as it gets.
Now Israel was in reality well underway and was going to happen regardless, but its not far off, either…one might argue Hitler was trying to prevent a US-British backed Israel from meddling in his Third Reich by killing as many of it’s potential citizens as possible.
muh gas ovens (with wooden doors!)
Was the sacrifice all of the goyim that died in the wars?
The Six Million number was a standard Zionist advertising tactic. Someone has tabulated more than two hundred separate instances that ‘Six Million’ jews in trouble was used to drum up sympathy money between 1900 and 1945.
It even made it into entertainment. The Six Million Dollar Man.
Oh, Wow.
One of them has a 3rd Battalion diamond tattoo on his forearm. Likely 3rd Ranger Battalion.
Is Poland offering some sort of support to Ukraine? Yes. Poland is a staging area. Arms and drones are being moved across the border into Ukraine. You have fake charities, which are probably CIA front operations, acting on behalf of individuals and companies Putin has previously called out as being involved in Ukrainian biolabs and testing on Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian soldiers are being trained in Poland. The head of Ukraine’s veterinary laboratory network has been collaborating with his counterparts in Poland. Some of these veterinary laboratories are the very same facilities called out by the Russians as being involved in gain of function research. In Poland biomedical research is under the supervision of the military, so now there is this rumor that the Ukrainian biolabs have been moved into Polish territory.
indeed. EPOL has been doing good for a while.
AC, I have three extremely based friends in an ongoing text group. Your website is a frequent topic of discussion. Each of us periodically drop tidbits about cabal/deep state/ TPTB to normies in our respective friend circles. When we are faced with incredulity or skepticism or calls of “conspiracy theorist!” we each reply with “If that’s true and I am spouting conspiracies, tell me, in the last 3 years (since wu flu) what have I been wrong about?”
Keep fighting the good fight! You’re doing God’s work.
Thank you. Nothing is as rewarding as belonging to a team.
And we are all a team here.
This is not related to the other links and comments.
The blog political moonshine put up a comprehensive timeline of the COVID psyop. It takes a long time to go through, but its a good resource. I’m closing the tab on my browser, so want to post the link again as a marker.
The timeline does have two limitations or omissions. It focuses on 2020 and the events leading up to that. The vaccine mandate period, running roughly from late 2021 to early 2022, is completely omitted. The timeline, despite being updated later, stops abruptly with a Ukraine related item from March 8th 2022. This means the rather sudden ending of the psyop, and the same time the Ukraine operation ramped up again, is also left out.
My own view of the psyop was changed by its sudden end and the nature of that end, coincidental with developments in Ukraine. My view had been that the end goal of the operation was a totalitarian takeover, maybe a takeover of the world by the Communist Chinese party, and that seems to be the view of the author of the timeline. But a totalitarian takeover, or even a CCP one, could have been done in 2020, when there was very little resistance to the operation.
Not only did this not happen, the operation suddenly ended in early 2022, and then later in 2022 Xi defeated the Shanghai clique, followed by the end of the Chinese lockdowns and the beginning of Chinese diplomatic and material support for Putin. This points to both developments in internal Chinese Communist politics, of which we have a poor understanding of, being critical. It also means the objective was not the construction of a totalitarian international state after all. It may well have been a depopulation exercise, that was abandoned when it failed due to problems with the “vaccines”.
“It may well have been a depopulation exercise, that was abandoned when it failed due to problems with the “vaccines”.”
Or it succeeded with the large uptake of the vax in the most of the West. It is possible that they have already won, and they just need to run out the clock until the vax has its eventual intended effect.
That could explain the rapid fire sequence of ‘happenings’ and psyops lately; balloons, toxic train crashes, forest fire smoke, war in Europe, bank crashes, aliens, etc.
All to distract the population until the vax takes effect in the bulk of the population.
I hope I am wrong.
If the vax is a depopualtor, then it will kill most of them. Too many stars now are dropping dead or stroking out.
I didn’t pay close enough attention to all of this when it was going down, just tried to avoid getting the jab and succeeded. And avoided talking about it to anyone. But I learned, much to my surprise, that most of my older neighbors had a total of 4-5 shots. Which really amazed me.
I’m also sensing that there are a lot of people who got one shot and then thereafter avoided the boosters.
But still, it’s hard to imagine what kind of nastiness could result from 5 injections. Optimistically they were just milking the public coffers for everything. Otherwise I’m really concerned about what might be coming.
I think I live in an epicentre of clown weirdness. Any kind of human “diversity” can be found here.
To the point above. I have met no one that hasn’t taken the shot and most multiple times. It gets lonely having to be careful what I say in public meeting places like the pub.
Almost the same with global warming. And. Whatever you do don’t counter signal the Ukraine freedom fighters.
Places like this and others like VD offer refuge and sanity. Many thanks for that.
I think I live in an epicentre of clown weirdness. Any kind of human “diversity” can be found here.
To the point above. I have met no one that hasn’t taken the shot and most multiple times. It gets lonely having to be careful what I say in public meeting places like the pub.
Almost the same with global warming. And. Whatever you do don’t counter signal the Ukraine freedom fighters.
Places like this and others like VD offer refuge and sanity. Many thanks for that.
Collateral damage – or sacrifice?
That is why all of us should be taking Nattokinase. It appears to the be the only thing that breaks down the spike proteins and the mrna and has become the centerpiece of many anti-vax protocols.
Eat your natto. Buy it from your local Asian market.
Thank you for adjusting the font. It’s back to being much easier to read on a mobile device.
LOL. I wish I knew how to do stuff like that. I have no idea how to do it, or how it happened. Perhaps God is smiling upon us?
I assumed you were trying a new theme, but regardless of how it happened I’m glad it’s changed back. I’ll be happy to give God the thanks though.
Yeah for a while there I had to read the site in landscape mode as the text was tiny.
I was told that Special Forces were forbidden to have that kind of identifying tattoos and that they were surgically removed before clandestine deployments if necessary.
I suppose they would claim he was an ex-Ranger who got it after leaving and is now a “volunteer” in Ukraine.
But why allow this to happen at all?
Nah, they have tattoos all the time. I think the current regs are that they can’t be visible when you are in uniform.
Special forces don’t have anything removed, and some people advise against getting them for OPSEC, but there is no reg. Also, Rangers aren’t really special forces. They are more like the deacons for the special forces. Watch the movie Blackhawk Down to see Rangers and Delta side by side and the difference between them. It was close enough for regular folk.
The rangers operate like the paras do for the SAS. They are known as the SFSG, Special Forces Support Group.
I think it’s only the top tier of special operations, not SF as such.
Special Forces do what they want.
If I were looking at the Hunter child-support babymama thing through a lens attached to Occam’s Razor, I would think that either 1. She had the worst attorney in the history of family law, or 2. Somebody made the judge an offer he couldn’t refuse.
Probably, along with her being threatened by thugs. Although a third more distant possibility is Hunter and Joe were relieved of all their wealth somehow, and legitimately have no money. Trump did sign that EO which allows the seizure of ill gotten gains by politicians.
You know single moms. They are like cornered tigers getting resources for the kid. I do not see how she agrees to let him drop support which she needs for that kid from $240K to $60K unless she was shown something where she felt like $60K was all she was getting. Especially since Hunter, just a little while ago, agreed he could do $240K, anda court had seen enough to say it was reasonable.
Otherwise, she drags him into court and gets all his paperwork, and goes through it with a fine toothed comb, and uses the opportunity to leak stuff and embarrass him and reveal all sorts of stuff he wouldn’t want out there just to punish him. And I would think he would pay anything right now to keep all that paper under wraps.
And I could see some government organization saying they would give her $60K to drop it, and not make a stink, just because they need no stink made for a short while, and if she got nothing, she would be pissed and maybe out there blabbing.
Why would Hunter even agree to $240K one minute, and then turn around and go for $60K? Why didn’t he go for $60K up front, if he felt it was possible. It feels like something changed for him, very suddenly, and suddenly he had to do that, and whatever she was shown, she saw something and agreed she was lucky to be getting the $6ok.
So this is probably wrong but I just heard this commercial for a phone with you know such and such pixels whatever whatever but then they were like the special thing is its own VPN. I hear commercials about VPNs occasionally on different YouTubers but what if the next big technology that these merchants plan on really taking off is the tech you need to protect yourself from them spying on you with their tech. Everyone has tongue and cheek said oh yeah my phone is listening to me but they’re not going to purchase anything to prevent that unless they really KNOW that people are listening to them in every private moment by means of their personal devices. In other words maybe the reason that they now want us to know about surveillance is their newest marketing campaign.
Could be. That and the false sense of security, that yeah, there was surveillance, but now this company has sold me a technology so I can’t be surveilled.
Do we know of anyone who offers a solid case for smartphones that serves as a faraday cage, electronically isolating them from the outside world?
Can make a simple cage but then no calls come in right?
You can buy wallets for a phone that block out all signals. On Amazon etc.
Any word on whether or not they actually work?
Something like this: an immensely talented person, adopted, plucked from obscurity. Affairs, no children. One marriage, no children. Suicide at 50. No close friends, particularly, though.
What the heck did Biden have strapped on his face that made these marks this morning? Does he use a nebulizer?
He’s probably being fed a pure oxygen to liven up his brain before he goes out in public. The Mark’s are the indents left by the mask.
Or, he’s into some kinky BDSM!
BDSM gag:
It’s quite possible he’s receiving some rough play, probably as a reward and perhaps as part of programming.
Now that is screwing with my head.
I can’t unsee tha 😂
I just barfed.
CPAP mask. Must have sleep apnea.
Another YouTube Adpocalypse is Coming?!
Random thought on Q:
“The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.”
Most of us took this to mean that the truth would be so shocking that it would give people a mental breakdown. I have zero doubt that is true; I’m sure even many red pilled people would pass out. When I learned how bad things were I vomited, and I just scratched the surface.
But maybe there’s something deeper here.
Perhaps Cabal has a pathogen that will wipe out 99% of humanity, and they will let it out if completely exposed.
I think the truth is so shocking it probably would put people in the hospital. I did a deep dive into the child trafficking a few years ago. It naturally got me angry. I explained it to my wife, who didn’t want to hear it. That got me mad. This stuff goes on because people don’t want to hear it or believe it. But she’s empathic and says she can feel things, so I guess she was feeling the pain of the reports I described.
I think when the details come out, it will hit most people very hard. The trafficking, slavery, Satanic Ritual Abuse; most people will not be able to handle it.
There is a series of five books documenting all of this in the west: UK, EU, US, Australia:
I think what will screw with people the most is being watched 24/7, even in their homes. You don’t realize it, but being able to find some safe, unknown nook, close yourself in, and nobody knows you are there, knows what you are doing, or can pick when you are vulnerable to attack, is crucial for normal amygdalae. It lets them shut off and recharge. And it probably keeps people human, and empathetic.
I am not sure that any amygdala shock does as much long-term structural modification of the structure, as simply activating it at any level, and never letting it shut off, for weeks, months, years.
If people learn of the surveillance, normies will freak out. If they learn their neighborhood watcher is looking in houses, and is probably watching them in their homes, when they go to the bathroom, while they are intimate with their spouses, and they have that stress all the time, to the point they have to pass written notes in their own home, you will see the fundamental nature of the population change. And not in a way that they become more tolerant, or pacifistic. These will be brains under immense stress, with no reprieve, being conditioned to a constant rage.
That is the effect which drives people to mass shootings. That is what produces an emotional drive to action which prevents logical analysis. I mean you get mass shooters when they are all alone, and know their actions will pit them against the world, and they still can’t stop themselves from going forward. What happens when all the men in a neighborhood know Carl down the street is doing this to them – and their children, and they have all experienced a structural modification to the brain which, done to a single person, produces mass shooters who will violate norms – except now they are a big group, and the mass-shooter, kill-wantonly-to-relieve-the-angst drive is the norm for the population?
I was here a decade ago, saying, “Surveillance is on a path to exposure, and although what I am saying to you now sounds nuts, in a while, it will be normal, and I will not be the only one saying it, and you will understand it.”
Now I am saying, in the future, and I think our lives, maybe very soon, you are going to see the fundamental nature of the population change, back toward the psychology of the Korean War guys from my martial arts club when I was a kid. An ominous, threatening aura, which is normal among them, with not a lot of joking and laughing, and what there is, will be about violence and how they hurt people, and how funny helpless people sound when they experience horrific pain. I can still remember one of them imitating little whimpering sounds as he was laughing, telling stories during the warm-up/workout. I predict we will see a sudden, cataclysmic return of the violent, masculine man, and before long it will be unusual to have not see the most savage side of the human animal firsthand.
The surveillance definitely will throw people for a loop. I’ve been reading you at least 10 years, and I’m sure things will come out that we don’t know about here. And I keep wondering about the stuff in all areas we don’t know about yet.
dont doubt they would bring the whole house if cornered.
AC given your observations about less ability to enjoy things like sunrises and so forth as a result of Amygdala development.
I suspect that either to Amygdala relaxation or because of dulled ability to enjoy life.
Is why Warriors of Old are so fond of feasting, drinking, womanizing and luxury. As they no longer so sensitive to simple pleasures. So they up the ante with color, parties and so on to feel more normal perhaps.
Or a different explanation perhaps.
Could be.
I know nothing about this “camp”. Someone commented that it might have been a camp for “officers”. I have no idea. I just thought the timing was interesting, with Rosanne.
Grand tour doing some “noticing”:
“I’m watching the Grand Tour and they’re being given a tour of the POW camp run by the Nazis that was featured in the Great Escape and the tour guide is telling them how it had a pool, hockey rink, orchestra, post office…”
War is a theatre where the common people are as gladiators.
Historically, the nobles (cabal?) avoided killing each other.
That rule of “Chivalry” was changed when English Yeomen dispatched French Knights at Agincourt.
Pretty sure they have this backwards…
“French twitter losing its mind right now because they translated the Barbie poster literally and accidentally made a pun that reads ‘She knows how to do everything. He just knows how to f*ck.’”
The National Assembly of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s autonomous Serb-dominated Republika Srpska passed a law suspending recognition of the country’s constitutional court’s rulings, Reuters reported on June 27. …