News Briefs – 06/28/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


A very interesting interview (about 6 minutes) with the guy in charge of the analysis of the ballots in Maricopa. He reveals there were 667 versions of the Maricopa county ballot this year. It appeared to me what he meant is different areas would get different ballots due to different candidates or referendums, or just locales, and so there were 667 different ballots produced and sent out. So you couldn’t just print off 5,000 “Maricopa county ballots,” and send them in from one address, if they were meant for another locale, without being open to detection. Ballots would have to be matched precisely to locales of origination. He also revealed the digital cameras used to photograph the ballots were some special type of forensic cameras which would detect things not visible to human eyes. He implies big news will come Monday, when we will get an accurate count of the Maricopa County ballots, which presumably will be significantly different from the official count.

Sidney Powell says, state legislators, “have the power to recall the electors for fraud.”

The Republican-controlled state Legislature in Arizona voted Thursday to revoke the Democratic secretary of state’s legal authority in election-related lawsuits, handing that power instead to the Republican attorney general.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced the that his office still has more than 500 election fraud cases waiting to be heard in court, that his team will prosecute every instance of voter fraud.

From here : “A major witness in the United States’ Department of Justice case against Julian Assange has admitted to fabricating key accusations in the indictment… The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud… also confessed to having continued his crime spree whilst working with the Department of Justice and FBI and receiving a promise of immunity from prosecution. The man in question, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, was recruited by US authorities to build a case against Assange after misleading them to believe he was previously a close associate of his. In fact he had volunteered on a limited basis to raise money for Wikileaks in 2010 but was found to have used that opportunity to embezzle more than $50,000 from the organization.” The only other interesting part in the article is that for his FBI handlers, this guy linked up with another hacker (another FBI informant hacker, but he didn’t know that) behind Assange’s back, and together the two FBI assets (each thinking the other was a criminal) hacked a government, and the US proceeded to then blame it all on Assange.

Former Attorney General William Barr bluntly dismissed some of former President Donald Trump’s election fraud allegations as “bullshit.”

A clearly panicked Al Gore went on CNN to attack the Arizona Audit, just as preliminary results are about to be revealed.

Mitt Romney says of the Arizona Audit, it’s “like WWF. That it’s entertaining, but it’s not real.”

First Lady Jill Biden is to replace Joe Biden at the Tokyo Olympics, where she will host diplomatic meetings.

Joe Biden signed an executive order that ensures that every part of the federal government will conduct race-conscious diversity training and engage in race-conscious hiring.

Radical Oregon democrats pass bill to give illegals Medicaid. They are doing to us what we did to the Soviet Union.

Biden administration cancels $500 million of student loan debt.

U.S. government deleted COVID data at the request of Chinese researchers to hide the origin of the Chinavirus, but another researcher was able to recover the data from the google cloud.

The Chinavirus may itself create diabetes by preferentially targeting insulin-producing cells in the Pancreas.

Most people who now die with Covid in England have been vaccinated.

Chinese Communist Party spies are infiltrating New Zealand universities, as a lecturer report people who were not enrolled in his course had attended his lectures and appeared to be gathering intelligence.

TikTok’s Chinese parent company has unlimited access to Americans’ data. Think the Tik Tok App gives access to the phone’s cameras, and mics, and everything else on the phone? Most likely, users agree to hand it over.

A Chicago Machinegun ambush right in the middle of traffic. Best part is the witness and his buddy, just slinking down casually, looking just like this happens all the time on their way to work.

A U.S. hammer thrower turned away from the American flag as the national anthem played while she and two other athletes stood on the podium at the Olympic trials Saturday, later saying she was “pissed” the “Star-Spangled Banner” played as she received her bronze medal. You can’t tell if all these woke athletes are anomalies being played up by Cabal’s media, or if they are taking over the sports world. But I would file away as a possibility just s there are neighborhood crews, Cabal has teams assigned to various sports to identify the players, place their own assets into contention, and then use some form of technology to physically degrade the patriotic athletes, to make sure their own competitors come out on top on game day. The manpower is certainly there, they have the tech, they are already doing this in other areas of society, and it could easily be run as a “training operation.”

Dutch leader says Hungary ‘must leave’ the EU over anti-LGBTQ law, vows to bring Hungary ‘to its knees.’

US launches airstrikes on facilities used by Iran-backed militias. Interesting. On the one hand, it doesn’t feel like something Cabal would do, however on the other, some think it may be setting up a “military intervention” to distract from what is coming Monday.

Recent FBI crime spree involves murder, rape, blackmail, spying, child molestation, and conspiracy. Is someone cleaning up the FBI?

 US Marshals rescues 16 children from sex trafficking. Biden hasn’t shut down these raids yet.

White progressives are shocked to learn Black and Latino voters don’t share their radical ‘defund the Police’ views.

Facebook can be sued for sex trafficking, Texas Supreme Court rules. If they can find conservatives to ban, they can find sex traffickers.

In a landmark ruling, the Texas Supreme Court ruled a retail sports chain cannot be held responsible for selling a gun used in a massing shooting.

Justice Alito is crafting blistering attacks on the conservatives of the Supreme Court for not ruling conservatively.

Spread r/K Theory, because in war, nothing is fair, but you don’t have to be either.

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3 years ago

“Sidney Powell says, state legislators, “have the power to recall the electors for fraud.””

I’ve commented on this before, but I just don’t see how. There is the demonstrated lack of interest in the Supreme Court and lower courts in election fraud. But also the Electoral College exists for only one day, to vote for the President, and once Congress certifies the results, that would seem to be that. It is not a standing legislative body that could be recalled.

We will see what happens with the audits, but if they invalidate state and federal legislative races, that would be interesting, because there is precedent for judges to order new elections for those. I don’t see any legal remedy for fraudulent selection of presidential electors, other impeachment and removal of the President and Vice President for taking the oath of office.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

She’s absolutely correct, and she has been absolutely irrelevant in this entire process up until now.

The audits will reveal the fraud level in every state that does them, which will probably reveal that at least half of the elections are rigged, and it’s closer to 100% in important cities. This is why we get people like Marjoie Taylor Green or Lauren Boebert, but also how Pelosi, Feinstein, and Waters can be re-elected over and over in spite of pretty much everybody hating them.

What happens after the audits prove the fraud is where push and shove meet. I do not see DC stepping in to remove the Biden Admin. Once enough states decertify their own election results to throw the election back to Trump is where we find out if Trump’s FEMA continuity government started up under the pretext of cv19 is actually running the country, or will assume control, or will NOT assume control. This is the make or break point.

The People have to man the audits, and then have to provide the warm bodies to replace the existing politicians. But the thing is that it only matters if we get honest elections, and that only happens with some sort of military takeover of the federal civilian government. The audits resulting in the removal of Biden/Harris and reinstatment of Trump only happen in a military takeover. DC will NOT reinstate Trump willingly.

And The Military might not even mean the “Pentagon” in this context, as it may be hopelessly staffed with Cabal. I believe there is a stalemate, and that it cannot last much longer.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I have a problem with the mitary or any other appointed group coming in and changing the government. This is a slippery slope that will surely bite us in the ass later. Best if we could get a solid House of Representative member on our side and then impeach the President and vice president and put them in charge as the Constitution says. We have a perfectly fine Constitution if we would just follow it and keep from screwing it up. Your not going to get much better laws to live by no matter what you do than what we have now.

I went and read the articles on the electoral college and the amendments to this subject and there doesn’t seem to be any wiggle room in this. Maybe you could say that the totals were fraudulent so they were not accurately “certified” but…that might cause problems later.

If the legislatures had acted sooner then this would not be a problem but they didn’t. Trump should have screamed bloody murder and told the legislatures to act NOW but he didn’t. In every case when it was absolutely necessary to act for the future Trump failed. You can go on about what he did all day long but in the end look where we are and you see he failed.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“Best if we could get a solid House of Representative member on our side and then impeach the President and vice president and put them in charge as the Constitution says. ”

But you can’t do that.
The military is the only way.
It’s time for them to protect and defend against enemies domestic.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

>”It’s time for them to protect and defend against enemies domestic.”

Sounds anti-Semitic.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mitt Romney says of the Arizona Audit, it’s “like WWF. That it’s entertaining, but it’s not real.””

Political common sense should direct him to just shut up for a while. He did something very bad, someone has the evidence, and is forcing him to immolate himself for a narrative.

Don’t do really bad things, and if you do, admit them, repent, accept the punishment. Then your fate will be better than what Mitt’s obviously is. He will ruin his name, his life accomplishments, his family and inevitably his immortal soul. And news of whatever he did will still come out, it will be shouted from rooftops.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I don’t care if he’s being forced. I really want someone to get to him and break his jaw to the point it needs to be wired up for a while. I’ve never seen a grown man so openly begging for a justified beat down in my life.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“…He will ruin his name, his life accomplishments…”

The guys a scum bag whose claim to fame s he used cheap FED bucks to take over stable well run companies, jam them to the top with debt and either run them into the ground all the while lining his pockets with “consultation” fees or to move the business offshore laying everyone off. He lost many, many peoples jobs. These were not high flying companies, basic stuff like envelope making companies who had no debt and made a decent profit, paid taxes and kept their employees children in clothes. Gone, destroyed by this parasitical evil troll Romney.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“They are doing to us what we did to the Soviet Union.”

I don’t know if “we” did that to the USSR. (((Somebody))) did, but not us. Reagan did deploy thousands of nuclear cruise missiles on land, sea and air- and it freaked the Sov’s out- so much that they matched it AND deployed thousands more SAM defenses- all while the oil price dropped (the USSR was a major exporter for hard currency) and while they were getting mauled in Afghanistan.

All of that hurt their system, but their underlying economic weakness was the main cause, any US action merely sped up their demise by a few years or months. And if it wasn’t for US action combined with a Gorbachev type trying to “reform”, an inevitable Soviet collapse could have resulted in a war (that they initiated) to try and stop the collapse by the mid-1990’s and few of us or the Russians, would be alive today.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Yes, read Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together and Gulag Archipelago, he does indeed point out how the communist revolution was pretty much a Jewish revolution (as in, Communism was created, promoted and financed by Jews, for the benefit of International Jewery (and yes, some low tier/low power Jews got shafted by the commies, International Jewery is predatory in nature, they do not mind sacrificing some lower tier or non-subversive Jews in order to further their power hungry agenda)).

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The Chinavirus may itself create diabetes by preferentially targeting insulin-producing cells in the Pancreas.”

Could also increase the rate of pancreatic cancer, which is so fast moving it is virtually a death sentence. So imagine 20% of people with Coronavirus (symptomatic or not) getting pancreatic cancer at some random future point in the next 10 years.

Devastating. Almost as devastating as a nuclear war.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

supposedly tech exists to prolong life for pancreatic cancer patients, like the notorious RBG.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Yeah but its expensive, body doubles don’t come cheap.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Most people who now die with Covid in England have been vaccinated.”

Compare it with Israel AC. We can all do math.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

There was an article about on how in some place (not Israel thou, as far as I can remember) some people got injected with a saline solution by mistake, instead of the not-Vax. This means there are saline solution containing vials along the Vax distribution networks, and most likely IMHO means that some people are getting a safe saline solution, and others are getting higly dangerous genetic modifying poison. I do not believe that anybody gets chosen for the poison at random (although I believe the saline solution news was not suposed to reach any of the gen pop).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“…some people got injected with a saline solution by mistake, instead of the not-Vax. This means there are saline solution containing vials along the Vax distribution networks…”

Holy smokes. Big time smoking gun. It’s so depressing that we have no one with any integrity. They could wrap up a huge amount of this evil with even the slightest basic investigation. Wouldn’t need any super spy stuff. Basic police work. Just follow up on their crimes they have done that we KNOW about. The stuff right out in the open then just follow the leads. They are really exposed.

Of course that may account for corona. They’re hoping for a global reset. It may even be that they have a real vax taken before hand.

I read the other day that, can’t remember the exact number, but somewhere around 35,000 FBI agents. If people refused to cooperate with them they would be helpless.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Sauce it

Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

Can’t. Feel free to search it up, or dismiss it.

Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

Actually, it was easy to find, but I was wrong in my recollection of the specifics:

Apparently it is part of the procedure to mix the not-vaccine with saline, the professional poisoners just forgot to mix the non-vaccine with the saline. I had the wrong idea that they would just take some liquid from the vial and inject away, so my conclusions were not precise.

Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

I am all retarded from too much vydia lately (ended up playing almost 30 straight hours of Stellaris some days ago without even realizing it), so on second thought it seems that the conclusions might have been precise after all, I mean, it’s pretty easy to just give saline without mix to non targets and saline with mix to targets I guess.

Pardon muh retardation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

If Israel doesn’t have the same rates of death from the vax then it shows they gave fake vax to Jews and further reinforces my opinion based on a few data points that the Jews did this.

At some point the facts will continue to pile up until it will be hard to think otherwise, if you have any inclining of the Jews earlier actions in other civilizations.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

For what it is worth, Israelis in Israel are also getting fucked with big time by the whole lockdown bs, etc.

But that could off course be part of the alleged hypothesis that International Jewery is behind the scamdemic and the mass poisoning via not-vaccines.

Fog of war is very thick.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“White progressives are shocked to learn Black and Latino voters don’t share their radical ‘defund the Police’ views.”

Just talked to a few Hispanics about this the other day. They are upset BLM thinks only black lives matter, and are generally opposed to destroying their own communities for black people’s “feelings”. Latin Americans are also (to some degree) opposed to associating anything with the name “America” in it as evil. Not that there is some pan-American identity (there isn’t) but if someone insults a word people think of to partially identify themselves, then that someone can be subjected to lethal violence when the time beckons. Black fatigue is universal. When the US Government falls, due to it’s black worship and idolatry, Hispanics will not be kind to them or to their blacks.


Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I remember reading about how Latino gangs would basically ethnically cleanse their territory of Blacks somewhere in America. Blacks can’t really use the slavery victim card against them either (not that all Blacks do, but many do).

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I don’t know much about Latino gangs except for first-person account stories but I can imagine that this is a thing, and I don’t think it’s always gangs. Used to gospel doorknock Latino neighborhoods and I’ve worked with a lot of 1st gen Latinos. 1st-1.5 generation Latino neighborhoods I’ve seen are very ingrouped, everyone knows each other, they’re very aware of everyone in the neighborhood, take really good care of their houses (Building and cleaning are built into their DNA. From what I’ve heard, for example, meth heads in Mexico clean stuff or build houses when they get high :D), and adults (and kids) are always on watch.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

>”From what I’ve heard, for example, meth heads in Mexico clean stuff or build houses when they get high :D”

That’s hilarious.

3 years ago

Very interesting if you take into account AC’s insights on ad marketing being pretty much a kabuki money laundering theater racket and the fact that PragerU is a literal mossad (or perhaps another specific Israeli Intel agency, but it is certainly connected to Israeli intelligence) outfit, that employs Unit 8200 (Israeli NSA) people at the highest positions:

On PragerU and their Israel first agenda:
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Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I just had a major Mandela effect happen.

I remember exactly that Jon Bonham, the drummer for Led Zeppelin, died in a car accident. Now I’m reading stuff Zeppelin and it now says he died from an alcohol overdose. I can’t believe it. Does anyone else remember him dying in a car crash?

This is nit the first time this has happened. I also find that it becomes harder and harder to remember the changes over time. There was once where I could have sworn Castro was dead and then all of sudden they said he was still alive. There was one more about that Women that studied gorillas or was it chimps. I can’t remember what the discrepancy was but it was different.

In all these cases I asked others and they remembered the exact same events in the way I did and showed surprise when the story was changed.

This really discombobulates me when this happens and I’m not the only one this has happened to. Bonham liked hot rods and I clearly remember him crashing.

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If I remember correctly, and that’s questionable at this point, he was in a hot rod near his home and cashed. You can see there was little in the way of safety equipment in his hot rods.

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I would appreciate any one chiming in on what they remember happened.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

In the late 1980s I was in Memphis for a business meeting. I was early and had some time to kill, and there was a “Martin Luther King Museum” across from where I was having lunch, and I wandered in. They had a bunch of King paraphernalia, and sets and photo montages of his life and murder.

The story there was that he was killed by a disaffected and probably crazy ex-Memphis cop who had lost his job and blamed it on Affirmative Action. King being much in the news, he decided to blow him away in revenge. Sad, but it made reasonable sense.

A few years ago I came across some comments on the murder that didn’t make sense, and I did a web search. The *new* story is straight out of some over-the-top adventure novel; pornographers, sourcing a rifle out-of-state, disguises, trick shooting, fleeing to Canada and then to England, being narked out by some mystery person never yet identified and extradited back to the US, and “much, much more!”

My neighbor is a black guy in his late 70s. We were leaning on the fence talking a while after that, and I asked him what he remembered. He said, “I had a job and a family to look after, I didn’t pay attention to any of that shit.”

So, one leg down the wrong pants-leg of time? Or have we always been at war with Eastasia, and I didn’t get the word?

Soon there will be three pasts; the past fixed on paper, the past online, and the past in peoples’ memories, the last two being endlessly mutable.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

A chapter—a drinking hole identified, really—from that James Earl Ray foray in Canada

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m in my early 50s and I remember that he died due to drinking. Throwing up on his vomit in fact like several other rock stars back in the day. It all sounds like bullshit though. I’ve never heard of anyone out side of late 60s/early 70s rock stars dying like that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Jimi Hendricks was most likely killed by his Jew manager. I saw a video where someone heard him say he had him killed. Hendricks contract was up and course the Jew was stealing him blind. He had a over million dollar life insurance contract on him. The guy who spoke up said that the manager said they held him down put barbiturates down his throat and held his mouth open and filled him with wine.

I read the doctor that pumped his stomach said like a half gallon of wine came out of him.

Another is Kurt Cobain. His Jew wife went to a guy and offered him $50,000 to blow his head off.

El Duce died a few days later on a railroad track, Fell asleep on the tracks…

They didn’t do a damn thing about this. The Seattle police are totally corrupt. I read that Courtney knew some of the Seattle homicide detectives.

There’s a documentary called “Kurt and Courtney (1998)” where the above clip came from. It started out to be about both of them but eventually the filmmaker saw how strange Courtney was and it became about about Courtney. She’s definitely Jew psychopath. Listen to all the people talk about her and if you’ve read up on Spaths then you immediately recognize the pattern.

Allen Wrench Says HE KILLED Kurt Cobain (@2:50 Mark)

Kurt was going to divorce her. Her own kid got a restraining order against her because she was so toxic.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

always remember him dying from alcohol overdose. no car.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I was a pretty big Led Zeppelin fan when he died. His capacity for drink was rock and roll legendary, and no one blinked when the reported cause of death was alcohol related.

Miles Mathis wrote an interesting essay about the Mandela effect a few years ago, arguing that it is an intelligence project, and lays out some tactics for how it could be accomplished. His argument is not as convincing, imo, as some of his other papers, but it’s worth looking into, since part of the plausibility of these things is due to the fact that we can’t figure out how it could possibly be faked.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

IMHO the “Mandela effect” is just a mass gaslight technique. People sometimes scramble their memories, and have deja vus and other weird shit, doesn’t mean reality has shifted time lines and altered the past IMHO. Pushing mass confusion on people makes them more susceptible to persuasion (including hypnotic induction).

BTW, one of the ways I found gaybal assets probe targets for vulnerability is by trying to convince the target that certain details about certain things are different from reality (gas lighting). I think they do it to test for the current levels of mental malleability on the target (kind of like how a stage hypnotist tests a potential audience member, but not necessarily for hypnosis purposes in this case, and not in the same manner), in order to time the application of certain strategies of key pieces of leverage when the target is the most vulnerable.

Not saying you are doing this, just an observation and personal opinion on the while Mandela effect thing.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I’ve seen this too (also not saying anyone here is doing this). Those who have uncontrollable affective reactions to certain types of symbolism (not systematic like B.Chiclitz) I can see being particularly vulnerable to this type of gaslighting. All it takes is one triggering symbol and suddenly a vulnerable person is gunning down a useless rabbit hole like a rabid dog.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’d always heard that his death was alcohol related.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is the thing I think most important and telling about the Mandela Effect:

Now ALWAYS remembered that verse reading LION, and I have seen over and over seminary students pulling out their old homework and term papers and it ALWAYS reads LION.

But every single printed Bible descended from the King James now reads WOLF.

It’s like setting a up a room full of dominoes. They fire off whatever they are firing, whether it’s CERN or what, and they try to hit a thing on the other side of the room by shooting a domino on their side and watching the dominoes fall. Though a success overall, they can’t seem to get all of the tracks to fall, so not only do some of us remember before the change, but things that reference what was changed remain unchanged.

It’s sure the physics don’t line up like this, but it’s the only way I can think to explain it.

And in case you haven’t guessed, YES I believe that reality itself is being warped by human beings.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…Now ALWAYS remembered that verse reading LION, and I have seen over and over seminary students pulling out their old homework and term papers and it ALWAYS reads LION…”

I agree with you I remember lion. So you’re not the only one that remembers it that way.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

There’s a thread on 8kun where a guy is dropping a ton of, supposed, classified patents for all kinds of wondrous stuff. He says that sending back data and changing history is possible.

He says that a radio telescope was sent a message that could only be from someone who knew the inner workings of the telescope. He says that it’s people from the future. In their time China trounced the US in a war, like total defeat and disaster, and they wanted to send back tech data so that wouldn’t happen. Crazy stuff.

I want to make it clear I don’t believe in this stuff but…damn it there’s just too much evidence for really weird multi-dimensional stuff. Like surgeries where they have articles on top of the cabinets and if someone dies and then is revised they ask them what was on top of the cabinets and…they know. They can describe stuff that they in no way could have seen..alive. There’s a great deal of this that’s meretriciously documented. Lot’s of inexplicable stuff about reincarnated little kids that know a LOT about a recently deceased person to the point that the relatives say the kid is the reincarnation of the person.

Maybe it’s a hoax but I don’t think so the work is done by psychologist and academics. I would think they would not risk the sort of fun made at their expense for reporting this stuff.

I don’t know how to explain this stuff and it’s difficult to believe it’s anything but nonsense but…it’s seems to be there whether I like it or not.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Wow, this is some Doctor Who style quantum meme-virus shit right there. Millennial generation here and this is completely new to me. Thanks. Must add this to the cloud of probability.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Many years ago I went to school to be a preacher.
Def not wolf. It was lion. I even have a picture in my mind if the panting we had in our classroom of this very verse.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

My 1846 Illuminated has wolf, and also includes an inset illustration of a wolf and a lamb (clearly a wolf) with an additional half-plate illustration of a child with a lion, with a wolf and lamb curled up together on the side.

I think that we are all confusing the child and the lion in the second part of the verse with the wolf and the lamb. Also, remember that lion in Hebrew is “Judah”, so artists would often use a lion as a stand in for the tribe of Judah and therefore David down to Jesus. Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, would be depicted as lying down and protecting the lambs (us as the Elect.)

If there is one thing I think that (((they))) can’t jack with, it’s the Word. Otherwise, (((they))) would make sure we never heard the Gospel.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I also remember lion and lamb, but I agree with you Phelps, the memory was probably shaped, not by reading, but by seeing inaccurate pictures. Picture worth a thousand words and all that. And I believe this, because of another example. Noah’s ark. All the pictures in childrens books show Noah’s ark as a round type of ship thing. But the Word shows it as a rectangular box. I read the Bible from a young age and knew the pictures were inaccurate. However, a Jewish archaeologist went to India to reconstruct the Babylonian “ark” from Babylonian mythology. When the ark was done and being towed down the river, the Indians excitedly pointed, saying “look! It is Noah’s ark!” Now, is this because something primordial in us remembers that Noah’s ark was round and curved like a coracle? Or is it because of all those childrens book illustrations over the past 100 years that got it wrong? Which American missionaries then spread across the world. And mulling a bit more, why would the illustrators of childrens Bible books depict the Babylonian version of Utnapishtim’s ark, rather than Noah’s ark described in the Bible? The enemy was infiltrating and trying to corrupt even back then.

I was puzzled by the Berenstain bears mandela for a while, but then I remembered the trouble I had spelling Berenstain as a 6 year old just learning to write. Even back then I somehow defaulted to writing Berenstein, and had it pointed out to me that wasn’t what the book’s title was. Berenstein was a real name; Berenstain was a made up name.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Thanks for the deep dive!

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

I wanted to try to find it in my 1637 Book of Common Prayer, but it’s too fragile to thumbing through quickly, and I had no idea where that passage would have come over the course of a year.

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Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

For what it’s worth, there’s a pop song that has the line “…the lion and the lamb.” That might be affecting our memories.

There are print bibles more than a century old, so it should be easy to check what that used to read.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

Done. Mine is 1846, Illuminated, and both the text and the plates show wolf.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

For what I’m talking about print doesn’t matter. The print changes with the rest. It’s only the memory that doesn’t and yes I know this sounds ridiculous but I have had more than one case where this happened and other shad the same memories and were really surprised when the world changed from what they knew.

I still say I remember extremely clearly that John Bonham of zeppelin died from a car crash.

I also do not remember Plant in a car crash.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

My Big Three are:

1. The dilemna dilemma
2. “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood”
3. Berenstein

The name of the effect, though, is probably people conflating Mandela with Stephen Biko.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I appreciate all replies. Maybe I’m going nuts. I DISTINCTLY remember him dying of a car crash. I was reading some Zep stuff yesterday because I was looking at some old concert videos of theirs and when I ran across him dying of drink, it blew my mind.

This has happened before. I remembered Castro dying at a certain time and then all of sudden he’s still alive. Someone else brought it up. They remembered the exact same thing as me and all of sudden, things had changed.

As for the actual Mandela effect I don’t remember Mandela as dying only other events being different.

“…IMHO the “Mandela effect” is just a mass gaslight technique…”

It may well be but it has happened to me and others that I trust. They didn’t make it up. Of course we could just be remembering things wrong. It happens.

Broken Arrow
Broken Arrow
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Crystal-clear memory of “alcohol” reporting. Never once heard car crash before.

Zep Fan
Zep Fan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Robert Plant was the Zepper who (nearly) died in a car crash.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Zep Fan
3 years ago

In my time line it was John. I don’t remember Robert being in a car crash. Sure I see them saying it now but I don’t remember it that way.

Ingar jensen
Ingar jensen
3 years ago

I read a headline and some crumbs today (Norwegian news – behind paywall) about EU doing the same as Biden/US – spending like they have lost their mind by printing money. It is further a high inflation which for food stuff have been going on for the third year – but accelerating. VW declared yesterday that from 2035 they will only sell electric cars – at the same time there is a shortage of electricity because of the green deal. In Germany the price for electricity has gone up approx 350-400% since Mutti Merkel started her gigantic green energy windmill project. Its now approx $3,5 for 1 kwh. Its the same all over the place – seems the plan is to brake the back of western civilisation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ingar jensen
3 years ago

“$3,5 for 1 kwh” That’s outrageous. That price is murder. A killer. How can German industry take that??? I know they must have some sort of subsidies because business can not stand that. Consumers can put on sweaters and freeze but it you can’t run a steel mill at those rices. How can people afford it?

They elites are truly trying to destroy us.

I know people think electric cars are bunk, and solar is bunk and wind is bunk but I’m all for this stuff “IF” it’s decentralized and owned by the consumer on his property. It keeps these nuts away and it’s difficult for them to say that this “holy” Sun power needs more taxes so you will be taxed less and no one wil c0ntro your power.

3 years ago

Another example of slow rolling out the surveillance apparatus…and blaming the US military…

3 years ago

Sir, may I presume you are aware of the Apollinian-Dionysiac polarity of descriptors for character, individual and social?
I remember reading several decades ago that Black culture was/is highly Dionysiac.
I submit that “critical” attacks on White culture, such as it is, are overtures to tell Apollo to move over to make room for Dionysus.
How does this polarity align with r/K?

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yes. This is an ancient duality and the classical cultures were well aware of this dynamic.

Apollo represented order and stability and patriarchy, generally speaking.

Dionysus represented chaos, disorder and revelry.

Stable societies understood that if they did not incorporate Dionysian revelries into the calendar in order to let the masses blow off steam from time to time, that chaotic impulse would build into a huge wave and potentially lead to uncontrollable chaos and instability.

In our case, certain demographics are literal embodiments of Dionysian energies, and certain other demographics use one class that embodies those characteristics to undermine the larger social structure, as has been seen in our ever quickening spiral into cultural and ethical chaos since the 60’s.




Take your pick, it’s all related.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

>”and certain other demographics use one class that embodies those characteristics to undermine the larger social structure”


Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ayn Rand once wrote an essay titled “Apollo and Dionysus” which contrasted the then NASA space program with the hippies at Woodstock. Interesting stuff.

Reply to  robertpinkerton
3 years ago

Is this literally a battle between the Gods of Greece?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Stop acting like a Dionysus.

Dionysus could be the new jogger.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  robertpinkerton
3 years ago

The ancient Greeks covered damn near everything. All the political systems, human behavior, I mean these guys had some of the sharpest people to ever live on planet earth.

I was reading just the other day how the Greeks talked about different peoples and how they looked different but also had different temperaments and physical attributes. People like to say they didn’t see these things but…they did. They noticed.

They also talked about Asiatics having a much different temperament which they did not approve of.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

They also said that Democracy can only work in ethnic homogeneous regions and that racial diversity is the tool of tyrants. And they invented Democracy and Greek culture is one of the pillars of Western Civilization (which everyone wants to participate in and reap the benefits of, because it is a great thing), so there is that.

3 years ago

Biden has begun to whisper at press conferences because somebody told him to quit yelling at anyone who poses a difficult question. It is weird and eccentric, but that’s how weirdos cope. I know this because the general public are nuts.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

pulled from Vox’s comments:

Vox Day wrote he had a book planned called “What would you ask Jesus?”, and someone wrote “What do you want me to do?”

I can answer from a recent personal experience although let me preface it by saying that while i do consider myself a Christian I’m not a very good one. I was a degenerate player in my youth. I’ve never completely read the bible and I don’t go to church. I just believe in Jesus and communicate/pray on my own. I’ve done this for years.

Several months ago I started to conclude my prayers with asking for the strength to help kill Christ’s enemies when the time came. The answer I received one day (conveyed as an external thought placed into my mind) was to simply spread His word.

When I realized spreading His word was going to be more difficult for me than killing I was stunned.

Says alot about me I guess. I just wanted His permission to do what I already desired.

Anyway, I’ve begun reading the bible and hope to do one day as he asks.

It’s hard though. I’m like a difficult teenager lol.

“aw dad, I don’t want to save them. they’re evil. can’t we just kill them? please? Oh alright!” kicks door on the way out.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Yup. We are given a sword, but its not made of steel.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [b]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints

Swords of steel are great for flesh and blood, but that’s not our problem. We need a sword of a different mettle.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The Orthodox tradition is very big on keeping Monastic tradition as vigorous as possible due to the power of prayer. Which makes sense IMHO. It’s kind of like having spiritual warfare special operation elite corps, people constantly praying non-stop without the typical distractions of the modern life.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Prayer, as Paul recommends (I would consider commands) in his letters, should be nonstop for anyone (1 Thess 5:17). We should always be spiritual warfare special operation elite corps, praying all the time, rejoicing all the time, never anxious, always at peace, etc. All it takes is getting into the habit of praying and bible reading/listening (for the most part). I can see examples of Monastic tradition biblically (e.g., prophets like Elijah who was basically just a wild wanderer or Elisha who was basically a NEET who lived in a hut), but not in the way that we conceive of nowadays.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Praying for your enemies (or those that do me wrong (or try), but are not particularly personal about it) is easier said than done for me personally.

But IMHO if one of incapable of forgiveness the part on the Lord’s prayer “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” becomes meaningless.

Now off course, if someone is a bad influence, cut them off, and don’t let your forgiveness give an opportunity for a vengeful person to set you up to damage you (forgiving doesn’t mean you keep closeness or contact with the person).

One way I deal with the difficulty of forgiveness is that I occasionally pray to God and tell Him that if He sees fit, that he punishes those that are unjust towards me, in any way He sees fit. That really gets my mind out of hateful thoughts, and allows me to pray for the salvation of even my enemies, and I ask God that He helps everyone become a better person if He sees it fit.

Also, this doesn’t mean that in a self defense situation you don’t go to the extent you need to go. But anger and wrath are very strong passions that are easy for the demons to weaponize against even the righteous IMHO.

As for being a lousy Christian, IMHO we should all aspire to be perfect like Jesus, which is an impossible task given that we are mere humans, but I still think we should try, and repent daily for whatever sins we do (me personally is mostly related to lust and sloth, used to be very angry but learned to be content by reminding myself that everything that happens is God’s will, and part of His plan, and trusting His plan has really opened the door for keeping that particular passion under control). And remember to not be too hard in yourself, don’t minimize your sins, but understand that even the greatest Saints would fall, repeatedly, and that even the Saints would be tempted until the end of their lives. IMHO, as long as we keep trying to be better people and better Christians, falling is part of the journey (and believing to be infallible and being arrogant about others falling for sins we don’t is falling for the sin of pride IMHO (which is a particular type of sin I never had much trouble with personally, but that I have encountered and lead me to fall)).

Thanks for sharing that Corn Pops, I always find it insightful and helpful to read what other Christians go thru in their path. Hopefully this helps someone.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

The Jews were expecting a messiah to come overthrow their Roman conquerers through military revolution, as well.


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Actually, this is pretty typical. Jonah spent that time in the belly of the whale because he didn’t want to go preach for Nineveh to repent specifically because he WANTED God to destroy Nineveh. We all feel it.

Do you think I’m not just a teensy bit bitter about this whole mask+injection bit? We’ve been right about thew whole thing from day one, and you can see where it’s getting us. And when people start dying from the injection, we must do everything in our power to help them knowing that it will be an entirely thankless task.

Do you think that Q will ever be authenticated by Trump or anyone in intelligence that we trust like Mike Flynn? Of course not.

Remember the story of the Prodigal Son? It ends with the older, faithful and true son BEING CURSED because instead of rejoicing about his brother he let bitterness take over. The younger loser brother gets everything as though none of it ever happened because he repented, and the older brother gets gut-checked because he thinks he deserves more because he did the right thing all along, forgetting that doing the right thing is it’s own reward.

We do what we do not for man’s accolades, but so that God can see and know that we tried. We do what we do because more than God seeing us doing the right thing, WE HAVE TO DO THE RIGHT THING because nothing else feels right or true.

I know that you think that you would prefer them dead, but trust me that will change really quickly should you ever have to look someone in the eye before their execution. Do what you can to see to it that you never have to experience that.

Get The Word out.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The good brother gets a reprimand but he is told that he will inherit everything.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Thanks for your insights guys, and Lowell I agree with you on the injections and it’s my biggest concern right now.

I’m not an angel nor a saint. I will do as He asks but restraining my urge to destroy those responsible if my vaxxed family members start dying will tax me to madness I fear.

If I fail I will have to beg His forgiveness later.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

If He wants you to take up arms, then He will practically make them fall on your sword. No need to go out looking for them. He will send them to you.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Is that you Jonah?

3 years ago

Let’s unpack this level of cuckery for a second here:

American America First legitimate President who got his election stolen and has been hunted down for censoring by Jewish controlled big media and Jewish controlled censorship organizations the ADL, etc) decides to use a Canadian social media company instead of a perfectly good American alternative (GAB) because his Israel first US Constitution hating anti 1A advisors want to make it impossible for Americans and everyone else to be forbidden from criticizing the hostile foreign power they are loyal to (Israel).

The US is a zionist totalitarian state (Stasi-like harassment and spying networks included). That’s an undeniable fact.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I totally butchered my grammar on that one, sorry, but I think people will understand what I meant.

3 years ago

He reveals there were 667 versions of the Maricopa county ballot this year. It appeared to me what he meant is different areas would get different ballots due to different candidates or referendums, or just locales, and so there were 667 different ballots produced and sent out.

Yup. In Dallas, each ballot is precinct specific (and you vote on different things depending on your precinct.) If you ended up with 20K ballots for a precinct that had 2K registered voters, that would be a problem.

3 years ago

Mitt Romney says of the Arizona Audit, it’s “like WWF. That it’s entertaining, but it’s not real.”

The World Wildlife Fund?

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

it’s fake too

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

HAHA yes the WWF are corrupt and the Sierra club too.

3 years ago

You can’t tell if all these woke athletes are anomalies being played up by Cabal’s media, or if they are taking over the sports world. But I would file away as a possibility just s there are neighborhood crews, Cabal has teams assigned to various sports to identify the players, place their own assets into contention, and then use some form of technology to physically degrade the patriotic athletes, to make sure their own competitors come out on top on game day. The manpower is certainly there, they have the tech, they are already doing this in other areas of society, and it could easily be run as a “training operation.”

When you become an Olympic potential, then you are assigned a team of “coaches and trainers.” We already know that these trainers and doctors are raping the gymnasts, and they are probably raping and programming all of them. Note also that about 30 years ago, the use of a Sport Psychologist became the norm for Olympic athletes.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

It’s dark and God needs those to shine the light

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“It’s dark and God needs those to shine the light”

yes we need to shine a light on them. I’m thinking 100KW laser would do nicely.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Amen. Also ppl try to be too perfect. Who’s a better “leader”: 1) A perfect Mary Sue type? or 2) Someone that makes a mistake, admits to it, repents, then demonstrates to others what it means to fail and keep going until he eventually succeeds? I’d rather fall on my ass and show the “weaklings” how to get back up than be some sort of untouchable guru. I’m sure each have their place though (God can use us in mysterious ways).

3 years ago

I think people here will find this interesting:

3 years ago

Top kek, the absolute state of the Hasbara (Israeli state propaganda, which is what PragerU is) operations…

3 years ago
3 years ago

Very interesting piece of data:

In 1920, Soviet Russia became the world’s first country to legalize the voluntary termination of pregnancy.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

soviet = communist = jewish

Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

“soviet = communist = jewish” !=russian
Russia has been a Christian nation for many centuries.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

I have been looking at joining and regularly attending a church again now that the covid restrictions are starting to come down. I grew up in a very Progressive Protestant church that I really don’t want to have anything to do with now. Does anyone have any comments on the Russian Orthodox Church, particularly in Canada?

Reply to  David
3 years ago

If you want an uncucked Protestant denomination, you can go with Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Alberta or Ontario. I think there are supposed to be some PCA chirches in Canada, but I don’t see them on the site. Presbyterian Church in Canada is fully cucked (sodomite and women teaching elders) so avoid.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  David
3 years ago

Now is the time to stay away from ALL churches, every single one of them has a wolf in the pulpit, preaching lies, preaching lawlessness, and man-made traditions. Orthodox, like the papists, loads of traditions, owned by the commies, owned by Satan.

Don’t jump into bed with modern-day Pharisees, come out of Babylon, before it’s all destroyed.

Be holy, with the scriptures, the Holy Spirit, and follow my teaching, as all things are restored.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Right. Follow Gary, stay away from church, don’t associate with any so-called-Christians, and you’ll follow him to Garydom on the twoteenth of Moonly in twenty-thirty-whatever.

3 years ago

Anons hypothesize that the IDF arrivals on Miami are there to enact a cyber attack against the US infrastructure (water, gas, electricity, etc):

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

arrive? theyve been there. DWS… scott israel…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

I suspect (gut instinct) that Jews will try to take over Florida and California territory for themselves when the US balkanizes.

Read lots of Jews talking on GAB over the years (some years ago) about how “America should just give Florida to Jews so we can be safe” type of posts.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Funny thing is that they only have the coasts. Florida Man is going to toss them into the ocean first thing.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I think they are banking on hiring shit loads of mercenaries (they have big moneys) if they indeed try to take the regions for themselves, but it will probably just end with the mercenaries turning against them.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Right. Who are the mercenaries? Florida Man.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
3 years ago

Funny, these guys are sooo close to the answer….

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

new site for me. emphasis is purely on the mil aspects. / i have werked with army for decades now. re officers, enlisted and former… if they are real sof and/or have kilt people… usually very cool and polite and effective. otherwise, not anywhere near as cool etc, u guess which kind practically demands to be thanked for their service.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Here’s a thought that no one wants to talk about – before the Pilgrims landed at Plymoth, there had been an century of God allowing the already existing local tribes to BE DECIMATED by European diseases for which they had no immunity(European cattle diseases also were the main culprit behind the destruction of buffalo herds). It was so thorough in it’s destruction that when the Pilgrims arrived they believed that they were stepping into a virgin wilderness, and they thanked God for all that they had been given despite what it cost them in terms of lives. And on that land the most successful evangelical nation in history arose – more missionaries and bibles than any COMBINATION of other nations.

When the Hebrews escaped Egypt, they wandered a desert for forty years until the old had died off and the young could inherent their promise. They gave glory to God and founded a Kingdom that gave us Messiah.

So when you see people taking the vaxx, your parents, your friends, your siblings, understand what’s probably happening right now. It’s gonna hurt for a while, but then IT’S GOING TO BE GLORIOUS.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

>And on that land the most successful evangelical nation in history arose – more missionaries and bibles than any COMBINATION of other nations.

All preaching a false gospel too, Satan chuckled.

Zero glory coming America, the lukewaremest nation on the planet since the founders took God out of the nation’s laws. Lots of suffering and death though.

Still a little bit of time to repent, start remembering the sabbath and new moon days for starters.

3 years ago

Sam J my fren, do I have a tweet that you’re going to love:

/pol/ discussion thread:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Yeah that’s good. Cynthiana McKinney. They got rid of her. She asked too many questions. It’s the primaries where they out them.

I don’t mean to be mean but I like Zionist. Zionists want all Jews to go to Israel. I want that too. I’m zionists friend.

Sam J. is zionists as I understand it. I don’t care what else they say as long as they all go to Israel.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

As long as you are for completely ridding the West of all zionist lobbies and influence too, aí have no problem with that stance.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

McKinney is partners with ‘Cherry Marine’ General Al Gray’s protegé, Robert David Steele — the one that talks about Mars child slave labor on Mars. Worth less than even Ilhan Omar claiming the same.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That’s sad. Well, at least it will get some lefties rilled up against Israel, which is a good thing until all a zionist influence, lobbying and MSM and big tech influence is removed from the West.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Don’t care for Mckinney? Then may I suggest James Trafficant. Oh, moi bad, the Jews killed him!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

Truly original thinker. A great Man.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Nah, he was yet another controlled oppo, like Miles Mathis.
Anything but the scriptures from these guys.

You fell for this one, don’t be sad.

Separately, no man is good, let alone great.
Only God is Great.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

“Nah, he was yet another controlled oppo, like Miles Mathis…”

Linking him with Miles Mathis shows you have some level of retardation. How advanced I’m not sure but it’s there.

3 years ago


I can’t even… Oy vey

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


3 years ago

From the Al Gore Interview:

“We hear about AI, standing for Artificial Intelligence, they’re putting another kind of AI, Artificial Insanity. They’re putting out messages that create an alternate reality and people get into these echo chambers on the internet, that’s all they hear and they begin to believe the alternate reality. We’ve got to follow the rule of Reason and honor American democracy and acknowledge the Will of the American people.”

Couldn’t say it better myself, Mr. Gore. Of course, he is technically proposing that the audits are the fake reality, and we should always keep in mind that that may be true, it’s an intelligence war after all. But what is interesting is that he is giving the game away. Of all the arguments he could put forth to contest the audits, he is advancing the one idea that is the cornerstone of Cabal’s political power: Manipulation of the semantic environment to create an alternate reality (matrix). The one idea you don’t want anyone to even consider.

Interesting also that the opposition to the audits is being most loudly proclaimed by classic Liberal “villains”, such as Romney, Cheney, and McConnell. Al Gore would seem an exception, but many older Liberals have not forgiven him for conceding to Bush. He had gained their good graces by becoming a climate master, but now he’s like…Remember that time in 2000 when I completely cucked? Very strange.

I will quickly add that this word…”audit”… is very much in play in this linguistic warfare. Just think about all the things that can be audited. It all starts with the word, repetition of the word, then craft the idea behind the word, then build credibility behind the idea behind the word, etc. It has been used to this point as a weapon against us. A word that strikes fear into every taxpayer. Should be easy enough to turn the tables? No one, liberal or conservative, likes the IRS. It was an excellent choice of words.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

Just so you know, this post is now being audited. : D

3 years ago

Maricopa video.

The video is 5 minutes 55 seconds (5:5 is an “all clear” signal). He also states that there are 667 versions of the ballot. That’s 666 plus one (post cabal? one up on cabal? trolling cabal?) Not sure. But seems like the basic gist here is all good.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

I had a load of 55s back in 2019.

55 verses in my book, Malachi, but I found that out the following year, after the ‘loud and clear’ meaning was shown to me. God bless you.

3 years ago

You laugh you lose (protip: you’ll lose):

comment image

3 years ago

The fraud is getting exposed frens:

Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports

According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.

“We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions,” wrote Dias.

“The data are from the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito (Death Certificate Information System – SICO), the only such system in Portugal. The reference to 152 death certificated issued ‘under Justice Ministry supervision’ is spurious, as all death certificates are issued under Justice Ministry auspices, being the only institution that issues them.

“In response to a popular suit, a court order was required for the Ministry to respond, desperate not to denounce the fraud.

“All those responsible for handling data from ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ can, thereafter, only be tried for the crime if there is any dignity remaining in the rule of law,” he continued.

“If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”

3 years ago
3 years ago

French Government health authorities all put on the mask right before the cameras go on

3 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

New BOOTSTRAPPY is here! It’s about THE ROUTER!


Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
3 years ago

I saw this study on Twatter on a study of amygdalae change (it grew obviously among other changes) and people who were witnesses to the pandemic but not infected, usually I have someone who can get these for me but not atm, if its interesting maybe someone here can grab it.