Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
CNN debate moderator’s husband is one of the 51 spies who lied to American public about Hunter laptop to steal election. Dana Bash married to former CIA.
FBI wants 20 years to produce records on its involvement w/ OKC bombing – ‘If the Court accepts the FBI’s proposed snail-pace processing of these materials, Plaintiff will be close to 90-years of age when he finally receives all of them…’
Rumors Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter had been held on a psych hold at a hospital, but there were no records under his social, though there were two other Stephen Paddocks, and there were rumors of a coverup. MK Ultra operation there?
Judge Merchan partially lifts unconstitutional Trump gag order ahead of July 11 sentencing.
SCOTUS rulings would indicate Trump’s New York conviction is unconstitutional on two key grounds.
Hunter Biden’s law license suspended in DC after conviction on gun charge.
Migrant carjacked by migrants outside migrant shelter: report.
Illegal crossings over northern border have surged by over 1,000% under Biden.
George Latimer ousts ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman in 16th District primary. Bowman opposed Israel and supported Palestinians, so AIPAC swooped in with $15 million, and after other groups got done it was the most expensive House race in history.
Planned Parenthood abortion biz will spend $40 million supporting Biden and Democrats. Where did that money come from? From Biden and Democrats giving it to them out of the treasury.
Boebert wins GOP primary in new Colorado House district. She is plugged in somehow, to some organization, which it appears scraped through that Jewish pornographer’s modeling site to find us the next generation of conservathots. That is why she was promoted on NBC News for her restaurant with armed waitresses long before they introduced her as a potential political figure. Try getting NBC News to do news pieces on you. And how did she change districts? Did she move?
FBI probes NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ use of private email addresses, trips to China: report. More there than meets the eye. They are haunting him for some reason, maybe just to keep him in line during the migrant crisis.
Pentagon doesn’t know if it funds dangerous biological research in China, new audit reveals.
Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists signed a joint letter Tuesday warning of what they see as economic risks if former President Donald Trump were to serve a second term, including reheated inflation. Just another case where these idiots would be totally outclassed by genuine geniuses, but they kissed the conspiracy’s ass, and got cushy little jobs to push Cabal narratives.
Karl Marx was related to Rothschilds & employed by Rothschild. I wonder who they stole the Communist Manifesto from?
New year, more troubles: Washington Post enters 2024 plagued with financial woes, criticism.
WHO calls for urgent action on Monkeypox strain spreading in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Netanyahu’s wife accuses Army leaders of planning a coup.
New evidence reveals IDF had detailed prior knowledge of Hamas plan to raid Israel. Elites, way above IDF, on both sides, Tel Aviv and Hamas, set up those innocent hippie girls to be kidnapped, raped, and even killed.
Tommy Robinson visits Canada to do a podcast with Rebel News, and is arrested on suspicion of an immigration offense. Not allowed to leave the country now.
Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine.
Assange pleads guilty in Saipan, flies back to Australia a free man.
RFK Jr. says Trump is the ‘Greatest Debater’ in modern history, doubts CNN will ask tough questions.
Trump and Youngkin join forces for first time as Republicans push Virginia further into play.
Spread r/K Theory, because it is us vs them, and there are a lot more of us
Is that video of Pompeo being served a new video? I could swear I’ve seen it (or perhaps something similar) before…
I thought so too, but the article was recent. Maybe a bullshit site.
It’s done with a green screen so they can put any backdrop onto it. Part of the movie?
AC, per my previous comment on Pompeo being served. Here it is, happening in 2022, fyi
What is on every Anon’s bingo card for tomorrows debate “show”? Desperate times calls for desperate measures, thus the Cabal’s A-game will be have to be dialed up past maximum credibility thresholds. A doubled up, bunched up pair of targets of opportunity in a singular location is too tempting even for junior operatives to not make an attempt. A cleaned up personnel slate, despite aftermath and blow black, makes things much easier to re build power structures and re position new persons in uniparty positions. The pre event search doggo was switched with someone’s family pet, so it totally missed that emplaced rdx. That supposed Iran operative loose about in conus, backstory was planted, everything else will be fill in the blanks later by msm hacks. Going big is not troublesome at all for Cabal, easy assignments really. Have popcorn, refreshments and stay frosty.
Dead Internet theory meets Siloing:
the ‘browser’ it then gives you is AI generated content. Enter ANY website you make up. It looks at the url you give it, and builds a site that it thinks makes sense.
It’s smart enough to craft working code for games and other simple tasks. It’s rudimentary, it’s not trying to ‘be’ a website, just make one.
this is not ‘how they do it’, it’s just a demo that it can be done by anyone now, using off the shelf tech.
More than 40% of your links portray Jews in a negative light. Classic anti-semitism. You are not conservative you are socialist!!
According to Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, and as he said, anyone who boasted, well he had more to boast about, but he counted it as nothing compared to Christ……the Jews were responsible for Jesus’s death.
Now the Jews call this ‘blood libel’ and ‘antisemitism’.
The Bible calls it true.
So, do you believe Jews or the Bible?
You could also read the Old Testament which is very ‘antisemitic’.
The question you need to ask yourself is not ‘is it antisemetic?’ but ‘is it true?’
Have you made Aliyah yet?
Lighten up Francis (from fellow Boomer). If you look closely enough you’ll see that AC and many of us (I think?) are of the “wait and see” and/or “even though a bunch of jews do things, I don’t think it’s “THE” jews” kind of thinking regarding this issue.
Here’s another side of your point: so what? If all of the links end up being true, then it will be TRUE that the jews portrayed in the articles were doing negative things. Imagine that?
and the fact that basic americans have been scared spitless to even DARE to mention the “j” word in ANY context for fear of MASSIVE retaliation…
bottom line: deal with it. All of the psychopaths ruling us are of many different faiths, including no faith at all.
EVERY faith gets to be criticized. NONE of them are above reproach and therefore ALL of them can be talked about. Positively or negatively.
Let’s hammer on Christians, shall we? I’m a Christian and I cannot STAND what “christians” are doing to the church…but on the other hand, I expected this. In the end times, Satan will do his utmost to infiltrate the church. And infiltrate he certainly has. So we have all KINDS of madness throughout all the churches, much of it completely manmade and USELESS for seeking out God. Satan has corrupted Christian music. He has walked right into the church as an openly bi, gay, lesbian female pastor that so many disgusting churches are slobbering over these days. It’s madness!
Only 40% I guess we are slipping in pointing out how jews control the West, to the utter detriment of the White race. I guess we’ll have to work harder then eh!
AC, can’t you just block this idiot?
I was not approving these posts, just because they bother people so much, but honestly I was getting so much beaming last night, it is amazing I even did comments, and I must have just clicked approve and not seen what it was.
I love the comments here and sharing thoughts and information but for what it’s worth I think Vox Day has shown that comments aren’t really necessary to these sorts of blogs. I’m not suggesting you shut them down entirely but if there are days where you’re feeling out of sorts and skip going through the comments for the day, it wouldn’t bother me.
some of us disagree. i’ve criticized the comment section, but not advocated for removal.
There is value in the comment system, but if AC shut it down for time, I wouldn’t miss it. I read comments in RSS, so it’s easier to skip the nonsense and TL;DR comments.
Vox might think comments are not necessary, but for this special place, the comments are gold and we are supposed to be learning how to pan out the sand, a crucial skill to master and AC shows the way, and Farce is pulling his weight in that regard, too.. External references and fill-in details are going to be a help to AC and the readers, a few spambots and shills I can take, in comparison to having comments missing I will suffer the spam gladly.
I really think this guy may be seeing if he can set a record for the most downvotes, so it is humorous in that aspect, I believe, mainly since it has become so shrill and over-the-top. He is about as intellectual as a flasher that keeps his clothes on under his raincoat, all flash and no skin in the game.
Vox has a blog that at most, has his comments on a couple points in one day, and no analysis that is crucial to the future in any depth like AC does here, so please, comments on, and hope for the best in our inevitable future.
At what point will we be made to pledge allegiance to the Jew and to Israel?
Your shylocks have grown into your brain and now impede its function. Be careful!
Everybody relax. This guy is doing exactly what his “name” implies: stating the normie, “conservative” Boomer vet take on the issues here. He’s doing us a favor, in, I suspect, a completely satirical way. What he points out is “The Great awakening” – or whatever you want to call it – still has a long way to go
More than 80% of all Jews are guilty of capital crimes! What do you expect, boomer?
So far, after the release of JA, not a word anywhere about Seth Rich. The murder of Rich is the lynch pin. His death started wagging the dog.
It was logically impossible for Mueller not to begin his investigation with the DNC wikileaks. So the investigation was categorically illogical.
There may be another reason or reasons, but it appears that the murder was motivated purely by revenge.
JA knows what happened with the leaks, and he has intimated that Rich was murdered for them. This was the true crux of his persecution.
Sundance argues that the plea agreement, according to its terms, now forecloses any useful evidence coming from JA. The timing of the plea agreement does imply that Cabal does not want to risk putting the JA matter into Trump’s hands.
The good news is, it also implies that they think Trump will become president. Or should I say, MAYBE that is good news, if Trump is on our side as the avatar we desire.
Forget the terms of the plea. No doubt JA has been convincingly persuaded of his ugly demise if he speaks up. Plus his well being is now in the hands of Cabal in Australia, where they seem to be particularly strong.
So this is a tripwire for Trump. Will Trump (if he is not killed first) extract the truth from JA? Which means first extracting JA from his continuing peril?
My first question for Trump: are you going to disclose what really happened to Rich? Or will people 60 years from now be trying to get the evidence hidden by Cabal?
JA was released to keep him out of Trump’s hands. JA agreed to bury the truth of the DNC.
TWA you’re missing the point. JFK was assassinated by his own Gov. Trump declined to release classified docs concerning this. Ofcourse those docs don’t exist…hence the games being played. There are no smoking guns only smoke.
Those documents exist, or they wouldn’t be so intent on ensuring no disclosure.
> Marx related to Rothschild
Either there’s a typo in the address or they shut it down
Yeah but we knew that already. I’m currently reading a Rothschild’s autobiography ‘Meditations of a Broomstick’ (how could one not buy that book in a charity shop?!). It’s relatively illuminating about Cabal – they all go to school and Uni together: Jews, Persians, Aristos from all over, and they are bound by a separate social network of homosexuals who serve as facilitators.
On a separate note, I found out today about the Starbright Social Network, founded by Mega Spielberg. They developed an early private comms system. We can guess what they were using it for apart from C&C! Like with the Jimmy Saville thing, the cover was ‘It’s for terminally ill kids’.
The article was archived.
My bet is that they have already been destroyed, and the custodians are praying to whatever unholy thing they worship that this will be granted before that has to be admitted.
Been deleted more like…Cankles took a hammer to IPhone. Just a game in your business. No disrespect because your one of us but The Law has been used to punish dissent more than uplift good men. The system of law in our current paradigm is run by corruption out of control. Scalia was a lone wolf. Thomas doesn’t have the same fortitude. Can’t blame him. The Law has become weed infesred.
Thomas stands alone, mostly. The entire system is long dead, but nobody will call time of death.
Worse. The law is a weapon used against us.
It is NOT just a game. This is some of the gravest shit in litigation. The term “death penalty sanctions” applies to this. In 99% of cases, a party that destroyed the key evidence like this AUTOMATICALLY LOSES. Not only do you just lose (this is what they did to Alex Jones) but you end up with the worst damages outcome AND if the attorneys were involved, they can be disbarred.
This is pretty much one of the only things that is NOT a game.
CNN is attempting to silence independent media and control the narrative surrounding the first 2024 Presidential debate on Thursday by not allowing the use of CNN’s live broadcast to report and comment on the debate in real time.
Republicans and Trump specifically need to stop agreeing to debates hosted by CNN. They pulled the same stack the deck bullshit last election.
You heard it here first.
Assange pleads guilty in Saipan, flies back to Australia a free man.
Assange is out, but is not free. The tag of “Conviction” with regards to classified information may have liberty implications..
If he was getting beamed in prison, as I would think entirely possible, he may have felt he had zero other options. Survival comes first, kicking ass comes second.
Agreed. Who would blame him for taking the deal.
He is now in open prison, and may be reeled back in at a moment’s notice, but 5yrs solitary confinement is torture.
> 5yrs solitary confinement is torture.
Maybe it was dealing with being surrounded by surveillance, or maybe God just made me for this, but I have never understood the idea solitary would be torture. All my life, the most relaxing times were away from everyone, be it lifting weights, or drilling technique, or even just thinking to myself. When I think about my youth and being around surveillance, with all the weird moments, and awkward pauses that made no sense, I was happy to get way from them. I could not fathom why everyone went to the graduation ceremony. Maybe it is a relevance weighing thing, where if you get surrounded by weirdos, then solitary is not so bad by comparison.
Rabbits are addicted to social interaction and view having their supply cut off as torture.
It’s also just leftists expanding the definition of toture so they can prevent prisoners from having any consequences for bad behavior in prison.
Just like they try to claim the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.
They sure are. During the scamdemic lockdowns, I laughed at all the people freaking out because they couldn’t go out to eat and go clubbing and all that stuff. I got with a friend every couple of months for a beer, and work HAD to let me WFH. I was home with my family and I had never been happier. But the rabbits didn’t know what to do with themselves and it was hilarious.
Death Penalty is most likely removed to undermine society, as per legalization of shoplifting in the West.
I am not against the Death Penalty per se. However, I am against it because of miscarriages of justice. Tim Evans was executed for the Christie murders. In that case, the System, Jury & Judge become murderers.
As for “Cruel & Unusual”, in Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein points out that it must be “Cruel & Unusual”.
Point taken and JA didnt seem “as bad as could be expected” considering.
If we decide to accept service to the Creator, our roles will be varied. As pen is different to a hammer, so will be our traits, strengths & preferences.
Solitary isn’t torture for everyone, that’s for damn sure
CNN host cuts off Trump spokeswoman after she mentions Jake Tapper’s habit of comparing Trump to Hitler.
It was great TV. Impartiality mask dropped. Censorship for all to see.
Rumors Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter had been held on a psych hold at a hospital, but there were no records under his social

It is difficult to find the original of this picture, but the bad photoshopping was so bad, it had to be deliberate. This copy has been cropped to remove most obvious sins.
Yeah, definitely fucked up. I am mainly curious if to be a CIA asset now you have to undergo an MK Ultra process, just as another level of certain control by your handler. ie, “We’ve completely bankrupted, you, and left you with no other options, but if you will agree to work for us, we can send you to our shrink for programming, and then we will handle all of your bills for you.”
Those mechanisms exist now, thanks to their research, and knowing how intel works, and the scale of the surveillance, and their ability to troll the population for people who would take the deal, and their desire for total control of all moving parts of all operations, I cannot imagine the Agency ever employing somebody who was not MK Ultra’d, as a matter of procedure now.
I have wondered if they have done that will all the surveillance, just because their behavior is so out there by normal standards, and they have managed to prevent that massive secret from ever leaking. I still cannot believe I was as loyal to my Cabal-friend Danny as I was, would drop everything for him, and he never had the slightest inkling to pull me aside in private, and warn me I was getting beamed and that was the origin of my health issues.
all anyone ever needed to know about that fuckin guy was the Official Story: he was a “professional video poker player.” “he was really smart – he only played on the higher-payout 5/9 machines.” yeah, no. he was laundering money for someone.
the question is, why’d he do it like that? at BEST, over time, you’re gonna pay 30%+ for that laundering. but if you go bet on both sides of -110 pointspread sports, you only pay 4.5%. {9% divided by 2} sometimes, if you get lucky on line moves, you can even win both sides of the bets. and it’s quick. instead he lit the $ on fire at the poker machines, hour after hour after hour. WHY? this ain’t rocket science.
You nailed the why. Sports betting is quick. Sitting at a poker machine hour after hour could be a post. It’s like solitaire at a machine. You’re playing on autopilot and watching your section of the casino for your handler. Although I would think casinos would be 100% cabal to begin with, but if not with all the cameras it would be a nightmare to run coverage without tipping off the eye in the sky.
I’m a politics nerd, but when the same measures “for the science” were imposed in almost every country of the world, regardless of the form of government or the supposed political orientation of the party in power, I lost interest in forms of governments. The Cabal controls everything anyway. But this essay at Polistra’s Mill is worth reposting in full:
“We coulda hada parliament. We started out with a rebranded version of the British system in the Articles, then NYC replaced it with a rigid totalitarian setup in 1787.
“In Canada and Britain, despite the universal takeover of all Five Eyes by the same Deepstate, the old system continues to function as a feedback mechanism. Our system is open-loop, with no adaptation or response at all.
“Yesterday in Toronto, one seat in parliament changed hands from Trudeau’s side to Poilievre’s side. Most of the reporting on the change appears to be nonpartisan and level, so I’m inclined to trust it. Because this one seat was “demographically solid” for Trudeau’s party, he is visibly shaken by the result, and his hold on power is much less certain.
“Parliamentary systems are inherently unstable like a bicycle. One meaningful pull on the handlebars can lead to an IMMEDIATE change of PM by the majority party, or a QUICK call for a new election to switch parties. The rider has to be alert at all times for crosswinds or dogs or slippery spots.
“Can’t happen here. Our system is a battleship on autopilot. Our Electoral College and fixed terms eliminate feedback. 99.9% of the alleged “voters” are totally uncounted. A few thousand “voters” in two or three cities are counted, which makes it easy for the uniparty to cultivate them. After the predetermined result, the current brand of the uniparty is guaranteed safe for four years, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS in the alleged “congress” or any state. There’s no way to remove a bad president. Zero feedback.”
A take so truly naive as to only be inspired by the inability to recognize cabal and how controlled the system is.
There’s plenty of feedback systems at all levels of US .gov. There’s even the ultimate veto of armed rebellion guaranteed by the second amendment. The problem is the people in charge of sounding the alarms and preserving the ability of people to seek non-violent recourse were the first to be corrupted and replaced with controlled assets.
Of course any hacked system is bad. Does not mean the original system being corrupted is useless, especially in comparison to Canuckistan or Britbongia’s fucked up fake-PM-vs-monarch nonsense.
Agreed, I have long noted the same thing.
I have designed my own system to try to have the best of all the possible systems.
You can still remove a president see Nixon. But your point is solid if the President has his party in majority of congress. Funny in a non humorous way that in this time there are no Dems that would vote to remove their party president but too many Repubs would theirs.
Boebert wins GOP primary in new Colorado House district.
Really who gives a shit about these controlled conservative females. I can’t stand Ivanka even though she may be a decent mother. She’s taking a backseat now so that may be a good sign that we get some respite from women as saviors for the next several years. Rebuild, Reconnect, Refine males and families will thrive.
They think we can be controlled with tits. Unfortunately for a great percentage, that is true.
OK, a second essay from Polistra’s Mill. His coffee must have been spiked today:
“Right now the biggest SOLVABLE problem is housing prices. The total takeover of all government by lunatic devils is NOT SOLVABLE.
“Many people have incomes that should be enough to raise a family, when judged against overall cost of living OTHER THAN HOUSING.
“The New Deal enacted price controls on rent, which remained until 1952. After the laws were repealed, landlords continued operating in a normal capitalistic way, responding to supply and demand. Location location location is another way of saying healthy negative feedback.
“Nobody was controlling entire countries, nobody was cornering the market for America, Canada, Australia, Britain and Germany all at once.
“The corner started in 1990 after all industry had moved to China. Here on the west coast the corner started with Chinese millionaires who had kept their money in Hong Kong. When China began the process of absorbing HK, the millionaires moved their money to Seattle and SF and Portland and Vancouver. They bought the best houses and business buildings, removing them from normal turnover.
“The corner came later in the rest of the land mass, around 2010 to 2014. At that time Blackrock and a few others moved in and swept up ALL the usable houses in cities that their Chinese transfer of industry had impoverished. Classic Mafia tactics. Destroy a company or neighborhood or country, then buy it cheap.
“Lots of web commentators are documenting this change, but NO politicians are even pretending to discuss it. Breaking up the Chinese and Finkian monopoly on real estate would go a long way toward relieving the massive suffering of everyone who isn’t Chinese or Larry Fink.
“Of course it won’t happen, because China and Fink ALSO cornered the market on politicians.”
This is why there MUST be a one time cabal wealth redistribution.
The answer of whom Marx plagiarized the manifesto is :Victor Considerant . If you really want to go down the rabbit hole , the famous pirate , Jean LaFitte, became a banker after faking his death and facilitated the socialist revolution in France , leading to Marx .
Twelve minutes of Marjorie Taylor Greene:
This is the first time I’ve linked to one of her appearances in this comment section.
Notable starting at the four minute mark, when she starts talking in terms that only make sense if the United States is heading to civil war. They are not the terms you would use in discussing normal electoral politics.
There will be no Civil War. Disturbances yes but no Civil War. First and only one in US history banked on a Southern response to suppression of liberty and freedom. Trump had a chance calling us to arms back in Jan 2020. Millions enough to overwhelm The System would have joined together. I consider myself a back bencher but I would have joined. If Trump gets elected that just gives us more time to find eachother.
If people learn to see the surveillance, and realize it is deploying tis children against their’s, to expose their kids to porn and drugs, and alcohol, specifically to undo good parenting, and derail the children for the rest of their lives, there will be a Civil War. People will kill over that. If they would ever have killed at all in history, they would kill over that.
And the fact the surveillance hides, ties to get away, it feels like a rabbit suddenly fleeing from a wolf, triggering a predatory reflex. If the reveal of the surveillance plays right, there will be a fuckton of people killed. I believe it so much, I am more than willing to die trying for it.
Two SCOTUS opinions. First one is Murphy v Missouri, which is the COVID social media censoring case. SCOTUS ruled (Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett) that you don’t have standing to sue the government for getting social media companies to censor people. I can’t tell if the SCOTUS is trying to say you can’t sue anyone over it, or that you need to sue both the social media companies and the government at the same time, or if the social media companies are the right ones to sue. All in all, another shitty, confusing, unclear standing ruling. Bad form, SCOTUS. If I am reading the thing right, it rules that you don’t have standing to sue a cop who tells someone to beat you up, because he just told someone to do it, and they did the beating.
Other opinion is Snyder, a bribery case — more properly, “gratuities,” which is just a bribe after the fact. Court held that a specific statute (18 USC 666) only applies to bribery, not gratuities. Not sure where the case goes from there, whether there is another gratuities charge to hit him with, or if he just gets away with taking a $13K bribe to give a $1.2 million dollar truck sale to a particular dealership.
Supreme Court being vague, non-commital, inconsistent and obtuse? Must be another day ending in Y.
With rare exceptions, the Supreme Court makeup has proven to be unable to act as a check/balance anymore. Thomas is the only dependable vote. Alito and Gorsuch are hit and miss. Kennedy, Barrett and Roberts are a squishy middle and the the 3 Dems are a disaster. Jackson has proven to be the most extreme to the point of sometimes pointing out her views that would go far further if allowed. She’s a ticking time bomb. Young, Woke, and Don’t Think It’s Broke, she’s gonna harm this court for years to come. She’s the new RBG.
It’s one more reason this is unfixable. The slide downward will not stop, until it all fails in chaos.
Standing and prior restraint need to be done away with and rebuilt.
Both are currently nothing but a license for government abuse.
99% of the time, standing works and is absolutely necessary. Without standing, we end up with cases like, hypothetical: I owed AC $1000, and since you think AC should have the money to improve the site you sue me to make me pay AC. That’s crazy; that’s AC’s job and right.
We need congress to pass a law that gives everyone (or particular groups like state AGs) standing for constitutional rights violations and elections. That one law would solve most of the problems.
I agree the basic concept is needed.
But it needs a complete rebuild into a basic form.
And prior restraint is the same.
Prior restraint shouldn’t exist when government passes a law or announces something that violates your rights but hasn’t enforced it yet.
Prior restraint is already illegal per SCOTUS. Its just that they have to keep saying it over and over.
That’s what I am complaining about.
Government should be subject to prior restraint.
You shouldn’t have to wait for them to enforce an unconstitutional law or policy before you can sue them to stop it.
Mel K and Scott Ritter discuss how the Deep State works, and after the 55 minute mark they spend some time talking about the surveillance:
They don’t seem to be talking about the ground surveillance documented on this site. This is despite Ritter having been a victim of it.
I’m not sure about this, but I think unless people get the “shock and awe” treatment, and not everyone does, people just don’t notice the ground surveillance that is around it. You need to be trained to notice it, which is why the book will be important.
> FBI wants 20 years to produce records on its involvement w/ OKC bombing
“Look! We’re totally cooperating with the FOIA laws!
Sucks that we’re so incompetent that it will take 20 years for a clerk to get around to running a ten-minute query on our databases, but in case you haven’t heard, incompetence is now a completely acceptable reason for failing to obey the law or Congressional orders.
Have a nice day!”
In the film Widows, a character says, “ignorance is the new excellence.”
> CNN debate moderator’s husband is one of the 51 spies who lied to American public about Hunter laptop to steal election.
Trump faced their “debates” twice already. He should know better by now.
> Illegal crossings over northern border have surged by over 1,000% under Biden.
Under a TRX regime, anyone without proof of citizenship would be “returned” over the southern border via trebuchet. I’d even set up a Federal streaming web site to show it in action.
Don’t forget the camera at the landing site, gotta confirm they landed safely in not-America!
> Planned Parenthood abortion biz will spend $40 million supporting Biden and Democrats. Where did that money come from?
Not just the Feds, but most of the states, plus various counties and school districts.
They’ve been embedded in the schools for a long time. We had half-day “planned parenthood” classes in the early 1970s when I was in junior high; they passed out free rubbers after the lectures.
> by not allowing the use of CNN’s live broadcast to report and comment on the debate in real time.
Trump should bring his own cameramen and livestream through his social media thingie. Also to detect and prove any malicious editing by CNN’s propaganda crew.
> U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued a health advisory on Tuesday declaring gun violence a public health crisis.
The CDC does that every few years.
“Shall not be infringed.”
Another Mayflower name.
Such an old English name. I believe one of the murthy’s was an actual co signer on the Magna Carta at Runnymede!
> New year, more troubles: Washington Post enters 2024 plagued with financial woes, criticism.
translation: “The outside funding that paid to keep them alive for the last few decades (at least) has dried up.”
Jeff Bezos is owner-of-record, but the Post was in sad shape when he bought it for cheap, and he since he had little visible interest in it, it’s unlikely he would have kept it running at a loss. Maybe if it was some special hobby, but not a buy-and-forget business that was on the verge of bankruptcy.
> Canadian tribunal awards gender-confused man $35k after female-only spa refused to wax his testicles.
Variations of this happen regularly in Canada. Canadian “gender identity” laws are even more rabid than, say, the People’s Democratic Republic of California.
Noncompliance to the Narrative is enthusiastically punished, as a warning to anyone else who might do the same.
They circumvented the law there with the introduction of Human Rights tribunals which are automatically designed to fuck over Whitey and anyone normal.
> Sixteen Nobel Prize-winning economists signed a joint letter Tuesday warning of what they see as economic risks if former President Donald Trump were to serve a second term, including reheated inflation.
“You’re an economist? How many billions do you have in your portfolio?
What, your mad economist skillz haven’t even managed to make you a single billion, and you’re living off second-hand “student loan” money via the suckers who sign up for your courses?
If you can’t even manage your own money, why should I consider your opinions on national economies, which are several orders of magnitude more complex? Go away loser, you annoy me.”
Even simpler: winning smart boy in economics prizes as the world economy collapses. Proof of their wicked nonsense.
Good point. Peter Schiff is a good example of a good analyst.
Similarly Doctors approving treatments with no long term data.