Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Global New Material In Talks To Purchase Merck Pigment Unit
DFT – IMF Changes Course On Banning Crypto
DFT – Russian Forex Reserves Grow
DFT – Eurozone Economic Activity Slowing
DFT – Germans Skimp On Food Purchases Due To Inflation
MTG is getting paranoid she might be under surveillance activity:
This is new. Surveillance would not want this. It wants everyone to think nothing of the sort could exist in the United States. You are all safe in your homes, you have absolute privacy in your castles, you are in full control of your lives, and there is no domestic Stasi organizing in the shadows to screw you out of things for themselves, to derail your life covertly, or to subvert our beautiful, freely elected government, which you control. You are in power anon, so relax and talk freely in your house about all the things you do not want anyone to know.
This tweet moves the Overton Window, so people are going to begin to understand, these things are happening. For now it is to her, but that is how you start. Next, maybe it is happening in your town, or your neighborhood, or to someone you know. After all that, realizing it is on you as well, or even your kids in the schools, is not that strange. This means either MTG is not in the secret club, or she is in the club, and the club is about to burn down the surveillance, and this is the start. Because if the surveillance was tooling along like it has for decades, or maybe even centuries, there is no way this tweet ever gets posted.
Also strange is that she would even be allowed to see this. The foot followers I get in a grocery store may be amateurs, but her next door observation post will be first rate. At a very bare-bones minimum, she has the Cabal surveillance sonar tech, holding the ear headset to his ear with one hand 24/7, and following her footfalls and activity through the house using sound. More likely they have been in her house multiple times and installed cameras throughout it, as they run thruwall microwave from the house or apartment next door as a redundancy. They may not call her up like Ed Buck’s neighbor/watcher did to alert her to take her medicine or drink more water, but they are there and they always know where she is in the house and what she is doing. I have rolled over in bed at 2AM, and had a car rev its engine driving by house, just to let me know they head the springs in my mattress move, and it was a hundred yards to the nearest house and seventy five to the road. They would have known she was by the TV, and if she saw the TV turn on to connect, I would think they were showing her that, either to intimidate her, or because this tweet was part of the script. It could be a flex, they do that all the time, with no fear of any law enforcement ever standing against them. But it may be most likely this was all planned, as part of a reveal, since surveillance would not have wanted to see this tweet. This tweet makes it look like even this kooky site may not have been lying to you all these years.
Of course in the real world, a sitting Congresswoman, claiming she has seen this, may have stumbled on a Russian plot to spy on her. This could be a foreign power, part of a bigger plot operative on every legislator, to compromise our government for (gasp) Vladimir Putin! You would think FBI would get all over it, but it will not. They will not go near it because as with David Patterson, they know exactly who is doing it.
Also worth noting, I posted a reply on twitter with my surveillance page, and then opened the tweet in a private window. A regular person will only see about a hundred replies, and mine was not even hidden under the button for tweets which contained objectionable content. It was like I never even tweeted.
Ice Cube says he is not in the club, and he is tired of the gatekeepers suppressing him, so he is going on a Fuck the Gatekeepers podcast tour to reveal how things are controlled and promote his new basketball league. Intriguing. I assume Ice Cube is in the club, and reads the lines he is given. Notice, this is a small step toward opening the younger black population to the idea there is a secret club. If he came out and explained everything I explain, people might be prone to blow him off as a crank. But this moves that Overton window a little bit. There is a club, and it is fucking with Ice Cube. Of course, he is a big celebrity. Now people will accept there is a club, and perhaps one day the idea it was in their town won’t be so strange. Then maybe their neighborhood. Then maybe their street. Then maybe it was next door fucking with them specifically. Maybe it even targeted their kids in the schools. I have no idea if this is the beginning of a push to exposure, but it could be what it would look like.
Moishe? Is that you? OMG, you’re a neo-Nazi too? We could have been talking about White Supremacy and the ethnostate all this time???:
Already there is a maybe ID going around, claiming they are Patriot Front/Antifa. I tend to think these people will not be identifiable, but maybe.
The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, called Donald Trump ‘an idiot’ before relying on the former President to get him elected as the Governor of Florida in 2018, according to a feature piece published on Ron and his wife Jill “Casey” DeSantis. Nobody but Cabal ridiculed Trump back in 2016 when his rallies were being raided by Antifa, and being turned into all-out brawls.
Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden paid for a private global cell phone for Joe Biden while he was Vice President. Seems unless it was all logged, that would violate records laws.
Rep. Comer to Newsmax: More Hunter wires to be released- Biden family “has received millions from our adversaries and they can’t explain what they did to produce that money.” I has the feel of the super-hot girl who is totally out of your league, who randomly picks you out of the crowd, and is just dying to get to know you better and be your main squeeze. It doesn’t make sense. It is so perfect it has to be engineered, to the point Biden agreed to play this role. But how would that one work? Who agrees to perform treason so they can be caught and locked away, and their whole family taken down? Something is off.
RFK Jr. calls for federal legalization of marijuana; let states decide own laws.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Taking people’s guns won’t end school shootings.
RFK Jr. credits Trump for stopping almost all illegal border crossings.
FTX sues former Hillary Clinton aide over $700 million in ‘misappropriated funds.’ Imagine a place where $700 million can vanish and nobody notices for years, until everything else falls apart and they do a detailed accounting?
Disney lost a staggering $890 million at the box office on its last eight theatrical releases, according to a new industry analysis. Make ultra-woke movies. Lose $890 million. And yet it will never fail and collapse. Nothing works like you thought.
Naked adults expose themselves to children at Seattle Pride parade.
Academics: Allowing kids to opt out of drag storytime is a ‘dangerous setback’ for gay rights.
I think I already did this one, but if I did not, it sounds interesting enough to repeat – In a secret society typically left untouched by the outside world, the Freemasons are struggling to come to terms with the transgender ideology in their all-male fraternity, according to members who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation. Curious. One, how would this be happening, and two, how would we be hearing of it?
Artist responsible for “Piss Christ” guest of Pope in Vatican.
Harvard scientist faked honesty studies.
Germany: Far-right AfD wins first governing post.
Sweden shocks Europe: abandons ‘unstable’ Green Energy Agenda, returns to nuclear power.
WHO declares ‘infodemic,’ announces ‘misinformation’ surveillance program.
Zerohedge on how they are arming robot dogs with everything from machine guns to flamethrowers.
RIA Novosti Russia – There is no choice left: Russia will have to launch a nuclear strike on Europe. Honestly, imagine every major city in the West wiped out overnight. We’d have to catch up, and the surveillance would still have to be dealt with because it is in the rural areas too, and would get right to putting the band back together, but I am not sure the world wouldn’t suddenly be a much nicer place.
U.S. intelligence agencies briefed 24-hours BEFORE Russia uprising. How humiliating, if that whole thing was Putin and Prigozhin launching a psyop which they got the CIA to pay billions for, and our intel bought it and thought Prigozhin was actually going to march on Moscow, against Putin of all people. That is what happens when you sideline the GATE kids and hire your own ‘tards.
Former chief of the UK General Staff Lord Dannatt warned that if Prigozhin has taken his forces with him to Belarus, Kyiv may be in grave peril as Wagner is now in position to attack. LOL. He is now just 100 miles from Kiev.
Former President Donald Trump outlined his southern border and immigration policy platforms in great detail Saturday night, including laying out a vision to end “automatic citizenship for the children of illegal aliens,” resurrecting all “incredibly successful border policies” from his first term, and moving “massive portions” of federal law enforcement into immigration enforcement. Could that be what all the IRS agents are about? Get 90,000 of them hired on now, using the cover they will be “sticking it to the rich,” and then just as they all come online, Trump takes over and moves them to ICE and begins chasing down all the illegals? Truth be told, which would generate more cash in the treasury – chasing down every tax return of every mid-sized businessman a single agent could, while doing a detailed financial audit over several weeks, or deporting every single illegal a single agent could, maybe twenty or thirty a day?
NBC Poll: Trump doubles lead on DeSantis, GOP field.
President Trump keynote speech at Oakland county Republican party Lincoln Day Dinner 6/25/23:
Spread r/K Theory, because not every Neo-Nazi is real these days
I can confirm that your reply to MTG does not show and that surveillance put out an all hands on deck order to flood the replies with garbage.
But my tweet shows right up there in the top third to me when I am signed in. So if I didn’t know better, I would think I just said my piece, and now everyone will see it, and begin to grasp the surveillance problem we have.
I suspect that is how Twitter is working now for everyone who is honest, not just me. Everyone goes there to say their piece, everyone’s piece is just hidden from view WITHOUT THEM KNOWING IT WAS HIDDEN, and only Cabal asset tweets are shown to everyone, giving the impression the Cabal narrative is what everyone thinks.
A perfect blend of propaganda mixed with wasting every honest person’s time and effort and leaving them with absolutely nothing to show for it, as if they do not exist.
People you follow are supposed to be at the top of the replies. For me, you don’t show up in replies at all, but I can see the tweet when I look at your profile.
It has to be that way.
I hope everyone on here who wonders about what I say because they have not yet seen the surveillance, takes this as evidence I am not lying to them. I can’t do that to my tweets at Twitter. Only a very powerful organization could do that. And the truth is, they have to. It is a criminal conspiracy, of a scale it makes every other criminal organization, from the Mafia to the Cartels look like pikers and amateurs. It is what you would get mixing equal parts of the Mafia, the Cartels, and the CIA, all fighting using Sun Tzu’s philosophy of winning without fighting.
If only a couple of you were under surveillance, it would not care if I posted, because nobody else would see it around them, and my posts would only make me look like a kook to everyone. They do that because I think almost everyone will see this thing around them, in their towns, in their neighborhoods, and even on them specifically periodically. Everyone is a target, and for that reason, they need to keep me, and my tweets bottled up.
And I am probably far from alone in that regard.
It should also make you doubly suspicious of everyone whose tweets they freely allow to be seen. They allow them, because they control them. Also, again, Vox Day got himself completely banned, apparently forever.
To illustrate this locally, I just gave the above AC comment it’s second thumbs up. It registered. Had to leave the page and returning with a new login, only one thumbs up is posted. Even these are unreliable.
Wow. At least we know. There will be no redpilling through that. SO we have to adapt.
After Elon took over, I briefly noted a sudden surge in the popularity of my tweets; the particularly pithy ones were getting a lot of traction in retweets.
It lasted about a week, and then back to mostly radio silence. 3 or 4 likes. Not even getting blocked by some of the people I cyberbully, and often I get people messaging me asking me if I’m still making videos, when my latest tweet is a link to my newest DLive stream. So yeah, 3000 followers but very little traction. Pretty sure this is the case.
Here’s my account, if anyone’s interested.
So infuriating. Imagine what our culture would be like if it was actually free and meritocratic. Imagine only the best rising to the top, searching for the good, the beautiful, and the true, and improving everyone’s lives. What a world we would live in.
You can see why they just could not allow it.
London wasn’t fooled by RUS for a second apparently: only one not.
Looks like this was a US goat rope. With RUS completely inside US tempo/OODA.
Which makes sense when one considers that Iraq was a great Intelligence and not Military victory: we paid pretty much the whole military to throw down their arms. A few didn’t or we left a few to beat up on and they did much better than we thought they would have.
C4ISR and bribery and stand off weapons aren’t going to get this done for NATO. The sub cat and mouse still has to be decided it seems.
And RUS will have to credibly threaten continental US with n-words eventually via subs or Sarmat.
I think China will solve the sub problem. When they invade taiwan (maybe fake, in that they already bribed everyone in Taiwan enough that the military “invasion” doesn’t matter) the US will have to put subs in the shallows between Taiwan and the mainland, making it fish in a barrel. No depth to hide in, no depth to avoid depth charges, and just straight up execution for our subs.
The smu of all fears.
I woke up this morning with a premonition that Cabal is going to officially make the gay flag the national flag.
It solves a lot of problems for them.
It pretty much is.
(Notice the new gay flag had black and brown stripes. Did you all blacks are gay now? Make sure to remind them…)
I mean yeah, it de facto is. I’m talking about de jure.
It will likely become official.
They’re going to have to change the flag: the Stars & Stripes stand for a republic, not a democracy; and it most certainly does not stand for a socialist dictatorship. They will probably do what the Chinese and Khazarian Bolsheviks did when they took over China and Russia.
They probably think it will be a perfect shibboleth.
I can kill that change in three words.
Which pride flag?
We welcome our new sexy ant overlords.
A plague of randy ants has descended upon the German village of Altweinhölzchen, and unfortunately, they can’t post about it on social media.
Jesus I feel like an idiot.
The Titianic sub absurdity was clearly a cover for conducting underwater ops in the area.
Prob cable related.
It seemed as if a bunch of things were going on
Or extending the SOSUS screen?
A good series of links and comments on AI. The OP runs the hosting of the uber-boomer blog and has a cool tech post every AM.
“That is what happens when you sideline the GATE kids and hire your own ‘tards.”
AC, you just wrote a classic.
Interesting deconstruction by an engineer about how carbon fiber hulls deteriorate with each use and have a short effective life, but in an attempt to keep costs down they pushed the envelope too far. If I remember correctly, this was their 4th dive to that depth…
Cheer up, scrote. Lots of tards are living kick ass lives. My first wife was a tard. She’s a pilot now.
>Gino’s fall from grace has had heavy “reverberations in the academic community,” University of Pennsylvania behavioral scientist Maurice Schweitzer told the New York Times, noting that he was examining the eight papers he co-authored with her and suggesting many colleagues of the prolific publisher were doing the same.
Academic Fraud has been known for years. Nothing much at all will be done officially about this, save using this guy as a scapegoat perhaps and more attention to detail when the rest of them continue their frauds.
My book has a section talking about various frauds that were well-known in 2016.
“Trust the science” is such bullshit I can’t believe it isn’t obvious to most people that it is the most rank propaganda. Smart people lie. Being smart doesn’t make you a good person automatically. Scientists will lie and cut corners to push their career and political agenda. “scientists” diversity hired or cabaled into position also probably aren’t that smart and will say whatever they are told.
Re: MTG, this is especially eyebrow-raising, because she has been looking more and more like a Cabal asset (claiming the “election” was legit, figuratively all up on McCarthy’s nuts, etc.).
I can’t imagine Cabal wanting to burn their own Big Brother network. But if there is an internecine struggle as AC has suggested, perhaps one side is willing to raise awareness of it to some degree in order to hurt the other faction. Then, when the smoke clears, they will rely on the Memory Hole and the MSM to put everyone back to sleep.
Bait & Switch
“Already there is a maybe ID going around, claiming they are Patriot Front/Antifa. I tend to think these people will not be identifiable, but maybe.”
The guy in this photo has been identified as Benjamin Brody, former (?) political science major at UCR. Since being unmasked, his socialist media accounts have been scrubbed. But somebody found his profile on an Instagram fraternity page and screen-shot it. Key takeaway from that: “After graduation he plans to work for the government.”
Feds are pieces of shit. One just moved in my neighborhood. He introduced himself to me while I was walking the dog. Cargo shorts, buzz cut, lispy voice. He asked what I did for a living (I gave him a phony yet plausible answer.) He tells me he’s DHS, “you know, a Fed.” Nice guy to identify himself lol. Glad I’d tell him jack shit. (Yes he is certainty my local surveillance.)
Sorry about the redundant info. Didn’t realize that all the info I shared was right there on that Twatter link.
Not everyone goes to look at tweets, so its great that you included that info.
Reporting from the commie town of Battle Creek in the shit-show Soviet state of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan).
Well, last Thursday’s Calhoun Tea Party mtg was a barn burner! We had Scott Aughney of the MI Election Integrity Force give a speech about elections.
Election Integrity Force
The first sentence out of his mouth was slightly different than Patrick Colbeck’s statement “This was a coup” (talking about the 2020 election where he was a poll watcher at the Detroit Cobo center). Aughney said:
So, Mr. Aughney asked his town clerk for his election records. They sent him one. Then Mr. Aughney asked the State of Michocaun to send him their election records of him. —Then the fun begins!!!!!
NO joke—Two DIFFERENT records!!!!! Even TWO DIFFERENT voting ID’s!!! Yes, he has two different voting IDs, the time stamps of his Jackson city voting records were all “00:00:00” but his state records had the exact timestamps! His Jackson city voting records had two different locations, Leona (where he lived) and then Jackson City, MI but his state records showed only Leona seven times!
His two sets of records didn’t match! He also has come to believe that there is a THIRD voting ID for him! This has to do with the ERIC system. He notes that mortgages and loans are made according to one’s IDs and that there is a scam going on in the MI Election system where people are using other people’s IDs to obtain mortgages and loans!
The whole thing is a disaster. When the mtg shows up on Rumble, I will link to it! In other research, nothing matches like the QV (the Qualified Voter rolls). It’s all a scam. Everything is Fake and Gay—Everything is a Lie.
Thoughts on the cycle of our history:
The Bishop of Rome split from the Orthodox Church in 1054 (East-West Schism). By 1066, England was taken. In 1096, the Vatican launched the First Crusade – a prize-money payoff to Western nobles for their support of the Pope. By 1119, the Knights Templars were established and soon became fabulously wealthy on their “Christian finance”. By the Fourth Crusade (1202), the crusaders and Venetians didn’t make it to Jerusalem – instead they diverted to orthodox Constantinople to pillage and loot in one of history’s great false flag ops. The sea-faring Venetian (Phoenician) merchants dominated the Papacy from their island marsh redoubt. It was the egregious simony of this Cabal that lay Europeans began to protest. The Jesuit Order (“The Company”) was founded in 1540 by Conversos to annihilate those protestors. Along the way the Freemasons emerged in 1599 (officially). The conspiracies of the secret orders in the French Revolution are well known and Napoleon’s epic attempt to destroy orthodox Russia led to his downfall. In 1917, the communist Bolsheviks were released in Cabal financiers’ attempt to loot Russia again. 66 million Orthodox Christians were murdered. Cabal’s stooge, Hitler, and his Nazis attacked Russia only to be destroyed by the Russian people’s sacrifices. When the Soviet system collapsed Cabal attempted to concentrate Russia’s wealth and resources in the hands of a few controlled oligarchs. Putin emerged to constrain their overreach and in the last few decades Russia’s Orthodox Church has blossomed and finally thrives again. This is the society that has confronted the Cabal head-on and is destroying its Nazis in Ukraine. We are now engaged in a great battle with the evil that has dominated and defined our lives for so many generations. Somehow it seems that we may have come full-circle from that schism a thousand years ago.
Huck, what a first grade simpleton understanding of history. “The Russian people’s sacrifice”? What a hoot! Those “Russians” were Communists–pseudo-Jews. They weren’t “Russian”—but spiritual Jews. You’re comment is just so much kindergarden. And Orthodoxy is not really returning to Russia–Orthodoxy is a museum piece that attracts only the eccentric.
Good insight. Hard to believe we’re 23 years away from the thousand-year anniversary of Rome leaving.
Why would they want us to know about surveillance? Earlier this year I had a completely private conversation with a family member in my car in the morning. It was a very unimportant and mundane topic but then that evening when I was out in public surrounded by a group of people having a conversation, they repeated my conversation to each other not literally word for word but it was the same conversation and there were too many specifics in it for it to have been coincidental. There was no reason to do that other than to display that they had heard my earlier conversation. Maybe just an intimidation tactic? They are perfect strangers to me but they are in a group that I am affiliated with and unfortunately have to remain affiliated with for quite a bit longer.
Well over half a century ago, my mom was just a young teenaged girl brilliant at mathematics, whose life was fucked up because this thing may have killed her mom. She wasn’t a threat to anyone, and when I picture her circumstance, if I happened across a young girl like that the urge to shield her from the world would be immense.
She got on a bus, far from her home, and a pile of people got on and surrounded her, and began doing the exact same thing to her. I assume just to freak her out. And she was so clueless, she just assumed it was a one in a billion chance circumstance, and marveled at how odd it would be people would say all those exact things. Who does that to a little girl in tough circumstances? Why wouldn’t they have felt a drive to help her, instead of try to freak her out?
But what stuck with her was how they all talked oddly loudly, to be sure she heard it all and focused on it. And all those decades later, I can remember the time I thought it was so very odd she would recount that one in a billion thing to me, and then add the question, “Have you ever had people talking loudly around you, and it felt like they weren’t talking to each other, but rather they were talking so you would hear it?”
I don’t know why they do most of the stuff they do. It is all a very bizarre waste of resources and effort, for no purpose I can see.
I am sorry you are dealing with it. If it helps, I think you are far, far from alone.
Yes it’s an intimidation tactic and just general destabilization technique. They are trying to ramp up your general anxiety for some reason, the most likely reason is that when you are anxious and fearful you become MUCH more suggestible and also your mental performance deteriorates. So if you’re at a critical point in your career or business and have something you need to be sharp on, your performance will be reduced as your mind spins.
There’s a great advantage in knowing that you’re being watched. Of course, first they need to study you thoroughly, and they’ll be in the shadows. But the overt watching comes when they are trying to influence you.
Saw part of a press meeting recently where the fake administration’s diversity hire press mouthpiece was taking questions from reporters. What’s amazing is, the Swamp Media was actually grilling her on the Big Guy’s involvement in Hunter’s dirty deals. It was almost like they were real journalists, actually trying to get to the bottom of it. This fits with AC’s theory that Cabal is gonna let Biden be taken down.
For me at this point, “the storm” is just a hopium-fueled fantasy. And yet, if Cabal is gonna pull back the curtain and let people see some of the evil (and there are scattered indications that may happen), then Q’s line “These people won’t be safe to walk the streets” might be prophetic.
What Cabal might be setting up is a transition from international socialism to national socialism, at least temporarily. It won’t be a swing to “the right” and we’re not gonna see freedoms restored or government power reduced to Constitutional limits. But we’ll be satisfied to see some of the most blatant scumbags taken down. That will be enough to convince many that we’re back on the right track.
More likely the Cabal is gonna dump Brandon and replace with the Hindu-Negro VP.
Perhaps a few well positioned people plan to latch onto cabal’s pendulum swing and add momentum to take it farther than intended.
If there is anyone with any power and influence on our side (or at least an enemy of our enemies) that would be the optimal time and way to strike.
It’s no fun being evil unless you can openly display it and get away with it.
The entire West is being driven, deliberately, to the extreme right. This is burgeoning in Europe and will soon wash over America. Every cycle is a reaction to the preceding cycle. The last cycle (just ending) was a lurch to the extreme (irrational) left. This next cycle will move in the opposite direction and will consist of an extreme commensurate with the last one.
Mass graves await.
100 percent accurate. And 100 percent engineered.
Take a foot, give back six inches, take another foot…
That Patriot Front video is just excellent. Watch in real time as true patriots discover how to expose the fed/antifa impostors showing up to discredit rallies. Unmasking will now be standard operating procedure against infiltrators. The feds are gonna have to weld great helms (knight masks) to their fucking heads if they want to conceal their identities.
I also wanted to say in regard to the dog robots, Tex had a great article about how to deal with them.
“surveillance would still have to be dealt with because it is in the rural areas too, and would get right to putting the band back together”
My humble opinion is that these “watchers” would either be pulled into useful service on the front lines or they would be cut loose. How many of these folks would really stay in place once the nuclear feces has hit the fan? It would be some time before things could be reassembled to be of any use. And by the time any of that happened I would assume that many of these assets would have come back to earth and spilled the beans to friends, family, and neighbors.
I don’t think this would ever happen. There is something weird going on with them, and us. Something is different between us. Something massive enough they will never spill the beans to us, because of how we are different from them. I can’t imagine what it is, unless they are secret subjects of the Crown here working against the evil rebels who threw off the noble King’s authority. Or they are luciferians, who think lucifer was misunderstood and is really a great guy. Or there is some secret anthropology knowledge like Texas Arcane says. Or the Kyle Odom alien thing. Something is different.
I was all in on loyalty to my friend Danny, and I am not unobservant, and it looked like he was a reflection of me. But he thought it was totally cool to just peel hours of my time away and waste them when I was loaded down with coursework, and was hurting my own GPA to help him out. And yet he looked just like me. I thought we were on the same wavelength. But when he saw me, he must have seen something different.
And that is not just something you see with adults. I grew up with the kids all around me when I was a kid, and whatever it is, is so big to them, it kept every one of those kids from blabbing. Across the US, every kid, every school – that is no small feat. It has to be a significant difference of some sort which even kids look at and take super-seriously.
I think they are all like that, and if the command was nuked, and they had to, they would find each other, and form their networks locally to keep doing whatever it is they are doing. Because we are some kind of potential adversary posing some kind of threat to them, unless they get a handle on us. And to get a handle on us, it is so important given what they know, they just accept they need to assemble a major criminal conspiracy, committing major felonies in terms of illegal surveillance, harassment, Fourth Amendment civil rights violations, even assaults with thru-wall energy weaponry, and I have no doubt rapes and murders in some cases. And do it in a way that if the truth ever leaks, everyone’s ass will hang, and the public will want some sort of vengeance.
And all of that ignores the people who just accept they have to throw their lives away in fake marriages, even having kids with targets, to keep control of them. They sacrifice everything, their potential for love, their God-given destiny, kids they want with a chosen mate.
From my side, I can’t imagine what it would be, but it must be super-obvious to them, that every one of them looks at it, and says there is no possible way they can ever not take part in all of this illegality, not sacrifce their own lives, or not get on top of us.
When it comes out it will be very interesting.
It will indeed be interesting.
The surveillance cult will never talk. The demons that are attached to them will report back up the chain to their master. The surveillance is diabolical/demonic. They are watched at all times by supernatural tattle tails
I would think this crazy, except I would swear Bob’s ride-along came out once. And I even if surveillance coached him into some kind of brilliant acting out of that moment, I do not see how surveillance made both of my dogs freak out, with one jumping against my front to push me back from him, and the other pulling the back of my sweatshirt, to pull me back away from him. I never, ever saw them do that, except that once. It was very bizarre.
I’ve seen suspected cabal I’m working with lock up when I allude (deniably) to knowing. I used to think it was an amygdala hijack (so I stopped doing it) but now I wonder if the ride-along locks them up to keep them from giving b anything away.
The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.
BTW, this and other behavior makes me think that the ride-alongs are NOT mind readers — they can take SOME kind of control (like locking the victim up) but I don’t think they can do complex actions unless allowed to (like speaking for them) and have to anticipate things on their own.
So the demon was reacting to me, not what the person was thinking. I don’t think they were going to give anything away, but the demon wasn’t taking any chances.
Have you been following James Lindsay of New Discourses? He went from exposing the philosophical agenda behind CRT and Queer Theory, to openly asserting we are ruled over by gnostic wizards who are part of a 6000 year old secret religion which has parasitized off of humanity from day one.
It’s more than just “Lucifer was a misunderstood guy”; it’s an entire metphysical worldview which prizes rebellion, and promises eternal reward if they can finally sink up everyone’s mind to their belief system. I’m really starting to think that this might be the explanation for it. Particularly if you’re willing to go metaphysical, and speculate that maybe all of them have managed to sink up into a sort of ideological mega-consciousness.
As for us – I was an atheist most of my life, had both the good arguments as well as the childish anger at the church which they’re known for – but I never denied Christ. Even as I argued that God didn’t exist, I was walkimg in His shadow and pursuing the things He loves. Maybe it’s something similar; some people are just born with an intrinsic commitment to the other side?
I’ll have to check him out.
And its interesting how many of us who find each other now, find out that in our past we were all walking the same paths.
Here is a video on the topic. It’s only 40 minutes – short – introducing the basics of what gnosticism is. I’ve listened to over 12 hours on the topic so far this week.
Let me put it like this: Hitler was crazy enough to force his generals to compete with one another, out of his belief in ‘struggle’ (dialectic, resolution with the godhead) during WW2. That’s how seriously he viewed this stuff. The current crop of neo-marxist, end-of-history, human extinction, you’ll own nothing and be happy gnostics – no reason to think that they don’t hold to this just as strongly.
I recently read Gary Wayne’s “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy”. Very long and thorough book. While the book started out being about the Nephilim, he spent 30 years tracking down Gnosticism, secret societies, bloodlines, etc.
crown, lucifer, anthropology, aliens…
not worms?
The difference is who their father is. To quote Jesus in John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.” I see often that evil is illogical, as if operating on a different set of rules. Yes, we are different than them.
No. They aren’t spilling the beans to family, friends, and neighbors. Because the ones closest to them already know and are in on it. And they’ll never tell the victims, particularly the “friends” and family that they participated in victimizing.
There’s no benefit in telling people. What are these schmucks going to do? Confess to their friends and family and neighbors who they victimized? “Oh hey, you know, you never knew I was in on this, but remember when your brilliant son with the IQ of 140 started sniffing glue and became a functional retard? I was behind that…” Why would they ever confess?
When the shit hits the fan, they are going to be intent on victimizing people even more. They are likely to go on a complete murder and theft spree.
I cackled at this Prig and Soiguuuuuu! Gif
“The ‘Neo-Nazis’ may not be identifiable”
The Autists Brigade can do anything. That’s not an exaggeration: look up the story of ‘Shia Labeouf and his little I Hate Trump flag vs. the Autists’ sometime. Rip their masks off and take their pictures – this is the way. The expression on Big Noses’s face suggests that he knows this.
ah yes… those were fun times!! It was great to watch autists drive shia nuts. lol. what a time to be alive!!
Interesting that I posted twice on the sub implosion after a couple of days about the devil’s economy, and both posts disappeared into the either…
I’ve also had a feeling of more eyes on me as well of late.
It’s nice to be noticed.
Everything I see here from you has been approved.
I’m like that on twitter, and I suspect 4Chan. Not much you can do, but keep fighting.
Many people have questioned how all of this surveillance could possibly pay for itself. There are several answers for that:
First off, they make massive use of state and federal funds to give these people government or NGO jobs and then funnel them into moonlighting as cabal agents and stalkers.
But more importantly, consider the business angle. They can not only screw up competing businesses. Let’s say you’ve got a small business going and everything looks great. But in order to expand, you need to buy more tooling or whatever. That will require you getting a loan. You go get the loan, and of course it is your business that in part guarantees the loan. Then with all of their surveillance, cabal figures out a way for you to fail and you default on the loan and lose your business.
Things are so much more controlled, and people are so thoroughly ripped off, more than you can imagine.
I’m familiar with a case where a mother was trying to protect her child from being molested by her ex husband. She was immediately funneled to attorneys who were supposed to be the best at handling this kind of thing. Of course, inexplicably she lost every hearing that was before a judge, even with the evidence was clear. She ran out of money and the attorney suggested that her parents put their house up to pay for continued legal defense.
Her lawyer, her ex-husband’s lawyer, and the judge were all cabal. Through child molestation and appealing to a mother’s desperate desire to protect her child, they all bled that family out of everything.
We’re dealing with a level of ferocious dastardliness that’s beyond comprehension so most people.
AC, this is weird.
3.3M views on a 3 min Stockton Rush video from 10 months ago, and no comments, at least from my view. Viewership appears to have blown up (no pun) in last week.
Zero comments, not one troll or condolence or anything.
Maybe it was embedded in some news stories? But the lack of any comments is weird.
“Disney lost a staggering $890 million at the box office on its last eight theatrical releases, according to a new industry analysis. Make ultra-woke movies. Lose $890 million. And yet it will never fail and collapse. Nothing works like you thought.”
Just keep watching. Soon they will sell off old Disney assets. Perhaps eventually rebrand Disneyland as “Bud Light Land” or Black Rock Investment Amusement Park.”
The point is, and it should be obvious, that they are doing everything to sink Disney. There are certain people like Vox who try to push the fraud that all of this is just goofy idealists pushing “woke” culture because, well, they are just woke and goofy. Vox himself is calling for the destruction of Disney for that reason.
But what this is really all about is making sure that no one remembers who Walt was or the values he espoused. They do not want anyone inspired to bring classic literature to life or to make great leaps in science education. And they certainly do not want anyone making a place like Disneyland. They want museums and art galleries to be dead, filled with trash, and exhibits that repulse.
By the time these guys get done, one of the greatest Americans ever will be completely forgotten. His legacy forever lost. No American will ever be inspired to equal him and will instead be content to jerk off and retreat into a VR meta world. And it will be conservatives cheering every step of the way thinking that they’ve won a great victory.
You can never have read Vox if you say this. He is as clear as anyone, this is Cabal intel, which is likely satanic/luciferian, trying to wage a spiritual war on children, using Disney to do it.
And IMO, he is right, you have no choice. Disney at this point is a rabid dog, the infection is so deep. I suspect they are promoting executives based on how outrageously they molest the child stars in back rooms wired up with cameras, at promotional office parties held for that purpose.
If Walt was decent, he lacked the quality which was necessary to preserve his legacy, which was the ability to guard it against the takeover by a satanic conspiracy which would use everything he built to try and destroy children. As a result, we will have to wait, and hope another Walt shows up and has that quality.
But at this point the company was turned into a fully rabid animal, and needs to be put down. There is nothing we could do to save it, and if we tried, we are only giving Cabal another tool to use to attack children and damage our society.
If you want Disney to stop putting out material that you dislike, that’s one thing. If you want to participate in the destruction of the legacy of Walt Disney, and insist on just batshit stuff like Mickey is in fact a “devil mouse” or wicked or a satanic figure, that’s quite another.
Considering all the losses Disney is taking it’s pretty clear that it’s leaders are planning on destroying the company itself. For Americans to want to go further and destroy the legacy of Walt Disney is just doing cabal’s work for them. More cultural suicide.
We don’t know who anybody is. It is no coincidence you have Walt Disney, Ray Kroc, and I forget who the third person was, maybe Hemmingway, were all working together in the same Red Cross unit in WWI as ambulance drivers (which were probably used by intel to smuggle/courier shit around). All go on to become world famous? And more. From here:
These people got in with intel there, breaking the cardinal rule that ambulances were non-combatant. From there they were offered and took the deal. That means, they were doing the bidding of whatever probably launched WWI, because there is no way that war happens if the elites didn’t want it. And IMO, if it happened, they probably organized it to happen to kill off their competition among the honest, principled young guys who would have overthrown and murdered them in a heart beat just off the child stuff.
I think it is like the Public Enemy rapper said. You go down, join whatever, swear your oath to lucifer, and agree to a sacrifice, and you are in. From there, I would assume there are rituals designed to capture blackmail, probably with kids. I make no assumptions about Walt being a white knight. Back when he was riding high, John Kennedy Toole was being gangstalked into insanity.
Plus, unless I am mistaken, weren’t there pornographic cartoon-drawing frames in some of those cartoons, even back then?
Walt was heavily connected to the CIA and the rest of the government.
It’s possible he was relatively innocent and thought he was helping the good guys who were actually worse than he knew.
But anyone with that kind of success and connections is extremely suspect.
And his plans for his city of tomorrow were a dystopic nightmare.
The so called pornographic animations have all been shown to conclusively and without doubt to be modern creations. We have the originals to compare them with and can see the pornographic elements were all later added by computer.
What the cabal does or doesn’t want has absolutely no bearing at all on what I do. I make my own decisions, and allow them no control over them. If I started acting based on what the cabal appears to want, I would be just as controlled as someone who takes the ticket.
Nice try, Fed Anon.
Disney is not “pushing woke culture”. Disney is a massive propaganda organization led by satanists attempting to push satanic values on innocent children.
Walt Disney is irrelevant. Disneyland is irrelevant. America itself is irrelevant.
This is a spiritual war between Satan and his followers and Jesus Christ and his followers. There is nothing “woke and goofy” about it.
This is really an excellent article on the “skeptic” movement, describing them as basically being cultivated MSM narrative defenders.
Many of you no doubt noticed a rise about 20 years ago of people like Michael Shermer, a self-described “skeptic” who went around “debunking” everything from UFOs to Bigfoot to Alternative Medicine. Penn & Teller followed up with their Showtime series “Bullshit”, which was basically the exact same messaging on every issue, just with better comedy and theatrics.
But of course these three weren’t coming down hard on useful medical therapies from around the world, or making fun of UFO abductees and flat earthers, they came down very harshly on any “conspiracy theorists” who questioned 9/11. And notice the effort to corral them all together.
The result is a bunch of followers who feel that they are sophisticated, rational, and scientific when they defend the official narrative, and people who doubt the official narrative are all lunatic irrational “conspiracy theorists.”
From the article:
“Pseudo Skeptics are pseudo-intellectuals devoted to defending the official narrative; they hide behind a thin veneer of logic, reason, and science – the context in which they use the term “science” makes it very clear that they believe that science is a set of rigid belief systems instead of a method of discovery (e.g “anti-vaxxers are anti-science”) – they feign intellectual impartiality that quickly breaks down when confronted with any evidence that contradicts the ON.
Their worldview maintains that 100% of the ON must be correct 100% of the time; they are compelled to discredit any witness, expert, or evidence that contradicts it.
“Skeptics” only value logic and critical thinking when defending a neutral topic or established dogmas”
I noticed “Skeptics” are only skeptical of three things: Christianity, ghosts, and UFOs. They swallow everything else unquestioned.
The only thing more cringe than a magician is a “skeptic”.
Vigilant Citizen explains why the LGBT month is named ‘Pride Month’ in his latest article (Symbolic Pics of the Month 06/23). TL;DR is that it’s the worst sin.
It is amazing. For all their denial of God and the Bible, clearly they believe, and structure everything around it. Just they structure it the way you would expect from followers of the other side.
It’s because they actually seek to replace God with themselves. Also, don’t forget that the rainbow was a promise by God that he would not use a flood to chastise man when we go astray as a collective.
They usurp everything they can that pertains to God.
They are hoping their AI will give them these Godlike powers of control. They are insane.
Each of the other deadly sins is patiently waiting their turn for their own month.
There are exactly enough months in the year to start with Pride in June and do one a month through December.
BIDEN (last week (NOT satire)):
“I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things…”
Note the faces of everyone that is in camera view
Whoever pulled this psyop REALLY wants to get the name Isador Straus in front of your eyeballs.
Lew Palter, Titanic Actor, Dies at 94
“Lew Palter, who portrayed the retail tycoon Isidor Strauss in the film, lost his battle with lung cancer at the age of 94 on May 21. His daughter, Catherine Palter, confirmed the news to The Hollywood reporter.”
The criminal case on the fact of the armed rebellion was closed, the FSB of Russia stated.
You know, as much as some people in the comments here like to blame the Jews for all the problems aAmerica faces, I need to make a few important points:
All the cabal shitbaggery that we see, the surveillance, drug trafficking, corrupt cops, dastardly school teachers and administrators, and on and on, is all way too much to be carried out by Jews. There simply aren’t enough Jews to create the observed effects.
All the REALLY nasty shit done to my family was carried out gleefully by white Americans and Hispanics. In terms of European ancestry, the worst have been Italians, Irish, and for some reason I can’t explain a disproportionate number of people of Scottish descent. We’re talking extreme levels of betrayal and violation of people I was only generous towards.
Were high level Jews behind the scenes orchestrating this? Maybe. But the fact remains that the most cruel deeds were carried out by people of white European descent.
The vast majority of Jews I’ve personally interacted with have been honorable.
Even if you managed to expel all Jews from the US, you’d still have the vast majority of cabal left behind. And they are white people. And they’ve gleefully destroyed as many lives and families of some of our best and most brilliant bloodlines. The teachers and students in your local public schools looking to scar your children for life will almost all be regular white Americans.
And since their predatory ways have caused them to breed more than decent Americans that they’ve targeted, the entire blood of this country has changed. We are now ruled by avarice ridden and treacherous upstarts who are vicious beyond normal human comprehension. And they’ll be just as fucked up, just as sick, just as predatory if all Jews are removed from this country.
Personally, I think the future of this country is rather bleak. Our new rulers and administrators only have a single core competency: betrayal. They can’t create. They’re overwhelmingly full blown sociopaths. Sooner or later, the world will decide that those running America are far too sick and cruel and dishonorable to have anything to do with. Which is fine because these thugs have no capability whatsoever to continue maintaining our advanced defense arsenal, which was all engineered by people far more intelligent than this pack of extras from Good Fellas that are running things now.
I think everything is a psyop, too, designed to confuse us. Oddly enough, I can remember as a kid, my family marveling at how we were fucked over more by people who were of our same European ancestry, and nobody else ever seemed to fuck us over. It was to the point my father said he cringed when he saw a last name indicating shared ancestry. Now do I think that was real? Or was that engineered, as some sort of psyop to split my family from a sense of ancestral brotherhood, which technically should have been strong among our class of Europeans? I don’t know. But I suspect so. And if so, there will be a lot of Catholic Europeans in this too.
The non-Cabal, normal American Jews I have known have been solid, and treated me, and my family well in almost every case I can think of.
Currently I do have a guy I think is Jewish, maybe non-religious, I don’t know hi that well, as a neighbor-watcher who is in this, maybe reading my stuff here (if so, hey Gav!). I have been zapped in this house a decent amount over the past few years. Whether that is him or not, I don’t know. Sometimes I get the impression the people poking targets are the people in the bunkers, and they are hoping the target will take it out on the neighbors they hang out there. He supposedly didn’t like me deploying lights which may make it more difficult to approach the house, and maybe see in it from a distance, but I also get the impression he gets calls from command telling him to do stuff which makes it look like it is him, and he is really not that read in, and is just a drone of some sort. Plus his wife seems like the real operator. Even if he is in, he was dragged in by her, who I would guess was born into it. It is a Cabal relationship. He is down with the conspiracy, is apparently cool with 9/11 and the forever-wars maiming our guys, and we act friendly enough when we cross paths, as if none of this exists.
But I disagree on the future. The bottom line is, we are in a competition. They want to keep the status quo, for whatever they get out of it. But from our perspective, this thing needs to come out by the roots and be burned to ash, meaning we get all the roots, including the non-Jewish ones. Focusing on the Jews in the conspiracy, is a good way to miss all the other roots.
And I don’t say that because I hate these people, anymore than I hated guys I fought on the mat in my younger days. Competition is competition, you put one foot in front of the other, and try to win, knowing the opposition will do the same thing, and somebody will lose, and somebody may get hurt. I took pretty bad injuries when I was younger a few times, but it was never the fault of the guy fighting me just as hard as I was fighting him. You all agreed to the consequences when you stepped up and bowed.
At this point, IMO, we only lose if we give up, or lose awareness of how big this is, and that every piece will need to be addressed in a holistic fashion. There is a clear trajectory of exposure, and that will lead to either complete capitulation by it or conflict. I have no idea which, but I do not see all of America meekly acquiescing to being watched in their houses every night as they go to the bathroom or sleep with their spouses, by intel weenies whose whole game is avoiding conflict because they don’t like it, and whose game is fucking the rest of America. The only question is will our side be aware of the surveillance, and shut it down first, before the conflict begins. If so, it will not even be close, because that is Cabal’s only advantage.
This really feels like we will see it in the near future.
The Jews are perennially used as scapegoats by pagan Kings and Popes.
It’s people whose religion is Anti-Christian. I have a cousin who plastered all over her Facebook page how much she hates God. We have shared ancestry but she is devoutly, religiously ant-Christ. If you think that does not include the Tribe it is beyond me what ever gave you that idea because they do not love Him.
Site is down today. Too much good stuff yesterday I guess
Had a white pickup park across the st hwy right after I posted this am. I live out in the country. Lol. Stepped out to look at him down there and he took off not the only time but still creepy
Very strange. It is like they want the nation to know, but I cannot see how that benefits them.
If they’re intent on creating maximum chaos and bringing America down then revealing this would be a great way to do it.
The lower level operators would just be so much collateral damage.