News Briefs – 06/25/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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RNA vaccines are already in use in pigs? That is bad. Nucleic acids can survive heat and even be taken up by bacteria in the gut, and possibly amplified.

US government moves toward “collection based on speech,” ie if you say something the government doesn’t like, it can then begin spying on you, even if you have not committed a crime.

CNN host CUTS OFF Trump spokeswoman the second she brings up debate moderator Jake Tapper spending years comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler.

Trump ‘narrows VP search to THREE candidates.’ It’s JD Vance, who I would categorize as a shitbag, Marco “Foam Party” Rubio, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who I do not know, but who is probably Cabal as well. I would get worked up, however you are looking at an intelligence-driven environment, where Trump is supported by some intel operation. As such, whoever it is will be owned by that intel op before they are brought on, so who they are, or who they were, will be much less important, as they will be controlled and following orders. You have to just trust Trump, and hope for the best. I still think Don Jr or Eric are the only real options though. The VP will have no effect, except to be who will carry on the ass kicking after four years. I am not sure any of those three have ass-kicking potential.

Dr. Anthony Fauci STILL has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job… and is accused of trying to get ‘sympathy’ with death threat claims.

Temporary worker for Maricopa county elections arrested for stealing “security fob and keys” from MCTEC tabulation election center.

The Michigan Supreme Court will soon determine whether Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson circumvented the rule making process to impose restrictions on poll challengers.

The US Postal Service helps surveil Americans, gives up all user data to law enforcement without any need for a warrant. They are going to be involved somehow.

Judge Cannon admonishes Jack Smith’s prosecutor, almost tosses him from courtroom during hearing over proposed Trump gag order.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden re-submitted a motion requesting a new criminal trial after the first son was found guilty on all charges related to his purchase of a firearm in 2018.

Trump suggests Biden should be drug tested before debate and says he’ll take one too. It is a very dangerous tightrope when you are playing with stimulants, especially with someone who is non-functional without them. Even being younger and fit, with energy drinks and caffeine, you can go over the line, and get adverse symptoms. They have to get Biden functional, but how much of a dose of stimulants will it take, and will his heart be able to handle it? It should make him much more amygdala-hijackable, though I assume they will throw in some beta-blockers to try and ameliorate that.

Anxious Barack Obama ‘Increasingly involved’ in Biden campaign.

Joe Biden has lived in two houses in his home state since 1975, when he bought his first property in Wilmington that he later sold in the late 1990s. But records obtained by show the couple have had a habit of negotiating a new mortgage or credit deal on both homes every 17 months. Does this sound like Cabal drops them in the house, and they get to live there, but Cabal wants the equity to expend on other things, so this is part of the deal?

Welfare offices providing voter registration forms to illegals without proof of citizenship.

Senator Warren: Democrats want ‘a pathway to citizenship’ for all illegal aliens.

Supreme Court expands its term to July to accommodate several large rulings to come.

A US bankruptcy court trustee is planning to shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars media platform and liquidate its assets to help pay the $1.5 billion in lawsuit judgments Jones owes for repeatedly calling the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a hoax.

The Justice Department’s Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for civil rights, will be hit with three ethics complaints and a criminal referral Monday, which call upon Attorney General Merrick Garland to open a criminal probe into Clarke on the grounds that she “knowingly and willfully” made “materially false statements” and that she committed “perjury.” The Article III Project, which was established by a clerk of Gorsuch’s to help get conservative justices confirmed, is filing both the ethics complaints and criminal referral.

Catherine Herridge interview clip from Libs Of Tik Tok- A 24-year-old National Guard army specialist was forced to get the covid vaccine. She then had a heart attack and now has heart issues. The army confirms her health issues are linked to the vaccine.

CNN could be forced to pay upwards of $1 billion from defamation suit from Jake Tapper show.

JackPosobiec – Daily reminder that Jake Tapper’s top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad.

Two federal courts just blocked student-loan forgiveness and cheaper monthly payments under Biden’s new repayment plan.

Major study confirms Covid shots cause brain damage.

US supreme court to weigh in on transgender healthcare ban for minors.

Fact check: Biden, Democrats claim crime is down based on FBI report lacking data from thousands of Police precincts.

The Lockbit ransomware group announced that it had breached the systems of Federal Reserve of the United States and exfiltrated 33 TB of sensitive data, including “Americans’ banking secrets.”

So anon, you have finally come up with a billion dollar idea, and have filed for a patent. Did you know the government can unilaterally slap a secrecy order on your patent and then you cannot tell anyone about the technology? Article is filled with people who were about to make it big, and then never made it because the “government” shut them down arbitrarily with a secrecy order.

Four other states to launch massive lawsuits against Pfizer, accusing the pharma giant of deceiving the public about COVID vaccine safety and efficacy.

Nigel Farage hits back at Boris Johnson: “He was elected as a Conservative but governed like a GREEN!”

France’s Macron warns of ‘Civil War’ if he loses next month’s parliamentary elections.

A German police officer escorting Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Stuttgart has died after a car rammed into the Hungarian leader’s convoy. Supposedly a 69 year old woman who accidentally missed signs for road closures and then hit a motorcycle cop.

Ukraine’s Zelensky orders purge of Department of State protection after members arrested for alleged assassination plots.

The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the American ambassador on Monday to protest what it says was the use of U.S.-made advanced missiles in a Ukrainian attack on Russian-annexed Crimea that reportedly killed four people and wounded more than 150.

Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow.

Moscow warns of response after U.S.-linked Crimea strike.

Russian Sources are reporting that an Incident has occurred over the Black Sea, which possibly involved the Downing of a U.S. Surveillance Drone by the Russian Air Force.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge this week as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department that will allow him to go free after having spent five years in a British prison, according to court documents.

Julian Assange walks free: WikiLeaks founder boards plane out of UK after agreeing plea deal on US spy charges – 12 years after fleeing into Ecuador embassy to avoid sex-crime quiz.

Fullsized image

Cross-border handgun carry case at appeal level in Massachusetts. Guy who could carry legally in New Hampshire was charged for carrying in Massachusetts, however he could not get a permit as a non-resident. They are saying Bruen clearly does not end at the state border.

President Donald Trump is edging out President Joe Biden and garnering support from nearly a quarter of black voters, a recent survey from CBS News/YouGov found.


According to the ActiVote poll of 2,029 likely voters, the Republican is 22 points ahead of Biden among independent voters in a two-way matchup, holding 61 percent of the vote share to Biden’s 39 percent.

The latest Real Clear Politics poll average shows President Trump leading in a two way race against President Joe Biden and Trump’s lead is even greater when five presidential candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are included in the polling.

Spread r/K Theory, because have gun, will travel.

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8 months ago

Trump ‘narrows VP search to THREE candidates.’ It’s JD Vance, who I would categorize as a shitbag, Marco “Foam Party” Rubio, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who I do not know, but who is probably Cabal as well. I would get worked up, however you are looking at an intelligence-driven environment, where Trump is supported by some intel operation. As such, whoever it is will be owned by that intel op before they are brought on, so who they are, or who they were, will be much less important, as they will be controlled and following orders. You have to just trust Trump, and hope for the best. I still think Don Jr or Eric are the only real options though. The VP will have no effect, except to be who will carry on the ass kicking after four years. I am not sure any of those three have ass-kicking potential.

Other people are claiming it’s Youngkin.

We won’t really know anything until the announcement.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Give us your thoughts on the 3 mentioned.

Reply to  Leverage
8 months ago

I don’t like any of them.
We need Binney or Bannon, or someone like that.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

Hard to say what this is besides more confirmation of AC’s theory on rich people being placeholders for cabal. Who in their right mind refinances their mansions 35 times??

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

I think I figured this out. Biden isn’t smart enough to just make himself a $100 million in the stock market like smart congressmen do. His graft is strong arming people and taking bribes He refis the mansions, takes the cash, then makes someone else pay the bill. It’s been reported the Bidens have like 30 or more fake corporations and llc’s that have no business besides being shell companies pushing bribe money around. I doubt any mortgage payment on a Biden property has joe Biden’s signature on it.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

And coming in a close second is racketeering.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

To be fair, anybody with a mortgage is fucking drowning in brokers begging them to refinance. I could probably heat my house for a year on a month’s worth of credit and mortgage refinance solicitations. You’d think the Brandons would be smart enough not to fall for it, but I didn’t see any evidence of intelligence before the dementia became apparent.

They used to have a hook when a refinance could actually reduce your payment, but now it’s like “get cash out of your home when you refinance at 4 times your current mortgage rate!”

But in their case, I think AC is right. Their wealth is part of their cover. Biden didn’t get where he is by being a smart and competent lawyer. He’s always been the biggest dumbass of the useful idiots, before Whore-ess and AOC came along.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

Money laundering for the win!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

US government moves toward “collection based on speech,” ie if you say something the government doesn’t like, it can then begin spying on you, even if you have not committed a crime.
I assumed they were already doing this. I mean we’re only a few steps behind Canada with their draconian hate speech laws they’re trying to implement. The clowns are just itching to throw us in prison for saying shit they don’t like. Good luck with that.
“I can be jailed for life for offending you? Better to just kill you then since the punishment is the same.”

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Yeah to hell with them. Don’t Tread on Me.

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Well I am as good as dead

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Message to the current Admin from Generation X: GFYS!

8 months ago

“Even being younger and fit, with energy drinks and caffeine, you can go over the line, and get adverse symptoms.”

Damn right. Recently started using a preworkout powder with 300 milligrams of caffeine per serving and the bass-heavy jungle music that my hoodrat coworkers insist on blasting has been driving me crazy. I’m gonna choose another one with less caffeine.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Plenty of our kind out here. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack but it’s doable. If it wasn’t you would have packed it in by now.
The Dude Abides. Knowing you’re not ALONE makes all the the difference.

8 months ago

Assange and Crimea are both big news, but these things might be fake, and I don’t have enough information to even formulate an opinion.

My opinion on the COVID injections is increasingly that though the leaked studies of the problems with the lab developed ones are genuine, the actual administered injections were saline, and the whole thing was developed as a cover for damage that in fact was caused by the Beam.

So this:

Major study confirms Covid shots cause brain damage.

This is a careful study that just contrasts between a group of people who got the injections and a group of people who didn’t. And my wife got two injections and did have cognitive deterioration afterwards.

But this doesn’t destroy my theory, because the people who got the injections could have had cognitive damage before they got the injections. I’m sorry for essentially insulting any readers who got the injections, but this never made much sense. The original COVID had a very low (lower than 0.3%) fatality rate, and it was openly said that the “vaccines” were developed ignoring the normal safety protocols. It could be that the people who refused had fairly functional cognition at the time, and something was wrong with the people who complied, and that is what this study is capturing.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

I think the lack of border control, intentional impoverishment, and legalized weed and over abundance of anxiety/depression meds help hide the effects of beam testing too.
It was the street drugs anon, what made him kill his neighbor. Hard to tell if your getting beamed if you don’t know about it, your malnourished and trying to survive in Clown World that’s not fun or funny. Duuude your just really stoned lay off the bong hit and stay of that website. The person seemed fine then they just snapped. Maybe they were bipolar or maybe it was there meds?

8 months ago

Attorneys for Hunter Biden re-submitted a motion requesting a new criminal trial after the first son was found guilty on all charges related to his purchase of a firearm in 2018.

Standard motion, they don’t expect it to be granted, but filed it to preserve the appeal.

8 months ago

Elon Musk just has another child.

When is this guy going to be arrested for Polygamy?

Or for that matter, here in Battle Creek, a black muslim has some 12 children by four different women and another black has another 15 by numerous women as well —all of them supported by Gov. Food Stamps.

When are these people going to be arrested for polygamy? When are going to pass laws that anybody fathering children out of wedlock do NOT get Food Stamps?

We talk about the “Rule of Law” all the time.—There is NO rule of Law in America. And is it prudent and Wise to be supporting blacks having many children by numerous women?

All I got to say is that the Anglo-Saxon when he left Catholicism has lost his mind. The Anglo-Saxon is genociding himself–Autogenocide. For a people who had an empire that the sun never set on, are now such loosers that they are working so hard to disappear themselves as a people. —Sad but that is Justice for forsaking The Faith.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

When the debt collapse happens, which will be soon, those welfare payments will end. That’s when the party really starts. In a time of extreme scarcity, especially of food, those single mothers will be competing against men for food for their children.

Those single mothers will then be forced to remember why women have always needed men to protect and provide in a dangerous world. A lot of depopulation is coming!

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

That shits already started. My Dole friends already getting major cuts to their bennies and are feeling the pain as they took out home and truck loans based on their A1 credit ( how is it possible for them to have great credit when living solely on benefits?) they were told the the bar has been raised to qualify lol. Thanks Xiden

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

Don’t count on welfare going away in any case, that finances the backup army that they will depend on.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

This why I support immigration from Mexico, a Catholic nation (with a Jewish leader!)

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

You are a genocider and a traitor. You are NOT conservative at all. To promote ethnic dilution–is an act of Soft Genocide. And NO, Catholics are in a state of heresy and apostasy.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

probably a bot

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

there is a rule of law for some, none for others. Refer to the Federal guidebook for particulars. Geeks, mutants, trolls, and inbred circus performers get the front of the line for lawful non compliance of “rules”.

8 months ago

Abortion was a way to lock in some voters for the RINOs, and the Black vote was locked in for the Dems.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

MK Ultra is just an extension of pushing influencers/culture to a desired place. Nothing new except for the mass consumption/digital world we live in.
The Controllers surely knew/expected blowback from this new connection to Mass Media but overshot and now have to pull back but info is out “there” they struggle to censor and silo. Truth Nuggets that resonate with the working populace are tough to overcome without going to Defcon 4.
The Real Question is can/will TPTB burn it all down just to start it all over again. They’ve done it before.

8 months ago

Over at Voxday, he reckons Farage is uniparty

I have my doubts about Farage(*), especially his record on Covid, and his record of wreaking movements just as they are about to create real change.

However, whether he is uniparty, or not, it doesnt matter. While Farage is the Reform, Reform, and the ability to wake up the plebs, is bigger than Farage.

(*) Some say same about Trump

8 months ago

Re: Biden’s stimulants. Does anyone think it would throw off Biden’s stim schedule if Trump showed up an hour late to the debates? There’s the famous story of Miyamoto Musashi purposely being late to a duel to enrage the opponent. Similarly Trump could do something like this to put a wrench in the drug boosting plan.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Dav
8 months ago

Actually a very good idea.

Reply to  Dav
8 months ago

I’m a Musashi fan. Let’s hope we see something along those lines.

Reply to  Leverage
8 months ago

Imagine Trump beating someone to death with a wooden oar.

Reply to  HighAngelHell
8 months ago

Or teasing them to death with a pudding cup.

Reply to  Leverage
8 months ago

Even better if DJT were to beat him with an oar.

Reply to  Dav
8 months ago

Or come down with a “cold” at the 11th hour and postpone the debate. Joe would have to come down off his stack, recover, and then amp it up again later. Good times!

8 months ago

Julian Assange / “JA in the news?”
Q post #1591=June 26, 2018
so 6 years later & w/i 48 hours
That’s weird.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Qanon supporters are terrorists. As George W. Bush wisely said, they are evildoers

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

The satire schtick is boring and predictable. Would much prefer actual contribution, if you’re capable of such.

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Is this our resident downticker?

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Right up there with ufo witnesses.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Watch the first round of Foreman Ali. There’s a good chance Ali still had it. He came out and flat whipped Foreman’s ass. Then he made the calculus that taking a beating and only returning fire when Foreman began to slow was the best chance to win. His gamble payed off. Forced resource expenditures, and resource denial is a strategy. Perhaps Q determined the best way to stop a Samson option was to burn all enemy powder in a scorched earth decline. By the time cabal realizes they lost they won’t have enough resources to kill a few billion and escape in the confusion. It’s that or is all theater. Hope for the best and plan for the worst. Plan for the success of your great grand children and live as though the lord will return tonight.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

AC it’s more than likely Q was just a ploy to keep us waiting but our kind still has critical skills that can place a “wrench in the cog” and keep striving to find our kind. Whether by divine providence or just a will to survive we still hold some arrows in our quiver.

Reply to  Leverage
8 months ago

If Q was an enemy operation it was a big mistake.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I am undecided on Q. Failed promise of safe elections and random posts “on the move” undermine credibility?

In war, a plan doesnt oblige the enemy to cooperate.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Julian Assange is required to wipe the Wikileaks archives:

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
8 months ago

I’m still confident Assange is dead until proven otherwise. Remember that AI video of Assange they released after the John-Kerry UK Embassy blackout situation, after which Assange never came to the window again? Somehow after they showed the computer generated spinning collar Assange had it was never mentioned again.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
8 months ago

Here is an interview with Assange’s brother saying that Julian will enjoy coming back to Australia because he loves the beach there and “just listening to the birds sing” He says it twice to emphasize it.
BREAKING: Assange FREE, Brother Reacts LIVE (
“When does a bird sing?” Isn’t that a Q trope?

Reply to  Stephanie
8 months ago

Your movie stinks Q.
It’s a lot like Disney Star Wars, a few winks and nods do nothing to compensate for you setting the theater on fire during a painfully badly written storyline.

8 months ago

The whole patent thing is a sticky situation. There are some things and techs (think “bioweapons”) that have legit public safety / national security concerns. BUT:
If you patent and they don’t like you (or the tech) they can slap a “security” hold on it and shut you down with no legit good reason.
OTOH, If you don’t patent and they hear about it, they they patent it and shut you down anyway.
On the gripping hand if you take it overseas and they don’t like you/it, then they claim you you violated ITAR and jail you criminally, and/or they’ll lean on that foreign government to shut you down, too.

Other than going very public with it and praying for divine support, not sure what the best solution is.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Rest assured, anything that gets locked up in a manufactured “national security” issue will be pipe lined to DARPA for modifications and then launched into service for the financial gain of the Pentagon, CIA, various officials, and of course, DARPA.

8 months ago

I don’t recall you posting about the La Quinta Columna claim that the pseudo-vaccines = tech that allows another species to control human minds. (My guess would be an alt-future posthuman species controlled by the equivalent of Skynet that figured out interdimensional travel.) Demonic possession would be a TECHNOLOGICAL reality.

8 months ago

Jim’s Blog:

“Julian Assange is free, after five years imprisonment for reporting government spying on its citizens
“So what does this signify? It is a retreat. What made them afraid?

“They abruptly retreated on Covid when Putin invaded the Ukraine. Now that Putin is winning in Ukraine, they retreat on Trump and Julian Assange. Putin cured Covid, and Putin freed Julian Assange.”

I disagree. I too was struck by the Covid operation ending at the same time Project Ukraine entered a more serious phase, and still wonder about the connection. But I think Covid was always planned to be a two year operation, probably as cover for testing for the Beam, possibly testing the willingness of ordinary people to comply to totalitarian controls (these are not mutually exclusive).

With general war starting, there will be publically stated wartime censorship controls, making Assange irrelevant. Alexander Mercouris noted today that he is being released essentially on condition that he doesn’t publish anything more.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

My opinion, he’s walking into a trap.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Timing is everything in politics/media. Everything!

8 months ago

I heard today that Ukrainian media is openly boasting about civilians being targeted when Crimea was attack.

The claim was made by Brian Berletic on the Duran, so take it for what it is worth. The Ukrainians do have form.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Russian “civilians” are terrorist supporters and fair targets, same as Arab “civilians”

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

You’re either a Fedbot or the village idiot.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  teotoon
8 months ago

He’s probably just playing a character. Not very well though. No CAPS? Come on man.
Below is a similar one from GAB that’s much better.
As conservatives, we value TRUE diversity. Unlike the LEFT, we actually love diversity and we know FOR A FACT that skin color has NOTHING to do with it. It’s about IDEAS and respecting each other’s OPINIONS!!!
Conservatives are the REAL liberals

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

It may just be a bot.

Reply to  teotoon
8 months ago

He’s just shitting up the comments roleplaying as a braindead boomercon. Ignore him and he’ll get bored

a b c
a b c
Reply to  teotoon
8 months ago

Let us embrace the power of “and”…

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

ConBoomerVet may be a troll and perhaps a deliberate reminder that these people are evil

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Women and kids. Oh rly. No you are just a blood thirsty murderer who wants to murder kids and civvies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I don’t think he’s serious.
But I don’t think it’s well intentioned humor either.
I think he’s a leftist/cabal troll who is doing a warped boomer RINO impression to harass us.

It wasn’t funny the first time and it gets farther from funny every time.
The sheer volume of his posts is further evidence that it’s a harassment technique.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago


Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

It all hastens Russian conquest, but the drooling ghouls cant understand that.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

There is a layer in Ukraine that is pure evil.

They gloat at torturing & immolation of Russian POWs, murder of pregnant women & children.

They dont even care about Ukrainians. I have seen enough videos of Ukranians murdering their own people. Soldiers that protest after 90% casualties. Civilians trying to escape. Teenage boys buried alive for “motivation”.

Tactically, it does not help them win in the end. They are just enjoying themselves.

8 months ago

Senator Warren, you incredible nincompoop, there already is a pathway to citizenship, it’s called legal immigration and registration for citizenship. What a total airhead, spouting left wing talking points ad-nauseam. If she ever had a thought of her own in her head, it would die of loneliness.

8 months ago

• A 68% rise in depression
• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders
• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders
Political local and national news has been causing that for years.

8 months ago

Biden and his stims/juice – among other things, it’s gonna make Grampy Stankfanger feel like his skin is too tight. Twitchy. Irritable. Plus all those idiot staffers keep pestering him about How To Debate, and he’s been doing that since those obnoxious little punks were crapping their diapers! Plus **his* diaper is bunching up, and it’s uncomfortable!! Goddammit!!!

Note to Trump campaign: that’s what’s known as “an exploitable attack vector.” He’ll be medium pissed-off _before_ PDJT says a word, and it’ll get worse as the night goes on and he gets tired from standing. So use it. Contradict him. Interrupt him a lot. Call him a liar. Offer proof of that claim. Bring up Jill not being “a real doctor.” Bring up Beau not “being killed in Iraq”, like Grampy likes to claim. Bring up Hunter. Bring up showering with Ashley(?). Bring up the 50 Biden LLC’s. Push him, push him, push him some more …. and that angry senile old pedo **will** snap, live on national TV.

Reply to  anonymous
8 months ago


8 months ago
AC has written about Ben Afflecks surveillance before. Now things are heating up.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

It’s weird to me all these mega million actors/actresses don’t have a security detail/driver taking them places. It’d give them time to check email, listen to music, take a nap, etc. Maybe they’re having to kickback to Satan most of those salaries.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
8 months ago

They do have that.

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
8 months ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Netanyahu has destroyed Israel’s legitimacy.

Just as Hitler brought the destruction down on the German people, Netanyahu is doing the same.

In the West, Colonel is the highest rank of a patriotic soldier. Above that is mercenary politician. Not certain how it works in Israel, but would expect some von Stauffenberg character to object to what they see.

8 months ago

Spread r/K theory, because AC reminds me of Paladin.

8 months ago

This is just nuts – using tree branches and vines as water filters.

Newly Discovered PRIMITIVE WATER FILTER! 100% Effective

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

Amazing, nature provides if you look for it.

8 months ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

That’s a great campaign ad.

8 months ago

I think Tucker Carlson is interviewing Steve Sailer.