News Briefs – 06/24/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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MTG on Twitter – “Imagine if Russia using a Russian satellite, fired cluster munitions on a Florida beach.”


Russia posts video from the beach, in which you can hear one of the cluster munitions blast open in the air. Video jumps as the filmer runs for cover, so you don’t see much, but these were American cluster munitions dropped on Russian civilians on a beach which were guided there by US military running US military drone assets.

Russia says U.S. is responsible for deadly Ukrainian attack on Crimea.

British Blade Runners cutting down cameras. Understand, you will see at least three or four surveillance vehicles driving by in the video, and even I cannot say with certainty which ones are it. But I know by how they operate, they are there. All these guys now are known and tracked. Civil Wars Will not Be Like You Think. Learn to recognize the surveillance if you intend on making any difference.

Several states including Arizona will allow illegals to vote in Presidential election with no proof of citizenship needed.

RINO consultant with Lincoln Project and CIA-officer ties arrested for homo child sex crimes. Another kiddie diddler over at the Lincoln project trying to groom boys. 4Chan does a deep dive on the Never-Trump/CIA/Lincoln Project’s inability to avoid recruiting pedophiles for some reason, here.

A pedophile, a closeted homosexual and a secret tranny-lover working as a CIA dream-team:

Biologist Bret Weinstein detailed his recent trip to the Darien Pass on Thursday with Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, warning that he had allegedly witnessed a mass Chinese camp.

FBI seeks suspects in 2 New Mexico wildfires that killed 2 people, damaged hundreds of buildings. Also FBI:

Former CIA Chief who constructed both Trump-Russia narrative and Russian Biden laptop narrative, says massive terrorist attack imminent. Also FBI:

US Appeals Court rejects Texas lawsuit against federal firearm silencer law. Lack of standing.

US Supreme Court still has 6 blockbuster rulings to issue. Presidential Immunity among the cases.

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Fox News Sunday” that President Joe Biden could be criminally prosecuted for the murder of nursing student Laken Riley if the Supreme Court does not rule there is presidential immunity.

The U.S. Defense Department is facing a lawsuit to turn over emails and documents about how the agency came to delete the phrase “Duty, Honor, Country” from the mission statement of the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Maxine Waters: If Trump wins in November there will be violence, more killings.

Federal budget deficit forecast jumps $400 billion, fueled by student debt forgiveness.

Rare case of sexually-transmitted ‘ringworm’ found in California.

Passengers suffer nosebleeds, ear pain after Boeing 737 MAX 8 cabin pressure system malfunctions.

US prosecutors recommend criminal charges against Boeing for violating settlement. Boeing says it honored the settlement, which involved paying $2.5 billion and overhauling compliance practices. DOJ still wants to prosecute.

‘It moved like a flash from our 10 o’clock high position to 3 o’clock.’ US Navy F-14 pilot recalls odd UFO sightings he had while flying the mighty Tomcat. Silver Disk.

Musk: AI will bring universal income for all, as machines do everything for everyone.

Apple, Meta have discussed an AI partnership.

Small Southern towns go to war with mass influx of wealthy Californians amid fears they are bringing lefty politics and rocketing house prices.

Vatican’s trial of the century heads to British court: Archbishop will be cross-examined over £350m London property fraud case that saw Pope Francis authorize wire-tapping.

Pacific on the edge of war as Chinese naval forces board and seize military boats of Philippine navy.

In Germany, woman convicted of “offending” migrant gang rapists receives longer prison sentence than the rapists.

Australia introduces controversial mind control Ministry aimed at controlling and changing men’s behavior.

Terror in Russia after gunmen open fire at two synagogues leaving six police officers dead. Also hit an orthodox church and slit the priest’s throat. One was using a scoped AR, possibly an Afghanistan weapon left behind when Biden exited, but there are allegations the weapons were NATO-supplied.

Moment ‘Houthi drones’ slam into enormous 750ft cargo ship sparking deadly explosion before vessel sank in latest attack in the Red Sea. (video)

Dozens of men in Ukraine were told of a passageway out of the country, but when they went to pass through it, it was a trap and Ukrainian recruiters arrested them all to be sent to the front.

Gators are showing up in the Rio Grande, some think some Texans might be relocating them. If I had money I’d be bringing over saltwater crocs.

Former Democratic fundraiser who helped raise millions for Obama says she’s voting for Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because a World War is coming

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8 months ago

Musk: AI will bring universal income for all, as machines do everything for everyone.

Musk is being the devil’s champion again.
He wants UBI so people who become dependent on it can have it cut off for disobedience.

8 months ago

Re: Bachelor tax

Virtuous Pagans gonna virtue.
They’ll resort to enforced procreation soon.
Maybe even utilizing Whole Body Gestational Donation

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

The “Bachelor tax” tweet is bs. Here’s the actual “humorous” source video with translations:

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

It won’t be long before it is real if it isn’t yet.

None of the Above
None of the Above
8 months ago

“ A pedophile, a closeted homosexual and a secret tranny-lover working as a CIA dream-team:”

I didn’t know Alex Jones even knew Sammy Davis, Jr!

8 months ago

One was using a scoped AR, possibly an Afghanistan weapon left behind when Biden exited, but there are allegations the weapons were NATO-supplied.

Don’t be redundant.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago
Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Top Kek

8 months ago

> US Appeals Court rejects Texas lawsuit against federal firearm silencer law. Lack of standing.

“We don’t want to accept a case involving a law that was unconstititional ab initio, so neener-neener!”

8 months ago

> The U.S. Defense Department is facing a lawsuit to turn over emails and documents about how the agency came to delete the phrase “Duty, Honor, Country” from the mission statement of the United States Military Academy at West Point.

The Spenser Rapone incident, and the utter lack of any changes at West Point after that, indicate West Point is now just as converged as any Ivy League.

8 months ago

Terror in Russia after gunmen open fire at two synagogues leaving six police officers dead. Also hit an orthodox church and slit the priest’s throat. One was using a scoped AR, possibly an Afghanistan weapon left behind when Biden exited, but there are allegations the weapons were NATO-supplied.

Thought it might be just more “everyone hates the jews” narrative pushing, but just seems to be a run of the mill religion of peace chimp-out.

8 months ago

> Maxine Waters: If Trump wins in November there will be violence, more killings.

I’m certain of it. The Democrats will turn their BLM and Antifa monkeys up to “11”.

8 months ago

> Federal budget deficit forecast jumps $400 billion, fueled by student debt forgiveness.

Nice of the Fed to lever my money away from me with threats of prison, then use it to “forgive” someone’s obligation to repay their Federal loans.

And exactly how did the Fed go into the loan business? Congress must think it’s a bank now.

8 months ago

> Apple, Meta have discussed an AI partnership.

The Axis of Evil is strengthening its ties.

8 months ago

‘Maxine Waters: If Trump wins in November there will be violence, more killings.’

I certainly hope so.

8 months ago

‘Rare case of sexually-transmitted ‘ringworm’ found in California.’

If you don’t want the ringworm, don’t stick it in the wormring.

Reply to  Maniac
8 months ago


Reply to  Anon
8 months ago



8 months ago

I am surprised the Ruskies havent found a way to bring down Global Hawk.
If seems they dont have the technology yet, but are most certainly working on it. Expect trained geese, or swarm of drones, invisible to radar flying into the engine intake… EW taking out the radar/comms… all plausible deniability…

I think it is a mistake to expose our Global Hawk to countermeasures for strategically irrelevant soft targets

Reply to  Ting-Tong
8 months ago

The target wasn’t irrelevant.
Just like “the issue is never the issue”, this target was not the target. The strategy is to provoke Russia into a big response, so they can claim Russia started it. Britain started bombing civilians in WWII to provoke Germany into bombing civilians in reprisal. That took the heat off the British Air Force and gave them a big PR advantage in looking like the victim.
TPTB really need Russia to look like the bad guys.

8 months ago

Maxine Waters: If Trump wins in November there will be violence, more killings.

The threat wrapped as a warning can be read as panic.

8 months ago

US Supreme Court still has 6 blockbuster rulings to issue. Presidential Immunity among the cases.

Next scheduled opinion day is Wednesday.

8 months ago

Gators are showing up in the Rio Grande, some think some Texans might be relocating them. If I had money I’d be bringing over saltwater crocs.

It’s not as hilarious as piranhas.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Kids used to waterski in the Rio Grande and the irrigation ditches. They’d hitch their ski line to tractors, or beater cars on the road. It was a whole life- skiing, and then eating watermelons and cantaloupes from the field.

Reply to  wooderson
8 months ago

My mother’s people are from Del Rio, I know all the old stories about the rio grande and devils river. (Cleanest water in America I am to understand.)

8 months ago

Biologist Bret Weinstein detailed his recent trip to the Darien Pass on Thursday with Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, warning that he had allegedly witnessed a mass Chinese camp.

Old news, like February? That camp was destroyed in a fire, shocker.

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
8 months ago

Rare case of sexually-transmitted ‘ringworm’ found in California.

Ring Around the Rosie, a song originally about the Plague, now about gay sex STD.
And while this was originally about loom/mill workers:

All around the mulberry bush

The monkey chased the weasel

The monkey thought twas all in good fun

Pop! goes the weasel.

It’s now about monkeypox. Pox on your weasel!

8 months ago

US Supreme Court still has 6 blockbuster rulings to issue. Presidential Immunity among the cases.

more than 6… homelessness as crime bill.
This decision is due this week.
Another major case they haven’t addressed yet.

The Supreme Court on Monday [oral arguments in April] was divided over a challenge to the constitutionality of ordinances in a southwest Oregon town that fines people who are homeless from using blankets, pillows, or cardboard boxes for protection from the elements while sleeping within the city limits. The city argued that the ordinances merely bar camping on public property by everyone, while the challengers contended that the laws effectively make it a crime to be homeless in the city and therefore violate the Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Laws like these, known as “camping bans,” have been implemented across the country. The ordinances under review on Monday hail from Grants Pass, a city with a population of approximately 38,000 and as many as 600 people experiencing homelessness on any given day. To address its homelessness problem, the city in 2013 decided to increase enforcement of existing ordinances that bar the use of blankets, pillows, and cardboard boxes while sleeping within the city.

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
8 months ago

Maxine Waters: confession thru projection:

“Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence. I would say all of this talk is motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home listening to him, and they are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place. It is about thousands, maybe millions of people being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to seek revenge on anything and everybody.”

She added, “I do believe having listened to Donald Trump so many times and having the attack, the insurrection that took place on the House of Representatives in Congress, on the Capitol, the Capitol grounds, we could be in for more killings like that. I think Donald Trump has to take responsibility for what he is saying about blood in the streets and violence if he is not elected to be the president of the United States of America.”

What she is really saying: If Trump wins, we will scream Fraud and there will be blood in the streets. I think Donald Trump has to take responsibility for what he is saying that we don’t like, and the violence that will happen if he is elected to be the president of the United States of America.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

I hope it’s the black community that finds her blackmail file first.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

In your opinion, what is this woman’s IQ? 0ver or under eighty?
Wouldn’t that make a marvelous TV game show?
It’s time to play Over or Under Eighty!
Whoopie could be the MC — better yet, she could draw the question cards out of a bag of crack!

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Hour long SGT Report discussion of the January 6th “riot”, which ties into some comments and links today:

Most lurkers on this site will already know most of this, but its good at getting most of the facts in one place, and there were some details I didn’t know.

What I took away is that whoever planned the 2020 election steal knew enough that they also had to block any legal challenges, which could be raised in the court system, or raised before Congress in the certification session.

There were probably some serious threats made to get judges to fall in line, but they were behind closed doors and we still don’t know what they are. Congress is the most public of the three branches and how it was handled was coming into focus. And that was a fake riot by feds designed as an excuse to cut of the debate, meaning evidence of the fraud could not be presented before the vote. They probably had the votes to certify Biden anyway, but it would have looked very bad if the debate had happened. They still care about optics for reasons I don’t quite understand.

8 months ago

Here is the followup to the gps tracker installed on car video:
He’s pursuing some level of legal action.
The funny part is how people tried to lie in the comments of the previous video, and none of it could possibly apply to him since the car is paid off and the dealership has no right to track it. THEN the dealer lies to his face about the GPS tracker and gets the video shown to him and has to change his lie to a new lie.

Reply to  Ingot9455
8 months ago

People with that much gumption to lie are certainly members of the conspiracy. Make sure your local Santa is adding to the list.

8 months ago

Re: The Beam

It may be worth putting up a plasma globe to see if it has any effect on the Beam. Tesla thought, at least in one instance, that you could use tesla coils to send and receive scalar energy. Apparently plasma globes are the smallest, cheapest tesla coils.

Put one up off, the other on, and see if anything peculiar happens.

8 months ago

Kind of a long article just to say that the Commission which was supposed to investigate the facts surrounding Robert Cards shooting in Maine will not release what psychiatric drugs he was taking if any.

8 months ago

Julian Assange free.
Q Post 1195 says JA June.

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

No certain how to interpret 1195.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e No.1109139 Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fe9998 No.1108927 Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST)>>1108897

When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??


SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?

June ETA.


Last edited 8 months ago by Ting-Tong
8 months ago

Assange free’d or pulled out of witness protection?
Just in time for Q post 4709 (9/14).
This is a positive towards Q team still in charge. The cabal would have just suicided him.

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Q being in control is not a point in Q’s favor these days.

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

4709 just says “Julian Assange”(?)

8 months ago

High Court unanimously rules against exemption for haredim in IDF

Steven C.
7 months ago

That bachelor tax in China won’t work. The problem there is with overly choosy women, not the men. Perhaps a tax on single women, and a tax break for married couples.