Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
From email, Bigfoot researchers are now reporting camouflaged predator-like entities in the woods, and beginning to look for them specifically. Two videos of what look like Chameo-camouflaged somethings, and one photo. The photo looked like pareidolia to me, until the guy removed one wavelength of blue light in a photo editor and it popped out. It could easily all be faked here, but it is probably more reliable than the normal evening news. I would not look twice at this, except for the fact we do have a credible account of this being used by Cabal-intel/surveillance, from conservative radio host Tom Bauerle (who used a cell phone camera with a night vision app to defeat the camouflage and reveal what was hidden, presumably exploiting a slightly different set of wavelengths/polarizations of light given off by the camouflage). Then there was the account in the book Chameleo. We even have an account from its inventor and patent holder, who says he has seen indicators private contractors brought his invention to fruition, even though it is apparently not given to our elite SF operators in hostile territory, The narrator says the well-known bigfoot researcher who took the first video has since been raided by DHS, his computer equipment taken, and he has not been heard from since. In a nation where the ruling entity has hidden from us that our election results were entirely faked across every county, and there is a secret Gestapo killing Americans and running MK Ultra windup-toys against the civilian populace, them disappearing this guy to try and keep this tech secret isn’t that strange. A few people in the comments report having seen these themselves in the woods. The channel operator believes this planet is owned and operated by a Class III civilization which runs things through the human elites, and it is using everyone for genetic experimentation. He seems to feel things like this or the Tic Tacs are just us bumping into them accidently. If Navy pilots have really seen the Tic Tacs, anything suddenly becomes not just possible, but quite a bit more likely. And that might explain Fermi’s Paridox.
Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) said Wednesday President Joe Biden “just sort of stared at me,” when Jones told Biden to be more involved in federalizing elections. Is Biden that gone mentally, or is he under control of the whitehats, and knew he couldn’t get involved in federalizing elections? One of the strange things about this whole thing is how some people know, more or less, what is going on, and others are entirely clueless.
New Pennsylvania voter integrity bill sounds kind of pathetic.
Progressives fume after Republicans use filibuster to block Dems’ S.1 election reform bill.
Loudoun County school board meeting was engulfed in total mayhem over Critical Race Theory. I’ve claimed an impossibly large intel op has been taking over the country. But does this sound like all these school boards all over just happened to begin espousing this insanity, or does this all feel like it was coordinated by a command structure?
John McAfee is suicided while in a Spanish prison. He resisted to the end, no matter how tough it was. Note, if anyone thinks he was crazy, the article notes he was cleared of his neighbor’s murder in Belize. Who killed the neighbor if it wasn’t him? I always found it interesting, he said at one point Cuba was saturated with CIA, as if it was just a known fact that CIA ran Cuba, apparently free from United States Government interference. If so, it would imply the Havana syndrome is CIA/Cabal, which would explain why CIA agents could be hit, and harassed in the US proper, and CIA never dealt with whoever was responsible. Over at his twitter, it was posting accounts of how intelligence agents would penetrate software companies for the purpose of inserting malicious backdoors, and how impossible it is to detect or counter the backdoors.
A tweet from McAfee:
Also, there was this:
This McAfee tweet was a brilliant insight for those looking at the political world – “I’m in my 76th year. In prison. Awaiting trial for extradition. Maybe not in the best position to be giving advice. But anyway… Believe nothing you hear. And be suspect even of your own eyes. A world ruled by the powerful, the clever and the corrupt is never what it seems.”
But then there was this: John McAfee’s Instagram account cryptically posts the letter ‘Q’ within minutes of his death. Then shortly thereafter, it was deactivated. At that level, anything can happen. If Q is in control, they could walk into a Spanish prison, pull him out, and create the image of him having been suicided to everyone outside in the world. There is no telling what happened.
At least 645 bodies, many believed to children, found in unmarked graves at former residential school in Canada. I could almost understand if a kid fell and hit their head, and the headmaster panicked and buried the body. Two could almost be bad luck. 645 dead children, with graves dug, is enough work the average serial killer would demure because it would just be too much work. What the hell were the elites doing with these kids?
EU to take legal action against Hungary’s anti-pedophilia bill.
Iran claims Biden offered to lift 1,040 Trump-era sanctions.
GOP Senator John Cornyn is negotiating an Amnesty deal for illegal aliens with Democrats.
Biden tells gun owners they can’t stand up to the government anyway because they don’t have nuclear weapons, so they should just give up their guns. Like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, or pretty much any other insurgency.
Colorado Cop and a good Samaritan killed when a lone guy in black tactical gear goes on a shooting spree. One, I am always suspicious when I see a guy who they say had a deep hatred of Law Enforcement, but who had relatively little to no contact with Cops. Add in that he hid out in his residence all the time, and avoided interacting with neighbors, and I feel pretty certain I recognize that model. If I had to bet, my bet would be this guy saw things which were designed to make him think the local PD was so focused on harassing him 24/7, that the cops were doing it on their own time, and were having their families do it as well. Again, I had cops in my family, I’ve known Cops, none I knew were guys who went home, and turned on the Police Scanner because they wanted to do more policing on their own time. They didn’t even want to go shooting at the police range because it was too much effort. And they surely didn’t want their own family doing family policing close to psychos ready to shoot anyone, after they had punched out. This thing will relish fooling someone into thinking they are cops, but it isn’t cops. Cops would not have let this officer walk face first into an ambush. The other curious thing I notice is there is a profile to the cops killed by these things. It is never a cop with disciplinary issues, or the guy who people around town didn’t like because he relished wielding power over others. It always seems to be an honest, well-liked cop with a family who treated everyone well. That might not be chance. I know, 100%, Miosotis Familia was set up and killed by this. Q as much as confirmed it, after I had already concluded it. I have always thought they went down the list of qualities the department would want to be a shooting victim last. Down low on that list would be cheery cop with a million dollar smile. Somewhere below that would be a female officer. Below that, a mother. Below that a single mother of four kids. From reports of the shooter, I’m pretty sure Cabal spun up the guy who killed her with its surveillance network, made him think it was cops, probably facilitated him getting a gun, read his facebook posts showing he was ready to kill a cop, and then they had the cop the NYPD would want to see killed the least put inside a brightly lit command van, in front of a picture window she could not see out of, right in the shooter’s path, and they walked him right in front of her. My guess is this cop would never have believed this thing was out there – and they were getting him out of the way, for some reason. I can understand why a random guy would think it was cops though. You could almost attach it to anything, and it wouldn’t seem any crazier. Add in the operation structuring it to look like that purposely, and it is easy to get fooled. I still can’t believe this thing is still out there, getting people killed regularly, even cops, and it just keeps chugging along, and nobody is able to stop it. So bizarre.
Jailed murderer wins public office in D.C. election with five inmate candidates from same prison.
Warren Buffett resigns from the Gates Foundation, and donates $4.1 billion.
In a Brazilian study, Spike protein fragments were Neurotoxic in Tadpoles exposed to them. There is a decent probability at least a few of those fragments may be representative of active sites on the spike protein in the human body. If so, the vax will have neurotoxic effects as well, and note – that would also affect the heart’s nerves as well. No telling how long that effect would last. One of the things I would think vaccine makers would have done is to look for a peptide motif (structure) on the virus to use in the vaccine which was not structurally similar to a receptor’s active site in human biology, so as to avoid having the vaccine protein, or its antibody, interfere with a human ligand/receptor interaction (which signals are important to maintaining smooth cellular/biological functioning). To be clearer, there are structures on the virus which are just inert, but recognizable by our immune system, so injecting those would have no direct effect on the human, and antibodies to it will not bind something important, like an ACE2 receptor whose signal is important. Instead, they chose the spike protein, with an ACE2 receptor binding motif on it, so antibodies to it would bind the endogenous (human-made) ACE2 ligand, and the spike protein itself would bind the receptor, probably blocking it and blocking its function. On top of that the Spike protein appears significantly damaging to the vascular system, prone to create blood clots, a neurotoxin on top of that, and the mRNA delivery mechanism appears to induce even more auto-immune responses to other cell surface proteins natural to healthy human tissues such as in the heart. There was a way to do this which would not have been nearly as harmful, along several different avenues, and yet they appear to have made it as damaging as possible along every avenue. I am kind of surprised as I would almost think this would take an intellect and knowledge to accomplish purposely, which would probably be genius-tier. I really wonder if they could have hit all these buttons so well by accident.
18 year old star athlete gets the vaccine and has a heart attack 48 hours later.
FDA to add a warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. These are cases where the inflammation presents aggressively, and produces acute symptoms that are physically felt, like chest pain. But the heart isn’t just a blunt instrument – it is a fine, precisely calibrated instrument, where complex, intricate nerve-structures that govern coordinated beating of the various parts are just as important as the muscle, and small amounts of inflammation when young can produce small deviations in function which will deviate more throughout life. Damage any of those fine nerve structures, and the beat can be disrupted in ways which are not easy to fix, and which change muscular structure, even if they are not noticed immediately. Erode the muscle long enough with inflammation, and that chronic inflammation can set off a self-perpetuating set of events which progressively erode the ability to pump blood. There is much we may find out will go wrong with the people who got the vaccines as time goes on. This may very well prove akin to giving the entire population Vioxx to prevent arthritis, only to find out they have screwed up everyone’s heart in ten years, only here it can’t be fixed. I am still astonished, because the level of stupidity required for this to even have been possible is more than I think is plausible. This really feels like it had to be purposeful.
Paper asks, “What have we learnt from Vioxx?”. Answer? “Get immunity from legal liability from the government to make the product less costly, and a governmental recommendation everyone take the product to damage everyone’s heart, to make it more profitable.” These cocksuckers will not only get away with this, they will make even more money all along the way on drugs to lessen the effects, and more drugs to prevent the rejection of the hearts they transplant. As I think about it, I could see a coming shortage of hearts for transplant creating a movement to make organ donation from the non-vaxxed mandatory (and that allows them to essentially give you drugs that will reduce survivability, to preserve the organs in the hospital, if a doctor decides by himself you probably aren’t going to make it). The ride never ends.
More data has emerged which now confirms that the delta Covid-19 death rate is 2x HIGHER for the vaccinated. Or these people were never infected, and the vaccine is just killing people outright.
A scientist proposes immunizing people against meat, so they will have to turn vegetarian. They will not tell you before they give you that one.
Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley fiercely defends teaching Critical Race Theory, calling criticism of it, “offensive.” He also blamed the Capitol Riot on “White Rage.” I’m pretty sure that was not something he said on orders of White hats. How did Trump ever function around these assholes without killing one?
New serious Horror movie called Karen is about a white woman who terrorizes her blacks neighbors. Even the blacks who promote racism think it is overkill.
With its power grid under pressure, California asks residents to avoid charging electric vehicles.
Russia says it chased a British destroyer out of Crimean waters with warning shots and bombs.
Amnesty says Greece is ‘illegally returning’ migrants to Turkey.
Supreme Court rules against Union organizers’ access to California farms.
55% support election audits, and 1 in 10 Democrats say Biden did not win fairly.
Trump trolls Kamala Harris, saying, “After months of ignoring the crisis at the Southern Border, it is great that we got Kamala Harris to finally go and see the tremendous destruction and death they’ve created — a direct result of Biden ending my very tough but fair Border policies,” Trump said. “Harris and Biden were given the strongest Border in American history. And now, it is by far the worst in American history.” If you want these messages from our favorite President sent right to you, you can sign up for them here.
President Trump to hold major rally on July 3rd in Sarasota, Florida.
“The channel operator believes this planet is owned and operated by a Class III civilization which runs things through the human elites,”
Wouldn’t we observe a Class III civ from stellar dimming? Unless dark matter predictions were really just caused from all of the stars surrounded by Dyson spheres.
“Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) said Wednesday President Joe Biden “just sort of stared at me,” when Jones told Biden to be more involved in federalizing elections.”
“just sort of stared at me”,
Honestly, that’s how I would handle anybody speaking jibberish about election nonsense in ebonics. It’s really the only way you can handle them.
Biden’s dementia has probably progressed to the point that it’s all gibberish to him.
“…subpoena issued by a grand jury as part of a federal investigation into criminal leaking of classified material.”
1. Go here:
2. Replace Trump with Schiff and Swallwell, Mueller with Durham, Russia with China.
3. ????
4. Impeachment! Indictment? Imprisonment??
If the people who are approved to get grants to look for it are allowed to look in the right places.
You don’t have to necessarily shut anyone down. You just require a list of stars to be observed, and deny the grant to anyone with an off-limits system listed.
“Gen Thomas McInerney says the Chinese defector went to DIA because FBI and CIA are dirty and would likely have killed him.”
Someone should tell the General that “dirty” is the wrong word here. Satanists, pedophiles and traitors are probably better ones.
Babylon Bee headline – “‘You’ll Never Beat The Government With Just Guns,’ Says Party That Also Believes Government Was Almost Toppled By Unarmed Mob On January 6.”
I love those guys over there. This puts a huge smile on my face.
“The other curious thing I notice is there is a profile to the cops killed by these things. It is never a cop with disciplinary issues, or the guy who people around town didn’t like because he relished wielding power over others. It always seems to be an honest, well-liked cop with a family who treated everyone well.”
The evidence, as they say, is damning. The more you see, you can’t unsee it, and then you start seeing it everywhere. We live in one of the most corrupt places on the planet, in one of the most corrupt times.
“A scientist proposes immunizing people against meat, so they will have to turn vegetarian. They will not tell you before they give you that one.”
We are literally living a world run by low-T tranny wannabe mad scientists. No wonder people have an instinct to pummel nerds in school.
Makes you wonder what nerds in ages past did to piss their communities off and inculcate this instinct in people.
Nerds get pummeled in school and you don’t think they won’t take revenge later in life?
“New serious Horror movie called Karen is about a white woman who terrorizes her black neighbors.”
“Horror”? Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Rhodesia and the Ottoman Empire would like a word.
“…not to push students to find the correct answer because it promotes white supremacy”
Bro, my sides are in orbit. You know, I don’t think we should allow White people to fly planes or perform heart surgery because it’s “White Supremacy”. Nope, only these wrong answer having Gates mystery meats and negroes will be allowed to do that. And Remember, Asians trying to get the right answer too are also supporting “White Supremacy” and won’t be allowed in any of these professions either.
> VoterGA … has led the election integrity movement in Georgia for 16 years
And now they’re waking up and saying something? Not very effective, are they?
Sounds like controlled opposition taking the opportunity to get some free news time.
> I am kind of surprised as I would almost think this would take an intellect and knowledge to accomplish purposely, which would probably be genius-tier. I really wonder if they could have hit all these buttons so well by accident.
Nah. All you need is a totalitarian government with a lot of excess population they’d like to disappear anyway. Amazing how fast you can make progress when you have essentially unlimited test subjects…
> FDA to add a warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
But… but… but… we were just told the incidence of bad reactions was negligibly small. Right after they claimed the reactions were just internet rumors spread by malicious anti-vaxxer paranoids.
On the other hand, they’re not likely to get called on it. The average person’s memory for news seems to be three to five days, and then they’ve always been at war with Eastasia.
> delta Covid-19 death rate is 2x HIGHER for the vaccinated. Or these people were never infected, and the vaccine is just killing people outright.
[shrug] “Embrace the power of ‘and’.”
But remember, they lied about the death rate the whole time, starting in February, and the numbers changed from day to day, as did the CDC web site. Only a fool would believe any Federal figures association with COVID. Way too many people now have a vested interest in “YOU’RE GOING TO DIE UNLESS YOU DO WHAT WE TELL YOU!”
Note the new push to ‘vaccinate’ children; a few weeks ago they were still telling us children couldn’t get COVID, though they never explained why. Apparently most people just took the Word at face value.
> Privacy-focused web browser Brave has launched a beta version of its Brave search engine in an attempt to create a privacy-focused alternative to Google.
Brave talks privacy, but no security guys trust it.
What are you smoking?
I’m a CISSP, worked for the #1 AV company on DoD contracts. Brave is fucking awesome.
“Loudoun County school board meeting was engulfed in total mayhem over Critical Race Theory. I’ve claimed an impossibly large intel op has been taking over the country. But does this sound like all these school boards all over just happened to begin espousing this insanity, or does this all feel like it was coordinated by a command structure?”
Have you had your head in the sand? Where have you been for the last 40-50+ years? The NEA(National Education Association), AFT(American Federation of Teachers), and all the other “teachers” unions were made as communist-satanist fronts generations ago.
Are you really surprised at this?
Furthermore, your boy Trump45 has endorsed public schools. Even though he and not one single member of his family has ever attended public school going back over 100 years. Hypocrite!
All those people yelling at that meeting are stupid. Public schools across America receive on average $20,000 per student per school year. As an action of passive resistance/war keeping 1000 students out of government school and teaching them some other way i.e. homeschooling and/or micro-schooling, or even unschooling, would deprive the Education Cabal of $20million.
Nationwide if one million children were liberated from these PRISON SCHOOLS it would take $20Billion from the Public School Mafia. These people are wasting there time going to these School Mafia Board meetings. The School Mafia owns the public schools and that isn’t going to change, but THEY DON’T OWN THE CHILDREN.
The 80 million people who voted for Trump, if they all declared war on Cabal Schools, all at once? It would definitely cripple Cabal, and possibly might be a back-breaker.
Domino Effect: when the schools fall – other Cabal Mafia fronts will fall behind them!
The American People don’t need Donald Trump or any other media personality to accomplish this. American Patriots have a better chance of defeating Mafia this way than by voting.
VOTING IS FOR SUCKERS! Bill Gates did NOT get where he is by voting. Neither did Dick Cheney or George W. BECAUSE VOTING IS FOR SUCKERS! AND THEY ALL KNOW IT!
I was homeschool, I highly recommend it.
This is not practical for most people. People don’t have the money for this because they will keep taxing you whether you go there or not. Some say you should lower your standard of living to be able to afford it but there’s a glitch. If you move to a lower standard of living, living space, you and you children will be preyed upon. It’s not safe. The more expensive areas are mostly safer. It’s a trap.
The best plan of action might be to, if you can get it, allow people to receive 1/2 or 3/4 current funding vouchers and allow them to choose where they put their kids.
In the modern world some long learning, even warehousing, is necessary because you can’t take your kids to work for most employment and show them the ropes like was done in the past.
“This is not practical for most people. People don’t have the money for this because they will keep taxing you whether you go there or not.”
Losers always got an excuse. There are millions of low income families homeschooling. Once people make up their minds it can get done.
FURTHERMORE, NOT HAVING THE MONEY IS NO EXCUSE FOR SENDING YOUR CHILDREN TO SATAN. Always some excuse to bow down to evil. When you look into these excuse makers they have: cable tv, multiple cell phones, multiple TVs, every kind of luxury you can imagine, fancy cars, excuse, after excuse, after excuse.
> The NEA(National Education Association), AFT(American Federation of Teachers), and all the other “teachers” unions were made as communist-satanist fronts generations ago.
The book “None Dare Call It Treason” (1964) goes into that in detail; most of the teaching field was Borged by the late 1950s.
I first read that book in the 1990s; it was interesting, but I wasn’t particularly political and most of it slid right by. Now we’re three generations from when it was printed, and it’s the same stuff, quite often by the children of people who were named in the book.
I dug it out late last year to re-read. Ordinarily I would have knocked it out in a day or two; more than seven months later, I can only read a few pages at a time before getting upset and putting it aside.
It’s like one of those sleazy horror movies, where all the viewers know what’s going to happen next, but the actors persist in doing the same old victim dance…
“The book “None Dare Call It Treason” (1964) goes into that in detail; most of the teaching field was Borged by the late 1950s.”
I read several similar books in the late 80s and early 90s. Including a lot of John Taylor Gatto and Linda Schrock Taylor literature.
The #1 enemies are those who walk among us and claim to be on our side but ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS MAKE EXCUSES FOR WHY IT CAN’T BE DONE!
Be suspicious of anyone who has always got a reason why VICTORY CANNOT BE ACHIEVED!
Public school is child abuse.
People who hate their children(child abuse)… and suckers send their children to public school.
“At least 645 bodies, many believed to [be] children, found in unmarked graves at former residential school in Canada. …What the hell were the elites doing with these kids?”
Raping them!
Experimenting on them!
Ritual sacrificing them!
Playing with them like toys!
Torturing them!
And whatever else sick, homosexual, pedophile, satanic, mass murderers do to children!
Probably utter bullcrap or rabid exaggeration to spread even more hatred of Christianity, European Canadians, and turn martyred Indians into a tool for racial division. The numbers don’t support any corresponding silence amongst mothers & other family.
Good point.
“The numbers don’t support any corresponding silence amongst mothers & other family.”
This is what is called an unsubstantiated claim. There are thousands upon thousands of orphaned and throw away children all around North America.
1.5 million babies mass murdered in rituals called abortion every year… not including Canada or Mexico. Just the U.S.
Any nation that could mass murder babies by the millions could easily come up with 645 children to experiment on, kill. Once again, those who are in on it will always try to down play the possibility. Or misdirect!
“Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), who has voted for some of Biden’s nominees, announced that she will not support Chipman’s controversial nomination.”
The best thing Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski could do for America is commit suicide.
Right after they beat Dianne Feinstein to death.
That’s interesting to me, because it suggests that this thing is specifically tuned to human sight. Because of how we were designed for nature, blue light looks brightest to us, while we can discern the most detail in shades of green. That’s why they jack the blue up on TVs in an electronics store (so you think that they are brighter than they are) and why night vision systems tint everything green (the actual system can be any color, but we see the most detail in shades of green.)
So it sounds like this thing boosts the blue slightly — probably to reduce power consumption, because it takes less blue light to look as bright as the surroundings — but we are able to see the most distortion in the green, where we are most sensitive, when the blue is stripped away.
I personally don’t think it is coincidence that God programmed our brains to pick these patterns out so easily and made it so difficult on whoever is using this.
> Because of how we were designed for nature, blue light looks brightest to us
There’s a Veteran’s Administration hospital off I-440 in Little Rock. It is covered with blue light. BRIGHT blue lights. So bright I have to shield my eyes with a hand, or move the sunvisors to hide the building.
If a private citizen lit up an annoyance like that, they’d get a fine. But hey, it’s the Fed, so it’s all good.
“…we can discern the most detail in shades of green…and why night vision systems tint everything green…”
Very interesting factoid. I didn’t know that.
Makes sense as it allows you to navigate in forest better.
There’s a guy who was annoyed by these things. I think AC said this but in case he didn’t. Dr. Kary Mullis the guy who won the Nobel prize for PCR, I think it was him, was annoyed by these things on his property so he got his gun out and started randomly shooting into the woods around his house. He said the stalking ceased.
Every time I hear about these suits the thought of him randomly blazing away into the woods flashes into my mind. It gives me great joy. Imagine the panic. If I’m repeating things it’s only because the idea tickles me so much.
I bet these suits would glow big time looking through thermal.
Yeah, Mullis was actually abducted, saying he was completely sober when he went outside to go to the bathroom, and he was confronted by a giant, bipedal, glowing green raccoon, as I recall. It was leaning against a shed, IIRC, and said to him, “Good evening Mr Mullis.” That was the last he remembered, until he woke up on a street up the mountain from his cabin a few hours later, and had to stumble home in the dark. A year or two later his daughter went to the cabin with her husband, and she disappeared at around the same time at night, the husband called the cops, there was a big search, and a few hours later she stumbled down the street and came home.
Somebody asked him years later about it, and he supposedly smiled, and said it was just somebody performing anthropology on a scale we could not possibly imagine.
I was always struck by the account not just because he was a Nobel Prize winner, but because it had the trickster component, where it didn’t even try to wrap itself in something relatable, and just cloaked itself in something strange, maybe so if he told anybody, we wouldn’t have a Nobel Prize winner and giant of DNA telling us aliens were real, and he was abducted and experimented on. Instead we’d all just scratch our heads and wonder what is up with a glowing raccoon?
He never elaborated, which was strange as I would have shared it to share knowledge, but he was a curious guy, so who knows what he knew.
I’m surprised they don’t just spray you with rum after being abducted.
We see green so well because we need to spot predators.
Who lives in that building and sleeps in that wing? We know that they will crash a jetliner and kill hundreds just to get one person. Why not collapse a condo building?
or just more yahoodi fraud
the op has multiple purposes. sympathy ploy in effect too.
First Lady of Paraguay’s sister and family were there and are most likely deceased.
Mostly foreigners are on the missing list.
And the only big news from Paraguay recently is the sister being in the collapse and the country just made Bitcoin legal tender.
That was EL Salvador.
Between this and the gun control, it looks like Cornyn is being used up by (((them))) on his way out. Look for him to “pursue other offices” like Kay Baily Hutchinson.
Or he balked at something, so they’re making him dig his own (political) grave.
It probably seemed accidental to them.
Quality comment. It is funny how all of that is becoming clearer and clearer, right in front of us, every day.
Maybe you’ve covered in another brief, but NAC, a supplement, has been pulled from Amazon while the FDA considers making it Rx only. The conspiracy is that it may be an effective COVID treatment.
But another interesting point is that NAC is often taken by people with OCD-like symptoms, and anecdotally seems to help a lot. I also saw that fluvoxamine, an SSRI prescribed for OCD among other things, is being investigated as a COVID treatment. Very curious now about the mechanism of both of them.
Interesting. If they are trying to lock its distribution down, it probably has many benefits, sadly.
OMG—I take care of a lady who was told by a doctor many moons ago to take NAC. Just recently—I can’t find it nowhere!!!!! I can’t get it online. At my fourth pharmacy, Rite-Aid, I was able to get two bottles!
WOW. I’ve been wondering what the hell is happening!
You can still order it at They even have it on sale right now.
>This may very well prove akin to giving the entire population Vioxx to prevent arthritis, only to find out they have screwed up everyone’s heart in ten years, only here it can’t be fixed.
My father is dead probably because of this. Took vioxx for several years in the aughts, until this became known and stopped. But give it another decade or so and his heart just stopped beating one morning.
I’m so sorry.
8kun – “Cabal was expecting DJT to make a stand and refuse to leave White House while fighting obvious election fraud
[P]entagon was planning to totally destroy DJT during this conflict
When DJT voluntarily left White House, without conceding election, all the Cabal/Pentagon plans went down the toilet.
DJT left Cabal standing in DC, holding nothing but their dicks(and Biden), with nothing to fight against.
Now comes the fun part, watching as the States begin full forensic audits.
[P]entagon will have some explaining to do after they are proven complicit
Milley and his cohorts will hang for Treason”
>>>> “Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley fiercely defends teaching Critical Race Theory, calling criticism of it, “offensive.” He also blamed the Capitol Riot on “White Rage.”
And people were blaming Trump. Wow. This is bad—real bad. Our general staff are converged. In the article Gen. Milley says he read Marx and Lenin and doesn’t see nothing wrong with them. There’re “ideas”.
And we expect the military to save us?
We are done for.
—and While I’m at it—WHY, OHH, WHY are we celebrating the 4th???? Why are we buying fireworks for????
I agree with the Left—it is time to burn America down. It is evil to the core.
I don’t think that the military will helps us.
The good side is that I also no longer believe that the military can stop us.
“The channel operator believes this planet is owned and operated by a Class III civilization which runs things through the human elites,”
It’s hard to believe a class III civilization would even care about us. We’d be like dust to them.
As this relates to the possible aye disclosure. I wonder if the elites will make the case that there is an alien threat and the only way to combat it is to kick-start our evolutionary trajectory by becoming trans-human.
They do love using fear as a motivator.
I could see them being here just because they evolved first, and hiding because in a universe full of potentially hostile life, hiding is something all lifeforms do as they advance, and keeping an eye on us to make sure we never became a threat, or simply because they have nothing better to do and we are interesting.
We don’t really understand a lot, like how long it takes to form intelligent life (if the dinosaurs had 350 million years, and we evolved intelligence in 2 million, why did no dinosaur ever evolve a more powerful brain? Or did one?).
And we are lied to, so even if it was known, and there was additional data showing life had been on earth long enough to form something like that, it would get hidden, and we would get told we are the lone intelligent life anywhere.
I think it more likely than not now, that we are looking at what the Bible describes. And moreover, I think they are even deeper than that, running intelligence-like operations on our population, even recruiting informants and agents who they elevate in return for control over our population. It is the only reason I can see people bent on shutting down all examination of them – they are running cover for it. Anybody else would either keep their mouth shut and let people go off and look at it, try to take over the operation to get the data themselves, or enthusiastically look to find out what it is.
“hiding because in a universe full of potentially hostile life, hiding is something all lifeforms do as they advance”
If that’s the case then humans are not going to make it. We’re constantly blasting our presence out into space trying to make contact.
Chances are high that whatever decides to take us up on our offer will not be altruistic but mercenary in nature.
“…It’s hard to believe a class III civilization would even care about us. We’d be like dust to them…”
I agree 100% with corn pop. The “only” value we would have to them is entertainment and that might be worth a great deal to whoever does the “Earth Channel” editing and story line.
In that case any influence on our civilization would ruin the show. This means…no aliens flying around in retarded tic tacs. The whole idea is farcical. We need to get some sort of really fast hyper bullet and blast those things out of the air. Probably a gun that uses a regular high power bullet that also has a rocket motor like the Sprint missile. Ever heard of those? They blasted them out of their containers and,
“…The Sprint accelerated at 100 g, reaching a speed of Mach 10 in 5 seconds…”
It was supersonic by the time it left it’s launch container.
A stolen election—and this jackass of a 4-star general says that it is “White Rage”??????????
A coup-de-etat thru the election process–and it is because of White Rage????
So why was Ashli Babbit there you stupid 4-star?????
This is UNBELIEVABLE. He passes out CRT to the soldiers—and then he says “I’m not a communist”.
He’s a freakin’ Cultural Marxist—you piece of crap.
And we expect the military to step in and correct stuff?
We need to burn it all down.
The European left the Catholic Church and has now being ruled over by the Jews. Either Christ or the Jews—the European picked the Jews.
The Champlain Towers South Condo Collapsed Video
I’m sure they will come in and model the collapse from a Muslim running into the building in an ice cream truck.
If you look at the full video you can see all the light flashes from the sparkles on the snow cones.
Venezuela’s Descent Into Anarchy Is Fueling Maduro’s Desperation
McAfee’s deadman’s switch: