News Briefs – 06/23/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

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Old guy gets pickpocketed by three Pakis, notice how perfectly the only car which drives in during the clip would have caught imagery of the pickpocket, in mid-crime, holding the wallet.

Over 9,000 people registered to vote at two addresses in Georgia.

Dr. Robert Epstein said that after he briefed a group of state AGs about Google’s power to rig elections, one of them approached him and said, “I think you’re going to die in an accident in a few months.” His wife died a few months later in a fatal crash.

Newly unveiled Body Camera footage of the Vegas shooting proved that shots were being fired AFTER Paddock was already supposed to be dead.

Investigators for 9/11 families examine video taken by man with ties to Saudi intelligence referencing a “plan.” Saudi Arabia was a central node of Cabal, so more evidence that Cabal, and the American Stasi did not just see the 9/11 hijackers coming. It was probably their operation, and US domestic surveillance provided operational support.

An online survey finds many Americans know US intel was at least forewarned, and may have been complicit.

British court reveals Paul Ryan was the first one to receive a copy of Steele dossier back in 2016 and he hid this for years.

Some researchers say Vatican archives hold UFO secrets.

UFO whistleblower says he’s being threatened as congressman warns protections are a ‘joke.’ Elizondo says he is getting threats to shut up about any crash retrieval programs.

President Trump says he will get rid of the Department of Education if elected president.

U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon began hearing arguments Friday that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel is unconstitutional.

According to new CBP data, over 1 million illegals have been allowed into the US through “legal” means through the CBP One App and the CHNV program.

Texas, five other states considering secession.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk fathered a third child with Neuralink director Shivon Zilis.


Me having fun on twitter:

He only has ten or eleven comments on his tweets, so he sees it, but he will not reply. I suspect a lot of these guys already know about me out here, just because we have been around. But none will mention the surveillance, because they are not allowed to. They are telling you only what they were told to tell you. To paraphrase Chesty Puller, the enemy has us surrounded, and that simplifies our problem.

Pornhub owner Rabbi Solomon Friedman coaches defense attorneys to get lesser sentences for child rapists.

Biden hires anti-Police, anti-ICE cross-dresser as White House Communications Director.

It had to be this way, anon:

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Nobody can just explain what is going on and fix it, we need all this shit.

The budget agreement California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic leaders announced Saturday sets aside $12 million to help the state implement a series of reparations-related bills lawmakers hope will pass this year.

TikTok star rabbi Hayim Cohen, who adopted 9 boys, has been charged with human trafficking and 11 counts of child sexual and physical abuse. Cohen was arrested for human trafficking at the Texas border with 8 children in a van. If you see asocial media star” their audience is almost certainly bullshit, and best case scenario they are just a money laundering operation for Cabal.

Big Tech giant Google just BLOCKED Reform UK’s Ad accounts.

Kuwait has just ordered all its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán calls the new leadership of the European Union, under a potential second term for Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a “coalition for war and migration.”

Nigel Farage will romp home in Clacton (district) with 27 point lead, new poll reveals.

Pope Francis says to have a simpler Christmas this year and donate the savings to Ukraine.

US authorities are closing both Russian visa center offices in the country and will deprive Russia’s diplomats of tax exemption, Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, has revealed.

May 2024 continues trend of over a million guns sold a month.

Trump says he knows who his vice presidential selection will be. Article does not say who.

Trump enters landslide-victory territory in blowout new Rasmussen poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because some days are just slow news days

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8 months ago

Yesterday a poster recommended an analysis of BO’s speeches which demonstrated his use of hypnotic techniques to bypass rational evaluation. This explains why his nonsensical speeches delivered in a mechanically insincere tone have been so highly regarded by so many.

I found the link, and as yet have only read a small portion but it looks very good:

NB: I just went to copy the link but found that since yesterday it has been removed. Now there is this note: “The item is not available due to issues with the item’s content.” A mere coincidence, probably.

Another poster, (SamJ?) recommended a link, which also looks very good and so I post the link again:

I want to recommend Plato’s dialogue Gorgias, which thoroughly discusses the conscious use of persuasion, including the moral implications. This is a dialogue worth reading again and again.

In the now-removed link, the author also addressed the morality of what BO was doing, and concludes that BO was acting deceptively, with understanding the harm he was doing. I was looking forward to reading about the author’s assessment in greater depth, but alas will have to hope Cabal has not removed it from every venue, and can still be found.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Tonawanda
8 months ago

An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches

Reply to  Just a Medic
8 months ago


Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Tonawanda
8 months ago

The first time I saw Obama was when he spoke at the Democrat convention in 2004. He seemed relatable for a Democrat. Then, after doing nothing as a one term senator he was elected president, lol. His speeches did not hypnotize me. They made me dislike him and every time I heard him speak I disliked him more until I couldn’t stand hearing the guy for 2 seconds.

So who is he hypnotizing? Idiots. Certifiable morons. Now that I’ve come to see the world works the way AC has shown us, it’s clear Obama was just a puppet ushering in the color revolution of america. But your comment made me think that one point of the GATE program was to identify people who can’t easily be hypnotized and I bet that’s true of every commenter here. Maybe when we’re hearing that buzzing in our ears the hypnotizable, npc, moron demographic hear the latest brainwashing content.

8 months ago

> President Trump says he will get rid of the Department of Education if elected president.

That would be A Very Good Thing.

If the states want to keep their minor populations in prison nine months out of the year, they can pay for it themselves.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

It would mean that control over curriculum and teaching staff would ultimately go back to community oversight, and exasperated parents in every major city and suburb would finally have a say in how our children are educated once again.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

He prattled on about that 8 years ago, too. As did Reagan before him.

Standard pandering and throwing stuff against the wall.

8 months ago

> Texas, five other states considering secession.

Texas only blithers about secession on days that end in “y”.

Austin is thoroughly pwned and Texas is circling the drain; nothing is going to happen.

8 months ago

> Tesla CEO Elon Musk fathered a third child with Neuralink director Shivon Zilis.

Definitely Cabal, but at least she doesn’t have crazy eyes like the entertainer skank he knocked up.

8 months ago

Interesting pistol training gizmo:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

I’ve owned one before, passed it along to a friend. Mostly gimmick, if any real value it’s in just hyper-training a smooth trigger pull and reducing trigger pull flinch. It essentially uses a gyro to track movement, then correlates that movement against the time of the trigger pull to see where you can improve. Also has draw-to-shoot timers, etc.

If you’re moderately competent, not worth the time or money. If you’re a total novice or have really bad habits, might be worth something.

Joe Y
Joe Y
8 months ago

“Rabbi” Haim Cohen is not a rabbi; he’s not even Jewish. His real name is Jeffrey Lujan Vejil and he was born in Odessa, Texas, though he did legally change it to “Haim Cohen” when he became an adult, and started his career as a sleazy sexual con man.
Solomon Friedman is a partial owner of Pornhub through the private equity firm of the ironically named Ethical Capital Partners, of which he is a partner and VP of Complicance. Other high-ranking firm officers are named Meliambro, Mansour, Ogden, and Cosic.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Joe Y
8 months ago

Rabbis. Faithfully serving their master satan.

8 months ago

Drumpf will go to prison where he will lose. He needs to drop out and let Haley run. Then we have the best chance for Israel and Ukraine

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

The guy is either a sub 85 IQ simpleton or he’s a troll. Well, it’s possible he could be both.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  MetalMilitia
8 months ago

He’s a troll, and a lousy one at that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Fuck Israel and fuck Ukraine. Focus on our own borders.

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

I suspect Israel is now cursed.

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Satire is only funny when it reveals something interesting. We all know how retarded cabal boomers are.

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Calling Trump Drumpf exposes you as a severe TDS patient. Whether your prediction comes true or not. You will always be mentally ill. Thank you, oh, FJB.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Hey man, just so you know, you can make a fortune shorting DJT stock and help stick it to orange man bad.

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

> Then we have the best chance for Israel and Ukraine

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

Mister Tiki
Mister Tiki
8 months ago

Elizondo is a glowie & a retarded one at that, and these congressional hearings are yet another limited hangout in an attempt to recapture the ET narrative. They rolled Grusch out a while back as a second attempt because Elizondo goat fucked things so badly with TTSA. Then that went to shit when Grusch made the mistake of attempting to use Dark Journalist a couple of months ago to try and gain real traction. Instead it blew up in their faces when DJ smelled a clown turd and went public and aired everything across a couple of episodes. So now it appears they’re actually attempting a retread of the retard Elizondo via the sympathy card. This whole effort is so pathetically retarded it leads me to wonder whether or not the mid level glowies running it even give shit anymore, and if so, where’s the real effort being directed?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

UFO’s/UAP’s are indeed real, but the government can’t control them, or even fully understand them, so the “alien threat” narrative is being blasted out from all corners, and cabal has a number of different squads of Intel goons operating at cross purposes.

A sign that cabal is starting to buckle and wither is that they can’t stay on top of any given issue, as everything takes on ever more comical and ridiculous overtones, and that goes for the UAP issue.

They want all of us to be terrified, but only so that they can “ride to the rescue” and play act as saviors for the sheep, while skimming billions off of our backs to fight the UFO’s.

It’s all theater, which is too bad, because the genuine UAP phenomenon deserves careful analysis, but Intel keeps blowing so much smoke around it that its nearly impossible to get a clear read on the issue.

8 months ago

Can’t help but think this kind of thing happens often and is not accidental
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English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  anon
8 months ago

What a tragedy. God almighty.

Reply to  anon
8 months ago

Never let our babies out of sight at the hospital for this, and other current year medical quackery reasons, among others. Lot of people are too pussy-ass to tell people no despite how many problems it can solve.

8 months ago

Ian Kummer posted an essay on his blog that is supposed to be about “western” (anglo-saxon) treatment of “tolerance” but which is really about puritanism:

Related because I think a lot of the justification of the surveillance comes from here.

8 months ago
8 months ago

TikTok video proves everyone sees something different on social media….

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Everyone is in a silo! Even normies.

Reply to  B_MC
8 months ago

All our minds/opinions are being farmed/manipulated. This is part of why the generational stalking. They cannot figure us out or we have an extraordinary ability but we don’t even know we have it. #GODWINS #ChristIsKing

8 months ago
8 months ago

Miles Mathis wote a commentary on the news and posted it on the 19th:

Some key paragraphs:

“The Globalist forces in most countries got crushed and lost signifcant political ground to conservative, populist, nationalist forces that emphasize national sovereignty and reject Brussels’ current policies such as the crippling ‘green new deal’, unchecked mass migration, military support for Ukraine, among others.

“Although I don’t consider myself a conservative or on the right, I do see this as good news, since these voters in European elections were not mainly conservative, though the mainstream is labeling them that way. They are anti-Globalist, as this quote admits. They are anti-fascist, anti-tyranny, anti WEF, and anti-centralization. They are anti-New World Order. They are anti-war and anti-banker. They are anti-propaganda and anti-gaslighting. There is nothing “right” about that. In fact, by the old definitions it is very left. If you are aligned against the wealthy crooks you are LEFT. But the important thing is not the tags, it is the beliefs and ideas, and the “conservative” voters are mainly on the correct side, which is why I am more or less with them.”

“Finally, I will add this as a tack-on, since it is not good news. Good that I saw through it, but other than that not good. Gateway Pundit, which is reporting these other items, is also running a piece by Anthony Graceffo with this deceptive title:

The Bottom 20% Do Almost No Work, and You Pay for Them: How the Low-Income Bracket Drains Taxpayer Dollars

“The whole piece is a Dick Cheney sort of argument that there is a big movement of wealth from rich to poor, and Graceffo is repeating it for the same reason Cheney did: to keep the eyes of the middle class on the lower class and off the upper class. But it is completely upside down to the truth, since the movement of wealth is all in the other direction.”

“Overall, the transfer of wealth worldwide has never been from rich to poor, it has always been from the middle up. Yes, some fraction of spending goes to poor relief, but it is a drop in the bucket to what goes to bankers and the military. I have hit this before, but I will gloss it again, since it is so important. The largest slices of the federal budget are the military and servicing the debt, so big bankers and military contractors. The next largest slice is hidden, since it goes to the myriad intelligence services like CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA, ICE, ATF, DHS, and a hundred others. No one even knows how many billions these people are sucking from the middle classes every year for nothing. Or, either nothing or so that they can spy on you and harass you 24/7 with their fake events, fake news, fake history, fake science, fake art, and everything else.”

“Remember, taxes were invented to siphon money up the pyramid. Kings and other nobles invented taxes so that they could live off the peasants, letting the peasants do all the work while the nobles lived one long banquet and party. Nothing much has changed in a thousand years, except that they have gotten very good at convincing you you are no longer a peasant. Because you aren’t living with chickens in a wattle house, you think you are bourgeois. But you are just as tied to the grindstone as any peasant ever was, maybe more. Peasants likely had more real freedoms than you do, since the nobles didn’t have cameras on every corner and trackers and microphones in every phone. Peasants didn’t have to sit in awful jails disguised as schools until they were 18, with “teachers” cramming lies into their heads eight hours a day, then go home to a TV and internet which took up where these faux- teachers left off, stirring their brains for another eight.”

8 months ago

“CEOs of Palantir, Pfizer, Citadel and Blackstone meet with senior senators to demand continued arm deliveries to Israel.”

English Tom
English Tom
8 months ago;_ylu=Y29sbwNpcjIEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1719205947/RO=10/
This is a link to the Obama hypnosis pdf on

English Tom
English Tom
8 months ago;_ylu=Y29sbwNpcjIEcG9zAzMEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1719206862/RO=10/
Another link to the Obama hypnosis document.

Pablo Villizzianto
8 months ago

AC lets discuss these thread about the coming World War Three!

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
8 months ago

They have been trying to bait Russia, and it seems also China, into starting a general war, and they haven’t taken the bait. I think the Cabal leaders have concluded that they just have to attack Russia directly from NATO countries, and based on the timing of the British and French elections, this will happen in a few weeks.

While they would like to punish Russia and China from slipping out from Cabal control (Russia around 2010, China in 2022), the wider war could be used for other things:

A. Testing of a more lethal version of the Beam, using fake “nuclear strikes” as a cover.

B. More overt fascism in western countries, for example forming governments of national unity and banning parties that don’t participate.

C. Sovereign debt default (prediction of Martin Armstrong)

I think the intention is chaos and destruction, and not necessarily “winning”. There will be lots of “missle strikes” but I’m not persuaded that there will be a draft.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

“governments of national unity”

Its an expression commonly used here in argentina, please can you develop the concept?

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Here we go:
The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today. This is an act of war by the US Govt against Russia. Did Joe Biden seek permission from Congress to start a direct war with Russia? Did Americans sign up for this?

8 months ago

Boogaloo Biden:comment image

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

You can generally spot the good guys vs the bad guys by who willfully massacres civilians with cluster bombs.

8 months ago

Blacks are voter harder for Trump (Fantasy).
Blacks murder whites. (Reality).comment image

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

For various reasons that don’t need to be talked about, I have spent more time in all-black ghettos than almost any whypipo who’s not a cop. It doesn’t look suss at all. It’s how hoodrats think, and how they roll. They dream of that shit. If they thought they had a great chance of getting away with it, I promise you more than 80% of them would volunteer to kill them a random whitey. They’d be Hood Godz til tha day they dead. There’s a real solid reason cops & ghetto vets never show their backs to hoodrats.

a nony must be
a nony must be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

There may be psyops used like this, but the individual one that shot me from behind when he was only 15 or so, I’m not thinking he was part of an elite corps out to get me specifically, but saw someone with a white skin, turned away for a moment, gun in hand, what’s not to do?

We would never contemplate shooting someone, much less from behind, especially for no particular reason and of someone you couldn’t even name, the white ones part of surveillance, remember, got sent in to wait on the bench and got one knifed to death on camera, right? That was not likely a street theater for us.

Those types can be steered without getting any membership, street gang cred is enough goal, rapper with bling makes good after prison and all the other brainwashing makes the simple mind low impulse control get fixated and juneteenth is always ferguson 2 gangsta boogaloo.

They say shoot whitey, play polar bear hunting, shoot their own, say it is whitey’s fault they not in wakanda etc. Genetics adds to the mix, no use arguing with them any more, race fatigue is real in my neck of the woods. Blacks (in quantity) cannot make the richest continent into anything, and show effort to take anything built up and turn it into the new south africa, zimbabwe, or detroit, etc. Violence is their game, destruction is their fame, not ours.

a nony must be
a nony must be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

When I was quite young my intelligence was demonstrated and cataloged, early teachers amazed and some also actionably interfering, that part unto late high school, at least in their administrative capacities with individual teachers on either side of the fence, some good, some sadistic, and lots of bullying through a decade. Had the hearing test, don’t remember much else mentioned by others even though that was around entering teens, I think.

Grandpa was a high mason, dies when future ma was young, she was paranoid about being kidnapped because something happened around the town when she was young and her ma might have played a part in keeping the fear alive, ma made us kids not have fun time over at anyone’s houses for play after school until mid teens so never really socialized. One of her brothers dies before she marries, claimed as suicide, but who sets upon dynamite for offing oneself, evidently very little real investigation so suspecting a mob type rubout.

The reason I survived was because twerp not knowing gun effects, certain shells having lethality to extended ranges and others fade with distance, never saw the gun or would not have turned away from rat and his compadres, all on the young side. One thing to consider would be that using young rats would keep it in juvee court, not adults, right?

As for the situation, getting pulled into a scene with no prior knowledge, the ones getting me involved could very well have been part of or innocently involved by circumstance to be inside a planned plot, definitely stupid moves by all, me included, with hindsight and naivete since lacking extended exposure to ghetto types. Took three years to find out the back story from the main doofus that got me to arrive there plus with no advance warning of the setup, and within a minute after arriving am in a bloody condition, thanks, Bob. You wouldn’t think someone you have known for a good while would draw you into a potential ambush situation, but couldn’t have been planned more meticulously by secret squirrel, or his retarded cousin. Someone making what they consider as rational decisions, but everyone else is like “what the f… are you thinking” to their face kind of thought process. That was definitely a case of wrong place, and at precisely the wrong time, and never caught on to never relax around…

Just how close to flipping out I went in the next few seconds, could have gone Jeremiah Johnson going into indian camp or Mel Gibson’s Patriot character when he told the boys to aim small, miss small, and he went hatchet jackin’. Afterwards, makes ya think.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Maybe, but there are large areas, more than half the metro area of many large cities, where 20% of the population or so is IQ low-70s or below, criminal record, commits felonies at least several times per month, seldom with much if any discretion, let alone guilt. They think very highly of themselves, and anything good or beautiful is an insult to their self-image. They really do hate whitey, and they totally approve of violence, both in general and especially by blacks against whites. Don’t project your way of thinking on them, they’re vicious all the way through, and aren’t shy about letting everyone know.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  anonymous
8 months ago

Same, same. This is true, though it may not be 80%, possibly only 78-79%, mostly — but not only — the younger set. Eventually many of those are weeded out as a drug deal gone south, a drive-by, or the prison system gets them. The general rule among negro hookers who used to advertise on Backpage was “no African Americans under 30.”
There are some upstanding colored people in those areas, but they all have cousins, friends, not to mention children who are just as anon above describes them. This applies to negroes who do well enough to move to better areas or even become Mayor’s, etc (usually by affirmative action).
They are not us. For another good eye opener, read what Albert Sweitzer had to say about them. White people, absent much contact, have no idea in the world! An irredeemable race, short of mass enforced eugenics, probably needing AI management and more trouble, money, and bother than they are worth.
“B…bu…BUT, they’s all God’s chillun!”
No, they are not, and that’s one of the more objectionable effects of believing in and worshipping the semitic Volcano Demon. Not even the Jews believe that and if you have spent much time among Jews of all demographics, you have seen the cynical comments and behavior re negroes
Rudolf Steiner claimed they were on the verge of going extinct until Europeans interfered (and please stop that).
Sounds ‘hateful?’ Perhaps, but those are the facts, as far too many have learned to their sorrow and misfortune.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Well, what do we know about the Taliban?

We’ve discussed before how this is impossible.

Now we have this from Miles Mathis:

As he writes:

Today we got more easy proof of that, as it was reported that Israeli arms exports set a record high for the third year in row, rising sharply since 2018. Israel sold $13.1 billion in arms in 2023, double what it sold five years ago. 70% of these weapons come from the US. 

But wait. Then why are we sending more weapons to Israel? If Israel is in a big war, it needs its weapons, so shouldn’t it quit selling and use the ones it already has? No, as we see here, Israel is selling more and more weapons each year, apparently as our proxy, which indicates it isn’t using them. So what are they using to create all the destruction we see? CGI. It is all faked with computer graphics, like everything else now. It is all another Hollywood movie, staged to drive the worldwide war economy. 

So this new report proves the war is fake in two ways. One, it proves it because if Israel were in a real war, it would be tapping its own stockpiles to fight it. They admit they aren’t, continuing to sell more weapons each year. Two, it proves it because it proves this war is being faked to increase arms sales to and through Israel from the US to the rest of the world. Including Germany. A large part of Israel’s arms sales are going to Germany, so ask yourself how that makes any sense. Why would we give or sell to Israel so that Israel could sell to Germany? Why don’t we sell to Germany directly? Because then we would have to admit that was happening. It would be in Congressional spending requests. This way, they can launder the sales through Israel, and you and your Congressmen are supposed to believe it is to free supermodel hostages from guys on kites.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Cuckservative Nuthouse is a joke. Sundance has put some useful info out there over time, but the entire comments section is run by screeching women and betas.
If you disagree or point out the otherwise obvious, in contradiction to their approved narrative, you’ll simply be flushed from the system. Which I think is hilarious given all the whining they’ve done over there about censorship elsewhere.
The jockriding is stunning. And, brave.
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