News Briefs – 06/22/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Intel Whistleblower says Police sources say there is sudden widespread theft of uniforms, vehicle decals, radios, and badges and IDs, and LE counterintel thinks it is rogue FBI working with DIA and CIA.

Dude on Free Republic walked into his doctor’s office, with his cell phone, the doctor diagnosed a skin condition called Seborrheic Keratoses, his phone heard, and the next time he went online, eight hours later, youtube was recommending him videos on it.

On campaign trail, RFK Jr. pushes ‘bonkers’ theory about CIA’s ‘takeover of the American press.’ A CIA Agent at ABC tells us the CIA would never get involved in the US media.

An influential Republican group is already prepping for a legal counter-fight should Democrats try to pull Joe Biden off the top of the ticket at this late date.

It was La Crossing Nostra. The 86-year-old man who was decapitated by a truck that plowed into him at a Brooklyn crosswalk is a former acting captain for the Genovese crime family, The Post can exclusively reveal. When I hear, “city Department of Transportation truck,” I instantly see somebody in surveillance pulling strings to get an asset a job where they will be driving around all day in a city truck, available to join follows – or take out mafiosos who might know something problematic.

Biden regime declares Trump supporters domestic terror threats in newly released internal documents, sought to set up DHS intel unit to target them.

Ex-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo becomes highest-profile Democrat to attack Biden yet as he shares scathing words about 81 year-old president’s frailty and campaign.

AG Merrick Garland is now calling GOP lawmakers, coercing them not to vote for ‘Inherent Contempt.’

Manhattan prosecutors on Friday approved allowing Donald Trump to rip witnesses in his hush money case now that the verdict’s in.

Case against Nevada GOP alternate electors dismissed by judge… Radical dem AG loses his mind. Rejected for lack of jurisdiction, will be appealed.

Ben Shapiro on Friday defended every member of Congress having an AIPAC Babysitter by claiming said babysitters are not “handlers” but “just constituents” who “agree with the cause of AIPAC” and lobby on their behalf. Interesting he does not debate there are people assigned to Congressmen, just like Thomas Massie said, whose job it is to make sure they vote how AIPAC tells them to. His case is they do not actually handle payoffs, so it is totally innocuous. Shapiro is a funny little guy because he is entirely shameless.

Los Angeles will require photo ID for homeless luxury hotel living but not for voting.

Two dead and eight others injured in horror Arkansas shooting outside Mad Butcher grocery store. Shooter previously arrested for having a handgun outside Ft Drum.

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled against a California woman who said her rights were violated after federal officials refused to allow her husband into the country, in part, because of the way his tattoos were interpreted. One report said they were MS-13 tattoos.

Supreme Court leak? Biden announced Executive Order to legalize immigrant spouses 3 days before SCOTUS issues ruling on spouse’s visa. How can he unilaterally legalize immigrants?

President Joe Biden’s pre-election amnesty will use work-visa programs to move 100,000 illegal migrants into the white collar jobs sought by U.S. graduates, according to one of the key organizers of the lobbying campaign.

Another take – Supreme Court’s immigration rebuke suggests Biden’s border order is unconstitutional.

Trump campaign backtracks on Trump promise of more college migrants.

There is a “Digital Driver License Program” being accepted by multiple states since 2021 which could be issued to the millions of illegals crossing the boarder and which might be judged acceptable as a form of ID to vote, if local officials decide to be permissive.

Top cardiologist drops bombshell: Covid shots caused 112,000% spike in brain clots.

Drug crime was supposed to diminish when California legalized drugs, however instead the Cartels moved in and took over the whole industry.

Massachusetts pays $5,400 per month for migrant rooms in one hotel.

DHS group called being ‘religious’ an ‘indicator’ of domestic terrorism.

SCOTUS votes 8-1 to uphold gun ban for subjects of domestic violence restraining orders. From Free Republic – “The decision is not nearly as bad as they are making it out to be.
It is probably the best we could do given the current makeup of the court. The decision did not address due process issues, and is an “as applied” which means to this case only decision, rather than a general decision upholding the law. It just means, in some cases, such as this one, the law may be constitutional.”

Clarence Thomas is sole dissenter in Supreme Court decision on guns. He is our man in DC.

Appeals court finds ‘Obamacare’ pillar unconstitutional in suit over HIV-prevention drug.

A California Democrat held back tears earlier this month when a Republican lawmaker said it would be unfair to make Asians and Latinos pay slavery reparations to African-Americans. Good actor.

L.A. teen got a second chance from leftist Soros DA Gascón after killing. Now he is accused in a new homicide.

Arizona Governor vetoes bill to support transgender patients who wish to detransition.

Seattle to use illegal migrants to bolster depleted police force after losing 700 cops in five years.

An explosive, anonymous letter has shaken the legal departments in the US, alleging a conflict of interest at the heart of Houston’s bankruptcy court. Judge was banging the co-counsel in billion dollar cases he was hearing.

There was a new federal rule set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to be implemented in November of this year which would have seen public federal lands, including national parks and wildlife refuges, traded on the New York Stock Exchange, and for sale to the highest bidder.

US bans Kaspersky antivirus software, citing Russian influence. Probably the only antivirus which was not compromised by Cabal.

Huge percentage of EV owners want to go back to normal cars, study finds.

Ben Garrison’s website was hacked and deleted.

Fullsized image

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has launched “EntoMilk” – a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots. I thought this was Babylon Bee, but apparently not. Where as I thought “World’s Top Scientists Convene In Secret Lab To Develop The Perfect Drug Cocktail For Biden To Make It Through 90-Minute Debate.” was real, but it turned out to be Babylon Bee.

In Japan specialized companies called “night movers” help people who have had failed marriages, career failures, and other reasons, disappear and live anonymously off the grid.

Netanyahu confirms: ‘Great slowdown’ in U.S. arms, ammunition shipments.

Trump says that the war in Ukraine started because of NATO expansion.

West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage tells BBC in Panorama interview.

Archbishop Viganò confirms he will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial.

Steve Bannon’s team files emergency stay application with US Supreme Court to keep him out of federal prison in lead-up to 2024 election.

Women’s support for Democrats hits a 20 year low.

Trump to make history with Philadelphia rally in predominantly black neighborhood.

Trump’s ‘no tax on tips’ proposal may be more of a game-changer than the leftist elites believe.

Biden hemorrhaging voters in all demographics: women’s support at 20-year-low: Trump has gained 21 points among women.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t hide the truth forever

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8 months ago

“Top cardiologist drops bombshell: Covid shots caused 112,000% spike in brain clots.”
I can verify that a neuropathologist and Barrington Declaration signatory immediately noticed brain abnormalities in vaccinated deceased. This individual staked his career on it.

Last edited 8 months ago by TheFeebleClone
8 months ago

Women’s support for Democrats hits a 20 year low.

And all it took was the possibly irretrievable destruction of the nation by openly demonic forces.

Repeal the 19thA!

8 months ago

Guy confronts predator trying to meet a 14 year old girl when a liberal woman walks over and gets involved to “make sure the brown person is safe”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I can believe it. She said she works with the homeless or whatever and I’m beginning to get the feeling that the reason the homeless crisis is being manufactured in so many places is so that surveillance has a reason to just stand around in certain places and watch. If there’s not too many homeless people then one stands out and as a normal citizen you might expect them to be removed from an area. But if there are tens of thousands all over a city you don’t really look at one twice and don’t expect anything to be done about any specific individual. Also I’ll note that what might have triggered her to come check on the situation is that he was openly and obviously recording the guy. If she’s overseeing this area and he’s not part of the local area or surveillance she’s going to want to know who he’s recording and why he’s doing it.

I posted this because I thought it was ridiculous/funny but now that you’ve brought the surveillance angle to my attention I think you’re probably right. I need to really train myself to always consider a surveillance angle first and rule it out instead of having to have it pointed out because I didn’t even think about it. Don’t take this the wrong way but you’re not always going to be around to show your readers the way and I hope when that time comes we’re all prepared enough to fly from this nest and spread what you’ve taught us about surveillance techniques and culture. Hopefully that didn’t sound too culty lol.

8 months ago

If Jews are the chosen people they should matter to every congressman and every vote. If common people misconstrue Jewish power they will genocide them like it happen over and over in history.Thus every congressmen must be educated about the Jewish cause. God’s chosen means Jews rule. Sorry go bitch to God

Last edited 8 months ago by ConservativeBoomerVet
Texas Arcane
Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

All they need now is to be descendants of Abraham

Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

Top fucking kek

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

Instead of the Khazarian locust crew who have no genetic connection to ancient Israel.

Craig Freeman
Craig Freeman
Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

You really don’t know much, do you? Jews repudiated and denied Jesus and in doing so lost their “chosen people” status. The Jews who became Christians replaced them in His favor. The repudiators are the Synagogue of Satan as it exists in modern form.

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Read John 8:39-58. It’s easy to understand. Note the hostility of the Jews to Christ. They are hostile because of whom they belong to, as Jesus tells them.

Read Galatians 4:21-31. “The present Jerusalem” refers to post-Pentacost Judaism. It is the child of slavery – slavery to the Prince of the World (Satan). The children of promise is free from slavery to sin, death, and the Devil. It is the Church and it serves Jesus of Nazareth.

How did the chosen people get cast out? If you know your Bible that’s easy to answer. Jesus explained it in Matthew 21:33-46. Notice the entire Jewish establishment has plainly rejected God. Therefore God took the kingdom from the Jews and gave it to the Christians (vs. 42).

Now read Luke 19:11-27. It is a prophetic parable and it had its fulfillment in John 19:14-16. That is why God cast the Jews from His presence and grafted in the Christians in their place. By the way, what do you think of Luke 19:27?

According to Jesus, the Jews belong to Satan, were cast out by God, and will be killed before the throne of Jesus on the last day. If you truly have any mercy in your heart for the Jews, you would be calling them to repentance and conversion to Christianity so they, along with us, will receive mercy on the Last Day.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

I am a selfish person, I have all the concern in the world for my soul and my family’s souls. I won’t preach to others. They have the where with all to investigate spiritual matters themselves. The weight is on their shoulders.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

You two people who down voted exactly what God says, I don’t know who you are. God does. Satan does too. The demons know you are and the angels do too. I’ll say it again, “God knows who you are.”

Reply to  ConservativeBoomerVet
8 months ago

Great satire!

8 months ago

“(Li’l Benji) Shapiro is a funny little guy because he is entirely shameless.”
It’s not like “chutzpah” is a French term.

8 months ago

‘DHS group called being ‘religious’ an ‘indicator’ of domestic terrorism.’

And by “religious,” they of course mean Christian and not Muslim.

F*ck them in the neck.

a b c
a b c
8 months ago

Here is a comment about a free pdf book copy concerning iodine that Tex had made referring to the health effects, but it never showed when posted on the 19th.
Thanks for all your help, this is hopefully going to help many readers.
Just searched the text on the title “what you don’t know about iodine can wreck your life” on yandex, got plenty of relevant results.
One iodine book Tex referred:

Texas Arcane
Reply to  a b c
8 months ago

I would have loved to distribute this book but I thought it was still under copyright. Can you link to something Farrow did to make it freely available? It’s an incredible book. I’ve been taking Lugol’s daily since I got it.

a b c
a b c
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

There are people that post comments, do audio books, and that lady that wrote the book has videos on utube so I guess if someone wanted to skirt copyright but be technically legal, do a summary, a review, a podcast discussion of the high points, or go to the etc. to grab a copy to read. Perhaps if the book helps someone specifically enough, out of gratitude they can buy a spare paper copy to give to a friend, who can then lend the book to other relatives and so forth. If I wrote a book like that, I would be less worried about the moolah than about getting the poor wretches healthier, but that’s just me.

Keep up the good work and works, friend from Texas, arcana, that is.

8 months ago

West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage tells BBC in Panorama interview.

The Labour/ 77th Brigade bots who are now dominating the UK election sub-reddit are all over this.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

So are the leaders of every other political party.

8 months ago
8 months ago

Tom Luongo and Joe Hoft on the Cabal’s next moves:

All the information is between the twenty minute and the one hour minute mark. The rest can be skipped.

The argument is Trump is an effort to get the USA out of control of the European elites.

After about the fifty minute mark, Luongo talks about Trump’s latest proposal to use tariffs instead of the income tax to finance the federal government. He says that he has calculated that 36% of federal tax revenue comes from income taxes on the middle class, as opposed to the wealthy and corporations, and thinks this is doable.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Go to the chart for break down.
As imports decline due to tariffs, there will be less and less revenue for the Feds. The addiction dictates that they will never accept less than before. It will have to come from somewhere. Like the EV mandate (incentivized via tax deductions) in Calif, once ownership reaches a level that becomes truly noticeable, so too, the loss of road tax becomes apparent. They never talk about the loss of income tax, funny eh? And so far, no political groups are pushing for a tariff on EVs to recoup the lost road revenue. But it needs to be done. Our “best and brightest” are neither. No incentives were ever necessary, the market should have been the determining factor. I’m sure there was a lot of graft and handshakes in backrooms. There is no free lunch anywhere although some folks would try to have you believe it. It all rolls back to the imposition of the “income tax”. Once that genie was let out of the bottle there was no turning back. (bastards) Maybe, just maybe, it might work, for a little while anyway. As is said many times many ways, cheer up, it could be worse, and it will only get worse.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

It is doable. And if kept up, would likely return manufacturing as well

8 months ago

Matt Taibi is a really good journalist, probably now most associated with exposing the Deep State involvement with Twitter.

He sat down with two other journalists recently for a wide ranging discussion covering Putin, Trump, Hilary Clinton, and Elon Musk. Its one hundred minutes, but the first twenty-five are just a discussion of his early career, then it gets into Putin.

At about the 45 minute mark, in the context of his coverage of the 2016 election, he describes the sudden clampdown on the left where everyone on the left was expected to repeat the same exact talking points.

8 months ago

Immivasion meme

8 months ago

Killing the 80s/90s playfulness and colors, like with cars. Nondescript antiarchitecture. Pure inhuman functionality.

Back in the day, one of the nicest interiors of a Mickey D’s I knew was the one in touristy Lucerne, Switzerland, chalet style, with big, beautiful mountain panorama paintings. (I couldn’t find any pics and online image search is just terrible.) Now it’s so de-localized it might as well be in Madrid, Jakarta, in Minecraft, wherever (image to the right).

8 months ago

“Turn the frogs 2A”

This is as funny as it is true.

Dirty Civilian – How to Win Back the 2nd Amendment

8 months ago

Fordyce, Arkansas shooting: 2 dead, 8 wounded.

Demographics are 50-50.

8 months ago

Trump vows to terminate the ‘Green New Scam’