News Briefs – 06/22/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The two big things which jumped right out at me in this youtube video are one, Barr is quite open that whether the Democrats win this November, will determine if justice prevails and we actually elect our leaders, or if major, giant treason against the very foundations of our Republic will be swept under the carpet, and unavoidably get worse. Pretty big marker to lay down openly.

The second thing is that someone who knew what was going on two years ago, and who would presumably have been whitehat intel, and who would have known things about the real truths behind the history of the nation, said to Maria Bartiromo that this was the biggest coup since “the assassination of Lincoln.” Maybe I am misinterpreting a nuance, but if you believe the narrative we are sold on Lincoln, that was a lone angry gunman who killed a leader, not a coup. Coup implies a conspiracy to take over the government. It is interesting as Unsolved Mysteries (a sort of Cabal’s Greatest Hits, if you watch it) did a whole segment on how Booth was possibly never apprehended, the government killed some other guy and forced a doctor who knew Booth to lie and ID the body, people were threatened, Booth was given a special password that allowed him to cross a guarded bridge and escape, and the whole thing was made secret for 70 years until everyone was dead. I get the impression whoever Maria was talking to was given the understanding that the assassination of Lincoln was something much more complex than we were told. It is interesting how so many of us were in the dark about so much:


AG Barr says ‘developments’ in Durham investigation may arrive before end of summer.

For the archives of Cabal : Jonestown began when a Congressman visiting was ambushed at the airport as he tried to leave. The first thing I think is, where was his plane? Why wasn’t it there? Why did he have to wait? Feels kind of like a Congressman who was a pain in the ass was set up so his plane wouldn’t be there, he would be a sitting duck, and armed gunmen could take him out easily. Lots of other stuff, with fake suicide notes, and people dying mysteriously after the Jonestown incident, in curiously coincidental deaths. And that doesn’t even cover Henry Lee Lucas claiming he was delivering poison to the cult for the mysterious cult/organization he and Otis Toole (the murderer of Adam Walsh’s child) worked for part time.

One story circulating about the Autonomous Zone shooting is Antifa members were beaten up by real BLM protestors, Antifa returned & fired multiple shots at them.

The brother of CHAZ/CHOP shooting victim Lorenzo Anderson has claimed that the “protesters” hid his brother from him as he laid dying inside a tent, and Police say protesters wouldn’t let them respond to the scene.

The Seattle Police Department releases the bodycam footage of officers responding to a fatal shooting in the so-called CHOP zone and being swarmed by “a violent crowd” that prevented then from reaching the scene.

Austin protesters storm Police HQ, haul down American, Texas flags and burned them. Do you think you could storm a Police Station anon, and get away with something like this? Why wouldn’t it work for you?

Shootings are soaring across NYC.

At least 19 injured in over a dozen shootings across NYC in 24 hours.

60 shot, 9 fatally, so far this weekend in Chicago and there is still 8 hours left.

Nearly 3 out of 4 DC police officers ready to leave the force: Washington police union poll. Hang tough guys, that is what (((They))) want you to do.

A 26 year old female police officer was shot and killed while comforting a woman outside a domestic call, when the male actor inside took out a rifle and began shooting. Now politicians will not dedicate a baseball field to her because the optics of supporting Police is not right. Is it really? Do you know anybody who would vote against a politician for attending that service? Do you think the average black person in a poor neighborhood, victimized by criminals, would vote against them for attending a baseball field dedication? The actors you see reading the script all know these are lies. But they read their lines, and you get served the narrative because this is all manipulation. The reality is a story about a young female cop new on the job comforting a female victim of domestic violence, when a violent male abuser shot her and killed her with a rifle from inside his house, might make cops look sympathetic, and that isn’t a good narrative right now. The important point here is, these people know something you do not – what you see is not real.

Black Lives Matters is now beginning to introduce classroom curriculums, so it will have to be taught in Elementary School and Middle School. Another way to heap disadvantage on our kind, because those kids who don’t absorb the leftist bullshit and repeat it back verbatim will get fucked grade-wise.

4Chan has been noting there seem to be more explosions and fireworks going off than normal and some think it means something. Some think it might be signals of some sort, some think it might be designed to degrade sleep and increase stress so people experience increased amygdala, others think it may be to enhance the ambiance of chaos. Could just be chance, but there is an organized push to create chaos of late, so I could see them adding this in.

The University of Washington Medical Center has announced plans to close its psychiatric facility at its Montlake center in Seattle after a financial shortfall caused by the coronavirus. Sounds strange because they say they are down $500 million.

University of Notre Dame braces for estimated $100 million loss because of coronavirus pandemic. Could be legit, and as it seems. But just for kicks, an alternate theory. Suppose everything is fake. All these places have given hundreds of millions of embezzled funds to Cabal under the table. The control the key positions, of accountant, treasurer, CFO, CEO, etc, so they can hide it, but they can’t afford to keep operating because their money is gone. But they can’t admit they gave all their money away. So this is the cover story. Just like the states trying to get the federal government to cover their expenses, much of which were Cabal embezzlements, now these organizations are blaming their shortfalls on the Coronavirus. I have zero evidence that is the case, but oddly enough I would believe, based on what I’ve seen, the network might be dense enough in some organizations to pull that off. And Cabal might have targeted places with hundreds of millions in order to keep them as piggy banks for just such a circumstance as this. Could be another sign they are strapped.

NPR tries to fan the flames, with the headline, “Right-wing extremists are turning cars into weapons, with reports of 50 vehicle-ramming incidents since protests against police violence erupted nationwide in late May.” 

The statue of President Teddy Roosevelt at the entrance to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan will be removed amid widespread protests over racial inequality and police brutality.

200 Law Enforcement agencies across the U.S. hacked, and sensitive intel exposed. There is a lot of data, and it hasn’t all been gone through, but it looks like normal Law Enforcement intel stuff, and not the material about regular citizens which will touch off the rebellion. Mainly interesting in that there are ultra-sensitive Law Enforcement intelligence databases which have all sorts of intel that LE doesn’t want the public to have, and then there is another level of database with shit which nobody would believe is out there, but nobody can come close to touching it. It makes me wonder if this leak was a planned op designed to create the narrative the “government” (for the normies, or the “powers that be” for the paranoid/woke) can’t keep secrets, so you can let your guard down around it, and rest easy because it is not doing anything you would find objectionable. Otherwise, I would expect high-end LE intel would have similar skill levels to Cabal in hiding data, and if we saw this now, we would eventually see much more stunning shit later. I would not even be surprised Cabal did this hack for just that reason, and the hacking group is just a front for them. But I have no doubt we will never see that other level, at least unless Trump/Q decides to give us a peek.

A Freeper saw a BlackLivesMatters protest in town, and noticed nobody in it was black, and blacks in town shopping were unimpressed. These protests are the component of the network which will fit the cover of young hippies and ultra-leftists, and you will notice they are numerous, though they seem short of black militant types in some areas, and it must have been too much trouble to bus them in. Even things you care about, you usually will not be able to protest. How many people do you think care about thugs being shot by Police while trying to fight to escape so they can continue victimizing the population?Much of what we see is people doing things that are abnormal, but we ignore it because we were fed narratives that are ridiculous, but which explain what we see, so we accept them.

Two women accuse Justin Bieber of sexual assault. Interesting. Two women, on the same day, both relate tales of being sexually assaulted by Bieber four or five years ago on different nights. It feels kind of like Bieber did something behind the scenes, like refuse a Cabal demand for money, and now somebody turned up the heat on him.

Fake News says, John Bolton says he’ll vote for Joe Biden in November. But then Bolton comes out and says it is fake news, though he still says he will not vote for either candidate.

A Freeper postulates that AOC might be breaking the law by encouraging people to buy tickets to Trump events, just to interfere with his campaign events. 18 U.S. Code § 595. Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the office of President 1 year prison. If I were Trump, I probably would leaver her be. Whether she is one of ours working to sabotage the left, or one of theirs who happens to be unusually incompetent, she belongs right where she is. If she loses, I’d want to recreate someone exactly like her.

India has reset the rules of engagement with Chinese troops along the entire stretch of their 3,488km long border, with the Indian Army now given a free hand to deal with any provocation by China.

American Thinker wonders out loud, whatever happened to all that ammo and weaponry bought under Obama that literally drained the entire civilian market, so nobody could buy bullets for a few years? I saw the prices, so there is zero doubt somebody fucked that market up with some sort of action that was pretty unprecedented. We’ll know when it resurfaces, because a flood of surplus ammo like that should cause prices to plummet. Since they haven’t plummeted, it is safe to assume some organization out there is still ready to roll. But there is no doubt, that was something ominous.

In Germany, gangs smash shops and attack police in Stuttgart. They don’t have Black Lives Matter there, and yet they are having exactly the same types of riots and unrest, just under a different cover. How strange and oddly coincidental.

In Britain, mass stabbing suspect from a couple of days back, who hit just after a Black Lives Matter protest turns out to be a Libyan.

Academics are too scared to stand up for the British Empire over fears they will get ‘mobbed’ and will put career at risk for backing ‘unfashionable causes’, scholar says. Think about how the left is a minority. Think about how treason is not the natural state of mankind. And yet, these professors can get mobbed and destroyed. That doesn’t happen easily. You do not easily arrive at a population which thinks one thing, and where anyone who expresses it is destroyed. And yet it happened. That by itself is evidence of a highly organized intelligence operation penetrating our culture, and seizing all the positions of power and influence in a highly planned and organized manner. The signs are there, if you look at them clearly and try to determine logically what should be, and compare it with what is.

CERN makes a bold push to build a $23-billion super collider. Money laundering? Some sort of forbidden tech development, maybe not even related to physics, that we are not going to ever see? Feels like more than just a science experiment.

I saw this next picture on 4Chan, and found myself wondering if these types of Antifa could be part of a cohort who are essentially MK Ultra in the flesh. Clearly the idea somebody with training got ahold of this brain and began experimenting is as likely as anything. I just look at this guy, and it feels like this was done to him, rather than arising by chance:

Seattle City Council is committed to the cause, even though the Police are the only thing protecting them – does that make sense?:

UN deletes pro-Antifa tweet after massive public backlash.

A Freeper makes the case we all need to volunteer for election duty as poll monitors, and then challenge every single mail in vote on the grounds we cannot verify who cast the ballot. That will give Trump a reason to attack mail-in voting, on the grounds it will introduce too much chaos into the voting. It is a strong case, because the last thing the public wants is another Florida 2000 election night that stretches on for months. People are sick of the political battles. They will want election night over in hours, not dragging on for months, with court cases and news stories.

Russia’s Putin says he may seek another term if constitutional changes passed. Say what you will, I like Putin. Seeing him stop an international interview at his martial arts club and hop on the mat to give a little child pointers on his throwing technique says a lot. He may be competition, but unlike many of our leftist leaders, he is respectable and a patriot. Plus our left hates him, and our left is pure evil.

Coronavirus daily cases drop to 267, the lowest since March 23.

6.7 Million tuned in to watch the Trump rally online, and that doesn’t even include OAN and Newsmax. I was there on Right Side Broadcasting Network Watching.

Eric Trump happened to post a Q-Flag on Instagram while promoting his father’s rally, and the left is freaking out:







Spread r/K Theory, because when this amygdala is lifted, it will be heavenly

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Lincoln’s assassination story is another one that Miles Mathis pokes full of interesting holes.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Look at 27min 40sec for some possible insight into the Lincoln assasination

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I wonder about Miles Mathis. I read some of his stuff and it seems so sensible and moving towards new knowledge and every day time it veers of into some major incomprehensible gobbledygook that makes no sense at all. And he does this over and over and over. Some of it I know is just wrong and some is so mangled that I refuse to spend the effort to prove it wrong. I get a bad feeling every time I read anything he writes in depth about.

Booth was of course a Jewish actor and in my mind the simplest explanation for Lincoln being killed was he printed greenbacks that allowed the government to print money without going through a central bank. If you read up n it a little you will find that trying to go around the central banks frequently gets you a bullet. The Jews spent many years trying to get a central bank in the US to skim off all our profits into their pockets. We resisted a long time after Jackson canceled the bank but eventually the FED was brought in and it’s all been downhill from there.

As an aside just why do we pay interest on every single penny created in the US to a private corporation that does…nothing, gives us nothing, rips us off???? One time I mentioned this and some fool said well they’ve been giving most of the profits back. DAMN why do we give them any?? I wish I could print bonds and give them to people every time they cashed their checks or got a loan.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

along those lines, I learned a long time ago that if you REALLLLLY want to piss off a globalist or a college graduate economist or a (((special paysin))), ask them this question while having a discussion of ‘The Fed & fiat currencies & the necessity of having a central bank’:

“so you’re saying the not-legally-enforceable promises of strangers are more valuable than gold and silver?”

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

This x1000.

I tried reading Miles Mathis, but after a couple of paragraphs his theories become completely crazy.

Almost like they’re designed to make ANY conspiracy theory seem nuts.

4 years ago

Regarding the fireworks, some right of center New Yorkers think it’s an intelligence op. And they fear that New York City will burn to the ground on July 4.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

That guy thinks exactly like me. Every thing I see him talking about makes perfect sense.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

I’ve been wondering what big event might happen July 4th as it will be 40 days from the beginning of the riots/protests and there’s been so much religious symbolism occurring during this entire thing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Look at this video of him and the girl. I am SO IN TUNE with these guys. They’re talking about the burning down of New York on July 4 and also police brutality. I don’t hate good cops at all, not even a little but there’s a lot of thugs in the police force these days. The love to push around the little people that will not fight back but run from the howling Negros. Anyways watch this. I’m not them but their rant is much like one I would do.

He says DOS attack a prequel for mass internet outage in September which will bring the country down. He says that the Jews have wrung just about all they can from the US so it’s time to bring it down. This would not surprise me. What I wonder is just when and at what point will the whole world turn on them? They’ve attacked everyone. I suspect there’s one not one country they haven’t had a massive negative influence on. At some point there will be pay back.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Wow! The guy you linked and I linked a few videos actually predicted a virus attack in 2014. He reads from a Rockefeller report that EXACTLY follows what is happening right now. This guy is really astounding. If you’re only going to watch one of the videos I linked watch this one.

Investigative journalist Harry Vox warns against coming lockdowns & quarantines…in 2014

4 years ago

> there is another level of database with shit which nobody would believe is out there, but nobody can come close to touching it.

That’s called “fusion centers”, and they aren’t answerable to the public in any way.

The police (well, except for NYPD and Chicago PD) aren’t going to keep anything incriminating on their own servers, where it’s susceptible to FOIA requests or subpoenas. All the good stuff goes to the fusion centers, which were created as unaccountable “law enforcement inelligence” outfits.

4 years ago

> University of Notre Dame braces for estimated $100 million loss because of coronavirus pandemic.

Boo hoo.

A quick web check says they have an endowment of $13.8 billion. A hundred mil isn’t even pocket change.

Sounds like a lot of money to people who aren’t hitched to the gravy train, though.

4 years ago

“4Chan has been noting there seem to be more explosions and fireworks going off than normal and some think it means something.” Link is 404, but regardless I can confirm an uptick in my part of the southern US.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

that picture of the creepy little antifa dispshit and its commie cake…

AC, you oughta think about putting that up on the front page/masthead. not only is it the very (creepy) living manifestation of r/K, it’s good for the spirit of us normal anons. give it a title plate: “The Enemy” or some such.

I’m a guy who’s been known to point out uncomfortable Q criticisms from time to time (“3 and a half years; where’s the weiner laptop; why no heads on pikes?”) but antifa dipshit man (?) is gooooood medicine for the soul. Why? 1) standing in opposition to that thing *and its ilk* must obviously be obedience to God 2) welll, it ain’t the *scariest* enemy I can imagine, now is it

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Otto Skorzeny (s)he ain’t.

4 years ago

My Neighborhood has also have a bunch of fireworks already. We normally get them as soon as the booths open up, but the thing is, they don’t open in Texas until the 24th. We have had fireworks all week.

4 years ago

On the fireworks, we have already seen pantifa using mortar fireworks as IEDs, so they would probably just flood the market with cheap fireworks so their people can supply up for October. We are seeing them set off now because of poor impulse control.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Think the FIB will crack down on the BLM golden dindus and Antifahlim? What’s the saying again? Silence is Violence? So is FIB silence condoning the revolution?

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I live in a jurisdiction where sales of fireworks are tightly controlled and you need a permit, and you never hear them except at official holiday celebrations and yet I have been hearing them in the middle of the night a few times a week. It’s half-past midnight and a bunch just went off a block or two away. Totally new phenomenon.

4 years ago

Don’t know if true, conspiracy theory about lincoln was he wanted to use treasury backed money, not central bank fiat money and that was why he was killed. Sounds plausible enough.

>I saw this next picture on 4Chan, and found myself wondering if these types of Antifa could be part of a cohort who are essentially MK Ultra in the flesh.

That is a female to male tranny.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

The repeating pattern of sexual dimorphism inversion.

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

The Economy is the Nation’s Metabolism.

And Money is the blood of the Economy.

It enables transformation of Resources into Products and Services.

To control the Money therefore is to control the Metabolism of the Body and hence to hold the body hostage and to act as a parasite on the body.

Their form of usury money. In which all money is debt on which we owe usury.

Including their hyper-usury of fractional reserve banking. Is to drain our people of their substance.

To fund their own destruction.

4 years ago

1) “Museum Natural History to take down Teddy R statue”: as the internet wiseguy put it, “wait a second. you’re telling me they’re tearing down the statue of the President Roosevelt who DIDN’T toss American citizens into internment camps?”

2) “CERN wants $23 billion more since their ‘Hoggs boson’ hustle has run its course.” there’s a RW/libertarian author named Hans Schantz who’s written a series of young adult books (“The Hidden Truth”) featuring a faceless sinister multinational cabal that’s been crippling/strangling new tech for the last century or so. of course that’s just crazy talk, until you realize that pretty much ALL new tech over that time is simply a refinement of existing tech – nothing truly new or groundbreaking. better TV’s, movies, phones, cars, computers…. but no jetpacks, flying cars, quantum computers, injectable nanites that can target & eat cancers or clogged arteries, 20,000 MPH pneumatic tubes under the oceans that make transcontinental travel a matter of minutes, etc etc. Schantz has a doctorate in physics? EE? something hard science-y, and he ain’t for everybody. his target audience is clearly boys, and free-thinking pretty-damn-smart boys at that. But if you go behind the yarns he’s spinning for the lads, what he seems to be saying – and making a pretty good case for it – is along the lines of “all science (and politics!) is a huge hustle/con; and the hidden truth is still out there.” or, y’know, we can keep on shoveling trainloads of cash to navel-gazing physicists so they can keep finding smaller and smaller (but ultimately basically useless) subatomic particles.

me, I want my goddamn anti-gravity flying cars.

4 years ago

“The second thing is that someone who knew what was going on two years ago, and who would presumably have been whitehat intel, and who would have known things about the real truths behind the history of the nation, said to Maria Bartiromo that this was the biggest coup since “the assassination of Lincoln.” Maybe I am misinterpreting a nuance, but if you believe the narrative we are sold on Lincoln, that was a lone angry gunman who killed a leader, not a coup. Coup implies a conspiracy to take over the government. It is interesting as Unsolved Mysteries (a sort of Cabal’s Greatest Hits, if you watch it) did a whole segment on how Booth was possibly never apprehended, the government killed some other guy and forced a doctor who knew Booth to lie and ID the body, people were threatened, Booth was given a special password that allowed him to cross a guarded bridge and escape, and the whole thing was made secret for 70 years until everyone was dead. I get the impression whoever Maria was talking to was given the understanding that the assassination of Lincoln was something much more complex than we were told. It is interesting how so many of us were in the dark about so much:”

Lots more good info here:

4 years ago

“Say what you will, I like Putin. Seeing him stop an international interview at his martial arts club and hop on the mat to give a little child pointers on his throwing technique says a lot. He may be competition, but unlike many of our leftist leaders, he is respectable and a patriot. Plus our left hates him, and our left is pure evil.”

We need an international brotherhood of K, we can and must compete but the rule should be that we all band together against r and that you never seek to degrade or destroy K no matter how hard you compete.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Bro, there already is an international brotherhood of K. It’s called real Christianity.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I agree, Christendom was a great concept and we should bring it back.
But it is possible to extend the brotherhood of K to other cultures as well if are sufficiently K.

4 years ago

The mask slips.

This is a rebellion against GOD.

Shaun King says Jesus images ‘a form of white supremacy’ that must go: ‘They should all come down’

I’ll let Lembrador point out the other obvious thing. 🙂

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

>”I’ll let Lembrador point out the other obvious thing.”

*clears throat again*

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

>”I’ll let Lembrador point out the other obvious thing.”
I didn’t knew Shaun Kang was a Jew. Oy vey!

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

He may be, I don’t know.
What I had in mind is that this movement led by you know who is pursuing a very anti-Jesus goal, almost as if they were still at it all these centuries later.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

You’re right, even if Shaun Kang is not a Jew himself, he is certainly acting like a golem for Jewish collective power, who was always against Christ and Christianity since Jesus appeared on the scene.

Any anti-Christ movement, individual or organization is ultimately working as a golem for Jewish collective power, who has been trying to destroy Christianity for 2000 years.

4 years ago

The real target has always been Jesus Christ and his people:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

We fight not against flesh and blood, but supernatural powers.