Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Steve Bannon’s bid to delay 4-month contempt prison sentence rejected by appeals court.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey will sue New York for ‘Lawfare against President Trump.’
President Trump: We have a new Biden Migrant Killing – It’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault. He’s a disgrace to the Office of President, he’s a disgrace to America. Little girls had to die, anon, because you do not want to unleash men to kill the evil people….
Joe Biden’s parole pipeline imports one migrant for every three U.S. births.
Mike Bloomberg gives $20 million to help Biden beat Trump.
Robert Kennedy Jr. fails to qualify for CNN debate.
nSupreme Court appears to rule a tax on unrealized gains is Constitutional, even though there was no income to tax. Couple had an investment overseas, government taxed it with a one time payment.
Feds try to delay release of non-public COVID vaccine safety data until at least 2026.
Representative Dan Crenshaw sold Boeing stock in 2022.
The stock has fallen 19% since then, while the market has risen 22%.
We have data on just 33 trades from Crenshaw, but they include some of the most well-timed moves we’ve seen.
Here are his five most profitable trades:
Skinwalker Ranch recorded a UAP which appeared to come right out of the ground on their property.
Jim Jordan says Merrick Garland contempt case will go to court.
Farage: We will ban the poisonous trans ideology in our schools.
CNN death spiral — Ratings drop to 396,000 total viewers.
Republican primaries remain treacherous for incumbents.
NYT analysis: Support for Joe Biden among women hits lowest for any Democrat since 2004.
New Emerson poll – Trump leads in all 7 swing states, including Minnesota.
Spread r/K Theory, because sooner or later Joe is burning out
> Little girls had to die, anon, because you do not want to unleash men to kill the evil people….
They’re trying to make us feel rage I guess
It’s working
Yes they are bringing on a race/religious war in the West. This is to cover up the impending debt collapse. They want everyone killing each other so we don’t go after the treasonous rat politicians.
Rage at them and at the other side.
New Emerson poll – Trump leads in all 7 swing states, including Minnesota.
But on Drudge is this:
We have dueling narratives. No society can live on lies. As Scott Adams points out the whole of the Left ONLY read their stuff–they don’t look outside their box. This is a set-up of total disaster come Nov. Doesn’t matter what YOU read–it matters what THEY read–they are in a majority! And with Romney, Crenshaw, Irish Catholic Paul Ryan, the US Military, the traitors will go with the evil.
They are NOT in the majority.
But they control the media
So, Louisianna has put the 10 Commandments in the schools.
The 10 Commandments are NOT the totality of Christian morality–Arete is! Judaism is a primitive religion. The 10 Commandments are Primitive morality. The Kabbala teaches that Primitivism is the greatest value. Much of Protestantism is about returning to “Primitive Christianity”.
Jesus came to Upgrade The Faith–to move it into a Higher Realm. That is why not only does He say “The Faith will be taken away from you and given to another Nation” but that He explicates that further with the Parable of the New Wine Skins. Jesus came to Transfer The Faith. The New Wine Skin is Hellenism.
And with a New Wine Skin—comes an ADVANCED Higer Morality—Arete. Arete is comprehensive and complete. It assumes the 10 Commandments and adds so much more–like when St. Paul commands all Christians to be Sophros! One can’t live with God without the Virtue of Sophrosyne. If Louisianna wanted to further Christian culture–it should just demand “Arete” in all the schools! Arete is Christian Morality. It is a HIGHER morality. Better yet, the Boy Scout Oath should be placed in all the schools for that is the Virtue of Righteousness (correcting it only be replacing the word ‘country’ with ‘Fatherland’).
Why are we Stunting and deforming Christians for? Why are we NOT feeding Christians with the WHOLE Word of God and the New Wine Skin morality?
We see across the board failure of all the branches of Christianity because NOT a one has Arete! Certainly not the Orthodox. The Sola Scriptura guys couldn’t be bothered (I don’t understand that). And the Catholics, even though they mention Virtue–flap their lips–and then ignore it altogether by their no-action! Christianity has become a disaster! I don’t think anybody has been saved in the last 80 or more years. No Arete, No Salvation. Arete is what brings Righteousness. Yes, one is saved but after salvation, one must walk the High Road of Righteousness!
Arete is so important that it only appears in the New Testament scripture five times, and only in passing. Seems like the apostles were too dense to remind anyone to venerate this pagan Greek goddess.
Agape, on the other hand, appears over three hundred times, and is explicitly stated by the apostles as the First Commandment and the most important.
The apostles also warn us to only follow the doctrine given by apostles and not the doctrine of men. How can we possibly do that without solo scriptura?
God rebuke you.
I take the WHOLE Word of God.
Book of Wisdom in the Septuagint, the four main virtues of the Greeks are listed:
“And if a man love(s) righteousness, her labours are arête: for she teacheth sophrosyne and phronesis, righteousness and manliness”. (LXX. Wisdom 8:7)
The Book of Wisdom in the Septuagint IS THE Word of God. It is Holy Scripture! There, it defines Righteousness as Arete. And then labels the four main groups.
The Septuagint is the Bible of the Early Church–as The Church became more Greek–well, naturally Christians gravitated to the Septuagint. 60% of the OT quotes in the NT are from the Septuagint.
And what is important about the Septuagint? —the beginning of the Hellenization. Hellenisms are in the Septuagint!
The Masoretic text, which is the basis of the Protestant bible was not created until the 8th or 9th century A.D. So why did the Prots reject the Catholic Bible which is the Septuagint and go with the Masoretic text??? They listened to the Jews who hate Hellenistic culture. One can see the Judaizing of Protestantism when they adopted the Jewish canon. They say “ONLY the KJV”. The Early Church had NO idea of the Masoretic text!!! So how does going to Jewish canon become canonical? That is the whole purpose of why the Jews influenced the Prots to adopt the Masoretic text–to expunge the Hellenisms out of Christianity. To expunge Hellenism out of Christianity is to destroy it! A New Wine Skin requires a New Language, a New Morality, a NEW way of doing things. The New Wine Skin of Jesus’s parable is Hellenism. Christianity is a NEW thing.
So the OT teaches that Righteousness comes from the practice of Arete. Fast forward to the NT—I don’t know Phelps, but I’ve been posting this for the longest time here at AC, but you haven’t taken notice:
II Peter 1:5 “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. Does that mean a “pagan goddess”??? That is a pretty much direct command! “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. St. Paul uses the term ‘sophros’ (sophrosyne) many times. Sophros is a characteristic of Arete. It has No Jewish provenance—thoroughly Doric Greek.
Let’s put it into context:
5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
Notice the Last verse: those that “lacketh these things is blind”. The KJV uses the word Virtue. And notice that Virtue is the stepping stone to Love. It is a Progression. To be fruitful in the Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ–one must hold Virtue. The word for Virtue is Arete–Arete can not be translated into English nor Latin but must be calqued. Arete is a Moral Code. Arete is the FULLNESS of Christian Morality. One can’t have Love without first walking thru the door of Arete.
We are counseled “Be not deceived”. Love in the NT is the Apple of the Garden of Eden–it is a minefield. It is not Sola Love; it is not Sola Gospel–one must have the REST of the Scriptures. Jesus said, “Man lives by EVERY word that proceeds out of the Mouth of God”!!!!!
You realize that this is a list, a hierarchy, and that arete is the LEAST of these, with philia and agape as the highest, don’t you? Each of these is ADDED.
Yes. But you can’t reach the advanced stages without Arete. You can’t climb a ladder WITHOUT stepping on the first rung. Arete is the second rung.
NO Christian today has stepped on the second rung!!!!! And you think you’re saved without Arete?
Secondly, Arete is a Moral Code. How can one advance to Godliness, the sixth rung, without Arete.
II Peter 1:5 is a Hierarchy that is in a Progression!! That means one must CLIMB the Progression. Can one be saved without The Faith? No. Yet Faith is the first thing.
Did not Jesus say, “The Least is the Greatest”? Oh yes He did! A Christian begins in Faith, then advances to Arete, gains Knowledge, practices enkratia (denial of our evil passions), practices patience, attains godliness, then exhibits kindliness, and then approaches, gains Love. A progression. One can’t have Love, Charity, without attaining the lower steps for Love encompasses Faith, Arete, Knowledge, Enkratia, Patience, Godliness, Kindliness.
It is the Natural Law–Cosmos, “the combination of different but related parts”. It is NOT Sola Gospel, but the Christian Cosmos, the Christian politeuma.
I think I am saved by faith alone.
I think that if you don’t think that the holy spirit has granted arete to any Christian (you emphasized the “NO”) then you don’t even have the faith that leads to arete.
Ephesians 2:8-9
But of course, you are such a smart boy that you are smarter than divinely inspired apostles appointed by Jesus Christ Himself.
The ten commandants are a negative morality apeing positive morality. Ya, you shouldn’t kill people in your community or travel across the world for rape and plunder or worship false idols. However, its the “thou shalt not” which is the negative influence. Instead of coming to moral decisions through your own judgement and learning, you are told to just follow the law. That is, hand over your moral authority to someone or something else. Not a good idea.
Don’t be ridiculous.
When raising children (which is what GOD is doing with us), you don’t tell them “go figure it out for yourselves” about morality as soon as they can speak.
You tell them “don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t hit your brother” etc.
Later on you may introduce them to more complexities like lying to the enemy in a war, or shooting a criminal to protect life and property etc. and maybe more complex things later.
But the basic rules must be taught first, especially to disobedient heathens like the Children of Israel.
I stand by my statement. I don’t disagree with what you said about raising children though either. However, Try teaching children by starting your every teaching with “thou shalt not” and see how it goes. A right thinking individual would reject such language. And they should.
That’s pride talking.
Comment was made yesterday on the role of Obama. Strikes me that one’s perception of BO is a good separator of those on our side.
OTOH, it is frequently asserted that BO is the “real” president, exercising power through his people in the Brandon administration. This (IMO gullible) opinion is expressed by many in many venues, and I hear it in daily life.
OTOH, many on our side understand that BO is a mere apparatchik. Whatever his exact role, it is subservient and powerless. He obeys.
OT but related, it is surprising to me that so many on our side bought the narrative (and continue to “believe”) that BO is intelligent and eloquent.
IMO BO is the true embodiment of a mediocre intellect. At best a midwit. And his speeches were complete nonsense. It is a matter of taste, I suppose, how his delivery of the nonsense is regarded, but to me it had all the appeal of sodden newspaper.
I am not entirely sure whether these people, as they get to that level, commit some sin as part of their initiation which results in perfect possession, which could catapult him up the ranks somewhat. One thing I will swear to is seeing what looked like a different personality overtake my narcissist, Bob, once. He went from this hunched over, insecure, out of control and resenting it, Gollum-like character peering at me in envy, to a cocky, leaning-back, in-control, bemused, arrogant-Alpha character in the space of a second. You could almost see the different personality fill up his body and take him over. He wasn’t acting, and there was not really any reason for him to want me to see that. It just happened. And as it was happening, my Dogs knew something wild was going on, even though I could not see anything which should have been discernable to them.
I’d never have believed any of that possible without seeing that. But having seen it, I assume something so consequential must have some relation to this fucked up governmental situation.
There is deeper stuff on this planet than the clockwork mechanisms we are taught, and it appears to be vastly more important if you know how things work.
AC, this comment is very informative, and it’s why I’d like to see a page dedicated to theories about what this thing is.
I’ve been pondering the perfect possession angle for a while now, wondering if the MAJORITY of ground surveillance is perfectly possessed. Because when I started to confront them, the reactions were NOTHING like I expected. It’s like they are possessed, but they don’t even know they are possessed. Or they DO realize it, but are helpless somehow.
In short, I 100% agree with you that the clockwork laws of physics are only part of the story, and this world (and universe) are much stranger than we are ever told in school. I say this as a physicist.
Supposedly, MKULTRA programmers can program in different personalities to do different things, and none of them are aware of the others. Springmeier wrote a book on how it’s done. I saved a pdf, but with all the thousands of books I need to read I haven’t gotten to it yet.
I was rereading your book how to deal with narcissists today. It is outstanding and if any commenters have not yet read it, I highly recommend it.
Thank you!
When Obama entered the White House, he was introduced to the people who really run the federal government, and told to go work on improving his golf game for the next eight years, which he did.
I’m not an adherent to Obama being in control (I think what we are seeing is a LACK of control) but him being both in control and incompetent and lazy would explain a lot.
When I see articles saying Obama is calling the shots for Biden I laugh out loud. No way Obama is really that high up in the cabal pecking order. No face is.
Type in on a search engine, an examination of Obama’s use of hidden hypnosis techniques in his speeches. I think it’s available on but also other sites.
Whoever wrote his speeches was a master manipulator. Obama was selected (like ALL Western politicians who gain high status) by the banksteins. Biden is the same. Maybe Trump is also, even if he’s not, there will be major attempts to thwart anything he plans to help the American people, especially from inside his administration. They always get people close to the target.
You can download the hypnosis document as a pdf. It is excellent reading and gives insights into the techniques of manipulation used against us.
New Poll. Reform on 24% -> 109 Seats
Labour falls to 38%. Conservatives 18% making it a wasted vote.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been summoned to the Vatican to be Excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.
What is the point of that journey. Tell Bergoglio to do it by text message.
He should refuse to go and declare that Bergoglio isn’t a Pope.
Send in the swiss guard
In the Tucker Carlson, Massie interview.
Massie reported that AIPAC asked him to write an article.
That is a very Strange, Strange request! What is that?
Does the Anglo-Saxon go to politicians and prospective politicians to write an article? Do the Catholics, Catholic bishops, go to politicians and prospective politicians to write an article? Why does AIPAC do this?
Now connect with what Massie relates and John F. Kennedy writing a pamphlet about America being the “Melting Pot” which is Jewish Messianism. I believe he was also tasked to write this by the Jews–and a Jewish publication did publish his work.
He became President because of that.
Why? Why are the Jews asking politicians and potentials to write articles and stuff?
I believe it is some kind of psychological mind control. I believe it is Kabbala. These people assent. The Jews check to see if this guy is a true believer. They have their hooks in them. This is very, very, strange.
Whose country is this? Why aren’t the Anglo-Saxons asking stuff from politicians that rule over their creation? Why is it the Jews? Why are the Jews asking for this? These people are sorcerers, conjurers. The Kabbalists are about “forming reality” like they form golems, manipulating events to accomplish their goals–that is sorcery.
YOU are NOT in control. If you write something for them–do they then, own your soul????? Is that selling one’s soul to the devil like the actors and singers do in Hollywood???
“…Why? Why are the Jews asking politicians and potentials to write articles and stuff?…”
Old compliance trick. The Chinese made American POW’s do this in North Korea for extra food and cigarettes. Write bland articles, on what they want, first, then gradually ramp up the demands.
A great book on this. Really good.
INFLUENCE The Psychology of Persuasion ROBERT B. CIALDINI
A link to a copy, not sure if it’s correct, but a brief look it appears so. Get a copy and maybe you’ll read it some day. The only downfall is that you realize after you read it how much our society and the people in it are trying to brainwash, trick, influence and bypass your rational thought. It becomes extremely annoying to have all these people using these shake and bake influence patterns on you that they got from some sales seminar, when you know exactly what they’re doing. It’s really annoying.
Thank you!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
Sam it’s good to see you back. Hope you are well.
I’m fine. I just decided to mostly quit commenting, except for a link here and there or reference. The above is a REALLY good book so I linked it. I’m focusing on bizarre sailboat modifications. I have some really out of box ideas about sailboats. Some would say heretical. I have one sailboat to practice mods on now, 27′,(a little small but it was practically given to me), and I’m attempting to get all my broken machinery in order so I can get another, which is the real target. 37′ sailboat. Then. Maybe leave the country. Maybe not, but I would like to have the option.
Oh the fun! I hope it is as awesome as it sounds.
I read that Cialdini book years ago and it is worth a read.
Apologies for the poor meme standard.

Some bright card needs to make a gif of Farage in Mortal Kombat finishing Richi Sunak and moving to Level 2 Keir Stoma
Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues.
“Astronaut Suni Williams will be stuck on the International Space Station for at least another week as experts at NASA and Boeing struggle to fix the spacecraft.
Suni Williams is a former record holder for most spacewalks by a woman (seven)”
-Houston we have a problem.
-What is it?
The doctrinaire/political dispute between Archbishop Vigano and Pope Francis makes me think of the 16th century “Prophecy of the Popes,” predicting the last Pope of the holy Roman Catholic Church would be named “Peter the Roman”…and occur during Pope Francis’s reign.
Wiki has a good summary of the “Prophecy of the Popes.” Even though Pope Francis is not called Peter the Roman or Peter II, he’s certainly living up to St. Malachy’s loose prophecy of the one who is destroying the Church.
Hopefully God, his Son, the Holy Spirit, and the communion of the Saints step in to correct this malady afflicting today’s angst-ridden world. So much of this seems to be in Heaven’s hands. Have faith.
“Hopefully God, his Son, the Holy Spirit, and the communion of the Saints step in to correct this malady”
Jesus Christ founded the Church. It is His. He will preserve it, of this there is zero doubt.
There is a book, “Petros Romanos”, that deals with the Malachy prophesy. The book was written before Ratzinger resigned, but indicated there would be one more Pope (Frankie) before “Peter the Roman” arrived on the scene.
SCOTUS rulings:
Biggest one is Erlinger v US. Guy was a Prohibited Person caught with a gun. Got an enhanced sentence based on multiple burglaries (from 26 years before). Judge didn’t get a jury ruling on whether 3 days of committing burglaries is different burglaries, or one long spree. SCOTUS says that is a fact issue that has to be found by a jury.
The main reason we care is because of the Trump-Bragg case. A lot of this seems to be written specifically for Trump’s case more than Erlinger.
(My emphasis in bold.) Call me fanciful, but it seems to me that they were writing those words straight to Juan Merchan.
The entire charge Trump was given was an enhancement charge — he wasn’t even charged with the underlying misdemeanor (because the statute of limitations had already run on it.) Still, the judge purposefully avoided the jury reaching unanimity on the enhancement element.
Other case of note is State v Munos where a US citizen wanted to bring in her murdering criminal MS-13 husband. State dept refused, and SCOTUS has ruled that you don’t have a right to bring your foreign spouse into the country.
I’m still reading the others, but this is what jumped out.
Remember that PV kicked out James OKeefe and all the loyal people left with him. What is left is 100% cabal, and this is their narrative.
They kicked him out of his own organization right after he did that humorous FAFO video. I always wondered if that had something to do with it.
It is, but it’s also true.
They are revealing a truth as part of a larger plan.
(Probably to pin everything on the Jews and burrow into the woodwork)
Yesterday someone linked the youtube vid on finding GPS trackers in cars. This was very odd to me, as I had just watched the video the same day, based on YTs recommendations. There could be many reasons for this, but I doubt pure coincidence is one.
Interesting. I’ve been doing research into cars for buying a new one sometime next year, so it made sense to me that I was getting a lot of car-related recommendations. Wasn’t looking into GPS trackers though.
One week after the Saudis abandon the dollar there is a renewed interest in looking into their involvement in 911.
Israel did 9/11. See the unimpeachable research by Christopher Bolyn,, and also zioncrimefactory.
The Saudis were duped during the operation and used as patsies to deflect from Israel’s involvement.
A week before 9/11 the head of Saudi Intelligence suddenly resigned. He was an insider from the Saudi royal family. I believe he only got to hear about 9/11 the week before. If so it shows the Saudis were not integral to the operation.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Also interesting, ISIS never attacked Israel should read Apologies.
Valuated at over $4billion, allegedly. Each viewer worth $10,000? Please…
Networks that are bundled into a cable package get a cut of every subscriber’s monthly payment. Doesn’t matter if the subscriber never watches the channel.
Re: The Beam
I was reading about scalar energy, the topic Nikola Telsa was so interested in and the FBI confiscated when he died, and although I don’t understand it well and most of what’s written about it is total bullshit yet some lines really stuck out to me as lining up with AC’s observations.
So the relevant parts I bolded. In short that it’s difficult to shield from this influence, it’s wireless, once powered the target gets more energy bombardment then they spent (may explain why AC couldn’t find obvious power drains in the neighborhood), faraday cages simply don’t work. All of that matches the details as we know them.
Now, IF the Beam uses this sort of process then in theory blocking neutrinos would block the beam. From this link:
I recall AC said that water containers had some success blocking the beam, which is consistent so far. Counter-intuitively, if I’m reading this unfamiliar subject right, lighter particles like hydrogen and boron block neutrinos better than dense ones like lead. Though water is the go-to.
I might be wrong about everything but every idea helps I think?
That sounds perfect.
Best explanation yet
If there is a receiver design that can capture the energy of a scalar wave, then an array of such should provide a shield. The energy cannot both get captured and go past such receiver, if conservation of energy is relevant here.
I agree. If a local small design to produce this could be made it would block out outside ones. A small shield to protect from an undoubtedly larger weapon. How to do so is, at the moment, beyond my knowledge.
My lead hood and blanket seem to help though.
There’s probably more than one tech used.
Somebody for some reason just made Twitter/X’s feed for even the Following feed of who you directly follow non-chronological, which means an algorithm is now totally controlling what we see there, too, which means X is now utterly ruined as a useful news source. If that somebody was Elon, I’m in the mood to sterilize the entire Musk clan asap.
I think this has been the case for some time. There is a workaround, and I just tried it. Just google the name of the person whose tweets you are interested in. Google will provide the last five tweets of that person near the top of the search results.
I am an extreme Noticer. I would’ve noticed before even if one time my Following feed had tweets in the wrong order. So maybe it *is* selective, and I was spared from the algorithm control, I dunno. I know how to directly view the profiles of people I’m most interested in, by simply clicking on their profile, duh. What has been ruined is the ability to scroll through the last hour of tweets during an Event to see what people are saying and sharing. It’s not as bad as Facebook, where I finally figured out this year which thing to select to view posts in chronological order, but before then the Feed would be a chaotic slop of posts from days before. My Twitter Following feed is still bunched together from the same day at least, i.e., tweet from 5 minutes ago, tweet from 2 hours ago, tweet from 20 minutes ago, tweet from 3 minutes ago, etc. And yet, it’s worse now, in a sense, because there is no such option on Twitter to be strictly chronological, not even an obscure option.
Trump Campaign Backtracks on Trump Promise of More College Migrants
He’ll do it again.
We’ll still vote for him, and I think in his calculus, somewhere a pro-migrant person will tell themselves even Trump secretly agrees with their position, and their opposition to him will be diminished, and maybe they don’t go out and vote because the lines are too long, or it takes too long to get there.
I had time after time I would hear something he said, and my asshole would pucker and my head would jerk, like “He said what??!!!” But then a day or two later he has forgotten about it and when all is said and done the enemy was fucked over times ten.
Every time he says something like this people that might have voted for him reject him.
It makes the purist “true conservative/libertarian” position much harder to argue against and I lose people I was convincing.
It’s the same with the stubborn refusal to shut up about the jabs “saving lives”, lots of people are hardened into the never Trump/RFK is better position because of that garbage.
We learned a long time ago that whenever Trump says something that feels like a betrayal, give it two days before reacting. He is very good at these kinds of maneuvers to pull his opponents in and then screw them over.
I see Trump going in big on gun control, and Dianne Feinstein doing a literal happy merchant next to him, rubbing her hands with glee and rocking side to side, at how now, finally, gun owners would get all kinds of fucked over. And then Trump ignored the whole issue and let it die. But if he had fought it, it would have been a big thing. It is very clever.
Exactly. The only concession he ever actually made to them was the ban on bump stocks, and SCOTUS just shot that down entirely.
And I bet they thought they wrecked him with his own base at the time.
But we need immigration, legal as well as illegal, to be a big issue.
And the vast majority of the public is already on our side.
I prefer your method, obviously. I am just hesitant to say I know how things would work, or that it would for sure produce a better outcome. My ideal world would involve immediately public executions, but realistically I am not sure that actually is the best method.
5 Oct 2017 … Dan Bilzerian, the millionaire professional poker player whose playboy … Mine was to get a gun,” he said. Tags Dan Bilzerian Las Vegas shooting …
2 Oct 2017 … Las Vegas shooting: King of Instagram Dan Bilzerian shares video of himself running from festival.
Coinkydink department. Famous people and … mass shootings?