News Briefs – 06/21/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Tucker Carlson Episode 5, It’s safer to be the president’s son than his opponent.

Bombshell report finds Pentagon’s new surveillance tools can ‘pinpoint’ private citizens using access to ‘CCTV feeds, radio stations, news outlets, personal records, hacked information, webcams, and — perhaps most invasive – cellular location data.’

Trump-allied lawyer John Eastman faces disbarment proceedings in California over effort to reverse 2020 election.

Judge Aileen Cannon has set the first court date for former President Donald Trump’s classified documents trial, a little over a week before the first GOP primary debate.

Biden DOJ moves to jail Trump before election, sets trial for Aug 14, 2023.

FBI redacted most of the additional informant files on alleged Biden bribery scheme: Comer.

Hunter Biden won’t be charged with money laundering, bribery or trafficking after ‘slap on the wrist’ plea deal.

Hunter Biden plea deal excludes alleged Biden $10M ‘bribery’ scheme.

Bill Barr’s son-in-law was a Treasury Department official responsible for “reviewing foreign investments in U.S. businesses for national security risks.”

The charges brought against President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, like the gun charge, and the tax charges are rarely brought against first-time offenders and even more rarely result in jail time. One narrative. But here is another from January – The Western District of Oklahoma is aggressively seeking to keep firearms out of the wrong hands by pursuing those who lie in connection with gun purchases.

Special counsel John Durham testified behind closed doors to the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday to address misconduct at the FBI and during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

More than just sex trafficking: Epstein influence peddling revealed in new court filing – bankers, royals, politicians and businessmen in his web of contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents – Musk said: “I don’t recall introducing Epstein to anyone, as I don’t know the guy well enough to do so, Epstein is obviously a creep and Zuckerberg is not a friend of mine. Several years ago, I was at his house in Manhattan for about 30 minutes in the middle of the afternoon with Talulah (Riley, his ex-girlfriend) as she was curious about meeting this strange person for a novel she was writing. We did not see anything inappropriate at all, apart from weird art. He tried repeatedly to get me to visit his island. I declined.”

Actor Jim Caviezel implicates US agencies in child sex trafficking and worse.

The Freemasons, an all-male secret society whose history goes back to the Middle Ages, have been struggling to deal with the transgender movement infiltrating their ranks over the past several years, according to members who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

A trusted source delivered to me an audio recording of Jack Maxey confirming in his own words that he is “Swissbro,” which marks an important development in what was clearly an orchestrated campaign to malign and marginalize Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo for the purpose of discrediting their authoritative dossier on the Biden laptop.

Ron DeSantis privately tells corporate donors he is against U.S tariffs on Chinese goods.

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie argued against bans on sex change treatments for minors.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and an NBC News reporter had a tense interview published Monday that widely centered around his conspiratorial views on vaccines, with the reporter calling their encounter “unsettling.”

2 leading cardiologists have concluded that the death of legendary Australian cricketer Shane Warne was likely precipitated by the Covid mRNA vaccine.

European soccer player has died unexpectedly at 32 years old.

This is interesting:


100 envelopes with white powder sent to Kansas Republican lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

US officials block rescue mission of Titanic tourists.

Titan Five’s ‘last chance’ rescue machinery is flown into Canada airport on colossal US cargo planes… but face 15-hour race across Atlantic and will get to area of missing sub just as emergency air runs out.

The CEO of OceanGate, which is operating the missing Titanic tourist submarine, explains that the company didn’t want to hire any experienced “50 year old white guys” because they weren’t “inspirational.”

Rescue plane hunting missing Titanic submarine with five on board ‘hears banging’ coming every 30 minutes from near wreck site – raising hopes men are ALIVE as search enters make-or-break day.

Nearly $1 billion from the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act will go toward climate-friendly upgrades for federal buildings.

Chicago shootings: 75 shot, 13 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say.

Children with dynamite attempt to blow-up packed grocery store in Philadelphia, appear to have run off when a store worker managed to take their dynamite.

Andrew Tate indicted on rape, human trafficking charges in Romania.

O’Keefe drops biggest story yet: BlackRock recruiter spills info on company’s world impact – “You got $10K? You can buy a Senator.”

A documentary detailing the lives of several individuals who transitioned and then de-transitioned was scrapped by AMC Theatres after pro-transgender activists launched a campaign to stop it from screening.

According to a new study published by Scientific Reports, attractive women were more likely to be “right-wing,” while women whose faces displayed contempt were more likely to be “left-wing.” Contempt and disgust are very similar in the nasolabial area.

Air pollution is turning the flies gay.

California restaurant brought in a fake priest to hear workers’ confessions, hoping an employee would confess sins committed against the employer.

Over one in five Americans express a strong desire to permanently move to another country if given the opportunity, according to a recent Golden/TIPP Poll of 1,480 Americans nationwide. It is unbelievable how dark the world has become within the United States, over these last fifteen years or so. There is almost nothing to stay here for, save the prospect of the battle to make it great again.

YouTube removes Robert F Kennedy Jr video featuring bizarre claim that polluted water makes children transgender.

Monkey torture video ring busted:

Los Angeles resident Lucy Kapetanich helped expose the global monkey torture ring after discovering the videos on YouTube.

She told the BBC she used to watch cute animal videos on YouTube to relax after a long day. Among her favorites was a channel documenting the lives of a chimpanzee family at a zoo in Japan. But she said YouTube’s algorithms gradually started presenting her more abusive videos, until she saw the monkey torture.

“All it takes is one click and, bam, it’s all over your feed,” she told the BBC.

How do you go from innocent cat videos to monkey torture? What do you want to bet those videos were not being presented randomly to some specific people, but rather were presented as part of a psychological program designed to manipulate their psychology. The ability to take people and offer them videos is incredibly powerful as a psychological tool.

Finland’s right-wing parties strike deal to form government.

Sweden: Muslim migrant on welfare stabs 9-year-old girl and her grandmother while screaming ‘Allahu akbar.’

France News: African migrant attacks elderly woman and granddaughter in Bordeaux, shocking visuals surface from home surveillance camera.

In Germany, the avowedly anti-immigrant and Euroskeptic Alternative for Deutschland Party, known as AfD, is now neck-and-neck with the Social Democrats, the party of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Biden’s policy on China is now outright appeasement.

Blinken: Some Chinese firms ship Fentanyl precursors to cartels by accident — China stopped helping, but ‘it’s not sbout pointing fingers.’

Ukraine’s armed forces command is plotting to deliver strikes on Russian territory, including Crimea, with HIMARS rockets and Storm Shadow missiles, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said at a ministry board meeting on Tuesday.

Pentagon accounting error provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid.

Russia advances in Ukraine as Zelenskyy stresses: ‘We have no lost positions.’

Longstanding downtown Minneapolis gay bar The Saloon will no longer sell Bud Light or other Anheuser-Busch beverages because of how the beer brand handled backlash from a marketing campaign involving a transgender influencer.

Bud Light sales suffer biggest weekly fall since boycott—down 30 percent.

Spread r/K Theory, because it doesn’t have to be dark

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1 year ago

No link to RFK’s anti deep state speech?

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Scruffy
1 year ago
1 year ago

RFK Jr’s speech that is pro peace, and anti-deepstate.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Scruffy
1 year ago

…and Medicare for everyone.
(Hard eye roll)

1 year ago

comment image?w=826&ssl=1

What’s wrong with Independents?
Dems are worse but they are dropping, Independents are holding steady.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I doubt any opinions have changed; they’re just reporting them more honestly.

Polls generally say what the people who are paying for them want.

The question is, after trying to ram LGBTQABCXYZ down our throats for more than a decade, why are they backing off now?

Aaron Kulkis
Aaron Kulkis
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

You misspelled G-BLT-OMG-BBQ-WTF-LOL-HA-HA-HA.

1 year ago

Glitch in the date matrix or checking to see if we’re awake?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It tripped me up. I saw yesterday’s date and assumed today’s brief was running late. I figured it out about an hour ago.

1 year ago

“Whiteguy” made a great poast ystdy about “The Devil’s Economy”. I like that way if thinking about it.

I’d say that Finance is “The Devil’s Economy” and that The Economy is “God’s Economy”.

It’s important to distinguish conceptually between Finance and Economics. Thid isn’t usually done (at least anymore). And that’s been intentional. Finance is today treated conceptually as Economics. Or, the heart of Economics. That’s pretty much all that matters for Economists.

But that’s a conceptual failure. Economics is pretty much just Logistics: making things and moving them around to where they are wanted. It really is that simple. It is also the life of a Nation. And the key to military power and self-detemination.

Finance is something else entirely and very very complex to understate things.

It’s the same relationship between a Loan and Interest. These two things are completely conceptually distinct. The first in now way requires the second. But the second requires the first as a host. Few appreciate this anymore.

My position is that Finance is Usury. And that Finance/Usury is essentially entropic. And Satan is entropy manifest.

The US is experiencing massive entropy. China and Russia are not. Finance rules the US. Finance does not rule China or Russia.

Both Usury and Satan are considered dead letters by almost everyone today. And the hobbyhorses of the mentally unbalanced and probably dangerous.

Note: entropy is a fascinating concept. And fairly recent, I think. I used the word above very loosely because I really don’t understand the history of the concept. I just mean “loss of energy”. I probably shouldn’t have and entropy may be a lawgic trap like evolution of fossil fuels. But I did it anyway lol. Sorry.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

It comes down to production and value creation.
What of value is produced in the US of Gay? Porn? Fake HR diversity jobs? Chemical castration of children? Marvel and Star Wars movies nobody watches?
The US “economy” is fake and gay — so why not finance it wit fake and gay dollars?

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

It’s fake and gay because that is the best way to maximize debt service (usury).

If one games out usury as a technology, that’s pretty clear.

It’s a very interesting thought experiment and fairly easy. Just pretend in your mind that you want to be the best usurer ever. I mean, you really want to master the craft.

I think the first thing realized is that loans to ppl engaged in large scale industry is right out. Too inflexible a situation. That money is tied up too long. And the interest rate constrained by external factors.

Ah! But that assumes that the business wants to expand or at least continue on as before.

What if the business is willing to cannibalize itself to pay your interest? Well, it can support a lot more debt service. De-Industrialization. Not too much cannibalization though. Not too fast. There’s a sweet spot.

And then one realizes that the real power of the usurer is the ability to allocate success. Whichever company gets preferential terms wins. That’s the cold hard truth. Run it through.

From another perspective, take a business. Assume zero debt payment watch how this business is run. Assume competence. Now slowly increase debt service. How does decisionmaking change as ddbt service increases? One can do this with a family too….

So, as a skilled usurer the first few realizations are that I want to loan to ppl and businesses that do not care about sustainable expansion or maintenance. I can also decide winners. So I can create businesses like this and drive others out of the market.

Hell, I can create entire industries designed to maximize my return. I think this is Silicon Valley. And social media.

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

Homosexual couples generally have two disposable incomes and no children, so have leisure time to spend lavishly on lifestyle rather than save for their heirs. This is the main corporate interest. Homosexuals also have a lower than average life expectancy, so are expected to receive less, if any, social security and medicare they have paid into. This is the main government interest.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Zippy Catholic put together this fantastic primer on usury back in 2014; it’s a complex matter, since getting paid today is more valuable than getting paid next week, ergo a loan does imply interest – however, it’s obvious as sin how easy it is to enslave people through unjust and manipulative interest rates (a similar distinction exists between sales and scams, rhetoric and bullshit). It’s LONG even though it’s only a primer, but I strongly recommend that everyone give it a glance. It summarizes the essentials of what Thesokorus and Whiteguy are calling Gods Economy vs Satan’s Economy – though I didn’t notice that until Tesokorus pointed out the usury aspect.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

That dude is terrible. It’s a limited hangout. There are only loans and usury. All pymnts of interest on money lent are usury.

Usury is ineradicable and entropic. It doesn’t stop being usury or entropic because it is below some arbitrary threshhold. Or because Christians have been willing to accept it or even embrace it.

When I looked at his stuff years ago I was thoroughly unimpressed. It was all based on a citation to an obscure Pope and a seemingly non existent Bull.

Usury is not converted from an entropic endeavor to a eutropic endeavor at some breakpoint. At X% usury does not become some efficiency discovering tool or some hidden hand beneficial distribution mechanism. 6% is bad but 5.9% is good? What?

The understanding that there is some rate where usury can be tolerated or be harnessed for social good is a meme the usurers spent centuries pushing.

Ben Shapiro types whining “but who will lend to the poor so they can eat and have warm clothes without usury!?!”

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Entropy is not a loss of energy, but a degradation of the order of a system. Anyway, I replied to you on 6/20 about fasting.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Ok. Thanks for the correction. I shouldn’t use that concept until I understand it.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I’ll put this here too in re diet

I have been doing a carnivore diet for a few years now. And while not OMAD I have a narrow eating window.
I have additonal Qs in the 6/20 thread. Idk how best to continue this.
I will put them here too.
“Keto flu” is often, not always, but often a paradoxical increase in water intake. Burning fat releases water and many are already drinking sig water. So, the water from fat loss plus usual intake can become excessive and wash out minerals etc etc.
What is your opinion on “fat adaptation”? Meaning that the bonking in early stages of vlcd stops as the body becomes more efficient at burning fat. This has apparently happened to me and endurance activities are back to normal. Did take approx 9 mnths though.
Heck I have another. Thoughts on fat ratio in vlcd or carnivore diets? I’m still messing with this. I think I could run on almost 100% fat at least for the short term.

PS I have no experience or knowledge re dry fasting. Looks cool if extreme. I have always been a heavy water drinker, so idk. But hell will probably try.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I replied on the 6/20 thread, but forgot to talk about fat ratio. I go for more fat – 80/20 ground beef, ribeyes, adding butter, olive oil, etc. Basically following the principle of replacing the carbs calories with fat (not protein) calories.

Most people need to work up to it, though. A radical change to very high fat ratios can cause digestive issues, and it happened to me. I’m curious about your take on this – what fat ratio do you aim for, and did you experience digestive issues in the beginning and had to adjust?

As for “fat adaptation”, in my experience it is real. And it is awesome, almost like a super power.

For dry fasting please be super cautious. No need to keep going if you don’t feel ok.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Sounds like I do what you do. Protein not crazy and carbs replaced by fat. I don’t measure or count.

Fairly early on I was drinking 1/2 and 1/2 to make upsome kcal loss. Fine. Works. May have some weirdness with causing weight gain. Idk. That is my sense. But it works.

But, when I tried full cream I got what I think was bile issues with digestion.

So, yeah. Fat digestion has to ramp up. Ikd if HCL would help initially….

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

In re entropy.

Was my use of the term appropriate? In the sense of not necessarily being right, but not completely inappropriate?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Well I accidentally chose a good word then!

Because this:

“That is why many processes which require energy to occur can utilize a linked process which causes an increase in entropy elsewhere to drive the linked process, which would otherwise not occur.”

Is exactly what I think Cabal is doing and we perceive it as denial of resources.

Anyway, I am a crank of the subject of usury. I admit it. But I do see what you describe as the way a highly skilled usurer would operate. That is precisely how they would set up their extraction system. And with large amnts of currency, it is trivially easy.

Highly skilled here meaning embracing the technique and becoming highly accomplished in its use and in understanding how it all works. Absent social or Christian qualms. Viewing it as a game.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Well I accidentally chose a good word then!

Because this:

“That is why many processes which require energy to occur can utilize a linked process which causes an increase in entropy elsewhere to drive the linked process, which would otherwise not occur.”

Is exactly what I think Cabal is doing and we perceive it as denial of resources.

Anyway, I am a crank of the subject of usury. I admit it. But I do see what you describe as the way a highly skilled usurer would operate. That is precisely how they would set up their extraction system. And with large amnts of currency, it is trivially easy.

Highly skilled here meaning embracing the technique and becoming highly accomplished in its use and in understanding how it all works. Absent social or Christian qualms. Viewing it as a game.

1 year ago

“California brings in fake priest..” Here is even worse news. New Order priests unless they’re approaching a century old are invalid and fake and gay. Shoot for Perfect Contrition, I guess. Strangely, those fags show absolutely no interest in hearing Confessions so that’s a little surprising, you’d thing they’d take the most advantage of that.

1 year ago

A poll of 1480 americans?

They couldn’t find 8 more?

Wiki (lol) has 1480AD as a very very interesting year.

1 year ago

This Titanic submarine disaster story has just got to be Miles Mathis Committee style psy-op.

I mean pls nukka.

Also noticed that the usual suspects put out the obligatory “Orcas are bad okay? Pls remember. Thinking they are cool as hell is very unhygenic and problematic that’s whypipo thinking thnxs”.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

“This Titanic submarine disaster story has just got to be Miles Mathis Committee style psy-op.”

I was thinking the same thing. Its featured on TV, so automatically you know its fake.

Either there never was a submarine and the whole thing was made up, or its cover for the targeted assassination of the “billionaire” and the other crew and passengers.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

This is right up there with Elon Mucks taking William Shatner into space.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I’m interested to see if it’s a braindead tech CEO trying some viral marketing strategy like the “UFO balloon kid” thing from years ago. The idea being there was never anyone onboard the sub, and they’ll reveal their hoax when they can best capitalize on the marketing drama it’s created.

Naming the company Ocean Gate (latching on to watergate, etc.), their racist anti-white messaging about old boring white engineers, firing a whistleblower then getting dunked on for the very error he was whistleblowing, it’s all too perfectly coordinated to be a real organic event.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

The problem is, there are LOTS of reasons this seems real to me. My undergrad had me taking classes in undersea design, pressure vessels, life support and the design decisions made by an aerospace engineer (the owner) just make me laugh. So much stupid concentrated into one project, honestly it’s amazing that it lasted as long as it did.
There is a reason why oil and gas still use steel and alloys at depth, instead of carbon fiber.

I chalk it up to “stupid boomer, thinks he’s smarter than Bernoulli” and then pressure equation squished him like a bug, literally.

1 year ago

I just do not know how ppl can not see Meatwad DeSantis as Chamber of Commerce stooge ready to step in once DJT gets imprisoned.

Spoiler: no one does it is all fake and gay.

Spoiler spoiler: Meatwad does epic heel turn and backs DJT after DJT skates again.

1 year ago

Longstanding downtown Minneapolis gay bar The Saloon will no longer sell Bud Light or other Anheuser-Busch beverages because of how the beer brand handled backlash from a marketing campaign involving a transgender influencer.
I see no downsidehere, The gays and trannies are having a pissing cat-fight contest? Why should I care ? Sounds like a WIN-WIN to me .
What am I missing ?

Reply to  Chriz
1 year ago

It’s being intentionally cratered for a reason, the dogpiling from both homos and conservatives on both sides is too orchestrated to be natural. We need to look past the “fuck trannies” hubris and see what the larger motive could be.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
1 year ago

GROUNDHOG DAY, today, same as yesterday, I hate that song when the radio alarm strikes 6…

1 year ago

boo boo – Date wrong – 21 not 20 – like maybe you need more to do?

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

Well well. That mud in Sweden who stabbed the kid and her grandmother just so happened to visit his psychiatrist on the same day as the stabbings.
Now where have we heard stuff like this before?

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Notice they never stab their psychiatrist.

1 year ago

Again, AC gets to make jokes, including jokes that go God Emperor Donald J. Trump, without religious types going “tut, tut.”

Billy Graham visited President Eisenhower, and then did a dive on the front lawn of the White House to do a theatrical public prayer. Very sensibly, Eisenhower, a baptized Christian, war leader, a leader of a nation of many, many religious views, banned Billy Graham from coming to the White House again while he was president. Billy Graham took a holy action done with his own regional cult, and made it a political spectacle.

It would be like talking about “TREASON!!!” when referring to the AI picture of Donald Trump in Russian general kit.

Or trans-species-ism when Trump tweeted that photo of him as Pepe firing up the ovens.

And, really, when these people write Rules for Revolutionaries where they say make fun of your target, treat your target with contempt? I mean, Exodus and Revenge of the Nerds are two ends of that rainbow. The obvious counterweight is to really amp up, and delight in, celebrating your heroes. It’s not like the other side believes the contempt. You should read the article listing out the descendants of one rabbi. The writer is flat ecstatic that one of the descendants gets to be King of Poland for one day. I mean, that’s practically a Polish joke, but he’s serious.

I mean, we’ve all had to read the science fluff stories about the indignities of King Tut’s anatomy for the past few years. The thing is, we live in a world, among people who could make his death mask a thing of beauty that crosses millenia, and still looks serene, regal, royal, good. The beauty lasts. The imagination and craftsmanship lasts.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

no graham fan here but… west pointers nicknamed dwight “ike” “eisen” “hauer” the terrible swedish jew. maybe they knew he would be the public leader of the holohoaxing cult… who said we are fighting due to the camps. that experienced no six gorillion and ran out of supplies as the allies bombed. i’d also compare all camp pics mathis style to real photos. and see whether any came from the camps were german soldiers were starved per morgenthau after WWII.

1 year ago

It won’t end well for John Durham or for the dirty criminals he is protecting.

1 year ago

ON the topic of the submarine:

Is it possible the entire story is just cabal comms?

I was thinking about how they haven’t had too much big stuff going on while the Trump indictment goes on. It’s important for the public to pay attention to that.

And suddenly this drowning sub comes in? Well, it can’t take up the entire hour, but it can promote some curiosity for the news which might cause people to stick around and absorb some Trump indictment propaganda.

But more importantly, is there something symbolic here? Q brought up the Titanic of course. Trump and Q could be associated. Trump also cast doubt on such things as the official 9/11 story?

Is this there way of saying that people who investigate the history of Titanic will be “crushed”, just as they are doing to Trump right now for asking too many questions and waking up too many people?

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Note the hatch is fastened with 17 bolts.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Just imagine the “Captain Phillips,” type of movie they will make if these people are “rescued.”

1 year ago

Monkey Torture videos free on Youtube + hajjiis stabbing little kids and old ladies…

The word “soulless” exists for a reason. There are people in this world who need killing.

1 year ago

Wife of missing sub pilot Stockton Rush descended from Isador and Ida Straus, first-class passengers who died on Titanic: report

Donald Trump Jr. Hints Missing Submarine Story Is A PSYOP

Thrill-seeker pulled out of missing Titanic sub trip over fears it was ‘cutting too many corners’

Comment from another site:

[quote]Okay. I wasn’t going to say this yet but…think of the similarities. The names “Titanic” verses “Titan.” Both were supposed to be unsinkable engineering marvels. I’m guessing the sub lacks any sort of “escape pod” or “escape hatch” just like the Titanic didn’t have enough lifeboats. And rich people on board. Anyhow…I hope they make it somehow. [/quote]

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The name “Titan” also mirrors a book that was written before the Titanic sunk that many point to as a predictive programming piece of fiction, as it tells the “fictional” tale of a magnificent ship “Titan” going to sea and sinking to an iceberg collision.

Brief Synopsis: “In 1898, just 14 years before the Titanic disaster, the writer Morgan Robertson wrote the novel ‘Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan’, a book that tells the story of a fictional ship whose sinking bears several similarities with real-life events in 1912.”

Too many orchestrated coincidences, the script writers are getting lazy.

1 year ago

Rand Paul: Trump ‘Should Be Proud of’ Operation Warp Speed, It Likely Saved Lives Among High-Risk

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

wow…just wow. “likely”…wow.

1 year ago

The United States carried out a giant operation to guarantee Lula’s inauguration, which included the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon and pressure on the Brazilian military

1 year ago

The Taliban threatens to ‘conquer Iran’ in a dispute over shared river

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

If the Taliban controls the Afghanistan government, then it is the Afghanistanian government making the threat; if ‘they’ going to “think” this way, then it is the Democratic Party/Uniparty engaged in the war in Ukraine and is threatening Russia.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

This fits in with my theory that our entire panicked pullout of Afghanistan was in fact staged. And that we left all the weaponry behind because we had a secret alliance with the Taliban for them to be a source of destabilization and irritation in the region. The fact that the CIA was still openly operating in Afghanistan and carrying out drone strike assassinations should have been the confirming clue. This pretty much seals the deal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Interesting take.

Consider this, it is now easy to resupply Taliban with US weapons.
New US weapons will be assumed to have come from the original stock.