Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
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From 4Chan, unverified, but interesting:
The Israelis have been secretly supplying U.S. law enforcement with antipersonnel radar units that can see through walls. They’re called XAVER imaging systems. U.S. L.E. has been secretly and illegally using them for years but recently slipped up and had to admit to their existence in a court case.
They set one of these things up in a cop’s or trusty’s residence in a neighborhood and have a 100 yard radius of visibility through structures except (possibly) through metal. A network of these can be setup and controlled by one operator.
Biden campaign creates taskforce to combat videos of his brain malfunctioning in public.
Joe Biden seemingly struggles to enter an SUV following fundraiser event.
A community meeting in Brooklyn devolved into a shouting match when concerned residents from several family-friendly neighborhoods expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with their councilmember over the crime surrounding a huge migrant shelter in the area. If you elected them, they would serve you, and you would not need to yell. If you need to yell, you are yelling at an agent of the conspiracy.
After 12 years of DACA: 68K illegal aliens were awarded DACA despite prior arrests.
Ecuador suspends China visa deal amid flood of US-bound migrants.
Alec Baldwin engaged in ‘horseplay’ with firearm before deadly ‘Rust’ shooting, prosecutors say.
New ‘compelling evidence’ found at Roswell UFO site could prove alien craft crashed in 1947, experts say. Pure Aluminum.
Tons of bizarre and unusual skin disorders are developing after Covid “vaccinations.”
Doctors shocked, Covid vaccines make people retarded — Study.
Pharmaceutical industry is bankrolling obesity group that promotes ‘body positivity.’ Surprise! They want you fat, unhealthy, and addicted to their medications.
GPT-4 has passed the Turing test, researchers claim. People cannot tell it is not a human they are talking with. Though it is still retarded, like a leftist.
New website exposes Zionist politicians who take Israeli bribes. Be interesting, since Israel appears to at least function as a sort of asset-handler for the broader conspiracy. TrackAIPAC:
Wikipedia moves to bar ADL, claiming reliability concerns on Israel and antisemitism.
Wikipedia editor ‘Iskandar323’ behind push to ban ADL is heavily “palestine” propagandist. Nobody in the arena is acting unilaterally. I have harassment surveillance because I act unilaterally and say what I want to say, without seeking permission. Wikipedia is practically a CIA property, so banning ADL looks like the start of pointing everyone at the Jews again.
Margarita Gusak, 21: Artist with plans to attend medical school, murdered by Hamas terrorists while fleeing the Supernova music festival on October 7. Just a reminder, this is what the elites, who are all one team, on all sides, do to innocent kids, to keep us fighting each other. The moved her music festival to put her there, so that would happen to her.
Houthis sink their second ship in Red Sea: a Greek-owned coal carrier.
German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions.
Poll predicts historic victory sending Nigel Farage to UK Parliament in July election.
Farage tells packed rally the People’s Army is changing the course of British history again.
The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law.
Republican lawmakers in Michigan propose AR-15 as state gun.
GPT-4 has passed the Turing test, researchers claim. People cannot tell it is not a human they are talking with. Though it is still retarded, like a leftist.
They’re lying.
in what sense is Austin Elon’s hometown? And how could he know that the would-be assassins traveled there from elsewhere?
> New ‘compelling evidence’ found at Roswell UFO site could prove alien craft crashed in 1947, experts say. Pure Aluminum.
We make pure aluminum in railcar-sized lots, commercially. It’s the cheapest form of aluminum you can buy.
The Washington Monument is capped with aluminum – it cost more than gold back then when the only way to separate it from ore and impurities was via laborious and expensive chemical processes.
Now we refine aluminum by electricity, one atom at a time, in big tanks of electrolyte. Pure aluminum is the result. It’s soft and weak and not good for much; mostly for decorative purposes. You can whittle it with a pocket knife like hard wood.
Aluminum only becomes useful when carefully doped with other elements; primarily copper and silicon. It is also normally heat (or cold) treated in most commercial forms.
Yeah, it doesn’t really fit the reports of material that would return to original shape after crumbling or burn proof, or self repairing, non cut able.
> Pharmaceutical industry is bankrolling obesity group that promotes ‘body positivity.’
Apparently the War on Keto hasn’t worked as well as they hoped.
The medical industry’s profits are based on ill health; obesity is a big contributor to that. The food industry works hand-in-hand with them, loading almost everything with carbohydrates and chemicals. Everyone wins, except for the suckers who die early.
More like hand to mouth.
> GPT-4 has passed the Turing test, researchers claim. People cannot tell it is not a human they are talking with. Though it is still retarded, like a leftist.
Nearly thirty years ago I realized many of the people I encountered on the internet couldn’t pass the Turing test.
I would very much recommend people look into the Bormann Organization. I think it explains a great many things. also, The Finders, and the Process Church
The Process Church of the Final Judgement were around during the Charles Manson era and were suspected of similar atrocities, with links to high level satanism.
“Doctors shocked, Covid vaccines make people retarded — Study.”
Those “shocked doctors” should have been part of the study! 😉
“Surprise! They want you fat, unhealthy, and addicted to their medications.”
Exactly. Avoid grains and vegetable oils, limit sugar intake, and eat lots of animal products, and you will be far healthier than the majority of Americans. Steak and eggs for the win!
“Doctors shocked, Covid vaccines make people retarded — Study.”
Did they control for the possibility that those who took the vaxx voluntarily were already retarded ?
LOL That’s hilarious!
A UK Parliament with Nigel Farage and George Galloway might be fun to watch.
As for Iowa predicting Wisconsin and Minnesota, those states have large conurbations where African Americans and Somalis count the votes. Actual votes don’t matter. Rewatch “American Gangster,” but substitute votes for the heroin.
Latest poll (People Polling) has
The seventh link is about the politics of the Supreme Court.
I read the article, and went through the associated links, and found this Politico story about the politics of the Supreme Court:
It relies heavily on math, which will be a plus for some and a minus for others, but it covers pretty much all you need to know on the subject.
Ecuador suspends China visa deal amid flood of US-bound migrants.
Ecuador Hit by Nationwide Blackout
maybe it was a chinkoindence?
Castalia House (VD’s publisher) is serializing the 1911 Cambridge Medieval History online here:
The pharma companies listed, especially novo nordisk, are all insulin manufacturers.
Something you might like is here: a fellow who finds a GPS tracker under his dash connected to his car’s OBDII port for power.
But the really important thing is in the comments. You will find hundreds of people in the comments saying a similar story of how they found GPS trackers on their car, plugged in, draining their battery.
Those devices are installed by car lots to locate and repo the vehicle if folks decide to quit making their payments and keep the vehicle. Very useful when on a repo job. Sometimes they arent removed after the car is paid off because the dealer forgets or the customer has moved away.
Bought a used vehicle years ago. If the vehicle was idle for perhaps a week like when parked at the airport, the battery would discharge. Happened multiple times. Auto shops solved the problem by saying, “must be a bad battery” or “there might be a problem with the alternator.” The last time it occurred my extremely pregnant wife had a conniption fit at the auto shop. The men snapped to and REALLY started digging. They pulled a multi piece GPS tracker with tens of feet of wiring off of the engine. Never a problem after that. That crap is real.
Wow. You are here, so you are an independent thinker. To them, you might as well be a deep-cover terrorist sleeper.
Yes, those devices are kind of like little cellphones, in that they have their own IMEI numbers and use the cell network for GPS. They’re ‘always on’ and consume power even when the car is turned off. It is much easier to repo a vehicle when it is parked and the engine is off, than when the nonpaying customer is sitting in the driver’s seat and cruising around town. Much safer, too.
XAVER—Prof. Charles Xavier of the X-men is a master telepath in the comics. Also, he is Jewish.
Means anything? I dunno.
I outgrew superheroes before I hit puberty, and I now see them as some kind of Gamma Jewish power fantasy. Professor Xavier being a Jewish psychic probably means something, but I can’t say what.
I think the underlying message, and the reason they promote the superhero thing to the youth now, is it says those who are great at the top of the game have it dropped in their lap overnight with no work. It is very different from Rocky, or the Jean Claude Van Damme movies of the 90’s, where he gets his ass kicked in the beginning, and has to crawl away with nothing but motivation, lick his wounds, find a master to study under, and then you get the training scenes showing years of work set to music, before he graduates to the point he can seek out the bad guys and get justice.
If you want to be like that for real, be really awesome, it is a lot of autism-level drilling. It is not glamorous, or easy, it is putting on headphones, and drilling for two to three hours a day, every day, until the nerves which drive the muscle build up higher levels of neurotransmitters in the little pouches at the synapses, the synapses all structure themselves to have muscle memory, the muscles and bloodflow build up the mitochondria have the ATP kept on tap where it is needed. And it does seem like there is some kind of Chi-energy type thing which creates some kind of hardness to the forces you create, though maybe that is just all neurological.
The superhero thing to me is saying to the kids, the top monkey got that way because a spider bit him, or he stupidly let himself get hit with Gamma radiation, and now he is kicking everyone’s ass, and he is super cool, and everyone is in awe of the greatness which was dropped in his lap, and which he takes so lightly he is making wisecracks all the time, because it means nothing to him.
The message they do not want to deliver is, if you want to be awesome, you have to give up on the now, and accept the next ten years will suck and you will have nothing to enjoy, and no adventure, while you drill for hours mindlessly and perfect your skills, or build your businesses while living like a pauper, or chase mathematical equations that over and over lead nowhere in hopes you will stumble on one which goes somewhere. I always took that message in growing up because that was how the people I really looked up to became legitimately awesome. Of course now I am maladapted to their fake WWE world, where everyone is fake-awesome, and I do not accept any of their hierarchy as having any relevance to my world. I see their geniuses as fake, their billionaires as fake, and them as fake. And I am cool busting my ass here, getting beamed nightly, all because on this path there is a 30% chance we are literally going to kill all of them within the next ten to fifteen years. They don’t want people willing to give up on the immediate satisfaction for planned and worked-for satisfaction later.
I think they are trying to program people to think being the top of the pack just happens out of the blue, so nobody wastes time developing real greatness and everyone looks for that instant jump, which is exactly what they offer.
If they then show up and offer to make you the best artist, the best singer, the best actor, the best billionaire, the best political commentator, the big scientific genius, whatever, there is a ready pool which expects it to work that way, and they can begin grooming them to then fully accept their system, which is doing awful shit, letting yourself get blackmailed, taking it in the ass on camera, hurting a child, and so on, and then in public posing as the superhero who just fell into awesomeness.
It jumps out at me because the dudes I knew who were legit awesome were the opposite of the Superheroes they present, in every way. There would be no wisecracks, and their personalities had a force behind them which you would feel, and which made them a little scary when I was a kid, and adapting to it. Very different from everything you see in this world, and a big part of the reason I reject their system. I have seen real greatness, they are not it, and I can see the deep shit their people will be in if the truly great ever have the scales fall from their eyes, and realize the war at hand. They need that psyop.
It also feeds their world view that some people are just born in a super class far beyond everyone else and justified in looking down on everyone else as cattle, or pets at best.
And they want the cattle seeing it that way and accepting it.
That was always one of my problems with Star Wars, Force users were just so far beyond the average man that stormtroopers and rebel soldiers almost didn’t matter, your whole side could get wiped out but the battle could still be won if the Jedi beat the Sith.
It’s not true in life and it never has been.
Take the greatest SF guys out there and put them up against enough gorilla IQ cannon fodder and they lose.
Up against really good ordinary grunts it takes even less.
They know the only way they win is if we don’t even try, so they want us to feel as if it is not worth trying.
(“Do or do not, there is no try” is part of the same message and also fits with their damnable lock everything down 100% intelligence mindset)
My go-to example in entertainment was FBI Agent Clarice Starling, who very actively pursued her education and career, vs. say, Colin Farrell’s character in The Recruit, who’s a crack shot because XBox. Also true to life that by Hannibal the sequel, her options are limited not by her ability but by professional jealousy. Real-life feds don’t get ahead by solving crimes, they get ahead by burying them.
Even the anime “Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z” has superheroes training to become stronger.
Hard work and guts.
ACs power levels??
Yes. Xavier was also a holocaust survivour– explicitly so, with a tattoo. Very true to life in that it is his excuse/justification to his psychopathy, like you know who.
Obama is to blame. He wanted change and wrought that upon a deceived public. His community organizing was a search for divisiveness and wedges to rile up people. He didn’t have real solutions beyond burning it all down, and escaped to one of his mansions to plot more bullshit.
Now he continues to manipulate that facile liar Biden and the rest of those true believer wreckers and their Lügenpresse fellow travelers. He needs to be on trial for his crimes against Americans, Ukrainians and so many others.
Obama is as much a figure head as Biden. Obama is not the real power behind the throne, he is simply a well groomed narcissist who was raised inside the Machine, his mother being old family cabal, and he knows very well how to play the part.
Trump proposes green cards for foreign grads of US colleges, departing from anti-immigrant rhetoric
What is wrong with him?!
He says bullshit to appease the enemy sometimes, then once the steam is out of their sails, he ignores them and does what he wants.
If you go by his actions, his historical record was great, but if you go by what he says, it is endlessly frustrating. Maybe it is by his fruits ye shall know him.
But I agree, I would just love to ignore the political game and fucking war it.
Considering the Cabal and its leftist toadies have been engaged in open warfare against not only Trump, but the whole of legacy America for at least a century, I think the time for goofy political posturing is over.
We need direct action, and we need to see it actualized in front of us in real time.
We passed the precipice some time ago, it’s time to flap our arms fast enough and hard enough to fly back to the cliff edge and grab hold, we are in coyote time and it is running out.
No more weak and halfhearted moves.
Every time he does something like this he loses or demotivates voters.
It gets very hard to defend him sometimes, like when he endorses never trumper swamp creatures, praises the jabs while the truth about them is coming out, and undercuts his selling points like this.
The Purist is a minority.
Softly-softly catchy monkey
We will all be singing this soon enough.
“Nobody in the arena is acting unilaterally. I have harassment surveillance because I act unilaterally and say what I want to say, without seeking permission. Wikipedia is practically a CIA property, so banning ADL looks like the start of pointing everyone at the Jews again.”
How in the FUCK does it make any sense for you to argue that banning *the ADL* from dominating Wikipedia is a bad thing? You want me to brutally turn on you again? Keep absolving the Jewish LEADERSHIP. Be *careful* not to second-guess yourself all the way up your own ass. Remember your YEARRRRRRRS of linking to Q, even when there weren’t any updates for MONTHS. Consider the possibility that, yes, in fact, patriots — those who are RELATIVELY patriotic, anyway — are proverbially and LITERALLY in control. Stop sounding like a fucking Zionist tool. Thanks.
Simpleton or fed?
> You want me to brutally turn on you again?
Lol who are you bro? Don’t forget AC wrote a book on spotting and dealing with narcissistic behavior, I don’t think your little temper tantrum is going to go the way you think round here partner.
I think it meant as was self-deprecating humor.
I don’t have time or energy to respond to a lot now, but I was not opposed to ADL being kicked of Wikipedia. ADL are obviously Cabal shitbags. I am just trying to divine out what things will look like in ten to fifteen years, and what we will have been through. And to that end, I was saying the script looks to me to be a rerun of Germany and the Jews in WWII right now. I think we are close to the public grasping it faces an intel operation subverting everything, and as we approach that, it is laying the groundwork now to simply say it is The Jews, and then begin to eradicate them as a sacrifice to the masses to try and save itself.
Obviously I oppose any script which lets the perpetrators, in any form escape justice, and which will allow the surveillance to continue to operate. We need full, honest exposure, and the conspiracy, and only the conspiracy destroyed.
Only deluded people think things are under control. When the simmer reaches the boil, you’ll be surprised by it like all of the other frogs left (those few who didn’t cook already)
You are just another useful idiot at this point.
Missouri sues IBM for alleged discrimination against whites, Asians