News Briefs – 06/19/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Travel To Europe Costs Americans A Premium If Done Late

DFT – It May Take Decades To Rebuild Ukrainian Agricultural Exports

DFT – IEA Cautions About Potential Oil Shortage

DFT – US National Debt Passes $31 Trillion

DFT – European Central Bank Warns European Commission To Not Steal Russian Interest

We are under some kind of hostile action, so please bear with us in the coming weeks.

Fun fact to fuck with your head: On the morning of 9/11, at the very moment the planes were hitting the towers, George W. Bush was reading a book to a group of school children. The book was titled, The Pet Goat. It was about a family which had a goat in it, which they were going to get rid of because they did not like the fact the goat voraciously ate up everything they had. But as they are about to get rid of it, the goat fought off a bad guy who attacked the family, and then the family decided it should keep the goat around after all and let it eat everything they had. However the book indicated there was more to the story, strangely, after telling the story, ending with the phrase, “More to come…,” which were the last words George W. Bush said to the children before taking off and “dealing” with 9/11.

The “family” has a Goat-head in it they don’t like, which sucks down everything they have, and they want to be rid of it, until an enemy is fought off by the goat, and then they accept the goat, and let it continue to eat everything they have. Except there was more to come abut the story, but you wouldn’t know it. (Like maybe the goat paid the enemy to attack the family so it could fight him off and continue to eat the family out of house and home?)

Is it possible that day was scripted down to the book George W. Bush would read, which would foreshadow the entire, “US Government fights off terrorists, and we decide maybe we should keep it around for saving us,” part of the script? Did all those fucking noble kids who got blown up and burned, and so fucked in the head they committed suicide, for decades afterward, did they all endure all that for nothing but the Cabal equivalent of a high school musical?

As I have said, it is 100 percent certain this thing knew it was coming and allowed it. The only question is, did it only know, or was that an operation it set up and executed.

From the level of control of events I see, I cannot imagine that this thing, at the highest levels, leaves open multiple major possible paths of events. I do not see the command hearing there could be a timeline-altering event… or maybe all the planes crash and nobody ever knows what happened… or the terrorists all get cold feet and land all the planes… or never hijack them at all.

I do not see command hearing that and preparing for multiple timelines. I actually would assume there would be a backup radio-control system on the planes, and no matter what, those planes were going to hit those buildings.

I tend to think whatever you saw was the plan, down to the last detail, and there were fail-safes to make sure it would happen. The question is only how thoroughly the events were scripted. Judging by the goat book, I think the plans were pretty finely detailed.

Either way, symbolism will be their downfall.

This one was in the comments, showing how surveillance is at times, some kind of selective breeding thing, where they are pairing their own up with select targets, and other times may just be watchers exploiting their inside info to pick up targets for a good time:

More on Jeffrey Epstein’s death, and its similarities to be death of someone who they think was mistaken for someone Timothy McVeigh knew in the runup to the Murrah Bombing. Epstein had a bloody gash from a ligature which was directed straight back, as if he were strangled, while his noose was completely clean, meaning it never touched the gash.

Republican Congressman Tim Burchett: The Government covered up a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. I thought they had a new whistleblower but he seems to be just explaining what he feels the evidence shows.

Senator Josh Hawley says whistleblower reports are pretty close to the classified briefing he received – “Not good.”

DHS plan would assign a Social credit-like “Risk Score” score to all social media users based on their posting history. And I am sure that will be kept completely detached from your real-world file.

Democrat and ranking member of the House weaponization subcommittee slips up, says the quiet part out loud, “Trump needs to be ‘shot.’

Sources close to Trump’s legal team told CBS News’ Catherine Herridge the former president’s lawyers are forming a legal strategy to get “under the hood” of Jack Smith’s case.

House Select Committee on Intelligence chair, Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner, shared his thoughts Sunday about the upcoming closed-door testimony from Special Counsel John Durham on the Russia hoax claims against Trump and the fake investigation they produced.

30% of Democrats want Trump pardoned if convicted.

Chris Christie sides with progressives, argues against laws banning medical and surgical treatments for transgender kids.

Illinois struggles with ballooning cost of healthcare for illegal immigrants, estimate passes $1 billion.

Sen. Fetterman calls himself an ‘advocate of psychedelics,’ promotes mushrooms for PTSD.

Tractor Supply is demanding an address before selling chicks. Some think it may be for the government to identify where all the small farms are. Like that offer to register your small farm with the government.

Tucker biographer: Fox staffers jumping ship to work with Tucker. He will have infiltrators.

Joe Rogan challenges vaccine researcher Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr. – now up to $850,000 to the charity of his choice. UDATE: ‘Double-talking’ vaccine scientist refuses to debate RFK Jr. despite $1.5 million charity pot. UPDATE : Now at $2.6 million.

‘I have full trust in Jesus!’: Deion Sanders may have foot amputated due to health complications, NFL legend already lost toes to blood clots.

Both Posobiec and Bongino claim they are experiencing a sudden wave of cyber attacks. Interesting in that I have been on with tech support almost every day the past week. I just got my backend quasi-running after three runs with tech support this morning, so I can post this not even an hour ago.

Chicago shootings: At least 40 shot, 4 killed in weekend gun violence across city, police say.

No-cash bail, gun ban challenges remain to be ruled upon by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Virginia game wardens sneaking around on private land in violation of No Trespassing signs scared a guy’s littel girl and swiped a game camera placed there by the land owner. It sounds like they are pissed his brother is getting away with poaching, and they are scrambling to catch him. I wonder how they would find out about that, but be unable to prosecute him?

The Army’s top civilian leader pushed back amid Republican criticisms that the military is going too “woke,” arguing such critiques are deepening an already troubling recruiting crisis.

Abandoned stores, streets overtaken by the homeless and drug-addled, theft so rampant that CANDY is locked away: Welcome to San Francisco’s ghost town downtown.

A Navy base in Mississippi erected a wall of shipping containers to protect itself from stray bullets*Stray bullets have struck multiple homes on the base and are coming from a nearby apartment complex.”

UK invaders are selling the TVs out of their free hotel rooms.

A Chinese intelligence agency quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities, all of which have had contact with Beijing’s national police authority, according to state media reports and government records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Reports of heavy losses for Ukraine in battles near Orekhovo, described as a ‘slaughter.’

Kiev’s forces have lost over 1,000 soldiers and 20 tanks in a single day across the frontlines, the Russian Defense Ministry claims.

71% of Americans and half of all Democrats say Biden, 80, is too old to be president and most voters say they are worse off since he took power, according to damning poll.

Wisconsin straw poll: Donald Trump holds near 20-point lead over Ron DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because details are not small

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1 year ago

Like some others, I wasn’t able to access the comments page until about an hour or so ago. 404 error all day.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Happy Juneteenth my brothas & sistas! Those white devils just had to put our favorite holiday literally the day after our most depressing one.

It’s enough to get a good dude down I tell ya.

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

Man kept getting 404’d when I tried to leave a comment. Someone is really trying to disrupt you AC. Regarding your recent hammering on about 9/11. On at least 2 of the hijacked planes there was an Israeli Sayeret Maktal commando. They are Israel’s premier special forces outfit. They specialise in many things, especially airplane hijack rescue.

Make of that what you will.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Apparently they did not do a good job.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If you know how to stop a hijacking then you also know how to stage one. They did their jobs perfectly.
Nothing is ever what it seems.

1 year ago

happy rosenberg execution day

1 year ago

Re: 9/11, don’t forget the teacher also led the children to chant “Kite Hit Steel Plane Must” as W. happily watched. Video:

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

“UK invaders are selling the TVs out of their free hotel rooms.”

Now all we’ve got to do is convince the indigenous to do the same and dump the tv’s!