News Briefs – 06/18/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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There were 20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in Georgia’s 2020 original results  from tabulators that do not exist.

320,000 ghost voters identified in MUST-WIN State of MI.

Joe Biden’s migrants grab white-collar jobs from U.S. grads.

An outright majority of Hispanic Americans are in favor of a mass deportation plan for illegal immigrants, a new survey found.

On Tuesday, the Biden administration plans to announce an executive action protecting undocumented spouses of American citizens that would shield about 500,000 immigrants from deportation.

Hunter Biden bizarrely cancels demand for new gun crimes trial moments after he files motion for a new trial.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

A multi-center team of celebrated medical scientists has raised the alarm after discovering that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for a shocking “excess death signal” behind the global surge in mortality rates.

Concerns grow that the use of a synthetic nucleotide base in the mRNA vaccines might contribute to cancer formation.

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This new conservathot joins Twitter in November of last year:

Her schtick seems to be she is a harpy ex-wife type spouting morals, and tells guys to do stuff like “Wife women the fuck up,” and “man the fuck up.” Stuff I doubt conservative women want to hear some pushy broad bitching about, and stuff conservative guys would see as the type of harping which would render her intolerable. Regardless, she has gotten about 120K followers in that time just posting opinions like that, and then she got fetted by all the paid shills at AFPAC. So then it comes out she is a single mom, and then there is a pic with her with an Israeli flag in the background decorations at her place, and then they say she banged some guy at AFPAC for fun and was doing Shrooms. But the interesting tweet was this one, which features a picture of her from what appears to be a porn shoot. It just reminded me of the Jewish pornographer’s  “modeling site” which looked more like an escort service, which just happened to have a raft of conservathots with pages they had set up on it. They are recruiting conservathots from those ranks, because it will make them easier to take down if and when they decide to do so. Just another reminder to never follow anyone they give you.

A member of the U.S. Secret Service was robbed at gunpoint Saturday night in California during President Joe Biden’s high-profile fundraising swing.

Biden ready to empty US Strategic Oil Reserve to a week’s supply to win election.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry used a pseudonymous government email address while serving as the nation’s top diplomat during the Obama administration to skirt federal records laws, whistleblowers told Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

Tranny who infamously flashed his breast implants at White House is now accused of raping another tranny.

Dozens of N. Korean soldiers cross border, retreat after South fires warning shots: Yonhap: N. Korea military suffers ‘multiple casualties’ in landmine explosion near border: Yonhap.

German study: Vast majority of people will grow out of transgenderism within 5 years.

Reform UK proposes ‘freeze’ on immigration.

Farage: Reform UK will deport ALL illegal immigrants.

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say.

Three weeks before Oct. 7, IDF Unit 8200 Intelligence, Gaza Division warned of Hamas plan to attack, take 250 hostages.

Belarusian president blames Jews for his government’s corruption, says he’s ‘not antisemitic’:

At the same time the Biden Administration managed to lose an important US airbases paid for by US taxpayers in Niger, the former US ally was negotiating a 300 ton refined uranium deal with the Iranian regime.

Conscription squads send Ukrainian men into hiding.

Ukraine: arms prices are soaring, we need £800 billion to beat Putin. That is like a trillion dollars.

New chip system will allow next generation cell phones to look inside packages and see into walls with almost X-ray vision.

Kentucky federal judge issues injunction against Title IX rules in 6 states. Over tranny rules giving them special rights.

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Detroit poll finds barely half of Black Michigan voters supporting Biden.

CNN: Donald Trump’s performance with Black voters ‘historic.’

Trump maintains big lead over Biden and RFK Jr. despite felony conviction, Iowa Poll shows.

Former President Donald Trump is edging out President Joe Biden in the key swing state of Pennsylvania, a recent Marist Poll found.

538 now projects Trump winner of 2024 election…This is the first time Trump has, in any of his three campaigns, led a 538 forecast.

Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t need more fake conservatives.

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9 months ago

X ray phones? Great. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Just like the X-Ray Specs ads in the old comic books, except you don’t even need the glasses. Most people have the phone held up in front of their face all the time anyway.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Already available with FLIR, and there’s even an angle to sell them …

Because obviously you need FLIR on your wifey’s phone so she can go “ghost hunting”.

Obviously! 🙂

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

More like MICROWAVE phones, so they can irradiate your balls when you misbehave. Gives new meaning to my wife saying, “You run around like your balls are on fire!”.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Slightly playing devil’s advocate. Just slightly. They already have this tech and are using it. By releasing it this way, it becomes available to all. Exists but held captive < exists and is held by all. Also, it might be thought of as soft disclosure. That is, by people seeing it working with their phone maybe they will realize it might be working in other ways as well.
Seems very soft disclosureish to me.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Harrased by 5% cabal > harrased by every weirdo geek on the street.

9 months ago

@AutumnGroyper at Twitter account suspended after calling out the HasbaraThot named @LLDDIISS

9 months ago

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin said former President Trump talked about executing people multiple times at White House meetings.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

They say that like it’s a bad thing.

Reply to  Another Dave
8 months ago

Well really, how many times can you execute someone?

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Show us the transcripts. It’s the only way to prove what she alleges. This is like the Vindman 3rd hand hear say.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
8 months ago

Yes, I would like confirmation.
But it’s not required, I’m already voting for him.

9 months ago

Meme – Choose your destruction.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Death by Upper Left.

9 months ago

Yesterday, AC made this comment:

“I would not be surprised at all if on 9/11, people got on the planes, including the hijackers, hidden canisters with sleep agents put everyone out, and professional drone pilots drove the planes into the buildings remotely, as fake 911 calls were broadcast to the cell towers, to make it look real. They did say some of those cell phone calls should not have been able to go through. I would not be surprised if they went through because they were broadcast from the ground.”

So if the plan is to run the planes by remote control and knock out all the occupants, why have hijackers?

Why do you even bother having anyone on the planes, for that matter?

Passenger rosters were seized by the feds about the same time as they confiscated all the footage from the cameras around the Pentagon, and remain classified to this day.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Or there were never any planes. After all, two planes hit the WTC, but three buildings went down. Building 7 did not go down as a result of an airplane hit. What caused that to collapse? Clearly, a controlled demolition, judging by how Building 7 went down in its own footprint. Well, the other two towers also went down in their own footprints. Maybe they were also controlled demolitions and the airplanes never existed to begin with, simply CGI renderings added later.

So what could we call 911? Say you’re the owner of the WTC. You have an old building that is not very profitable, that is full of asbestos, and that needs something else in its place. How much would it cost to do a legal demolition of the WTC in the heart of dense Manhattan? What kind of permitting would you need? Imagine the bureaucratic red tape NYC government could create for the owner.

So, you create an illegal demolition project, use insurance fraud to pay for it, and do it under the cover of a terrorist attack. Didn’t Lucky Larry Silverstein “suffer” this terrible event 7 months after he purchased the WTC for $2 billion? What was the insurance payout? Over $4 billion? Plus all the political benefits for the government, the MIC, AIPAC, and the national security state? Hmmm….

Reply to  map
8 months ago

I didn’t think that a terrorist attack would be covered. I think he got reimbursed by the Feds. Insurance companies hang on to the payouts and fight like hell to not payout, like someone was trying to pull their teeth.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

There are some who claim the passenger planes took off, but empty remote controlled planes hit the towers/Pentagon. Or missiles. That never made sense to me. It’s possible there were no planes or passengers, but that makes less sense.

I have a book written by a woman who was supposedly on the plane that hit the Pentagon, Barbara Olson. There are real people unaccounted for, with no explanation if the entire Narrative is wrong.

9 months ago

Joe Biden’s migrants grab white-collar jobs from U.S. grads.

So I’m old. I remember these sorts of stories appearing in the media in 1990s. Sometimes I see the exact same article that I remember reading decades earlier.

However, in the 1990s I picked up a number of fancy degrees and couldn’t get a job, and not even an interview. And quite a few of my classmates experienced the same thing. So I don’t doubt the basic information.

However, I think there are a number of other things behind this.

First, an economy just can only produce or need a certain number of “white collar jobs”. As David Graeber pointed out in “Bullshit Jobs”, many of the “white collar jobs” that exist, and I wound up holding some, are bullshit, basically involving being stuck in a cubicle with a computer and being monitored during all the work hours, and being handed all sorts of unproductive work to keep you occupied.

And so many people are being funneled through college that they can’t even produce enough fake jobs for them. And blue collar employers won’t touch college graduates. With so much wealth concentrated into the hands of the silents and the boomers, these people can sort of disappear and live off of their parents.

Then you add in the cabal and the surveillance and the fact that by the 1990s they already had files on people in high schools and colleges and knew exactly who they wanted excluded from any position of importance. Some of these get fantasy camp but many are just excluded from the economy.

The only thing that changed is that they are bringing in more assets from other countries and placing them in jobs, to the point where even in the official statistics employment of American born people has been dropping.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

When Musk took over Twatter, there were supposedly thousands of people collecting paychecks from the company, but didn’t have jobs that required showing up. I don’t think that was ever explained, although we’ve had our theories.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

It’s like a Mike Judge comedy.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

And how was your TPS report output?

9 months ago

An outright majority of Hispanic Americans are in favor of a mass deportation plan for illegal immigrants, a new survey found.

I’m in Texas, where Tejanos have always been part of the state, since before they fought with the Anglos at the Alamo against Santa Anna. The only ones who want the illegals here (who are almost all not Mexicans, but South and Central Americans) are the ones who are using them as slave labor for a landscaping company.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Would these ‘Tejanos’ happen to have more Spanish, French and possibly Irish blood than the ‘mexica’? Just curious.

Reply to  WhitePhos
8 months ago

It’s a serious mix. There was a good amount of Indio from the start, and not so much Spanish and French (that was parts east and south of here.) However, there’s a lot of German admixture in Tejano now, due to the the German immigration to the Hill Country in the 1850s on.
I would predict that if you did a genetic test, you would end up with about 20% southern European, 30% indo-american, and 50% saxon.
I don’t know if Brandon Herrera’s family is tejano, but he’s a good example of the phenotype.

9 months ago

FYI, I’ve been saving my “Biden” comments since I’ve noted that whey I make them, they either don’t appear or I get increased gangstalking.

I made one yesterday and of course it disappeared, though my other comments went through. I didn’t save it. Its not important, just that I noticed a pattern and am keeping track of this now.

9 months ago

Hunter Biden bizarrely cancels demand for new gun crimes trial moments after he files motion for a new trial.

Doesn’t sound so bizarre, but the wording of the story is. Sounds like Hunter’s folks have his JNOV ready, but filed it too soon (he hasn’t been sentenced), so they moved to “unfile” it, and the court agreed, because it was obviously a mistake and probably still a draft, with some privileged notes in it like “[need to add cases here]” and such.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago


Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Judgement notwithstanding the verdict.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Judgment notwithstanding the Verdict. Basically a request for the Court to set aside the Jury verdict and instead return a verdict in favor of Hunter. They are virtually never granted

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Sorry, I try to remember not to use jargon. Even JNOV is sort of outdated, with federal courts going to JMOL (judgment as a matter of law) and some judges not even letting you call it that, but making you call it a Rule 50(b) motion.
But JNOV is kinda of like kleenex or xerox, it’s the generic name for a judge overruling the jury on legal grounds.

9 months ago

Stuff I doubt conservative women want to hear some pushy broad bitching about, and stuff conservative guys would see as the type of harping which would render her intolerable.

Especially conservative women that have already made themselves wife material, and are furious at her encouraging men to consider inferior women to them.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

For some of us wimmins Wifelyness comes natural because we had mothers to show us how to get it right.

Reply to  Rizzo
8 months ago

Same for the men, which is a problem with so many boys growing up without fathers.

9 months ago

A member of the U.S. Secret Service was robbed at gunpoint Saturday night in California during President Joe Biden’s high-profile fundraising swing.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago


9 months ago

Biden ready to empty US Strategic Oil Reserve to a week’s supply to win election.

Even my wife noticed that gas prices keep swinging wildly up and down. They can’t even figure out how to get the prices to stay down, and no one is happy with the fluctuations.

9 months ago

Tranny who infamously flashed his breast implants at White House is now accused of raping another tranny.

Fetishes get boring as they get familiar, and they move on to a new fetish.

9 months ago

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say.

“It says here that you threw nine of them overboard. Why?”
“Seemed like nine was enough to make the point.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

We should hire those people immediately for service in the English channel. One complaint, only 9? We would want triple digits as a matter of course.

9 months ago

New chip system will allow next generation cell phones to look inside packages and see into walls with almost X-ray vision.

Millimeter wave radar. .Gov already has it, but it will be interesting to see what direction things go when Joe Citizen has it too.
The good news is, imagers like this are just cameras for a different wavelength. If you have a millimeter wave receiver, anyone using this sort of radar on you will show up like a person with a flashlight on your screen.

9 months ago

As noted, I’m reading Naked Capitalism again after a hiatus, and this comment from today’s links is worth reposting here:

“This all seems very weird and contrived somehow.

“It’s as if the dems are putting on a campaign–complete with ads, words like “devastating” and “demolish,” “debates,” fundraisers, and (pathetic) biden appearances–because there’s an election coming up and they know a campaign with these elements is expected.

“Dems have to know that Trump raised tens, if not hundreds, of millions of $ in donations following his “conviction” and that is what they choose to emphasize???

“I suppose it sounds pretty tin-foily, but it’s as if they know it doesn’t really matter because the fix is already in, or there won’t be any election, or one of the candidates not named biden will never make it to the finish line…”

(from commentator “Katniss Everdeen”, in response to a link about the Democrats rolling out a TV advertising campaign centered around Trump being a “convicted felon”, which drew mockery from the entire NC commentariat)

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

thank you for your service! my patience with NC expired when they went full Branch Covidian. Any comments to the contrary were trashed and or banned. maybe an insight into their “thinking”?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

My 70 page, lavishly-illustrated booklet explaining the difference between Capitalism, Communism, and National Socialism. Unique viewpoint containing food for both left and right brain lol. 

9 months ago

Interesting use of 17 imo. Why not say over an hour or 77 minutes or round and say about an hour and 20 minutes? I don’t know it just seems to me like you could be more impactful by phrasing it in other ways. Also, yes senator it’s true more guns on school campuses will not keep anyone safe…if no actually uses those guns when there is a shooter instead of standing around doing nothing but corralling worried parents. Jackass.

9 months ago

> CNN: Donald Trump’s performance with Black voters ‘historic.’

As it was in 2016 and 2020. And among Hispanics as well.

Of course, the week before last is prehistory in NewsLand.

9 months ago

Notice that it was HISPANICS in the neighborhood who worked together to catch the Ecuadorian migrant-rapist…and beat the crap out of him before turning him over to the cops. Of course, if it had been a “white” mob they would NOT have been “lauded” by the NYPD for a job well done, they’d be charged with a crime.
Vigilante Justice: Migrant Tied Up After Alleged Sexual Assault on Young Girl

General's Addition
General's Addition
9 months ago

“Hunter Biden bizarrely cancels demand for new gun crimes trial moments after he files motion for a new trial.”

Not bizarre at all if the purpose is to burn out some courses of action in order to speed up the clock on others.

Of course it’s scripted so that this will play out while Donald Trump’s sentencing for the Un-Nameable Kangaroo Court Offense is going on.

What else could this be?

9 months ago

It was truly hard to believe that Georgia voted Biden. Like, What the? No. not believable. And now they are like we don’t care, yeah we are corrupt, so? Whatcha gonna do about it??

9 months ago

Let’s hope you are about ready to post the link to the AS book so we can all have an archive copy for preservation purposes, glad you have been keeping on through the adversity, I know we all feel sympathy for what you have endured, thanks for all you do and everyone, realize we win through the help of our Creator and His Son Our Savior.

9 months ago

I didn’t hear about this before but apparently some “hacker” took down North Korea’s internet for a week. He made an AMA post on Reddit. Not really my thing but it is intelligence adjacent so I figured I’d drop a link in case anyone is interested.