News Briefs – 06/18/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Venezuela Joins Russian Visa Alternative

DFT – Poland Defends Its Fuel Import Policies

DFT – Russia Plans A Suez Canal Substitute

DFT – Russian State Development Corp – Chinese Yuan Is Now Reserve Currency

Sig Sauer has a sweepstakes going for a P365-XMACRO COMP. I don’t see any downside to entering, though obviously I assume everything is rigged and you would not win. I would only use an email I do not mind getting gun spam from though. And my guess is you will begin to get a lot of gun spam. Though personally, I kind of like it.

Arkhaven comics routs the competition, without even doing anything – DC comic book about gay superhero couple features sex scenes, child at pride parade.

DC Draino makes the case Thomas Massie is a Mitch McConell traitor in Patriot’s clothing.

Media reports Trump offered to pay for the food of his supporters, who cheered him in a restaurant, but then after they ordered food he skipped out sticking them with the bill, but the story was a lie. Trump’s team had made arrangements to cover the bills of those at the restaurant, but none of Trump’s supporters wanted to stick him with their bills. So the media reported Trump lied to his supporters. Sounds about like what you would expect from Fake News.

Jack Smith’s latest court filing hinted at “ongoing investigations” that could “identify uncharged individuals.”

Former President Donald Trump applauded a suburban New York prosecutor after she dropped a two-year criminal investigation into him and his company.

Former President Trump slammed the House Republicans who voted with Democrats to block the resolution that would have censured Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

Donald Trump: Any Republican voting against Schiff’s censure ‘should immediately be primaried.’

DOJ files motion to limit President Trump’s ability to defend himself.

Ron DeSantis has signed a law banning automakers from selling cars direct to consumers in Florida – but it contains a carve-out that will benefit his political backer Elon Musk and his Tesla company.

Joe Biden: Stabilizer braces make pistols shoot ‘higher caliber’ bullets. “God save the Queen.” I was thinking about that, and how technically the Queen is dead, and now it is the King. Or is it? Remember Epstein hired that Chinese painter, who posted this to Instagram, saying it was all real. That is Charles, over on the side with a vagina:

God save us.

Court hears case on Biden White House allegedly pressuring Twitter about COVID misinformation.

American Medical Association (AMA) pledges to ramp up work with activists to push irreversible ‘sex change’ mutilation of children.

Federal judge rules MA student’s ‘there are only two genders’ T-shirt ‘invades the rights of others,’ and is NOT protected by free speech. Words can hurt, so now they are weapons to be outlawed. It is funny how they change culture. When I was growing up, you would hear “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” But now it is like that was never a saying.

Biden has added twice as much debt as Trump over same time period of first term.

Twenty armed IRS agents reportedly raided a Montana gun store, but only for forms filled out by gun purchasers. Apparently there is no financial info in the forms, but now all the 4473’s are in government hands. Unknown what they were looking for or the significance, but curious. Also, the agency has apparently been arming up quite a bit.

The IRS is using fake names to enter taxpayers’ homes and harass homeowners, and in an Ohio case, the IRS agent threatened police when he got caught. Not sure if this is foreshadowing, or the beginning of a plot twist. A bigger WSJ piece on the event is here, which clearly shows something strange was going on. Some seem to think the IRS will morph into a quasi-secret-police force, armed to the teeth, and wielded like the Gestapo. At this point every organization is at risk, of infiltration, subversion, or just cliques within it being formed, to perform specific Cabal-centric operations.

A pregnant woman was shot and killed in her car at a Seattle intersection on Tuesday. Dude who appeared to be in some kind of mental “crisis” ran up to the car and fired into it at the intersection for no reason, and then ran off. Supposedly. You assume these things are real, but doesn’t the Chinese guy’s hand look a little off in this picture, the way it is not draping over some railing with the thumb separated out, and particularly the ring finger, where it seemed the algorithm to do the knuckle shading kind of broke down :

And then there is her hand, where the knuckles look a little off to me, kind of like there are dents and shadows where there shouldn’t be, particularly around those first knuckles:

Tough to say, obviously. It could be real. But I would not be surprised if we are coming up on a point some day where it will be easier for a single Cabal cubicle-worker to feed a made-up story into a computer and generate AI media like this to run on the news, than it will be to genuinely take the time to have surveillance bubble and wind up an MK Ultra toy, put it where they want it, with a gun, with only approved targets around, and go through the motions of an actual shooting, which I would imagine is a pretty big op to set up. More and more, I wonder to what degree Cabal lets random things like this story happen, given their own people are moving around – and leaving random stuff like that could be dangerous for them, and the script and timeline.

5 injured in mass shooting near Lincoln Park Zoo. Actually, just a verbal altercation among gang members, so basically another Thursday in Chicago.

FBI and DHS used foreign national convicted pedophile to catch murder for hire suspect.

How young health workers are abandoning £10-an-hour frontline jobs in favor of raking in £1,000-a-day salaries with racy, home-made porn videos and saucy pics. Because it is just that easy, anon. Everywhere else you have to work hard, competing with other people who are working hard… But in porn, nobody has ever done that before, nobody can find porn on the internet, and the few porn pictures on the internet cost so much to acquire that if you start posting porn you will have billions of porn starved tech-millionaires willing to pay you millions of dollars per day to post degrading pictures of yourself, which will never be used to blackmail you, or delegitimize you as a citizen whose opinion was worthy of respect. Look at all the girls, like “Cash Me Outside” girl, who are not even that hot, who are worth tens of millions. You could do it better, and make so much more money, anon. Why are you wasting your life in that dead-end career as a medical professional?

Doc proves that COVIDs likely “Patient Zero” Ben Hu was receiving US tax $ from @NIH & @USAID (Via EcoHealth) for #GainOfFunction experts at Wuhan lab.

People ‘up to date’ with COVID-19 vaccines more likely to be infected: study.

“A large clinical pediatric practice I am personally very familiar with has eschewed the use of all vaccines and acetaminophen and achieved a zero autism rate over the past 25 years even though autism rates were skyrocketing in adjacent clinics.” These things are interesting too, when you factor in that there are a decent number of people who report being followed with close surveillance through life, which is obsessed with observing and documenting every facet of their lives, as if they are some kind of experiment. And they often exhibit sort-of autistic traits to some degree or other, and none of them really know what was in all those needles they got shot up with as kids. Anybody could have shot them up with anything, just to see what the effect of it would be.

Twitter hit with $250 million copyright infringement lawsuit from music publishers.

New Jersey Department of Education reports 4,200 percent increase in students claiming to be ‘nonbinary’ in four years.

Pentagon program hunts those who ‘embarrass’ its generals — Intercept“A new system is capable of pinpointing the ‘exact location’ of anyone who could cause reputational damage to its charges.”

Spotify parts ways with Harry and Meghan after paying them a reported $20 million for 12 podcasts.

Know them by their fruits: Abp. Viganò rebukes LGBT ‘pride’ as Pope praises Fr. Martin.

Finland’s new government cracks down on immigration.

The UK’s armed forces are considering a proposal to remove gender-specific terms like rifleman or guardsman from the titles of its various ranks and to replace these with less masculine ones, according to measures being appraised by British army chief Patrick Sanders.

Iran, Saudi Arabia move further toward reconciliation. Another one of these things which is a change from how things were previously.

Partygate video leaked as Tory staff drink and dance during lockdown.

Greece migrant boat “disaster:” Up to 500 people still missing says UN. That is why those killer whales are banging sailboats. But they can’t let it out or the migrants might not head out on the water. Every time a ship goes down, it is like me throwing a big handful of birdseed out on the ground for the chipmunks.

President Biden made excuses for China Saturday, saying that President Xi Jinping never meant to fly a spy balloon over sensitive American military sites earlier this year.

Ukrainian pilot trained in America for two years dies just weeks after returning to Ukraine in ‘one of the first combat missions he flew.’ And even on Ukraine’s side, most of these guys are good guys who just want to protect their own, and who would gladly just have raised beautiful families if Biden and Cabal had not started this war.

Zelensky proposes Switzerland hold a Ukraine peace summit and transfer Swiss weapons to Ukraine for use to kill Russians.

The Telegraph breaks the bad news to the drones who love Ukraine – Prepare for Ukraine’s counter-offensive to falter.

Russian attack helicopters gain upper hand on key southern front, says UK MoD.

Ukrainian Head of Intelligence is missing – General Budanov hasn’t been seen in 17 days.

On the subject of cows being like giant dogs:

Elimination of type of bacteria using 21 days of Metronidazole (Flagyl), suggested as a treatment for endometriosis.

People who used Google search between 2006 and 2013 could be eligible for a portion of a $23 million settlement in a class action lawsuit against the Big Tech giant after Google shared users’ search queries with third-party websites and companies without their consent from Oct. 25, 2006, to Sept. 30, 2013.

Groundbreaking AI project translates 5,000-year-old cuneiform at push of a button.

Texas Gov. Abbott signs bill keeping male-born athletes out of women’s collegiate sports.

Harvard Harris GOP poll, DeSantis going the wrong way – President Trump pushing 60% with GOP voters.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t beleive the propaganda

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1 year ago

The gun listed on the Sig Sauer giveaway is not on the list of guns legally allowed to be sold in or imported to California. “As of January 1, 2001, no handgun may be manufactured within California, imported into California for sale, lent, given, kept for sale, or offered/exposed for sale unless that handgun model has passed firing, safety, and drop tests and is certified for sale in California by the Department of Justice.”

1 year ago

Re: Text prompts -> images is a free website that does that and the results range from bad to very good. (It makes you wait one minute before delivering results, but you can run as many tabs concurrently as you want.) Now think of the quality what else must be out there already and what it’s going to be like in just a few years.

Just to illustrate, I tried ‘steampunk pelosi’ and ‘1950s cory booker’.

1 year ago

Most people in the West still seem okay with the climate and pandemic scams. There was just a national ‘direct democracy’ vote in Switzerland today about these issues, and voters approved both scams about 60-40 in spite of their costliness. Maybe there was some cheating by a few percent, but I don’t think more than that would have been necessary. Personally, I’ve *only* heard inane things said about Trump, both from Americans and Europeans, so it’s easy for me to think that most people just continue to believe whatever the MSM tells them. Wherever the Great Awakening is happening, I haven’t seen it in real life yet.

Normies gonna normie. Yuri Bezmenov told us so.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

80-20 rule says NPCs will always be the majority, in the past and forever

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

It’s true. What matters is the quality and intentions of those in leadership positions. Jesus said the masses were like a flock of sheep looking for a master/shepherd.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

In a instance of cosmic symbology, there was a cicada killer wasp that had somehow gotten inside and was buzzing at the window. Non-aggressive if you aren’t a cicada, but quite large and somewhat neat. I found a stick and got it to crawl on it and got it to go outside, thus saving its life in my mind. The next day it had somehow came right back in and was dead at the exact same windowsill I had rescued it from.
Such is the fate of the normie. It was a good deed to try and help, but at the end of the day they are going to screw themselves no matter what you do.

1 year ago

If horses can be killed electromagnetically at long range then so can we:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Church committee hearings already told us about the heart attack gun.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

How young health workers are abandoning £10-an-hour frontline jobs in favor of raking in £1,000-a-day salaries with racy, home-made porn videos and saucy pics. Because it is just that easy, anon. Everywhere else you have to work hard, competing with other people who are working hard… But in porn, nobody has ever done that before, nobody can find porn on the internet, and the few porn pictures on the internet cost so much to acquire that if you start posting porn you will have billions of porn starved tech-millionaires willing to pay you millions of dollars per day to post degrading pictures of yourself, which will never be used to blackmail you, or delegitimize you as a citizen whose opinion was worthy of respect. Look at all the girls, like “Cash Me Outside” girl, who are not even that hot, who are worth tens of millions. You could do it better, and make so much more money, anon. Why are you wasting your life in that dead-end career as a medical professional?

Had you not spelled this out, I might never have thought about this long enough to make those connections. And yours is the most logical explanation.

Thanks for all your tireless efforts, AC.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Its not easy. Only 25% earn more than couple hundred dollars per month. Prostitution inflation. Whore over supply.

1 year ago

Happy Sunday, fellow POIs! One of our guys here recently posted about trying Mag 07. Any update on results?

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Steady improvement.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

To clarify: Rina Oh who did the royal family painting and the Asian couple in the shooting are Korean, not Chinese.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago


1 year ago

Jack Smith’s latest court filing hinted at “ongoing investigations” that could “identify uncharged individuals.”

This is also weaksauce that the judge should throw out. This was part of the protective order motion. The thing is, the whole “ongoing investigation” thing is supposed to allow the police to charge underlings while still going after the Bigger Fish.
Who the fuck is a bigger fish than Trump? The judge should throw Smith out on his ear (like several other judges have done in his prior “investigations.”) The guy is a political hitman, not a prosecutor.

1 year ago

Donald Trump: Any Republican voting against (((Schiff)))’s censure ‘should immediately be primaried.’

For Kay Granger, that bitch should have been primaried 20 years ago after her first term.

1 year ago

DOJ files motion to limit President Trump’s ability to defend himself.

Same protective order story. Not a new motion.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Fathers’ Day in Chicago.

1 year ago

Federal judge rules MA student’s ‘there are only two genders’ T-shirt ‘invades the rights of others,’ and is NOT protected by free speech.

I applaud this ruling. Now any anti-gun shirts are also not free speech. The right to bear arms is an enumerated right, not a penumbra.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

That’s great. I’ve never seen an anti-gun shirt and you know very well that will be ruled protected speech regardless. You are applauding the trampling of the rights of good people. Evil people will be afforded every imaginary right they need to come up with.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

yeah i doubt even application of the decision thru enforcement, as ever…

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Dream on.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Hey AC, about “Queen Charlie:” anyone who looks into the transvestigstion issue — including the excellent Telegram channel with its screenshot-size crib cards — will quickly begin to see more and more just how many of the people in the public eye are gender-inverted, including many hellyweird stars from the past. Unlike with the obvious troons of our time, these fakers appear convincing until one looks for the easily-learned, but not so obvious tells. FYI there are also photos of WWI vintage royal “princesses” that are all obviously MTF trannies.

That being said, it would be a real stretch to imagine that Charlie does *not” have a vag.

This is so wide spread that this subculture or whatever it is has got to be connected with the surveillance group. HAVE YOU ever noticed that in any of the people you have observed?

Again, the totally grotesque goblins promoted to the masses — many of whom then realise they were conned and commit suicide — are not on the same level as the upper crust inverts. Boomers are not going to be happy to accept that most of those old-time glamor gals were trannies. They don’t age well, either. Have you seen Sophia Lauren or Brigit Bardot lately? Personally, it was a disgusting moment indeed to learn about Dianna Rigg(ed). Yeah, there is often a hint in their name or stage name.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Do you think Melania Trump is one?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

There are some who think Queen Lizzie I was a dude raised as a girl. “She” never married and some analysis of paintings is pretty much what they go on. But then again, Francis Bacon was allegedly her illegitimate bastard son.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Noooo…not Diana Rig

1 year ago
1 year ago

For the anonymous who was in a bad marriage:

For comparison, so you don’t feel lonely, I will talk now. I should not, since there is still untangling to happen, but at this point, who cares?

One, I have no idea if X is Cabal or just a garden variety narcissist. I do not know. He lied about everything for close to a quarter century. AC has posts about narcissists that helped me navigate my final year with him. AC is very observant, and very precise. I don’t know anything about the surveillance that AC suffers under, but I believe him, simply because he is so accurate, precise and measured about the narcissist in his life.

Okay, so, I was in my twenties. I wanted to get married. I had men proposing. I have no idea if they were serious, or if the marriage would be a happy and successful one. My boss had a friend with a dating agency who set me up with what looked like a perfect man. Cartoon level Chad- 6 foot 2, brown hair, blue eyes, successful athlete in high school, bachelor’s degree, former military officer, seeking an advanced degree. He laid out a life plan on the second date. It included everything I wanted: four children, me stay home to raise the children, a solid career for him in a lucrative field. His family was religous on both sides. All good, right?

We married. I had the children. I stayed home. I ignored everything doubtful, and believed everything good. I kept getting mysteriously sick, bed-ridden, brain fogged, arthritic, overloaded with diseases- bacterial and viral diseases showing up at the same time, just ridiculously sickly.

To heal, when youngest went to kindergarten, I researched. My brain is shutting down at this point. I’m afraid to move out of my bed or chair. I can hold one thought at a time, with, maybe, ten minutes of clarity. I find one answer- try thiamine. It’s a blurb in a women’s magazine. Then I go online, and start looking for thiamine. I find Phoenix Rising, which is a bulletin board for people with chronic illnesses. I start following the protocol that the most unwell person on there followed. B-1 to saturation, then keep taking b-1, and add B-2. I go through all of the Bs, until I hit B-12, and it’s like all the lights come on, and rainbow colors show up. It’s wild. I can read a book again.

I ask husband to go to bookstore so I can read a book. He answers a text while at the bookstore. He never answers my texts. When we get home, I ask why he answered so quickly. He tells me. His girlfriends are fighting. Plural. Multiple. Twenty something young women with drug habits.

He has been cheating on my the entire time. He hates me, but he wants children, to feel successful. The line was “You are just an incubator. You don’t deserve anything other than food or shelter. You are fat, so it’s not even like you really deserve food.”

When I met him, I was in my later 20s, and weighed 97 pounds, no eating disorder, very physically fit from active job and interests. At this point, I was overweight, frazzled, sleep deprived, sick all the time.

My middle son was in his last year of high school. My daughter was starting high school. I had a child in kindergarten. I could destroy their lives, or I could hold on. I could plan. I could try to be, not just a good wife, the best wife, the most submissive, servile, caring,open wife in all of history, to salvage my childrens futures.

I did, for one year. I got to hear everything. It……..

AC talks about high school. This man was on a football team, at a mediocre public school. There was one kid who wanted to be an Special Forces military guy when he graduated. There wasn’t any reason he shouldn’t be. He was a starter- so he was physically fit. He was a good guy. He was smart. He was in good classes.

My ex, not a starter, in practice, targeted the guy and blew out his knee. He did it on purpose. He was “mad at the guy” for something he said in class. I have no idea if this is true. My sons played football, and no one on their teams injured their own teammate. Nineteen years, I hear how great he was at sports, and year 20, he’s a second string loser who injures his teammate. He did it to two other starters. I don’t think it was as bad as the guy who lost his knee in practice, and lost his stated career path. My husband quit football, no senior year, no varsity, no way to check anything, no fingerprints on this.

The ex then dropped out of football, which he’d started late, anyway. So, two years in football practices to injure three people, one of them for life. The guy wanted to be Special Forces, so a patriotic, good kid got taken off the board while young.

He wrote the name and number of a pretty girl in the bathrooms of a mall, so graphically, that the family had to change the number, and then move. I have no idea what she did to earn his wrath. The family moved out of town, it was so bad. It started small, she mentioned it in class, and he was pleased. Then it got worse, so bad that the family moved. The girl had no idea what was happening.

Then, there’s a ‘dating app’ game for seniors. He deliberately copies the answers for one girl, so that he’s “perfect” for her. This girl wants to go to Hollywood. He goes out of his way to be her perfect person, even in college. She has someone else that she loves, and is torn between the two. He gets mad at himself, when he says, like in a movie “Take a weekend. Decide. I’ll be here for you.” Like, total rage towards himself, like he’d done something wrong. She decides on the honest and real young man. They move to Hollywood. She has a solid, good career. She publicly comes out as Christian, and devout. It alters her career, but she still has a career. She is still a public, good Christian with testimony about choosing good over evil.

Then, me. The dating agency. They would set him up with 300 pound sexually ambiguous gross women, and then, me. He thought there was something wrong with him, that that’s all they could come up with. He had had a successful dating life before he moved to this town. He was worried. It was women in their later 30s wanting a baby, 300 pound drunks, and me. So, he “settled” since his 30th birthday was looming, and he wanted to check that box. He was also having affairs with his married co-workers, or dating girls he didn’t want to marry. Anyway-there is no point where he wanted me for me. He wanted an incubator.

I thought he was just being mean when he said that, but he really meant it. I don’t think I can convey how much he hated me, as me. I was a tool, an object, a thing. I still don’t know why he wanted the kids, or even if he did want the children.

I was told be everyone around me how lucky I was, how good a person he was, how happy they were for me. Twenty years later, my mother tells me my boss had called her, repeatedly, crying, because he wanted to marry me, and he couldn’t. Like, the man is a millionaire. Why wouldn’t he be able to ask me out? But, somehow, he couldn’t? It’s not like he wasn’t doing every EEOC violation on the books already. He’d had girlfriends from his job. I’d met them. I knew his family. My boss is somehow something attached to this thing, somehow. I don’t know why they didn’t let him get married.

As for the kids, I have no idea. I can tell you the x-box fairy has visited one of them. The google question landed on that one, too. I have no idea why they want this kid. I’m almost afraid that the answer is that they think they’ve got the others where they want them, already.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Georgia is a target and may be converged by now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t know that I wasn’t a breeding experiment.

My mother is unusual. She hears voices and does what they say. The thing is, what they say works. So she’s not like the homeless crazy people in my town. She’s successful in her business. She gets dressed up for a party, and on the drive over, she keeps hearing a voice telling her to keep going. She drives halfway across the country, walks into a bookstore, happens to meet someone, and gets a job and an apartment that day. It’s someone she’s never met. She then takes up her business again, not skipping a beat. She is, again, successful. This has happened repeatedly, decades on end. I’m not kidding.

Her other hobby is having affairs with married men who are good at their job, with multiple children and stay at home wives. Again, she did this successfully for decades. These, I’ve met a few of them, not attractive. Not looking for affairs. Not degenerates. Just, regular guys with power, money, influence. I mean, she even had at least one while she, herself, was already married to a rich man. She destroys their marriage, gets the guy to leave his wife, and when he’s all ready to make a life with her, she goes into how she’s not happy, and it’s his fault, and he should kill himself. Like, she’s had guys sitting on the edges of cliffs about to jump, when someone intervenes. At least one did kill himself, or get killed, or something. I don’t know. Her husband told me about it. He was laughing at how humiliating the death was.

I was adopted away from her, by people determined to keep her away from me. This included things like not being able to play in the front yard with the other children. I thought it was extreme, except she’s told me how she stalked me, and, the one time, early on, I was playing outside, she was debating taking me. She had one of her paramours in the car with her at the time. That’s why she didn’t. He talked her out of it. She didn’t even live in the state. I had not seen her in years. She didn’t say hello, or anything. I believe her, from her descriptions of the other children.

The thing is, if I’m an experiment, and my kids are part of the program, why are they messing them up?

I mean, I hear about Biden’s love child, and I’m not booing and hissing. There’s something weird going on there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

> Oddly enough there was a period where I was considering a trip to the former Russian republic of Georgia for something while I was fucked up health-wise, and Bob FREAKED OUT. I mean unnaturally freaked out, to the point that, even though I knew none of any of this, I was looking at him, and thinking to myself, there is no way this is natural. I knew there was some majorly weird ulterior motive, and there was something massive I was missing, but he had no connection to anything involved, he should not have cared, and I could not make heads or tails of it.

In 2018/9 a random boomer/old Gen X guy, I met while at the beach, was at his house, semi “mentoring” me. I told him I wanted to go to Hungary and he freaked out and insisted that no matter what I do I never go there. I was curious to why he was like this and if I remember correctly, it was perhaps something to do with gangs/crime or a movie he watched. In this country I am from, people are commonly ignorant about other countries, so whatever.

Hilariously enough, he was fine with the idea of me going to other EU countries which I listed, which to me at the time, not knowing anything about Europe seem almost exactly the same as Hungary. I didn’t mention Romania but I would be curious to roleplay that exact situation to see if he would freak at Romania.

The few months I was in Hungary were probably some of the best health I’ve had in my life though(albeit, mostly summer). With TCM, last year and middle of this year I’ve been healthier than that, same with my childhood years in a warm country. Other than those three periods, I’d had shit health. In general, I’d had good health when I was in a warm climate(very yang) OR had done a lot of TCM recently. Another confounding factor was I cut my hair in half whilst in Hungary. The TCM people I know say hair consumes a lot of blood/qi so that is draining on my energy.

I’m curious if you do your google streetcars etc if you will find an absence or huge reduction of this gangstalking in Hungary. Specifically, I went to Budapest.

I actually am fine with Hungary. It’s not ideal since Hungarians don’t like foreigners and my wage there was insanely low, which is why I moved. I was also working my ass off for scraps, which I don’t particularly want to do again. But it might be a country I might have to go to if it is a “safe” country regarding this.

Last edited 1 year ago by kid
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Hungary and Georgia might make good locations for Google Streetview articles.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s interesting more so that Hungary being in the EU I’d just have to assume have cabal in it. Even if the government was not surely the fact it is Schengen zone means cabal people are there. Just because cabal people from other countries could so easily go there. There would have to be strong counter clever cabal otherwise. It’s really so strange why Hungary. Straining my memory I think he claimed to know gang people and thinks gangs in Hungary.

Overall cabal is probably fucking with me but I’m a much less of a moral martyr about it than you guys are. I’m glad it’s being defeated but yeah.

Reply to  Kid
1 year ago

Orban has been trying to clean the place up.
It makes you wonder how well he is succeeding.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Related, the “Asshole Guy” I was talking about similarly “warned”(more like smugly declared) me against Russia. No obvious angst with Russia in particular but it fit his whole old Gen X gamma idea of trying to brag/be gamma/narc.

He basically was like “he’d been there” and “they won’t tolerate people like me, trust him”(racially, the fact I look like a leftist/”gay”/poor).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I might want to go to Russia but it’s difficult for me legally.

Reply to  kid
1 year ago

Iirc, I did replay the situation in my head and he was fine with Romania Czechia and Poland. Not too certain about Romania but definitely the other two. He basically said not to contact him again if I wanted to go there because it’s basically not taking his safety advice seriously. I think he was basically implying I’d risk being murdered. The first day I was in Budapest I was scared because Budapest airport for arrivals was so run down I was thinking what had I gotten myself into. However the rest of Budapest itself looked fancy and had good architecture and while it was poor, in true European style it looked rich.

Hilariously, it was another online friend who looking back is a semi narc but definitely big ego guy who potentially was a cabal handler but he took holidays in Budapest and was the one encouraging me to go.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

>Oddly enough there was a period where I was considering a trip to the former Russian republic of Georgia for something while I was fucked up health-wise, and Bob FREAKED OUT. I mean unnaturally freaked out, to the point that, even though I knew none of any of this, I was looking at him, and thinking to myself, there is no way this is natural. I knew there was some majorly weird ulterior motive, and there was something massive I was missing, but he had no connection to anything involved, he should not have cared, and I could not make heads or tails of it.

I had made a semi long comment before which might have gotten buried, but more or less someone reacted the same about Hungary. If it got lost I’ll try to write the comment again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s probably true but then again I’m a bit stuck like you are. Oh well at least you are doing something for our side I just want to go full Ted kasczynski without the terrorism. A few years ago I watched videos of guys who went off grid who felt like they were forced out. In some sense I want to be forced out to be at peace but my new xtian friends think it’s better to be part of the broken society to try to convert people.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ll have to go back and reread what I said but I forgot in which days I wrote them. I definitely feel way healthier but can’t imagine I wrote all that differently.

I feel like I’m doing a bunch of pua and being fucked with. Hilariously it does not seem like krauser or roosh was being fucked with.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The more I learn about TCM and yin yang the more I believe things just have balance like this. Specifically in this case about action and inaction. But also learning and forgetting. And thinking/analysing vs doing.

People generally have an inaction bias, which is probably understandable, though people don’t realise how good inaction is. But that makes taking action really good as an “overcorrection” and that is why all the self help advice is like that. Specifically, the benefits of inaction is what Krauser refers to as catabolic/anabolic(action is catabolic rest is anabolic). But also opportunity cost, if you are doing one of the “best” action”, you are “not doing” all the other options

The more you think the more you can do one of your “best” options rather than a “worst” or “mediocre” option.

And the way learning works, the brain is learning all the time. But it’s forgetting way way more. We’re constantly bombarded by input and physically we just forget the vast majority of things. We learn/remember what is relevant.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Wtf xbox fairy?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

“May this land along with England be EVANGELIST TO ALL THE WORLD.” Covenant made with God by Robert Hunt at Cape Henry, 1607.

The foreward of the book of America. This was our true purpose the entire time. This is what we are going back to. No matter you see in the coming months, no matter how dark it looks, no matter what you think is about to happen, no matter what the evil ones do, IT ALL GOES BACK TO THE REDEMPTION AND RESTORATION OF AMERICA TO CHRISTIANITY AND TO IT’S TRUE PURPOSE.

Oasis Church – Command the Foreword | Dutch Sheets

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

God has withdrawn his protection right after 9/11. I hope you are right.

1 year ago

15% off at (tactical stuff like body armor, lights, attire) today only. Code is DADS2023. This beats their standard 10% off offered after your first order.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Usually Father’s Day is a joke. Encouraging to see a vendor doing something serious about it. They have my respect and loyalty.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

I make sure to show good Fathers my respect. Since I am not a Father myself. But they deserve it.

1 year ago
1 year ago

I am beginning to re-evaluate my understanding of Russians.

The movies told me they are stupid, lazy and and sophisticated. My encounters with russian men seemed to confirm .

And yet, a country of 150 million can churn out cars, guns, ammunition, tanks, aircraft, space rockets, satellites, nuclear submarines, missiles, trains, cathedrals, subway stations like he Sistine chapel – and without breaking a sweat, still have enough energy to hold off the so called “First World Nations” UK, US, EU, Australia etc

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s Russian women who hold that society together.

1 year ago

Just wanted to drop this vid that I thought you might find interesting to file for the archives. Its a mash up of vids that talks about a lot of the tech capabilities this thing has at its disposal. At least the stuff that they’ll discuss publicly but a lot of it I was not aware of.

1 year ago

“I just reflexively go Bonsai”
You turn into a miniature tree?
I think you meant Banzai.


Anonymous Conservative

 Reply to  Farcesensitive
 1 day ago

LOL! That is the one!



At this point, I considered the possibility that you were sending us a code 😉

1 year ago

Dr Shiva explains cabal and the ruling class via network dynamics. Very good.

1 year ago

Just so people are aware, my comms here are seriously screwed. Whatfinger’s owner emailed me asking for something, I offered something in the reply which should have precipitated a response, but crickets. Tex just sent me an email, which oddly went through. I hit reply, and in a minute I have a reply in my inbox saying:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

It was the address I just got the email from, which is not surprising as I hit the reply button to reply. Think about that. He and I cannot email each other. And that is not coincidental, or chance.

Been here awhile, occasionally have trouble accessing the blog. I keep trying until something works. (Their hopeful “retreat back to safety?” suggestion is always good for a laugh). The 2-legged pretend hominids working for cabal truly don’t understand how stubborn actual humans are, do they?

1 year ago
1 year ago

“My point is, this internet will not get better, it will get worse, and we will have to fight. Don’t take off just because you think something is bad. Because I have found quite often what I thought, turned out to be entirely wrong because people were in the shadows trying to make me think stuff that was wrong. We have advantages, but we need to power through, because they will not let it be easy.”

I’m not getting any younger, but I’ve got a made up mind that I’m going to be here for whatever the end of this bizarre mess turns out to be. Everyone on our side needs to power through, whatever it takes.

1 year ago

“Mr Twister

 Reply to  General’s Addition
 1 day ago

Am pretty sure LED lighting is screwing with us too.
It’s everywhere now”

My mother got into the “health-nut” thing *way* back, and I’ve spent a lot of time on sifting through various “take responsibility for your own health” info. There’s info out there indicating that too much time under led light can cause eye damage. Imagine how helpless we would be against cabal if we were all to go blind.

1 year ago

“a while back AC questioned why lead paint was demonized and banned as it may have helped block intrusive radio waves and see through wall spy technology. I think he was on to something there.
Lead based oil paint was an excellent long lasting coating whereas todays paint is mostly water, bleach, Witch hazel and other low voc compounds or one part epoxies that dont hold up as well. It’s also expensive. Top shelf exterior paint costs over $100 a gallon.
As I write this I wonder if there might be a lucrative black market for someone cranking out good old heavy duty lead based oil paint. Probably wouldnt be able to make more than a gallon before the surveillance called in the EPA on you.


I remember this, and I remember AC implying that there couldn’t possibly have been enough unsupervised kiddos poisoning themselves by chewing *all* the lead paint off of a windowsill to make this a thing. They banished lead based paint for a reason.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The only thing that would really make lead paint a hazard, IMO, is doing a lot of sanding prep work on it before putting a new coat on. In that case, lead dust would get all over the room and basically get on everything. It then has to work it’s way onto your finger tips and then to your lips. Or the dust makes it into the sinuses and then trickles down the back of your throat to your esophagus.

Otherwise I’d have no fear at all of lead paint.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Very good point.

1 year ago

Something to file away about the royal family:

William’s eye color: Blue
Cates eye color: Green
Both heirs have brown eyes though.
Somebody is not the parent.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Of the physical traits: eye color and hair color are known to skip generations.

1 year ago

“Anonymous Conservative
Anonymous Conservative
Reply to Anonymous
2 days ago
I don’t think Trump has narcissistic traits. I think he is an introvert, and probably an exceedingly nice and pleasant one. You see it in him when he is with his grandkids. But I think he is also so smart he has looked at the things he wants to excel in, like celebrity, and realized for some reason people look for those traits to find leaders and stanrs, like women who love bad boys, and so hee walks into a room, and he raises his chin, squints, and looks at people skeptically with an air of aloofness, and acts like he is one of them”

The world is “set-up” for the success of extroverts, and at this point, I honestly don’t know if that’s just biology, or the work of cabal. At this late stage, everything must have some cabal influence. They have to despise any methodical, deep-thinking from our side, and try to make flamboyant “charisma” look cool (they can easily fake that). Trump interacts with normal people in a normal fashion, on the fly, while their freaks need coaching on how to even spell “normal”.

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

My local news channel was talking about that google settlement and broke the numbers down to $8 per person in the settlement.

1 year ago
1 year ago

“Spread r/k theory…”
(4) Jared on Twitter: “” / Twitter

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

My favourite reply