News Briefs – 06/17/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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An Epstein accuser in South Africa posts a coming out video because she is being followed and threatened.

Joe Rogan now questions if elections are even “real.” I was saying this when Romney was running. How long until everyone is talking about the surveillance, do you think?

Joe Rogan, in the above link said, if everything is fake, why believe the elections aren’t too. To that, I would ask, why believe the stock market isn’t just as fake and made-up – Zerohedge – “There seems to be a sense of incredulousness around what is going on in the markets.” My bet would be they will reveal that entire thing was just fake numbers and rigged deals to strip money from the average investor, while leaving them with just enough gains to make putting their money in worthwhile to them.

Bannon says Trump is going to be sentenced for multiple years on July 11.

The new Biden dropped:

House Intelligence Chair Says US at ‘highest level’ of potential terrorist threat. Obviously they don’t know what is coming because there is no surveillance… I’ll be here all week!

Donald Trump at a meeting with his supporters said: “We once had very good relations with Israel, and we needed them. But now we don’t need them anymore, and we don’t need a presence in the Middle East.”

Biden freezes before Obama grabs his arm and leads him off stage. Even Obama could not help but look like a concerned nurse tending to a frail grandfather who doesn’t have long left. The problem is, as the campaign season approaches, Joe will need ever more stimulants, and stimulants make the candle burn twice as bright, but also twice as fast.

Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says she is “hearing on Capitol Hill” that Joe Biden will ” likely” be replaced as the Democrat presidential nominee by November.

Sen. Tim Scott stands by certifying Joe Biden’s 2020 election ‘victory,’ affirms turncoat Mike Pence did the ‘right thing.’ Jackass. So much for his future.

West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner and chief election officers in eight other states have joined to bring legal action to try to stop an executive order issued by President Joe Biden they say would federalize state elections.

Seattle to allow illegals to join Police.

Non-citizens accounted for 64% of federal arrests in 2018.

Photo of Andy McCabe, of unknown provenance, showing him making guilt-face:

In New York City, MS-13, Russian mobsters and scamming doctors, join forces to use migrants in elaborate injury scams — with migrants even getting spinal fusion surgery to pull it off.

Schumer getting roasted for putting the cheese on the raw burger before cooking it, showing he has never made a burger with cheese on it before:

Biden administration “strongly opposes” pay raise proposal for junior enlisted service members. As those not of the LGBTQXYZ persuasion shy away from service now, this might drive away those not in the secret society. Meanwhile maybe your secret society of surveillance people are getting their surveillance stipends, and getting orders to join up so they can act as shock troops.

Joe Rogan says the new AI Hitler videos are showing Hitler made a lot of sense. I believe he is making nine figures over a few years. I have done advertising, and extrapolating out to his audience size, I do not see how he is producing enough changed buying behavior that a slice of the profits, shunted to him, will produce nine figures, even if he is producing Spotify subs and other advertising revenue. As a result,  I assume whatever he is saying is some kind of script. So today’s narrative from CIA-Cabal seems to be, Hitler actually was right about a lot of stuff anon. You can go super technical, and point out he was, but it misses the point with respect to where things seem to be going, if Cabal is now rehabbing Hitler, which is something they would only do under one circumstance.

“Independently,” Candace Owens is doing the same thing – Candace Owens says US shouldn’t have gotten involved in World War II.

Journalist Michael Leahy is facing jail at a hearing tomorrow because he published information from long-hidden journal of Covenant Killer Audrey Hale.

The Massachusetts House has unanimously passed a bill that would allow women to sell their babies to the highest bidder. The bill passed under the guise of LGBTQ rights.

San Francisco becomes one of the first major US cities to declare ‘sanctuary’ status for transgender people.

Musk says the next Tesla roadster will be able to fly. Most think he means it will be aerial, but it is not clear to me he is not talking about acceleration.

Xi Jinping warned Ursula von der Leyen about Washington’s attempts to provoke Beijing into attacking Taiwan, the Financial Times reported. Looking for the ultimate distraction? They seem to be trying to provoke Putin into a World War as well.

Joe Biden has logged yet another foreign policy disaster under his belt after the Pentagon announced the “Gaza pier” will be dismantled due to damage.

UK begins deportation flights, PM shocks migrants.

Trump vows to halt ‘never-ending’ payments to Ukraine.

Cool video shows what it is like chasing a SpaceX rocket in an F22:

Bible bombshell as archeologists find evidence for story about angel killing 185,000 soldiers in one night. In these times, we are discovering these were more than just myths. With God all things are possible.

Spread r/K Theory, because there are a lot more angels where than one came from, and they are all on our side.

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9 months ago

Donald Trump at a meeting with his supporters said: “We once had very good relations with Israel, and we needed them. But now we don’t need them anymore, and we don’t need a presence in the Middle East.”

Unfortunately that is a misquote.
He says “we don’t have to be in the middle east other than we want to protect Israel…other than that we don’t have to be in the middle east we don’t need there was a time we needed desperately [the middle east and their oil] well we don’t need that anymore we have more than they do.”

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

that’s right up there with “you should drink bleach”. Liars all.

9 months ago

Schumer getting roasted for putting the cheese on the raw burger before cooking it, showing he has never made a burger with cheese on it before:

Cheeseburgers are not Kosher, multiple hedges about the law turned the Mosaic prohibition on seething a calf in its mothers milk into forbidding the consumption of beef and milk products together.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

This stood out to me also.

To be fair, it looks like it could be something like a Kraft single—is cheese food really even cheese? 😉

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

The burgers weren’t likely even cooking; no smoke, no sign of sizzle. Not sure what the grill message with that big creepy grin was supposed to be.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Can’t tell if it’s comms or he’s another elite trying to LARP as human and failing.

9 months ago

> The new Biden dropped:

The picture on the left is probably from the 20th century.

The one on the right appears to be a bad Biden impersonator.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

No it’s not, the man is a fogee.

9 months ago

> stimulants make the candle burn twice as bright, but also twice as fast.

“There I was, in a starship burning off the shoulder of Orion…”

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Blade Runner, I like the reference.In his dying moments, the replicant mustered his humanity and quest to be human, saved the humans life. Great stuff.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

Tyrell : The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long – and you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy. Look at you: you’re the Prodigal Son; you’re quite a prize!
Batty : I’ve done… questionable things.
Tyrell : Also extraordinary things; revel in your time.
Batty : Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn’t let you into heaven for.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Uncle Bosey’s Lament.

9 months ago

> So today’s narrative from CIA-Cabal seems to be, Hitler actually was right about a lot of stuff anon. 

Most of what Hitler said made good sense. Same for Lenin. They didn’t just mesmerize their listeners with their rhetoric. Both spent years polishing their schticks, learning what people wanted to hear, then promising to deliver it.

Of course, most of that went in the dumpster once they assumed power and could do as they pleased.

There are politicians all over the world, today, who are promising things way more extreme than Hitler or Lenin ever did. The politcial Overton Window moves, too.

As the old daying goes, “A political platform is like the platform on the end of a caboose. It’s not for riding on, it’s for getting in on.”

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

His road projects were great. They are still there.

Last edited 9 months ago by bigD
9 months ago

Schumer making cheeseburgers???
cheeseburgers aren’t kosher, because they mix meat and milk together.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Sorry, how so dude?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I get it now, thanks Anon.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

It made me think of when Butthead (aka Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke) did that video “Look at me! I’m just like you! Watch me change the tire on my $80,000 truck!”

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

his punk rock was absolute shite

Reply to  poppi
9 months ago

I wouldn’t necessarily call him “kosher” either.

9 months ago

Readers of Unz are familiar with the perspectives on Hitler and WW2 which differ from the accepted narratives. It is a tricky area because years of relentless vile hatred directed toward rational discussion have induced self-censorship. Not on Unz.

The Ford translation of Mein Kampf is highly readable, and for someone who actually reads the book it is readily apparent that the author is quite different from the man portrayed in the century-long match stick demonization.

Rogan may be scripted or controlled, but he is reflecting an actual phenomenon taking place, the realization that much of what we have believed is fake, a form of hoax. This is an extraordinary circumstance.

The popular consciousness of even five years ago is quite different from today. This is a good thing, and long may it deepen.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

Just the way Hitler was portrayed in WWI, where he volunteered for the job of message runner over and over again. His logic was “this job kills allot of our guys and I’m good at it, so I’ll just run the gauntlet day in and day out to save the poor guys who would get picked off their first time out”. That never struck me as a power hungry politician.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

That never struck me as realistic at all; he seemed as unathletic as they come. He was an actor, folks. do you really think the dynastic wealth of the German industrialists bowed to a Bohemian corporal? Xiden ain’t the first actor, nor was Ronnie

Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

Corporal Hitler was a bicycle courier. He spent a lot of time in combat areas. He was wounded several times, as couriers were high-value targets, and was in the hospital recuperating from a gas attack when the war ended.

Whatever he did later, he was a legitimate war hero in WWI.

As was Hermann Goering. After Manfred von Richthoften got shot down, Goering was his replacement to lead the Flying Circus. He was a quadruple ace with 22 authenticated aerial kills on record.

Reply to  Tonawanda
9 months ago

I only read the James Murphy translation. I was bemused to find there were jokes in it.

I suspect they were inserted by Hess, since Uncle Adolf never demonstrated anything resembling a sense of humor, even by German standards.

A few interesting things about the book: every ranking Nazi had a copy. It wasn’t exactly mandatory, but not having an expensively-bound edition (or even better, an autographed gift from the Fuhrer himself) prominently displayed would have been seen as… maybe someone not likely to retain his post or rank.

While everyone had a copy, every major Party member other than Heinrich Himmler claimed not to have ever read it. Publicly. Often more than once. It didn’t seem to bother Hitler much. He got royalties from the sales anyway.

A big chunk of Mein Kampf was a long tirade against the internal politics of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was on its last legs when Hitler dictated it to Hess. Certainly nobody in Weimar Germany gave a damn about Austria’s history and problems.

Even by German standards, the book was tedious and repetitive. There’s no pedant like a German pedant, and Hitler aspired to greatness there. It could be one reason why it was seldom actually read; Germans bounced off the native version like foreigners did off translations.

“Main Kampf” was only the *first* volume; “Zweits Buch” (Second Book) came out later. I haven’t got around to reading that.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Trump dropping Israel is interesting.

Will it gain the anti-Israel vote? Was Israel saved till last?

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Unfortunately that is a misquote.
He says “we don’t have to be in the middle east other than we want to protect Israel…other than that we don’t have to be in the middle east we don’t need there was a time we needed desperately [the middle east and their oil] well we don’t need that anymore we have more than they do.”

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Biden is clearly not long for this world. There must be 10,000s of better cabal candidates.

So question is why Biden?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I would dearly love another experience of waking up November 6 and surprisingly find out that Trump had won. The joy of seeing all the screaming at the sky, crying,crapping their pants, and just seeing the look on Rachel Maddow’s face is all I need in these late years to fulfill my hopes for America. Everything else is icing on the cake. God bless America. What say you Col. Mortimer?

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

Can’t say as to what Maddow’s face would look like being that I never look at the televised propaganda, but I am with you on the rest. I like icing and cake.

Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

Ah, 2016. I remember it well.

“Why are you so happy?”

“I woke up in a timeline where Hillary wasn’t President.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Hidden medical tech or pacts with the devil are why their people don’t die and mess up their plans.

I don’t think Trump is party to a deal with the devil, but we can’t rule out that those he is allied with are.

And we do know their medicine is far more advanced than ours.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Don’t forget the Israeli sayeret maktal commandos on 2 of the planes. Their unit specialises in preventing aircraft hijackings.

Re Intel plans workarounds as failure prevention mechanisms, but what if, sometimes, failure is the desired outcome?

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Multiple redundancy. Tower of Babel type shit, they make bricks of men, one dies and you simply slot another in his place. Hence the 5 Bidens. Also, for 9/11 why have people in the planes at all? Look at the challenger disaster and all the astronauts being found years later, some with the same names in the same lines of work.

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Up until now he’s been the perfect scapegoat to take the guilt for the actions they take under his name to the grave with him.
Now he’s a placeholder so that they can simply impose a designated replacement on their voters at a strategically chosen point in time.
(Probably RFKommie)

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Because I have an over active imagination, sometimes I think it’s because these old people are actually ancient demons with the ability to transfer their consciousness into new bodies at opportune times following esoteric rituals. That would explain the ultra rich cabal families running the world for hundreds or thousands of years and why we live in a good versus evil planet.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

They probably have copilots that do just that.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

The best propaganda is based on truth. Many good people were swayed by the Nazi arguments of freeing christians in the Soviet union and arresting deviants, pedophiles & communists.

For a long time, I have occasionally suspected that Cabal want to turn us into Nazis.

It appears Hitler was a Rothschild, Obama & Merkel are Hitlers and the public face of cabal are German (Schwab, von der Leyden).

Don’t take the bait.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Read THE LIFE AND DEATH OF ADOLPH HITLER by William Shirer, the only “biographer” who ever interviewed the men who had known him and who Hitler really was.
You can’t tell people because it’s too unbelievable. So I won’t. Just read the book if you want to know how badly history gets revised a month after it happens.
Hitler was a draft dodger. He fled to England and was sleeping on his brother Alois’ couch to hide out from draft police in Germany. That’s the real story.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

He dodged the Austrian draft. They actually arrested him in Munich and brought him back to Austria, where he did some crying and somehow got out of it. Then he petitioned the Prince of Bavaria to allow him to serve in their regiments after the war broke out.

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin was a global socialist and never the twain shall meet. Hitler was right, what did he care about anything outside of Germany? He had not one care for the rest of the world. He got a little carried away though. More than a little eh? He didn’t realize that economic power would conquer Europe. But he lived in a time where military force carried sway. He also had a military industrial complex whispering in his ear. He turned out to be weak. The complex got away with murder, and a US space program. History is great isn’t it?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

H made the fatal ‘mistake’ (was it really or was he ordered to) of letting the BEF escape at Dunkirk, thus paving the way for a potential 2 front war, which the German high command had failed to defeat in WW1. Why would any self respecting military commander do such s thing?

Also, H dedicated Mein Kampf to Dietrich Eckhart. Eckhart was a disciple of Alastair Crowley. Crowley worked for MI6. So there is 1 degree of separation between Hitler and Mi6.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

nicely stated. the whole “Doh!” at Dunkirk was the first inkling to 13 year-old history buff me that things are not what they seem.
“Our tanks were in need of service”, “Our men were exhausted”,”He admired Britain and its empire, and thought he could make peace”, etc.
The Brits and French were not tired? Out of supply? Demoralized AF?
Gimme a break.

Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

There have been various laborious attempts at explaining Dunkirk, but none of them have ever (in my opinion) been particularly believable.

It’s like Lincoln dithering over Fort Sumter, or JFK over the Pay of Pigs; nobody knows for sure why they just sat on their thumbs and let disaster happen instead of going along with the original plan.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

Some say Hitler let the BEF escape, because a British soldier let him escape in WW2.

He also didnt want war with UK.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

Yes, but remember too that Hitler was a racial Nationalist and also that absent the traitor and mass murderer Churchil and his handlers, Britain would have either been allied with Germany or neutral. Why would Hitler want to harm all those young Anglo Saxons.
It’s just like why would the Yahweh “god” want to kill all of Egypt’s innocent first born, when he could just “off” Pharoah himself, who was the only cause of his problems?
Some people are not getting enough iodine!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Now we have Armchair Generals and Armchair Deities.

How can you know The Creator’s plan or reasons.

Perhaps killing Pharaoh would achieve nothing. He would be replaced. Perhaps, ALL Egyptians needed to be affected in a way that affects them in a very specific way

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonynnous
8 months ago

Surely, you jest. The Hitler reason is well known and accepted. As for the Yahweh part, your comment makes less sense than mine, though it does show that at least some Christians are kill crazy Misanthropes, which is also well known. Repent, before it is too late!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Jude 1
Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. Woe to them!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

That sounds vaguely Presbyterianish, if that be a real word (and if it isn’t a real word, it ought to be.) You’d probably get on famously, with my family’s old Minister, who before he did that, ran a machine gun nest in The Big One. A truly nice man, but when you’d ask embarrassing questions about official doctrine, the fire would come out and you’d be glad he hadn’t a machine gun in his hand right then. Like so many others, though, he was wrong, although being wrong about such things does no harm, absent said machine gun.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

The Creator sees from beginning to end when there is no beginning but Him and no ending but eternity for us all, all laid out as if a parade from early time unto now and His perspective is not like ours, from the sidewalk, but from on High, as positioned to see everything all in one glance from that end to this, and beyond.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

You said a mouthful there AC and I agree that people cannot understand God. That includes all those “Chuch Fathers” from the old days. People can, however draw certain conclusions, such as the chance of the creator of all and everything being either a Habiru tribal deity or ever “choosing” such a degenerate gang of troublemakers is nil. Spread that fact and some of our worst problems vanish.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

As a Presbyterian, I am not shocked that simply quoting the Bible sounds Presbyterianish.
The fire comes out because he wasn’t embarrassed for himself, he was embarrassed for you.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Phelps, my longer nifty response didn’t show up, so here’s the short version. That minister was upset because he had no logical answer or he was just ticked off. Just like someone shouting blm or white genocide or any other wrong statement might be if challenged on it. I asked the man a legitimate question and since like so many others, he believes “because it’s impossible,” he had nothing to say. I think I asked an embarrassing question about Saul-Paul. As in was this guy for real and how do we know, etc.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

We know from the historical record, starting with the testimonies in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. It sounds like you wanted to him to answer your question of “nuh huh,” which again, is embarrassing for you if you think it is a real question.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

It is a real question, though — the most real question of all concerning that guy. Also, using Bible quotes doesn’t (and cannot) prove that anything in that book is true. As you know!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

No, it isn’t a real question. Why is that book the only book that isn’t assumed authentic until disproven? You’ll accept histories from Josephus or Thucydides at face value but not the Bible? That’s bias and arguing from bad faith, not a real question.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Who knows whether those guys and others are telling the truth either? There is controversy (Fomenko and others).
However, the Bible is not similar because the Bible is not just somebody’s book — it is a collection of many “books” by diverse creators, over a very long time, including many books that have not even been included for various reasons, by the people who cobbled the Bible together, none of whom are connected in any way to those allegedly resposible for creating a one of them. As you know.
However, that’s not the reason why asking about Paul and his claim is a legitimate question. As you also know. What a wild tale that claim was, and still is, upon which the entire superstructure of Christianity has been constructed, or evolved, and which if untrue in any way, puts the entire religion on very shaky ground.
So of course anyone questioning Paul and his story is acting on bad faith, aren’t they! Tell us about it!
As a 14-year-old, one afternoon after Sunday school, I suddenly realized that Paul could have been lying, considered his cui bono, and decided he probably was fibbing.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I can believe that what you say is true, AC, but not that the Hebrew God, which is simply a second rate evil spirit, is responsible for it, let alone creating the universe.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

However, that’s not the reason why asking about Paul and his claim is a legitimate question. As you also know. What a wild tale that claim was, yadda yadda verbal diarrhea some christian hurt my feelings that one time, I’m a sooper smart materialist, the Enlightenment was great look at my sail foam

Again, though, there is no actual question there. Only accusations of fabrication unartfully crafted as “questions.”
Not believing isn’t a question. It’s simple naysaying.

Last edited 8 months ago by phelps
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

The question, Phelps, is did Paul actually have the experience he claimed, on that road, or did he lie about it? Your whole fake religion hinges upon that because Jesus, if he even existed, did a lot less to found Christianity than Paul did.
I can understand your reluctance to even consider that any could question him; his fairy tale certainly was successful in redirecting the new religion to shipwreck Rome, civilization itself, and the White race.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

And how artfully must a simple question about Paul’s lie be crafted? You don’t get art, sorry. Yes, some might say it was a brilliant move on his part, to weaponize a group of religious fanatics, but maybe he only wanted to get women. Or even children. After all, Saul was a real creep, wasn’t he.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

The question, Phelps, is did Paul actually have the experience he claimed, on that road, or did he lie about it?

No. He did not.
There you go, kid.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

I take it you mean he didn’t lie.
But your answer is not clear about which thing he didn’t do.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

The answer was bad because the question was bad.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Speaking of hopium!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

I usually just ignore them. I can’t tell if the Bible verse posters and “Remember Jesus is on the throne!” people are just trying to encourage us or are trolling to get people to fight. In any case, most of us are Christians and I consider their posting irrelevant. Not a single one of them has ever posted anything I don’t already know, so it’s a waste of time to read them. And AC doesn’t want us fighting, so I just skip right over them. But I would like to ask them if they have anything constructive to add.

They very well may be honest. I have a friend whom every time I try to talk to about what’s going on in the world, has to devolve into that talk like he’s trying to comfort the 5 year olds in church. “Remember, God wins in the end…” and all that. I keep asking him if he seriously thinks I need to be reminded of it, or if he needs to be reminded of it and can we just please have a serious adult conversation.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

I have a friend whom every time I try to talk to about what’s going on in the world, has to devolve into that talk like he’s trying to comfort the 5 year olds in church. “Remember, God wins in the end…” and all that. I keep asking him if he seriously thinks I need to be reminded of it, or if he needs to be reminded of it and can we just please have a serious adult conversation.

If I respond to a brother like that, it’s because he’s sounding like he’s in despair. We’re not supposed to despair like heathens.
He probably thinks that you’re focusing on This World to your detriment. If you are just looking for an academic analysis of what’s going on in the world, tell him that, and that you aren’t despairing over it.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Heathens despair, do they? Isn’t that a bit bigoted?
Which hethans, Phelps? The Germans who were keeping an eye on Varus and his three legions?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

I’m not instructed against bigotry in the bible. That’s a heathen concern.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

I have told him that. It just seems to be the way he is.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

I agree those people even if well-meaning are tiresome, if not brain dead.
Then consider all the people we know who absolutely swear that a group like Patriot Front must be ‘Feds’ because they are not fat boomers and dare to step into the public eye.
Consider also, all the many thousands who hear about a famous Right that “shall not be infringed,” yet they never ask, “gee, I wonder how many Rights *have* been infringed?”
I can’t recall anybody asking that. Not ever! Whatsamatter, anon, is that a bad faith question, or what?

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

You don’t want to get me started. People scream about their First Amendment rights being violated and have never read the First Amendment, which begins “CONGRESS shall make no law” (emphasis mine). I’m convinced most people just parrot things they hear elsewhere and never give a single thought to what the words actually mean or where they came from.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

It has been argued that the 14thA applied the entire 1stA to the states.

But a bunch of idiots claim it recognizes “separation of church and state” in the most extreme leftist interpretation of that phrase.
It does no such thing, it prohibits establishing an official religion and guarantees a right to the free exercise of religion.
It does not provide freedom from religion or demand that if one religion is recognized (like posting the 10 commandments in the courthouse) that all must be given equal status.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago


Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

Be prepared for counter-intuitive opinion…

Stalin was a Nationalist, and he brought back the church. The Leninists were the internationalists.

The West started going downhill after the Leninists got into power and started exporting Cultural Subversion

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

You’ve got something there! Stalin wanted to establish and perfect “socialism in one country,” while Trotsk…I mean *Bronstein* pushed to continue the World (((Revolution))).
Stalin was a civic Nationalist, though. Those Mongols!

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

30-40 million white Christians killed in soviet Russia, 40,000 churches closed. I’m glad the evil Nazis were stopped.

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

I don’t know what’s fact from fiction, because I never knew the man. Based on my current understanding of the “beautiful lie”, anything “they” push as bad, I immediately side with.
For all the people shitting on the Nazi’s:
Cabal wants high IQ nationalist Europeans murdering each other.
Death camp “killing” numbers don’t add up.
The weird fetish around 6,000,000 YEARS BEFORE the holocaust.
Ann Frank’s ball point pen.
Death camps with movie theaters, art program, pools, etc.
Reported “mass graves” have no bodies in them.
Jewish organizations falling on top of themselves bragging how Jews were the pioneers in sexual reproduction removal and child pornography.
Which books specifically were the Nazi’s burning? Ask the Jews and they say child porn. Huh? Indiana Jones said the Germans were retarded goosestepping hillbillies burning Greek Classics.
I used to believe in coincidence but now believe in COHENcidence.
He definitely didn’t die with a pile of teeth left behind.
Only way to tell about Adolf, would be to ask him about the surveillance, IMO.
Speaking of Indiana Jones…
Indiana Jones Ark (Jewish artifact) releases (checks notes) demons that melts/burns everyone that looks at them. Cup of Christ saves your life. I remember also George Lucas having Darth Vader (Nazi helmet) chuck the Jewish Emperor into the Death Star’s furnace. That George Lucas was trying to tell us something.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Bman
9 months ago

It goes on and on, too. Hitler dated his neice and drove her to suicide…Hitler only had one testicle, and that warped his mind… you can even read now that Hitler was a tranny and Eva was a W2M.
Yada, yada, yada.
Read his words. Listen now, to the new translations from AI, of speeches never made public before, or sub-titled.
Similar to Jesus, whether or not Hitler even ever existed, he now influences more people than ever before. In this case, the influence is positive.
Study the program, think for yourself, and then get with the program.
Like “conservative,” “socialism” is not an ideology because it can mean countless things, from “opposed to anti-social” to what the murderous Marxists were practicing.
SO Read (or scroll the contents, at least) of Ludwig von Mises watershed book, “Socialism” and note the huge number of pages he penned about the many different things that have been called, “socialism.”
AND THEN…. notice that von Mise had almost *nothing* to say about National Socialism — and that in such a huge volume written in the heyday. Smell the H.S.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

> Similar to Jesus, whether or not Hitler even ever existed, he now influences more people than ever before. 

In the long term, the same could be said for Sherlock Holmes. You can visit the house where he lived, read scientific papers he wrote, the journals of people who knew him, and of course the vast body of fictionalized filn and literature about his detective cases.

All painstakingly crafted by the various fan clubs.


Reply to  Bman
9 months ago

Damn fine display of screen writing.

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

Hitler was an installed cabal asset. Cabal wanted to destroy both Germans and Russians. What better way to do that then to get them to fight? Just like cabal wants Slavs to kill Slavs as we see in Ukraine.

the fact that so many high ranking NAZIs escaped to Latin America is all you need to know that the entire thing was a cabal operation.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Don’t forget the large amount of jews who served in the Wehrmacht, including top officers.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

Why we never hear about this, Kimo(((sabe)))?

9 months ago

So today’s narrative from CIA-Cabal seems to be, Hitler actually was right about a lot of stuff anon.

General Patton, after the surrender of Germany, as part of the occupying forces of Germany, seeing how Eisenhower was starving German soldiers in camps TO death, came to the realization: “We defeated the wrong enemy”. Roosevelt and Truman were Masons and worked closely with Communists and helped the Soviet Union. Patton’s army could’ve taken most of Germany–but Roosevelt stopped him so that the Soviet Union could take Berlin. Many times Patton was hog-tied by his higher-ups—who had MORE concern for the Commie Soviets than for the German people.

Hitler never committed Treason. No National Socialist committed Treason–but EVERY Catholic has! Who is better? Hitler knew of the bloody Genocidal Ideology of the Jews and their plan to dissolve Germany. The Catholic Church and his Catholic monarch of Austria, betrayed Hitler. These two institutions did NOTHING about the rise of Communism and the communist activism in Vienna in the 1900s.

Patton and Hitler were both right. America is a Communist country. Fr. Hardon: “America is the MOST powerful Communist country in the world”—Yes–It helped the Soviet Union and destroys nationalism everywhere including at home!

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
9 months ago

The Fabian Socialists won. Much to the disservice of the world. China needs to be reminded that if it were not for America, China today, would not exist.

Last edited 9 months ago by Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
9 months ago

WWII was a war between the Socialist camps, The International and the National. America, Britain, the Soviet Union were ALL part of International Socialism either thru Fabian Socialism (Britain), or thru Freemasonry (America and Britain), and the actual International Socialism of Soviet Russia. Germany and Italy formed the Anti-Communist League.

Let us remind all people here that there were over 200 COMMUNIST organizations in America by 1880. And the First Communist Party was the Republican Party that led the 1st American Civil War. Freemasonry and Communism of the SAME goals–rebuilding the Tower of Babel. WWII was a war of the Jews, by the Jews and pseudo-Jews, to rebuild the Tower of Babel and quash nations and nationalism.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
9 months ago

America is not a communist country, unless you want to say Germany was a communist country.
Germany was filled with communists who were running things in the Wiemar Republic and Germany plucked Lenin out of exile in Switzerland and sent him to overthrow the Tsar and create the USSR.

Both nations are merely victims of the communist parasitic infection.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

With all ten planks of the Communist manifesto in full force, America is (or WAS until recently) the most successful communist country ever.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Going into the war, Anerica had the three most important planks of the Communist Manifesto program fully enacted: Compulsory Public Education, the Federal Reserve System, and the Income Tax.
FDR attempted full sovietization, but was stymied, so much of the rest of the plan was enacted piecemeal, over ensuing years.
America (the usA had died with the Marxist Lincoln’s war)… America REALLY lost WW2 when income tax withholding by the employer was enacted during the war as a *temporary* measure. Suddenly Americans found themselves enslaved and regulated beyond what the African Negroes on the big platations had ever been.
But the poor stupefied boobs were too dumbed down to recognize it! Thanks to the Compulsory government schools.
Hey guys!!
On YouTube. You can now find multiple years and many, many episodes of Japan’s greatest martial arts series, ZATOICHI, The Blind Swordsman. Just search on the Z name.
Every episode features our hero pitted against one or another local Yakuza mafia that is exploiting or terrorizing regular folk, often a nubile damsel or a child.
After watching quite a few of these splendid little films, it suddenly dawned upon me that the criminal abusive gangs on the screen were not one bit different than YOUR local, state, or Federal so-called and self-styled “governments ” except that the Yakuzs pests sported niftier clothing and hair styles and were not obvious homosexuals and they did not claim some mandate from a volcano demon.
Good place to begin: season 1, episode 1:
See if you can spot Gavin Newsome. Chuck Schumer? Mike Pence?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
9 months ago

How did Patton die again?

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

His staff car crashed.

9 months ago

Next question for Joey Rogan. Do you think the Lotteries could be fake too?

9 months ago

The new Biden dropped

Remember, as old and decrepit as the new latex mask looks like, he’s at least two orders of magnitude worse underneath it.

9 months ago

Whatever you think of Musk, the F-22 and the sustainability+military subsidies, those are two works of art which easily outstrip frauds like Pollack.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TheFeebleClone
9 months ago

Nonsense! Pollack and his homies may be frauds, but their work just hangs there for you to ignore. They are not harmful. Unless you take them for genuine art, that is!

Last edited 9 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

The map of countries that have signed the “Ukraine Peace Summit” communique is actually useful:

Its a starting point in determining which countries to avoid if you have to flee the one you are living in. The countries in blue are pretty much Oceania.

Pretty much because I don’t know what the deal is with Turkey, and the American deep state has plans to get tighter control over Latin America, by flipping Mexico and Brazil, both of which have governments that are fairly friendly towards Russia, but don’t expect that to last long.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Don’t know if I would want to flee to Turkey. Islamic large, and easily bumped to Islamic extra large.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Turkey will gravitate to the East and the BRICS alliance. Turkey is geographically placed to become a major energy and transport hub.

9 months ago

What strikes me about the Biden pics…his eyes are so close to the eyelids in the 1st one, and in the 2nd one, aside from the attached earlobes, it appears his eyes are set much deeper. Almost as if…its a mask. There is something I can’t lay a finger on, but, that is not the same person.

Reply to  Blu
9 months ago

That happens as you age, me, exhibit A.

9 months ago

I will point out the the fake biden and the sick biden are a bit contradictory. If they have fake bidens, then they shouldn’t have so much trouble with sickly gaffes on camera. Why even have a real one if they can use imposters?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Or the real Biden is being kept behind closed doors and they have actors playing the role, so the real one isn’t beamed or murdered. That lines up with Hunter saying he took a plea deal on the White House youtube video after Biden took office.
I’ll say it again.
During the debate, Trump should walk over and rip off Biden’s mask “Scooby Doo style” to show all the fucktards in the audience what’s really going on. Before it happens though, they should have Scoob and the gang come out on stage.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

My theory has been that the actors are instructed to act as they have dementia so that no one not in the know will interact too closely with them.

You see an elderly person with obvious dementia, even a relative, and the instinct is to minimize contact and look away.

Stories in the media about how the Democrats really, really, want to replace Biden with some other candidate (the names of the replacements rotate), but just can’t despite numerous opportunities, and are definitely going to do it shortly, are part of the misdirection.

The guys in the mask are not subbing in for a person. They are actors playing a fictional character.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Yesterday, the included Big Mike in a poll. He got 3% (image attached.) I’m kind of hoping they sub Mike in because the memes will be epic.

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, you know Big Mike as Michelle Obama. Michael LaVon Robinson.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The clones ain’t perfect yet, and their genetics are still based on the faulty original model with all the health problems requiring the cloning in the first place. The rapid aging messes em up

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

There are no clones. If they had cloning technology they’d be making armies, not fakes of Joe Biden.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

As stated, it’s imperfect tech because it’s an abomination to God, as we can see from these shit ass clone Bidens.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

What if clones have no soul and are just used for body parts?

Reply to  Bman
9 months ago

I remember exploring the NPC issue people discussed whether they had souls or not. The general conclusion is not.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

the imposters are all Oscar level. Retarded I mean.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

They always planned to replace the senile real Biden, so the doubles are either selected to be senile themselves, or are coached to act senile.
It’s also so people don’t notice a wild difference in his behavior when they switch from the real to the ersatz.
There may be some reason they have to trot out the real senile old man when meeting with foreign leaders etc. or it’s all just part of the script.

9 months ago

Another video about ‘Mission Impossible’ style masks.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

That’s just got to be way too hot to wear for long. Those are realistic though.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Next family gathering I’m going wearing one of those masks. The shock value will be worth the cost.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Seriously buying one of these masks would be good for grey man activities. I’m shocked more of the Homeless/Antifa/Cabal “Men on the street” don’t use these.

a n
a n
Reply to  Bman
9 months ago

What’s the over/under, 10% do, 90 don’t, or what do you suppose?

9 months ago

Now that I am reading Naked Capitalism again, I see they have a new blogger, Conor Gallagher, who mainly write about European politics, and does a good job of packing a lot of information into mid-sized posts.

This one is about Giorgia Meloni, but includes information about political developments in other European countries:

Basically the conclusion is the same as the one many commentators here have reached, that her populism is fake.

However, the main opposition party in Italy, the Democratic Party, is even more fake, and gay.

Also Martin Armstrong on Meloni, pretty much the same conclusion:

9 months ago

Do not know whom this putz is, the map is the interesting tell the extent these globo pukes fantasy project their end goals. I hope Vlad’s Lads keep breaking some asses and mops it all up. There is certainly a similar u.s.a. map all carved up and color coordinated in some think tank or .gov offices right now, awaiting implementation. Anons out there now may unwittingly be situated behind future enemy lines of control. A take down or nuetering of conus and u.s. power will require a fracture and break up of existing lines on maps and related systems and structures. Seccession fags are cabal plants, don’t take the easy way out bait. Stay united, pick up new friends along the way in any dust ups. And always, stay frosty. Thank you A/C!

9 months ago

The Internet Archive(including the Wayback Machine) is being actively sabotaged.

Bryan Lunduke – Internet Archive: The Largest Software Piracy Website

9 months ago

Fake numbers and rigged deals.

That reminds me of the numbers running back in the 30’s in New York, when everyone said “the numbers were the last 4 digits of the attendance from the track that day, so the number couldn’t be rigged”. I remember thinking WTF? That has to be the most insecure number in the world. Even if you couldn’t bribe someone, you could manipulate the number by tracking it and sending people in and out, in and out to get the numbers you need with a pretty small team. For fucks sake, a small group rigged the McDonald’s monopoly game for its entirely.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
9 months ago

>For fucks sake, a small group rigged the McDonald’s monopoly game for its entirely.

True, it was a small number of ground operatives, but they had the backing and logistics support of the larger and more coordinated lottery rigging cabal squad we see operating all over the US.

There’s probably thousands of people dedicated to scamming lotteries, all under one umbrella, just as another means of funneling money into the dark hole.

9 months ago

discussion of the nd of the petrodollar.

9 months ago
Texas Arcane
9 months ago

Some more on iodine.
I can’t believe I have stumbled onto all this and am just now seeing it.
There’s a reason people are like that. It’s no accident.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

Hmm, this might explain my wanting more seaweed in my diet… time to add some other sources too.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Maybe go Macrobiotic! They have these brown rice balls, wrapped in seaweed, with a pickled umeboshi plum in the center. Um, ummm, good! And they last a few days without refrigeration, too!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Yes, I found Lugol’s in my med cabinet, but I do have quite a bit of seaweed of various types. If you like umeboshi, try Shiso rice seasoning (Shiso is a japanese ‘mint’, red perilla leaves, used in making umeboshi.), sprinkle on rice goes a long way.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

>”Iodine deficiency turns people into vegetables and since we are all surrounded by them now, I would suggest there is something really obvious in plain sight that is causing all of it…

…It’s really important to point out that whatever it is, a kosher diet by its very nature will prevent a person from getting iodine deficiency.”
. __________ .
That’s it. I’m convinced. Thanks!
I would read and heed his substack article, if I was you.
“THEY” would absolutely do this to us, and they have done this and similar, in the past. Bromine being massively added to the food chain at the same time that Iodine was phased out of daily bread? Did they recently try their best to hit you up with a poisonous fake vaccine? Fluoride in your water?
That book shown here on comments page holds important info. Maybe you can find a Pi(R@) version online, if you must.
I hope Tex will condense and compile this material into something brief and simple, because bromide cretins are not going to be able to study and grok it otherwise. (!)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

The general rule is that if your employees begin stealing from you, they will take more and more, until eventually they are taking everything. It makes sense that they would also try to kill you off somehow…and if they give you one poison –especially if it is subtle — they will probably feed you more and more poisons as time passes.