News Briefs – 06/16/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Jonathan Turley – “This week, I received emails from Connecticut Bar Association (CBA) members about a message posted by President Maggie Castinado, President-Elect James T. (Tim) Shearin, and Vice President Emily A. Gianquinto warning them about criticizing the prosecutions of former President Donald Trump. “ Do you think the person in charge of the Connecticut Bar might be a Cabal agent? If so, is it possible the conspiracy took over the Bar, in an effort to maintain control over who was allowed to practice law? Might failing the Bar Exam be due to something more than just not giving the right answers? Think anybody smart went to law school, and was baffled that they could never pass the Bar Exam?

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How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it.

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Lara Trump vows to prosecute anyone who cheats in an election: ‘We will track you down.’

CNN lays out final rules for Trump vs. Biden debate, RFK Jr. might be able to qualify.

Nearly half of Americans expect President Joe Biden to suffer an embarrassing gaffe during the first debate against former President Donald Trump.

Hunter Biden’s conviction on felony gun charges increases the likelihood he could face stiffer penalties at his September tax-evasion trial should he be found guilty, an expert told The Post.

Biden has not connected one person with high-speed internet with $42.5 billion from infrastructure bill. Can you imagine the pile of cash this conspiracy is sitting on? Because there is one all powerful intel op behind this, they see all, and they are not letting randos steal, or even waste their cash.

Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson: “Everybody but me has an AIPAC person” ‘Babysitter.’

Former Trump Attorney Michael Cohen revealed his plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the Democratic primary.

In a startling revelation, secret policies in thousands of American school districts have come to light, allowing for hidden communications between teachers and elementary school students without parental knowledge. Pedos and trannies are exploiting the policies to try and do things parents would never allow, like change a child’s gender. Given the extent that the American Stasi is throughout schools, you have to wonder whether that was by design. When I was ushered in to meet the Stasi-guy “Security Aide” running child-ops at my high school, at least one teacher, and the two women at the front desk were both deferential to him as they had to know they were guiding me into a non-official disciplinary procedure, which I would have assumed would be trouble had it come out. I wonder now, if the Principal or any of the VPs, or the Superintendent of the schools had crossed paths with him, would they have been deferential too, just because he was a high-level domestic spook position, and could probably get them gangstalked? It was weird, because by all other signs, he should have been lower than the janitor. Those male Security Aides did nothing you could see at that school. But the reality was all day every day was intel ops and psyops on the kids who were targeted, and from at I saw, at least a few in the school felt they were really in charge.

Harris vows to protect DACA: ‘The story of Dreamers is a story of America.’ Lately I try to view everything as if I was the psyops officer who set it up, since just about everything today is psyops, and it appears the script does in fact return Trump to office. Here, I would see myself saying to someone, “OK, now we need to connect the Dreamers to the broader immigration shitstorm, so later nobody will complain when we deport all these people as one big mass. Have Harris extol how we need to protect them, and spout some bullshit platitudes, so the Dreamers get linked to the Biden immigration crisis. Everybody hates that cunt, too, so that also will bleed over on the Dreamers.”

DACA at 12 is on life support and already leaving out many young immigrants. Points out how by now, everyone in it had expected to have a path to citizenship and legal status. And I would have expected it too. If Reagan had done it they would have full citizenship by now. And yet they have not gotten it. I assume it more likely than not these cases will get lumped in with tens of millions of more recent illegals, and they will all end up going back.

Supreme Court ruling upholds immigration law and deportation process. 5-4 with Gorsuch taking the side of the liberals.

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Millwall and Montenegro goalkeeper Matija Sarkic has died at the age of 26, the club has announced. Plays soccer at the highest level, dies of a heart attack at 26. Totally normal.

Report: 6 in 10 U.S. adults may suffer from heart disease in next 30 years. They name everything but the Vax.

Judge dismisses Infowars bankruptcy – Alex Jones releases statement after victory in court. So Jones will keep his media empire, he just has to liquidate personal property, which I will bet is very little. If they are trying to silence him, it is not a very good job. More or less the meaningless show I would have expected.

Senate committee sneaks provision into NDAA allowing women to be drafted.

Libertarian Party of New Hampshire rejects nominee Chase Oliver and will withhold support. Nominating the radical sexual deviant, and then local parties withdrawing support feels more like intel is in control and directing a script, so Libertarians will head to Trump, than an organic situation.

Two armed men believed to be Venezuelan migrants — one of whom was carrying a fully automatic pistol — carjacked an off-duty NYPD officer in Harlem, law enforcement sources said. Tattoos point to the Venezuelan prison gang.

California is finally awash in water after record-breaking rains vanquished years of crippling drought, but due to environmentalists worrying about some small minnow, many farmers in Central Valley, America’s fruit and vegetable basket, will get just 40% of the federal water they are supposed to this year.

War on nation’s food supply?: Idaho restricts water to 500,000 acres of farmland.

A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft suffered a mid-air emergency on Friday after it plunged 16,000 feet, coming just 400 feet of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Hawaiian island of Kauai due to adverse weather conditions.

New Hong Kong reporting law sparks concerns about Catholic seal of confession: Priests could be prosecuted for not reporting “treasonous” acts to the police during confession.

Germany is descending into chaos – and it will take the rest of the eurozone down with it.

Another Afghan migrant in Germany goes on a stabbing spree, including at a private party to mark the opening of the Euro 2024 soccer tournament.

Supreme Court signals interest in hearing a major climate change case that could be a ‘nightmare’ for liberals.

In a reversal of one of the most familiar patterns in American politics, it appears that Donald J. Trump, not President Biden, would stand to gain if everyone in the country turned out and voted.

When teens descend on D.C. for school trips they snap up Trump merchandise.

Shock polls: Trump edges Biden in two Blue States that haven’t gone with the GOP for President in decades – Virginia and Minnesota.

Massive ‘Michigan MAGA boat parade’ from Lake St. Clair to Detroit’s Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday.

Ah, to be a kid again….

Spread r/K Theory, because it is the simple things…

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9 months ago

Epstein girl, she was followed recently and posted this video because she fears for her life:

Last edited 9 months ago by FtR
9 months ago

Voxday makes an interesting point.

“satanic forces can only degrade and destroy, they can neither build nor maintain”

The West is in a hurry. Premature elections in UK, France, maybe Germany (yes? no?).
Trudeau hangs on with painted fingernails. Tusk minority leader in Poland. Orban inconveniently nationalist. Slovak Fico did not die. Right wing awakenings in Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, UK, France, Italy, and of course, the US.

Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

He’s right, but it applies to the CCP too.
Their destruction of China is approaching its conclusion rapidly.

a nony mus
a nony mus
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

He seems to have a blind spot for the virtuous pagans and orientals in general, maybe from his stint in Japan.

9 months ago

Judge dismisses Infowars bankruptcy – Alex Jones releases statement after victory in court. So Jones will keep his media empire, he just has to liquidate personal property, which I will bet is very little. If they are trying to silence him, it is not a very good job. More or less the meaningless show I would have expected.

Its all a little theatrical.

I do not trust Alex Jones and cannot listen to him. The constant talking, talking, talking, talking, is designed to block out the conscious mind to put the listener in a hypnotic state.

And then there is the theory that he is Bill Hicks.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

Worst shill of them all. Worse than Dr. Malone. Jones is paid opposition and always has been.

9 months ago

“Senate committee sneaks provision into NDAA allowing women to be drafted.”
While normally I’d be against drafting women, their political branch has made such a stink in the legal system about “equality”, then be equal – there’s no reason not to draft women.
The subject of the draft is a different topic

Reply to  Tom
9 months ago

There is every reason not to draft women, they shouldn’t be allowed in the military at all.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Strong, independent, ‘don’t need no man,’ don’t need the patriarchy to fight for them.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

There are many reasons to draft women. None of them are good

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

They shouldn’t, or at least should only be allowed in limited capacity like nurses. But I think the point is to degrade military readiness. In that case, they know exactly what they’re doing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I think it might have to do with killing off the “K” women like the K men. But when I think back to when I was in the Navy in the 90’s, I can’t recall many females I would have considered K. I wasn’t aware of the concept at the time. But in my experience, it was a social experiment designed to degrade military readiness.

Reply to  Tom
9 months ago

Toxic cabal cunts will never be forced into the breach, only decent women who do not belong on a battlefield. Oppose evil at every turn no matter how much you think it might have some outcome that harms your enemy down the line, as you’re usually going to be wrong and cheer on your own destruction.

9 months ago

Think anybody smart went to law school, and was baffled that they could never pass the Bar Exam?

They don’t do it on bar exam requirements, they use the moral turpitude requirements. Bar scores are objective and provable. The morality requirements are vague and can be based on a couple of liars.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Every state is different, so I’m sure many do, but many others are pretty objective in grading the essays. (Does testee include element 1, 2, and 3? Correct answer.) It seems easier to just trump up some kind of moral failing.
Also, you can keep retaking a failed bar exam. Fail the moral requirement and you are stuck.

9 months ago

Germany is descending into chaos – and it will take the rest of the eurozone down with it.

Black Mountain just posted an analysis that says that there won’t be a world war (China and Russia won’t take the bait) but that instead Europe would fall into internal war, and force Russia to nuke them. Guess they cabal has no other playbook than starting with Germany.

9 months ago

‘Senate committee sneaks provision into NDAA allowing women to be drafted.’

Pointless. Most of them would be excluded due to the preponderance of bipolarism, and the rest would “accidentally” get knocked up.

9 months ago

In regard to secret policies in American schools, this started at least 20 some years ago in special education classes. Once a mentally disabled student reached 18 the school district would use confidentiality laws to exclude parents from any conversation about their child. The school district would go to great pains to teach these kids their “rights” and strong arm parents into placing their disabled children into facilities or board and cares. When the child was the victim of a crime the school would misuse confidentiality laws to exclude parents and keep them in the dark about the incident while telling them their child had the right to file a police report. Keep in mind their child probably had the mental capacity of a 5 year old! I actually heard school personnel misquote HIPAA as a justification for this. HIPAA is federal legislation that has to do with the confidentiality and sharing of medical information.
I saw many mentally disabled young adults whose parents were tricked into placing them into some sort of facility. I lost count of how many ended up being sexually abused. There’s a lot of talk about human sex trafficking, but a nasty little secret you will never hear is that autistic and Down’s Syndrome kids are a hot commodity. Some state consent laws didn’t adequately address diminished capacity, and then confidentiality laws were being used to hide the crimes.
This is what is being done to all of your children now. They are being set up for victimization, and the law is being misused to stop you from finding out about it, or doing anything to constructively fight it.

9 months ago

>high speed internet.
My internet provider recently installed fiber in my area and changed my internet from DSL to Fiber a few days ago. It does seem faster. They did not charge me for this. I assumed it was either because of some government funding or cabal doing something or both. central texas

9 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The ultimate first trauma for a male

9 months ago

Lowell posted this interview with Tom Renz, with some informed speculation on the Cabal plans for this year (towards the start).

This posted in the last comments thread at something like 3 AM EST, so I am reposting so it will be higher up in today’s comments.

9 months ago

Recent Martin Amstrong interview touching on many of the same topics as the Tom Renz interview I posted earlier. He pretty much starts with war and the last part of the interview is about his suspicions of bitcoin:

My take is similar to that of Armstrong, Mercouris on the Duran, Charlton, and others, and maybe also Vox Day based on what he posted this morning on I think the plan for 2024 is general war. They had planned for another election steal in 2024 and war in 2025, but it sort of fell apart and they will do the war first, and use it as an excuse to crack down on domestic opposition.

9 months ago

I found a French elections thread on Naked Capitalism that gets all the recent developments in the campaign all in one place:

Sorry, this is the current thread:

France24 has at least comprehensive coverage, but you have to read multiple articles, and everything there is in one blog entry and comments. Be sure to read the comment by Aurelien, which is more informative than the original entry.

There are also good diagrams at the top explaining, for Americans, parliamentary systems, and how France differs slightly from normal parliamentary systems.

In Britain, Sunak called the election, six months before he had to, when the Tories were twenty points down in the polls, and they then dropped further in the polls, with them losing much of their support to Farage’s party when he returns. Its really like Sunak is deliberately trying to lose. The thing is that Starmer and Labour will just increase the torture, so the whole thing is depressing and I’ve given up following it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Starmer will probably be the final nail in the coffin of Britain. He is a hideous loathsome creature who was head of the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) which decided against prosecuting Jimmy Saville.

Although I believe, like Epstein, Saville was with Intelligence.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

With a super majority, Starmer will introduce a Communist Tyranny & Genocide.

That is not Hyperbole.

a nunya
a nunya
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

…so he was servile with Saville…

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

The Conservative Party is New Labour. Tony Blair is a frequent visitor to CCHQ.

The Labour Party is New Labour.

  1. Queer Starmer was appointed by Blair.
  2. Starmer cancelled the police charges against Blair
  3. Starmer is Tri-Lateral Commission, just like Bush Senior.
9 months ago

Since I’m posting a lot of links to other content this morning, I might as well post these, both of them just over one hour.

The Duran has been putting up a ton of content recently, due to the obvious run up to a wider war, and I can’t keep up. I am curating their two top videos, which are more philosophical and both discuss the Cabal and how it controls governments fairly directly. So they both tie into this site.

Of the two, this one is more important:

Parvini’s Wikipedia bio as of this morning is short enough to copy and paste most of it:

“Neema Parvini is a British academic, currently a senior fellow at the Centre of Heterodox Studies at the University of Buckingham.[1] He has worked at Richmond, The American International University in London,[2] Brunel University,[3] Royal Holloway, and the University of Surrey.

“His books on Shakespeare mainly discuss the influence of the New historicism, and cognitive approaches to Shakespeare studies. He has written for the website Quillette,[4] as well as the Ludwig von Mises Institute,[5] and has spoken at the think tank Traditional Britain.[6] Parvini is a member of the Heterodox Academy and the Evolution Institute, and attended that Battle of Ideas event run by the Institute of Art and Ideas.[7] He is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Heterodox Social Science.[8]

“Parvini discusses political theories on the rule of elites on his YouTube channel, “Academic Agent”.[9]

“In Bournbrook Magazine, Alexander Adams describes Parvini’s book The Populist Delusion as “an informative, succinctly-written and accessible handbook for those who wish to understand the core principles of elite theory discussed by reactionaries and the dissident right”.[9]

“In 2024 the advocacy group Hope not Hate described his views as “extreme” and aligned with the “scientific racist community”.[10][11]

Hope not Hate spends most of its time purging the Labour left, and attacking dissidents in general.

This is a serious interview, and to comment substantially I would have to write a mini political science essay, which I don’t have time for and I’m not sure people would want to read.

Here is the one with Alastair Crooke, again about an hour. This is more topical and less important, but also discusses the Cabal:

Excerpts from Crooke’s Wikpedia bio:

” Alastair Crooke CMG (sometimes mis-spelled as Alistair Crooke), born 1949, is a former British diplomat, and is the founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum, an organisation that advocates for engagement between political Islam and the West.[1] Previously he was a ranking figure in both British intelligence (MI6) and European Union diplomacy.[2][3]

“Crooke was born in Ireland, to Frederick Montague Warren and Shona Ann Thomson.[2] His elder brother was Ian W T Crooke who became an SAS officer, eventually commanding 23 Special Air Service Regiment.[4][5] Crooke was brought up mostly in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).[6] He was educated at Aiglon College in Switzerland[7] and at the University of St. Andrews (1968–1972) in Scotland, from which he obtained an MA in Politics and Economics.[2]”

“Crooke started his career in London banking for a few years.[6]

“Crooke later worked for nearly 30 years in the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)[8] under diplomatic cover in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Colombia, Pakistan and the Middle East. His early work included helping provide weapons to jihadists fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan and assisting in the Northern Ireland peace process.[6][9]

“In 1997, he became a security adviser to the EU special envoy to the Middle East, and operating out of the British Embassy in Tel Aviv was involved in British attempts to draw Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian groups into the political process.[10] He was involved in negotiations to end the Israeli army’s siege of Yasser Arafat’s compound in Ramallah and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. He assisted the negotiation of several local truces between the Israelis and Palestinians during the early 2000s. Crooke had good contacts with the Israeli military and intelligence services.[10]

“In September 2003, he was instructed to leave the Middle East, against his wishes, because of “personal security reasons” with a British embassy spokesman saying “We do think he’s done a really difficult job in difficult conditions and has been outstanding at doing it.”[10]

“His book Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution,[6] provides background on what he calls the “Islamist Revolution” in the Middle East, helping to offer strategic insights into the origins and logic of Islamist groups which have adopted military resistance as a tactic, including Hamas and Hezbollah.”

Wikipedia bios posted to help people see if its worth spending time on the interviews. Many people listing to the Duran at 1.5x speed since they tend to get long-winded.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Hope Not Hate is a British version of the SPLC and similar organisations. They are a front for the security services, who themselves are a front for the banking parasites in the City of London.

FREEDOM isn't free
FREEDOM isn't free
9 months ago

And remember to have a Happy Father’s Day to all those blessed as such, and remembrances for the elder males of the family line that have come before and persevered, may we be worthy for the momentous task ahead, SO HELP US GOD.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  FREEDOM isn't free
9 months ago

Well said.

9 months ago

I have come to the conclusion that all of bishops of the Catholic Church are raving lunatics. I read their site Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism | USCCB
They are Mad Dogs. As the leadership is–so is the faithful. Any person devoid of Arete are Mad Dogs. That is why there is a hell. That the pope can give, GIVE THIS COUNTRY AWAY, to foreigners–He’s a Mad Dog. These people are raving Lunatics, divorced from Common Sense. One of the components of Phronesis is Common Sense. It is the opposite of Idealism. I was always unnerved by the use of Gal 3:28 because it went against common sense and now, that I understand it as a Trope–I was right in my assessment.
LXX Wisdom 7:28 “For God loveth none but him that dwelleth with wisdom.”

Commonsense is an integral component of Wisdom. If one doesn’t have, use Commonsense–makes one a Lunatic. That is why we live in an Idiotocracy. Clown World.

There is nothing wrong with teachings of the Catholic Church–It’s the people that are ignorant of Scripture and live in fantasy land. I’m the way that I am because of the Catholic Church and its principles. What I find most jarring, is that I BELIEVE what I am taught–but the people teaching the stuff—are NOT connected to the words. Maybe because I’m Doric Greek by blood and Plato reports on one of the D Greeks racial customs, “Harmony of Word and Deed”. The D Greeks are a Serious people, what the Romans called Gravitas. Words mean things; are to be taken seriously. I look around–these people spout words–and have NO intention of living them! WTF is that?

I consider all of people in the Catholic Church, raving lunatics, dangerous people. They have all committed Treason–one of the most heinous of crimes–How do you do that with the “Gospel of Love”? Yes, Scripture is the divine inspired Word of God–but without Phronesis–it becomes deadly. Phronesis is above Scripture. One can’t divine the Word of God without Phronesis.

9 months ago

On Nov 8th, 2020, on my thread of Cultural Marxism, I linked to a Breitbart article that reported the paramilitary setup of the Mexican Cartels.

In my hometown, I’m watching European cultural restaurants close being replaced by Mexican food. One place put in a complete Concrete parking lot. –Not 4 inch–but thick Concrete all around—and they only took the place over a year or two years before. Where did they get their money?

And then, Scott Adams, whose stepson died of fentanyl poisoning, rails against the open border and the drugs coming over the border. About a month ago, seeing no action in the past 5 years, he came to the conclusion—They want this. He calls the American government a criminal organization. And he realized that our Intelligence agencies are WORKING WITH the Cartels!!! “THEY” want this.

Then, the lady blogger at Absurdistan writes this:
[QUOTE]”Think I’m kidding about cartels owning America? What do you think happened in Arizona during the 2020 and 2022 elections? Those elections and that governor were managed by the cartels. She still is. On the west coast, the CCP, in a symbiotic relationship with the most violent cartels on earth, are infiltrating every government and agency.”[END]

Quote: “The cartels will pay for everything: science, health care, education, pensions and they will take a piece of each and determine what is allowed to happen. They will own energy, they will own health, they will own education.”

Quote: “No, you idiot. You will be replaced by a cartel member who is willing to kill every member of your family until you resign. Or you will be owned by said cartel member. But hey, the cartels are diverse! They come from every race (though mostly Mexican and Asian here). And, like sensible people, they use Wasps like W. or quasi-Wasps like RFKjr, as their unwitting face and administrators. And they have the best lawyers.
In the crudest analysis, that’s what happened in Russia after the fall of communism: cartels took over and now Russian cartels terrorize Europe and the eastern seaboard. In China, same thing. Read retired diplomat Ian Hamilton’s series of novels. The face of the Middle Kingdom may be Mr. Pooh Bear, but its reality is indescribable levels of violence, coercion and theft. No one is free in China, they are all under the boot heel, not of communism but of the cartels.[END]
The Ms Nuland War is that thing! Why do you think Igor Kolomoisky, a Jew, was funding the neo-Nazi Ukrainian battalions in the Donbas? Igor Kolomoisky is a CARTEL Leader! He is CARTEL. There are 10 Trillion minerals and ores in Eastern Ukraine. At one point, the Jewish Mafia horn-swaggled the US Navy in 2014 in planning to seize Crimea. Everything is run by Cartels, Criminal Organizations. The Jewish Mafia, the Rothschilds is THEE Cartel. Rothschild, Soros, Kolomoisky. They ARE working with the Mexican Cartels! (They are NOT Amalek like the Europeans are!)

Recently, Scott Adams published a book called Reframe Your Brain. It is time to Reframe Our Brains–I’m reading the tea leaves–the Constitution is gone–we are heading into Cartelization. The Mexican Cartel has muscle, organization, funding galore. They are setting up power structures here in America aided and abetted by “They”. “They” want this. War requires quick thinking and adaptation. We are in a NEW Future NOW. Trump is just a bump in the road–Cartelization is inevitable; we are in societal collapse here in America–there is no bringing it back. Cartelization is coming. You see this in the Lawfare.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
9 months ago

The Europeans are not Amalek. Now go back and read Genesis and the generations of the sons of Noah and the generations of Esau. and then when you’re done reading those, research the migration of he Tribes of Israel. Finally, Google the phrase “Jewry is Edom” (Esau) Google use to send one directly to the Jewish Encyclopedia, but no longer.

Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

I think he meant that Zionists call Europeans Amalek to justify destroying them.

Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

Teotoon—I meant that as a Metaphor—AS THE JEWS DO! Why are IDF soldiers TODAY, calling the Palestinians in Gaza–Amalek–there’s vids of them dancing in circles chanting that they are going to destroy Amalek.

Amalek is used metaphorically to describe —-ANYBODY–who persecutes the Jews. The Europeans have persecuted the Jews, threw them out of their countries (justified), and Europeans are Amalek.

You have NO understanding of Jewish Messianism. Destroying “Amalek” is a perquisite for their Messiah to come. Look at the Russian Revolution–the killing—the Russian Royal family, the Russian aristocracy and the Russian Orthodox clergy–all massacred because they were Amalek.

ALL Europeans are Amalek!

9 months ago

That video clip certainly bears watching.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
9 months ago

Watching bears, bears watching, being a poet and didn’t know it…

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Proof that politicians have always been creeps.
The lost 14th State of Franklin: Appalachia’s fight for freedom.
Franklin was never officially recognized BECAUSE it’s constitution forbade lawyers, doctors, and preachers from holding office.
Short video.

9 months ago

Never mind, fake news.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
9 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Jesus these people love ad homonym. Anything WRONG with the accuracy of the diagrams? I swear, the spooks who do this shit one day their faces will be hanging on trees.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

And the first sign will be, rope is outlawed.

Last edited 9 months ago by whoknows
9 months ago

Will Bannon be VP?


“We’ve got a man who’s got a really successful show. Everybody watches it. I watch it as often as I can. He’s a smart guy, and he’s actually got a big heart, but I won’t tell people that because it’ll ruin his reputation. —Steve Bannon.”

— Grace Chong (@gc22gc) June 15, 2024

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Aetherczar’s next Based book sale:

LibertyCon Sale: 12:00AM PDT Wednesday June 19, 2024 through 12:00AM PDT Wednesday June 26, 2024

9 months ago

> Senate committee sneaks provision into NDAA allowing women to be drafted.

Good. Women have all the rights men do, they should have all the responsibilities, too.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Repeal the 19thA instead.