Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
After DOJ declines to prosecute Garland, House vows to take Biden audio issue to court.
State Department won’t say if it’s colluding with Big Tech to censor speech ahead of 2024 election.
Biden preparing to offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who have lived in U.S. for 10 years. The argument for him doing this by Executive Order is, Congress rejected any such deal, so he has to act unilaterally. I am not sure they understand the idea of the three branches of government.
Los Angeles DA George Gascon sits on 15,000 unfiled cases as robberies skyrocket.
Study suggests Big Tech can influence flocks of undecided voters ‘without people’s awareness.’ That sounds good, but is it true? Or is it a cover story to keep us thinking anything can happen in an election, and the next election was lost to Biden not because it was rigged, but rather a bunch of human zombies got glossy eyes listening to Big Tech and voted for him.
The government’s star witness had testified in the trial that Menendez used a bell to summon his wife to help in a conversation that involved bribery. Wow. Well trained wife. You only get that level of training from using a shock collar with a remote control, in my experience. I wish we could go back and see how that got started. “Honey, it takes a lot of effort to call your name, so I bought this bell. From now on, I ring the bell, and you come running, got it?” When surveillance gets outed, remind me to FOIA the recordings of that one.
Disturbing study: COVID shots destroyed young men’s fertility.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines by producing anti-vaccine propaganda which cast doubt on Beijing’s cures, at the potential cost of the health of Filipinos. Why is it intelligence assholes always seem to end up either killing or enslaving people, for their own good? If it is St Michael on the shoulder of Cops and soldiers, it must be lucifer whispering in the ears of intelligence.
I have not personally reviewed this, but if they are making the mRNA self-replicating to eliminate the need for boosters, that could become the basis for a mini-virus which just makes spike protein and self-replicates. It would be pretty bad, even before it potentially recombined with other viruses:
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the launch of Bill Gate’s Digital ID system online, nicknaming it the ‘New York Mobile ID’, allowing New Yorkers to store their driver’s license and non-driver IDs. Voluntary for now, but the first step to making it mandatory.
House of Representatives passes bill for mandatory military registration of young men between 18 and 26. I hope you are ready to die for Globohomo, anon.
Gunfire causes N.C. power outage raising fears of further attacks on electrical infrastructure. If you want to operate against surveillance in a sector, you need to pop the power first.
Demolition of the Parkland classroom building where 17 died in 2018 shooting begins. There was a teacher who claimed there was a dude in full SWAT battle rattle doing the shooting.
FAA: Some Airbus & Boeing jets may contain counterfeit titanium with falsified certification. Chinese sourced titanium.
NY Governor mulls NYC subway mask ban amid rise in antisemitic hate.
U.S. to offer landmark defense treaty to Saudi Arabia in effort to spur Israel normalization deal. It is curious it is always somebody else offering something, in return for Israel benefitting. Shouldn’t we be getting cheaper oil? If Israel wants normalization shouldn’t it be them offering something for it? What is this going to cost us?
Argentina’s Senate passes Milei’s economic reform bill as protesters clash with riot police.
Kyiv prepares for Ukraine capital’s first gay pride march since the Russian invasion. Why do I just assume that the recruiters will not show up with their vans, and kidnap and hustle these gays off to the front lines?
North Korea sent almost 5 million artillery shells to Russia.
Gaetz says Trump trashed Ukraine aid during House GOP meeting.
Supreme Court strikes down Trump’s ban on bump stocks.
Gallup poll finds support for “pro-choice” position on abortion drops 3%.
Young voters are leaning Republican as Dems try to sell themselves as the ‘cool’ thing.
Spread r/K Theory, because at least the election appears rigged for our side?
New Vietnamese President To Lam told U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Marc Knapper that Hanoi wants to deepen security and defense ties with Washington, state-run Tuoi Tre reported on June 14. …
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines by producing anti-vaccine propaganda which cast doubt on Beijing’s cures, at the potential cost of the health of Filipinos. Why is it intelligence assholes always seem to end up either killing or enslaving people, for their own good? If it is St Michael on the shoulder of Cops and soldiers, it must be lucifer whispering in the ears of intelligence.
The Virtuous Pagan jabs are deadly too, so this time they accidentally did something good, unless they were getting them to take the western shots instead.
True, but I do not think these idiots knew that. I think in their mind, they were preventing the Filipinos from benefitting from China, so they are still evil. I suppose it was evil, trying to do evil, against evil, and ending up doing good.
Alilto files concurring opinion, but says Congress could ban them, betraying a fundamental lack of understanding of the meaning of “arms” and the Second Amendment.
The argument is that he is not endorsing it as Constitutional ahead of time, but is just saying that the FAT can’t legislate from their desks and legislation would have to come from Congress which may or may not be Constitutional on a 2ndA basis.
The FAT was being challenged not on 2ndA grounds but on legislating from their desk grounds.
Ah, thank you!
‘Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the launch of Bill Gate’s Digital ID system online, nicknaming it the ‘New York Mobile ID’, allowing New Yorkers to store their driver’s license and non-driver IDs.’
If people still trust that Globalist lunatic after everything that’s happened since the “pandemic,” they deserve to have his/her/xir information compromised.
> Gallup poll finds support for “pro-choice” position on abortion drops 3%.
I strongly suspect 3% is within the normal margin of error for polls.
TL:DR: “Nothing to see here, move along.”
> Lara Trump is building an army of ‘100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers’ to ‘deploy’ across America in November.
Note: not the Republican Party. Or the Democratic Party.
The Uniparty has no desire to shed more light on its “election” process.
> U.S. military launched a secret campaign … anti-vaccine propaganda … at the potential cost of the health of Filipinos.
As I see it, the campaign probably saved a lot of Filipino lives, and improved the health of those who avoided the clot shot.
There’s an old fable that applies here. I snipped a version from the web:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While she was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on her. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, she began to realize how warm she was getting, as the dung was actually thawing her out. She lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, promptly dug her out and ate her.
Moral of the story
Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
And when you’re in deep shit, it’s best to keep your mouth shut.
> Supreme Court strikes down Trump’s ban on bump stocks.
The NRA swung a deal to endorse Trump’s run in 2016. So when Wayne LaPierre came calling and told Trump that the NRA, and American shooters in general, were in favor of banning “bump stocks”, Trump danced with who brung him.
Trump is a New York Democrat; the best we could expect is that he doesn’t care either way. He certainly didn’t do anything pro-gun, to my knowledge. But any more, a politician who isn’t an outright enemy of my civil rights is a win. And frankly, I expected Trump’s administration to be Bidenesque disaster. There were any number of things I think he could have handled better, but overall I think he did pretty good.
And he met my sole requirement to get my vote in 2016: “Not Hillary.”
Trump played his 2nd Amendment cards close to his vest all his life, But Don Jr and Eric are hardcore pro-gun, so I cannot imagine Trump doing anything to fuck over rights which they hold as their highest ideals. I think he did the bumpstock thing, knowing it would fail, just to change the topic after the as Vegas shooting, by making it look like he took care of it. The opposition has been dying to get the guns, yet all we are getting is more and more wins at every turn.
The truth is, although we should have full auto, and be capable of laying suppressing fire on a building as we assault it, as the Founders intended, this is not vital to the cause now. I could get a bumpstock, but would not, just because I see zero chance of ever wasting ammo like that, nor do I see it offering any practical increase in lethality. Being able to punch 30 precise points as fast as you can pull the trigger, even in total darkness, with no additional emissions, and being able to carry everywhere, is way more useful than being able to dump 30 rounds in a general area in 3 seconds.
Guns are so over. Guns are Old School. Hasn’t the Ms Nuland War teach you guys anything???—IT’S DRONES, BABY. You no longer assault buildings—You DRONE them. Guns are passe—its DRONES, DRONES, DRONES.
> Alilto files concurring opinion, but says Congress could ban them, betraying a fundamental lack of understanding of the meaning of “arms” and the Second Amendment.
I doubt he fails to understand it. More likely, he’s just another of the black-robed traitors who is actively trying to subvert the Constitution.
> NY Governor mulls NYC subway mask ban amid rise in antisemitic hate.
But… but… masks are good, and should be mandatory at all times, everywhere. That’s that the Feds and the New York (state and city both) health officials told us, and enforced with fines or threats of arrest and imprisonment.
Maybe the cloth masks could be switched out for Biden masks…both with and without attached earlobes.
> Kyiv prepares for Ukraine capital’s first gay pride march since the Russian invasion.
“We’re in a shooting war on our border, we’re desperately short of manpower, our economic infrastructure is kaput, elections have been “temporarily suspended”, and we’re ass-deep in foreign debt to finance a war we have no hope of winning.”
Yeah, perfect time for a gay pride march.
> The government’s star witness had testified in the trial that Menendez used a bell to summon his wife to help in a conversation that involved bribery. Wow. Well trained wife.
If they have a large house, she could hear a bell from a lot further away than a voice. And it’s a lot more convenient than calling her on the phone.
Based wife-trainer weighs in?
Just kidding, I hadn’t thought of the house-size, and having to yell. Though it still sounds funny, TBH.
Hope she got a snack for her prompt attention
Why is it more convenient than using the phone? I text how many burgers you want across my house all the time. Much easier than Morse Code.
LOL! That is a winner.
Possible draft?
Just refuse to take the oath. If ordered to take it, ask if you are being required to committ perjury. Claim to be a conscientious objecter towards killing White people, but let them know you are willing to kill “faggots and muds,” but only in your own home town. Show up at bootcamp with your copy of mein kamph. If all else fails, look up the term, ” fragging.”
Sometimes it can be a little hard to comprehend what numbers on a page actually means. Those Ukrainian girls are kids. It’s startling even when boys that young go off to war but this is another level of horrendous. This is some weird genocide except instead of doing it themselves they’re just sending everyone into the meat grinder of war and having Russia do it for them, not that I blame the Russians.
“This is some weird genocide except instead of doing it themselves they’re just sending everyone into the meat grinder of war and having Russia do it for them, not that I blame the Russians.”
This Zelensky is in the Secret Society, and to them everyone else is an enemy, and if they can trick you into killing yourself, so they have no karmic responsibility, it is just joyous. It is just terrible.
GOD will not be mocked, or tricked.
Agreed. However I am pretty sure they have convinced themselves with that luciferian bullshit if they do it just right, it is all somebody else’s fault.
And I should have added, I am not even sure all those Ukrainian kids are getting killed. From that Marines testimony of seeing SpecOps loading humans in cages onto a UAP in Indonesia, and other accounts, I think it is a reasonable possibility those in power may be delivering human test subjects to somewhere, either rogue biomedical research, maybe trying to fix aging to save themselves, or maybe even some deal with the Tic Tac crew for research subjects. Whatever is going on, between the migrant crisis, the Covid thing, and the war in Ukraine, a lot of families could be either getting told relatives died or they disappeared, and they should get ready to never see them again. I am not entirely sure a big hunk are not getting shipped somewhere.
Ukraine hosts multiple types of mafia style gangs. The people dying are not from that particular gang. Also, human trafficking. Ukraine has been a shipment point for people selling from forever back when in recorded history up until now, with no interruptions. There’s a decent a chance as any that they are being shipped off to brothels, as they are being shipped to the front. Or housekeepers. Or any other Epstein style operation.
I’m not unconvinced what took Trump from nice Democrat to our savior, is that he was married to an Eastern European woman for decades. He’s smart. My guess is that he learned the language. And then he met Epstein Island EE girls who could speak to him.
Human trafficking from that region has been going on since Rome, possibly Greece.
Those girls are terrified. Notice how they look down.
They looked like prisoners and hostages.
Lame Cherry covers the AIPAC Guy: the leash on Congress.
Having Your Own Guy
So Geert Wilders, the “champion” is also a put-up job stalking horse emplaced to gather the patriot vote, then this intentional (or highly stupid, uninformed, and suspect) dropping the ball – oh so sad, sorry, folks. AC, does that sound about right?
You’ve seen his name in the media. They’ve told you he represents us.
We have nobody there who is on our side. Anybody in the media, very early on, got what I have gotten. I told them to go screw, I’d call it like I see it, and here I am, probably eating hundreds, maybe thousands of watts/m2 per day. The only thing which keeps me going is I think I can leave a mark before I go down by exposing it, and getting our side into the game. I hope a hundred years from now, whoever is left of their kind curses my name.
The only people who were able to get jobs in the media were the people who pledged to spout the narratives of this thing to you, to fool you, deceive you, and keep you weak and under control. The real guys Europe should have been following are getting beamed right now, and you probably have not heard of their names.
Why do I just assume that the recruiters will not show up with their vans, and kidnap and hustle these gays off to the front lines?
Same reason there is countless subsidies for said lifestyle saving from the consequences of said degeneracy.
Unless Israel can decisively defeat Hezbollah, the north of Israel is lost. They may never get it back. This is probably one of the reasons the Ukrainian population is being slaughtered, to make way for a return of the Khazarian locust crew to its ancestral homeland.
It’s not like the jews have never slaughtered Ukrainians before, ie the Holodomor.
Looks like the latest season of “The Boys” cribbed Vox Day’s “Rebel” and created a character called “Firecracker,” a super with a right-wing radio show who has red hair and is southern.
Very woke and unoriginal so far this season. World’s smartest person: black girl. She’s clearly both very evil and manipulative and a druggy.
AC, when you get hit with the tapping, do the taps ever hit with a rapid tempo like a woodpecker pecking wood?
Last night between 2:00AM-4:00AM, I was extremely warm and couldn’t sleep, and my dog restlessly switched positions around the bed. Around 5:00AM, I woke up to the sound of around ten rapid taps. Unfortunately, I was somehow locked into a state of temporary paralysis, so I couldn’t move away. Over the next minute, I got hit with four more barrages of taps. When I finally got control of my body, the taps ceased. I proceeded to sweep through my house, but I didn’t find any threats.
While surveillance routinely hits me with phantom boiling warmth and ear splitting tones, this was the first time I got hit with the tapping. Anyway, I just wanted add this account to the record. Things are definitely ramping up.
And I am sorry you have to deal with this.
Yes, they can happen quite fast. Whatever the emissions device is, my impression if it is at a fixed distance, and set power, it is tuned to either release the impulses in large numbers of small spatters, which feel almost like individuals molecules of something accelerated and released as a spatter from a particle accelerator, or to build up the energy, in which case it is released as a big, smushy push. In between, I think at set distance and power you trade off, with more taps being in a spatter and lighter, and bigger taps slower to happen and clearly individual. I would assume as you change power and distance, it probably can get quite fast and powerful at the same time.
If it is rf, and/or conventional EM physics, it is being pulsed so fast it is very difficult to detect. But it is not impossible it is something else.
Whatever it is, it is very advanced, and IMO it will eventually come for everyone, of any ideology, and any beliefs, who is, in any measure, not an NPC. I think they now feel the power they probably resent having to hold in secret for so long is about to give way to a world where everyone lives in fear of the beam, and angering them, and they can be recognized as holding power.
I think it will blow up on them though. At some point it will just render the environment permissive of violence from our side, because there will be enough who will know, that nobody will hold those who pop responsible. From there it is straight to open war, and we will find out if their tech can compensate for an overwhelming numerical advantage.
The paralyzing effect really pisses me off. It stops when I call upon the name of Jesus. It took me a few years to figure this out. #ChristIsKing #GODWINS
I am sorry. There is weird stuff I have not written about, just because it is so advanced, even having seen it, I cannot fully grasp it is possible, and I would surely sound crazy explaining it. So your case sounds like it has to be them.
Have you been able to count out taps, vs a second hand on a clock nearby, or even just estimate how many taps per one-Mississippi? For me, the vibrations, which may be related to the taps, came out at exactly 4 hertz.
I am unsure if everything I have seen is the local gangstalking crew, which IMO, is not really of the intellectual caliber I would think would be given access to such tech. I do not doubt calling on Jesus will work in many cases, but if it does not, I would not panic, as I suspect He wants you to see something, so pay close attention.
Growing up I never wanted to fight anyone smaller than me, just because there was no excitement in knowing I could beat somebody, and then doing it. It was like coloring by the numbers vs painting Bob-Ross-style, on the fly. Probably why I find their WWE-like fake lives so unappealing, even the Epstein-type gigs, even compared to the shit show of being under this.
To that end, this is more or less the ideal enemy. It will be interesting.
That story about the elephants using names for each other is amazing. More proof animals are nobody’s fools. God did remarkable work.
> FAA: Some Airbus & Boeing jets may contain counterfeit titanium with falsified certification. Chinese sourced titanium.
Possible, but it doesn’t let Airbus and Boeing off the hook.
US civil aviation materials standards are modeled after mil-spec, with accountability and testing at every step. Boeing doesn’t have to do that for civilian aircraft, but they already do it for their military contract aircraft and parts, and it would be a big help if they faced a product liability lawsuit over civilian stuff.
The Chinese vendor could have provided a certificate saying it was some specific alloy of titanium, or compressed goat cheese, or “gold-pressed Latinum.” A Boeing minion would have simply filed that somewhere, taken a sample and sent it to the lab. For *every single piece* of the order, not just a single sample of what was on the truck.
Boeing used to do all its own machine work. Long ago, Lockheed found out that some common machine coolants completely hosed the titanium parts they were making for the SR-71. If they had subcontractors making the parts, and those guys screwed up, it’s still Boeing’s fault. Same for if they sent some of the pieces out for heat treat. In aviation, “trust no one” is the prime directive.
There were at *least* half a dozen mandatory tests between receiving raw metal and shipping a finished part. This is likely a case of “process failure”, like what happened with the Hubble telescope; a whole chain of slackers who each assumed the guy behind and after him were doing their jobs, so he’d just blow it off.
I dont buy the Hubble failure as real. I think a spook agency turned it on the Earth and filmed everything at an extremely high resolution. This was done then the problem was ‘fixed.’ No one was not going to use such powerful optical technology.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Ghey Mandelson (Blair’s Number 2) was on tv voicing concern that Farage is damaging the Conservative Party and tories need to do something about it.
Why would a Labour insider worry about the Conservative party?
Because The Tory Party IS Labour and they think Farage can win.
They is frit

Just like Wilders, I don’t trust Farage. I dont trust ANY politician anymore, and I voted for Brexit, the only time I ever voted. I’ll never vote again.
We trusted the Tories and they fukked us.
Farage gave UK Brexit referendum and got us out of EU. Meanwhile, Dont trust anyone.
Voting, demonstrates opposition. A sufficient vote can wake & activate the sheep. The fight of Good vs Evil, was always about the control of the Sheep
Ban bump stocks, legalize silencers. Deal?
Here’s how it is – Trump is going to win in a landslide, probably all 50 states. They will not be allowed to steal this one, and they know it. They are still gonna try. On election day it will look like Trump barely won. When they fail they will unleash antifa to punish America, and then they will unleash lawfare on the level that we have not seen. It will backfire. They will launch election-fraud lawsuits that WILL be heard by courts only to prove that they cheated in 2020, 2022, and 2024. In fighting Trump they will actually open the doors to prove that trump even won the guaranteed blue states like NY and Cali.
The lawfare will tie things up for most of 2025. The administrative state will throw every single wrench in the gears it can. Expect whatever arrests to come after all of that. Trump will be succeeded by someone following the exact same agenda he is.
The good news is that Trump’s world tour showed a complete lack of proper protocol with the queen, or the pope or the Saudis. Assuming that he actually got America’s gold back from the Vatican(which would mean that for some reason it’s been in Italy rather than Fort Knox), then theoretically he could return the gold owned by other countries that had it stored with America and was denied them in 1971 as a goodwill gesture followed by promising to make good on t-bill debt via large shipments of crude oil. This could potentially take the edge off of the dollar crash, and probably half the reason Trump keeps saying DRILL BABY DRILL. America has the oil in quality and quantity to get us out of this.
I believe that The Plan was that Cabal were to be allowed to steal the elections so that they could crash everything and then take the blame. They could over-reach, break all the gentleman’s agreements on attacking the other side, and basically set all the precedents which would come back to haunt them. I believe that plan is on track, and I believe it’s going to work. To a point.
I believe that they won’t take it far enough, but I believe that Q’s Patriots are on track for their plan which will get America limping along again. That limping will be so amazing comparatively that we will all exclaim that these are America’s best days.
Man in America – They Know Trump Will Win & They’ll UNLEASH CHAOS After Nov. 5 w/ Tom Renz
Hopefully events will force them to take it far enough.
We must pray that happens.
Trump is NOT the Fixer—The problem is the Marxists in our Universities. The problem is our soy-boys. Our problem is the growing citified class devoid of contact with Nature. Trump is not going to fix that. Fixing America requires Arete.
Do not dictate limitations on GOD.
GOD can and does use anyone he wants to accomplish his work.
And GOD is mightier than all our enemies combined.
Stop fearing man and start praying to GOD for miracles.
St. Clarence.