News Briefs – 06/15/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – China Has Been On A Gold Buying Spree

DFT – Europe Looks To Store Winter Gas In Ukraine

DFT – Yandex Retains Its Nasdaq Listing

DFT – New European Flight Record Set At Istanbul Airport

DFT – Oil Falls Off Stockpile Surge, And Fed Sentiments

President Trump accused “weaponized” agencies of waging “illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people much as they would try to destabilize a foreign country.” You face a foreign intelligence operation which has penetrated the nation, recruited Americans to operate against you for it, and assembled a domestic Stasi using all the tools and techniques of the CIA, with the purpose of permanently subverting the Constitutional government. Ten years ago, I say that to you, and you would all think I was nuts. Me too. But not today. That is called a trajectory, and we are still moving in that direction, toward exposure, and all signs are we are actually accelerating.

Thomas Massie – “Unbelievable. Former FBI in charge of Jan 6 investigation tells me phone data that could have been used to identify the person who placed pipe bombs on Jan 5 was CORRUPTED.”

Revolver article on it here with FBI agent’s full statement, which is a sight to behold.

Huge BREAKING document release from @America1stLegal — A secret list of journalists pushing propaganda on behalf of the US govt has been revealed as a result of our litigation against the State Dept. Tough to say what “the government” is these days. But there is a list out there like this, of probably 20-30 million American civilians at least, who have volunteered to follow and/or harass other citizens, as well as use all of the techniques and technologies of the CIA to spy on regular citizens, even in their own homes, without warrants, for “the government,” without any legal justification or oversight. Even guys like Brian Mancini. And that list will include children’s names, who were used by adults as active infiltration agents, for operations against other children in the schools. That one will shock people. Especially if people are ever allowed to see their own files. Seeing a private conversation you had with another kid on the playground, in the second grade, as a written transcript, probably with an appended psychological analysis from an adult, will be a trip.

Today’s surveillance technology makes 2013 look like ‘child’s play,’ Snowden warns.

Mike Lee, who goes by the Twitter handle BasedMikeLee:

FBI’s tone on FISA was shockingly defiant and at times indignant at today’s hearing. That’s really something for an agency that has admitted to 278,000 “accidental” warrantless searches of American citizens.

NY Post – Gone without a trace: 10 hikers who mysteriously vanished from US National Parks. These are all fairly prosaic cases, but the news even touching on missing people in parks makes you wonder if we might be heading to the Missing 411 chapter of Bluebeam at some point. Because if the Others exist, they are probably related to that. For those new to it, Missing 411 is a book series with a couple of movies, by former detective David Paulides, who was approached by Park Rangers while on vacation, and they told him the government was hiding thousands of mysterious disappearances in National Parks because something was strange about them. Paulides went on to investigate and write a raft of books about them, and he seems to conclude there is a strange, mysterious “thing,” maybe even quasiparanormal/transdimensional/hiding-from-us on the planet which is scooping up humans it picks in national parks and disappearing them, and it seems based around granite rock formations and cave systems. There is even a theory out there some national parks were created to make them inaccessible, because government did not want too many people disappearing, and citizens finding out the government is not in full control within the country. One case involved a small child, like 3 years old who disappeared in a campground the family always traveled to. A couple of years later, the family went camping there again, their other child disappeared in the same spot. A month later they got a call, a child had been found alive – and it was the first child who went missing. When questioned where it had been for two years, the young child related it had woken up in a large circular room with some old dusty “pirate pistols” (muzzle loaders) piled in a corner, with someone/something which looked and sounded just like its grandmother, except when it turned around it had hoses and wires sticking out of its back. It wanted to child to defecate on a large piece of paper and got very upset when they could not. Finally the child woke up back in the woods, and was discovered by people passing through. He also says, whatever it is, the government knows about it because in some cases mysterious government agents show up to monitor searches for missing people, without helping. In the movies Paulides talks to the cops who investigated, who remember the agents, but say they did nothing but monitor things, and would not get involved. Interesting to see the Post going there, given the alien/transdimensional/UAP/UFO angle things have been heading to lately.

Democrat lawmaker fumes over revelations FBI spied on nearly 20,000 campaign donors.

GOP lawmakers question who gave Joe Biden’s corporation nearly $10 million in 2017.

Deputies with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office traveled to New York and Miami to gather intelligence on security operations at court hearings attended by Donald Trump in what is the clearest indicator yet that the former president will be charged in Georgia.

Trump indictment rests on untested novel legal theory. From the article: The case has been portrayed in the media as being about Trump’s retaining classified documents from his presidency. However, the charges sidestep that issue and instead use a clause in the Espionage Act that criminalizes a failure to hand over national defense information. I would assume they could not get him on the other charges, because they could not prove classification status, given he was POTUS, and could have declassified everything orally to the clouds in the sky, as he is walking out the door of the White House.

‘Back up plan for Jack Smith’ – Corrupt prosecutor Andrew Weissmann floats more serious federal charges against Trump in New Jersey.

Mike Pence on Trump: “I cannot defend what is alleged.” Mr Squeaky Clean Christian who would do no wrong has no comment on Biden taking $10 million total from a Russian Intel Asset.

NY AG announces Manhattan case against Trump by Alvin Bragg will be ‘adjourned,’ to let federal case take precedence. She said she thinks the Georgia case will be adjourned too.

Most voters believe the Biden family received payments from foreign citizens in exchange for political favors.

Jeffrey Epstein mentioned in an email he had just finished a 2012 lunch meeting with Elon Musk that took place AFTER the registered sex offender served a year in jail for procuring underage girls for prostitution.

Hunter Biden could face jail if he doesn’t show up for July child support hearing.

One career FBI special agent involved in the Anthony Weiner laptop case complained to NY colleagues that HQ tried to “bury” the new trove of evidence, which he believed contained the full archive of Hillary Clinton’s emails. So there are still a few of our’s buried in the Bureau? I wonder if this guy knows about the surveillance, or if he is going home and being watched and listened to in his house, and he has no idea.

Paul Sperry:

ODNI’s doing nat’l security damage assessment on 31 Trump docs (21 recovered in raid), but FBI’s Strzok never farmed out Hillary’s classified emails to intel agencies for damage assessment, even tho FBI found foreign govts hacked her unsecured email server

Beltway pundits are pooh-poohing the Durham Report’s findings that the Comey FBI helped Hillary & hurt Trump,claiming Comey “sabotaged” Hillary by reopening her email probe just before the election & “never leaked” its investigation of Trump before the election. Here’s the truth:

FACT: Comey sat on the new trove of Hillary emails found on the Weiner laptop for an ENTIRE MONTH after a NY sex crimes agent alerted FBI HQ to the discovery in Sept 2016. Comey only reopened the case after FBI Agent John Robertson threatened to blow the whistle on the coverup

FACT: The FBI leaked its Russia investigation of Trump to several media outlets, inclg the NY Times & Yahoo News, BEFORE the election. Strzok, Comey, Page, McCabe & Baker all talked to members of the press either directly or thru surrogates. Baker even worked w Hillary’s campaign

Note that none of the 2 impeachments of President Trump or the 2 indictments of former President Trump has anything to do w/ taking foreign bribes, influence-peddling or public corruption. These are things of which the CURRENT occupant of the Oval Office has been credibly accused

BREAKING: AG Garland’s deputy Lisa Monaco, who was instrumental in Obama WH’s role in Russiagate frame-up of Trump, has been coordinating w Special Counsel Jack Smith thru her top adviser Marshall Miller, who acts as intermediary w Smith. Miller gave $3,800 to Biden,$3,700 to HRC

Voters, by a 56-to-40% margin, think that officials are ignoring evidence of ‘widespread’ election fraud.

Rasmussen: 54 percent expect cheating, voter fraud in 2024 election.

“There is no realistic mechanism to fully secure vote casting and tabulation computer systems from cyber threats. Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as little as mere minutes. This report documents my findings and conclusions.”

America’s largest settlement of illegal immigrants is in Liberty County outside of Houston, and is run by the cartels.

Shocking videos at the links:

Bracken is a former US Navy SEAL:

China likely sending military personnel into US, Homeland chair says.

California Democrats propose bill to confiscate parents’ children if they oppose gender change.

At a New Jersey school board meeting, a father asked, “What is the educational benefit of talking about a fourth grader who gave a blow job to another boy?”

Parents track 17,000 schools advising teachers how to hide gender transitions from parents. How many thousand?

Dementia Joe goes off script, announces new railroad ‘all the way across the Indian Ocean.’

Teachers to be paid $150K in city where less than half of students are good at reading. I wonder if that is a sign the infiltration and takeover of the schools by Cabal is complete, and now almost all teachers are Cabal agents, to better control who goes where.

A confidential Pfizer document dated August 2022 shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ system.

Bobby Piton:

The Federal Reserve just put all of the gold bugs on notice. Fed Funds will stay above 5% for 2 more years. Each 100k speculating in gold is a $5k loss in income for each of 2 years.

Hard to imagine how the $ collapses with “Sound” Money returning to America.

They may be trying to cheapen gold so they can all get into it. I do not know, not financial advice, just one possibility I see.

A group of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, residents said they feel “vindicated” after a superior court judge earlier this month ruled their lawsuit alleging a Verizon cell tower made them sick can move forward. You wonder if it is the cell tower, or if surveillance showed up and wanted the houses cheap and began zapping them all to motivate them to move. Everybody looks for prosaic explanations. But sometimes the reality is more sinister.

Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in NYC subway chokehold death of Jordan Neely.

Jury: Starbucks must pay white woman $25M for racially motivated firing.

Virginia 1st-grade teacher who was shot by student was fired, attorney says.

Federal agencies admit to $3 trillion in improper payments since 2004. That is what they admit to.

A new Associated Press analysis of government data suggests 10 percent of all COVID aid, over $400 billion, was lost to fraud or theft. That is all taken out of the pockets of Americans through theft of the system.

Boston City Council approves $4.2B budget with $31M in police cuts.

House rejects effort to censure and fine Democrat Adam Schiff over Trump-Russia investigations.

List of the 20 Republicans who voted AGAINST censuring Adam Schiff, Uniparty traitors all, and note Massie is on the list:

Reps. Kelly Armstrong (N.D.), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Ore.), Juan Ciscomani (Ariz.), Tom Cole (Okla.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Kay Granger (Texas), Garret Graves (La.), Thomas Kean Jr. (N.J.), Kevin Kiley (Calif.), Young Kim (Calif.), Mike Lawler (N.Y.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Tom McClintock (Calif.), Mark Molinaro (N.Y.), Jay Obernolte (Calif.), Mike Simpson (Idaho), Mike Turner (Ohio), David Valadao (Calif.) and Steve Womack (Ark.)

Bob Dylan releases a 17 minute song about JFK. Actually 16:56, but close, so the Q-group is talking about it.

Portland opens felon-operated homeless village, neighborhood residents report issues of theft, fights and open drug dealing.

Two soldiers killed, one injured in shooting at Japanese army firing range.

UK cops “open-minded” to all explanations for Nottingham knife rampage which killed three that don’t involve Islam.

Dozens killed as migrant boat capsizes off Greece.

Total psychopath – You think you would ever see Trump like this with a young Marine like that behind him? – An official Guard suffered a heart attack in front of Macron’s face and he completely ignores it.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Kosovo ‘crossed the Rubicon,’ as he accused the ethnic Albanian government in Pristina of trying to provoke a war on Wednesday, after the breakaway province closed the border to all Serbian vehicles and arrested several prominent Serbs.

Kosovo will soon face “consequences” if its prime minister, Albin Kurti, does not backtrack on his aggressive treatment of the province’s Serb minority, European Commission foreign policy spokesman Peter Stano told reporters on Wednesday. Will we now set right, what Cabal set wrong for some reason, in the region under Clinton?

U.S. to send $325M weapons package to Ukraine amid counter-offensive.

15 percent of U.S.-made Bradleys already destroyed in Ukraine.

Elite NATO-trained armored columns were smashed, destroying a shocking number of Leopard tanks, before even reaching the first Russian line of defense, as with little air cover, they became easy targets for enemy Ka-52 helicopters. Twenty minute video, but that is the summary. Those are your tax dollars down there burning and smoking, which makes me wonder if the higher ups put all those guys in the tanks and sent them that way to get destroyed, so you will have to buy them more tanks, and pay their defense contractor buddies to make them.

Putin noted that during the NMD [Special Military Operation] it became clear that Russia lacks sufficient quantities of many types of weapons, so it has increased its production of them. We send all this money to Ukraine, and every day they get their ass kicked even worse, all as the Bear grows stronger day by day.

Medvedev who is Deputy Chairman of Russia’s National Security Council, also says that since Western nations were involved in sabotaging the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, Russia is entitled to sabotage undersea communications cables used by the Western nations.

Russia moves to ban sex changes.

NICS checks: 1 million firearms sold in a month is the new normal.

The Seventh Circuit so holds, Armslist is not liable for hosting gun sale ads that led to purchases by people who used the guns criminally.

Poll: Trump’s lead over Republican primary field jumps after indictment, DeSantis sinks to teens.

RNC is preparing resolution for a nationwide push for paper ballots, hand counted on election day. It is not hard to argue we should do it once, just to see what would happen. It can’t be an inaccurate result, at least there is no more risk to it than with the machines. And we might find something shocking. So lets see what happens if we go old school for an election cycle.

Garrett says: In private, Trump is gracious, and he lovingly cusses like an Irish sailor!

Kind of funny a four year old girl has our Almighty God Emperor at her beck and call, and he has to drop everything to do what she wants when she says:

Spread r/K Theory, because if a foreign force has invaded America, it is a fair chance we will see war in our lifetime

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1 year ago

I thought I got sucked into a time portal for a second, lol. That Dylan song is from 3 years ago. I remember it was released at the crest of one of the waves of JFK Jr. is Alive rumors. I thought it was a preposterously obvious signal from Dylan that he was on Team Q. 16:56 is DEFINITELY a 17. Made me wonder if the “chief commander” Dylan talked about was literally the original JFK, commander-in-chief once upon a time, via some time travel bullshit. But then I read the Miles Mathis theories, and it made me suspect that the Kennedy “saga” is all sinister kayfabe and so then, if that were true, then Dylan’s song would have been reinforcing the biggest lie of all time, and Q would have been a confirmed psyop. I have no idea what to think right now. Feels like the various timelines Philip K. Dick talked about existing are piling up all around us, competing for hegemony.

1 year ago

‘Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in NYC subway chokehold death of Jordan Neely.’

Again, reverse the races and the case never would’ve made it this far.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Or black on black, or white on white.

Any combination other than white man chokes black man, and you would never know it had happened.

1 year ago

As to the linked comment on Chinese s military age mails coming into the US and training in firearms. Here’s a range outside of Seattle with a YouTube channel that has a basic gun handling instruction in mandarin. It’s the only video that they have posted.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s the airsoft and paintball.
In a literal sense, in Canada, you can own firearms, but can’t legally train in group combat tactics. But you can play paintball and airsoft. In some ways, as per movement, cover and concelment and shot placement, is pretty much equivalent.
Chinese Military aged males? Sure they would, even without some prompting. They’re intelligent people, they know a good hobby when they see it. All you need is a nudge across a “non existent” border.

1 year ago

speaking of “seeing your own file,” I got to do this once…. CPS had a 5″ thick file on me, and it was available to review “upon request.” I was allotted exactly one hour to review the file, which meant I had to go very fast through the material. It was shocking and unpleasant to see what they had on me, and I’ll tell you why: it was fabricated and manipulated. There was a false statement by the investigator of what one of the witnesses had said against me. You might say, well how well do I know this witness? Can I be sure he told me the truth about what he said to the investigator? I am very, very sure that this witness said innocent, well-meaning things about me which were then twisted to have a bad meaning. I would believe him over the investigator, and there is no way they were in cahoots.
You might also think, well…. of course I would protest and say that I am innocent. Who is to say? Maybe I am a bad parent, because otherwise why would there be an investigation in the first place? You would not know whom to believe. Only I know the truth, and maybe I’m self-deluded, right?
The investigators will attach whatever interpretation and meaning they wish, to whatever they uncover. The bottom line is that investigations are intrusive and reading one’s own file is revealing and unpleasant. It feels like being a bug on a pin in a display case in a museum. It’s immoral to treat people that way, and impossible to forgive.

1 year ago

‘UK cops “open-minded” to all explanations for Nottingham knife rampage which killed three that don’t involve Islam.’

The perpetrator came from Africa, which oftentimes translates to lower IQ and thus lower impulse control; being a subcriber to the Religion of Pieces would’ve just been the icing on the cake, so to speak.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

The… “Slicing on the Cake”, perhaps?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Your govt told you to put aside the ‘othering’ of ‘others’ who are committing these crimes.

1 year ago

A Spartan general once famously said something like “We are fighting our enemy too often”. Meaning that they were in effect educating their enemy in how to defeat them.

That’s what Putin is doing wrt RUS. He is using this conflict to educate RUS. He’s embraced the opportunity.

RUS will soon be the global military hegemon if this continues. And industrially autarkic.
The advantages NATO has are disappearing every day.

China is in reality the junior partner to Russia. That’s why the CHN defense chief saluted Putin.

NATO of course thinks it is learning how to beat RUS but the opposite is really the case.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

NATO has yet to reveal their most deadly servant. The one who would lead globalhomo’s armies in war. The one they say no living man can kill: the strong fat black tranny.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I think you’re right; and that’s one reason why he’s taking his sweet time and making sure his lowest, no-frills formations get blooded in the rotation.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Yeah. It’s amazing to watch. He’s bloodied as many troops as possible and managed to keep them rested and sharp via skillful rotations. And developed new tech in addition to new tactics.

I laughed when he openly admitted that before the SMO there were a lot of “parquet Generals” and that they weren’t there anymore. And that the Russian MOD had basically forced officers who were naturals to move up despite reluctance.

Obv the UKR guys who are still alive are incredibly skilled too but they are prob basket cases and can’t ever return to normal life because of the constant warfare. They’ve been under fire for years.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

PTSD is a stress disorder. Troops do need rest. And troops need training of a particular kind so that the stress of combat and possible traumatic events don’t traumatize them permanently.

1 year ago

Gold looks to be replacing the UST as the global reserve asset.

The Feds actions are trying to slow that.

Phys gold under huge pressure to increase in value.

1 year ago

Regarding Fulton Co. sheriffs going to NY and Miami to “gather intelligence” from the legal hearings attended by Trump:

True, an implication is that Georgia will charge Trump, but that implication is not the most important.

Right under our noses, Trump (IMO) is being set up for assassination. That is the only option left, with the lawfare backfiring. Georgia is “gathering intelligence” in the sense of instructions and coordination.

In fact, the lawfare’s primary purpose may always have been to strip Trump of control over his own security, putting him in predictable (hostile) places at predictable times, circumstances which can be studiously prepared for plausible deniability, with the cooperation of all personnel involved. For the script writers, no big deal.

Yes, many on our side will know it was an assassination, not an exploding “defective” tank (or WHATEVER – – maybe there are a hundred patsies ready to go). But what will we do about it? Probably nothing.

But if we do, win/win for them. There’s the final justification hoax to destroy our side.

And there is literally no one besides Trump. That will be a staggering point of demoralization. We know that now, but his absence will be galvanizing. Galvanizing as a stimulus to what? Does not matter, we have no organization and no leadership, and many, many on our side will not even get what is happening.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Your concerns are noted, Captain Blackpill. If you have useful input on the topic rather than doomspiraling, which isn’t a useful skill no matter how much you think it is, feel free to contribute.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

1 year ago

… the young child related it had woken up in a large circular room with some old dusty “pirate pistols”

This is straight out of the ending of Predator 2. (see images)

mysterious government agents show up to monitor searches for missing people, without helping.

First Wave, S1E9, Joshua. The hero fugitive is hunted by a “U.S. Marshal” and thinks he can trust the hottie park ranger, but he’s wrong. It’s a science fiction TV show about fake people secretly warring against mankind. They categorized society into 117 personality types, and think that only one of them is a threat to be dealt with. The good guys use quatrains from Nostradamus to guide them. A guilty pleasure.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The first minute of that clip has got “it”.
Here is a youtube link to First Wave S01E09 Joshua. That is good television. I’ll tell you what. Starts with a community manhunt lead by a ruthless sheepdog.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

“Gone without a trace: 10 hikers who mysteriously vanished from US National Parks.”

This is quite a scare.

I thought the only thing to worry about was bears. That was the only thing I worried about as an unarmed britbong car camping through 10 or so western states over a couple of years. Blimey.

Your National and State parks as well as the vastness of BLM land are some of the most beautiful places on earth.oh and national monuments as well.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

The Hill has Eye

1 year ago

It won’t end well for dirty former FBI official Steven D’Antuono.

1 year ago

Trump indictment rests on untested novel legal theory. 

Yup. So 90% of the espionage act is all predicated on an intent to turn the information over to a foreign government. They are never going to prove that on Trump, and couldn’t even get past a No Evidence motion to dismiss on that. So they are relying on this part:

Whoever, lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being entrusted with any document, writing, (etc) … willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;

So, they are claiming that because the National Archive requested it and he failed to deliver it, he’s violating the Espionage Act. The problem is, he is privileged to keep it under the Presidential Records Act and the Archive isn’t permitted to DEMAND it, only to negotiate for it. In fact, there is a fair reading of the Presidential Records Act that suggests that a former president has NO absolute duty to turn ANYTHING over to the Archivist, and the Clinton case supports that reading.
So the whole case rests on the idea that the Archive is ENTITLED to receive these documents, and there’s really no law supporting that.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

A “gap” in case law, occasionally provides opportunity to resolve said “gap”.
Not that it *should*, but it just takes an engaging argument, and a willing judge.

(Thx for the inside perspective, Phelps. Always educational, and deeply appreciated!)

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I know before he left office, he released some Presidential Emergency Action Directives (PEADs). Nobody outside his circle knows what’s in them. Apparently, his enemies want copies of them very badly and are pulling out all the stops to get access to them. Of course, a lot of people speculate what they address, but nobody knows for sure.

1 year ago

failure to hand over national defense information.

Trump is most likely guilty of this. The information they want Trump to hand over isn’t in the boxes and was never in the possession of the agencies going after him.

Think of all the mischief that could happen after all these illegal aliens are trained up and then are deported back to their home countries by the next President.

Think of all the mischief that could happen when every capable person who considers themselves a US citizen has 5+ firearms, 1,000+ rounds of ammunition, months worth of food and water, and a deep distrust of media.

Think of all the mischief when world trade slows dramatically and capable people start leaving mega cities built on trade.

The agencies going after Trump think Trump has insider knowledge of what is going down and they want that information.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

100% agree this is an information extraction operation. They took evrything they could. DJT has multiple “smoking guns” somewhere.

1 year ago

National Parks:

I believe the answer is far more basic:

1) National Parks are great places to kill people.

2) National Parks embody everything cabal dislikes. It seems that all parks are disliked by them, as parks always become neglected in places they take over. But it gets deeper: parks represent health, vitality, self sufficiency. They also connect us to the past and make us mindful of our contribution to the future. All of this is in opposition to cabal’s wishes for us to be frightened, dependent, easily controlled insect slurry sipping, porn watching, propaganda mainlining pod dwellers.

my guess is that they want to greatly reduce the number of Americans who spend time in our national parks.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

yellowstone is rockefeller owned and controlled. extrapolate to other parks. they dont just kill people at these places. the whole ds/cabal panoply of evils are in play. in secluded private settings. just like in the olden days. the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the lulled that he didnt exist.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


While national parks represent all of the points you described, you have to listen to Dave Paulides, and I mean really spend several hours watching his presentations, and the years of hard detective work he has put into this, and you come to realize something far more sinister is happening in the national parks, and has been happening for more than a century.

This goes far beyond the scope of human agency.

I can’t encapsulate what Dave does, but he marshals an enormous body of documentary evidence that will blow your mind.

There are forces in this world beyond human understanding, and apparently, those forces can and will hunt isolated humans in the national parks system.

It doesn’t happen every day, but it absolutely happens, and the authorities can’t control it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They might be using them for training and hiding all the foreign infiltrators pouring into America.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

National Parks are mostly “we prohibit your civil rights” zones, too. The Second Amendment doesn’t apply there, as in most Federally-controlled areas. You know, the same Fed that’s supposed to guarantee all our civil rights, including the Second?

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
1 year ago

I’ll just put this 17 reference out there about number of hours and number of feet to the guard shack, from the Revolver article about the fake pipe device…

As for the discovery of the DNC bombs, the story is even more bizarre. The bomb had been sitting conspicuously by a park bench outside of the DNC for 17 hours, and for 17 hours no one — not pedestrians, motorists, the security guard stationed 17 feet away or even the secret service

1 year ago

Hard to imagine how the $ collapses with “Sound” Money returning to America.
The most amazing thing in 5000 years, is underway, will change the entire world in ways unimaginable. Cabal and its satanic parasites, the special bloodline people who have ruled us since Solomon, their agents and all their world domination, crap, all this and everything, including the surveillance, what that really all is comprised of, all of this, will no longer be a plague on humanity, and the wealth of humans as God intended returns to itrs natural state, and natural law prevails.
It was yesterday at 5pm EST the US Dollar became a assets based currency. Fiat is no more. Predictions are a 5-10 year transition will most likely take place before the effects, in particular humanity’s mind set and perceptions, come to spectacular previously unknown prosperity, for all, the worlds monetary system will come into natural balance, central bank controls as they have existed for 5000 years, cease.
As of 5pm EST yesterday, The Key Integrated Monetary System, KIMS for short, is now underway under a pilot program. An integration process, designed and implemented, in order to avoid crashing of the world financial system, has begun. The old special bloodline orders which still exist, many are no longer of this earth, are fighting tooth and nail to break into The KIMS and steal the human races, peoples wealth, as they have for centuries, but it is a dead end for them, as all the old ancient controls and the monetary system which they controlled in order to keep for themselves the wealth of humanity, are destroyed, they have no access to our wealth any longer, that is the purpose of The KIMS system. The last vestiges of the old system, those who held total tyrannical control of that old system, are fighting to the last. They can not prevail as it is literally impossible for them as they have no access nor will they ever get access, because the old system no longer exists. Period. But they can not comprehend, it is inconceivable, impossible to them, that they no longer rule. All that remains of the old system is the money which existed out in circulation at the time the old system was destroyed, along with that those who controlled directly, above the level of control of the special bloodlines, where also destroyed, and being the old system ran on a compartmentalized style of control, the special bloodlines are not aware of what exactly has taken place as there no longer is anyone up there to tell them, and give them their orders for the last three years, since the last allocations of money where delivered. So you can kind if understand they are beginning to panic, but being left in the dark, they still believe they will be receiving new instructions and allocations. Any day now. Any minute. And they are running all over earth going from one no longer functional, read no longer existing, portal to another in hopes of re-establishing contact with their old masters. But times up, the last allocations are run out.
The great thing, the really great thing is they no longer matter. It will happen in stages, in order to keep the good parts of the world economic system up and functional, so everyone does not have to face economic SHTF conditions. Sound, assets backed, read gold and other sound monetary backing, at a rate of 50,000 to one, in physical gold and other valuable assets, new allocations are being inserted into The KIMS to cover for things such as Social Security, Medicaid, critical government services and agencies, but no longer are any of these old things under any controls of the old special bloodlines or their agents. That, thank God, is history.
It is a great day. Stuff is starting to happen that changes everything as we all have known it. The signs are subtle, events will happen as calm and as careful as possible, lot of things are going to change, there are those who can not, and or will not ever accept the new order of things. That is to be expected. All the old bad stuff, all those connected to the old system, human parasites many, as we all know here on AC’s wonderful site, no longer have “employment”, there is no system for them any longer, as can be imagined, it is not very nice for them, and being the criminal multitude they are, many will never accept that like their masters, have no power any longer as they once enjoyed.
It is all almost ompossible to believe this is happening, but the truth is the truth, reality is reality, and earth is our world now, it belongs to us its people and along with that all our wealth, which for centuries has been stolen from us all, we where leterally slaves all our lives of this old monetary system, and all the wealth now reverts to each of us. Part of The KIMS, in existance, can be seen verifiable but untouchable, for every person on earth, sits our intrinsic wealth, what the new Key Integrated Monetary System allocates to us as our value, and part of The KIMS is the creation of service only banks, strictly service, services to us as customers, they can see the allocations, see the gold and assets backing these allocations, but as of yet have no access codes. The KIMS system has offered these small banks, very lucrative terms, paid thru KIMS to them, of they agree to function as service only banks, so lucrative it is income they could never create in the old system. At the top, there is still need for tier one, or central banks, but not in the old way. their job is similar but on the macro and transfers of allocations. All the bankster things are gone, the wealth strip mining, wealth transfer, laundering and other trafficking activities, Kaput. They simply can not operate with KIMS now in place, because they have no access to the wealth, the money in The KIMS, because the old wealth allocation system ran on filthy lucre, if they can not steal what is in The KIMS their life blood exists no longer. And they just disintegrate.
Changes unfathomable just days ago are coming. True prosperity now exists in its true form. Natural Law now is the law of the land. Earth now is begun under a global restoration project to be repaired, to clean up earth and return it to its natural state, lot of stuff needs doing. From infrastructure to protecting earth and all of us. The Key Intelligence and Military System, again KIMS for short, has replaced the also old order intell and military control system which brought us everything from gangstalkers to world wars and all the mind job crap we have suffered for centuries, just as with the old allocation system, that too is all but gone. Soon to also become no more, in fact much of it has been taken out, and very soon its remains will no longer exist. A global health and wellness consortium is been created and is ready to replace the old sick care system, ready to train and assist millions of people to become homeopathic care givers, a new insurance program which pays those who choose, to work as new caregivers, covers everything from basic wellness to care for those with serious illnesses, this just as with The Key Integrated Monetary System is to replace all the old unhealthy and deadly medical system things.
Hard to believe. Huh? But ask yourself, is it any more an outlier than what is to be known here on this great site and what others tell us? Is it so hard to believe that evil does not prevail, that all that is Good, Beautiful, and True prevails?
Key hints:
Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka Kim Goguen, aka, Kim Possible, aka The Guardian, aka Ground Commander.
United News Network, aka UNN,
A protective, security paywall, (as we all know how everything is infested by the surveillance and how its agents infest everything), is in place for only the United Network News Reports, and archived Situation Reports. Highly recommend these, they provide documentary archives to date of everything mentioned above. Lot of will bake your noodle. But once you start getting into it, the adage, you can not make this shit up starts to prove itself out. It is modest fee of 9 bucks a month. I’m not shilling, but I am saying its the best 9 bucks you can spend.

Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago

Heard the same shit 20+ years ago. Lookup CMKX.

Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago

Gee, this wall of text looks like another time water bot.

> The most amazing thing in 5000 years

You forget Jesus Christ dying to save all of mankind who so believe? Then later refer to God’s will and Christian brothers? Fuck off, deceiver.

Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago

YGB, The US $ has been asset backed by metal for years now. You can exchange a dollar for 20 nickels. And the metal in those nickels is worth more than five cents.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The US Mint claims it costs about 6.6 cents to make one nickel, worth 5 cents. Since they’re stamped in masses, maybe 6.5 cents is the cost of the nickel alloy itself.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  tinvowoot
1 year ago


1 year ago

> Europe Looks To Store Winter Gas In Ukraine

According to the linked article, they imported far more gas than they had storage facilities for, so they’re going to pump it to Ukraine, even though no insurer will cover it since it’s a war zone.

That’s so stupid it makes me wonder if the gas companies involved *want* the storage facilities to be blown up or confiscated by the Russians, so they can work some kind of tax deal on it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Straight out of the Mafia playbook.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“I like the way you think.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

trumpco did a number on their ops and finances. ds/cabal are recharging with funds/gold, guns/ammo, traffickees, drugs/adrenochrome.

1 year ago

> NY Post – Gone without a trace: 10 hikers who mysteriously vanished from US National Parks.

It’s a thing. A ridiculous number of people have vanished there. There are web sites, youtube videos, and at least one television documentary about it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It’s very disturbing stuff when you dive into the details.

These aren’t simple disappearances, or accidental deaths, and many are concentrated in specific national parks, although most parks have examples of this stuff.

Dave Paulides has dedicated his life to exposing this, and he has openly stated he will not go into the back country unarmed ever again.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I know it’s a TikTok link and some will not click on it so found a LinkedIn as well. This is a must-watch for those who don’t realize just how easy it is to geolocate someone using freely available tools.

1 year ago

> Parents track 17,000 schools advising teachers how to hide gender transitions from parents. 

A quick web search says there are around 99,000 public schools in America and about 31,000 private schools.

That’s more than an order of magnitude more private schools than I would have ever suspected, though they might be counting preschool and kindergarten daycares as private schools; most states, parents have to pay for those.

A search on “how many colleges” was interesting. That would be between 1,500 and 6,000, depending on what definition you want to use for “college.”

1 year ago

> They may be trying to cheapen gold so they can all get into it. I do not know, not financial advice, just one possibility I see.

It happened to silver, copper, and nickel over the last few decades.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

it happens on everything. everything. see – blackrock etc buying up major chunks of all stocks ETFs etc – with fed created “tax dollars”.

1 year ago

> Two soldiers killed, one injured in shooting at Japanese army firing range.

That’s about all the linked article says, too. Though they tried to give the impression a soldier went feral and started shooting fellow soldiers, they wouldn’t outright say it. It could have been murder, or some operational fuster-cluck, or outright dumbass.

The Pennsylvania state police have had several range fatalities, all coming down to plain old stupdity.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

parties, hookers, booze, dope and guns. what could go wrong? or what problems got taken out…

1 year ago

> Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Kosovo ‘crossed the Rubicon,’ as he accused the ethnic Albanian government in Pristina of trying to provoke a war 

Prvi Partizan and Zastava are in Serbia, and they have significant sales in the USA. Prvi ammunition and reloading components are good quality at a reasonable price, and they support calibers ignored by most American manufacturers.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

And that’s why we no longer have paper ballots.

It’s the most secure, though not foolproof, way to run an election.

1 year ago

> RNC is preparing resolution for a nationwide push for paper ballots, hand counted on election day. 

The time to do that was 2017, after the cheating in the 2016 election became common knowlege. But they’ve waited more than six years since then, and it’s probably too late for anything to change for the 2024 election.

Each state has its own election methods, and often local governments at the county or precinct level. All of those organizations operate semi-independently, mostly part-time, and it takes a long time for major procedural changes, financing, training, etc. Doing it by November 2024 would be a bureaucratic miracle.

So, basically, the Republican Party isn’t interested in election reform. This is just a PR move to appease the rank-and-file, who have no say in how the Party is run.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

They could demand in House of Representatives RIGHT NOW that all ballots be hand counted and that there were restrictions on absentee ballots. Such as making them be counted first and if they were not counted by the closing of the poles not counted at all. Lots of other restrictions could also be passed. They could do this in the House but probably don’t have the votes in the Senate, but that could change very fast.

The Constitution provides that…

“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”

That’s damn clear and doesn’t leave a lit of wigglew room. Any judge that disagrees places himself in the line of fire to be impeached rapidly. So they could demand that all House members be elected with paper ballots, with know citizens and put time restraints such that absentee ballots are counted FIRST or not counted at all. All sorts of restrictions could be placed.

More detail on how to take over the country here,

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Congress doesn’t have the Constitutional power to do that. It’s a state matter.

That’s not to say the Fed might not pass an “election reform” bill anyway; they don’t seem to think they’re bound by that “Constitution” thing. What was it the short Austrian said about the Treaty of Versailles? “It’s just a piece of paper.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He quoted the part that gives them the authority over House and Senate elections.
Refuse to accept any results that don’t follow the rules and the states will follow those rules for the entire ballot during congressional election years so they don’t have to run multiple elections.
They may just do it for all elections to keep things simple.

1 year ago

> birthday at a trampoline park

I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if he decided to do that.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
1 year ago

I would like any assistance anyone could give me to find an RSS reader that will track the comments on this site. I tried QuitRSS but it doesn’t seem to find the comments. Rather than waste a lot of time trying different things, could someone recommend a reader that works on this site and give me the basics on setup? Thanks in advance.

Suggestion to AC. If anyone can post one or more RSS Readers that work and how to set them up, maybe you could add that to the site info to help others who, like me, love this site but also want to be able to track replies to anything they post. Thanks in advance.

I don’t want to try and reinvent the wheel. Too much to do and not much time left to do it! Thank you. I am not lazy, just trying to efficiently use what time I have. Thanks.

Last edited 1 year ago by pjwgent
Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

I use IIRC, it’s $3/mo. You add feeds by pasting the URL into the dialog window, and it will autodiscover the posts and comments feeds.
After that, you click the search icon to do a search on the feed you are looking at, enter your search, and then hit the “+” icon to save the search.
It’s also great for keeping up with tons of other sites. You would be surprised how many sites provide RSS feeds.

Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

I use Feedly. They have a free option which allows you to follow up to 100 feeds. That’s more than enough for AC and for the RSS feed.

As for setting it up, I did it over a decade ago when Google killed Google Reader. But it’s really not that hard. Just register an account, click to add an RSS feed, look over the results, and add it. Some of them you can easily find from the site’s URL.Paste it in the box that pops up when you go to add a feed and see what comes up. Others you may need a link from the host.

AC’s blog and comments are different RSS feeds. When AC supplied the comment RSS in 2019, I added it right away.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Ah, comments are a different feed. Can you give me the URL?

Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

I think it’s

AC, can you verify that? I can’t retrieve the URL from my Feedly setup; just that I’m subscribed to the comments feed.

Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

Plenary on an android phone works well

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

Look into Feedly, Inoreader and NewsBlur.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

So, I have tried two RSS readers (YARR and QuiteRSS) and both download the daily posting without an issue, but none access the comments. QuiteRSS has a comment link but that just opens the comments in a browser for that one post in the browser. I need access to the comments across posting so I can search for replies to my comments or find comments touching on certain issues. No luck.

I even tried Feedly, which acted the same, but even if it worked I didn’t like having to have what I am doing on their site. I want a local, PC version. Not my phone which is fine for reading daily postings but a bear to search to find anything in.

Has anybody gotten a RSS reader on a pc to access the AC post comments so you can search across comments and apply filters to keep up with certain topics? I find the comments on these posts exceptionally useful.

Reply to  Peter Gent
1 year ago

I actually haven’t tried to apply filters or search comments. I just read through the list from oldest to newest and save anything I want for future reference. But I can use Feedly on all my devices. I use it in the browser on computer and iPad, and in the app on my phone.

1 year ago

More Fun with Globohomo Ads, Part Whatever

Ikea is now running a big ad campaign in at least one European country that is conditioning for white people to gracefully surrender their societies to other ethnicities. I could only find the text-free version on Ikea Switzerland’s website, but the line is “Tell Your Boss (that Ikea now offers 10% off to businesses).” (Although Muslims are the country’s biggest non-white group, they’re never featured in such ads. I guess it’s because Islam is one of Globohomo’s biggest enemies.)

The white woman is talking, and the black woman is listening, so their roles are clear in this context. The white woman is old, greying, blurry, about to fade out of existence. Death is upon her. The black woman is young, attractive, full of life, center stage. She’s the new boss.

There’s also a version of this ad where the boss is a white male, but it’s used less often, and he looks a bit soy, looking up the information on his computer with a sheepish smile. He’s sitting, only looking at his screen, while the Asian(?) female is standing, watching over him – quite emasculating, as he’s obviously only the boss on the org chart.

Finally, I’d like to mention a new ad from the Swiss tourism board. A happy tourist is standing in the shallows of an Alpine lake, while three women sit on different rocks, gazing at him (one of them has her boyfriend with her, but he gets ignored). Realistically, the tourist should be a man from India or China, but no, he’s an athletic black man. Cabal is really keen that white women should mate with that type of man, for whatever reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A few years ago, these guys David Wilcock and Corey Goode were making a show about disclosure. How reliable they are is pretty questionable, to be honest, but one of the things they mentioned was multiple “the other” groups with different agendas. Some of these groups they described as genetic farmers running experiments on consciousness advancement. The idea was various combinations of genetics could be beneficial to whatever. But there were multiple groups and they had different experiments to try so divided the planet up into zones and set up the different races as different experiments. Cross-breeding interferes with the individual experiments so these groups would want to discourage that first through distance and later through visceral instincts disliking half-breeds.

Other groups of others may not give a hoot about such an experiment or may actively want to see them fail, and would thus try to mess it up by encouraging mixing.

All crazy stuff, I know, and these guys weren’t actually very reliable seemingly. However, its great Scifi and also illistrates, at minimum, the hard road of discerning truth from bullshit that you must undertake after realizing that the official sources are primarily lying. Just cause they are lying doesn’t mean these other guys are telling the truth.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I used to follow those guys. Wilcock was at least amusing.But he also said things that are BS, such as people with security clearances 35 levels above the President. Security clearances don’t work that way. Then he got divorced, went off the deep end, and really isn’t amusing anymore. He’s trying to sell 5 eBooks for $100 consisting of “prophecies” the Archangel Michael supposedly gave him, but it’s the same stuff he’s been saying all along about the solar flash and reincarnation and ascension.

He’s done good work in alternative science.

I think Corey Good got pressured and admitted he made all his “20 years in a secret space program” stuff up.

1 year ago

David Paulides is very tight lipped on what might be the cause of all the disappearances. That is to say, he pretty much never speculates on what might actually be happening. This I think is probably a good thing since focusing on the facts alone is indisputable and he needn’t argue with anyone about things that can’t be directly known. So, it makes receptivity as high as possible.
For my own thought, my guess is that there are probably several things happening all at once. 1) some people die naturally and their bodies aren’t found 2) The Others as you put it are involved for unknown purposes. Maybe they don’t like people getting close to their bases. 3) the Gov’t/cabal have their own experiments and/or slavery have joined in as well.
One interesting thing Paulides mentioned once is that animal mutilations have hotspots in areas where there are endemic diseases among the animals. Are they culling diseased animals? However, that doesn’t seem to fit too well since these others overall seem to be pretty negative in orientation. If you wanted to cull diseased animals why do you need to cut off various portions repetitively while the animal is still alive? Why not just kill it and be done with it.
Other hotspots tend to be around large bodies of water, implying underwater bases which are easier to hide.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Paulides also researches Bigfoot. I giant cannibal could definitely be responsible

1 year ago

Hey AC just something I noticed, and I doubt I was the first to notice it but still, if that song is 16:56 long you could get 666 by adding the 1 and the 5. I personally believe there is legitimately something weird with the whole 17 thing just like you but I also believe that it is possible to see a lot of weird connections with numbers that aren’t really there either. Dunno which case this is but probably just one of those “file away for later” things. Thanks for the continued news drop and analysis as always.

1 year ago

Sometimes I wonder if the military aged Chinese males and others like them might be to wage war against the powers that control us and finish them off. It necessarily our saviors but ready to do the job if our rulers decide to go to war over Taiwan as an example.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I don’t believe their intentions that so benevolent.

1 year ago

“List of the 20 Republicans who voted AGAINST censuring Adam Schiff, Uniparty traitors all, and note Massie is on the list:

Massie explained his vote in the linked to article. Ana Paulina Luna, the sponsor of the censure resolution, screwed up. The resolution called for Schiff to be fined sixteen million dollars.

A censure resolution can’t constitutionally impose a fine. Here is the 27th Amendment, in full:

No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.”

They could have just done the censure, without the fine. The question is why the resolution wasn’t fixed before the floor vote.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I wondered if this was a negotiation angle.
Ask for something extreme and almost stupid…then when it gets denied, ask for something reasonable, and those “principled” Massie types now have the political cover to join on board.

Just a thought.

1 year ago

Thanks for whoever posted the current working link to Jim Stone’s site yesterday. My link had stopped working, since he changes his server periodically, and I was wondering if he was dead.

I’m catching up, and it appears he is saying we are out of time. He is probably right. But I think whatever happens won’t kick off until next year, since they have one shot at this and want to be sure they are prepared. I also don’t think bugging out will really help this time.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

me. yw. he was off the hook for several weeks due to surveillance and moving issues. / regarding bugouts, i know people at werk who think they will go two hours away from the city to a cabin and be all safe. some of them dont talk to me anymore. 1. they wont be safe. and 2. they mostly dont stand for much and weenied out. also they dont understand the concept of shifting sands.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Re: Garrett says: In private, Trump is gracious, and he lovingly cusses like an Irish sailor!
I love the choice of word here – gracious. There is one thing you can say about Trump and that is while he has a massive ego (you need one to succeed in what he has done), he is not a narcissist. While some may want to disagree, look at the evidence of his consistent and observable kindness and willingness to interact with those in lower stations: workers on his construction sites, in kitchens he passes through on the way to events at hotels or resorts, the average person he meets just about anywhere. No one has argued those interactions are not genuine and for a narcissist that is not possible. There are many things you may not like about him, but that is one thing that is endemic in Washington that you cannot accuse him of and it is one of the fundamental things that drives those who attack him. They cannot deal with his attacking their own narcissistic need and self identification and will attack anyone, and he certainly does, who threatens their sense of personal significance as the center of their own universe.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Very good observations. I love these kinds of analysis.

“Understand your enemy, and yourself.”

Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Trump has some narcissistic TRAITS, but it’s important to remember that he doesn’t suffer from a personality disorder. Jordan Peterson pointed this out many years ago. He noted that Trump’s kids are healthy and well-adjusted. And that simply wouldn’t be the case if Trump suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

AC may be right and it is all an act.
But I believe that every personality type has a healthy version and it is the dose that makes the poison even if it is his natural type.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Jordan Peterson is a fraud. Read Vox Days take down if you doubt it.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

A foreign force hasn’t invaded America; they were invited. Biden is the new Quisling.

17k out of roughly 133k schools … this might explain why circa 10% and growing numbers of young Americans identify as gay or some other non-natural persuasion versus 3% a couple decades ago. The schools are grooming/recruiting mills.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

sure, and some invitations as well as recruitment. for the po folks really since 1965. for the 666 crowd, slow trickle since day one.

1 year ago

Compare and Contrast:
Foreigners can have guns and be hired on as Law Enforcement.
Illinois residents can no longer buy most firearms and the ones you own need to be registered in later in 2023. If you don’t, you are a felon.
Q: Trust the plan.

1 year ago

In relation to Trump’s story. I recall a story about a Christian Japanese orphanage where children flat out told Jesus to move a particular mountain. So the orphanage can expand to house more children.

Jesus duly complied. As that Mountain was moved by modern construction equipment with the operators having no idea that they are doing God’s will.

1 year ago’s oaths to immivaders take precedence to any loyalty here. let that sink in. rake the muck lightly, useless “muckraker”

1 year ago

“Paulides went on to investigate and write a raft of books about them, and he seems to conclude there is a strange, mysterious “thing,” maybe even quasiparanormal/transdimensional/hiding-from-us on the planet which is scooping up humans it picks in national parks and disappearing them”

This guy is a Choctaw Indian from the Antler’s Oklahoma area that runs a tracking and deterrence service for Bigfoot. He apparently also teaches a tracker training school. He believes that these things can be or become translucent which kind of ties back into some of the stories seen on here about people with tch that can make them translucent. He’s got this Youtube channel and says he has a couple of groups on Facebook as well. His team travels all over the country, scouting this stuff.

1 year ago

If you are in the ruling faction the Virtuous Pagans will shield your corruption, because that is the virtuous thing to do.

China’s new ban: street snaps are prohibited! Anti-Corruption movement & Women go crazy for a dress.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

“Teachers to be paid $150K in city where less than half of students are good at reading. I wonder if that is a sign the infiltration and takeover of the schools by Cabal is complete, and now almost all teachers are Cabal agents, to better control who goes where.”

I have some inside info on this. Might be different in some states.

There are still quite a few non-Cabal teachers left. Unfortunately, most are clueless about what’s going on and many will comply with whatever bullshit that comes down from the state government. CRT is being implemented in social studies this year. It includes the Swamp Media narrative about J6 and Covidiocy. Teachers are required to submit the year’s curriculum in advance to the state government, conforming to the new “standards.” Lesson plans for each week must conform to the agenda, and the state is paying for schools to hire new Commissars to ensure teachers are teaching according to the communist narrative force-fed down from the top. They will likely purge what non-Cabal teachers who are left in a relatively short amount of time, using this new policy.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

>Not cabal
>does whatever cabal tells them to do

What’s the difference? Being a dumbass but still acting as an enforcer for evil will not spare them their judgements.

1 year ago “This is the biggest story of the summer – it’s shocking”

Sequoia Capital is the biggest VC firm in China & they’ve been caught investing US Pension fund $$ into Chinese military tech

Sequoia has been paying GOP *millions* to not investigate & to protect Adam Schiff— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) June 15, 2023

1 year ago

It’s gonna be a helluva plot twist when the armed patriotards realize that all the clumsily trained Chinese border crossers are in no way the threat to our nation as the vast hordes of current and former law enforcement, soldiers, marines, and special operations personnel who’ve been cabal their whole life.

Patriotic Americans are going to learn a very, very painful lesson: your average American raised on gangster movies and gangster rap and shows like the Sopranos DO NOT CARE about their fellow Americans. At all. AT ALL.

Most Americans these days only care about their own income and privileges and will suffer absolutely zero inconvenience to stand for anything as silly as an abstract principle.

Take a look around your country. These vile critters don’t know anything about American history, have no connection to any legacy, and many have no connection or history in their own community beyond a generation.

It’s a nation of degenerate transients, no matter how expensive their toys or clothes.

All they care about is consumption and low prices. Bling and toys. They’ll hand over their legacy as Americans for a case of beer and a sports jersey.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Again, your concerns are noted, Captain Blackpill. If you have useful input on the topic rather than doomspiraling, which isn’t a useful skill no matter how much you think it is, feel free to contribute.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A case of Bud Lite and a Kaepernick jersey?

1 year ago

The Federal Reserve just put all of the gold bugs on notice. Fed Funds will stay above 5% for 2 more years.

Must maintain the yield curve inversion to keep the fledgling new bull market in stonks alive. Should be a spectacular blowup once it unwinds and things get repriced.

1 year ago

I noticed the not logged in version of the recent comments page doesn’t have a link to any of the blog posts more recent than the 11th in addition to not having any new comments for days.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I never log in. I see comments on the news blog pages.

For those of you having issues with the site, maybe mention your browser, and whether mobile or desktop when you experienced difficulties while accessing.

The site host could be moving servers. Siteground just moved one of my sites to servers hosted in Texas. Automatic updates on plugins or themes can break a site. But the browser and/or device can also cause issues, and that can be true if your device needs updates OR if you’ve just recently updated.

AC you’re doing amazing work.

1 year ago
Palestinians rail at Likud lawmaker’s proposal to divide Temple Mount

1 year ago

Better than predator active camo.comment image

Aussie Spook
Aussie Spook
1 year ago

>> America’s largest settlement of illegal immigrants is in Liberty County outside of Houston, and is run by the cartels.

Kindling on a mass scale. What would be the point of it otherwise? Plain chaos at a minimum and a standing MS-13 Cartel Cabal army at worst

Last edited 1 year ago by Aussie Spook
1 year ago

Not able to even pull up comments page for June 19. Haven’t changed my phone parameters and could pull up comments yesterday. Typing this from an open tab and may not appear, but it the strangeness continues. Truly appreciate your site and the comments. You don’t have to print this, just trying to let you know.