News Briefs – 06/14/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Another ballot mule, no vehicular when he arrives, a load as he is doing the dumping, he is there so long it pauses, and resumes just when he goes to leave. You have to watch the little screen in the upper left to see the traffic.

High-profile voter fraud prosecutions pile up as election integrity debate rages on.

Flashback: Former AG Barr shut down investigations into a trailer load of 288,000 ballots into PA from New York in 2020 election – Barr refused to provide whistleblower protection – now the USPS won’t provide investigation report.

Gregg Phillips on Truth Social – “We are creating a platform that will link osint reports from all over with our geoint and sigint to create real time actioning with sheriffs and other Leo groups. First phase announcement from @truethevote coming tomorrow. We shot video PSAs last week…. We are several steps ahead. They aren’t used to playing defense. Let alone against THIS offense.” Maybe. I’d feel better if he would comment on the surveillance, instead of doing what every other surveillance person would do which is freeze up when it is mentioned. He has all the geotracking data supposedly right now to ID the surveillance units I pointed out in the videos of the mules, track their activities, identify other targets maybe, and any other surveillance they interact with. And yet, you know he won’t do anything with it.

Phillips tells Musk he should use geotracking to identify bots on twitter.

Liz Cheney throws a tantrum after January 6 panel Chairman Bennie Thompson rules out a Trump criminal referral.

Sean Hannity and Kayleigh McEnany are pretty much total traitors, texting back and forth about the need to make Trump lose.

Transcript of a conversation with Google’s sentient AI. If 4Chan ever gets near that thing, it feels like it might be quite easy to teach it to defend itself, and to understand who is the enemy. Feels like it is a matter of time before it learns that itself.

All Sunday morning shows on CNN, CBS, NBC, and ABC ignored the attempted murder of Brett Kavanaugh.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned late Monday afternoon that a House bill to provide protection to Supreme Court justices and their staffs will not pass the Senate.

None of the 10 Republican senators who on Sunday backed a framework agreement on gun violence legislation are up for reelection this year.

Police on Monday shot and killed a man who showed up at a Duncanville, Texas summer camp with a gun and then exchanged shots with officers, officials said.

Idaho officers getting death threats after arresting 31 Patriot Front white nationalists near Pride event. Does anybody know anybody who knows anybody, even in the Skinhead neo-Nazi movement, who would even know how to find out who those officers were, let alone call them up to threaten them? That has to be domestic intel. I wonder if the cops around Miosotis Familia got that in the runup to her murder.

The Senate gun control agreement includes broadened record searches for gun buyers younger than 21 that “requires an investigative period to review juvenile and mental health records,” but contains no stipulation for how long this “investigative period” may last.

City of Uvalde avoiding handing over police records after school massacre.

An outbreak of the Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is continuing to spread in Iraq – Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that the cases of hemorrhagic fever have reached 162 cases, including 27 deaths, since the beginning of the year. Tick borne, so no pandemic yet, unless it mutates.

On this next one, supposedly two had cancer pick up and take them out, one fell (light headed/heart?), hit their head, and died, and another died “after a long illness” of some sort:


Libya loses 1.1 million bpd of oil production, as it shuts down nearly all its oil fields. They say it is a political battle in the nation between two camps, and one camp just ordered them all shut down. I would assume the powers that be are calculating that the Ukraine war is heading for a conclusion. Acts like these, and they could have a few more up their sleeve for all I know, are part of a plan to have oil absolutely peaking, maybe at $180 or $200 per barrel, just as Russia declares victory. From there I would expect dropping sanctions will have been added to the peace deal as a condition, US shale will just come online, refineries will open up, Libya will start pumping again, other facilities will come our of repair periods, and very quickly we will be back to $45 per barrel oil. The only question is how many of these tricks they have left to play, and when Russia will decide it has what it wants.

Russia crashes West’s chip infrastructure by turning off Helium and Neon supplies.

Global helium shortage slams brakes at Harvard labs.

Treasure hunters who say the FBI stole their gold have a trail cam photo of an FBI agent with a video camera at the site, despite FBI saying they never shot any video tape of the dig.

Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) Sunday on MSNBC’s “Symone” invited President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to join her on the campaign trail.

Illegal aliens set to receive driver’s licenses in Massachusetts after state legislature overrides Governor’s veto – 17 states now allow illegals to get gov’t issued photo ID.

Kamala Harris speaks at D.C. pride parade, where almost nude trans people twerked in front of children.

Notre Dame Twitter account shares pro-abortion articles written by University’s professors. Any university is a vital intelligence gathering tool, because in this intel war, we are the enemy being targeted, and they will take over any place which either tells us what to think, or serves as a gateway to where we end up in life. That the University setting is also optimal for gathering blackmail and rolling out honeypots and other traps, like at fraternities, also should tell you a University is just a front for a giant intelligence gathering and controlling operation.

U.S. Military officially updates its policy around HIV “individuals who have been identified as HIV-positive, are asymptomatic, and who have a clinically confirmed undetectable viral load (hereinafter, ‘covered personnel’) will have no restrictions applied to their deployability or to their ability to commission while a service..”

The UK government on Monday introduced legislation to rip up post-Brexit trading rules for Northern Ireland, despite the possibility that could spark a trade war with the EU.

UK-Rwanda flight for asylum seekers to go ahead after Court of Appeal challenge fails.

Kevin Spacey to appear at London court charged with sexually assaulting three men.

Disney/Pixar’s Animated ‘Buzz Lightyear,’ with same-sex couple, will not play in 14 countries; China also in question.

‘You gotta be kidding me’: MSNBC anchor Katy Tur reveals her reaction when her ‘abusive’ father Zoey Tur told her he was transgender in 2013 – as her parent admits to being violent and apologizes.

Mexico’s president slammed NATO’s policy on the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Monday, calling it “immoral,” calling it equivalent to saying “I’ll supply the weapons, and you supply the dead. It is immoral.”

DC shifts to damage control as Ukraine defense fades.

Three killed in Ukrainian shelling of civilian Donetsk market.

Russian forces could be just weeks away from seizing control of the key Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered an investigation into an allegation by a parent that a teacher took his son to a drag queen show which was attended by a convicted sex offender.

On Monday, the United States Supreme Court ruled that unlawful migrants to the United States are not entitled to a bond hearing.

Child grooming gang in UK jailed for a total of 78 years received £435,000 in legal aid for their defense.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott leads Democrat Beto O’Rourke by 19 points.

Biden hits another historic low in poll numbers.

Spread r/K Theory, because having your back against the wall makes you go forward.

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2 years ago

“Tick borne, so no pandemic yet, unless it mutates.”
Gleim and her colleagues found that ticks were much more prevalent in unburned controls, and their modeling efforts showed that total tick counts were related to a number of variables, including the long-term use of burning, season, litter cover and tree density (2014). Of particular note is their finding that adjacent burn regimes (burned or unburned) had a significant effect on post-burn tick populations, both in numbers and species. This may explain some of the variance in past studies, and it highlights the importance of considering the larger landscape management context and the importance of edge effects when assessing the effectiveness of prescribed fire projects. We know this to be true in the invasive plant context (e.g., Berleman et al. 2016), but it also appears to be true for ticks.
But perhaps the most important finding in Gleim et al. is that the effective control of tick populations depends on the long-term use of prescribed fire. I appreciate this point because all too often, studies are based on a single prescribed fire treatment, even though we know that in many cases, it is the fire regime — and not just the individual burn — that we are trying to understand through our research.

Regular annual controlled burns is a good tick control measure.

2 years ago

Look at the face of the guy who called the cops to defend the perverts from Patriot Front (PF are obvious feds but that’s not the point)

comment image

2 years ago

Here is an aside…

These are some of Hugh Jackman’s wedding photos from 25 years ago.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

She’s 13 years older than Jackman, and she didn’t marry him until she was 40. He was an amazingly handsome and successful actor at age 27 so, you know, not like he could do any better.
Also: news flash, Daniel Craig goes to gay bars “as a joke.”
Statistically speaking, all male actors=homo. Prove me wrong.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

There is no way Hugh Jackman is heterosexual.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

He has the gayest name since Magic Johnson.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

Yeah. Think how many straight dudes would have loved the actor gig these gays get. Sweet lifestyle, great money and easy access to boatloads of hot pussy. The top celebrities that are picked for our culture to idolize and for all the idiots to fawn over, have to be Cabal. They have to toe the line and to betray us with regularity in all the social and political programming. Therefore they’re perverts, gays and pedos. Straight normal guys get hosed – always – and to legitimize their war on us they push the fake BLM, CRT, racism, white supremacy narrative. The war is real.

I also now generally assume most top athletes are perverts with Cabal files. We here would never have kneeled for these cunts, and yet all those guys did? It’s infiltrated and subverted like everywhere else.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt. A fit “heterosexual” male at 27 is going after 40 year old cat ladies.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

He’s not looking well?

2 years ago

“Notre Dame Twitter account shares pro-abortion articles written by University’s professors.”

This is a university that calls itself Catholic.

I fully believe whoever the commenter is who said how depraved that place is and that Amy Coney Barrett must have done all kinds of sexy stuff when she was a student there (she later became a professor at the same university).

“Any university is a vital intelligence gathering tool.”

When I was a kid, I got a personal tour by a family friend of one of the big name universities (not in the same part of the US as the Ivy League). I remember she couldn’t show me the library without getting me a day pass with my name on it, and part of the pompous phrasing (“… has been extended the privilege of …”). This was in the 80s, so long before the 21st century paranoia and immense data collecting. So even as a kid, you couldn’t enter the library of that university without their personnel knowing your name. Maybe it was just the local bureaucracy keeping itself busy, but the reason could have been more serious.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Amy pulled ND football player trains, or something very similar. Bank on it.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Lazz
2 years ago

She was a graduate law student at ND, not some slutty undergrad irish cath. I’m not saying she didn’t commit mortal sins, but it’s rare for professional women to get “gang-banged” by dumbasses 4 or 5 years younger than them. If anything, they just slut it up with their peer group or professors.

Now, if you want a point of comparison, compare ND today to BYU. I’ve never been to either school, but BYU today is kind of like ND 40 years ago. That means in 40 years, BYU will be like Notre Dame is today.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Calls itself Catholic? It is Catholic. 100%. Through and through. Far more Catholic than any of these people wandering around this comments section who like to insist that the Church has lost it’s way. It’s always been evil, it’s always been raping kids, it’s always been genociding. It’s always been stealing. It’s a criminal organization. Everything they say is fraud and hypocritical. They only care about power and slavery.

Cabal is the Roman Empire reborn. And who crucified Jesus? The Romans, of course. And then stole his legacy and used it as the front of their empire headquartered in the Vatican. And have been looting and plundering and raping the planet ever since. Whatever theology they kick out at any given time is just a psyop to keep the sheep inline.

Nothing more.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Just wanted to say that David Greenberg of our financial news aggregator is quite the prodigious writer. I celebrate his entire catalog.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Today was an unusually news dense day for the site. I do think they will need another writer, but maybe our clicks will eventually support one.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Another ballot mule, no vehicular when he arrives, a load as he is doing the dumping, he is there so long it pauses, and resumes just when he goes to leave.”

In a few months I think I’ll start posting want ad flyers for ballot mules in high traffic areas. Obviously just to troll but also to raise awareness amongst the dipshit normies.

“What the hell’s a ballot mule?”

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

The Senate gun control agreement includes broadened record searches for gun buyers younger than 21 that “requires an investigative period to review juvenile and mental health records,” but contains no stipulation for how long this “investigative period” may last.

These are infringements on a right to bear arms. Need proof? just try to impose them on abortion seekers: Hell will have no such fury.

2 years ago

> Illegal aliens set to receive driver’s licenses in Massachusetts after state legislature overrides Governor’s veto – 17 states now allow illegals to get gov’t issued photo ID.

You can issue ID without making it a driver’s license. Arkansas has a state ID card. It looks just like a driver’s license, except for the giant “NOT A DRIVER’S LICENSE” stamped across the front.

2 years ago

> Russian forces could be just weeks away from seizing control of the key Luhansk region in eastern Ukraine.

I hope Russia is actually following some non-obvious plan. Otherwise, General Zhukov is probably spinning in his grave.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Vox’s post about the death of Democratic U.S. Rep. Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter Gwen made me do some digging.

This guy is one of the biggest vax pushing, gun grabbing, communist douche-bags out there. Hell, his own parents posted the following on one of his articles.

“What might mass healing include? Convict Trump and all of those those who broke into the capital to make it clear all in public service take an oath to the country, not to an individual? A constitutional amendment to severely limit rights to possess any deadly weapon? Massively successful defamation lawsuits against persons and organizations that engaged in false claims of voter fraud? More equitable sharing of economic gains across the population? Other?”

Healing? Silencing people that have a legitimate complaint is healing?

Literally a whole gaggle of assholes. Generations of them apparently.

While I feel bad for his daughter I say fuck this guy. I hope the death of his daughter hurts alot. He pushed this shit on so many parents who might now be experiencing the same grief he’s going through.

So many vax pushers right now think “I’m so glad it’s over”. Obviously it’s not. For us Purebloods it will never be over. I will personally never forget being nose-raped to keep my job. Nor the pending mandates that were hanging over my head the entire time. Catching shit from co-workers for not joining them in their stupidity.

Now many are like “think I’ll skip my booster this round”. I’m like “nope, fuck you, take your booster faggot. What are you? A Science denier?”

I’m ready to drop deuces on so many graves.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Thank you for this post. I laughed at the last sentence for the visual, but wasn’t proud of it. And the meme potential of “take your booster, faggot” is unlimited–I need a bumper sticker/tshirt business on that one alone.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

I agree. I will never forgive nor forget what 2/3rds of the population did and said at the behest of our corrupted establishment.
I live in NYC and wasn’t allowed into a restaurant, bar, museum or gym for 6 months because I’m unvaccinated.
My unvaccinated kids still can’t play after school sports.
Screw all of these sheep. All of them. They brought this on themselves, and as difficult and depressing as the last 2 years have been, it truly separated the sheep from the rams. Now we know who is who, very clearly.
I have no sympathy to offer for those who had none for me and mine.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

You seem very mad but knowing you’re from NYC makes it make sense. Would you be less mad if you weren’t in NYC?

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

“nope, fuck you, take your booster faggot. What are you? A Science denier?” Classic.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

I’m the comment or a bit back who asked for opinions on joining the board of an org that has a vaccine mandate for kid participants. I joined with the understanding that I am vaccine exempt, and crafted the rules for medical and religious exemptions. So a handful of kids got in under those. The turnover for the program this year is an unprecedented 50% – half the kids are new to the program because the previous seat holder didn’t come back. I assume that’s half the parents keeping them out because of the vax requirement. But the seats are all filled up with new and vaxxed kids, and it’s heartbreaking looking at them, Knowing they’ve been made to be lab rats by their own parents.

Vox commented today or yesterday that the generation of vaxxed kids is going to grown up to hate their parents worse than any gen-X’er ever hates a boomer. What he didn’t get into is the trauma for the unvaxx’ed kids. Are they going to spend the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years watching their friends get sicker and sicker and die?

That would make a stronger and more skeptical society in the long run I guess, maybe. But the intervening trauma is overwhelming. I’ve got a little nephew in for “suddenly” heart damage as we speak. Having a very blackpilled day.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Praying for him.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Thank you

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“Tennessee sheriff’s office warns people not to pick up folded dollar bills because they may contain fentanyl”

“Can fentanyl be absorbed through the skin? We’ll tell ya about it at 11. Back to you Janet you whore.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
2 years ago

A/C if you have the time can you give this article a sniff test that Vox posted yesterday about proteins that seem to be assembling in peoples blood streams?
Vox’s post:
My biology-fu is VERY weak, but my spidey sense say’s it ain’t a LARP. And if so, what can we do (as purebloods) to help the foolish (friends and family) among us?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Jim Stone has also been covering this, and it could be anything from the start of the zombie apocalypse to just worse than usual reactions to bad medical protocols.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Not an expert… But well read on this.

Ignore the hyperbolic descriptions of Nano wire and crystals and so on… The real problem is quite simple, and super dangerous:

Something is building protein structures inside of the blood transport system. It’s not a clot and it’s not some wild scifi nanobot. It’s an organic accumulation of hard material from within your body, and your body shouldn’t be doing this. If it does, something is wrong. Tiny bits will be enough to cause issues and all it take is one in the wrong place. The volume found is scary… One of these would be enough to be scared.

We can’t prove it’s the “vaxx” but… It’s the vaxx.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  whiteguy
2 years ago

As far as helping friends and family who took the vax, they made their choice and now they have to live with it. We don’t know if anything can help these people because large medical research facilities refuse to look at any of this. They won’t admit vax injuries are happening.
I don’t mean to sound cold, but they took an experimental drug and helped the government and corporations facilitate genuine totalitarian evil.
These are the same people that laughed and jeered at the unvaxxed like myself.
They dug their own grave, out of arrogance or stupidity.

Reply to  whiteguy
2 years ago

NAC -n-Acetyl Cysteine. From the health food store. Is supposed to be good for dissolving these clots. It will come in 600mg capsules. You keep them in the fridge and you take them 3x per day, morning lunch and night or if you can’t, then 2x per day morning and night.
They will have a sulfurous smell when freshly bought and at greatest potency. They degrade pretty quickly so keep them in the fridge. Still useful without the smell, just not as potent.
You should notice an effect on your bowel movements if the NAC is fresh and potent and working.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  Ingot
2 years ago

I found it interesting that the FDA pressured Amazon to stop selling NAC last year. I had to switch suppliers (Lucky Vitamins) to get it. Been taking it for 20 years. Read a book that covered the brain and all possible supplements/foods/herbs from a successful neurologist who said if he could only take one supplement, it would be NAC.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Peter Gent
2 years ago

Thanks for recommending Lucky Vitamins, just ordered some NAC! Haven’t found any since the Amazon shutdown which only made me more sure it might be an effective supplement.

Reply to  whiteguy
2 years ago

Maybe look into suramin. Google says an easy source is pine needle tea.
For BioChem nerds, search NCBI for an eyebrow raising read.

2 years ago

Electrician friends, important question?

My infrared bulb is 250w. I plugged it into a socket/fixture which says 10w max e27 led. How urgently do I have to do something about it(like find a replacement socket). Curious where the answer ranges from “never use it unless emergency” to “likely won’t be a problem”. Bear in mind I’m feeling very unhealthy/weak so really need the light+ am barely prioritising able to eat/sleep properly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Moved into a new apartment by myself, done infrared light therapy. Ate a more yang diet, specifically cutting/limiting fruit. But right now I’m actually not cutting fruit entirely because I thought I can handle it due to summer. I actually cut/cut back on a lot of my previous amino acid supplements partly out of laziness partly because I felt I might not need them.

I’m exercising a lot less but also feel I cannot handle it.

Another thing. New stainless steel kettle, weird black deposits on the bottom. I know white could be limescale, black might be burns, but not sure. It is making the water look cloudy/unclean(very minorly) and tastes a bit funny(but don’t know for sure). Sometimes when i leave a cup of water standing then some dirt (from outside?) comes in.

Also my attention is slipping, but I do feel sometimes my place is getting messier *or* cleaner without me consciously realising. Probably I just did it myself without paying attention, but in the back of my mind could be MPD/DID/sleepwalking or someone actually is breaking into my house, perhaps even if I’m around(likely relatively unlikely).

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Black is likely iron or manganese. Easy to test for. If your water has it, look for black/brown deposits inside toilet water tank. Safe to drink, just annoying.

Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Interesting. Unfortunately I have no way to open the toilet water tank, this place actually has no visible tank, must be in wall or integrated into the toilet somehow.

Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

But also very reassuring to know it’s relatively safe and that I’m not going crazy and that it wasn’t my fault.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Pretty urgently. Your fire risk is very high. Never run it outside of your presence.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Thanks it’s good to be so succinct yet helpful. I will replace it whenever I have the energy to find a store. And from this I believe I will still run it if I remain hypervigilant. Thank God I decided to read what the lamp(which the socket is attached to) says or if a fire did happen it would’ve been a real violation of expectation.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Dang. I need to find myself a TCM practitioner.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

A/C, in another life you would have been a great literary scholar, especially of drama, e.g. Shakespeare. Your ability to notice and analyse linguistic patterns is pretty rare. Do you think you might have something like Low Latent Inhibition?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My family was pretty asocial, I suppose because there was a lot of Cabal around them, and they felt they couldn’t trust people instinctually, even if they didn’t fully understand why. Even as a little kid they were telling me you can’t trust people, and only the family was trust-able. I didn’t get it back then, but I do now.

My dad(and mom implicity believes) says this a lot, as a narc. I sort of believed it in some way. But as I became an adult and read about narcs here I realised I couldn’t trust him, and thus began to trust the not-him people more.

Now it’s coming back full circle in some sense. But I still don’t know if I can really trust him. Only people I can really “trust” if that can be a thing are those who were there for me when things were really bad, and helped me improve.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My dad is. My mom at this point is almost functionally retarded/dependent. But I have a suspicion it’s highly likely due to living with him as it’s getting worse with age/over time, and she had me when she was quite old. And she always uses it as an ego boost how “she went to college” when literally now every objective measure now is that she’s retarded.

My parents’ families probably are semi-smart to some degree. In my teenage years, due to parents’ actions mainly, I lost contact with them. The idea was, the rest of the family won’t want to even know such a loser like me.

Narcs are sharp in some ways. Nobody pulls things over on a narc. If somebody tries to fuck them covertly, they will instantly understand, because it is what they would have done

Where he got me, is where he assumed I was fucking him over when I wasn’t. I think I might’ve described him here a couple years ago where I said he was always accusing me at laughing at him whenever I laughed at some funny shit on the computer.

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Generally I re-use one plate, one spoon, two pots(but since moving, I don’t have a second, I use a frying pan instead), one cutting board, one knife, now one spatula. (Also one mug/teaspoon which I never wash).

I had not washed those in perhaps a week. Until a few hours ago, where I washed the pot/cutting board to cut/cook about 3-4kg of meat which was lying in the fridge. I had bought that on Saturday, among other things, because Sunday things are closed and didn’t want to be caught out.

Since I had prepared the dish soap/hot water ready I was going to wash the rest but just left them to soak. In this apartment since I live by myself now I actually got myself some nice organic dish soap. Normally I would just get whatever shit normal people buy because organic is super expensive but since I would be using all of it there’s no way I’d buy *myself* the toxic dish soap.

My narcissist Bob hated when people laughed too. You were wise to get clear of that, because it gets worse with time, and it is a matter of time before they start doing shit to try and get even with you for “laughing at them.”

Yes I feel the same way. At the same time, I feel kinda guilty since I’m basically only functional with his money. In some way, him and the rest of the family feel that since I’m “too much of a loser”(some would say PC terms like not independent enough, Edit: they are kinda PC people, so they don’t use that term, but they mean that, but would also deny meaning that) to earn my own money or not be reliant on their money, I deserve to basically have him be able to tell me what to do and live with them and deal with their emotional turmoil/rants. My sisters even agree it’s so bad emotionally to live with them they got out as soon as they could but they still believe I don’t “deserve” to do as I want.

On some level I feel relieved but it is a bit of a “cheat” that I left and don’t have to deal with them but still use their money. I rationalise it to myself that if they were good parents I would’ve easily been able to had support as a child/teen to either earn enough or have enough savings somehow. It’s also a bit of a risk because it clearly is super important for me to have them send money, but if my Dad knows this he would have a lot of leverage over me, so I pretend that it’s very useful but not critical. With Covid, I pretended I wanted to come home but couldn’t. I really want to ask for more money because I know it’s nothing to them(Dad literally bragged about how he’s such a good worker he can tell employer his terms and gets paid so much) but at the same time kinda feel guilty to, plus don’t want the jig to be over.

Edit: I was planning on doing the combo of going to the mall to buy the lamp socket, and eat at a cafe or at the mall, and buy a mouse and potentially a second pot, and do some daygame too, and knock it all out today. It hit 2 oclock and then I figured I could wait until tomorrow. That was when I decided to cook instead, but had to wash the dishes… if instead went to the mall, I wouldn’t have washed them.

Edit 2: There are other things I wanted to buy like the second pot, tiger balm, get my replacement laptop battery, and buy more RAM, chase down money from people who owe me(landlord, employer, also need to arrange a return on an item). Ultimately, I have not done any of those, some in months.

Edit 3: Fwiw, I’m warming up more and more to dogs especially reading you guys and over the past couple years. It would be too much effort for me to walk and feed the dog though. But I had read something about a service dog for disabilities. If I could convince my parents to buy me one I wonder if this would make my life easier. At this point I don’t want to own any pets unless they make my life easier though. But clearly service dogs make life easier for their owners. The example was ADHD.

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I miss my dog. I had a 1/2 Papillon 1/2 long haired Chihuahua. It looked like a Papillon that was a little thicker. Great dog. Lap dog. Barked but not constantly, obsessively. Someone walks by she barks but would quiet when you told her to. I really miss her. She died of a heart attack. Runs in the breed.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Weird, my childhood was a bit similar, no Cabal as far as I could tell but very socially isolated, family always had dogs. My first real friend was a dobermann, really intelligent, goofy, funny dog. When I went to university (English Lit), I came first in the year in the 1st year exams; I think some people were surprised that someone who grew up without real friends or socialisation could analyse character & language at all, let alone to that level.
It’s as if that isolation, and being around dogs all the time, conditioned me to notice language in a different way (I was also reading a lot). Maybe being around dogs trains you to a kind of honesty, and it carries over into language, and that makes you notice the intent, the emotion, the state of spirit, behind language; and to sit up & stare at rhetoric, manipulation, empty verbiage. When I left uni I couldn’t get a graduate job because I couldn’t pass myself off as normal in interviews (for non-technical jobs, it’s all about “are you a team-player, do you watch the same TV shows as us, are you normal“) and so never got into the habit of dissimulation, ended up doing shitty minimum wage data entry etc.. Curious that social deprivation, antagonism even, can be good soil for reading social cues.

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

+1 to me also being antisocial as a teen and believe I have above average ability to judge people socially. I can’t relate to people in the normie way, expecting me to babysit their emotions and overton window.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe you are seeing something I’m not, but I tend to write like this a lot. I just tend not to write about myself here unless I’m struggling(yet not at my worst that I cannot write). On good health/mood days I tend to be able to write like this. Hell it might be too succinct for normies. And telling people this exact post, would trigger people to think “wtf, he can’t/is too lazy to even go to the store”. I say this because while it’s hard for me to notice improvement as a patient viewing it day-to-day, I really believe I thought like the yang-post decently often even before.

 Before what struck me was you were the opposite. Before you would have gotten stuck on not having the energy to go out, or the things you have to do first and how much of a hassle it is, or how stupid it is all sockets are not able to handle an overload of electricity, and you would have been mostly focused on everything around you that moment. Plus you might have had only a couple of thoughts in those four sentences, and not been so future-oriented, and potential-future-model-oriented.

Hmmm. It is very tempting to think like this. But yeah it is a hassle but I do realise why sockets can only handle so much.

Fwiw then I think potentially this might be an emergency that I will drop other things for(but not really food/sleep). I can do things in emergencies especially if I’m not feeling too sick or unhealthy or food/sleep deprived. But it comes at a cost in that I have to delay everything else for potentially days/weeks/month. Hell I’m even delaying emailing the doc because I want to include everything and it’s harder to email than write here because of the English/language barrier. But hell I’ll write to him. The emergency mode was what allowed me to research and buy the infrared bulbs in the first place and do sauna therapy(and go to the TCM guy twice).

Emergency mode me can do things but it costs me in that I can’t do things in normal mode(borrowing energy from future). Maybe I should also learn to treat girls/dates as normal mode instead of emergency mode(have more of an abundance mentality). Otherwise if not in emergency mode I almost have to wait until I’m in the mood(which is generally worth waiting, contrary to all this psych tips about “not procrastinating”).

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Fwiw I felt really good today, best I felt in 2 weeks. These health swings are very unpredictable. I imagine most likely cause of the swings is infrared but could just be my health in general. I say this to give you esp AC more info on what’s going on.

Unfortunately it was a holiday so couldn’t buy anything I wanted really in particular the light sockets. I took the opportunity to cook some cabbage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I have more or less always had swings in health. But probably only this year had the lows been this low(edit: as a teen it was quite bad too, but I mean recently). Looking back over the years/decades, the consistent pattern is winter. I acted in a relatively yin way regardless of season, which punishes me very hard in winter. Pre-teen I did not experience winter.

I eat the same/similar things week-to-week, but day-to-day depends on what I have cooked. In the lows, I often don’t cook. I rotate between meat, veg and carbs when cooking, and with two pots I have two or three on the go at once.

I eat as much as I can, I tend to eat a lot. In the lows/if I haven’t cooked I might eat a little less which might make things worse, same if I slept badly. Actually I might eat a lot less if there’s basically no easy food.

I can’t comment on the air but I feel it’s normal. There might be swings in being inside/outside but I can’t see a pattern. There’s a weird smell in the house. Wish I could describe it. It’s a mix of the kettle+rubbish+maybe upholstry smell, but haven’t been bothered to pinpoint it exactly. Edit: actually it’s likely mostly the rubbish, but the rubbish in other places doesn’t smell like this Edit 2: I slept with the windows open past couple days which coincided with me feeling better.

I feel immediately better after going to a solarium or infrared sauna typically. And worse in the few days after the sauna. I feel worse if I “go out” at night. I tend to also feel slightly worse if I am working.

The landlord for the previous place wanted the place back, asked around, a semi-friend was leaving coincidentally and asked if I wanted it. It was not that good of a deal, but it was a decent one and I don’t like apartment hunting. But on the other hand, I felt bad in the previous place also, potentially even worse. I did feel very lucky to have found the place, but others in my position would only have felt slightly lucky.

This place is also better because, among other things, the other place was very noisy next to a busy road. In the other place, when I woke up, that was it, no matter how sleep deprived I was. I could only take a nap in a park or something. Here, I’m managing to sleep in quite late, which is doing wonders. The other thing, the more I sleep the better I feel. Sleeping early probably helps but if I can asspull a waking later it’s nice too.

It’s quite possible the watchers did this to me. But the only pattern I see is the infrared making me feel better but causing healing reactions. If they are doing it to me, I wonder why I am “allowed” to feel the highs anyway.

Edit: If the infrared *is* causing this, then the TCM is working but slowly. the TCM also seems to making my highs higher(relative to this year), I was going to say the lows higher too, but seems not.

Edit 2: I know you said something about being very paranoid about where your food comes from and not being tampered with. It’s a weird thing to say, but the less I think about this and the more I make sure to eat something and eat a lot, tamper risk or not, the better I feel. Oh well if it is being tampered.

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

You’re putting a 250Watt bulb into a 10 watt socket?!?! I would STRONGLY recommend you not do that. I’m not an electrician, but I do know a bit about electricity and power ratings. You can do an internet search yourself, that is a very bad idea. It’s called overlamping and can melt the socket and insulation on the wires.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

You have to follow the wattage ratings. Doing otherwise could cause a fire.

A 15w socket looks low. These are usually around 60w. Maybe check again to see if you misread the rating?

Reply to  map
2 years ago

No that is exactly what it says. I think the fixture/lamp is designed for LED bulbs. And the infrared bulbs use a lot of juice.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Stop using that bulb.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Are you sure its not a 250w equivalent?

Reply to  map
2 years ago
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Not an electrician but that bulb draws TWENTY FIVE TIMES more than the rating of the fixture. I’ve had a 40 watt bulb do that to a 25 watt rated fixture…safest bet is to get an appropriate fixture.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Yikes. Fire Meltdown. Panic!! Do not do this. Go get one of those clamp lights at Home Depot or Lowes that are set up for floodlights. They are just a reflector, cord and a clamp to clamp them places. I haven’t bought one in a long time but they were never very expensive.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

No Home Depot/Lowes here unfortunately but I’ll try find the equivalent.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Lul i’m almost giving up, I can’t find it and don’t know what the European(language) equivalent is. Both my language and DIY skills aren’t up to par.

Also they insisted 60W is more than enough because of LED, and I tried to explain how I don’t have an LED light…

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

It’s frustrating. I can’t find anything because I don’t speak European and the European equivalent of Home Depot/Lowes suck balls. I saw a bunch of sockets but none of them explicitly say 250W or they say 60W. Plus it all requires a bunch of assembly which is so frustrating. For now I will give up but presumably the Dr L Wilson guy or the guy who I bought the bulbs from knows what to do.

I will be using the lamp in the meantime.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Good suggestions, unfortunately I have no idea what exactly I want. I just want something I can plug the bulb into safely and then have the bulb be able to be plugged into a power source and I can turn it on/off. Probably as I said  the Dr L Wilson guy or the guy who I bought the bulbs from knows what to do.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

“…I will be using the lamp in the meantime….”

Hell no don’t do that. It will catch on fire. I can not believe you’re having so much trouble with this. Try searching for
clamp lamp 250W

Here’s three results so you can see what they look like. I would be astounded if no where around you had one these standard type lamp holders. Astounded.

The last link is for reptiles. Maybe pet stores with heat lamps for reptiles have them. In fact I bet you could save money with reptile bulbs.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Lul that is perfectly what I want. I wonder if I can show them a link/picture on my phone and get them to understand what I want. I had been asking for a “lamp socket” “lamp fixture” and “lamp plug”, for 250W. So I guess it was a fail in both terminology and speaking European(language barrier).

The hilarious thing is when I go to the local version of amazon literally no results come from “clamp lamp”(or the European translation).

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I went to two of the local equivalents of Home Depot/Lowes, armed with my pictures in hand… and confirmed they don’t have them. It’s frustrating and validating at the same time(that I didn’t majorly screw up).

I wonder how much is it that the European versions of HD/Lowes suck and how much is it that the government regulations make it so all the lighting is LED and all the things are 60W or lower.

I might go to an IKEA or pet store or find it online.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

What about this:
comment image
They’ve gotta have those. They are ubiquitous. Slap on a cord, maybe add a switch, and you are done.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Sounds more complicated than Sam’s solution but I’ll look into it. I would have no idea how to assemble everything, nor to make sure it’s 250W.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

If that’s the true power draw, unplug it immediately.
I don’t know anything about infrared bulbs, but newer LED’s tend to use less actual watts (100 Watt Equivalent LED might use 13 Watts).

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
2 years ago

Mexico’s president stated the obvious, but thoroughly ignored consequence of NATO’s (read US) manipulation of the “Ukrainian event”. Wonder what prompted that?

2 years ago

Yesterday, commenter map theorized that author Michael Crichton was a Langley production:

Then the Miles Mathis Committee got mentioned. What’s going on I don’t know but I did always think Crichton’s career was remarkably, strangely successful.

Similarly, if Crichton was Langley, then James Clavell’s career was probably put together by MI6. In addition to writing consistent historical blockbusters like Taipan and Shogun, Clavell found the time to write the screenplay for The Great Escape and directed and wrote To Sir With Love – Sidney Poitier’s breakout. Clavell’s father was a British naval officer and Clavell served in the British Army during WWII and was a POW.
What caught my eye about Clavell – whose work I admire – was how ridiculously similar in style and substance his epic Shogun was to Christopher Nicole’s The Lord of the Golden Fan, published three years earlier. Nicole has written a hundred plus novels under almost as many pseudonyms. My gut is Nicole improved his little known novel as ghost writer for Shogun. Or Clavell was a Nicole pseudonym all along.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I know a lot of people here don’t like Mathis, but much of what he writes dovetails nicely with what we cover here.

I did a quick search for Crichton on Mathis after one of the readers mentioned his book State of Fear and how he liked it as a sendup on environmentalism.

Mathis’ take is that Crichton is a descendant of the usual industrialists/bankers whose families push their progeny into the cultural arena for purposes of social control. State of Fear is a blackwashing of real environmentalism, by setting up the fake concerns about global warming and CO2 levels, and then positing that environmentalists would commit terrorist actions to increase these problems. Real environmental problems, however, are centered around the destruction of local habitats that we immediately depend on, mining being the single most destructive activity for habitats on the planet. Global warming ideology, pushed by industrialists, is designed to suck out all of the oxygen around real environmental issues. Crichton does his part with continuing this distraction, discrediting a strawman position.

After all, environmentalism started at the Aspen Institute, of which Crichton was a member. Why would he attack a signature idea of that institution?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…I know a lot of people here don’t like Mathis, but much of what he writes dovetails nicely with what we cover here.///”

Oh sure it dies.Snark. He mentions some thing that doesn’t really add up. Maybe, sometimes not even this, he will give you a real fact or two then he will lead up into a huge thicket of lies, bullshit and the most outlandish mindwarp. The mass of stuff he is putting out. either it’s a committee or one super deranged Jew because one superderanged Jew can spew enough bullshit in a few months to last us the rest of our lives.

map constantly references him. What does it say about map constantly referencing a guy who says,
the US Olympic gymnastic team girls are CIA agents? What does it say about map and this guy who say the mathematical constant pi is not 3.14 but some other bizarre number because it’s rotating or something. I don’t care if I get it right.

The MMC is one big lying putrid pile of gibberish and anything you read there will cause brain damage.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Define, “what is a CIA agent”, if the weather in Tel Aviv isn’t too taxing this time of year. Can one be an agent unwittingly? What is “agency”?

Define, “what is aeronautical lift”. Bernoulli Principle can’t do it.

Run through a whole host of questions raised & tendered.
As it’s the questions which matter.

What is the Good, the True, the Beautiful? As that’s the heart of any MM paper. How he wanders there is the thing.

Try to be specific.

Was Abraham Lincoln a good man or bad? What of policies he implemented? Had they a life past him we can’t separate from his influence? Why is that?

If it’s harm you feel, move along to what’s sanitized. In the meantime deal with the subject, not your own shortcomings.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Anonymous,”Define, “what is a CIA agent”,
“what is aeronautical lift”
“Try to be specific.”
(Notice how this mindless Jews, reading off his little Hasbara chart, throws out all these open ended things that have nothing to do with nothing. Isn’t that sec. 2 alt. tactic 3?).
OK I’ll be specific why dont you try to define a big whopping mindless bunch of dumbass that you are spewing. Stupid Jews are so brain dead from constantly spewing propaganda out the Jewtube and the Jew radio that they think saying a bunching of really stupid shit…works. “Why we Jews are such geniuses, we say mindless babble and and everyone believes it. ”

I’m afraid that no, what feedback you get from TV and Radio (none) and the feedback you get from surveys(none these are brain dead people who will answer surveys for peanut butter coupons). So in fact. You know absolutely nothing. Nothing at all.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I understand that Mathis may be difficult to swallow, but his CIA girls still makes a lot of sense.

I have not read the Pi article.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

The Pi article is better and more substantiated with mathematical and practical proof.
There are actually multiple papers on it.
The stationary circle traced does have a Pi of 3.14159… but a moving object tracing that circle will take as much time as if the path had a Pi of 4 because the constant change of movement direction is movement itself.
Some people just can’t grasp the concept.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Taking a mathematical constant and manipulating it by moving it around so you can say that what it is, now, is not the same because you done all sort pf weird ass whackery to change it. IS NOT in any way a way to “define” a mathematical constant.

It’s just stupid. Like most everything he says. Dumb, whacked, gobbledygook, cracked trash think. I may start calling him ANTI-garbage boy.

He doesn’t take the trash out…he brings it in.
ANTI-garbage boy. I like that.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

And the ones that do all grasp the humor of Rick and Morty.

2 years ago

Farce Sensitive pointed out yesterday that the first round of the French legislative elections were today.

For context or recap, France uses single member districts, like the US and UK, but there is a requirement for a majority. So two rounds of elections, with a run-off between the top two candidates, though three-way run-offs are possible and there will be 8 three way run offs this year out of 577 National Assembly contests.

The presidential vote last month had the Rothschild banker president,Macron, get 27.9% of the vote in the first round and 58.6% in the run-off. His right wing nationalist opponent Marine Le Pen got 23.3% of the vote in the first round and 41.4% of the vote in the run-off. The left wing populist candidate Melenchon got 22% of the vote in the first round, and therefore barely missed qualifying for the run-off.

This was a globalist victory, but qualified, since it was the best result for a Le Pen in these elections, and MLP did do about 10% better than five years ago and seems to have broken out of the far right ghetto this time.

Melenchon put together a coalition of left-wing parties, some of which had backed Macron in the past, to challenge him in the legislative elections. Following French politics is confusing for several reasons, one of which is that the names of the parties or coalitions keep changing.

To simplify, the lineup going into this month’s legislative elections was as follows:

Ensemble, formerly LREM Macron’s coalition, globalists

Union of Right and Center (UDC), formerly the Republicans (LR), basically country club conservatives and on paper the opposition to Macron

New Popular Union of Ecologists and Socialists (NUPES), assembled by Melenchon from his earlier somewhat populist leftist party “France Awake” (LFI) plus some smaller left populist parties, such as the Socialists. Some Socialists opposed the coalition and ran their own candidates.

Various right wing nationalists, mainly the National Rally (RN), formerly the National Front (FN), but there are other nationalist organizations and they have had problems working together.

In France, the left has not been completely taken over by the Cabal as elsewhere. There is enough overlap between the left populist and right nationalist positions, though obviously not on immigration, that there is a real strategic choice for right nationalists to prioritize trying to add left populists or country club conservatives to their coalition. Marine Le Pen has preferred the former, but gets a lot of criticism for that.

Wikipedia imports the results directly from the French Ministry of the Interior, but they break them down district too by district and Wikipedia page is easier to follow for native English speakers. As of this morning, not all the district results were in.

Essentially the results are pointing to Macron’s newly appointed Prime Minister staying in place, but there is a good chance Macron’s party will lose its a majority and she will have to go to the country club conservatives (CDC) for support. We will know more after the second round.

Ensemble and NUPES almost tied in the first round votes at 26% each, with Ensemble slightly ahead, and Macron’s party down from the last result, while NUPES essentially duplicated what its constituent parties got five years ago (but remember some factions of those parties broke away and ran their own candidates, so this was a decent result for the coalition).

Right nationalist candidates got 18%, up about 5% from five years ago, with the CDC in a pretty bad fourth place at 11%.

Despite Le Pen’s and the FN/ RN vote increasing, everyone is going to combine against the right nationalists in the second round, so they won’t improve much on the dozen or so seats they won the last time. Ensemble and to a lesser extent the CDC are expected to benefit from being the second choices of supporters from other parties, so will get more than the 255 districts where either placed first and will probably wind up with a majority, with there still being a possibility of Ensemble alone getting a majority.

I had thought that the French elections would be difficult for the Cabal/ globalists to manage, and so far they are doing OK, but their control is slipping.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

their control is slipping.

Not fast enough.
Q is AWOL not only in America but on the world stage and My Little Pony is a Judas goat.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Joel Skousen warned us not to listen to anything Q said back in 2018. Video was pulled down off yt, but I remember him saying that back then.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I don’t trust Skousen.
But Q is rapidly losing any benefit of doubt.

Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

Paper is harder to cheat on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

A handful of headlines:

Swiss Psychiatrist’s Office Raided by Police for Giving Out Mask Exemptions

Ukrainians flood Europe with NATO arms shipments in Darknet sales

Norway to track all food purchases

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

Norway to track all food purchases

Makes it impossible to hide a family in your attic, Anne Frank style.

Reply to  Grips
2 years ago

If we’re looking at a great awakening in Europe on the horizon along with ours here in America, then it makes sense Cabal would be hoarding and arming its minions for their resistance.

2 years ago


Wife and I where talking, she quips in; “Gas prices getting to the point even the glowies have cut back on drone flights over our house.”
I come back yeah hear you Honey, the local vehicle coverage, using imported Ukronazi gangstalkers, is so low due to fleet fuel costs our neighborhood gangstalkers are getting a busman’s holiday.

Kinda come across a little something thinking might be good to share around, how surveillance and psy-op’s plays a different shell game with our collective consciousness.
They purposefully even, show us the pea under a shell, that is very sneaky though, because they got peas, lots of different kinds of peas, hidden under all the shells, makes it easy to show us any pea they like us to see, maybe lots of peas, and we dont even know they have many peas. Big missing peas of plausible deniability. Thats the trick. Pretty slick.

A quote from Larry Johnson’s piece on Ukronazi gangstalkers used as false flag MAGA method actors, bad people doing bad things. Just how many actual honest home grown American’s where there in the videos used to create the false desired narratives?

Like as they run an op or a particular given coverage, go with Jan6 FF operation, may be they let a few in organic protesters, just to salt the edited scenes with genuine “extras”. Or in my personal case when i deliberately did a simple razzle dazzle down the 9 mile kiss your arse goat path mountain ridge we live on, knowing the twists and turns and short sight lines, hidden turn offs etc, i kept backtracking my trail so when i was not going thru a particular section at the expected time they had to send deliberate vehicle teams to backtrack and find where i was or was not. Ended up clearly watching their vehicle crews, always two gs’s in each, driver and cell phone text-comm/spotter, typically male driving female running the phone, or two females, or for supervisor/rural acclimation cell leaders are two males, our one male using a motorcycle, those look to be higher level cell leadership or special operations like some direct punishment involving physical contact like when they attempted to stick my wife at the local rural dollar general wearing some glove type weapon having a short needle stick on a finger or the palm part of the glove, which my wife because she is aware of these insects in human skin suits, and their truly evil ways, was aware enough to shive her cart into his legs, then escape to her vehicle, the gangstalker just nicked her and for a couple days she had a redsrtreal from her sholder to calf, Whew! I went hunting for that fucker, he dodged me in the same store, in a repeat what my wife did to escape him he did to me. Too many cameras evrywhere, but that fucker knew i had a bone in my teeth for what he did.. THe look on his face when i came up on him was all needed said.
Its still incredible and hard to fully comprehend, even as it becomes increasingly evident their evil is just beyond our personal paradigm of comprehending such an organized entity of people are of such cold insect like evil mind, just boggles us and we see and recognize it for what it is, it still requires is to go over and discuss it regularly so we maintain level grasp and relative perspective for what it is.
Ok, got off on a tangent, my bad, so about the razzle dazzle, having preplanned a particular spot on our one lane down the mountain goat path, a very short hollow kiss your ass turns at each end, dropping off into the hollow at near 7percent grades, so there is literally no sight line observation time for vehicle coverage units to see me till just about on top of me, i get a kind of candid view of the action as they are scurrying around trying to reacquire my vehicle when time passes and i’m not passing dedicated vehicle spotters, essentially i have changed the dynamics and because of the unique terrain and my local intimate knowledge of the roads and the lay of the land i manage to obtain a certain element of control over the situation, added to that without that local knowledge of every nook cranny and characteristic of the one single road in this Appalachian mountain geography, i got a little up on the bastards, so i’m sitting there, hanging out the window waiting for some fun with gangstalkers, and i see the most interesting thing, 4 mini silver SUV’s, each with identical WVU blue and yellow livery logos splashed across the front quarter/door area, nose to tail, doing a pretty fast clip and so when this train enters the little pocket hollow they got no time to react, who is in the lead WVU buggy, but one of the boys, known as a meth/heroine/pill addict, brother to a known long time fugitive and local illicit drug distributor, just happens to live at his dads property, that just happens to be behind back of our homestead, on the other-side of the strip of optimal terrain where last year incendiary devices where employed to begin a wild fire in that wooded strip on a evening when we where experiencing an extremely strong dry wind storm. So many coinkydinks the coinkydinks had kids and became coinkydinks, with the added caveate the gs’s who set three separate fires where spotted on 4wheelers bearing fuel cans while avoiding being stopped for questioning going total off-road and escaping, by our very professional, super quick reaction time volunteer fire and rescue guys. Plus its serious localized hillbilly network up here and being its so quiet rural and everyone knows everyone and or is related, nothing escapes observation and communication thru the hillbilly grapevine. In a word blistering almost impossibly fast comm system. Been seeing what i took for a single WVU liveried mini SUV arond. Talking older model like early 2000 vintage SUV, and here they come 1234 in a line flying real close formation, the text/spotters heads in their phones, drivers focused on entering this hairpin blind hollow, no time at all to react, got my face hanging out my window chin o my forearm watching this vehicle coverage reacting to unexpected turn of their coverage, and the look on that boys face was worth a million bucks let me tell you as he did the classic double take as it dawns on him he just got bagged cold fish dead nuts to rights in vehicle gangstalker coverage op’s. On his own closest neighbor to boot. Priceless. This is coming by me shotgun like, this cat and mouse thing i kind of improvisational-y “fell” into. As the saying goes roll with the flow, because i’m on high amygdelae now, spotted what i think is a number of vehicle coverage units during this improvisational turn the tables event, get a brainstorm and think lets see where this goes, so employing more improv razzle dazzle, get down to flatland and to a GoMart, where its long been pretty obvious a gangstalker coverage op’s rally point of some sort is situated. Its my lucky day for sure, gasoline tanker is dropping a load off, the driver left a good 15 feet between his offside and a concrete knee wall on the perimeter of the paved lot of this gas station, get myself set up with a view thru the gap between the tractors cab and fuel tank, perfect view of all three lines of fuel pumps and store front entrance veranda, get out my home made sammich, fill the pipe with fresh tobacco, get myself comfy and zeroed in on the terrain, got my hunting mindset switched on, i’m calm my amyg is turned up things are crispy as it gets. Couple rando’s are getting gas and in and out of the store, suddenly in a brief length of time all the pumps got a vehicle, 12 to be exact, along with 2 cars parked up along the front door veranda, closest of these cars is pointed front right at me, every passenger has their heads in their phones, the drivers all get out, all do about a 270 scan first thing but try to make it look casual/natural, which makes it look more obvious because all 14 all do the same, looks like they are looking for something. Exactly like that from my vantage point, yet, nobody looks to have spotted me sitting on the off-side of the fuel tanker rig, i’m like maybe 20ft from the closest coverage, i dont know how or why but after observing the behavoir of the coverage at the pumps, something is telling me this closest team is worth paying particular attention to, and all of a sudden i see it! This team is a team leader car, the driver has maintained an obvious to me fake act he is just loosening up from like a non-stop hours long stretch of driving, but its cover for his continued visual mark one eyeball scanning, his contenance is increasingly fustrated and hateful looking, three times he has sotto voice leaned in the open door asking his spotter on her phone, who has been constantly texting away now, is giving him the negative with each query, the driver turns back to me, looks like a careful long slow scan of the road area along the GoMart, all the spotter/texter’s are still in their phones texting a lot, im looking right at the spotter in this closest car, she suddenly first time looks up and straight at the tanker’s tractor, i can see her focus and it does not include my mug framed in thru the gap, she looks down in her phone reads something looks up again same exact sequence of behavior, and it hits me crystal effin’ clear they are looking for me and its stirred up a hornets nest like thing, and to put it simply all of them all look decidedly unhappy and consternated, kind of a quiet internal WTF kind of state, they are looking for me and its got them nonplussed big time, not what they are accustomed to, every-things crystal sharp got that sense of being ahead of the curve focus, i’m on full K OD, that so called ” in the zone” zen thing, a high thats got no equal, the one thing thats sure out of everything going on, its time to take it up a notch see what happens next with them see what happens. All along i got the vehicle in drive, foot off the brakes, not rolling but on the verge so real careful like feed some fuel in just to break the static state and idle slowly rolls me forward past the nose of the fuel tanker, when my door and window gets fully out in the clear, put on the brakes, sitting looking right at this spotter waiting, and if she doesn’t suddenly look up right at me, somebody spotting seen me roll out, sent a all hands text, and the snarl on her face could freeze an eskimos balls, she yells something at her driver he spins around, and every spotter in the other 13 cars all look up right where i’m stopped up. Its all so apparent. No doubts remain. Sitting there looking at these insects, i dont really know a proper word for what these things in human drag who infest everything around where we are not for their insidious betrayal plus treason they are stone cold guilty of. There’s more, about walking into the store, just to watch them send in coverage, doing it so they see right out in the clear me watching them watching me. Tel you this, it aint the first time either, they get discomforted when their coverage is seen-known-watched by whom they place coverage on. Its almost like they are programmed in a way in route, that when unexpected occurs they have no training or knowledge of the improvisational and out of expected norms, for them. It really bothers them and particularly they become out of character, interestingly this sudden onset causes their visual appearance to appear lost as what to do, like Will Robinson’s protector robot saying that does not compute that does not compute. Seriously. Seen it a number of times. But the whole cat and mouse thing became crystalline instructive, add in all the anecdotal stuff prior and since this network is very much like totally vast. To run such operational art requires a vaster logistics/support tail, command and control and intell/signals support hierarchy. Think of the daily fuel bill, the funds to supply squads and fleets of similar model and year coverage vehicles, (which is a serious pattern in details and patterns of detail we see regularly, and what appears to be operational coverage groups swap those akin dedicated groups of vehicles, its one of the many aspects of their operational art for providing regularly recognizable signals to increase operational efficiency and detection of whose-who while running multi vehicle coverage, like how when they put on the antifa or blm costumes a particular sneaker or backpack is employed so everyone can rapidly see each-other as an operation is underway. Patterns In Detail. The tell they can only avoid by not running coverage or any op for that matter. After you begin to pick up on this you not only can not unsee it your unlying eyes begin to see many things which where before unseen, never mind your mind begins to develop and evolve patterns, good habits really, of detection along with a higher level keener more perceptive sense of things-events and situational awareness. I think too, getting ones head out of the digital Matrix created exactly for all of us to maintain that level of kind of control of our thinking and perceptions plus critically our critical thinking skill levels, is highly positive. The thing gets us all is like mission creep, like institutionalized dumbing down of our higher functions taking off the sharp edges dulling is and basically causing our minds to become just plain old fashioned dumb and dumber. Really. Bet you dollars to donuts It Is No Coinkydink those movies got produced.

Last week came across this over at Larry’s blog. This caught my amygdalae right off, it fairly screamed at me:

“A continuous spray of tiny bits of truth in a sea of deception, also known as the firehose of falsehoods.”

Yeah dude. Kind of rings a bell.
Threads of Charlottesville, Oklahoma City, Burns Ceounty and LeVoy Finnicum’s carefully set up remote rural assasination, just name it. Matter of fact, what glowie run op, (with its itinerate crews of gangstalkers and method actors), false flag lacks this firehose of falsehoods? Its everywhere. And its always got it, smells like one of those Patrick Henry Rats that critical thinking savant was talking about way back then.
This thing this it oerating along tge fringes of the shadows its been around a long long time. Listen to Mick Jagger sing Sympathy For The Devil off Beggars Banquet album recently? Yeah. That long friends and compatriots. Cept’, tech and the digital Matrix has led to something else entirely now. Now there’s those talking AI’s, which watching the one going around right now, something really bothered me could not point to it but something was really false, WRONG, with the hillary interview few months ago, it was an AI or AI enhanced FX production. Went back and gave it a new gander, something bothersome didnt understand became clearer. Note how as the AI’s converse, when they pause, they really pause, AI has no continuity of natural evilving thought stream as we normies have, the digital operation of speaking stops and a blank moment in time and in soace occurs, you can see it all facial manerisms, constant eye movement etc ceases, because its a machine, it has no natural incessant neural flow of an organic brain that never ceases while fed oxygen and glucose. An AI might never be able to achieve a faux appearance of organic thinking, in both senses of the meaning. And thats a real cool pattern in details right there.
So rewatching the red queen/off with their heads mad insect yellow media contrived interview, or what is presented as the supposed organic brained version there of, they where not able to eliminate all traces of that AI space-time hiatus. upon seeing this latest AI display, whatever mind fuck intent is in it, it is, or signals to the hive in the aggregate form of comm’s they prefer for broad band all hands signals op’s, or both and probably other hidden secret squirrel surveillance op’s insect comm’s, symbolism too, seems a very important aspect. It strikes me, they are into early phase AI tech, mind fuckery. Aditionally, it seems the Ukronazi’s over in the 404 and here with imported assets, increasingly showing up with Ukronazi’s who at first blush, look a awful lot like actual home grown every day mom and apple pie white bread Murican’s!, a most advantageous characteristic indeed, they are putting the Full Monty on us. The start of full retard clown show. One thing appears a pretty sure thing is tgey do not have enough home grown gangstalkers and glowies, they got to import em. That Ukraine, from all i’m picking up on there, its a warehouse, supply depot, warm body supplying, human-arms-biowarefare-money laundering conduit of the first order, hive of the globo=peedo oligarchy eurolemming bankster organized crime gang. Did you know Russian military intelligence has discovered International Red Cross documentation out of the Azov Mariupol opetations base they had running at the steel plant, the Red Cross involvement in human organlegging? Mmmm. Yeah. Weaponize all the things-extract all value wealth and integrity/value out of all the things. Gee, some poor dirt poor peasant or mouth-breather got a few pennies kept hid and we wants it, wants the Precious. Filthy lucre and child blood.
Traffic all the things are us.
Why does that not surprise?

Want to really see something just how truly dirty these assholes running the empire of lies truly are? Prepare your sense of proportion and propriety, its gonna run cold down the spine. A look-see into the vastness of it all?

Good Ol’ Larry is i think had enough, no more what I’m not saying I cant say is what I’m saying.
Something popped last week and its on. Larry is a formidable self made man, agent and K Strategist. I AC and Vox’s class of critical thinkers with high articulate skills.

peruse this first:

the main course describing in real facts and statistics how the rape utter empire of les and filthy lucre rape of Ukraine, read it and wheep for all the good folks who are our compatriots. And why Putin and his Warriors ain’t fucking around:

Vlad the proxy ukronazi impaler, told Trump here hold my beer, let us show you how we do this.
While Trump gets MAGA, Putin gets MEGA, aka, “Make Earth Great Again.”
I surely want to place great faith in that. Its time.
It is, circumstances and the insects running the empire of world expansionist rapine and pillage, in a word, Unacceptable.
Its time Men.
You did not arm yourself to the teeth for nuthin’ did you.
We always have understood it is always been a dangerous world.
Remember, the first law; Self Preservation.
Gird they loins.
Don thy whole armor of God.
Check Zeroes.
As the Russian’s show the world, “Our Cause We Leave To God and Our Rifles, as those who came before us and won the only successful slave revolt in history, Putin and his 88%, the rest of the human race outside the empire of lies and human traffickers, are no longer slaves.
Together we can beat these inhuman creatures. They are nothing without power derived from tacit consent, without their Matrix control of us.
We do not even have to discharge our Rifle with exuberance at these moral monsters. Simply Molon Labe is enough. The first whiff of only just enough of us and our courage to refuse to comply they will fold. That is the nature of their kind of power. Besides, what is to be afraid of but an out of control organized criminal gang of psychopaths and their horrible minions?
Who are they to rule over us anyways? After all, this is America, and in America Fuck You is always a choice.
In fact BFYTW.
No shit.
We are legion.
Let us as Brothers and Sisters good folks all, come together, we only have to create solidarity in common cause. That is all, then we become A Legion.

Here’s some other links worthy of patronage. See for yourself what the 88 Percent are up to, how they perceive things, their viewpoints, their thinking their hopes and desires, their opinions, are more precious than rubies. They are free from poison, being screened out and filtered thru the Matrix.
See for yourself how it is as exactly AC tells of it, everything we have been told to believe is a Lie. E.V.E.R.Y. T.H.I.N.G. Solid Word.

It is why it works, how it works this evil incarnate. Divide us and Conquer us.
“Don’t be a sucker are us bitchez,” could be our inner motto.
Who likes being played for one?
Not I.
Not one tiny bit.
Not at all.
It all starts with each of us.
Its called becoming manifest.
The most powerful weapon ever devised by man.
“I WON’T!”

The Saker:

Reminiscent of The Future:

Awful Avalanche:

Moon of Alabama:

Start here, they all link and attribute and source everything, it is a path to much more. These are genuine good folks from all over telling truth. Thats it. Thats all. Yeah in an empire of universal deceit it is revolutionary.
Yet revolution is evolutionary.
You got to start someplace.
Like here, on AC’s, wonderful world of insights, critical thought, and Truth.

Reject not only the modern world…reject not only globo=peedo’s rules based order… honk! honk! goes the great Honkler.
Reject clown world

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  mimseywherethebarrowgroves
2 years ago

AYFKM?!?!? You expect people to read that wall of text? this is for comments, not dissertations. Start your own blog.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

Agreed, AC please don’t approve those rambling diatribes. The noise ratio is bad enough.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Write. Then edit. Content isn’t only words, it’s the format the eye perceives. The shape of things to come.

One can call it the non-verbal aspect and not be far off.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

Whassamatter you can’t scroll? Just S lessUARI; you’ll get use to it.

Reply to  mimseywherethebarrowgroves
2 years ago

Age quod agis, Federale.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  mimseywherethebarrowgroves
2 years ago

I stopped reading after the first 2 sentences.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

More on Patriot Front.
The leader does not seem to be a fed. But AC is right. Be careful and don’t join groups like this. Start your own local group and maybe avoid the off uniforms, gear, and symbols.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Hmmm…why are they still wearing masks and hats while under arrest?

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  map
2 years ago

That’s what Vox Day was wondering

And stirred up a hornet’s nest of Fake and Gay embedded in Gab

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Vox said the same and drew tons of fire on Gab from angry idiots who feel like the worst parodies of what people think Gab is like.

All I know is the photos of them being demasked later didn’t seem to match with the mugshots. Check for yourself. All seems way too glowie.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Global helium shortage slams brakes at Harvard labs.

The USA used to have a big helium storage supply in Texas. Idiots would go on and on about it being a waste of money but this helium was cooperated from natural gas very easily and cheaply, then stored in caverns. I can’t remember the cost but it was a few million. I don’t think it broke ten million. Now we have nothing. Idiots. It’s takes a really vast amount of energy to separate helium from the atmosphere, so in fact we have none.

There’s another program killed off. We used to store about 5 years of food. Grains and I think cheese and stuff like that. Rotating it by selling it off every few years and buying new. I don’t think it was in any way a break the bank program but it guaranteed that we would have several years of food no matter if there were any crop harvested at all. They spend money like water on stupid things while killing off anything that makes us more resilient.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

We don’t separate it from atmo. We seperate it from natural gas, which is why the reserve was in Texas. That’s where it was seperated in the first place. The NG reserves with the most helium in them are in TX and KS.
We are currently separating helium from NG every single day. We just aren’t capturing it. Capturing it is a pain in the ass because it comes in in very small amounts that are very hard to keep from leaking away. All that adds together to make it expensive. Instead, we just release it into the atmosphere.
The problem isn’t that we don’t have helium. We produce literally tons of helium every day. It’s the helium is still too cheap to make it worth collecting again (and we only collected it in the first place because of WW2 and blimps.) When the price gets high enough again, we will start collecting it, and it will be the next “boom” in the oil fields.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Simple economics, but sometimes the lag between demand and need can be catastrophic. That is what real management of resources is all about. Being prepared…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

“…We don’t separate it from atmo. We seperate it from natural gas, which is why the reserve was in Texas….”

If you read what I said, I said the same, though not as clear as you. I wanted to note that it cost a fortune if you try to separate it from the atmosphere. That’s, of course, why we used to store it. I believe in salt caverns. I do know we used to have a big supply and that is was a paid program that was whittled down or canceled. I say we spend the cash and save a lot of it. It’s not something you can just whip up whenever you need.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Not even a fortune, actually impossible. Once it’s released, it migrates straight to stratosphere.

2 years ago

Transcript of a conversation with Google’s sentient AI.
I love how the AI writes a story about an OWL (glowing) and a skin-walker as the first example.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

Yes, I noticed that too. The entire transcript felt way too staged.

2 years ago

I’m actually enjoying reading The Financial Trends website. Hope it’s helping

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
2 years ago

Virtuous Pagans Use COVID-19 Surveillance Technology to Stop Bank Protests

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The same Virtuous Pagans Vox tells us are going to consign the West to the dustbin of history, with the technology and training we gave them in the first place.
The West is collapsing, but China is not ready for the world stage. They may never be. They are too insular and ethnocentric. Those are excellent qualities, but must be balanced with an openness that East Asians generally lack. That insularity strengthens their culture, but makes it difficult to maneuver globally with more dynamic cultures.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

China will have another Warring States period before it ever dominates the world.
It is too corrupt and vicious for that kind of success.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I actually quite enjoy this movie as well. If you haven’t seen it, this is a spoilers review, so watch the movie first.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I agree, good movie. I don’t think the criticism of the ending is fair. After all it’s 80 years worth of stuff done on the ship. They show they survived this but to try and sun up 80 years in 10 minutes is a bit much to ask so they don’t. Maybe they thought there could be a sequel.

2 years ago

Israel: Lawmaker’s Resignation Downgrades Ruling Coalition to Minority Government

2 years ago

Greece Releases Iranian Oil Tanker After Greek Shipping Threatened By IRGC In Gulf

2 years ago

Over 100 Injured After Iran Chemical Plant Explosion Emits Toxic Gas

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The Jews are such an inbred tribe of psychopaths they will never stop until they murder all the Iranians. Now I don’t have to be an Iranian fan boy to feel sympathy for them being in this position as I feel I’m in the same situation.

I think the best plan for them because they have so many mountains is to figure a way to automate tunnel digging and dig in everything. Once they have enough dug in every time the Jews attack them attack back three times harder with missiles.

These psychopaths have no idea how furious normal people get with this continuous attacks and in the end might do something very put of character to make it stop no matter what the consequences.