News Briefs – 06/13/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Now France’s President Macron is wearing a latex mask. The wrinkles over the eyebrows are clearly not right – that is latex. And that neck is clearly the juncture where thinned out latex sheeting, which was feathered to paper thin, was attached to the neck with gum-glue.  I wonder if these characters know what is coming, and their plan is, when the castle is about to be stormed, they peel off the face we know, lose the suit for jeans and a T-shirt, duck out a side door, and join the revolutionaries storming the castle. Had Epstein been able to wear a mask for all his years operating, he could have completely reentered society in retirement after he was extracted from the prison with nothing more than a new name and some backstopped bank accounts, and enjoyed total freedom and a clean new start. It is either that, or there is something else, like the Havana crew, which is such a threat these guys are employing total doubles to handle all appearances, because whatever that other thing is, they fear it killing them, and security cannot do anything about it. So they stay locked up as their doubles handle all appearances.

Biden appears to have some kind of digital masking applied in an interview.

From the comments: Newly released Maine shooting documents skip shooter’s mental health treatment. From the piece –

We learned in March of this year that Card’s brain had been sent to Boston University’s CTE Center for study. What came back was astonishing.

According to Dr. Ann McKee, who conducted the study, the nerve fibers in Card’s brain showed “significant degeneration…inflammation” and “small blood vessel injury.”

That could very well be Beaming. He was complaining of hearing voices, and when I looked at his house on Google Streetview it was swarming with surveillance. I had linked on here to a tweet by a young girl who was being hit with the voices. She recorded an episode of it, and you could hear the whispering electromagnetic effects on the microphone, but I was also surprised to hear the MRI hum I recorded, which seems to be a precursor to the tapping as well. It is terrible, because that tech, by remodeling the brain, changes who you are. The original Robert Card, who first encountered the American Stasi while serving his country, in a practical sense, may have been stripped out of his body by the Beamers, who then put the guy who did the shooting in his brain. And there is not much you can do. I tried sleeping in the car, about a hundred feet from the house once, and woke up to the buzz of tapping in my head. It is really an unspeakable evil.

Barrie Trower, British Royal Navy specialist in microwave weaponry“I joined the Royal Navy in 1960, and I specialized in microwave warfare…. Microwaves then were used as weapons, as they are today. It is a perfect stealth weapon. And when governments don’t like a group of people, for instance, the ladies who protest in Greenham Common about the American missile base… they were microwaved… We microwaved Catholics in Northern Ireland to make them sick… It goes on all over the world… You can make all your opponents sick – it is a perfect weapon for a government.” I would say there is a 90% likelihood I was getting this throughout high school and college, and beyond, simply because my psych profile indicated I would not be down with hurting innocents, I am not afraid to fight, and my IQ was too high. And if I was getting it, despite being a goof-off when it came to discipline, I can only imagine how many other kids, who really looked like they were going places were getting it. If I was getting it, they were shutting the doors of the elite levels to kids they did not like the looks of, this way, for upwards of 30 years now, at least, and I will bet it goes back to the 60’s and 70’s. And they never felt it was dangerous to do, because nobody could possibly fathom anybody in the nation would do such a thing.

Global cancer rates are expected to rise 77% by 2050, the WHO warns. Remember, one side effect of The Beam, is an increase in cancer rates, most notably shown on Bill Binney’s street, where fully half the residents had cancer, including Bill’s son, and his wife, who died from it. If the Beam is increasing in prevalence, and it is, you will see cancer rates rise.

A physician and survivor of sex abuse inflicted through the CIA program MK-Ultra has launched an initiative to fight sex trafficking by equipping communities to recognize where it occurs and to provide the legal tools to combat it. From the piece:

Dr. Juliette Engel, a former assistant professor of radiology who specialized in prenatal ultrasound, has told how she was born into a family of U.S. intelligence operatives who were “instrumental” in the transfer of hundreds of Nazi scientists to the U.S. under Project Paperclip. In 1955, at age six, she was sold by her parents to a fledgling MK-Ultra project, “an illegal program of mind control and experimentation signed into existence by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1953,” as Dr. Engel explained.

The Kansas Supreme Court dealt a deserved blow to Democratic elections lawyer Marc Elias and his merry band of partisan activists by rejecting Elias’ broad attacks on mail voting safeguards in the state.

Wisconsin Supreme Court lifts new restrictions on early voting sites ahead of 2024 elections.

Puerto Rico’s election commission reviews Dominion’s contract for Nov. election after hundreds of discrepancies reported in primary election, including machines incorrectly counting and reversing totals.

Former President Donald Trump this week filed a motion to dismiss his classified documents case, claiming that officials altered exculpatory evidence when they failed to maintain the boxes of documents in the state they were in when seized.

Over at Revolver – “If you take a step back and look at things from a different angle, everything starts to make a lot more sense. Instead of just seeing Hunter Biden as some perverted crackhead who grew up with a silver crack pipe in his mouth, what if we saw him as something more sophisticated, like a well-groomed CIA asset? This twist adds a whole new layer to the long-standing drama around the Biden crime family. “ Interesting. He did separate from Naval Intelligence, similar to Snowden and Timothy McVeigh separating from the Army, before joining CIA, albeit he did it for getting caught on drugs, or at least that was the story.

The White House left open the idea that President Joe Biden might commute Hunter Biden’s pending federal sentence following his gun-related conviction.

House GOP votes to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt. For not turning over the tapes of Biden’s interview.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna said she will force a vote on Merrick Garland’s arrest if the Justice Department doesn’t follow through after a contempt resolution.

Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFO – which emitted enough energy to ‘power a small city.’

Donald Trump admits he still has a gun, despite felony convictions. Bullshit article, it probably belongs to Melania now, or Don Jr, so legal. But article did contain this bit – “After the deadly 2016 terrorist attacks in Paris, Trump told a French magazine that “I always carry a weapon on me” and that if he was there, he would have opened fire on the assailants.”

The FBI released a new batch of heavily redacted Capitol Hill protest records on its website Friday, showing that the bureau executed “disruptions” inside MAGA groups ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, Stop the Steal rally. From the piece – ““Disruption operations” can include criminal arrests, but in the COINTELPRO era they referred to undercover FBI agents and informants infiltrating political groups to sow discord—employing tactics such as spreading rumors, sleeping with other members’ wives and attracting unwanted attention.”

Ben Carson to meet with Trump this weekend.

Ignore the polls – Republicans have a major voter turnout problem. Not impossible. My own enthusiasm is in the toilet, mainly because you end up basically pitted against everyone seeking to play you, from the conspiracy to Q. I will vote for Trump because I like him, but I am secretly cheering for the Civil War, just to return things to working through a simply understood mechanism of free, independent interactions between patriotic and loyal individuals. Still, I would be shocked if the election is not already rigged, and the outcome predetermined.

North Dakota sets age limit for Congress candidates. Must be younger than 79.

A recent analysis conducted by The Economist suggests The New York Time’s bestseller list is politically biased against conservatives. Everything is a psyop.

I did not know the SPLC was given an official F by Charity Navigator for taking in donations, and not putting them toward its stated purpose. I wonder where those billions go?:

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was traveling at a “high rate of speed” ahead of the car accident he was involved in that took place in Maryland over the weekend.

Dr Anthony Fauci’s department hid plans to create mutant monkeypox virus that ‘could’ve started pandemic,’ bombshell Congress report finds.

NYC has only connected 2,000 migrants with jobs — as thousands more overwhelm city shelters.

Border patrol agent told CNN he’ll lose his job if he doesn’t allow illegals to cross the border, says he used to have pride in his job, but doesn’t anymore.

With 1 out of 3 Californians on Medicaid, doctors push ballot measure to force state to pay more. One in three Californians pays nothing for their healthcare.

Fifth medication prescribed to Covenant killer Audrey Hale was an anti-anxiety drug associated with ‘mania, hostility’ and ‘irritability.’

Entrapment in play as appeals court looks at plot to kidnap Michigan governor.


Teacher calls in sick, takes student for secret abortion without parents knowing.

The $600 million 6th street bridge in Los Angeles has been dark for 6 months because thieves stole 6 miles of copper wire.

Canada’s plans for American CIVIL WAR after the election.

Norway discovers Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth metals.

Ukrainian military recruiters, unable to find enough people to send to the front, dialed 911 and called an ambulance, and when it arrived, they dragged the EMTs off to the front:

EU agrees to give Ukraine $1.6 billion in proceeds from Russia’s frozen assets.

An Eli Lilly subsidiary has halted deliveries of its insulin product Humalog, mainly used by children, to Russia. Just inhuman.

Four Russian warships, including a nuclear sub, now sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida. There was this article here – DARPA’S secretive new neutrino detector program could be a game-changer for global underwater military surveillance – which jibed with this post by an anon on 4Chan:

Putin needs to test a theory the Russians have about American sigint collection techniques. They believe that NATO is using an exotic material device to directly read cpu cycles. To this end, they have a sensor package on board which they hope will either confirm/deny this theory, and in the case of a positive identification, provide a clue to its technology.
>A small flotilla is the perfect way to collect this information as its guaranteed to be under intense surveillance, and substantial power/equipment can be deployed discreetly.
>Basically they think NATO has an entangled neutrino laser type device which can be used to output complete cpu information remotely. This would be a tremendously valuable tool for obvious reasons.

Significant if true, in that the capabilities of Russia’s enemies are the capabilities of our enemies.

Putin signs a law ratifying an agreement between Russia and China on cooperation in the construction of an International Lunar Research Station.

Transgender Lia Thomas loses bid to compete in the Summer Olympics. At least some sanity returning. The gall on this motherfucker, wanting to rob all those girls of that experience.

Meet the Turkey Whisperer. Some people are just gifted.

Four states and four gun organizations don’t have to comply with a new Biden administration rule expanding oversight of private firearms sellers, a federal trial court judge in Texas has said.

Bullish GOP hones legislative plans for 2025.

Joe Biden’s net approval rating hits historic low compared to past Presidents.

Economist forecast: Donald Trump has 2-in-3 chance of making greatest comeback in modern American politics.

Trump odds of winning hit new high, 19 points over Biden.

Spread r/K Theory, because we have no idea who our “leaders” are yet

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9 months ago

> The $600 million 6th street bridge in Los Angeles has been dark for 6 months because thieves stole 6 miles of copper wire.

So, how many cameras did the city of Los Angeles have pointed at the bridge? Five? Ten? There’s a bridge here in Hooterville; the state DOT has four cameras on public livestream.

Yet… nobody noticed it happening – how long would it take to steal six miles of wire?! – nor were they able to follow the thieves, camera by camera, back to where they came from.


Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

Uh, they took the cameras too. Time to go back to aerial power service lines.

9 months ago

This morning I received my monthly “Huizenga Huddle”–Bill Huizenga is our district’s Representative in Congress. He is a “R”.

So in today’s installment—Huizenga gloats over meeting Afghani refugees in his office: “Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with constituents in my Portage office about the challenges in Afghanistan both prior to and after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. We spoke at length about what their lives were like in Afghanistan and their personal experiences immigrating to the United States. It was a pleasure to speak to them and learn more about their experiences.”

Does he meet with the Anglo-Saxons that built this country? Does he meet with people being genocided in this country??? Does he meet with the Wise? Both of my reps, Huizenga, Haadsma, are Dutch. What is wrong with the Dutch? They seem to be a race of women. Every weird thing they do. Every weird lunatic leftist idea, they gravitate to. What is wrong with the Nordic countries? What is wrong with these people?

9 months ago

This Plan is shit.

Voxday suggests why Russia let the people of Donbass suffer

“The fact Russia is now winning is testimony to the wisdom of the approach, even though it was hard on the people of Donbass”

As written here, the people of Donbass could have said “This Plan is shit”. 10s of 1000s of civilians killed and images of work by genocidal thugs, is perhaps too much to bear. But sometimes, there is no choice.

Just sayin’

Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

Russia in its current iteration is one thing but America in its current iteration isn’t worthy of comparison except to say THIS PLAN SUCKS. Military should have been brought in under Martial Law and deport the Trash, arrest known treasonous heads of State/Corporations. We’re not Russia they won WW2. They’ve been targeted for quite a long time by forces we just don’t know but thinkers with families try and adapt. We’re the ones around the World being targeted and where can we go to connect and survive this Modern Onslaught against us is our top priority.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonynnous
9 months ago

You go to war with the Army you have. Russia is in a much better place now, particularly as NATO has degraded itself over the past decade. Sure, if you’re from the Donbas, it might have seemed like shit, but turning Donbas into a hot warzone between the Ukies and the Russians in 2015 would have likely been an even shittier deal for the people of Donbas.

9 months ago

You sir are no conservative. No true conservative supports Drumpf

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

Buy those 2500 old crows air conditioners and tell them to piss off. What, they don’t worry about dying from the extreme cold in the winter? Oh that’s right, fossil fuels and nuclear supply the electricity for the heaters. What crap.

9 months ago

“The $600 million 6th street bridge in Los Angeles has been dark for 6 months because thieves stole 6 miles of copper wire.”

Why is 666 appearing in this headline? Seems forced.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

There’s something weird about this copper theft business. Copper isn’t that valuable, and it shouldn’t be something fast and easy to do. There’s only going to be so many places to turn it in for recycling…. The real money may be cabal earning a cut of the contracts to replace the wiring.

na non anon
na non anon
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Was wondering something similar about the catalytic converter thefts.

Reply to  Jimmy
9 months ago

Wow. Wtf! This never ends. Lol

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Now France’s President Macron is wearing a latex mask
And looking at some of the clips in the comments you can see how good those masks can be. This then begs the question of why present Biden as such a decrepit dork literally crapping himself? I mean they could easily have some actor play him as an articulate statesman but instead they make him as big an embarrassment as possible. To what end?
This just confirms to me that we’re being played. Trump will likely win and then we might get to see the money shot of all this deception. My guess is it will not be to our benefit because nothing ever is under these cunts.
I’m still voting for Trump but only because I hate the Biden crew more.

Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

I’m inclined to believe that they have so much make up slathered on them it just looks like a mask. Ever seen a celeb without make up? You hardly recognize them. Their skin is horrible.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Festis
9 months ago

Did you even look at the clips in the comments I mentioned? Those masks are really good. They don’t need the make-up. Most people wouldn’t notice a difference.

9 months ago

Martin Armstrong on the West, really the US, and hte siezed Russian assets:

EU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine

Posted Jun 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

 The West has confiscated assets from a foreign nation during a time of peace as Ukraine is not in the NATO alliance. Now the West is using those illegally confiscated assets to attack its adversary. This is complete and total economic warfare….No one knows where the money that is packaged as Ukrainian aid actually goes. Portions are funneled back into the military-industrial complex and paid out to the very nations supplying aid. Everyone acts on the invisible hand in their own best interest. None of these aid packages were meant to be a handout, and Ukraine would suffer the repercussions….Economic warfare is now on the table. China has been watching. Europe and the US are not at war in China, Taiwan is not in NATO, but nothing is preventing them from seizing Chinese assets over Taiwan and claiming that they are merely fighting for freedom. There is no longer respect for international law; the rules no longer apply.

The surviving Ukrainians will never be able to repay the so-called loan: to whom would they pay back the principle and the interest; how would they even pay it back (the creditors (western bankers/oligarchs) will seize the natural wealth of the Ukraine as collateral: the Slaves will be slaves once more).

Last edited 9 months ago by teotoon
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  teotoon
9 months ago

Given the ambulance video today there may not be any Ukrainians left anyway. More space for the new Israel eh!

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Global cancer rates are expected to rise 77% by 2050, the WHO warns.

And this is with a decreasing global population mind you.

Vaxx everyone?

9 months ago

I vote because I like to believe that it costs them a lot of time, effort, and money to rig elections. It costs me 10 to 20 minutes of my time depending on the line. Even if I’m dead wrong it’s still nothing to me to just go do it. But if I’m right my one vote causes them a small headache and the possibility of that being true is enough for me.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

It doesn’t cost them, it costs the taxpayers. They don’t spend their own money.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

It costs their time and effort to do the rigging, and it costs them exposure when they have to rig so hard it becomes obvious.

Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

True. But people ask where all that money goes when they don’t see tangible results. As an example I live in Los Angeles and they tax everything sky high here, and yet our roads are notoriously bad and unattended to. Where’s the money going? You and I know but millions of people live their lives totally checked out but the more the elites steal and rig and do all the things they do the more obvious it becomes. It’s a straw that breaks the camels back kind of thing. I don’t think my vote is breaking their bank but it’s just another straw. That’s all. And honestly as a news and politics junky even before I realized I was in the matrix I like voting anyway.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

One alternate theory I’ve heard (not necessarily believe or endorse) is that voting is implied consent to the results, even if cheated and not real. We see a lot of instances where no evil person ever directly forces you to do anything harmful, they just obfuscate the truth and manipulate you into doing the harm to yourself.

If so, voting in a rigged election you actively know is rigged is a form of consent to be dominated by the riggers, where as a total society-wide abstainence from voting would render their scheme null and void due to lack of consent from the peons.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Exactly!!! This is the point. Evil has to deceive it cannot take. We have the power of life, the holy name of Jesus along with a real relationship with GOD! Spoiler alert GOD WINS ALL DAY AND NIGHT EVERY TIME! Christ is KING!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

“I know, beyond all doubt, God is real, and watches. If this is, as it appears, the preeminent intel operation on the planet, they will know that too, and I would think they will have to fear Him.”

And yet clearly, they do not fear Him enough, or they would be playing for his team instead of Team Satan. They must think they can win. What did “Lady Rothschild” say on 4Chan? “Our snake is bigger than your snake.”

Maybe the elites have been conned into accepting the Yaldabaoth vs. Lucifer paradigm.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anon
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Silence (not voting) is consent.
If you vote for one thing and they cheat to give you another you have not consented, you have been forced.
If everyone didn’t vote it would change nothing.
They might even rig the numbers to claim more people voted than just their cabal members.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

I understand your whole frame is “interpret everything as if the normie interpretation of law exists,” but it’s a wild world out there. I don’t know if what I posted is true or not, but we have never seen an alternative where enough people didn’t vote due to knowing it’s a rigged game to know how it would turn out. I’m not even endorsing it, as the “make em have to cheat more blatantly” angle holds water too.

Seeing through a glass darkly and all that. I’m just a man.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Half of the people don’t vote. They still consider it valid.

Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

You’ve got it backwards. Half the people DO vote, so it’s valid.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Wow I’ve never heard a take like that before or considered something like that. I’m a firm believer that these people follow certain rules that we don’t really understand because they believe it relieves them of karmic guilt. That’s a good point. I’ll have to reflect on that. I wonder, if what you’re saying is true, what elites think in countries where voting is mandatory? Definitely something to think on.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Where it’s mandatory, do they show up with guns and kill you for not voting? Or is “mandatory” just more coercive language and threats? I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of someone being executed for refusing to vote outside of maybe North Korea, and that whole place might as well be a psyop as far as we can know.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

I believe they issue fines, and if you don’t pay the fines it will eventually result in men with guns coming to imprison you.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
9 months ago

Teacher calls in sick, takes student for secret abortion without parents knowing.

The story doesn’t say the sex of the teacher. If male, he was probably the father.

Reply to  Corn Pop
9 months ago

If female, probably ran cover for the pedo.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Doubt it. If female, it was probably one of her classmates.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Even if a fellow student is the Father. Abortion is still murder. And punishing it as murder will catch all the perpetrators regardless.

9 months ago

I don’t favor a possible Civil War. What will the sides be? They won’t be states. It’s easy to say liberal vs conservative, but how will the sides be organized? Who will lead? Who will equip and provide logistics?

It will also be too easy to subvert. Cabal could easily get their people into positions to organize it so that in the end, they still win and we all lose. There are too many unknowns in a possible Civil War.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Everyone acting as a lone wolf. We know who they are. They have to go. Unfortunately it would be open season on mas murder. So many have to go. Anyone involved in gov, intel, all politicians every corporate board member, etc. Then new rules. Anyone who previously held those positions that survived cannot be in any authoritarian position.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Ivan Throne is working on building a movement for men among the right. I don’t know what the planned end state is, other than to teach them competence and coherence and unite them as brothers in the coming collapse. His Substack from this morning or last night talks about men who claim to be training for an event like said Civil War.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

In an age where everyone’s been made blind with the help of surveillance, the logistics expert in the shadows is king.

“… easy to say liberal vs conservative …”

Both of which are mere formalities in a realm of politics that has been made irrelevant by means of corruption and surveillance.

There are now two parties in the West, the “We Spy Party” and the “We Don’t Spy Party”, and they do not overlap.

The “We Don’t Spy Party” has an affiliated branch called the “We Just Wanted To Be Left Alone Party”, which during peaceful times is peaceful and during less peaceful times can be found demonstrating to a few people why they should have been left alone.

“Cabal could easily get their people into positions …”

That’s soooooo cute! It’s like you believe they aren’t already in place or close by! Awwwww!

“… has to be lone wolves acting independently …”

Not necessarily, and because of that there’s an extreme effort to keep certain structural kinds of texts out of people’s hands.

These aren’t the kinds of things that talk about political ends, desired worlds, and that sort of thing, but instead talk about the logistics of operating sub rosa within contested spaces.

Loompanics and Paladin Press used to produce these kinds of books because some prisoners found a way to make some money on the inside, and unfortunately Paladin Press discovered how easy it was to be taken down in a “guilt by association” lawsuit as a publisher.

The revolution you’re waiting for won’t be published or televised.

But you will be able to stay home brother, you will be able to log on, tune in, and cop out, you will be able to lose yourself inside “social media”, and watch the beer commercials on your phone … the revolution will be bought to you by the letters PDF and JPEG and PNG and GIF, especially GIF, and also MP4 where the contents are not prohibited by what remains after the rule of law, while your kids grow up on subversive literature in EPUBs such as Hooked on Phonics and Beginner’s Math.

Yeah, dig it. 🙂

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

That’s part of the message of Kurt Schlichter’s eighth Kelly Turnbull novel “Overlord” – that no one is likely to win another American Civil War, so it is best to avoid one if at all possible.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
9 months ago

eighth? He’s been busy

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

For one thing, people with the signs in front of their houses proclaiming their liberal bona-fides. One sign will signal their support for Antifa/BLM, and the way they would dress, their uniforms if you will, it won’t be hard to figure out. I pray it does not come down to that.

9 months ago

Reposting, with transcript this time:
Or rumble
Darkhorse podcast… Brett and Heather discuss: what if the world is being steered by psychopaths, and all of these institutions are working against us, see if that makes sense.
Key part: 48 minutes in, but discussion builds from 13m… he touches on why corporations evolve to be evil.. rest of show is good, but that highlight struck me that he’s seeing the truth of what AC is discussing: there is something going on. They term it Goliath (because Cabal seems too conspiracy, and they see it as massive.)
these two have come a long way in the last few years. Reality has been a harsh teacher.

**Brett Weinstein:**

The original point was a simplifying assumption: we are dealing with something, but we may not know exactly who we’re dealing with. We may not know whether they are doing certain things or if those things are just happening of their own accord. But are the people steering the ship capable of doing absolutely ghastly things that a normal person would never contemplate? I don’t know if they’re doing it, but I wouldn’t put it past them. And the answer is that it does appear to be a functional simplifying assumption. The world makes more sense when you imagine that the people steering it are effective psychopaths.

Now, some will say that I’ve cheated because imagining that some group of people doesn’t have a constraint on it seems like, well, how could that possibly be? Even if it’s not true, it will at worst explain the world at exactly the same level, and every so often it will explain something more because it’s a lack of a constraint. But that’s not true in this case. 

Let’s say you’re married to a wonderful person, as I am.

**Heather Heying:**

I am too.


Oh, we’re having a lovely moment here at Dark Horse. Let’s imagine you, as I am, and as you claim to be, married to a wonderful person. You imagine, well, what if they’re really a monster and they’re just pretending to be a good person because that’s to their advantage? If you try to explain their day-to-day behavior in this way, you will find it is not a good match. In fact, it just makes the world seem crazy. You know, a monster who’s so well-behaved day in and day out. It will destroy the relationship. As a test of a hypothesis, a good one, go through it, and you’ll find, oh yeah, it just doesn’t last five minutes. It’s just not a viable explanation. 

So what that proves, in addition to the magnetism of my glasses [his glasses split and fell off], is that it is not inherently this simplifying assumption that is a fairly high bar. The fact that it seems to match the world that we encounter with respect to major policy means it’s not just an assumption. Then you’re saying it’s effectively a hypothesis. It starts out as a hypothesis. When I say simplifying assumption, what I’m saying is you take it, and instead of including it as an assumption and it’s wrong, you’re in big trouble, so you can’t do that. So what do you do? My point is you take what might be a useful assumption—we’re being steered by psychopaths—and you try it out as a hypothesis. You just say, if I map that onto the world, does it make the world simpler or more complicated?

If it makes it more complicated, it’s not a good assumption. If it makes the world simpler and it’s not a cheat, then that probably indicates something powerful. That is all I’m suggesting: that you in the audience take this potentially simplifying assumption, try it, convert it into a hypothesis, and walk through your life to see whether or not it predicts the behavior of the public structure better than the idea that the public structure… you know, how likely is it that the CDC is acting out of what they call an abundance of caution and is obsessed with making you healthier?

I don’t know how they miss vitamin D. Is it really likely that an organization that was obsessed with my health would have missed the low-hanging fruit that is vitamin D? Never mind whether you think vitamin D supplements work, which they seem to. Even if all the CDC did was say, hey, check your latitude. Just check where you live on the Earth. If you live above whatever the line on the globe is, then you should be aware you’re probably vitamin D deficient for two reasons: one, the sun doesn’t get high enough in the sky for you to be making vitamin D for a large portion of the year; two, it probably gets cold enough that you’re wearing a lot of clothing and sitting inside where the climate is regulated, and these things are all interfering with a very natural process that is fundamental to immunity.

CDC doesn’t understand this? It’s like really interested in me taking inoculations built on novel technologies that interfere with the way my immune system works, but it hasn’t noticed vitamin D? No. That is much better explained by the fact that this entity, even though it claims to be about disease control, doesn’t really care to control disease. It’s more about human control or pharmacological control rather than disease control.




Which then just… the point is, okay, if I have to worry that the CDC is obsessed with my health and that it just gets everything wrong, that’s a hard thing to explain. Everything wrong? Really? That’s weird. On the other hand, if I think, oh, well, what if actually it’s under the control of an industry that profits when I’m not well? Well, that makes a lot of sense. Now, the only thing I’ve got to explain is how it retains the name that leads me to believe it’s obsessed with making me healthy. That’s pretty easy to explain. It’s a much better sales pitch if these people can cloak themselves in doctor’s garb.

That’s the piece where a lot of people get stuck, right? But it’s called the CDC, it’s called the FDA, it’s called the NSF, it’s called the government of the United States of America, it’s Stanford, it’s Harvard, it’s the NIH. It’s these bastions that are old and esteemed and important and iconic. The label does not match the contents.


That is not exactly the phrase that you started using. The label on the box doesn’t match the contents. That is the piece that people get stuck on. They will say, well, yes, everyone will agree that systems can be corrupt, that there can be corrupted systems that pretend they are trying to help you but are actually trying to do the opposite. Everyone knows that is theoretically a possibility. The place this hiccups, where a lot of people got incredibly confused, for instance during COVID, and have failed to get unconfused, is that they still believe that the label on the box matches what the box used to contain. That Stanford is still Stanford, Harvard, NSF, the executive branch of the American government, the Democrats, everything.

Why do you assume that it’s the same as it used to be when all of the evidence suggests that it’s not?


Well, people assume this goes back to the point about empathy and sympathy. People are over-extrapolating from what they would do. It wouldn’t occur to most people if there was an entity established to help the public avoid disease. It wouldn’t occur to most people that if they ran a company that manufactures treatments for disease, that controlling disease would be seen as a hostile force and that those who make those products might try to capture that entity and turn it upside down. Because most people wouldn’t think to… 


Wait, you’re saying people might do things that cause disease?


I’m saying you wouldn’t, and I’m saying I wouldn’t put it past them. That’s what I’m saying. So anyway, I think we’ve said it. We’ve got all the pieces of the toolkit that you want in play. Don’t over-assume the content of your motivational structure looks like somebody else’s, especially when that somebody else isn’t even a somebody. It’s an industry or a company. Once you realize, well, that means my assumption of moral constraint is not justified. It doesn’t mean there is no moral constraint, but applying it to this system is not justified. So then you take the simplifying assumption that morality is absent from these structures, turn it into a hypothesis, deploy it, and see whether things get weirder or make more sense. If they make more sense, the bell should go off.


MH indeed.


All right, so you’re going to go there?


I think I’m going to hold that.


All right, fair enough.

Last edited 9 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

“political ponerology”- the cycle of psychopaths
There’s a book

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  scruffy
9 months ago

those two are wolves in sheep’s clothing; false prophets for certain.

9 months ago

Now France’s President Macron is wearing a latex mask. 

I still hold that they are so vain that they are just using the CIA masks for makeup.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Maybe they’re all just larping as Tom Cruise in his Mission Impossible role!

9 months ago

Puerto Rico’s election commission reviews Dominion’s contract for Nov. election after hundreds of discrepancies reported in primary election, including machines incorrectly counting and reversing totals.

Makes you wonder if parts of PR hadn’t already gone Republican and fraud was hiding it.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

Maybe this will lead to counter suing Dominion for actual damage. The machines are corrupt.

9 months ago

North Dakota sets age limit for Congress candidates. Must be younger than 79.”

I agree with this. There should be minimum and maximum ages for exercising constitutional rights, including running for office and voting. People older than a certain age and younger than a certain age would essentially be wards, with a designated guardian, and there would be a transitional period, between 15 and 25, and whatever the median age of death is to ten years past that, where you gradually gain and lose exercise of your rights. The first right gained and last right lost would be marriage, and the last right gained and first lost would be contracts and taking on debt at high dollar value.

However, constitutionally a state can’t impose conditions for federal office, beyond what is already in the federal constitution. The Supreme Court reaffirmed that earlier this year. North Dakota can impose limits for its own offices, but any attempt to do that for its one congressional seat and two Senate seats would be overturned.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Unless proven competent. There should be age limits.

9 months ago

Now France’s President Macron is wearing a latex mask.

Its worse than this.

President of France:

Prime Minister of France:

Can you tell the difference?

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

I can tell the difference.
But the difference might just be a mask.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

They’re clearly different people. Why do you waste time on these baseless insinuations?

an on
an on
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Because he’s Mister Ed trying to mass with Wilburrrrrrrrrrrrr…

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

About the Canadian plans for a US Civil war, don’t forget, when the US won the revolution, all the British loyalists (aside from those left here as spies) moved north and founded Canada. All that territory and something like 90% of Canadians live within 300 miles of the US border. Sometimes I think the whole Canadian persona is a put on and they’re pulling lots of strings here.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

Very insightful. Amazing how GB continued to work against America after the Revolution during The Indian Wars. But The Crown has always been America’s staunchest ally…right?

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

Was Canadian Bacon (the movie) an inside joke?

9 months ago

Sh-tshow in the French elections:

Its Gateway Pundit, and its hard to tell how well they are reading the situation.

Eric Ciotti has an interesting Wikipedia page:

9 months ago

well now, it seems there is a “Cabal Beam Team”-(my term, approppos), operating in n.e. wyoming. This reported incident is in campbell county Wyoming, and is the same county as Gillette, Wy that really recently had the fellow slit mom’s throat due to intelligent tapping and attic people. (Same news outlet featured both, check archival posts).
A/C the sketchy shit occurring tempo is increasing and informed anons should be taking note, and noticing. Stay frosty,

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I recall reading that technology was used to drive the Rwanda genocide.

9 months ago

FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs

Why are they lying about their origins? Because, Watt says, “they have maintained a bunch of empty office buildings that serve only as mailing addresses …”

9 months ago

Comprehensive and infuriating analysis of the failure of Trump’s presidency, and why it failed. A lot of what we discussed bere is fitted into the puzzle.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
9 months ago

Correction: Charity Navigator still gives the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) a 99% “Great” rating. It is Charity Watch that cautions SPLC isn’t using hardly any of its donations toward its stated cause.

9 months ago

Pistol brace rule is vacated. On Monday morning ATF will file an appeal with 5th Circuit where they almost certainly lose again and two years from now SCOTUS will pass on hearing the case, leaving it dead.

Washington Gun Law – HUGE NEWS: Down Goes ATF’s Pistol Brace Rule

9 months ago

Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFO – which emitted enough energy to ‘power a small city.’ And how, pray tell, did this guy determine this? That much energy would fry a human being it they were in close approximation. I always like how these things are just thrown out there for general consumption by the less thinking masses. Aliens are not going to save us, not going to provide “free” energy, or cure all of our ails. I seen um, don’t know what they are, but they exist.

Texas Arcane
9 months ago

I’ve read 12 books in the last month just about iodine. I’ve learned a lot about the chemistry of the body and what bromine does to it. Also how it works even with your silver amalgam mercury fillings to screw you up really badly. I honestly think it enhances the damage caused by EMF radiation, which otherwise your body could cope with.
If I got rolling I could write about this subject 100 pages easily right now.
I am convinced that at least 75% of the illnesses the West suffers from begin with iodine deficiency.
I wanted the readers of this blog just to get the heads-up about it.
If you got the vaccine, don’t worry about this. The rest of you, I think it is really important. Maybe the root of most health problems and most health problems are just expected symptoms of iodine deficiency.
This business of taking iodized salt off the nation’s table after 100 year may be infinitely more serious repercussions than anybody realized.
I don’t sell iodine supplements, which are incredibly cheap. I just want to give the heads up to fellow travelers on this board.
Most importantly, there’s no way it was an accident that the chief antagonist of iodine was added to everything in our food chain the exact same instant they began to push salt that was not iodine enriched.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

Did you come across Dr Brownstein’s book on iodine in your reading? A naturopathic MD who treated covid patients early 2020. Blogged about his success & was shut down by the FTC.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

That’s one of my books! Awesome read! Got it from used bookstore.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

So weird, I was wondering why the push for Kosher salt and Himalayan sea salt with little gourmet looking salt cellars. I’ve ignored the trend and have just used the dorky old Morton. My mind rebels at kosher anything even if it isn’t really Jewish, lol.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
9 months ago

I read a book a couple years ago called “The Salt Fix”. It details how telling us salt causes high blood pressure comes from the same “fat makes you fat” fake and gay science (my phrase; not the author’s.) Salt deficiency can cause things like high blood pressure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and so on.

I tend to stick to the iodine table salt since I know we don’t get enough of that mineral in our diets.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

Isn’t the Kosher diet high in salty food?
Clownworld is full of examples of people believing patently absurd nonsense. I have always wondered about the salt issue. How many sheeple go to extremes to avoid any and all salt?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

I have to admit, I don’t know much about the Kosher diet. I know there used to be an app called “Koshertified” that you could take pictures of food products and the app would tell you if it was Kosher or not. (It was created to help people avoid buying Kosher stuff.) It got banned from all app stores very quickly. I think you can side load it on Android.

At least according to the people behind that app, the Kosher diet isn’t superior. It’s a racket. They get the Rabbis to “bless” inferior food that costs more and make a bunch of money off it.

I just use the Morton’s Table Salt. My wife doesn’t buy Kosher salt. I think they recommend it for cooking because the crystals are larger and coarser and somehow it’s better. I can’t speak to it.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

True, but remember “Kosher” pickling uses the high-salt lacto-fermentation process, rather than vinegar. This is also true of traditional saurkraut, kim-chi, and almost every form of picked food going way back to the most ancient times. Japanese salt-plumbs for instance.
Also, wasn’t there an old and once popular execution method of locking up the accursed and totally eliminating salt from their diet? This led to some very unpleasant results, before eventual death. I suspect a covert Jewish depopulation conspiracy, with dumbed down sheeple suiciding themselves be refusing to eat salt.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
9 months ago

Me too. I suspect this is a very clever way to cull the herd.
White Europeans nowadays act like they can’t remember back 15 minutes ago and none of them has any lessons from history they can transmit to their children.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  EricTheAwful
9 months ago

indeed. this recent “hydration” fad emphasizes drinking water, but frequent urination without salt replenishment causes a range of symptoms. the body needs both.
when I played football back in the day, the trainers still gave us salt pills, especially during the hot two-a-days at the end of summer. now they promote “sports drinks” which now have more sugar and sugar-adjacent garbage than salt, ffs. never mind the coloring and other additives. original gatorade was salty, but it worked.

Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

The dairy industry used to use a disinfectant that had iodine in it & traces of it ended up in the milk. If you drank milk you would get iodine that way also. They no longer do this.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

It’s been called the greatest accidental health victory of all time in England, the realization that using iodine to clean milk machine equipment eliminated goiter.

Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

V8 is better. Tastes horrible, but more sodium and less sugar.

Reply to  a non anon
9 months ago

Yep. It’s also why “electrolyte” drinks are selling so well. All you need is salt. Apparently pickles will do the job as well, but people will simply keep buying whatever electrolyte drink is popular at the time. Regarding pickles, Julius Caesar gave them to his troops on marches or when going into battle. His record speaks for itself.

9 months ago

President Trump: Eliminate Tax On Tips? How About We Eliminate The Entire IRS!

Donald Trump on Thursday brought up the idea of imposing an “all tariff policy” that would ultimately enable the U.S. to get rid of the income tax, sources in a private meeting with the Republican presidential candidate told CNBC.

Trump, in the meeting with GOP lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, according to another source in the room.

More at:

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
9 months ago


9 months ago

Never mind.

Last edited 9 months ago by Farcesensitive
General's Addition
General's Addition
9 months ago

“So they stay locked up as their doubles handle all appearances.”

Do you remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger film “The Sixth Day”?

Maybe this is what we get instead when there isn’t that kind of tech available, because body doubles are what we have instead of vat-grown clones.

As for me, I don’t fully believe any of the candidates until I can see how many dots they have inside their eyelids.