News Briefs – 06/13/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


Bipartisan group of Democrat and RINO Senators come to agreement on Electoral Count Act — Will require 20% of all of Congress to challenge a state’s electoral votes.

Dekalb County recount shows massive difference between machine count and hand count from May 24th primary – election results changed, electronic database suspected.

When Stacey Abrams ran for governor of Georgia in 2018, she lost to current Gov. Brian Kemp (R) by a narrow margin, but now Abrams and a team of grassroots organizations registered more than 800,000 new voters, turning Georgia blue for the first time in decades in the 2020 election. And now she is running against Kemp again.

#ShutDownDC planning a blockade at the Supreme Court on Monday, June 13. They may have intel, because they weren’t doing this the last few opinion days, so it may be coming now.

Liz Cheney uses January 6 Committee for political retaliation, subpoenas primary opponent’s campaign adviser.

Sarah Palin advances in special primary for Alaska’s House seat.

Larry Summers blames ‘Banana Republicans,’ and January 6 for inflation. Just to keep track of who is who.

President Joe Biden will announce Friday new pan-American migration pipelines into Americans’ workplaces, housing, and markets, a senior administration official told reporters Thursday night.

Patriot Front member was arrested in Idaho carrying a megaphone marked with “FBI” on it. FBI is not sending us their best. Or maybe not. It could be more interesting than that. Ask yourself if FBI could really be so stupid as to sent one of their fake terrorists to launch a false flag with a bullhorn labeled “FBI.” Now ask, what are the chances the media would just happen to get the perfect picture with FBI visible on that one piece of evidence, as an officer held it like that (not knowing if he might have been screwing up some legit FBI operation). And that is after this group was caught using FBI Law Enforcement only shields. I can’t imagine why somebody would run an op which is a possibly double-false-flagged FBI-false-flag, unless FBI does this much more professionally and would get away with it, and by doing it like this, somebody opposed to that is building the meme among everyone that FBI is not just doing it, but they are doing it so incompetently it is a joke, and everyone laughs about it. If so, then everything has become so fake we now have patriots faking that they are FBI agents who are faking domestic terrorist acts. Who would have thought. It would also explain why local PD would fuck up an FBI op. In my experience local PD is terrified of fucking with domestic intelligence, and if they encountered anything FBI, they would assume a legit operation and give courtesy to the agency.

The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office released the names and photos of all Patriot Front suspects on Sunday.

Plans by the city of Houston to require businesses to install surveillance cameras – and then give police access – has drawn a warning letter from a second civil-rights organization.

Excess deaths rising 5 months after winter booster campaign proves theory COVID vaccines take 5 months to kill recipients. An immunization tends to wear off over time, it does not get stronger without repeated exposure to the antigen. And the body is designed to be pretty resilient and capable of self repair. I would have thought by now, even if the vax was bad and did damage, the immune response/effects would be wearing off and the damage would have begun getting repaired. The most likely explanation is that either the synthetic nucleotide in the mRNA designed to slow mRNA degradation has instead prevented it, and they are still producing Spike Protein from the original mRNA, or , the mRNA got burned back into DNA. I don’t think this is the initial damage just getting worse on its own. Of course the way biology works, this could be some entirely different mechanism there would be no way to possibly foresee. Though in truth, as nutty as it sounds, I think they did the experiments in secret to see how this would work, and I think they probably knew exactly what they were doing and what it would do.

At one year of age, babies born to mothers who had COVID (not vaccine), had a roughly twice-higher rate of neurodevelopmental disorders, so CDC revised or eliminated the guidelines to hide that.

57% of all neonatal deaths after vaccination in the VAERS database were due to the Covid shots.

If the Monkeypox currently circulating in the U.S. spreads to rats, hamsters, or gerbils, and becomes endemic in those species, there might be no easy way to contain it. If it is in gays, there may be no easy way to contain it.

Mexico’s migration agency has issued nearly 7,000 temporary documents and transit visas over the last few days to members of a migrant caravan.

Americas Got Talent has a singer sing, while Deepfake AI software superimposed another person’s face in theirs behind them on screen. Imagine what the real tech they have can do, and how much that we see may be entirely fake.

Senate strikes gun control deal, Chuck Schumer wants floor vote soon. Incentives for states to enact red flag laws, checks of juvenile records for those under 21. Now AW ban, or mag limits, or 21 limit to buy semiautomatics.

NYPD on pace to quit, retire in record numbers. I suspect they are trying to take over the local PDs now, the same way they have comped the FBI. These will be the non-Cabal cops, who probably only vaguely know something is going on with surveillance/intelligence, but don’t know it is related to the changes in the job which have made it an unpalatable profession for them.

Violent threats aimed at New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern requiring police involvement have almost tripled since 2019. I will bet, she was not elected, and will be not-elected to office again.

Canada’s central bank warns mortgage payments could rise 30 percent in next few years.

Man admits shooting car with kids inside — receives no jail or prison (MN). Some animals are more equal than others.

Conservatives are criticizing Fox News for airing a segment in honor of Pride month about a biological girl who started identifying as a boy at 5-years-old.

California church’s first openly transgender bishop resigns after being branded racist for firing Puerto Rican pastor while wearing bullet proof vest and threatening to call the police on congregants.

Little known fact – Trump-hating reporter Katy Tur’s father is trasngender, and says she is a transphobe. He also just happens to have been “Chopper Bob” who was the cameraman who filmed both Rodney King being beaten in the LA Riots, and the OJ car chase. What is the statistical probability?

Biden foundation promoted transgenderism for 18-month-old babies, drag shows for kids.

U.S. annualized inflation just peaked 17 percent for the first time since WW2, the highest rate in 75 years.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asserted that the world should have an answer on his country’s membership in the EU a mere week-and-a-half.

Finland won’t join NATO without Sweden.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Sunday that the US-led alliance aims to strengthen Ukraine’s position at the negotiating table, but added that any peace deal would involve compromises, including of territory.

WaPo – Ukraine is running out of ammunition as prospects dim on the battlefield.

Representatives for George Soros no longer want to be associated with disgraced prosecutor Chesa Boudin now that he’s been rebuked by the liberal voters of San Francisco, the Washington Free Beacon is reporting.

JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) Network Open published a study attempting to find a reduction in firearms fatal and non-fatal injuries associated with the very aggressive implementation of a “Red Flag” law, also known as a gun violence restraining order or GVRO, in San Diego County, California – No statistical association existed.

Breakthrough vaccine could help cure pancreatic cancer – patients remain cancer-free 18 months later.

Controversial YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake Paul has taken to Twitter to say, ‘Biden accomplishments 1. Highest gas prices 2. Worst inflation 3. Plummeting crypto prices 4. Highest rent prices ever 5. Created new incomprehensible language.’

Most voters believe the Biden administration is allowing gas prices to rise to force Americans to use less fossil fuel, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Friday found.

Home Depot workers do not have the right to wear Black Lives Matter merchandise or imagery while on the job, a federal judge has ruled.

A U.S. District Court Judge in Texas,struck down a Department of Homeland Security enforcement memo that instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to give deference to certain individuals inside the United States illegally.

Increasing number of Democrats express doubt over party’s future with Biden, concern over GOP momentum.

According to the monthly Democracy Institute tracker poll for, a survey of 1,500 likely voters from across the US, the Republicans will win both Houses of Congress easily in the crucial midterm elections amid fury over President Joe Biden’s “inept” rule from the White House.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything is fake.

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Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation.” 2 Peter 1:20

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Bonaventure
2 years ago

Except the pope, eh?

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Nice try, but the Pope has never prophesied by “private interpretation.”

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I share your faith and await Divine intervention to clean house:

Senior Church leaders receive COVID-19 vaccine, encourage members to safeguard themselves, others ‘through immunization’

“I’m glad our turn has come to have this vaccination,” President Oaks said Tuesday morning. “We’re very hopeful that the general vaccination of the population will help us get ahead of this awful pandemic. It’s hopeful, like the light at the end of the tunnel. There is relief and appreciation involved for those who have invented the vaccine and for those who have caused it to be generally available on a sensible priority system.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Yes, we will see what happens. As for myself and my family we are not participating in the ‘experiment’.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

If the Monkeypox currently circulating in the U.S. spreads to rats, hamsters, or gerbils, and becomes endemic in those species, there might be no easy way to contain it. If it is in gays, there may be no easy way to contain it.”

You talked about this years ago AC. The gays are cooking up an end times plague amongst them. “Their blood shall be upon them” literally. And the plague will spread to non-gays.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I can’t “like” this statement…though I agree with it, and wish it was not so.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Matt
2 years ago

Like and dislike is base and low. Expand your thinking- you either agree with it and approve it or disagree and disapprove of it. Do not be constrained by the lingo of social media.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

>And the plague will spread to non-gays.

Only if you consort with their filth. I’d recommend anti-social distancing lol.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

All they have to do is touch something. At a supermarket. A gas pump. At a restaurant. They could even be teachers and give the disease to all of the children in a school. No college or university would be safe. They could even knock on your door and spread it that way.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I don’t believe this.

I can’t find it anymore, but a few months ago I saw a meme about “learning from history”, where the plague was about Jews poisoning wells, and comparing it to coronavirus.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

The entire modern medical Standard of Care of America and the West should be considered Talmudic. Installed to get money and to kill the best gentiles, as the Jewish holy books command.
Go to Lew Rockwell dot com and look up an older article by Lew: “Medical Control, Medical Corruption.”

This gives details about Rockefeller taking over American medicine with the aid of two Flexner brothers, Simon and Abraham. Meanwhile, the third Flexner, Bernie, was busy helping found the Council on Foreign Relations! Were the Flexner brothers the original Three Stooges, or what? (!)

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

This plague came to the US in the same manner as AIDS did from Africa; this makes three plagues from the same continent: AIDS, Obama, and Monkey Pox. Looks like a pattern to me.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Sure. And through homosexuals to boot.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Conservatives are criticizing Fox News for airing a segment in honor of Pride month about a biological girl who started identifying as a boy at 5-years-old.

#1 Fox News isn’t Conservative
#2 Conservatives couldn’t protect women’s restrooms
#3 Conservative movements are full of “Conservatives”
#4 Actual Right wing movements are not allowed

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

According to the monthly Democracy Institute tracker poll for, a survey of 1,500 likely voters from across the US, the Republicans will win both Houses of Congress easily in the crucial midterm elections amid fury over President Joe Biden’s “inept” rule from the White House.

Obama lost 63 seats in 2010. If Biden doesn’t lose significantly beyond 63 seats this time around under far worse conditions than 2010, then you will know that massive fraud is now normalized and ALL elections are fake. Also, look forward to Stacy Abrams as governor of Georgia, at this point it’s just comical.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
2 years ago

A comment regarding your potential sponsor, FinancialTrends: Their site is hard to skim because zero-information pictures crowd out the interesting text. Suggest they reduce the pictures by half and double the text.
Regarding your work here: It is a Godly effort. Do not discount the value you are creating. Ignore the calls to locate on another platform; follow Vox Day’s and Andrew Torba’s leads to independence. Everything could or will be destroyed, and our only hope is to be one of the last elements standing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Steven Keaton is correct on both accounts – FinancialTrends and this site.
I know nothing about website/server technology. However I started looking at Jim Stone due to a few folks on this site, and if he is to be believed, he’s made himself fairly resilient to being cancelled.
If “They” pull the plug on the internet (or at least our side), can we still reach this site? If so, how?
Apologies if you’ve already addressed this, but I’m guessing there are others like me who will want to still come here if most everything is down.
Thank you again for all you do. It is not in vain. God bless you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Sorry, to be clear, I didn’t mean the entire internet going dark. Just your site being cancelled/disappeared.
Jim Stone says he has multiple different servers, in different locations all over the world, and he provides a direct number address to type/paste to get to his site.
My understanding is this direct number address is to circumvent an outright ban. But he goes on about the different servers as insurance against any provider and/or government cancelling him (and somehow this direct number address for his site is helpful for this too???).
Again, totally ignorant on servers and websites. Just hoping you find a way to hold out to the bitter end. If his strategy is legit, and you have set up something like this, please share the direct number address (I know there is a name for it other than my dopey “direct number address”, I just cannot recall at the moment).
If the internet went down in the sense news sources were cut off, yes, you could no longer aggregate. However, this site could still be a semi-trusted place for folks to share their local happenings, news, information, etc. Semi-trusted because this world is fake and gay.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  mel
2 years ago

“…My understanding is this direct number address is to circumvent an outright ban. But he goes on about the different servers as insurance against any provider and/or government cancelling him (and somehow this direct number address for his site is helpful for this too???)….”

I’m hardly a genius but the questions about the numerical address vs the named address are easily answered.

The numerical address is exactly the same as a telephone number. It’s allocated to a specific place and if you put it in it will take you there providing the there’s not some sort of super State attack going on.

The named address, like, is exactly like the phone book for telephone numbers. If you want a number you look up the name, and it gives you the number. In this case it’s done automatically by several Domain Name Servers(DNS). You search or type on a name and the DNS loook sup the name, ties it too a number and connects you to the numerical address of the site. I suspect having a DNS they keep track of everything you look up. So knowing the actual number is much better as you skip the DNS altogether.

The way they were blocking people was the DNS’s were getting together and refusing to pass on the numerical address. In may cases, the numerical address was hosted on the same system as the DNS. Like GoDaddy or Google or something like that so they wiped not only the name but the numerical address also.

I wonder sometimes if I should even write stuff like this. Vox Days admonition that halfwits, that’s me. Should not always chime in to tell people things. On the other hand there seemed to be some confusion that could readily cleared up with a few paragraphs.


Reply to  mel
2 years ago

You meant redundancy… Similar to how Vox’s site had a back up waiting in the wings for when blogspot finally pulled the plug. Being “anti-fragile” means having a backup of the site handy (offline locally perhaps, and definitely stored on an alternate hosting location, ready to go live)

Having an IP address handy mostly is if the domain is seized/cancelled. You can usually visit (or whatever it is) or add that to your local hosts file (search for details) and avoid domain lookup (which is similar to asking the operator for a number given a name… Versus having their number already)

I’d say “in case of downtime/outage”, I’d look at timeless authors (your loyal readers should all get accounts there, but expect most won’t) for news/info from you.

As with the recent reader who had his WordPress site removed, depending on private hosting is best, but these days, too many companies are subject to complaint pressure, so having a few would be insurance.

Each thing above requires funds and/or time. I wish you luck on the funding approach you are taking…
Personally I’d still suggest a donation approach. Value for Value, as the guys at NoAgenda podcast put it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

You’re more than welcome.

But I’d suggest being prepared to regroup several places like Free Republic, Gab, and others as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If the Internet “goes down”, it’s unlikely that the telephone system would still work either, as most of it is digitized nowadays.
What you are talking about used to be called a BBS – Bulletin Board System. Back then the phone system was still analogue, and two computers would “talk” to each other across a phone line with modems.
Also, for that you would need to give out an actual phone number, which is not so anonymous.

Reply to  FrankNorman
2 years ago
Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Steven Keaton
2 years ago

I agree about reducing the image size, but not about adding text.
Also, regarding Home Depot, I wonder if the reverse is true: Does a company (Kroger, for example) have the right to force employees to wear non-work-related political materials such as gay pride badges?

Reply to  Steven Keaton
2 years ago

I agree with AC; good advice.

2 years ago

Qatar? Let’s combine three different bits of information:

The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom.

Al Jazeera is the state-owned Arabic-language international radio broadcaster of Qatar.

Mike Cernovich’s film Blood Money accuses Qatar of infiltrating US media and using the threat of hacking to intimidate journalists.

Cernovich’s film could be 100% true, but it still looks a lot like “don’t look over there, look over here!”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

correct. also tie in john allen’s situation. and perhaps everett stern going after flynn etc. / oded yinon goes on! get qatar to then get iran?

2 years ago

“Watch the Wives” Dept., Hugh Jackman edition

An adoptive mother of two, Furness is known for her work assisting orphans globally and streamlining international adoptions […] In 2014, Deborra-Lee Furness was named as the New South Wales Australian of the Year for her work in adoption campaigning.

This is a physically unnatural pairing. She is not pregnant in these photos. Just as bad as Brosnan’s wife.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Attractive man with dumpy wife. HOMO/BEARD confirmed.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Beard and handler…

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Brosnan’s wife was absolutely stunning at the time of their marriage.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
2 years ago

The “FBI” sticker is actually Abolish FBI, a parody of Abolish ICE.

2 years ago

The sticker on the Patriot Front’s bullhorn said Abolish FBI. Great journalism from Gateway Pundit once again.

2 years ago

When Stacey Abrams ran for governor of Georgia in 2018, she lost to current Gov. Brian Kemp (R) by a narrow margin, but now Abrams and a team of grassroots organizations registered more than 800,000 new voters, turning Georgia blue for the first time in decades in the 2020 election.

Georgia’s 2020 population was 10,711,908; its population in 2022 is 10,936,299, 2018 it was 10,297,484. That 800,000 new registrations is improbable.

Last edited 2 years ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
2 years ago

Do those pop numbers include illegals?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Bonaventure
2 years ago

Unknown; but that 800,000 sure as hell does.

2 years ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asserted that the world should have an answer on his country’s membership in the EU a mere week-and-a-half.

WWIII by July/August?

Reply to  teotoon
2 years ago

NATO doesn’t want any part of the Russians. How could they fight a war against Russia if they have no oil, no natural gas to keep their industries running, no titanium to build modern planes, and can’t even grow enough of basic foods like wheat and corn? No fertilizer. WWIII may start somewhere, but it won’t be in Europe.

2 years ago

AC, you’re starting to sound like Jim Hoft and that worries me. That sticker on the megaphone, just like the placards that PF has placed around various States obviously says ABOLISH FBI. Just a modicum of homework would have shown you that. Never go full Jim Hoft.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Below is a link with a picture of an ABOLISH FBI sticker on a street sign along with a PF America First sticker. Gab is currently in a civil war over this issue with every MAGA boomer and tons of bot accounts pointing a finger of accusation at these young men yelling “FEDS!” ad nauseam. (do a hashtag search for patriotfront to see what I mean).
Guess that’s what you get when you try to stand up; burnt by both sides as everyone scrambles to DR3 the other guy to show what smart boys & girls they think they are.
Please don’t think this is personal towards you as I am a loyal AC’er, having read your book and visit this site first thing in the morning for over 6 years now. I come to learn and to try and not fall into despair but I have to be honest, this lack of discernment and knee jerk reactions from people ostensibly on “our” side is a huge blackpill.
Final comment: Jim Hoft is a sodomite Israeli adjacent gatekeeper and EVERYTHING that comes off of Gateway Pundit should be scrutinized.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago
Video of the cop says 33 in Van but only 31 arrested, so at least 2 were informants or worse.

The way it looks: it was planned. 100% fake? 80% fake… Heck, 25% fake? It’s still all fake.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Their Telegram channel is almost nothing except countless photos of their successful placing of stickers, posters, and banners, all over the continental United States, by local members and chapters. Surely many or most of these operations were observed by the surveillance.
If there’s the smallest chance they are legit, wouldn’t this be a watershed opportunity to educate them on the surveillance network. Is their a brief-but-thorough summary of the whole surveillance issue, or even a bullet list with some talking points? This could be sent to them or, even if they are bogus, spread among their fans and also detractors in platforms like Telegram.
Could be a great opportunity to get the word out.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Scruffy
2 years ago

Also, re PF, people on Telegram we’re complaining that while they didn’t think the group was a fed up, they worked that it lacked “ideology” and was wasting time engaged in useless theatrics and political talk.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The biggest tell on Patriot Front (to me) other than the odd symbols is that they were driving moving vans full of people in and out of DC and not getting arrested or hassled for that. I would guess that a non connected group trying this would get all sorts of moving violations/fines for doing this – but maybe all sorts of groups are transporting people via uhaul without issues

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

What a weird argument at the link. It is obviously an abolish FBI sticker while patriot front is obviously a fed op.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Really? You can read that from the photo in that tweet? How about posting a better quality photo since you seen so sure.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

otoh maybe they have the “abolish fbi” sticker so they can stay in character and further the psy op…

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

He’s a busy guy, cut him some slack. The true value of the site is the headlines and the comments like yours to double check the work. There’s going to be some misses here and there.

2 years ago

Patriot Front member was arrested in Idaho carrying a megaphone marked with “FBI” on it. 

There’s a suggestion that the sticker says “ABOLISH FBI”. Plausible but unconfirmable from the photos they have.
If you’re accused of being a glowie, don’t have anything with the name of your supposed glogency on it, even if it’s a protest thing.

2 years ago

Re: Red flag tweet:
thinnest upper lip ever. And that’s WITH the lipstick.

2 years ago

California church’s first openly transgender bishop resigns after being branded racist for firing Puerto Rican pastor while wearing bullet proof vest and threatening to call the police on congregants.

Dear Lutherans: Please consult 1 Timothy:

This is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. Moreover he must have a good testimony among those who are outside, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

One reason I can’t be a pastor is that word ‘hospitable’. All the words matter. Hospitable means, I would gather, the sort of guy who happily has visitors in his house, and frequently has visitors for dinner. Its not the sort of person who looks balefully at someone at the front door, and wishes they would go away like I would.
If you’re ‘get off my lawn’ person, you probably should not be a pastor.
And if you’re a girl, you’re NOT a pastor, just like Joe Biden is not a President.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Its part of it, but it can be learned/trained as well. Hospitable in our house means that you get invited in, you get some food and wine, and in a couple of hours, you go home.

(I’m well familiar with 1 timothy 3, since I was just examined for deacon last month and elected recently. To be ordained shortly.)

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Awesome. Sending prayers of blessing for your new ministry.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“And if you’re a girl, you’re NOT a pastor, just like Joe Biden is not a President.“

As a girl busy raising babies, it is an enormous relief to not have an obligation to preach.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Preach to your babies, like every mother should.

2 years ago

> President Joe Biden will announce Friday new pan-American migration pipelines into Americans’ workplaces, housing, and markets

If Biden’s handlers succeed at crashing both the food production and supply chains, we’ll need those “migrants” as feedstock for the Soylent Green factories.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

otoh, cabal thinks the migrants need US as feedstock…

2 years ago

> Plans by the city of Houston to require businesses to install surveillance cameras – and then give police access – has drawn a warning letter from a second civil-rights organization.

Didn’t stop other cities from doing it already. Sending a letter and a press release brings the problem to light, but they courts are happy with it. The only way it’s *not* going to happen is if a bill gets passed banning it… and then, only if the courts decide to hear lawsuits based on it.

One of the things that became clear recently, that wasn’t mentioned when I took Business Law long ago, is that the courts pick and choose what cases they will hear, and if they reject yours – they don’t have to provide a reason – you’ve been unilaterally denied even the attempt to get justice or restitution.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Houston is just a strange place, in abstract. The mayor had an idea that all the sermons at each church needed to be sent to the government for wrong-think. Now this, the surveillance cameras. This, in a city where 25%of the population is estimated to be illegal immigrants- they came out of hiding when some hurricane hit. There’s not much land regulation- you can have a mansion next to a factory next to a slum next to a shopping mall.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

> There’s not much land regulation- you can have a mansion next to a factory next to a slum next to a shopping mall.

That’s a horror most cities implement Planning or Zoning Commissions to prevent, but I spent a lot of time in Colorado Springs, where that wasn’t a thing, at least in the early 1990s.

There would be some houses, a strip mall, some houses, a grocery store, some houses, a factory, some houses, a restaurant, some houses, an auto repair shop, some houses… all jumbled up. There were some housing projects, obviously done by developers, but they’d still have odd businesses interlaced with the houses.

I thought it was just fine. You could fine a place to live near where you worked, or near places you went to often. I found it very convenient. All the residents I talked to were happy with it.

The city has grown a lot since then, and I suspect the influx of Californicators has had its effect.

One of the interesting things about Springs was that the urban traffic wasn’t bad, even at rush hour. People didn’t have as far to drive, and Springs lacked the traffic choke points other cities have, with all the workplaces, stores, and houses separated from each other.

But otherwise, strict zoning seems to be baked in to the urban mindset, or at least the bureaucratic mindset.

2 years ago

> Americas Got Talent has a singer sing, while Deepfake AI software superimposed another person’s face in theirs behind them on screen. 

Everyone knows Jurassic Park and The Andromeda Strain, but Michael Crichton also did one called “Looker” way back in 1981. It was “one step into the future” tech then, but it’s off-the-shelf software now. James Coburn played the bad guy; his explanation of how they intended to exploit the technology to affect political debates in real time was particularly interesting.

Crichton went to Harvard Medical School and got his MD. While he was in school he wrote half a dozen decent-selling novels. Still bored, he signed up for “computer graphics”, which back then was mostly calculus. He decided the workplace politics of being a doctor at a large hospital were bullshit, so he went off to Hollywood and began writing and directing movies as well as writing a bunch more novels, many of which hit the best-seller lists.

His accomplishments were so over-the-top and unlikely it’s easy to suspect help, but he seems to have gone his own way, even in Hollywood and publishing.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

His Novel “State of fear” calling out the Globule warming scam was good, especially the authors notes at the end.

Why politicised science is damgerous.

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 years ago

I can’t get over him calling eugenics a pseudoscience…

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

It’s probably safe to argue that Crichton’s literary career was something put together at Langley.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago


Mathis on Crichton…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…Crichton’s literary career was something put together at Langley…”

It’s obvious the little girls on the CIA controlled Olympic gymnast are involved. No doubt. In order to raise his grades, the little gymnast girls would leap up, break into offices, crack the tests answer sheets and give them to him. It’s all become so clear to me after map and miles mathis comittiee clued us in to the CIA gymnast girls.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The MMC strikes again!!

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago


Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Still, Mathis is right about the gymnast girls.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“Light Ocular Oriented Kinetic Emotive Device” I believe. LOOKER. As with most things Chrichton, ahead of it’s time. Albert Finney was in it. Maybe Susan Dey as well. It’s been awhile but I remember it as a good movie.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Ahem. Susan Dey *naked*. Pretty hot stuff for 1981.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Can I keep pointing out that Miles Mathis is using only the information he finds on the internet. There is information that is not on the Internet. The internet is also not correct, even in databases of basic things like family genealogies. Miles Mathis might be correct on some things, on some things he is flat wrong, and some things he is asking us to live in a house of cards.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Mathis picks internet sources because these are the sources people will migrate to when they need casual information. For that reason, all such sources, like Wikipedia, are maintained at Langley. Moreover, public databases have very accurate information about you.

For this reason, when information is, oddly, missing, then that is a clue as to what is really going on.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

Let’s hope the MMC wears gloves for all the source material they pull out of their ass.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

“…Can I keep pointing out that Miles Mathis is using only the information he finds on the internet….”

Well you can point that out all you want but in fact he just prints up a pile of stinking mindless gobbledygook and fecal muck.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago
2 years ago

If white-hats are truly running things, shouldn’t the Dobbs decision be released the week before the 4th of July, for maximum effect? Nothing says something’s wrong like activists razing downtown to the ground over 4 July weekend because Satan’s not going to get his quota of baby murders.

2 years ago

> Brookings
Brookings is a theoretically private corporation, created in 1916, to analyze data and help form Federal policies. They are “private” so this work could be hidden from the public record and the rest of the Fed.

If you read much about Cold War espionage, Brookings shows up repeatedly. It was the #1 target for KGB infiltration.

Rand Corporation was similar, except it was very public. Brookings isn’t exactly secret, but it was almost never mentioned in the media.

2 years ago

> NYPD on pace to quit, retire in record numbers.

Before Second City Cop went offline, it reported in detail how there were two almost entirely separate Chicago police departments. You had the patrolmen, who were the lowest-level schmucks, and then you had the desk cops, who got hired outside normal HR process, fast-tracked through the academy, and almost never worked the street. They were by far the largest group.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Interesting, as all cop entertainment seems to heavily push the “you can only be a detective / etc after years and years of being a beat cop” angle.

Could be more social programming via seniority argument to make people not question why idiots get promoted over qualified people.

2 years ago

> Conservatives are criticizing Fox News for airing a segment in honor of Pride month a

Some people still believe Fox is conservative. They’re part of the leftist mass media stucture and don’t even really try to hide it much. And remember, they were one of the first to declare there was no election fraud, and Biden is the One True President, even before all the votes were counted.

2 years ago

> Biden foundation promoted transgenderism for 18-month-old babies, drag shows for kids.

Everyone who is surprised, raise your hand.

Anyone? Beuller?

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Can’t help thinking there is an entitiy behind the scenes controlling humans, or at least trying to, that’s actually hermaphrodite. Are they priming humans for when they come out of the closet and show us their physical presence? Maybe something like, “old Greg” or a type of intergalactic space slug?

Reply to  highangelhell
2 years ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  highangelhell
2 years ago

If you spend any time looking at evidence from various “Transvestigstion” people and channels you can see and download graphics, comparisons, and charts, as well as many examples of “inverted couples,” stars, politicians, athletes, models, porn sears, etc. BIG takeaway is that the FTM trannies are just as common as are the MTF group AND the evidence is irrefutable, once it includes more than one or two anomalies.
The two sexes have different skulls, shoulders, arm alignment and length, clavicals, necks, tracheas, chests, mid-sections, navels, hips, pelvic tilts, knee angles, gaits,, fingers, faces, eye depth and separation, and more.

Suppose you put one MTF trannie into a fashion Catalog with real female models. The trans will stick out like a sore thumb. So you must use all trannies in the publication. Same goes for a ball team.
A huge level of social control and organization is needed to pull all of this off. Can you say, “breakaway civilization?’

For me, the most mind blowing thing is the difference in gaits, with real males walking with feet side by side, and women walking with one for in front of the other, causing the typical sashaying movement of the hips. This one is so easy to spot, but you were looking at her chest and rear end, weren’t you!

This difference is caused by something, believe it or not, known as the “Q” angle. “Watch the wives,” indeed!

Women’s knees point out when descending stairs, while male knees face straight ahead.

AC, this is wide spread enough that these people could very well constitute a large enough group to make up a good part of your surveillance network.

Telegram “Transvestigation” channel is the best reference I can give. I ferst saw it about a week ago. Much more fact-dense than the woman who used to be on YouTube.
So is LeBron James a FTM trannie? Were Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch MTF’s? How about the person playing the sexy daughter in “Tobacco Road!”
Did anyone here grow up Lusting after Mrs. Peel? Yikes!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Diana Rigg / Emma Peel

This is bad, and that man-woman was advertised as feminine grace. At the end, Rigg (as in ‘rigged’?) admits to weird parenting behavior I’ve never heard anyone talk about doing.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thanks! Yes, bad. in fact, it’s even worse when you think about what it takes to pull it all off, and who would need to know and approve.
Maybe you are familiar with the “Subliminal Seduction” series of books. There were at least two or three. The author made a pretty airtight case. Yes, the stuff is in there. No, it can’t be coincidence. Most people thought it couldn’t possibly be real, based upon how wide the network would need to be. In a word, it would take a network every bit as wide as the network that’s been seeding trannies into Hollywood productions, stage shows, fashioned catalogs, etc., for so many decades. And of course, it’s the same people: the Amish!

2 years ago

> WaPo – Ukraine is running out of ammunition as prospects dim on the battlefield.

Well, they’re not getting any of mine!

The American ammunition and components industry used “suppling the military for its work in Afghanistan is taking all of our production capacity for two decades. Yet supplies of everything are just as tight as before Biden ordered our guys to abandon their stuff and slink home. Where is the new ammo? Or is the Fed still buying, and sending it to the Taliban?

2 years ago

> Breakthrough vaccine could help cure pancreatic cancer – patients remain cancer-free 18 months later.

Even if that’s all you got, and you dropped dead at the beginning of the 19th month, that’s still a hell of an accomplishment.

Pancreatic cancer is stealthy and isn’t usually detected until it’s fully metastasized; by the time things get bad, the patient finds a doc, goes through oncology tests, and the lab results come back, they’re usually down to weeks, maybe a couple of months, before the end.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Ditto. I’ve known three people with pancreatic cancer, and the longest any of them lasted was 14 weeks.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I was talking to a GP and his mother does TCM (she’s been doing it for 30+yrs and originally from China), she sent one of her patients over to him because she said something was ‘off’ about him…turns out the guy had pancreatic cancer! Sent the guy to MD Anderson and they caught it early enough that it’s in complete remission (basically cured!)

Reply to  whiteguy
2 years ago

Good for him!

2 years ago
2 years ago

Patriot Front member was arrested in Idaho carrying a megaphone marked with “FBI” on it. 

So “Abolish the FBI” is supposed to be the right’s version of “Abolish the Police”, I’m guessing? And now we have ShutDownDC just coincidently happening during the Jan6 hearings…

As Shakespeare noted, all the worlds a stage. And LARPs are only plays within the play, at the end of the day. Each the other’s audience….

Forget about guns, we should be arming ourselves with rotten tomatoes.  

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

I just want to say that I really appreciate your perspective. You run on a different wavelength than most here (oriented more toward symbolism/semiotics than just pattern recognition) and your posts are highly insightful to me because they’re at an “extradimensional right angle” to my thought processes. To me, this is much more helpful than that “Decoding Symbols” site, which to me is smells of gobbledygook red herring due to inordinate complexity versus insightful decoding. I’ve begun to be repelled that site kind of like how Sam J. is toward Miles Matthis.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Sam J is not the only one who thinks the MMC is full of it.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

I think so too. But Sam J just has that distinctive lovable Alex Jones-rant style.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

“…“Decoding Symbols” site, which to me is smells of gobbledygook red herring….”

Yeah read a bunch of that it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and to what end I have no idea nor do I have the patience to find out.

I’m not quite as repelled because I don’t see where he’s outright lying, but that may be because there’s no way I could gather the enthusiasm to research any of it.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
2 years ago

Rotten tomatoe guns?

Reply to  highangelhell
2 years ago

It is called a slingshot…

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Q is waiting for you to stop asking that question.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

That makes no sense.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

It actually does make sense. The idea(from another Dave) is Q doesn’t want people to hold them accountable. Thus he’s waiting for you to stop asking what he’s waiting for.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

That makes no more sense than the Operation Trust nonsense.

Q clearly exists and is an enemy to the current order.
The question is how much of a friend is Q to us the common man and what outcome he wants.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

“….That makes no more sense than the Operation Trust nonsense….”

You have it completely backwards as Operation Trust makes exactly the same sense as why Q would want you to stop asking him to actually do something other than,”…decodeder ring set, mark5,,,,ninier,ninier:COMS on loud, miltary planes lofting, check check”

And then…nothing. Not a damn thing. Just like that Jew traitor Steve Pieczenik who said, “we have everything. we’re setting them up. They will all be in jail”, and nothing, not a damn thing.
Steve Pieczenik is a 100% example of why I told AC you just can not trust any of them. He said all the right things. Was in all the right places. Seemed to know a lot of what was going on. Well he did because unless someone can convince me differently, Steve Pieczenik IS Q. He’s the guy running the operation. The things he said were almost exactly the same his manner of speech is the same, it’s him, and he fucked us. Never forget that all the safeguards he said were there have never showed. Ever. Not even slightly.
How anyone can believe at this point that Q or the military iOS going to save us…I don’t get. I mean if the military was going to save us wouldn’t a better time have been right after 9-11 when the Jews blew up our buildings in the middle 0f New York. Surely they can’t all be so stupid as to have missed that one fell the same speed as if only air held it up and it wasn’t even hit by a plane.

I need to stop commenting so much or maybe all together. I feel sometimes like I’m talking to Briar rabbits tar baby.

2 years ago

Finland won’t join NATO without Sweden.

This wins “most adorable“ headline of the day

2 years ago

If the Monkeypox currently circulating in the U.S. spreads to rats, hamsters, or gerbils, and becomes endemic in those species, there might be no easy way to contain it. If it is in gays, there may be no easy way to contain it.

A mass extermination campaign against the vermin comes to mind.

2 years ago

Mexico’s migration agency has issued nearly 7,000 temporary documents and transit visas over the last few days to members of a migrant caravan.

And that is why we are going to use them for a dumping ground for any surviving leftists after the inevitable civil war.
They are a hostile enemy power.
They are also a failed state already anyway.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

The problem is Mexico is in a deep alliance with America’s Catholics (the heart of Cabal) in the war against white protestants. You’ll notice that Catholic church organizations are highly involved in transporting immigrants in from Latin America, and putting them into jobs working for Catholic owned operations that work to undercut Protestant owned businesses that employ Americans.

This war has been going on for a long, long time.

So I’ll agree that Mexico is the enemy. The problem is a substantial number of powerful Americans view them as their ally against the rest of America.

2 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

They published arrest photos but how do we know those photos match the people in that image of them on the ground. We don’t. This is why people like us are skeptics and the sheep won’t wake up anyway.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

In one of the videos, a cop and protestor are shown, and the cop is removing the protestors mask, I believe before searching him. I will look and see if I can find it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

At 3:40, mask removed, and video shows others with masks removed. It looks like they were processed one at a time, and masks removed.
Also in this video:

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I would generally agree, but the police could be under standing coofer orders to not remove masks because of the super deadly threat of ‘rona, obviously.

All depends on who is staffing both sides of this. Cabal cops might be braindead enough to follow a dumbass cabal mask-worship order, cabal arrestees might be protected from identification, etc. Too many unknowns to form a solid conclusion.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Okay, Heh?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Ex-Guerrilla Columbian Presidential Contender Gustavo Petro Declares War On Domestic Oil And Coal

Okay, I get demonizing foreign energy if you are part of the climate cult, but this is a surefire way to end up as a political trivia question on a gameshow:

Q: “This foolhardy fellow thought it was a GOOD idea to peddle financial ruin as a way of getting elected?”

A: “Who is Gustavo Petro.”

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Who WAS Gustavo Petro

2 years ago

France: Virtual Tie in Legislative Elections Leaves Macron’s Domestic Policy Agenda in Limbo

2 years ago

Idaho Satanic Temple drops out of ‘family-friendly’ Pride Month event after offering ‘unbaptisms’

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

So it turns out that an #Americafirst ‘tradcath’ was the one who called the cops on Patriot Front. Solely out of a sense of political rivalry. Then he gloated about it. Very reminiscent of certain other #americafirst supporters mass reporting their right-wing political rivals to Twitter & YouTube to get them banned.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

Look at that face:

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Catholics are cabal. It’s really that simple.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

He screams “leave me alone with your kids”. Did he get the black eye treatment on his left eye? It looks jacked up.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

Hard to tell about the eye from that picture but you may be right.

2 years ago

UK Metropolitan Police Block Freedom of Information Request About Two Sitting U.S. Senators Who Met With Jeffrey Epstein in 2002, Cite “National Security”