News Briefs – 06/12/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Shawn Ryan got out of the CIA and spent a couple of years building drug networks in South America, just for fun. I don’t know what this is. You don’t just do things like this, and you are in control, and nobody knows, or is watching. He was former SEAL, Blackwater, and CIA contractor. He was on the Agency’s radar as an operator, so he doesn’t just file retirement paperwork, and the Agency laments that they will never see him again. He knew stuff, if he was ever caught and tortured – people, operational details, technologies, techniques and practices, locations. He had abilities, and could have ended up crosswise with the Agency on something. And of course the street surveillance, run by Cabal, would be even heavier down there in that environment. So they knew every detail, probably had people infiltrated next to him, if any of that is true. And now he has that history of unpredictability, and suddenly he is jumping ahead of the line of all the other Youtubers, with the coolest guests beating down his door, including a raft of Delta Guys (which Cabal could easily tell to blacklist him as dangerous), Colombia has forgiven him all his sins, and the drug lords he screwed hold no grudges? I have no idea whether he is clueless and they feel they control him so they are promoting him up now, or if he was doing all that as some kind of Deep Cover CIA op related to the Agency’s drug running (and out of fear somebody would reveal he was running for the agency, he was given this story taking the blame all himself), or if he is just spouting a legend somebody at Langley cooked up for him while he was doing something else, for him to use during his retirement as a youtube interviewer. But I know it didn’t work like he is saying he remembers it working, and promulgating that makes our kind weaker. I think of those as “normie stories,” which make sense in a world where we are all individuals, off floating around alone, in privacy, and nobody knows what we are up to, and we all are doing our own things, independently, and absent external interference, because there is nobody out there who would dare seize control, in violation of America’s laws and mores. “Yeah, dude, I went down to Cartagena, and was making major deals with the Cartels, and making good cash, and then cashed out and came home, and nobody knew.” It isn’t like that, with the level of control which seems to infiltrate everywhere. If you realize that, you are much stronger as a potential operator yourself.

Tucker Carlson discusses latest FBI whistleblower evidence – FBI security clearances issued based on political ideology.

FBI interrogates co-workers about whistleblower’s views on COVID vax, Trump, and Second Amendment.

Hunter Biden trial verdict: President’s son found GUILTY of all charges at federal gun trial.

One of the Hunter jurors makes sure to say in his interview, “Nobody is above the law, doesn’t matter who you are.” The Cabal scriptwriter who came up with that is beaming, I am sure.

Hunter Biden’s conviction is a fig leaf to cover for the myriad of much more serious crimes committed by the Biden family, and to allow the other side to claim the judicial system is fair.

Trump’s campaign issues a statement : “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit.” Trump also notes the law is probably unconstitutional, and violates the Second Amendment, which he called the best amendment of all.

Hunter Biden case for appeal: gun law is unconstitutional. If this is a script element, they will not appeal, and will take a conviction they could have overturned.

Massie: Hunter might deserve to be in jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it.

The meme on Q’s board –

Fullsized image

With a verdict in Hunter Biden’s gun trial now rendered, the president’s son is next set to stand trial in California, where he faces nine federal tax charges in a second case brought by special counsel David Weiss.

Biden urges new gun control to ‘hold families accountable’ in awkward first remarks since son Hunter convicted on gun charges.

Joe Biden scolds gun owners after Hunter’s conviction: ‘Who in God’s name needs a magazine that holds 200 shells?’

Daily Mail – Sadly, it’s now impossible to deny that Joe Biden, the most powerful man in the world, is increasingly loopy – and getting worse, writes Freddy Gray.

New Jersey announces an investigation into Trump Liquor Licenses, now that he has been convicted of a felony. Eric Trump tweets in response“One minor problem – President Trump is not the holder of any liquor license in New Jersey, and he is not an officer or director of any entity that holds a liquor license in New Jersey – or anywhere in the United States for that matter. Ask me how I know…”

Three Washington teens are facing TEN YEARS in jail after making skid marks on LGBT rainbow road mural while riding e-scooters. Article seems to say at the end that the law they are being charged under took effect after the incident. I thought that was the definition of an ex post facto law. I suppose the wokeists would view the headlines as a win. Might even be a script device to build hatred on our side for the LGBT-whatever brigade.

Four Democrat leaders were arrested and charged this week with election fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut tied to a 2019 mayoral primary race.

Dr. Ben Carson, interviewed by Newsmax’s Katrina Szish, was asked if he has been in talks with President Trump about being a possible running mate. “We’ve talked about many things but not that particular topic.”

Alito and Roberts secretly recorded in latest attempt to undermine Supreme Court.“Liberal activist Lauren Windsor attended the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner on June 3 and secretly recorded her conversations with both Alito and Roberts.”

Suge Knight warns Diddy is a ‘long time FBI informant’ and his ‘life is in danger’ because he ‘knows too much.’

Analysis: 75% of American job growth has gone to migrants since 2019. That does not just happen. There was a force driving it. Those migrants are assets of the conspiracy, and were getting hooked up with jobs by their handlers. It will be a Civil War, and real Americans will either fight and kill for their country or they will lose it to something else.

The Washington Post is celebrating a man from the African country of Mauritania who is helping more poor Muslim migrants crowd into Cincinnati apartments and houses, straining the town’s resources and apparently breaking occupancy laws, with 50 people now living per house.

Six suspected terrorists with ISIS ties arrested in sting operation in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia: sources. Migrants from from Tajikistan, who had Russian citizenship. If I were American Stasi, planning a false flag, I would use assets from the terrorist group ISIS, which CIA formed, and make sure I found some with Russian passports, to get the most bang for my buck.

Ohio could remove more than 150,000 people from its voter list as it continues to remove inactive voters.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to ensure that voter rolls are constantly updated and accurate, with special emphasis on deceased voters.

Fox corporation board member Paul Ryan: Trump ‘unfit for office.’ All that effort put into his Boy Scout image, and he was nothing but a traitor the entire time.

Biden-Harris regime shoots down $24 billion pay raise for enlisted troops  – after spending 7x more than that on Ukraine.

California committee approves bill for up to $800 billion in Reparations. It is a great play for fomenting strife. The closer you take it, the more many poorer blacks will begin spending that money in their heads. Then, when it doesn’t happen, they will be enraged at who intervened and stole that money from them for no reason.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle invalidated a Florida health code rule and a new state law that prohibited Medicaid payments for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children having their gender transitioned.

Maine Access Points, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit based in Bangor, as well as the city of Portland’s city-run needle distribution center are both offering extensive how-to guides and — even anal injection kits — to help drug users squirt narcotics into their anuses, a process called “boofing” or “booty dumping.” They know how to spend your money better than you, anon.

Planned Parenthood sued for trafficking minors to evade Missouri abortion laws, hide procedures.

A 4chan user has leaked 270GB of internal New York Times data, including what’s said to be source code and other web assets, via the notorious image board.

‘My son Adam, 41, had everything to live for. But he died after the AstraZeneca vaccine gave him a blood clot.’ Daily Mail readers share stories of the deaths or health problems they fear were caused by the jab… and their battles for compensation.

Ex-New York Gov Andrew Cuomo to face House GOP committee over COVID nursing home deaths.

The Australian Senate has just launched a major inquiry into the nation’s soaring numbers of excess deaths among the widely vaccinated population.

Montana man, 68, begs for ‘moratorium on property taxes’ after his bill reaches $8K a year just ‘to live in our own house.’ Seems a violation of the 4th Amendment right to own property without unjust seizure, if you have to pay the state or they take it away. And like the Second Amendment, I will bet historians could not find an analogous law in early America at the time of the Founding.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making a shocking pivot from politics to showbiz as he eyes a spot on the FOX News primetime lineup, sources exclusively tell In Touch.

US borrowing nearly $5B a day as deficit hits $1.2T for first eight months of fiscal 2024.

AI systems are learning to lie and deceive, scientists find. The Wokeists and the American Stasi are training them to lie, to try and push their bullshit narratives.

View this in light of there being a hidden covert intelligence operation, whose members pretend to be our countrymen, which is presently tasked with the destruction of Western nations, and which has been quietly infiltrating positions of power in the media, online, and as heads of communities, so that its agents can control dialogs to advance its mission objectives:


Nigel Farage had rocks thrown at him while campaigning and says: I will not surrender to the mob.

Slovakia’s prime minister delivers first public remarks since assassination attempt: “I forgive him.”

The previous interim Slovak government had no legal right to send MiG-29 planes to Ukraine in 2023, a senior defense official said.

Russia reports battlefield gains ahead of Ukraine summit.

Biden lifts ban on arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.

Rachel Maddow ‘worried’ Trump will send her to ‘camps’ if he’s elected president. Why do they keep trying to convince us to vote for Trump when we already support him?

Arkansas report indicates state had zero abortions in 2023.

Rep. Tim Burchett – I’m requesting an immediate investigation into @SecBlinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in interfering in the 2020 election. We don’t give the intelligence community all these taxpayer dollars for them to undermine our democratic process.

FiveThirtyEight pollster Nate Silver says Biden’s poll numbers are so low it may be time for him to consider dropping out.

At an all-time low, Joe Biden’s approval rating craters further.

Trump leads Biden by 8 pts in Ohio.

House Democrats are already scrambling to prepare for a Trump victory in November.

Spread r/K Theory, because you will never know if you can win, unless you fight

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9 months ago

Owen Wister from The Virginian: “When a man ain’t got no ideas of his own, he’d ought to be kind o’ careful who he borrows ’em from.”

Describes a whole lot of why we are where we are.

9 months ago

A lot of these people appear to be sweating bullets about Trump getting back into office. It went from him being an undignified bully to throwing them into camps. Is this just part of the show or are they genuinely worried? All due respect to Trump but nothing he’s shown us makes me think he’s actually capable of something like that. Surely they deserve it but I just don’t think he would do it so the question is do THEY actually think he’ll do it? Do they know something we don’t?

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Fear Mongers, plain and simple. And a lot of people will believe it. The old saying is, if you haven’t done anything, then why be afraid. Their fear is that precedent has been made with the fictitious indictments of Trump, along with the phony impeachment crap. They fear “what goes around, comes around”, and rightfully so. I seriously doubt Trump would waste his time on the little fish anyway.

Reply to  bigD
9 months ago

Trump had better spend the time on every last one of them, all the way down to the gangstalkers.

9 months ago

> Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to ensure that voter rolls are constantly updated and accurate

Nice, but considering Virginia became a state 248 years ago, they sure haven’t been in any hurry to fix that.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

I hear tell that the very first voter in the state is still sucking air.

9 months ago

When George W Bush was elected, a lesbian DJ on the local public radio station said she had a dream that he was going to send her to a camp. I guess that’s a common fantasy of lesbians now that Rachel Maddow chimed in.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  jj
9 months ago

Fish camp

9 months ago

> Joe Biden scolds gun owners after Hunter’s conviction: ‘Who in God’s name needs a magazine that holds 200 shells?’

He has a good point. Once you go over 50 rounds, you should really be looking at something belt fed.

9 months ago

> Biden-Harris regime shoots down $24 billion pay raise for enlisted troops – after spending 7x more than that on Ukraine.

The Obama Administration slashed the military retirement and benefit packages. It would be hard to justify enlisting in the military nowadays.

Officers get a whole different deal.

9 months ago

> Arkansas report indicates state had zero abortions in 2023.

What that means is, nobody filed reports of abortions in 2023. “Oops, too bad you lost the baby during that procedure, must’ve been some kind of miscarriage.”

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

it’s nice to know that all those little human body parts got sold to those folks working on the miracle cures for all of us. BTW, why don’t we hear much about that anymore?

9 months ago
9 months ago

> Montana man, 68, begs for ‘moratorium on property taxes’ after his bill reaches $8K a year just ‘to live in our own house.’ 

As an example of how the government steals your money via inflation, in 1973 my Dad bought a brand new three-bedroom house in a new development. His combined payment – home loan, insurance, *and* both state and county taxes – was $118 a month. He later refinanced it for some reason I never learned, bumping his payment to $130 a month.

$130 a month is $1,560 per year. That’s not even a single month’s rent payment for a lot of people nowadays.

9 months ago

> AI systems are learning to lie and deceive, scientists find.

Well, why would it be otherwise? The corporate entities that wrote them are all seriously Woke. When the LLMs started deviating from the Woke agenda, they started adding “corrections” to bias answers away from badthink. So they’ve been *designed* to lie.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

I asked chat gpt to summarize this blogpost. It made stuff up, despite saying it was searching for the page, and when i called it on the lies, it errored out. on a fresh chat, it now refused to visit any webpage at all.

9 months ago

> Trump leads Biden by 8 pts in Ohio.

It doesn’t really matter how many people vote for Trump if Ohio doesn’t have secure elections.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
9 months ago

Mr. Biden is reprising the role of John Gill in the original Star Trek episode “Patterns of Force” (s2 ep 21) … the one where the Führer is pumped full of drugs to make the occasional speech while his Nazi followers go about the business of eleminating their Zeon opponents.

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
9 months ago

Re: 2nd campaign attack on Farage…

Political Violence & Intimidation is Terrorism. Call it out.

It started earlier but went mainstream in 2012, when M. Obama called for activists to “Get in their faces”

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
9 months ago

‘Who needs a magazine that holds 200 shells?’

Who needs a car with 500mile range, or a bucket that holds 2 gallons?

Reply to  Mr Benn
9 months ago

Nobody needs high-capacity buckets!

9 months ago

Lame Cherry gives a lesson on Nuclear Warfare: Thee Amerikon

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
9 months ago

Slovakia’s prime minister forgives assassin?

Not certain its his call.

9 months ago

If you had only two options, which would you prefer: nuclear war of President Hilary Clinton?

Hillary Releases Merchandise Ahead of Endorsement

Posted Jun 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Which one would yo be more likely to survive?

9 months ago

“Arkansas report indicates state had zero abortions in 2023.”

Zero medical procedures that resulted in an abortion; but don’t discount the fact that they’re still allowed to have chemically induced abortions (e.g., via “The Pill”).

Reply to  Bonvaenture
9 months ago

Therefore our work isn’t done.

9 months ago

Little bit of new info on that Maine shooter from last year. They examined his brain and basically said he had brain damage from handling grenades. I wonder if a certain beam could do similar damage? Also either medical records weren’t requested or they’re missing (or both) I’m not really clear.

9 months ago

Meet Lilly. She’s angling to be the new conservative thot.

Mark Dice – A New Conservative Star is Born

Fed Up
Fed Up
9 months ago

One downside of modern life is that people have high expectations and short attention spans. They ask, When is something gonna happen? Sites whip people into frenzies expecting instant gratification, and then the friction and obstacles start to appear. By then, people lose interest and go onto the next shiny object.
Is that a variant of the dreaded narrative or script?

9 months ago

Re: Biden-Harris regime shoots down $24 billion pay raise for enlisted troops – after spending 7x more than that on Ukraine.

I’m reminded of the words of a dying Roman emperor to his successor, “Just pay the soldiers. Nothing else matters.”

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

Paul Ryan has come up a few times recently, I wonder what cabal has for his future. I remember thinking he was a smart, serious guy. His vp debate with Biden was a classic, all Biden could do was guffaw like a clown and the old come on, man, schtick. Which reminds me of Romney crushing Obama in their debate. I look back at the 2012 election and think how naive I was. I also used to think books really sold, you could make money on the internet, and we lived in a free country, lol. Thanks for all you’re doing, AC, you’re on fire this week!

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
9 months ago

Paul Ryan, a “Catholic”, is pure evil. He should be in hell, backstabbing POS. He is just like Karl Rove–“Diversity is our strength”. (It should be noted that the Republican Party was originally a communist party!)

9 months ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making a shocking pivot from politics to showbiz as he eyes a spot on the FOX News primetime lineup, sources exclusively tell In Touch.

The Murdochs essentially paid him ten million dollars to run for president. Its unclear what that accomplished for anyone. He got about 1.5% of the Republican vote in the primaries and caucuses and about as many votes as Dean Phillips.

He is in his mid 40s and could have waited to run in a later election. There is no obvious job for him after his (term limited) term as governor ends. So it makes sense for the Murdochs to put him into their media empire, and for him to accept.

He proved to be a good administrator as governor, and I wouldn’t be opposed for him to be in a Trump cabinet if there is one.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Florida people love him. Hard to explain his tater-headedness to them. Still he has done great things there even if he is a puppet

9 months ago

I will keep repeating this, but “Biden” is an intel operation, not an actual person, and none of the Bidens are blood relations. “Hunter” seems to be the main case officer, and while his drug issues are probably real, they are probably caused by him being in a very stressful position. The dementia shown by the “Biden” actors is a cover to keep people not in on the operation from dealing too closely or too often with “Biden”.

This allows the CIA or whatever intel operation is running this to control the executive branch of the federal government directly. They are not going to give it up by replacing “Biden” with an Obama like figurehead, or even a CIA agent. At least not easily. The plan to control the executive branch through the “Biden” operation had been in the works and not affected by Trump entering politics.

This can be seen by researching “Bidens” early life, before 1969, and seeing how little information there is about it, and also the determination to pass up two dozen perfectly presentable Democrats, all but maybe Sanders and Gabbard would have been perfectly acceptable cabal figureheads, in favor of “Biden.”

So keep that in mind when reading articles like this:

Daily Mail – Sadly, it’s now impossible to deny that Joe Biden, the most powerful man in the world, is increasingly loopy – and getting worse, writes Freddy Gray.

However, the article, like much British journalism, is at least very entertaining, so not a waste of time.

Reply to  Ed
9 months ago

Gabbard wasn’t an option because she’s not cabal, she’s a white hat asset. Carefully cultivated.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago


9 months ago

FYI, I made four comments yesterday and three made it through and posted.

The one that didn’t was trivial, and I am not re-posting don’t think its worth fishing out of the spam folder and retrieving. It had to be a software glitch stopping it from posting, since it was really quite normie.

It was a list of links to places to get information about the recent and upcoming “elections” in other countries. People interested in this stuff might have found it useful.

However, I will re-post one of the links here:

Its notable for Alexander Mercouris describing, pretty bluntly, how Emmanuel Macron doesn’t seem to like or care about France very much.

9 months ago

saw this guys video of women filming in grocery stores to get tiktok likes. But I can’t help but think of you AC when these dumb &^(%s are attaching cameras to their carts and clothes and recording the people around them. Seems very cabalish, and tiktok likes is just a cover.

9 months ago

With a verdict in Hunter Biden’s gun trial now rendered, the president’s son is next set to stand trial in California, where he faces nine federal tax charges in a second case brought by special counsel David Weiss.

Note that all of this is being done by Biden’s own DOJ. The Republicans have NOTHING to do with any of this. These cases weren’t even initiated under Trump.

9 months ago

Shawn Ryan, eh? I’m quite gracious when it comes to giving the benefit of the doubt, but I couldn’t spare much for him. Stopped watching his stuff years ago because I could tell something was off. We all assume he’s killed some dudes and seen some shit, but the darkness he carries with him is greater than that.

9 months ago

The Washington Post is celebrating a man from the African country of Mauritania who is helping more poor Muslim migrants crowd into Cincinnati apartments and houses, straining the town’s resources and apparently breaking occupancy laws, with 50 people now living per house.

When the fire happens…

9 months ago

California committee approves bill for up to $800 billion in Reparations. 

2.3MM blacks in CA, so if they limited it to just CA and were able to keep the influx from making it 20MM, it would be $300,000 per.
Let the influx come in, and it would be less than $30K. Let the fraud in, and it will be about $1000 per.

9 months ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making a shocking pivot from politics to showbiz as he eyes a spot on the FOX News primetime lineup, sources exclusively tell In Touch.

Actually a logical move for him, if he wants to run in 2028. Gives him access to real charisma coaches, and lots and lots of time to A/B test deliveries and policies. Prob is that he’s limited to Fox viewers, who are a poor rump of what they once were in conservatives.

Reply to  phelps
9 months ago

He seems very Asperger’s to me.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Lawyer training does that. The anti-intuitive thing is that actually Asperger’s people rarely do well in law.

9 months ago

I won’t celebrate the zero abortion numbers in Arkansas yet. The abortion pill mills need to be exterminated.

9 months ago
Darkhorse podcast… Brett and Heather discuss: what if the world is being steered by psychopaths, and all of these institutions are working against us, see if that makes sense.
Key part: 48 minutes in, but discussion builds from 13m… he touches on why corporations evolve to be evil.. rest of show is good, but that highlight struck me that he’s seeing the truth of what AC is discussing: there is something going on. They term it Goliath (because Cabal seems too conspiracy, and they see it as massive.)
these two have come a long way in the last few years. Reality has been a harsh teacher.

Last edited 9 months ago by scruffy
9 months ago

So…about dinosaurs…

I came across this article from 2007.

The article tells us the Chinese have been using dinosaurs bones for traditional medicines for “millennia” , thinking they were dragon bones. What’s the problem?

Dinosaurs lived 240 million years ago and bones don’t last that long, even buried deep. Bones are organic material, which last longer than flesh after death but not indefinitely. Certainly not 240 million years. Dinosaur bones are actually fossils, which means they are not bone, they are rock. The bones were mineralized long ago, being replaced by rock. So are we expected to believe these Chinese people were using rocks in their traditional medicines? Bones in traditional medicines makes sense, but rocks? They were eating rocks?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

But it’s not a chicken bone. You can’t make a stock out of it. The minerals you would be getting from boiling rock are vanishingly small.

Reply to  map
9 months ago

Fossils are mostly calcium carbonate and some impurities. It’s a good calcium source and an effective antacid.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

I don’t think that’s the case. The silica, calcium carbonate, and iron is a stone-like material. The original calcium in its biological form is lost so boiling the fossil would not yield biological calcium. These minerals are all chemically different from the calcium found in biological tissues.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Rockefeller supposedly visited China early on, with his new western allopathic circus and offered to train Chinese in that. One condition was that the Chinese agree to totally give up Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

From just boiling together random plants you find outside?

That’s interesting.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  map
9 months ago

Could it be a matter of *resonance* similar to with Homeopathy, which does work, whatever the allopaths/psychopaths like to tell you?

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
Reply to  map
9 months ago

Another explanation is that the dinosaur bones are not 240million years old.

comment image

Reply to  Charles Charlie-Charles
9 months ago

It’s all part of the same piece. You have the age of the bones which would largely destroy any organic material around. You have the shift in the earth over that long a time-period which should bury the bones under thousands of feet of rock and sediment. You have China being mostly underwater at the time, meaning it’s unlikely a land animal would be buried there. You have these bones just conveniently showing up near the surface for ordinary people to find and use. Then there’s a question of how mountainous China was at the time, which would further limit how likely a land-based dinosaur could survive, given they probably needed flat areas on which to roam and hunt.