News Briefs – 06/11/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Meta Platforms Developing Alternative To Twitter

DFT – Cuba Proposes EEU Industrial Park To Encourage Closer Ties

DFT – Russia-China Trade Surges

DFT – EU Seeks Further Restrictions On Huawei

DFT – Honduras Seeks To Join BRICS Bank

For those who have seen my story with Danny, you can tell, I was pretty naive. Those of us who do not get an instruction manual for this life when we start out, can only judge others, and predict behavior, by how we are inside. We are all, “Men of the woods and lumber jacks.” If you are loyal, and would never betray a friend, you are at a disadvantage against Cabal, and they will roll over you effortlessly. I am trying to fix that here.

My journey to awareness of this hidden world began with Vault Co and Texas Arcane. It was probably over a decade ago, I stumbled on him doing what I am doing here now, but before I even knew it existed, and with a military intel perspective deeply steeped in history and anthropology, and a lot of other relevant material. He gave Evopsych among its first plugs. As extreme as my targeting sounds, Tex is another level. I don’t know what it is about him, but you can feel it in his writing, he is different, and they figured that out.

His substack is now recounting what being such a high-level target is like, and it has a four part paid post (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) which is worth the price of admission alone. You will see things through his eyes which in this world you have to see to believe, and the details fit in ways I do not think even he fully understands. I assume if I plug him, he won’t mind me stealing one part to post here, about his escape from Australia, (if you do Tex, just drop a comment, and I will delete, but this was just so striking to me):

I was splashing some water in my face at a rest stop after being on the road for at least 9 hours and I noticed I looked much leaner and younger than when I had started that morning. Incredibly, my gut had started to disappear in a single day and when I turned sideways I realized it had gone down to where it was parallel with my chest at least. It is amazing what happens to you hormonally in a single day after being in emotional pain and stress for decades. I had gotten a bit of a tan from being in the sun driving and I was stunned. I hardly recognized myself. I can only imagine what would happen if I had a couple weeks where nobody was screaming at me, I wasn’t in an office under flickering fluorescents with a bunch of retards drinking six cups of coffee a day to stay awake and my anxiety dropped to anything like a normal level.

I think he is wrong about the cause. I can’t prove it, but members of my family previously noted, they leave the house, and go for trips, and they are healthier and more energetic, and mentally clearer within hours. We have noted it even before the surveillance, in more than one house. I was 17, decades back, in High School, sick as a dog, and I said to my mom, “It is weird, but I get out of the house, go to school, and after a few hours I feel healthy.” I said the word, “healthy.” But then I would come back, and the clouds would descend on me. I assumed I was suppressing my immune system unnaturally while out of the house and active, so I felt better, but some pathogen was building up which I only fought when I returned home and “relaxed.”

It is a phenomenon which extends to this day. I drive somewhere, and four hours after leaving where I normally am, I feel superhuman. I am awake. Alive. Energized. I come home, and you can feel the energy drain. I think they somehow make our residences sickening, to degrade us.

Right now I am at a residence in a very rural area. Everywhere in my house, I can barely hear what sounds like the super deep tones of a soft engine running, with very deep, almost inaudible reverberations, except it seems to skip random cycles, as if it is several waves laid over each other, and periodically the constructively interfering peaks don’t quite meet up right. “WumWumWumWumWumWumWum…..WumWumWumWum….Wum..WumWum….WumWumWumWumWumWum.” It is very deep, and I would almost think it is the fridge or something, shaking the very structure of the house. I was outside, shooting, and I am like maybe 20 or 30 yards from the house. I put in foam earplugs, and I will be fucked if I cannot hear it inside my head, exactly like inside the house, all the way out there. It is permeating the air throughout the property, even outside my house. I walked like 70 yards from the house to the corners of the property all over, and I can hear it. I tried to pick a direction, and it maybe was kind of coming from the direction of the house next door of the guy I think is my handler here, but it was very difficult to tell with earplugs in. It just kind of was a part of the air.

Somewhere back in the archives here, years back, you will see me describe this, but it was in another house,. I thought at the time it was an engine running from a surveillance car sitting on my house, which for some reason I could only hear when my head was on the pillow in my bed, due to some way the sound was traveling through the ground and the frame of the house. I described getting up at 2AM and going out the front door and listening, out the back door, and nothing. I put my head on the pillow, and there it was again. Now it is all throughout this house, and the property outside.

Health should be effortless. We evolved to deal with stress and effort and exertion on a much harsher degree, and to remain healthy, in the wild, unsupported by medicine. Cavemen didn’t need to look up studies and buy supplements, and watch what they ate when they were 19.

I think they set stuff up where Tex normally stayed. Almost certainly his home, and maybe his office. It probably is difficult to move and calibrate on the fly, as it may require some kind of constructive wave interference effect.

It was something which was technologically degrading his health at those locations. Not enough to kill him. Not even enough he was like, “I don’t feel so well.” But enough he didn’t have his system in full-on go-mode, and his immune system was just starting to lose control of his gut flora causing him to bloat and get inflamed, and probably feel off enough it would affect his performance, though he would get used to powering through. Eventually it would seem normal, though he was degraded. Notice his system is such he can undertake a strenuous 9 hour drive, and absent that “thing” his gut will reregulate his gut flora, his inflammation will plummet, and he will look younger. I don’t doubt it, I have seen it in myself. We are all living the same life.

I think for a long time it was calibrated to focus the most intensely on my bed, starting one night about the middle of 17 years old, because my issues began almost overnight in the middle of my junior year of high school, when I went from perfect attendance the two-thirds of the year, even on the half-days when nobody went, to attending every two or three days the last third and all of the next year, overnight. It was timed to start just before the SAT.

For seven or eight years, I would get up in the morning, horrifically nauseous, every morning, and it would take a good 30 minutes to an hour to pass. You do not know real nausea – it is bad. It was so bad I dreaded going to bed at night, because it meant waking up to that. I can remember looking at my bed at night with dread, wishing I didn’t have to sleep, but thinking it must have been that I felt not-nauseous because somehow being awake suppressed my immune system, and I needed to sleep to turn my immune system on, and fight off whatever must build up over the day while I am feeling semi-OK. I figured if I didn’t get sleep, and fight it off, I would have gotten even worse when I finally did.

So I went to sleep each night knowing there was a horror coming the next morning. And sure enough I can remember waking up in bed once, long before I had any idea about the surveillance, and feeling vibrations. Very soft, much softer than what I have described here, but I actually froze to analyze the sensation, afraid if I moved, it might jiggle a nerve and stop it. I concluded it was some neurological thing, maybe like a sensory seizure that made me think my legs were vibrating, because I saw no way just my mattress under the lower half of my body could be vibrating the way it felt. But now I think they did it too strong, and it woke me up that day, and they didn’t notice because I didn’t move.

I suspect that was what they turned the dial up to a ten on, when they hit me with the heavy vibrations to wake me up, as a behavior-modifier for my writings about them here. It could even be a refined version of the “air loom.” I am sure it is what Aaron Alexis described before going on to shoot up the Navy Yard in DC. I have wondered if it is like what Q claimed was buried in the walls of the White House when Obama left, designed to degrade Trump’s health. I don’t know. But it is things like that in Tex’s piece which make me go, “Oh shit!” The details which only someone who goes through it understands. If we had enough of these accounts, we would learn a lot.

I have since set up a large floor HEPA air filter in the house on high, the loud, constant hum of which seems to drown out the WumWumWum, maybe like white noise. I can still sense it faintly, but it seems the vibrations are much tougher to detect inside the house, and I am more energetic.

Now I am wondering just how many people are going through life a fraction of what they could be, in survival mode, because of something deployed on their house.

If there is a reveal coming, we are going to be blown away. Because we are going to find, what we faced was not a handful of frat boys down the street given walkie talkies and told, “Go fuck with that guy’s head, and figure it out as you go along.” We faced a massive highly technologically-sophisticated, embedded intelligence force, funded with nearly unlimited amounts of resources, supported by technologies we cannot imagine, which has been explicitly dedicated, maybe for centuries, maybe for millennia, to degrading the natural gazelles of society. And they begin by finding them in the schools as children.

I think that was its primary purpose, and I think it has been doing it for so long, we would never believe it. And I think it has developed incredible techniques, from the Gogolplex kid test of a child’s abstract thinking skills, to some kind of health degrader technologies. Their operation is so refined, and so powerful, it could be nearly impossible to combat, or at least impossible if you have no idea it is going on.

These things sound nuts if you come to them cold. But look at the rest of the picture. California is looking to pass a law, where when the public school our taxes pay for convinces a child to cut their genitals off, it will be illegal for the parent to oppose it. It was in yesterday’s news brief. A parent who doesn’t support a kid going trans will be guilty of child abuse under the proposed law.

That is not happening organically in a representative republic made up of Americans. Society would not allow it. That is an intelligence operation, and the degree of ridiculousness is representative of the scale, and age of the operation we face. It did not show up small, overnight and accomplish that. It is massive, and it is old, and it has developed these techniques for a long time, with nearly limitless resources, including mass-deployed high tech we cannot imagine, designed from the ground up to degrade its enemies. This is logically how you would expect such a thing to evolve, and we know it is here from what we see in the news. When you look at it intelligently, all of this is what you should logically expect.

If you want to see this thing exposed more, and are willing to subscribe to anything, it definitely should be Tex’s substack. It is one of the few things I fully unreservedly endorse spending cash on. These accounts are critical to the battle. He did this for decades like I do now, without any recompense, while being an even bigger target than I am. Now that people can pay him, you definitely want to keep him writing. Because I have a feeling he has far more, even wilder revelations to come.

Crashed UFO recovered by the US military ‘distorted space and time,’ leaving one investigator ‘nauseous and disoriented’ when he went in and discovered it was much larger inside than out, attorney for whistleblowers reveals. It is kind of funny, but in the book Chameleo, about a kid who was some kind of test subject which the gangstalking brigade broke out all its latest tech on him, to test it on him – he went out to the store, came back, and his apartment was larger inside than it had been, like the walls had moved. He said there was no way to figure out how it had been done, but when friends came over they immediately asked if he had had the walls all moved outward. He also claimed the gangstalking brigade had followed him in UFOs when he was driving away from large cities in the midwest, as if they were using UFO-level tech. No idea where this psyop is going beyond all of these things are interlinked somehow, and we are coming up on something, which appears as if it will be quite interesting to witness.

This is a joke that will be repeated over and over by the media and other Dems: ‘No one is above the law.’

2017 Politifact article seems to blow up government’s case against Trump. He already declassified this stuff when he was President by talking about it, but not with an official process. So Trump sucked them in to file these charges, knowing he could go back and show where THE MEDIA documented he already declassified it. But the prosecutor never went back through every news story ever written to see if any of this stuff was mentioned. Its very clever, making his enemies serve as his alibis. Trump is not flying by the seat of his pants. He is working with  some massive “thing” and all of this strikes me as very carefully planned and scripted.

A former top Department of Justice official completely blew up Special Counsel Jack Smith’s inquisition against President Trump with one simple tweet on Friday claiming there is a key piece of information in the indictment that is grounds for a quick dismissal. He says the leaks to the media are so close to the pleadings that it shows the leaks came from the DOJ and that should be grounds for a dismissal. IMO all of this is scripted, and it will not be an organic, extemporaneous flow of events based on logic or reason, so maybe it will happen or maybe not, depending on what the scriptwriters have written.

Special counsel Smith indicted Trump aide Walt Nauta for an allegedly false statement of “I don’t know”. John Brennan and James Clapper both lied under oath to Congress. Andrew McCabe lied three times to federal investigators. James Comey 245 times under oath claimed ”I don’t know/remember.” Equal Justice?

Extreme supporters of Donald Trump have met news of his federal indictment with visions of violence and retribution. We have to make them all aware of the surveillance.



When I say here, I think there is going to be violence, or I highlight guerilla techniques I think we will see, it isn’t me calling for violence, or saying people should do that. I have seen a lot of what is going on behind the scenes. I am a pretty good reader of how other humans think, and have acted in history. And when I combine, what I know has gone on, with how I know humans behave, I see no other possibility, than some form of violence in the future, where one side or another of this weird unseen divide in our society, comes out on top and destroys the other. The hidden side has pushed the nation to the point where government is telling parents they will be treated like criminals if they oppose the public school they paid for psyopping and mutilating their children. I don’t see anyone associated with the tranny-fyers being allowed to just go on with their lives if that comes out. I don’t see a stern warning being the default humans have fallen back to throughout history when something like that was revealed. I think the drive would be toward violence, whether or not the scriptwriters put it in the script.

But it is one thing for me to make the best prediction I can of what will come from what I see. On the other side are the script writers, whose powers of control over events are considerable. That is why the tweet above is so shocking. For a character in the script, reading Cabal’s lines, like Kari Lake, to begin planting the seeds in people’s heads, that violence may be acceptable, says to me the script may push this toward violence as well.

We could still lose. If the surveillance is not widely known, we will likely not win. That needs to be exposed, and the full scope of its criminality and transgressions must be made known, as well as the capabilities it offers the enemy. Because if the good the beautiful, and the true is to prevail, the surveillance must be neutralized first. Our mission, everyone’s here, must be to promote that knowledge.

More : Rep. Andy Biggs:

We have now reached a war phase – eye for an eye

Kash Patel – With Trump’s indictment, DOJ/FBI and Jack Smith just worm holed the entire Crossfire Hurricane docs @realDonaldTrump declassified- that was always one of their main objectives… Why don’t they want those released, how can they defy a presidential order?

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Newsmax on Saturday that then Attorney General Bill Barr killed an investigation into the Biden Crime Family despite having evidence and whistleblowers with bank account transactions.

Conservatives warn Biden after he jokes about alleged bribery scandal: ‘Accountability is coming.’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Breitbart News she is “dumbfounded” by the refusal of her Republican House colleagues to call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden.

President Trump says “The real pictures haven’t been exposed yet” in regards to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Rudy Giuliani DROPS A BOMB on Newsmax: I have a witness, former Chief Accountant of Burisma, willing to give up all the offshore bank accounts. Joe’s defense was, “Where is the money?,” when asked about the bribe allegations by a reporter. Interest intensifies.

‘Bombshell’ report: DOJ offered witness with ‘smoking gun’ evidence of Biden bribery ring, but she died under ‘mysterious circumstances.’

The ‘Unabomber,’ Ted Kaczynski ‘died by suicide’ in his federal prison cell, according to insiders familiar with the situation. Note, he was a genius mathematician, who left for college, somehow “events” led to where he became a subject at University in an experiment run by a known MK Ultra shrink, he subsequently felt transgender, and went to a clinic before backing out at the last second because it didn’t feel right to him. Then, despite being a genius he subsequently came to so dislike the world around him he he retreated to the woods to live off $500 per year in a one room shack in subfreezing conditions, and then he went on to become a nationally recognized terrorist bomber. And now he died like Epstein, in Federal prison, from suicide. I suppose it could all be coincidence. But still. It is a lot of data-points which are weird.

Lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein accuser wants to question JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon again.

Jes Staley, the onetime asset management chief at JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N), is set to be questioned under oath over the weekend about his ties to the late financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. This is the guy who some think may have been using “wine” as a code for girls Epstein was trafficking to him.

Democrats unveil massive new Amnesty bill for 75% of illegal aliens.

Heart failure deaths in May hit 44% higher than pre-pandemic. Way back, I predicted they were likely immunizing themselves against their heart tissue, and if they did, the low-grade immune activity and inflammation would not kill them outright, but rather would produce heart failures, probably for a decade and a half, or two, as it wears on all of them. The only thing which will save most is I do not think even the majority of them, or near that got a shot which was functional.

CDC confirms COVID vaccination increases risk of Autoimmune Heart Disease by 13,200%.

More than 100 young children suffered seizures after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new study.

The Biden White House requires guests to practice social distancing and wear masks during their visit, however the mandates will only target those who are unvaccinated.

Biden’s White House demanded social media censor RFK Jr.’s tweet on death of Hank Aaron, who died 18 days after publicly receiving the Moderna shot.

Meta (formerly Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the social media giant censored information and opinion during the COVID pandemic—but he avoided looking in the mirror and tried to cast all blame on the “establishment.”

Pharmacists call for approval of controversial horse de-worming drug ivermectin as it could be a new weapon in war on resurgent scabies.

The End Endless Wars Act was introduced by Senator Rand Paul on Thursday and was joined by fellow Republican Senators Mike Lee, J.D. Vance, and Mike Braun.

Ramsey Orta, who recorded Eric Garner’s deadly arrest, busted with gun after NYC police chase: NYPD. Interesting. I  don’t know why, but this still feels weird, like we will find out there was more to him and his carrying an illegal gun, and his presence at Garner’s arrest than meets the eye.

A proposed California bill treats a parent’s refusal to affirm their child’s “gender identity” as against the child’s health, safety, and welfare in custody disputes.

A massive pedophile ring has been uncovered on Instagram by Wall Street Journal reporters this week which specifically sells access to child rape to pedophiles using pizzagate code words. Podesta and the Comet Ping Pong crew were using the right terminology, so they knew it.

Muslim community waking up to ‘unholy alliance’ with Democratic party amid battle over parental rights. One of my favs:

Is THIS the solution to global warming? Scientist claims we should MOVE the Earth away from the sun – here’s how his wacky idea could really work. Yeah, lets let someone so stupid they believe in global warming do something as permanent as potentially moving the Earth outside of the goldilocks zone.

Man stabbed to death in NYC street brawl was wanted for murder: sources. LOL. That fucking shithole now has so much crime the fucking criminals don’t feel safe anymore.

Assaults on NYPD cops rise 32% as criminals feel emboldened.

The California Senate passed a controversial bill on May 31 that would prohibit employers from requiring staff to intervene in active shoplifting.

Reward offered to ID man wanted in assault outside Planned Parenthood in Baltimore 73-year-old man suffered serious injury to his eye, face, taken to Shock Trauma. Manly looking guy.

New York AG files injunction which seeks to make it so that the Pro-Life Red Rose Rescue and those ‘acting in concert’ with the pro-life group are legally barred from getting within 30 feet of any abortion-providing establishment in the state.

NYC considers reparations for black residents, removal of ‘racist’ public art amid flurry of legislation.

Disney fast member arrested for horrific crimes against children, facing 540 felony counts. Strong disgust/contempt nasolabial lines. It is like that whole part of his face is almost dented in.

This is a school board meeting concerning a 6 year old who was forced to perform oral sex on classmates in the classroom:

6 year olds do not default to this behavior. There were adults somewhere behind that, and I think in a more purposeful and intentional way than you would think. School administrators do not run cover for it, naturally. There was an intelligence operation in control behind that. Those are them, just flowing under the surface. You can almost see them, even as they hide. You are seeing things accelerate. We need to harness that acceleration, prepare our side with knowledge of what it faces, and piggyback our own interests on the coming events. We can be rid of this entire thing.

Chemotherapy shortages push cancer centers toward crisis. I do not see how there can be a demand for something like Cisplatin, and suddenly there is not enough to go around, unless the number of patients has increased dramatically. The price should go up, until it motivates enough production. And I would think the shortages would show up in third world countries, as the shipments being sold there for cheap prices would all get rerouted to us for top-dollar immediately.

The US Biden admin. authorized Iraq to pay about 3 billion dollars to Iran as part of the negotiations over the Iranian nuclear deal. More like Cabal moving funds around among assets.

Hundreds of Protestants attended a sermon in Nuremberg given by ChatGPT, which told them not to fear death. Yikes! Seems dangerous.

WEF calls for AI to rewrite Bible, create ‘religions that are actually correct.’

UK commits another £150 million to House Ukrainian refugees in Britain.

National Health Service in Great Britain bans puberty blockers. Over there this could just be them denying medical care because they don’t have the money due to the economic downturn.

A Canadian official appointed to investigate claims of election interference has quit, citing criticism from opposition parties over his close ties to Trudeau making him whitewash the issue. Might be too much here to hide, and he is afraid of liability if he tries.

US confirms China has had a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019.

Two Russians are charged in infamous Mt. Gox heist: Biggest cryptocurrency robbery in history — $16.5 billion today. Could easily have been CIA slush funds looted.

Dmitry Medvedev’s shitpoasting game is A+ –

The management of the German concern Rheinmetall confirmed the intention to build a tank production plant in Ukraine.

Please send exact coordinates of the future work. Thanks!

Zelenskyy said Saturday that counteroffensive and defensive actions had begun against Russian forces, asserting that his top commanders were in a “positive” mindset as their troops engaged in intense fighting along the front line.

The Ukrainian Army lost Bradley fighting vehicles and a Leopard 2 tank trying and failing to breach Russian defenses in southern Ukraine.

I remember reading a big piece on exactly this on Vault-Co like eight years ago – Study finds Neanderthals manufactured synthetic material with underground distillation. Literally, I could have advanced their field eight full years just by sending them a link to Tex’s site.

Software VP fired for using ‘Assigned By God’ as a preferred pronoun sues employer. As Alinsky said, hold them to their own rules.

Attorneys representing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton have taken legal action against several Texas House Republicans and two Houston attorneys prosecuting Paxton, demanding they stop covertly contacting witnesses related to what they say is a meritless impeachment proceeding. Trump supports Paxton, so we are all in on him.

More than half of U.S. churches rely on armed members as part of security plan: Survey.

President Donald J Trump Speaks at NC GOP Convention. 6/10/23:

Spread r/K Theory, because our enemy is far more advanced than we think

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Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

 …and age of the operation we face. It did not show up small, overnight and accomplish that. It is massive, and it is old, and it has developed these techniques for a long time, with nearly limitless resources, including mass-deployed high tech we cannot imagine

This is why there are no space aliens but only us and the demons and fallen angels of the book of Enoch. We must believe our enemy is space aliens: for, then we will create a more oppressive society and consolidate our technologies to fight a material foe; thus the Enemy wins; yet, if we realize our Enemy is spirit and it responds in fear to the name of Jesus, then the individual being in Christ has power over the Enemy in the name of Jesus; and our society can be freer.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

TBF not being from planet earth and being a demon aren’t mutually exclusive concepts.

1 year ago

Let tell you AC that I have been plagued by the EXACT deep level sound in my home and I began to notice it in 2012 when we moved to a home in a neighborhood where I would wake up to this aggravating sound like a deisel tractor trailer in the distance. This went on and on and I decided to see what the chatter online would say about it. I came to the conclusion that it might be the smart meters they install without out permission on the sides of our houses. They are small cell phone towers by the designers own admission. They claim that they are cycling only a few minutes every day. What they are really doing is cycling throughout the day adding up to few minutes total. It is a sickening sound and the farther away from the meter that your bed is the better. I think the range is 30 feet in a sphere around them. I can still hear that aggravating sound no matter where I am in any house. That’s why the beach and the woods is the only place to escape. They are relay stations between the other houses and you will notice trees dying in the line between your meter and a close neighbors meter

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Global hum reportings database. It was mentioned in the vid posted about the Bristol hum.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Same problem here…sounds like truck in distance. Unsure of smart meter. Either way, this group does seem to truly be on the same path!

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

In the UK £250 and a bloke will come out and change your smart meter for a dumb meter.

1 year ago

There is a qualitative shift going on this blog. Truth be told, I don’t have to worry about the stalkers. At any time I can be humiliated. I could take one wrong step with savage consequences.
Not because of paranoia. I’ve had months to contemplate it in solitary. Then with books. Than observation outside. I have serious weapons arrayed against me [by my own flaws] . Any intelligent enemy has all the weapons to bring me down.
But it’s refreshing to see an old school evolutionist adapt.
Sincere respect for Anonymous Conservaitve.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Jesus is coming and He is going to make those who call upon His name free…forever!

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

I don’t give two damns about my brother’s venial sins, and no one whose friendship I cherish gives a damn about mine either.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

Pray for your brother to stop sinning sins that don’t lead unto death (1 John 5). Don’t judge him for sins he’s forgiven of, but pray for both of you to stop. (Pray for me as well. I certainly need it.)

1 year ago

I don’t doubt what you write about the surveillance by cabal but I have a small suspicion that what you identify as tech may be something of a spiritual nature, possibly preternatural. Totally possible it is some electric machine shooting rays at you but I have a small suspicion that it might not be. Same goes for supposed alien tech. Watched a fed on Skinwalker Ranch show yesterday say that between 3 guys on the ranch, one saw a UFO as triangle, one as square and the other round. Well if that were a flying object, probably only one of those shapes would have been proper engineering, right? My suggestion is to just copy out a few prayers; definitely the prayers of the Holy Rosary, St. Michael’s Prayer and the St. Patrick’s Lorica.,, I’ve seen a couple versions of St. Patrick’s Lorica but I liked and printed out and use this one here, Cry of the Deer, regularly:

1 year ago

It’s a good time to reintroduce people to the MK Ultra Program by a Deprogrammed Survivor .

She has retained her photo graphic memory so she can name names and clarify what is now coming to the end game. Her daughter is still in control of those who run the program. National Security is given as the reason the daughter cannot be released back into society

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Free Version of the Trance Formation of America Book available at the following link.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Under-the-Word is not doing well. They got her to the point where she attempted suicide and she’s sleeping in the woods while she figures out how to escape her situation. She needs prayer.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

True. But Goodness must be crushed in their view. But God is greater.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Pray for her; but don’t pray nice prayers; pray that God deliver in such a manner that all can see and know His strength and that the oppressors will recoil and flee in fear.

Aussie Spook
Aussie Spook
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

She mentions that she finds her handler-boyfriend’s second phone and on it there’s videos of him banging other girls.

I hate to say it but that means he’ll also have private videos of her. Not nice.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

I was outside, shooting, and I am like maybe 20 or 30 yards from the house. I put in foam earplugs, and I will be fucked if I cannot hear it inside my head, exactly like inside the house, all the way out there.”

Could be tinnitus, which manifests in different frequencies for different people. Vitamin B-12 sometimes helps clear this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

What is this sound app?

1 year ago

Ted Kaczynski and Robert Hansen both found dead in their cells this past week indicates the game is afoot. Cui bono? I’d assume Cabal since the miserable suffering of these two men would only be inflicted on Cabal’s enemies during the past few decades (evidently Cabal’s acolytes thrive). Why kill them now? Perhaps loose ends are being tied up that would provide damaging info to Cabal’s nemesis if Cabal no longer controlled the men’s fate. That would suggest Cabal is concerned it may be losing broader political/social control. Perhaps the two men were extortion or blackmail pieces on the board in Cabal’s negotiation with its competitor, taken down for the other’s failure to comply. Expect more of these hostage deaths.

1 year ago

Eventually it would seem normal, though he was degraded.

I’ve noticed this with pain. I’m confident in saying that I have a freakishly high pain tolerance, based on my dental history. I’ve had some pretty serious dental problems based on me just not being in enough pain to take the time to get to the dentist. On one of them, the dentist didn’t seem to believe that the tooth that broke below the gumline had broken two weeks earlier. I was in NYC when it happened, sure as hell wasn’t going to a dentist there, so I just used anbesol until I got home. He didn’t seem to want to believe me, but the evidence was right there.
The thing is, I walk around with so much chronic pain I forget the toll that it takes. When my teeth were put back in order, it was like I had 10 years taken off. I literally felt lighter, my attention span was better, my thoughts sharper, everything. (FWIW, I’m a lightweight for opioids, of which dentists give me WAY too much of, but I don’t get the clarity from that pain relief, I just trade opioid haze for it. Of course, the people who actually need them don’t get enough.)
The older we get, the more pain we accumulate, physical and spiritual. (Cribbed from Jim Butcher in the Dresden Files) You will do yourself a favor if you find a way to eliminate as much of that pain as you can without being clouded on narcotics. Go lift. You’ll be sore, but you’ll be in less pain in the long run.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

At least one of the techniques causes the teeth to vibrate rapidly like if you hum through them. If the top and bottom make contact during the process I imagine that will degrade teeth much more quickly than would be true otherwise.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Also, take a sports mouthgaurd you can shape to your teeth should prevent them from vibrating against eachother at least. Not sure if it would have any counter effect on what they are attempting though other than protecting the teeth.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“Of course, the people who actually NEED opioids don’t get enough.” You have no idea. Each and every day, I’m actually shocked when I don’t hear stories of ‘chronic pain people killing lawmakers and bureaucrats in revenge for making their pain meds so impossible to get.’ Literally shocked. Doctors, too: there is a sizable percentage of docs who will NOT RX opioid pain med, for any reason, and the patient be damned. (there is a story of a doc in Oregon who specialized in treating terminal cancer patients. if you don’t know, advanced cancer HURTS. this lowlife scumbag pile of shit would only allow his patients aspirin. I still don’t know why he was allowed to die a quiet, peaceful death) One wishes for a long stay in Pain Hell for them: “Of course we have highly effective pain medicine here, DOCTOR, you just can’t have any. Why? Why, because we’re trying to keep you from getting hooked on them, you hophead dope fiend junkie piece of shit.”

Your other comment about lifetime accumulation of pain was simply beyond brilliant. Nobody gets out alive, and pain is the price we all pay for being here, but…. I’m pretty sure that every person has an absolute upper level of pain, ‘lifetime’ or otherwise, that they can take. After that…. well, you can guess. Lastly, although there are plenty of opioid lightweights in this world, there ARE some folks who don’t get overly clouded up from opioid pain meds. Although I suspect it will soon be a felony to say that. Skoal

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

I’m a lightweight both ways, which means that I have a pile of old oxy that I never took because I end up perceiving the world in slow motion. It will be useful in the collapse when there simply aren’t any meds or doctors. I had some serious pain once (pulled abdominal), and I didn’t get foggy, because the dose that I had was actually tuned to the amount of pain, and it cancelled cleanly.
On the other hand, I haven’t had to deal with a serious headache in decades, because half a tab will wipe it right out.

1 year ago

I have since set up a large floor HEPA air filter in the house on high, the loud, constant hum of which seems to drown out the WumWumWum, maybe like white noise. I can still sense it faintly, but it seems the vibrations are much tougher to detect inside the house, and I am more energetic.

This could be the source of the magical tradition of running water being anathema to various evil entities. The white noise of a large body of moving water might drown out the air loom. It could also be why the wealthy covet oceanfront property so much — the waves and wind.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

As George Carlin said, a benefit to living on the water is you only have assholes on three sides.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

One wonders if it has to do with something like noise/wave cancellation. Would be interesting to see if playing of recorded ocean noises had a positive effect. I got these two things from a quick search on “are water sounds random frequencies”?

“The soundwave of the recording of running water is characterized by rare high-amplitude events across spectral bands”

and the next one is related to how water molecules create sound…

“Water molecule resonates at different frequencies according to its vibrational and rotational modes. Those modes have quantum origin since classical rotational motion has no discrete transitions between different modes.”

Maybe there is something to that and even playing recordings can help…

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It it is indeed a cancellation effect that is needed, the ear plugs only affect the sound you hear, not the waves in the air. I was looking at water’s sound as making a wave cancellation affect so the source is gone or greatly diminished, much the same way those noise cancelling devices on military helicopters work. They prevent the people on the ground from hearing or feeling the womp, womp, womp of the helicopter. You could actually try to apply that principle by picking up the source and then send out a wave 180 degrees out of cycle using speakers or transducers.

The thing is water that perked my interest was the quantum origin of how water resonance works.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I hear the same wum, wum, wum, but only lying in bed and only in my left ear. I worked shifts for years and have had to wear earplugs to sleep. Now I wear them to drown out the CPAP machine.
At first I thought it was the machine causing it, but no, I only hear it with the earplugs in.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I have noticed this is minimized by frequency cancellation. Other devices, dryers, fans, etc have a tendency to mute/diminish the effects.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think the fans break up the frequency or waves because I notice the humming will stop briefly if I move my head on the pillow or do something to make a sound by the ear

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Is THIS the solution to global warming? Scientist claims we should MOVE the Earth away from the sun – here’s how his wacky idea could really work. Yeah, lets let someone so stupid they believe in global warming do something as permanent as potentially moving the Earth outside of the goldilocks zone

An example — one of an endless list of examples — of the useless (reprobate) minds of our so-called intellectual — the “expert” — class; and this is the class upon whom our “leadership” class depends on to fight a war against a Russian leadership class which takes chess seriously.
Example of American adult conversation:
I just got up and walked away from a fellow geezer who, in an adult conversation, interrupted the conversation to talk about a children’s game: basketball; Trix are for kids and so is bouncy ball; might as well talk about Twiddly Winks.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

New York AG files injunction which seeks to make it so that the Pro-Life Red Rose Rescue and those ‘acting in concert’ with the pro-life group are legally barred from getting within 30 feet of any abortion-providing establishment in the state.

New York City so deserves the ten nuclear warheads prophesized by Chuck Youngbrandt in the 90s and by Duderman (sp?) in the 50s.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

duder? duter?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

I note that false teachers have begone to do their work on his prophecies.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

May the Wrath of God pursue with drawn sword all who attempt to flee it.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

NYC considers reparations for black residents, removal of ‘racist’ public art amid flurry of legislation.

The logical consequence of this is the shuttering of all Classical European, modern, and Antiquity museums in NYC; in short, the complete erasure of the art of European — soon to include all non-Afroid — civilization; this will include the removal any tax breaks to such institutions.
This is the true logical conclusion of multiculturalism, of DIE.

Should have picked our own cotton ourselves. Once more, the Nativists were correct; but, the money grubbers won.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

It’s not the blacks who are twisting the arms of lawmakers for reparations.

It’s pretty clear that cabal has been aggressively targeting blacks for self-destruction.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It was the same money grubber cabal who brought the Blacks here as slaves; and it the same cabal which bringing in the invading migrants.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s because the Cabal is the British Crown, which ultimately owes slave trade reparations and actually has the hoarded wealth to pay them.

The same British Crown thinks that if Prince Harry marries a Negress for their tabloids then somehow all will be forgiven.

It won’t. Ultimately, the Crown will be dissolved, its wealth redistubuted as reparations and the Royals put to death down to the last heir.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thing about the Crown/heir system, is there is always someone next.

There are about 65million heirs to the throne in the UK

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Bringing them in and letting more in later still gave the enemy a weapon.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

That wouldnt have happened without cabal.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Everywhere in my house, I can barely hear what sounds like the super deep tones of a soft engine running, with very deep, almost inaudible reverberations, except it seems to skip random cycles, as if it is several waves laid over each other, and periodically the constructively interfering peaks don’t quite meet up right. “WumWumWumWumWumWumWum…..”

I hear this in bed most nights, and sometimes during the day if I take a nap.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

It’s called the Hum and has been going on since at least the 1970s.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Note where it started.

Always the filthy British.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s not a hum.

It is mechanical and cyclical, kind of like an upright washing machine (but we have front loaders here).

I’ve live all over the country and never heard it anywhere until last year, when I moved into a new apartment complex.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I’m trying to think if I’ve heard this hum or not. I most likely have, but I have tinnitus so maybe that drowns it out.

During COVID, I developed a habit of taking a nap in the afternoons. By the time I get done with work, my eyes are burning pretty bad and a nap seems to be the only thing that gives me some relief from it. I tend to wake up with a vibration in my feet/lower legs and the top of my head. Almost every time. I don’t remember it before moving into my current house.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I don’t know much about tinnitus, but if you can still hear stuff such as car engines then I think you’d hear this noise if it were coming to you.
It’s not a hum (which is steady, one frequency, like a bad fluorescent light). This noise has a changing but repeating frequency, like “hroont hroont hroont” or sometimes what AC described.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I’ve been thinking about it a good chunk of the day, and I know I’ve heard diesel engines idling. I haven’t made mental notes of when and where, but I’ll be paying more attention going forward. I looked up that site another user provided, and saw two reports from my area.

Tinnitus is just a constant ringing in your ears. I thought military service caused it, but one of my sons said he has it too. It doesn’t affect much and I’ve learned to live with it. Just seems more intense at some times than others.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

That’s what I am saying in my first post. I hear it too and it is disturbing. Some people seem to not hear it Bit I think either they physically can’t pick it up or they just can’t sort it out like we can

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Can confirm I do not have this. Have also never been hit with the vibration beam in bed either, but plenty of other signs of cabal in my life.

God knows why they use the specific tactics they use.

1 year ago

Henry Makow has a great article up about the connections between homosexuality and communism:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My guess is that it’s really more that cabal is exploiting homosexuals for their own purposes. My observation of higher cabal families is that they really aren’t all that accepting of homosexuality for their sons. And they don’t want their children breeding with minorities.

1 year ago

Be on high alert! It is now very apparent the FBI are set to stage a crisis actor hoax event that may be called the “Juneteenth Massacre” on Monday, June 19th at one or more PRIDE events.

The main purpose is to drive American blacks and LGBTQ together in the Democrat party against a common enemy, Conservative Christians, MAGA, and all those who reject grooming and transitioning of children.

The hoax event may involve the group of FBI agents provacatuer called Patriot Front (they did a dry run in Idaho), and may involve Uhaul rental trucks. It might be considered Charlottesville 2.0. Possibly staged in Atlanta, Nashville, or Austin, or in any number of small outlying areas.

Avoid cities in June and God Bless.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s worth considering that any organized, public event is, by its nature, a cabal event. Because cabal will shut down any group that it doesn’t want to see organizing and interacting with the public.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“circle the wagons” “back to the plantation/ghetto/hood/barrio/res”

James Fields did nothing wrong!
James Fields did nothing wrong!
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

fed provocateurs planning to dig up heather hyers rotten, bloated pig carcass and chuck it in front of another Challenger? Hand over the shovel and make it a Trail Boss!

1 year ago

Presidents and Vice Presidents take documents so that agencies can not manufacture fake documents to target them politically.

They want the valet to swear to an exact number of boxes which matches their “evidence” count.

1 year ago

“no one WHO IS NOT IN OUR BIG CLUB is above the law”

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

Laws used selectively, are weapons

1 year ago

Violence is definitely on the menu. Cabal is Mad, with a capital “M”, and they’re going for an amygdala release.

Paranoid lunatic
Paranoid lunatic
1 year ago

Re: Health degrader technologies
Personal experience leads me to suspect that here in Blighty our NHS uses X-rays to degrade the health of certain people. I would suggest that any reader who recalls getting a strong metallic taste in their mouth during an X-ray might want to check their medical records to see whether any useful diagnostic information was gleaned from the procedure – or even if it was recorded at all. The GDR used X-rays to quietly drench dissidents in radiation so it’s not that much of a stretch to imagine the British Democratic Republic using this silent weapon as well. 
The NHS is soon going to begin mass testing millions of healthy people for the signs of cancer. The merest hint of its presence might result in further investigation via high radiation CT scans. Extending radiological procedures to thousands who don’t need them would be a good way to degrade the health of lots more people, with perhaps a much higher dose given to certain unsuspecting undesirables.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Anyone and everyone who works in a government agency is suspect, and if/when things are resolved then we will need a solution to protect the new society from these people.

1 year ago

Here’s something that has given me a chuckle:

In the comments here there is a great sense of befuddlement and confusion as to just how Cabal keeps anyone from “blowing the whistle.”

I repeat: who are they going to blow the whistle to?

I mean, I’ve been to the police, I’ve been to family, I’ve been to lawyers, I’ve been to local elected officials. I ended up needing to be hospitalized because I was made suicidal with sheer despair.

Other people have come forth by the plenty. Search Quora or Youtube for targeted individuals. Endless personal stories about all of this shit.

No one cares. Absolutely no one. People will either think that you’re nuts or report you for spilling the beans. Either way you’re fucked.

And every cabal minion knows it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The victims talk, but in such a vast organization we would normally have a few who rebelled and talked enough to get this into the conspiracy world beyond just AC analyzing it from the outside.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Supposedly, at least one that I know of has.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Anon, you are confusing victims with perpetrators. Yes, VICTIMS of cabl coming forward are ignored, or dismissed as crazy/ignorant.

But the question is, “why aren’t PERPETRATORS in cabal blowing the whistle?” When you went to the police or the lawyers, you told them what was being done to you. If you told them that you were the one doing the crimes you would get a different reaction, I think.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

We even get some perps who turn and talk about the pedo stuff.

1 year ago

Note that in the 1800’s children were herded into schools at Gunpoint:

So connect that with Tex’s story.

1 year ago

Steve Franssen notes that all the mass immigration is used to bring in soldiers to prepare to fight the American people:

They are housed in barracks like facilities and are being prepared for War.

1 year ago

comment image?width=531&height=646

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago


FYI I’ve been trying to navigate the daily articles, to keep up with the comments, but I am getting “404 page not found” errors for nearly everything except this one, using Safari 14.1.1

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I was getting “internal server errors” all yesterday on this comments section and the surveillance article about “Goodfellas.” Everything seemed to be working normally again by last evening.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Rob
1 year ago


Can you get to the pages before 6/11/2023? I still cannot.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Update – I can access 6/9 and 6/12, but “time waster” and 6/10 are still giving 404 errors.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

They work for me.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

19th century Sicilian immigrant to Southern California dug a 10 acre underground home in Fresno. If you’ve never been to Fresno, trust me, this is literally the only reason you might want to go there.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Here’s a Clown World Fun Fact:

My area had an internet service outage. Of course I lost internet access for several minutes.
The ISP has my phone number, but they sent me an e-mail (not a text) to notify me of the outtage. Which I of course received AFTER the outtage was corrected.
Thanks, Clown World!

1 year ago

comment image?width=527&height=646

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

May a new plague be only the lightest of their tribulations.

Steven C.
1 year ago

The noise you heard was probably infra-sound from something mechanical, not surveillance equipment. I had the same problem last year, I’m guessing it was a de-humidifier or sump pump in the basement of a neighboring townhouse. These sound waves, or vibrations, travel directly through the structure of a building. I could hear them easily, my wife hardly at all, and the older neighbors couldn’t hear them even while I was standing within their homes listening to the sound. The ability to hear sounds at the upper and lower extremes varies from person to person. But these vibrations can affect people even when they cannot be heard.