News Briefs – 06/10/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Alex Berenson interviews Rand Paul:

Berenson: So you mentioned the intelligence agencies having too much power, or operating too independently. Didn’t we have this argument in 1976, and the Church Commission1, is this all sort of post-9/11? Where did this come from?

Paul: The Church Commission was overdue and something absolutely that was necessary. Frank Church was a senator from Idaho, he was a Democrat, but what had happened in the sixties was our intelligence agencies were turned inward on ourselves.

Civil rights protestors, Vietnam War protestors were surveilled, Martin Luther King was illegally surveilled and their private lives were invaded at the behest of the government for political reasons. And the Church Commission comes along as a response to that and a lot of the reforms came forward and were intended to have more oversight of the intelligence community. But just as an interesting aside, we’ve been trying to get the classified version of the Church report, the Church Commission’s report, we can’t read it, we can’t get it.

They classified a Congressional Report, and now forbid Congress from reading its own report.

John Sauer. who serves as a Special Assistant Attorney General for the State of Louisiana, and sued the US government over censorship on social media, says they found the government had surveilled 859 million Tweets and tracked 21,897,364 Tweets on ‘tickets’ as ‘misinformation’ in just one year, 2020, just on Twitter, ignoring the operations of Facebook, Google, Reddit, and other companies. From the piece – “The “Virality Project” — a mass surveillance and censorship operation conducted by the same Election Integrity Partnership — boasts that it tracked content for about 6.7 million engagements on social media per week or over 200 million in the project’s seven-month period.” All to just hide the truth about Covid from you. That is how big the psyop is. Imagine how much they do to hide Gangstalking, or the local surveillance cells, or where the money sent overseas ends up.

Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction.

Interesting insight into how Gen Milley was a compromised partisan who hated Trump and made sure the military did not deploy on Jan 6th to prevent the riot. I am not a fan of Patrick Byrne, because he is some kind of asset, and I am just tired of being played by everyone. But he did warn his readers before he Capitol riot that something was going to happen, and to not get involved. He knew something about what was coming.

AOC worries Donald Trump would throw her in jail if he wins presidency. You know she was not just some empty headed bartender who happened to hit it big. In college, some handler was telling her which guys to sleep with, to get close to, she was on the lookout for tidbits to hand up to them all the time, she may have fucked over a couple of people’s lives, and nobody had any idea. I have no idea if there was a bigger test before being allowed to get into Congress, but I would assume so. She is part of a very real conspiracy, trying to overthrow the government, and replace our Constitutional Republic with a shadow dictatorship. She is not spouting hyperbole.

Trump immunity, abortion weigh on Supreme Court before summer recess.

FBI employs New Jersey resident Craig Calloway, a professional ballot stuffer who was arrested for harvesting, stuffing ballots, and forging signatures on ballots for both parties as a snitch. Typical. Busted for the crime, but all it does is give FBI a reason to put him on the payroll, turn him loose, and let him keep going, only under more direct control.

Ten states ban ranked-choice voting as others push for it in November ballot measures.

Federal court hands MyPillow and Lindell a loss when it comes to compelling testimony of DOJ and ex-DNI officials in Dominion lawsuit.

NY Post – Hunter Biden’s trial is just a political ploy to protect Joe — and the compromised DOJ, by diverting attention from much larger corruption.

More than half of President Biden’s supporters said they are mainly backing the incumbent in 2024 to oppose former President Trump. What percent are the programmable automatons, and what percent are genuine Cabal and American Stasi who fear the free ride is over if Trump wins? And how does nobody seem to know what is really going on?

Chicago shootings: At least 31 shot, 3 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say.

Legislation would stop Ohio schools tracking students’ web activity on school issued computers during their private, off-school hours. Clever. Free computers, so they can spy on you and record all your online activities. I told you, there is a dedicated unit of the American Stasi in every school, which is building files on every child which will follow them through their whole lives. And it even has the power to decide some kids might be too moral or patriotic, and take them down when they are just kids. They literally puled me in a back room to have a talk with me, fearing I was going to spend my high school years torturing one of their kid-spies for starting a fight with me at their behest, to try and beat me down before I ended up like this. And it was weird. Everybody at the school who was linked with them, teachers, front-desk women, they all deferred to the guy, who by all other appearances, was just some lowly male “aide,” there to break up fights which were too aggressive for the teachers to stop. But in reality, he was high-ranking American Stasi there, and all of them, even the teachers, knew he was in charge, probably more than the principal. You will see one day.

Illegals block Times Square and call for abolishing ICE, in the next phase of Biden’s color revolution.

Biden claims he doesn’t have enough planes to deport illegals.

New report finds Biden’s economy has employed more illegal aliens to U.S. jobs than Americans. That could be a measure of the extent to which Cabal’s American Stasi has penetrated HR divisions, and taken control of company hiring. It might also point to how many illegals are in the conspiracy.

New national poll finds 62 percent of Americans, including Democrats, support national program to deport ALL illegal aliens.

Top cancer charity apologizes for using word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’

Warren Buffett controls 3% of the entire U.S. Treasury bill market: JPMorgan report.

A Gaza journalist who wrote for Al Jazeera was holding three hostages in his home with his family before he was killed by Israeli commandos during a rescue operation.

BBC reporter suggests Israel should have told Hamas they were coming to get the hostages. It was so unfair, Israel should give the hostages back, and have a do-over, this time warning Hamas. The surveillance is like that. They feel everyone else should just accept the shadow dictatorship controlling them, and anyone who resists, and want to be left alone, is somehow being unfair.

Gantz announces he is leaving coalition government, says Netanyahu preventing ‘true victory.’

Daily Mail – How Sweden became a ‘haven’ for mafia gangs and the EU’s gun crime capital off the back of surging migration: As murders surge, police and politicians say the nation is at crisis point.

Exit polls show a historic win for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France and is on course to trounce President Macron’s party.

The French peasants have revolted as Macron dissolves Parliament and calls for immediate snap election.

Spain’s conservative People’s Party wins 34.2% of the vote, ahead of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s Socialist Workers’ Party with 30.2%.

Anti-Trump Belgian Prime Minister announces resignation following election results which showed big wins for Right wing.

Far right surges in European parliament elections, early data shows.

Javier Milei shutters Argentina’s Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity.

A Ukrainian warplane has for the first time fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia.

Putin rejects foreign adoptions by same-sex couples. There are some lucky children who won’t be getting Monkeypox in the next outbreak.

Trump champions the working class — Proposes elimination of all taxes on tips.

Mile-long line to get to Trump’s Las Vegas rally.

Fullsized image

Spread r/K Theory, because somebody must know what is coming

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8 months ago

Ranked Choice voting is a scam, and only works with electronic ballot system and awkward mechanism.
Approval voting works with current ballots, works fine for hand counts or anything else we use now, and it’s damn simple.

Appproval: vote for more than 1. So if 3 are running, you can vote for 2, and not vote for the 3rd, and then only way the 3rd wins is if he’s the favorite of a majority… so you’d be happy with either A or B.
It’s how we decide sorts of stuff, like what to have for dinner… most popular, and you can vote for Chinese or Pizza, but not vote for Subs.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

They claim ranked choice gives “fairer representation”, but as with anything the Left names, it does the exact opposite. Specifically, it can give your vote to the idiot you were voting *against*. A lot of people would rather not vote at all than see that happen.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

if you are on Timeless Authors, msg me there. (if not, link is in header of this site). Related to above and more.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

That or good old fashioned run off elections.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Nah, cause you end up with two bad candidates being the only choice left. Approval works, and for some reason, Ranked is being pushed to confuse voters instead.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Exhibit A: California

8 months ago

Three separate times in the last 5 days a comment I made has failed to appear, concerning a particular person MAP asked about on 6/4. The referenced person must be so anathema to the “watchers” that even the very mention of any way to see previous information concerning said person, not updated for over a half year, must be similar to what had been done to the vault-co continuum.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Yeah, but before the internet, you were pretty much limit to printing handbills or buying mailing lists and stamps.

The problem isn’t the internet, it’s that most of the sheeple only perceive it as a handful of faces of the corporate oligarchy – Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Instagram – they’re not even “the internet”, they’re simply part of their phone or computer, all preinstalled before it went in the box. They have no idea how limited their view of the internet is… and in my experience, they don’t care. It’s just a fancier form of TV to them.

Reply to  arrrrrrr
8 months ago

Sometimes it takes up to two days for comments to appear. AC has to moderate all of them manually. I’m pretty sure he has a job and a family outside of this site. From what I can see when the batches of comments come into my RSS reader, he moderates comments 2-3 times a day. He probably can’t get through all of them, plus the spam, plus the ones that somehow appear in trash for no good reason other than Cabal is messing with him or us.

Then he has to spend a good chunk of the day researching and putting the next brief together. The man is under a workload I wouldn’t wish on my enemies, yet he’s done it every day for close to 15 years.

He also has to spend a lot of time on the phone with tech support when the site crashes, which happens way too frequently to be random.

I normally won’t ask AC about my comments unless 48 hours have passed. Too much of the comment feed is made up of “Hey, it’s been 5 minutes since I posted a comment. Why can’t I see it yet?”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

WordPress is buggy to start with… but I’m pretty sure someone is messing with it. I’d say migrate away but migration is a huge effort.

Reply to  arrrrrrr
8 months ago

It sounds like the auto delete is getting you.
Take a screenshot of your post and upload it with a comments saying it is the missing post.

8 months ago

What if its Biden who refuses to leave the White House?

Its a former GHW Bush administration official writing in The Hill.

Its hard to get more mainstream.

My guess is that the plan is to kick off a general war in July, and use that to form “governments of national unity.” The Republican convention will nominate “Biden”.

8 months ago

On the missing migrant kids, and other indicators of organized human farming, I noted a data point irl experience. Years ago I donated plasma when out of work for a while to earn grocery money, etc. In a typical city these plasma centers were quite large operations with opening lines of folks around the building, (broke folks needing money in ample supply) and 40+ people at at time on beds, all day, six days a week. Mental math of the scale of operations and all related costs to run it as well as the payments out to donating people coming in twice a week did not make sense to me that there is enough of an actual industrial or clinical need for the volumes of plasma “business model”. There are multiples of such centers in every city, under different names and companies, multiplied at scale across the country, and probably the e.u. as well. Maybe a medical anon can technical justify that volume and scale as necessary and it is all used up in medical industy honestly. However. The schizo scenario I can conjure up is the plasma my be a form of feeding stock to either allied or captured aliens, or sustenance feeding of held human stock for continued and future adrenochrome extraction or an in body organ repository storage / stasis maintenance until that subjects organs is needed for harvest and transplanting at a later time. Yeah it is schizo and out there as a theory, but then again, what anons here have seen or know, nothing is too extreme anymore.
Stay frosty and unharvested.

Reply to  Frosty
8 months ago

I have a high red blood cell count. My insurance won’t pay for medical phlebotomy (thank you so much, unAffordable Care Act!), so my doc suggested I go to one of the blood donation centers.

There are a bunch of them in my area… but they only want plasma. They’ll even pay for plasma. But it took six months to find a place that would take whole blood. Reluctantly. And every time I go, they ask if I want to donate plasma instead.

Surf Texas
Surf Texas
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

I was also recently told by my doctor that I had a high red cell blood count, and it was suggested that I donate blood. I have not yet (even though I read somewhere that is is good for older males to donate blood regularly, for multiple health benefits) I think I will call the local (very large!) blood donation place and see what they have to tell me about it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Frosty
8 months ago

Another out there theory I read a while ago stated that there were bases on Mars and the kids were being taken there, using craft with different more powerful propulsion systems than we are led to believe exist.
It is a rather outlandish idea.

Reply to  Frosty
8 months ago

Young blood to inject in decrepit cabal fossils.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

They do target college students and have blood drives on college campuses and promote to them to give blood as a social duty.

Reply to  Frosty
8 months ago

No matter how weird something sounds, the truth is probably weirder.

8 months ago

> Biden claims he doesn’t have enough planes to deport illegals.

Biden is using commercial airlines to bring them in. He can use them to ship them out. And suitable planes from the US military.

But that’s all beside the point. Just load them on railcars and send them back to Mexico. Maybe some of them didn’t come through Mexico in the first place; that’s Mexico’s problem to sort out, then.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Somebody should tell Biden that wood chippers are hell of a lot cheaper than airliners. They also cost less to operate.

8 months ago

Some of us conservatives are voting against Drumpf because we support Israel and the USA at least 100% and yes this includes the CIA and Mossad. It’s called patriotism, liberals.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

It is neither high class nor humorous.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

It’s not funny.
It’s just deranged.
I think they rotated in another troll to harass the comment section.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I doubt it.

a to z
a to z
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Pot must be super potent to get that high.

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
Reply to  NeoconFan
8 months ago

Vote for Drumpf!

What you don’t understand, as with Zelensky/Rishi Sunak/EU supporters, the mainstream is so discredited, nobody cares what you say

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  NeoconFan
8 months ago

You’re really bad at this

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
8 months ago

I heard somewhere Biden will stand down and be replaced by Gavin Newsom.

If Biden can be pushed over the line after filling his nappy at the D-Day commemoration, they can do anything.

A data point perhaps

Reply to  Mr Benn
8 months ago

Kamala is owned by the Obama administration, now the Biden administration, so they are probably hoping Biden steps down or dies after ‘winning’ the election, and then they can install Kamala…she was totally down with the Jussie hoax, she was down with hyping up the BLM/Antifa violence and bailing out anyone who got arrested, she was down with prison labor and even trying to keep people past their sentences for the purpose of prison labor in California.
She is perfect for any future evil plans for US citizens and to hype up the chaos. And of course, there is no way to get her elected into the office so this is the only way to get her in there and she is no threat to Israel or any Epstein-like operations because her husband will be the one who decides things in that area. Hell, maybe she is an Epstein victim from back in the day that they promoted because she was so stupid, so evil, and would do anything for power.

Reply to  Stephanie
8 months ago

She was Montel William’s side piece.

Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Someone asked me to post the following because it was trashed twice here in the comments:
Someone (MAP) asked about jim stone on 6/4, my comment vaporized, evidently (now twice). Here is a quick blurb last posting when his site went down due to wife, now probably ex, could have been surveil girl from the start, who knows. The first ip (131) gets you to a working page not updated for a while, gets you to a page last post oct. 2023, the last ip (183 ending gets a cpanel error) not good, can’t be reached, either. is down.
Just in case Claudia manages to shut down, the new site will show up at and the new IP will be
BTW JS pointed a lot of people to GLP plenty of trollery but some nuggets, to be sure.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

They’re clamping down on the dangerous thinkers AC, which definitely includes you.

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I am always able to access the site (except for the occaisional 404 errors).

Perhaps some still dont use a VPN

8 months ago

From the r conspiracy sub-reddit today:

“I don’t live in the same world that I lived in when I was young
“All that warmth, that colour, that place. It’s gone. I do not belong in the current world. I mean this literally by the way. I’m not speaking figuratively. Something changed, everything changed. One day it was all gone and I woke up here. I don’t know why I’m here or what I’m doing but something is and has been torturing me mentally for years.

“I feel scarily empty. Everything I see, touch, hear, smell, interact with, so foreign and so plastic. The sun doesn’t warm my skin the way it did before I woke up here. The air aches my mind. What is happening or better yet, what has happened? Why did it happen? People are just gonna pull an armchair psychologist and say I’m depressed or something but that isn’t it, it’s what I initially thought but I realized that isn’t it.

“My soul tears at me trying to escape from my body and return to where it truly belongs because it definitely isn’t whatever this horrific place is, this empty grey world. I theorize sometimes that I might be in hell and that the illusion of time is keeping me from realising it.

“You will read this and probably have no idea what I’m talking about but if you do know what I’m talking about then please tell me what happened to us. I feel sick, I am sick. How do I even escape? Will it ever go back to the way it was? I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take the emptiness of everything, the plasticity and mediocrity of every fucking aspect of whatever this society is.

“I’m scared.”

The comments generally agreed that this has been happening.

When I read this, I thought of the Beam. I think the Beam got deployed on the general population during “COVID” and has been making everyone sick.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

It’s unrecognizable.
His business about color is spot on, as well.
Watch any movie from the 80’s. I watched one last night. The colors were amazing.
Why is everything sh*t-colored now with CGI? A uniform shade of brown tint on every film.
I don’t claim to fully understand anything. One of the strongest signs of intelligence in men is the ability to tolerate uncertainty.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

> Why is everything sh*t-colored now with CGI? A uniform shade of brown tint on every film.

That started about ten years ago, at least that I noticed. That, and the software-enhanced super-focus that blurs out everything but what the studio wants you to look at. And the software-driven “anti-Steadicam” that makes the images jiggle and slide around like an old film with worn sprocket holes. Those give me motion sickness.

I don’t waste my time trying to watch that sort of thing.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

Areas with heavy demonic presence have dull colors tending to gray. When the presence gets particularly heavy, there is a sense of darkness – both physically and emotionally. Sometimes it feels like a high pressure front has come in. Demonic presence can also bring odors of feces or cigarette smoke. I know that from experience.

My wife likes Trader Joes and a couple years ago we swung into one of the stores in our area to pick up some parsley and a multivitamin my wife likes. The store was radically different this time. I thought the store was under new management because the overhead lights were dim and the store seemed gray. The floor was dirty and dingy. Everyone looked depressed and ill. I had such a a creepy feeling I put my back up against some shelves and began scanning up and down the aisle as my wife picked out the parsley. Walking to the vitamin section, my wife tucked herself up against my side and asked if I was carrying. I was.

My wife is very sensitive to the demonic. Ironically, my job has put me around them, but my wife, whose job has nothing to do with demons, is actually much more attuned to there presence than I am. As we walked out of the store, the feeling of oppression dropped away. My wife began jumping around, chattering, “There was a demon in there. There was a demon in there.” I was, “Doh! Of course there was.”

We went back a few weeks later because we wanted to see if it had attached itself to the store or was a ride along with someone who had been shopping there. It was the later. We walked in and the store was bright, fresh, and clean. Everyone looked healthy and happy and it smelled good.

Second data point. I live in one of the handful of traditional, Christian dominated states in the United States. When people visit, they all comment on how bright and clean the state is, full of vivid colors and smelling so good compared to back home. It’s not the state – it’s the religion.

Third data point. When I was in Saudi Arabia – long story – the entire country had a pervasive feel of darkness to it, no matter how bright and sunny it was.

Fourth data point. A coworker told me about visiting a very active Hindu temple that normally did not allow non-Hindu westerners in. He was part of a religious group that had received permission to enter it. He said it was the most dark place he had ever been, despite it being very brightly lit.

Demons are very real. They come in various sizes, shapes, and powers. When Christianity was dominant in the United States, it kept them repressed. Now the culture has become anti-Christian, the demons have become emboldened, and that has brought with it an observable decay in colors, scents, and such.

I’ve got more examples than I put here, but this is enough.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

I have thought this about automobiles.

Why are most vehicles grey, white, or black? Very few other colored autos. In the past, there were brilliant yellows, greens, reds, blues, even orange. Now nothing but dullness.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Mr Benn
Mr Benn
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I like 80s Steve Segal movies because they would heap insult on injury upon injustice and when the bad guys got their come-uppance, it was that much more fun.

The baddies have earned their 80s Steven Segal ending. If we all end up facing a Katinesque pit, that will suck big time

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

This timeline sucks.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

I think he has realised subconsciously just how sick the system really is and it has overwhelmed him.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

It’s the same world, but everything was purposefully destroyed by the new generation of cabal that took over before people began to notice the results.
It’s sadism, the deliberate destruction of everything to make as many others miserable as possible.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

It doesn’t help having the sun look like an LED instead of the the delightful golden orb of our youth. Kind of washes everything out and then the loss of smell from being exposed to constant sickening frequencies and bioweapons

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

If they are taking ssri or any of those type drugs it can zombie them out in this way, so first they should try to get off those drugs. But people have been giving these drugs to kids during their formative years, which is a crime against humanity for most of the kids. It’s also hard and can be dangerous to just stop taking them, they have to scale down and really go through a lot to get off of them.
Also, remember the military presentation with the guy talking about trying to disconnect a part of people’s brains in order to fight religious fanaticism? It could disconnect people from seeing any beauty in the world or experiencing love or wonder and imagination, as well.
Everything does point to tptb wanting zombified, irreligious and all that entails other than religion, with brave new world sex lives, rootless masses to rule over and parasitize. And ultimately like their leader Joe Biden where the only time they really feel anything is when they talk about putting their opposition in jail or they put a kid in front of them to jerk around and grope. He is a perfect representation of their leader and high priest.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 months ago

OMG!!! This thread brought back a flood of memories. Ogghhh. I can taste the flouride and the prediction games and the projector and really fast videos…🤯

Reply to  Am_Free_USA
8 months ago

I almost ended up in GATE but was saved by my own laziness and stubbornness. I asked a couple of friends whom I assumed would have been recruited into GATE if they were ever in it. They’d never heard of it. I’m not sure what they were targeting, but it wasn’t solely intelligence.

Charles Charlie-Charles
Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

Who did this?

Disrespecting the Presidente de le Fithieme Repooblique is very mal.

BTW, one of the girls in the original video was a lady-anon from another site.

Last edited 8 months ago by Charles Charlie-Charles
8 months ago

The fix is in: the last few days, The Drudge Report has a poll showing Biden up by 2%. Its about muddying the waters so they can steal the election. Remember that when Trump got into office, every three months the news would scream about the 25th amendment, Trump is mentally ill, on and on and on. Yet, we have a real-life candidate for the 25th–and the media is silent. We live in an evil lunatic time. It is insane the inversions.

Surf Texas
Surf Texas
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
8 months ago

Who still reads the Drudge Report?!?!?!

Texas Arcane
8 months ago

This “counter-revolution” of the right is as staged as any other “spontaneous” events of the last 50 years.
Next year, as the “right” seizes power, the perfect moment to create a new fake pandemic so as to enact the conditions of the pandemic treaty and transfer sovereignty from nations to global government.
There is no opposition. There never was. They are gonna grift us into accepting the New World Order because their fake agents of the right will be implementing it.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Pack your rice, whoever you are. Or nobody’s politics will matter if they starve to death. Once you run out of food you’re gonna go along with whatever is on offer. Everybody needs to worry about surviving for ten years off storage food minimum. Or they will find that the next stage of the NWO was the most cunning of them all.
If people are hungry and then find out about the surveillance, it won’t matter to them at all. Eating will.
They’re killing the chickens and cattle now for a reason.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

The stated reason for the mass chicken sacrifice is “bird flu”, but the obvious, unstated reason is mass sacrifice to the old gods, because the old gods always demanded and still demand, mass sacrifice.

Abortion serves the same purpose.

To quote Charles Fort – “The earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

Let’s remember these latest culls of chickens are the second phase of this project as there were many instances of fires and explosions at food processing et al plants all over the world.
They are definitely inducing a famine. It could become a Mad Max scenario.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

They’re already prepping us with the bird flu fear porn. Fully agree there is no ‘official’ opposition but there are millions all over the world who want a better world for humanity.

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

Australia seems to be going all out with the bird flu craziness, I guess they figure cows and chickens can’t refuse a vaxx nor do they understand what a PCR test is.
I think they would really love to get to the point that they could coerce people to put down their pets, they tried to float that during covid but it didn’t work, they did set the idea in though.
Imagine what a sadistic power-drunk high they would get out of having people do that. Sick.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Texas Arcane
8 months ago

Glad to see you back here, posting, TA.

8 months ago

Why call these early elections?

Something must be expected that will make them more unpopular

Reply to  Anonynnous
8 months ago

From what I’ve read, first, people don’t know what Macron intends (which supports you) but a leading interpretation is that this makes the elections now, and otherwise La Pen would be able to essentially campaign against him for a few months and then call the Vote of No Confidence on her own timing.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Same as Trudeau in 2021, which has pushed the next to 2025, and he’s unlikely to call it sooner (2024) because he’s losing ground to Pierre Poilievre. In other words, if it looks like a loss later but not now, you call it early. Trudeau knows he’d lose now or later, so do nothing. But his 2021 call was to lock in the uninformed votes for him to prevent a loss in 2022 or 2023

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
8 months ago

Trump probation interview set for Monday after hush money conviction.

Standard procedure, almost certainly required by the rules. (Haven’t double checked that.) I’m betting that even more than Trump and his lawyers, the USSS is going to be dominating this meeting. As far at the PSR (Pre-sentencing Report) the probate officer is going so say, “first time offender, no history of violence, no danger of flight, strongest ties to the community possible (past and future POTUS), little remorse (only thing against him, really) financially as stable as possible, no substance use issues (doesn’t even drink).”
If the probate officer is honest, they will recommend a fine and, if any time, a suspended sentence. If there is anything more than that, it’s full on corruption, and makes the SCOTUS stepping in even more likely.
(Also, from what I’ve heard from actual experts with NY criminal experience, the appeal isn’t ripe until sentencing. I was wrong on that one.)

Last edited 8 months ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

They don’t care about any of that, they just want headlines saying, ‘Trump grilled on mental and physical health’. So, they can giggle about it especially as the person they voted for is a mental and physical wreck and they pretend he isn’t. Total in your face, ‘we have the power, and we will treat you as awfully and unfairly as we damn well please, got it?’

8 months ago

Biden claims he doesn’t have enough planes to deport illegals.

Does he know that planes are reusable?

8 months ago

Top cancer charity apologizes for using word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’

I know that I feel more confidence when my doctor uses toddler-euphemisms for body parts rather than the proper latin names.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

And it’s not even anatomically correct, a female’s ‘front hole’ is her urinary tract, not her vagina. smh.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stephanie
8 months ago

A discussion of scalar waves that might be of interest. Translated from the German.

‘How did life emerge? Life can only emerge if two cells are able to communicate with each other and if a cell has energy.
Such cells, in the beginning likely unicellular organisms, would not be able to afford a distinguished array of antennae but likely fulfill both needs of communications and energy with one antenna. The approach I am following are (electromagnetic field eddies?) which as eddies keep energy bound which they can transfer to cells and which at the same time may be modulated to carry and transfer information. The cell must be able decode this modulation and translate this to its task, e.g. as a neural or muscular cell. This means that for cells to be able to communicate with each other there must be a vibration which the body has to go along with in a framework of resonance.
So only when there’s resonance there’s also energy being supplied to the cell and thus also information.
Or the other way round: If the antennae were not to work and the cell had no energy and no information it would run a kind of emergency program, not processing sugars but running anaerobically at very low efficiency with loss of purpose of the cell (muscular, neural) and proliferation and there we have cancer.’

‘The proliferation of a cancerous cell is an automatism by nature designed to renew the cell itself in case of energy depletion. This mostly works. Yet not anymore when the information is corrupted. Then cells may develop which lack the ability to collect eddies.
Then two things lack: Energy AND information modulated onto these eddies. There’s a combination of energy and information. We must not say that energy IS information, this would be totally wrong. What we can say is that we have one carrier for both. This is how I would interpret it.’

Then Kalcker explains a model airplane in Meyl’s lab, which possesses no energy store of its own but is powered by the reception of scalar waves.
‘According to Dr. Meyl this is the energy transfer of the future and this is how it works in our bodies, i.e. our body transfers scalar waves, magnetic scalar waves as described in his symposia and conferences. ‘

‘I have occupied myself with Tesla coils and have rebuilt here such flat coils, so-called Tesla coils. When you cut mitochondria in half you see exactly this structure, i.e. it means they work similarly to Tesla coils and I assume there’s also an antenna function such as this sphere antenna, which works very well. With this apparatus we can collect scalar waves, eddies, and materialise them into electrons for electric power to drive a light bulb or an electric motor as in the case of the model airplane which you have seen.
Cells emit scalar waves and receive such scalar waves. They communicate with each other by this, tell other cells what to do and also that they are able to receive energy. If I were to categorise this physically, I need to make a model: I only absorb scalar waves/eddies – my eyes only receive eddies, my nose only receives eddies transmitting cilia signals directly into my neural network. There is no chemical analysis plant and the whole imagination of chemistry is, in my eyes, of very little use because whenever there are chemical processes in the body there must be something which drives that process. A chemical process does not happen just randomly. So the order of what is electric and what is chemical leads one to having to turn it upside-down, or rather on its proper feet. I.e. that the electric processes constitute the controlling signals for the chemical processes. And that the chemical processes which we are able to observe today are the effect but not the cause. So in overall the causality which we are assuming must be reversed. And thus we come right back to that electromagnetic eddies are the cause. It’s electricity wich controls the body. This is where nature is at home and where a scientist is being called to.’

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Tesla was definitely on to something, which is why he died destitute and malnourished in a rundown hotel room, after which, the Feds confiscated all of his notebooks and paperwork, which have never seen the light of day.

a to z
a to z
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

We use the alternating current, (A/C) (how is that for coinkeydink) that he brought about to counter DC from Edison that could only transmit short distances over wire. Getting Westinghouse on your side gets a giant dam at Niagara Falls to make hydro electric, getting told by Westinghouse he can’t afford the license fees got Tesla to say :that’s OK, don’t pay me a thing(?)

Then get JP Morgan as a backer for experiments that happen to get closed down when they bear monstrous fruit (now who could have stolen that, a rich banker’s pals?), a lot to that story is out there, this is just a bit I remember.

a to z
a to z
Reply to  Another Dave
8 months ago

Didn’t it come up that Trump’s uncle or similar was involved with those Tesla papers? Makes you go hmmmmm…

Reply to  a to z
8 months ago

Yes, the FBI agent sent to collect his papers when he died.

8 months ago

Article says “French-born” leaves out the Iranian parents part. Buying influence in media and government via charity organizations.

8 months ago

They seem to have gotten the guy on a zoom call with the hostage negotiator to keep his focus on the computer monitor, and then the police sniper sent the bullet through it.

Sniper Shoots Bank Robber Holding Hostages Through A Computer Screen

8 months ago

The WEF is scared enough of what they will find at Gobekli Tepe that they bought in and basically shut the entire dig down. and they did it back in 2016.

Bright Insight – You Won’t Believe This Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

I await speculation. With enough conspiracy theories, the truth will be out there

8 months ago

Germany Rejects Calls for Snap Election Despite Pressure from Opposition After EU Poll Setback

Bucking the trend.

8 months ago

Zelensky Puts Trump & Vance on Enemies List for Impeding U.S. Aid

8 months ago