News Briefs – 06/09/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

This is a cool story, because if you do not believe me when I explain what I have seen of how the American Stasi intel op in America works, you would think this impossible. But if you believe me, it makes perfect sense. Hunter Biden’s stripper-babymomma-ex says the night she took a pregnancy test and found she was pregnant with Hunter’s baby, she was with friends, and suddenly both her iPhones crashed, and when she got a replacement iPhone the next day her iCloud account had been wiped of all its Hunter-related information. She had someone monitoring her in real time, in her house, who acted unilaterally on a moment’s notice when they heard the pregnancy test result, to wipe all traces of Hunter from her accumulated data, just in case the Agency, or Cabal, or whoever runs the American Stasi, decided they wanted to deny Hunter’s baby was her’s, rig any DNA test to show it was not, and portray her as a mentally ill lunatic stalker for claiming to even know him. I mean, she knows him, but she has no record of any text message, or even his private number? And the DNA test she mailed in came back as not a match? She must be nuts. Get a restraining order against her telling her she cannot come within 500 feet of Hunter or his family, and deploy the gangstalking brigade to bully her into submission. That is America today.

It means either Cabal is fully in control, and Hunter is somehow very important to their script to maintain control going forward, so much so he has some kind of top-level priority, where agents assigned to him are told to protect him at all costs, even risk of exposure, or a counter-conspiracy has made him pivotal to its script to reveal everything, and assigned agents to him with the same sort of orders, to act at all costs first, and everything will get cleaned up later. That is why there can be video of him molesting his brother’s underaged daughter while smoking crack, and nothing will come of it.

But just about all of you, if not outright all of you, right now, have somebody with that power, if not necessarily that specific authority with respect to you, operating in your neighborhood right now, watching everyone in the neighborhood right now, in their homes, and picking up on big events like that in real time. And they are not impressive. I have known impressive men growing up. Guys who fill you with awe at how head and shoulders, above everyone they are. Here, you are looking at some tranny with blue hair and flesh tunnel ear rings, who has never been in a fistfight growing up, just because they cannot get that close enough to the edge or they would break mentally. Cabal wants them like that, because it knows they will not develop a case of morals and decide to end this, no matter the cost to themselves. If we can bring that all out in America, you will see one of the pogroms of old. The, IMO, likelihood, of that happening on this path, is just about all that keeps me moving forward. If it touches off right, and people have processed what I am putting out and adapted to it, it could be a magical time.

Bannon carries two phones, in his chest pockets, cameras facing forward, so if you are talking with him, they are pointing right at you. He folded that tab on the pocket under that one with purpose, to make it look haphazard, but also to make sure nothing covered the lens. He knows the game, and felt if both pockets were done like his right one, it would look purposeful. I think central control is probably watching through those camera lenses in real time. He may even have an earpiece. I suppose two is one, and one is none afterall. I would not be surprised if one of those pens is a recorder too.

On Twitter – “Dominion failed to disclose to Congress that the motherboard in the election equipment is not only sourced from China, but it is tested in China. From Leaf’s letter here. This is a clear, gross violation of several federal laws.” 

Michael Cohen, a former personal attorney for Donald Trump, said Saturday on MSNBC, that if the former president wins the election, “people will start flying out of windows.” I don’t know why he feels he needs to sell us on Trump when we are already voting for him…

Biden insists he’s not involved in his family’s business dealings, but his aides are a different story. Basically how Biden skirts the law and conceals the pay to play using his aides as proxies. We already knew, but it being introduced as an official narrative is interesting.

Ben Garrison has reportedly opened a GiveSendGo to defray his medical expenses from his cancer. I don’t hyper-verify these things, so do your own research, there are a lot of scams on GiveSendGo. However it is linked off his website, and to a youtube channel which claims to be RealBenGarrison. I’m putting this here as other outlets read this site, and maybe some of them will check that this is real and pick this up. If you read American Stasi, you will see where Bill Binney noted his surveillance’s radio-emissive tech gave half the people on his street cancer, and likely produced the cancer which killed his wife. I find it interesting Ben complains in this video of brain fog. That could be the chemo, but it would not surprise me if his surveillance was zapping him with a higher wattage to degrade his function, confident he would blame the effects on the chemo. As I have said, they are clamping down in the runup to whatever it is that is coming. Regardless, give Ben a prayer, as he is one of our good guys.

More than 1,300 illegals flood into San Diego in one day after Biden’s Executive Order on asylum seekers – Border Patrol releases them to the streets.

Illegal immigrants are offered an array of taxpayer funded benefits, enticing more to come.

“Migrant influencer” Leonel Moreno, who was talking on social media of how the US allows you to take over empty houses, is having trouble coming up with the money for an attorney despite previously waving huge wads of $100 bills on social media and boasting daily about how much money he was making from government welfare programs and begging on the streets. As with Hunter, Cabal seems to prefer the assets it allows to look rich, be kept hungry.

More than 50,000 underage migrants disappeared in Europe in three years. I just this moment realized, according to US Marine Michael Herrera’s Congressional testimony, somebody in charge is running Delta Force operators who are using UAPs to grab people who will not be missed from disaster zones, loading them up in shipping containers, to ship them off somewhere, possibly to supply humans for some other group which they have a deal with, human or otherwise. One rumor is those in charge made a deal with the “aliens,” who informed them they would be taking humans regardless, but they would allow those in charge to decide who, if they wanted. But they would have to supply “X” number per year. The Delta guys were the ones picking them up and shipping them out. One aspect of the migration, is it creates an opportunity to easily disappear a lot of people, without needing to have a natural disaster, which could be somewhat unpredictable, and prone to not happen as often as you need.

Former Trump White House Chief of Staff says he believes Trump will select Dr. Ben Carson as VP. Tough to see any other option as coming close, short of Don Jr. or Eric.

Politico upset that WhatsApp doesn’t censor election news. I read this now and immediately think, “Huh, so WhatsApp is censoring political news too now…” They lie about everything, and only publicize the apps which they control. Somewhere may be an app which doesn’t censor, but they will never promote it by mentioning it.

The 9th Circuit Court has ruled that mRNA Covid vaccines, developed by Pfizer and Moderna, are not vaccines, which removes their legal liability protection.

Daily Wire employee fired for sending supportive message to Candace Owens from his personal email account.

A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air.

Hartford, CT, Democrat mayor denounces residents who are arming themselves to fight violent crime.

Government will appeal ruling which found gun ban in post offices unconstitutional.

What is funny is, there is a very famous picture of a chimpanzee, which had just been caught by another monkey trying to steal its apple, and its mouth made this exact same facial expression in response to being guilty, and being caught. There is one of Bill Clinton making it in very pronounced fashion too, during the Lewinsky debacle:

It makes it seem like even as they LARP in these “high” positions, in their own personal moments, they will be morose and downcast contemplating their lives, like Epstein’s help described him when others were not around.

A deranged drag queen named ‘Brigitte Bandit’ promoted trans propaganda at the Texas Democrat Convention this weekend.

Ex-gymnastics doc Larry Nassar allegedly pays gangbangers for protection with ‘sexual favors.’ The story is sourced to a tranny, and others say he is isolated and safe, though their account is questionable given he was almost stabbed to death a few weeks back by someone in GenPop. If true, simultaneously fair and just, because he felt so clever getting over on those little girls, and yet still morally wrong. It ignites so much cognitive dissonance I find myself not even wanting to think about it. Interesting all the gang members would be homos though. You wonder if Cabal supports that, because coming up the ranks, they have something to hide. Once they have all been in a while as assets, they all know how it works, and they all realize they are all homos, and then they do it freely. It would fit, with the gangs being exactly like Hollywood, and the rap world. Robert DeNiro was reportedly a young Italian streetgang member, with a flamboyant homo-artist Dad who had just come out and abandoned mom, when he broke into acting. Makes me wonder if we will find out many in Congress, and on the TV news are all taking it in the ass as well. Marco Rubio was in that leather band, and Gary Condit did have the semen of five different men on his bed. Truth be told, I never saw P. Diddy as a homo either, I just assumed he had a mansion filled with women in bikinis all the time. Who would think he was rolling with homo NFL players, turning out Justin Bieber? The more you know….

IMF calls on US to get its gargantuan debt under control.

Israel rescues 4 hostages kidnapped in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. At least 94 Palestinians are killed. Some video from the streets around the buildings assaulted here on Twitter.

With a shortage of mortar shells in reserves across Europe, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are setting up their own ammunition factories to be ready in case of a potential attack from Russia. Everybody is gearing up for a World War, where Russia will be the good guys.

Interesting video clip:

Ukraine urges citizens to stay in the workforce for as long as possible to fund their own retirement. Cocksuckers have raided all the pension funds. When Russia wins, everyone in positions of power no will flee, and that country will be left as nothing but a husk.

The recent decision by Washington and its allies in Europe to allow Kiev to use Western-supplied weapons for long-range strikes deep into Russian territory shows that Ukraine’s backers “do not want peace,” Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Saturday. Said as he is recovering from an assassin’s bullets.

Vivek Ramaswamy explains to Laura Ingram how the Democrats and Neocons have united and are switching from defending Ukraine, to needing to push into Russia and attack Russian cities. Interesting as Vivek was hired on by the same unit running Pete Buttigieg, as both were hired to portray the only two college students to ask Barack Obama questions on a town hall the conspiracy used to promote Obama. So since Ukraine is an operation by the conspiracy which promoted Obama, here Vivek is the controlled opposition that the conspiracy is running against its own operation in Ukraine. So by all means, everyone opposed to Ukraine, unite behind Vivek, and he will lead you where the conspiracy needs you to go. With this level of control here, you can see the American Stasi, watching everyone, is right along those lines.

A US, UK, and European government-backed Ukrainian publication called “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY) has released a new report labeling hundreds of Americans as adversaries, including Trump, and conservative journalists and members of Congress, due to their refusals to endorse more war and more funding for the Ukrainian government. If you do not have enemies in a world run by satan, you are not doing it right.

Defying the U.S., the Russian Navy will deploy one of its modern Yasen-M nuclear submarines in the Caribbean Sea.

Zelensky fires back at Russian claims that he’s illegitimate after his mandate ended in May: ‘Our people are free.’ There is meme with Zelensky going around, where he is in a Tik Tok video saying he has discovered a little life hack, before telling the viewer that “The men at the park are free. You can take as many of them as you like. I have 478,000 men I have taken, and I am going back this weekend to take some more…”

Russia intends to fight for a “new polycentric world,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

Spread r/K Theory, because the men at the park will only be free for a little while longer.

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8 months ago

Re: the farcebook posting about the Trump juror

The factual question goes beyond whether the farcebook poster and the juror have familiarity. Finding they do is the first consideration. Beyond that the range of factual possibilities is broad, as is the range of legal considerations.

Even after jeopardy has attached (first juror sworn) a successful mistrial motion usually results in a new trial. The courts have reasoned that it was the defendant making the motion to abort the trial and its results, negating double jeopardy.

And in fact even if the worst were found to be true, that a juror commented to a familiar that the guilty verdict was certain, Trump may decide for strategic reasons not to make a mistrial motion. Unlikely, but possible. Possible because Trump may prefer to go to appeal rather than a new trial.

On appeal, for instance, the first issue which should be raised is that Trump was denied his right to appeal because the court’s instructions made it impossible to review the evidence. This is the actual winning argument to make, noting the inapplicability of the (burglary) case law applied by the court to Trump’s charges. This issue is superior to others because the relief is to dismiss all the charges outright. That is where the real double jeopardy lies.

Mere faulty instructions, whatever the unconstitutional consequences, do not necessarily have the same result. Plus, those issues logically lead to the question whether the evidence in front of the Grand Jury was sufficient. IOW, were there ANY possible valid trial instructions which could be given consistent with the evidence supporting the indictment. All these related questions need to have been properly raised (preserved) by Trump’s lawyers, or they are dead. Preservation questions are a guillotine, and beloved by reviewing courts, who have big latitude (as a practical matter) in finding that it was a defendant’s fault why some egregious violation will have no consequence.

One possibility is that the post is a tempest in a tea pot, and all the attention proven to be the usual bombshell baloney.

Reply to  Tonawanda
8 months ago

Jordan Sather connected some dots. Posobiec put forward a guy known as Microchip claiming he created the whole “Q” thing and then somebody else took it over after Microchip got tired of it. Microchip also used an alias “Michael Anderson”, which is the same name as the FB account of the “juror”. It’s possibly a Microchip LARP.

Reply to  Tonawanda
8 months ago

Drumpf lied and he’s a convicted felon. He’s not conservative!!

Reply to  NeoconFan
8 months ago

Get lost.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  NeoconFan
8 months ago

Nor are neocons.

Reply to  NeoconFan
8 months ago

Are you going to serve on the front lines when your fellow neocons succeed in invading Russia to fight the Demon Hordes? Please oo so; it’ll mean one less fool we have to endure in the US.

Stretch Armstrong
Stretch Armstrong
8 months ago

Former Trump White House Chief of Staff says he believes Trump will select Dr. Ben Carson as VP. Tough to see any other option as coming close, short of Don Jr. or Eric.

Was Tucker Carlson never an option?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Stretch Armstrong
8 months ago

Carson is not a great choice, and probably being picked simply for being black, which is a boomer move in the extreme.

Carson holds no sway over black voters at all, and isn’t particularly charismatic or interesting.

A move like that does not inspire confidence that any real Storm is coming, or that Trump is going to do anything significantly different in his second term.

Why does all of this have to be so insufferably lame?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

AC for Veep! AC for Veep!

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
8 months ago

Couldn’t agree more.

8 months ago

A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air.

Hartford, CT, Democrat mayor denounces residents who are arming themselves to fight violent crime.

The links are great today, but I think these are important and point to something missed.

I grew up in a big central city during the 1970s and 1980s. There was a big crime wave, which was really publicized by the mainstream news media (“if it bleeds, it leads”) and many working class and middle class white people who lived in urban neighborhoods moved to the suburbs. Steve Sailer’s entire world view is informed by this.

I’ve been critical of this, since I don’t think this strategy worked. Eventually what these people were fleeing in the central cities was deployed in the suburbs, and they had to move to the exurbs, and so on. This is now in Moscow, Idaho.

But why not stay where you are and form urban watch groups with your neighbors? You don’t need government paid police, which is a relatively recent (1820s) institution.

Because if a neighborhood watch group is formed, the Cabal and surveillance will spring into action and destroy it. I think this is the real story of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. And that is what the articles behind these links are describing.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Or infiltrate and capture it, then turn it to evil.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Groups like you describe were formed in the late 60’s and 70’s, and it was decried as vigilantism by the MSM of the era.

The bottom line is that white people were under no circumstances allowed to defend themselves or their communities, and that standard is still enforced today.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

If any one is going to subvert the law, over react, and railroad someone, it’s got to be the government and no one else. They want all the fun.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

I once interviewed the head if the Hungarian community in Cleveland, which once contained one quarter of the county’s population in one, huge, CONTIGUOUS area.
Come the days of blockbusting and they tried to do what you recommend, which after all is the obvious best path to take.
Well…it proved impossible to get the Hungarians to get with the plan. All feared losing property values, so they scattered to the suburbs, which began to boom.
He said that the effort and the group trying to implement it were strongly opposed by the RC church– nominally Hungarian — including all the nuns

Finally, their leader of the time, who had been a general during Hungary’s Rebellion against the Soviets, went into the hospital for some simple operation, and conveniently perished.
At that time, they were working on a plan for succession from the City and formation of a new one. Or possibly even a new county. It all looked achievable, except the people acted like an undisciplined mob and fled.
And these people were all ethnically similar, with strong ties and plenty of brains, knowledge, money, and resources.
For example, they kept their Boy Scout troop “clean” with a rule that to join, one needed to speak Hungarian.
Now, what can a large group of mish-mashed “Americans” do?

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

That general/Wray guilty face is INCREDIBLE!!!!! That’s the EXACT same face my wife made the morning after I confronted her with irrefutable evidence of her affair. I’d never seen her make that face before. It’s burned in me and I spent a long time trying to interpret it. Thank you.

8 months ago

Michael Cohen, a former personal attorney for Donald Trump, said Saturday on MSNBC, that if the former president wins the election, “people will start flying out of windows.”

Do a back flip.

8 months ago

Panama, Argentina and Mexico juat got named as 3 of the best places to be Jewish.

8 months ago

Larry Nassar. And other examples may be an example of s3xu4l perversions travelling together.
If a homo very likely a p3d0 and b3sti4lity enthusiast. Or altogether. Hence why its interesting that the Old Testament featured death penalties against such behaviors.
If you eradicate those who violate animals. You simultaneously get rid of a huge portion of the rest.

a nunya
a nunya
8 months ago

This comment keeps vaporizing:

Someone (MAP) asked about jim stone on 6/4, my comment vaporized, evidently (now twice). Here is a quick blurb last posting when his site went down due to wife, now probably ex, could have been surveil girl from the start, who knows. The first ip (131) gets you to a working page not updated for a while, gets you to a page last post oct. 2023, the last ip (183 ending gets a cpanel error) not good, can’t be reached, either. is down.
Just in case Claudia manages to shut down, the new site will show up at and the new IP will be

BTW JS pointed a lot of people to GLP plenty of trollery but some nuggets, to be sure.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Homo gang bangers ….
If you look at how real women are being downgraded and their efforts ruined by trans”women,” and with the blessings of the elites, at that, you will gain an important insight into the transhuman agenda and all the other harmful non-sense that intersects with it.
*They* plan to eliminate real women entirely. At least from the lives of their pleb slave class.
There are several reason, including the following:
1. This eliminates the possibility of a White awakening and Rebellion featuring strong families and the independent and unauthorized production of childrem.
2. Women are weaker, are out sick a lot, plus they cause trouble.
3. Lab-sized artificial “wombs” have been developed, which can create hundreds or more “test tube babies,” to whatever specifications are desired.
4. Schools, story hours, and many terabytes of oral and anal closeup porn have already primed acceptence of the homosex lifestyle. This began with the Hollywood star system and Playboy magazine’s creation and promotion of supposed heteros, all of whom worshipped the homosex lifestyle, albeit perhaps unknowingly.
5. Having nothing, yet being happy will be enabled by allowing the homo-ized male pleb slaves to earn coupons towards spending “quality time” with fancy-tier shemales. This will cost the elites basically nothing and will provide incentive rewards and also fear of being cut off.
6. At this time, many/most elite and influential people are part of an inverted “satanic” trans couple, per photos and portraits going back into the mists of time. Thus, the elites will not probably abandone production of the female sex BECAUSE their power and pleasure stems from upholding the dual Baphometic Paradigm. However, evidence has shown that the elites are mostly as queer as a three dollar bill, so they will definitely be taking advantage of the upper-tier pleasure shemales.
But for everybody else, mainly the all male serfs and slaves of the elites, real females are going to be quickly phased out.
Prove me wrong or show how the above statements do not make logical, political, or economic sense.
As for the homo gangbangers, that is a current way to experiment towards developing a religion an espre de corps for the new normal!

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago


Second wave transgenderism was the USA feminist movement fronted by jews where women got to pretend to be men despite how hilariously non-competive we are in every area – except child birth and child rearing.

It makes me laugh yinz cannot even identify the enemy or the wedge issues; you and your cause are truly lost – and this is why I’ll savor ceasing to read or post here come Monday

Although I will buy 3 copies of ACs book and distribute them both because I said I would and for the lulz. 90% of yinz jagoffs are reactive like your average Oprah viewer; no depth of substantive reading, not enough data points for recognition and low economic flexibility. You’re cannon fodder of the mind.

And like all fodder, ultimately you and yours will be fed upon. Hey, if you’re White or Asian and employed you already are 😀

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  AlyssaUnsaged
8 months ago

Goin’ back to PA, then? You are right about feminism, but remember: waves come in sets, and not all waves are the same size. Is that amplitude, frequency, and phase?
Anyhow, one generation away from a poifect world, we is. Currently, that could work two ways, if not for the religious supporters supporting the enemy.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Karl Denniger’s latest essay argues this:

Pretty much the same as Ghost Who Walks argues. Fewer and fewer desirable women (for men) each decade, starting around 2000. Also fewer desirable men for women, but less in our faces.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Yeah, and I don’t want to carp at women, BUT what did they expect would happen if they bought into being weak imitation men?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

Rest in Peace DMX..preached the gospeland fired shots at the homo mafia till the day he died!
Where the Hood At //D to the M to the X (X)
Last I heard, y’all niggas was havin’ sex (uh) with the same sex (woo)
I show no love (yeah) to homo thugs (nah)
Empty out, reload, and throw more slugs (boom)
How you gonna explain fn’ a man?
Even if we squash the beef, I ain’t touchin’ your hand (aight?)
I don’t fk with chumps (yeah) For those that been to jail, that’s the cat with the Kool-Aid on his lips and pumps (uh)
I don’t fk with niggas that think they broads
Only know how to be one way, that’s the dog (woo)
I know how to get down, know how to bite (bite)
Bark very little, but I know how to fight (fight)
I know how to chase a cat up in a tree Man, I’ll give y’all niggas the business for fn’ with me Is you crazy?\\

8 months ago

> More than 50,000 underage migrants disappeared in Europe in three years.

That’s about the same number (that we know of) that disappeared in the US during the Obama administration. All under official government care, too.

“We don’t know where they went. The paperwork seems to be missing.”

“Oh well, it happens. Have a nice day!”

8 months ago

> Anti-establishment conservatives are gaining power in the Minnesota GOP.
“Nothin’ from nothin’ leave nothin’…” as the song goes. The GOP abandoned Minnesota to the Democrats a couple of decades ago. The Democrats, in turn, are in the final stages of handing it over to the Somalis.

Washington, Georgia, Virginia, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado… looks like they’re in the process of handing Texas over to the Commies now.

It’s just the Uniparty shuffling place cards at the hog trough.

8 months ago

> IMF calls on US to get its gargantuan debt under control.

Sounds reasonable, until you realize the IMF is where much of “Modern Monetary Theory” (print fake money until your economy collapses) comes from in the first place.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

IMF called: “We didn’t mean THAT MUCH money printing!”

8 months ago

> Bannon carries two phones, in his chest pockets, cameras facing forward, so if you are talking with him, they are pointing right at you. 

[sigh] They’re *phones*. That is, they’re smart terminals pwned by everyone from the chipset designers to the application programmers. Anyone at half a dozen different layers on the software stack can reach in there and turn the camera off, delete videos, or upload anything they want onto the phone, from .pdfs of classified documents to kiddie porn.

“Check out my new bulletproof body armor. It has *two* layers of Kleenex! And it’s on fire!”

8 months ago

> Government will appeal ruling which found gun ban in post offices unconstitutional.

The same government whose every elected politician swore an oath to defend that same Constitution.

8 months ago

> Former Trump White House Chief of Staff says he believes Trump will select Dr. Ben Carson as VP. 

Carson might be the only one who hasn’t stabbed him in the back.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

One thing about Carson, I don’t imagine him as Manly. He says a lot of good stuff, but he doesn’t have any leadership qualities. Trump is an Alpha Male, has leadership qualities. Carson is neither an alpha male or any leadership qualities.

8 months ago

Karl Denninger published his best essay in years yesterday:

Its about how its a bad idea to fight to prolong your existence on Earth when you are already quite elderly, and how too much of the American economy is devoted to end of life care. But it ties into a lot of the Vox Day outlook on the selfishness of the Boomer generation. And Karl and most of the posters on his site are Boomers.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Karl HILARIOUSLY has posted about being trolled in Vegas with probably under aged pussy, his daughter had a van window busted out while she was driving and he comes from a communication/internet background. He’s posted about running for office where he was asked to drop out and be GUARANTEED a win in another contest. No doubt he’s been warned and attempted compromised

This is my memory of his posts and may be wrong but imo Karl is very much intelligent enough to walk the line as he knows what happens to those that deviate too far. Or maybe he’s a slurping Zionist boomer. IDK.

What I do know is Karl has done more for this nation than any 10,000 douchebags that have been awarded sundry official medals and regalia; Karl came up right; right or wrong I can’t imagine him compromising

He’s a real life Walter Joseph Kovacs. And I both repect and envy that.

8 months ago

The NATO countries gave Ukraine long ranged missiles, which were used in a failed attempt to destroy Russia’s early warning radar system.

Now that early warning radar system is designed to give the Russians warning of a nuclear attack by the USA, UK, or France, or other nuclear armed powers. Destroying it would not really help Ukraine. It would be useful to the government of the USA if it were intending to launch a nuclear attack on Russia.

Brandon Smith, as usual, published a very good analysis that then completely missed the point:

Also read the first comment, which gets it.

Yes, they are at the point of just destroying stuff for the sake of destroying stuff. Also here:

8 months ago

“The fourth issue on the ballot was launched by a libertarian movement during the Covid-19 pandemic. The initiative ‘for freedom and physical integrity’ aims to ban compulsory vaccination. It also seeks to prevent social or professional disadvantages if a person refuses vaccination. This suffered a major, albeit expected, defeat with 74% of voters against the initiative.”

Swiss NPCs still very much okay with the powers that be. I don’t think the results were fudged more than a bit, if at all. It’s enough to control the media. So much for direct democracy.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Like Martin Armstrong, I’m in favor of direct democracy, but there is a reason its now only done in Switzerland. And sort of in California. But its allowed only in places where the majority of people support the Cabal agenda.

8 months ago

Fox News is telling us EXACTLY the man Trump should pick as VP:

If the Dems are this scared of Rubio, Rubio must be the guy Trump has to choose. It could spell the end of Biden, how amazing is that?

And people can just delight in the fact that the Dems are so stupid they would tell us this!

Thank goodness for Fox News!

Reply to  Tonawanda
8 months ago

The Lame Chery thinks it was always going to be Rubio, and she is NOT happy about it.

8 months ago

Wow! Great news! Breitbart is reporting that Carville says Biden should NOT have run for re-election! How great is that! Carville!

OMG, the Dems have really got themselves in a pickle, and nothing imaginable can ever get them out of it.

8 months ago

Breitbart is telling us that Noem condemns the lawfare against Trump:

Now we have Noem and Rubio who would be awesome!

8 months ago

Breitbart is reporting that famous people NOW regret voting for Biden! Wow:

The Dems cannot get out of this, the famous people are turning.

8 months ago

Red State is reporting that the Dems are fearful!

No way can the Dems get out of this mess they made, and if the truth be told they are the REAL racists and antisemites.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
8 months ago

“Former Trump White House Chief of Staff says he believes Trump will select Dr. Ben Carson as VP. ‘Tough to see any other option as coming close, short of Don Jr. or Eric.’”
What I like about Dr Carson is he’s smart, loyal, and a good judge of character. Every so often I like to rewatch the moment on the debate stage where Dr Carson missed his cue. Trump ignored his cue and just chatted with Ben. Rubio pushed past them both, as did Jeb, both looking back at the two as if they were losers. They kept calling Trump, over and over again, but he just kept chatting with his friend Ben until the moderators finally remembered to call Dr Carson to the stage and he walked out together with Trump.

8 months ago

I don’t think the elections to the European Parliament matter that much, but David Lindsay disagrees, and speaks the truth more than usual:

“Even leaving aside the routine presence of all and sundry in the Council of Ministers, codecision has been the European Union’s ordinary legislative procedure since the Treaty of Lisbon, so it really does matter who sits in the European Parliament. For all its faults, largely built in, codecison bears comparison with our own parliamentary process, which is likewise that way largely by design. The loss of a Government Bill would amount to a vote of no confidence. When did it last happen? Parliament just approves Government Bills, and such Private Members’ Bills as the Government felt like giving time, often ones that it had written for itself and handed over to someone amenable. Anything that entailed spending one penny piece has to be proposed by the Executive.

“Ursula von der Leyen was appointed with the support of only a bare majority of MEPs, 383 out of 705, but Rishi Sunak was probably appointed without the support of any majority of the House of Commons, and Liz Truss certainly was by a very wide margin. Even the claim to have commanded the support of the majority of MPs from the governing party never remotely applied to her. Yet she still became Prime Minister. And it fell to the money markets to bring her down. There can only be a motion of no confidence in the entire Government, and that would entail a General Election if it passed. No MP from the governing party would ever vote for that. Truss never commanded majority support in the Commons, but there was no way of getting rid of her. Not there, anyway. The City could do it. And did. 

“As with the monarchy, we have a Parliament because foreigners will pay to look at its palace. That is as good a reason as any. Within this tourist attraction, the Executive ensures, although most MPs including most Conservatives are more than happy that it should, that the United Kingdom remain as closely aligned as possible with the EU. So it matters to us who sits both in the Council of Ministers and in the European Parliament. No one from Britain does, but the people who do, make our laws. They will do so even more after this General Election, no matter what its outcome. Look who they are going to be.

“Well, of course. While pre-existing conservative phenomena have been known to ally with Fascism, usually to their own ruin, it is the liberal bourgeoisie that keeps Fascism in reserve for when it might ever face any serious demand to share its economic or social power with anyone who did not have it before the rise of the bourgeois liberal order, or to share its cultural or political power with anyone at all. EU suzerainty will be one of its many, many, many means of repressing any such challenge in the Britain of the next five, 10, 15 and 20 years.”

8 months ago

Macron callled a snap election for the French National Assembly, first round to be held on June 30th and second round on July 7th.

Insanely risky, because the National Rally just got 31% of the vote in the European parliamentary elections, and Macron’s party is really unpopular as shown by the polls.

The UK election is pretty obviously timed to switch the Sunak government out for a more reliable Cabal government before a general war, likely schedule for July. But the Cabal has less control over both French opposition parties than it does Macron’s party or Labour, So what is the play? Do they hope to sandbag Marine like they die Giorgia?

Are we getting a snap Canadian election as well?

I think they have something timed for between July 4th and July 7th.

Mr Benn
Mr Benn
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

It is odd cabal are calling these elections early.

It does look like pre-empting an event… US election? Collapse in Ukraine? A reveal? Something else?

Last edited 8 months ago by Mr Benn
8 months ago

Ultra normie political scientist Matthew Shugart on Macron’s calling ot snap elections in France, and he agrees with me that the decision is insane:

Something is up.

8 months ago

R/ Conspiracy post that takes on the surveillance AC describes pretty directly:

8 months ago

OJ Simpsons father was a cross dressing homosexual who died of AIDS. Nicole knew this and still she handed their newborn baby boy to a gay couple to hold, admire and smooch the baby on his forehead. A beating she really deserved.

8 months ago

> Interesting video clip:
The catbox video seems to be down. Reupload?