Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
Election night in San Joaquin County, the tabulation machines at the Registrar of Voters office were experiencing a 25-30% rejection rate due to a blurry barcode issue with vote-by-mail ballots. They probably had to be adjudicated.
Charges dropped, evidence buried, Patriots pissed: drunk driver Paul Pelosi gets off scot-free.
A California man who said he was angry that the U.S. Supreme Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade has been charged with threatening to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh outside his Maryland home early Wednesday morning. Had a full size 9mm Glock, pepper spray, tactical vest, hiking boots with foam on the outside to hide footprints, and a knife. Got out of a taxi at the house dressed all in black, and then called 911 to say he was about to kill Kavanaugh. Apparently was arrested before he got inside.
Leftists to protest outside Kavanaugh’s home hours after suspect arrested for attempted murder.
Mitch McConnell rips Democrats for halting SCOTUS security bill after Brett Kavanaugh threat.
National Guard preparing for deployment in wake of expected Supreme Court ruling on abortion. Most likely the Court is coordinating with them, and if they want to conserve government resources, rather than string out two rulings that will upset people over weeks, they will drop the gun ruling with it.
I didn’t think it would happen this fast, but here is the Daily Mail, and bear in mind, people haven’t been getting vaccinated in a while, so this is a long-term effect:
House passes sweeping gun package in largely party-line vote. Bans high-capacity magazines and raises the age to purchase an ‘assault rifle’ to 21. It will not pass the Senate though.
Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre facing ‘sexual assault’ allegation from Rina Oh in lawsuit. Rina Oh was the Asian painter who did the weird painting of all the naked royals, maybe in some sort of weird ritual, with Prince Charles with a vagina, and what appeared to be bloody babies, and possibly-dead, possibly-cannibalized women, and she put it on Instagram saying, “It’s all true. Alien virgin births and cannibals” Pic related, click for full size:
Biden again trips up Air Force One stairs ahead of Jimmy Kimmel interview.
World Economic Forum tweets and then hides a link about research into controlling minds with sound waves. I would not be surprised if the hidden hand told them to delete it because they are experimenting with things that they hit your house with that affect mood and brain function, and they don’t want the tech legitimized as feasible online.
Tim Pool was SWATed again mid-show.
European Parliament votes to ban combustion engine cars from 2035.
Biden DOJ asks judge to go easy on Leftist terrorists who threw Molotov cocktail into police car.
State Department prepares to announce worldwide racial equity chief, leaked email shows.
Iranian passenger train derails, killing at least 17.
Earth’s magnetic poles probably won’t flip after all, scientists predict.
Because sometimes I think strange is good for the brain, I will note there are a lot of people, including the Skinwalker Ranch crew, who claim to have seen, “Dogmen,” and indeed, the Native American Skinwalker is supposed to be part Coyote, and sometimes shapeshift into one:
ZeroHedge on Youth blood harvesting. From the article – “Why is corporate media mainstreaming anti-aging blood transfusions now? Previously, news of the elite-funded research into blood transfusions as the Fountain of Youth was relegated to the easily-dismissed fringes of journalism. “Respectable” outlets, in their own estimations, wouldn’t touch it.” Actually, I mentioned the mouse-blood study Peter Thiel talked about on this site at least year or two before any of this was in the news, if you went back through my archives. When I mentioned it, it actually had been officially abandoned and nobody was looking at it, at least according to the narrative. I speculated back then it was not really abandoned, and the elites had something like it hidden. It was after that you began to see Thiel and others looking into it and these articles. I always wondered if my mentioning it here was the seed that caused this more open discussion and research of it, whether one of Thiel’s people was lurking here and proposed it to him, or even if he had happened upon EvoPsych at some point, and maybe might even be a closeted fan. I suppose, there are some things you can never let anybody know, and being an elite and hanging here is probably one of them.
Disgraced Ukraine ombudswoman admits she ‘exaggerated’ Russian ‘#Rape’ to get more western weapons.
U.S. earns starving African nations to not buy grain stolen by Russia. There is no evidence Russia stole any grain, but they should starve themselves anyway.
Ukraine says no to Russia’s call for de-mining ports to allow grain shipments.
“No grain will go anywhere” unless Ukraine’s security is ensured, a senior Kiev official has said.
Over 1,000 Ukrainian prisoners of war sent to Russia for investigation. Are they maybe not Ukrainians, but had fake papers, and are going to be interrogated?
Russia is pumping more oil to Europe than it was before the war.
House Republicans hold briefing on opposing new gun laws in response to mass shootings.
Supreme Court holds private citizens can’t sue Border Patrol for damages in excessive force claims.
Trump to hold June Rally in Memphis area.
Trump posts a Truth : A perfect night of Endorsements, 16-0, and some of them tough races!
Spread r/K Theory, because you will see a lot of stuff here before you see it there.
“Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday cast doubt on the 2020 election victory of U.S. President Joe Biden, just two days before they are due to meet for the first time during the Summit of the Americas, and pondered more broadly the question about how many western leaders might be the result of WEF manipulated elections. ”
The unintended consequence of the “American” business-cabal class that couldn’t sit still for another 4 years is a US government that can cease to be recognized right when it needs help the most- like after a sharp and long depression.
It shouldn’t surprise us though. The 2nd American Republic ended on January 20, 2021. The 3rd American Republic will probably begin sometime during our lifetimes.
If we are fortunate to live through the upheaval to get there…
This comment and the next RRV comment are both excellent. I have been thinking about making a long comment about the likely plans for the next election, basically on the lines that is is not going to happen, at least as a contested election, but am still hashing the logic out.
However, its worth pointing out that the 2020 steal was strategically a really bad move for the Cabal or whoever else plotted it. It was Pearl Harbor raid level strategic stupidity. Because they could have made a deal with Trump or waited out the next four years. Trump liked to make deals. His administrated was almost completely compromised with Bushies, and he cooperated on the COVID psyop. It was really the election steal that alerted Red state America to the cabal and stopped their cooperation with the COVID psyop. Red parts of the country were going along with it previously, though not enthusiastic. Trump wins a second term and they get the “vaccines” into 80% to 90% of the public, instead of the 60% to 70% they got, and they get people to take the boosters too.
Plus they are not in a position where they will have to pull off the same operation election after election, because it is not like the Biden administration is getting more popular. Or stop having elections. I agree that this is a transitional period where the second republic is gone, but the forms are still being followed, but at some point the forms will stop being followed.
I admittedly don’t have a sophisticated rationale – more of a thousand data points pattern recognition – but as I’ve said here previously my current expectation is that Cabal’s Democrats and RINOs have no choice but to steal the Interims in November. The steal will be so egregious most remaining Republican and Independent normies will awaken. Then Cabal will ignite “nationalist, white supremacist” false flags to justify removing 2A. Next the November 2024 Presidential election will be canceled in the interest of “national security”.
You would think that the cancelation of the Presidential election would be the trigger for Q’s ultimate “military is the only way” option but after the 2020 election steal, who knows? Perhaps there has to be a further act teaching us the true demonic dictatorship intent of the Cabal and its minions.
On the other hand, the finale may be sooner. It seems Xi, like Putin, is stepping up his resistance to Cabal, as Trump continues his fight here. The Cabal Dems/RINOs may force the Taiwan issue, as they have Ukraine, to legitimize a full-blown national security crisis and war that “legitimizes” the suspension of our peacetime constitutional rights.
I am thinking they realize they can’t afford to have a Republican Congress with investigation powers, and will conclude that they can’t pull off the steal a second time. I expect the play will be to just ban the Republican Party, allowing a few RINOs to continue as a token party, and it will happen before this year’s election. That should set off a civil war, so they are hesitant to go that far, but I think the logic of the strategic position they have put themselves in will force this move.
“Biden’s DOJ applies for gag order on indicted Trump adviser Peter Navarro over claims he is creating a ‘carnival atmosphere’ with his media appearances and accusing the FBI of a terrorist strategy.”
But Navarro is right. The FBI did use a terrorist strategy. They could have arrested Navarro at his home when he was coming or going. They could have asked him to come in. He only lives blocks away from FBI HQ. Standard policy during arrest of an HVI is to do it the easiest way possible. By arresting Navarro in the most crowded area possible the FBI created sensationalism and potentially jeopardized the safety of all involved, including the public. They also jeopardized their mission.
Keep in mind Navarro was the main econ guy dealing with China, and keeping them from snatching up US companies, jobs and tech. You had a great 2019 because of Peter Navarro. If you have a job right now, it’s partially due to Peter Navarro. That’s why the FBI wants him taken out, he is a thorn in China’s side, and the “US” government, along with the FBI are owned by China. They are getting revenge on Navarro for not letting them kill us a year or two earlier.
It also tells us either Wray is fully corrupt, which I assumed from his nasolabial lines, or he is not in control of FBI. Because that was entirely unnecessary.
“Tim Pool was SWATed again mid-show.”
Then the SWAT team and police are in on it. Operational security rules exist for a reason. Decades ago men smarter than the current police created them for reasons that are obvious to anyone with even a basic operational intelligence- predictability gets people killed. Predictable ops are defeatable. So don’t fear Cabal, because they are predictable.
Imagine how happy Taliban fighters would be to have the ability to make one phone call and deliver a special forces team to an exact location whenever they pleased. The opportunity for deliberate ambushes is insane.
The only reason SWATting people still happens is because the only people getting SWATted are not actual threats.
This is the ninth SWATing that Pool and his staff have gone through recently.
Nine fucking times!
In a rather brilliant move on Tim Pool’s part, they left the cameras on for his show as the SWAT “team” did its useless work over the corse of three hours.
The video feed of Pool’s empty studio garnered significantly more views than any of CNN’s main lineups.
That is one clue as to why Pool is getting hit repeatedly.
“German-Armenian upset with what is going on with Turkey drives his car through crowds of people, killing one in Germany.”
‘Crowds’ of people in Germany eh? That’s a funny way of saying ‘Turks’, but whatever. Makes sense an Armenian would plow into a bunch of them.
The Kavanaugh thing is weird, almost like a distraction. “Look at this,” while the real thing is occurring over there or is about to come. Maybe it was an overt threat. Maybe he has a swing position on an upcoming ruling that has been leaked just not into the MSM. “That’s a nice life you lead. Now, change your position on ruling X.”
It was definitely not a legitimate threat, whatever the alternate purpose is. No one who legit wants to murder a person calls the police before doing it to report their intent. Even if he just wanted the public “glory” of claiming a scalp for his team, he would call after he finished.
Definitely either intimidation or messaging of some sort.
Most likely.
Although it is possible he thought he was about to go in and do it and would die, and wanted his voice on record. He may have thought, it is 2AM, nobody knows I am here, it will take cops five minutes to get here. I’ll just kick the door in, and afterward they can play this 911 call on the news, and everyone can hear my voice. So he makes the call, and the instant he hangs up US Marshalls stationed nearby pop out of the bushes and put him on the ground.
Tough to say. Interestingly he told the judge he was not thinking clearly because he was on a doctor prescribed medication. So he probably had a therapist. It made me wonder if he was an MK Ultra windup toy who didn’t quite take his programming right.
Perhaps some small part of him wanted to be caught and stopped.
Could be. It would be interesting if he was so driven he could not just get in the taxi and drive away, and the only way around it his brain could find was to call 911. That could fit with him being programmed, and the programmer didn’t factor in his brain might come up with a creative solution to prevent the programming from making it do something it didn’t want to.
It is a weird behavior, which means something was not operating normally, as we would expect.
And if they are putting entire schools into the auditorium with a stage hypnotist to find who is most programmable, anything is possible.
Anthony Kennedy was the swing justice who essentially engineered a compromise opinion in Casey where judicial protection of abortion was maintained, but the judicial logic of Roe was completely gutted and replaced by new logic. The author of Roe, Harry Blackmun, was still on the Court when Casey was issued and pointed out that the new opinion removed the underlying logic of Roe. The underlying logic of Roe was essentially “trust the medical experts”, which takes on a new meaning today.
Kennedy, who I think is still alive and available to comment on these things, told Trump that he would retire but would retire only if Trump nominated Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh was Kennedy’s preferred successor. So he is more of a conservatism inc. justice than a movement conservatism justice. Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are very similar in this respect. When Roberts finally decided that the Court would hear oral arguments again in public, physically meeting, instead of via Zoom. Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barret continued to wear face masks, along with the three Democratic appointed justices. Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch did not wear face masks. That is very telling about the alignment. It is very interesting that all this pressure is on Kavanaugh and not on Barrett.
Barrett pulled trains of black football players at ND. Bank on it. She’s comped.
Rhodes College, ND was later.
Remember, all of these things don’t merely serve to message the target. It’s also a way of messaging anyone else who might be thinking of going against them.
This may have been something already covered here and I missed it, but in case not, here’s an interesting thread about one of the Buffalo shooting victims Aaron Salter, who supposedly had been on the news a few months prior talking about an engine he invented that runs off water:
An anecdote, AC/others you judge. Personally, I would have thought it only mildly interesting/not out of the ordinary.
Past few days wasn’t sleeping/eating well, earlier rushed to my local cafe before it closes to get some food so I can eat properly and be full for a few hours or so. Was about 25 minutes til closing when I arrived but it looked dead. I think no other place I’ve been to in the city had been dead for me, so it was unusual. Lights were off but I think lights are typically off for that place during the day. Asked the lady if it was closed and she said “in 10-15 minutes”(still, 25 minutes til closing). I interpreted as she perhaps might be a bit annoyed so figured I’d just scarf down my food and leave asap.
4-5 different sets of people(pairs, couples/families/friends/colleagues potentially) then came in and ordered things/sat around. It raised the background activity to something I would normally expect. They seemed to be taking their sweet time. By the time I scarfed down my food, and left, it was already basically closing time but the place wasn’t empty and the people were chilling. I did not see any substantial food orders arrive to their tables. I was tempted to ask the lady if it normally got so busy at closing time. But I didn’t know how to phrase it because it wasn’t that the busyness that was weird but then deadness into the busyness. Also I guess I felt I was imposing when I ordered that late so was already in the mindset to leave quickly.
All in all I’d write this off as a coincidence as the most likely explanation because nothing seemed out of the ordinary(potentially, it always is dead and then busy at this time). At the same time if the domestic informant network was here it’s likely I’m one of the targets, and if there are tens of thousands of targets it’s almost certain. But it’s also strange that they would do this but also bother to be this subtle in order to gain no new information. Like anyone who knows me would know I would’ve gone to a place to scarf down food. Strangely this does not happen at a solarium(the solariums?), which are typically usually dead(i’m the only one), unless its a popular/upscale place. Maybe it happens at a playground, another place I like to go. But typically people don’t want to follow me into playgrounds in winter.
Surveillance always has several factors at play around it. First is, they do not want to stand out. So they will actively try to look like background noise. Which means you won’t catch them peeking around corners, or looking through binoculars. All you get is a little bit of weirdness in timing, or how the environment changes when you arrive, or maybe a person looking awkwardly away from you when you look at them.
Second, I think they get to comp whatever they spend while following you, and that may affect coverage levels. So if you go into a store that sells stuff nobody wants, you may get less coverage than if you go into Costo, or BJs, or any grocery store, where you will see everyone rushing in to fill their carts and get on the checkout line with you. There are probably limits to that though, because there was one time where a guy put two massive TV’s on one of those rolling platforms at BJs, and went on a far side checkout line as I was ready to check out, assuming I would be on a near side line. But always unpredictable, I had by chance shot across the store, and ended up behind him on line. For about three or four minutes, he stood on line in front of me, visibly gritting his teeth, as three or four other people spread out on other lines were looking over and laughing at him, and he was making a face like he had been beaten and shaking is head. Finally he pushed the TV’s off to the side and walked off before it was his turn to check out. So I assume they only comp reasonable stuff. He grabbed the TVs just as a quick cover and pretended he was going to check out, but everybody knew command would never cover them. He thought if I was on the far side I would have been out before him, and if not it was the opposite side of the checkout line so he could quietly split, but I landed right behind him, and he was trapped.
I have no doubt you have a littel more surveillance than most, because you are here, and this place is notorious, probably globally, among this thing. I would assume most of the girls you approach for pickup are planted in your path by the coverage for you, and they know you before you walk up to them. You might even have them in neighboring residences, and maybe not even because they are targeting you, but just because there are so many, and they spread the organizational residences out specifically so they have residences around a lot of people.
Everybody has to understand, this thing sounds bizarre to you because you have been programmed to think it bizarre. It programmed you. It programmed you to think privacy is some worthy goal even the powerful respect, and nobody would spy on you because it would be impolite, and we all respect each other as fellow citizens, and even that nations are a real thing, and they are all in competition. None of that is true.
Spying on everyone may be the primary goal the elites have government to accomplish, with a distant second being brainwashing, and actual force application to the citizenry somewhere after that. Everything else in international politics is Kayfabe. The spying on everyone is just normal in those circles, and I am sure they all look on all of us as rubes for ever even considering anything else. And they are probably right. Now that I have seen how it works, I feel like I was a rube.
That totally makes sense. So it means unpopular things, like often the things I do, would be/stay completely dead, whilst popular things would get even more popular.
Unfortunately, the city just tends to be busy-ish and I have not noticed a pattern other than the one said above.
I do feel from the way you described it, no one has ever been that blatant about it to me vs you. I feel if I see what you described, it would be close to undeniable, even if it was happening to someone else(I tend to scan my surroundings, especially for girls I like, or just out of interest). So I just haven’t seen anything close to that. But I imagine they are shock+awe/intimidating you, so overall I’m thankful if (as long as I still have health/wealth/girlfriend) they decided to keep it on the DL with me.
I do believe I am definitely more of a standout than normies just because of how non-NPC I am. But I am very passive/apolitical.
Entirely possible, but it would mean not only that they pick the girls who I like, but make me not see the non-coverage girls. I am semi-selective about who I talk to, but I imagine they can derive that. They do tend to get spooked when I talk to them and reject me a ton more than I think is necessary if they are coverage. I would think they have an incentive to lead me on.
Also for what it’s worth I get the feeling people know more about me than they “should”. But I am completely non-private so I tend to divulge literally all the details about my life. Also with adhd I tend not to remember who I told what details to. As it is I’m somewhat of an exhibitionist perhaps as farce described in his political compass. I literally care 0 about privacy other than the comfort it brings the girls I chase or I guess the “theoretical”/liberty benefit(that is, I like the idea nefarious actors cannot be certain I am not out to get them, and that I get to keep trade secrets secret). But personally I feel like I’m nothing special and people should be able to derive everything about me if they get to know me enough anyway.
These posts about commentators having run ins with the surveillance are one of the main reasons I keep coming here.
I’m not good at spotting it myself, but I know I live in a city with an unusually high cabal presence, and I have started to notice how many people here just loiter. Also the place gets heavy auto traffic at weird random times (not just people going to or returning from work) and I suspect that is part of the coverage.
I’m either getting sharper at this or my coverage is being more obnoxious. Every day I’m out in my car, when I leave my local area but stay off highway, random guys are standing in the middle of nowhere engrossed in their phone, or walking their dog, or their baby carriage, and just happen to glance directly at me when I go by, or have their phone camera pointed at me. Like your tv guy I was at a plant nursery the other day, the weather was hot, and a guy shows up, gets out of his car, shirt, tie, business suit pants and shoes, puts a mask on and starts wandering around the plants. I was fifty feet a way, waiting in my car, knowing he was going to look at me. He feigned total absorption in all these boring lookalike plants for several minutes and then suddenly looks up directly at me. He could have looked anywhere else on a 360 radius. I’m waiting in the car anyway, laughing because I know this douche is going to have to actually get serious about the plants. Eventually, he finally has three shitty plants which took him forever to choose. Then I had to leave – no doubt to his relief – what the fuck would he have done with his potted plants?
Gonzalo is coming around to where most of us have been since Russia launched it’s special military operation – Putin is only going to take the East and the South for Russia. Western Ukraine is going to eventually become a Russian puppet state so that Russia does not have to pay the bill to govern it, but still controls it. The Donbass will very likely hold referendums where the population votes to join the Russian Federation to give Putin political cover.
Poland is going to try to annex as much of Ukraine as it can and other border countries may too.
I don’t think there will be a Ukraine when this is over.
Makes sense, Putin keeps his kin and their prime land, with a buffer region between Russia and Cabal’s clowns in eastern Europe.
“Why is corporate media mainstreaming anti-aging blood transfusions now?”
Maybe prepping the battlespace for National Review cover story on how child abductions to obtain adrenochrome are WRONG, but blood-letting kids who get PAID for their deliciously youthful blood is libertarian in the extreme, and capitalism at its finest!
Tim Pool was SWATed again mid-show.
How many times is this now. At least 3. The swat team has to know this is bullshit, so one can conclude that the swat team is in on it.
The problem in fields like that with opposition is that it is a technique to wear out the opponent. Trip a multi-million dollar alarm at a facility over and over, but leave before security arrives, so it looks like the alarm is malfunctioning, and sooner or later somebody turns the big multimillion dollar alarm system off, and then you attack.
If the Sheriff gets a threat there is a bomb in the building, and he calls Pool and Pool says he left the house unsecured all week and just came in to do the show, he kind of has to look, because if he blows it off and Pool gets blown up, it is on him. That they broke out the robot sounds like the threat was really specific, like the bomb is inside the potted plant by the back door, or something, as I doubt they were goiing room to room looking generally with a robot.
The question is why is somebody so bent on ruining Tim Pool’s day?
They are using Pool as an example because his popularity is growing, and he and many of his guests represent formerly borderline liberal people who have sincerely shifted gears into conservative positions, openly so.
Pool is a condensed symbol. He regularly tells liberals that it’s OK to switch teams and that young people should think critically about the narratives they have been fed all of their lives.
As far as the Deep State is concerned, that kind of messaging is far more dangerous than armed gangs or patriots.
Pool is making it cool for normies to switch sides.
That is the last thing Cabal wants.
I’ve long been skeptical of these claims from Tim. They all sound a bit much, a bit overhyped. There’s an unreality to it. And what exactly is Tim Pool saying that really has these people so bent out of shape? It all seems weird. Like he’s not really important enough for cabal, but perhaps cabal wants people to think that so they corral a bunch of people into his audience. I’m not sure what it is.
There are weird people out there. I am still not sure whether it is a genuine mental problem, or if it might be Cabal sending them in to drain people’s mental energy. Through a friend of a friend, I had an inside window into the life of a minor celebrity at odds with “the government,” who was actually a really scary guy who killed a lot of people in his military days. You wouldn’t want to cross him.
He wasn’t really widely known, except in certain circles of people who were usually pretty cool about things. But he had some nobody guy hear of him, and seek him out, and initially he was polite, as it was a fan, but then it became this insane thing.
The nobody (supposedly) became obsessed, and felt this guy had insulted him by not contacting him at one point, as the minor celebrity began to sense this nobody maybe had problems. At that point it started to become like a competition, where the nutjob thought he was going to make this celebrity notice him, and every time the celebrity ignored him, it was a loss, and he felt he had to redouble his efforts to win the next competition the next time. Eventually the asshole traveled across the country and was in the celebrity’s backyard, walking around his house, looking in windows, while he was away on vacation, oddly enough (which now makes me think it was Cabal, because if he had done it while the celebrity was there he would have killed him and been done with it.)
There are a few people like that in the shadows here. I periodically get emails showing they created accounts to post public statements with this site’s email address, and the names of the accounts are like “KillBiden1278.” To my knowledge, I have never talked with those people, and I am not even really an ideologue anymore now that I have seen Cabal, and recognize the left/right split is secondary to the shadow dictatorship which is both left and right. Over at Big Country Expat, he has people haunting him for no real reason.
So the situation pops up. I think Pool probably has a legit situation with somebody doing all that. The question is, might it be Cabal with actors trying to drain him, or threaten him, or are these real psychologies.
I’d think with Pool’s money he could re-establish himself covertly, operating out of hidden houses without his name on them. I mean if they didn’t have an address, there could be no Swatting. If I was him, I would set up on a sailboat for a few years, with a satellite connection.
It’s really kind of scattershot. For a long time before he got picked up, I had Citizen Quasar haunting the comments on my blog. I wasn’t ever “big” but I didn’t see that he spent much time in anyone else’s comments, so whoever they were must not have been any bigger than me.
I see you have watched How to Steal a Million.
My wife’s theory is that it’s Jack Murphy (John Goldman), and I think I am coming around to her side. When you add the stuff against Jeremy from the Quartering in, that’s your best suspect.
Never knew much about the quartering but felt slightly icky about him, but didn’t know if the feeling was justified.
Sam J/other permaculture people, is this true?
If 1 in 10 American households raised a 1/2 acre garden and kept 35 laying hends, there would be no industrial egg or vegetable production (level one).

If those same households raised 10 hogs per year, it eliminate the industrial pork industry (level two).
If those same households (or a neighbor) kept two dairy cows, not only would industrial dairy be eliminated, but American dairy production would triple. (level three)
Not only those points. A system like that is ridiculously RESILIENT.
Real pastors could do this to earn tithes. Just do this while studying/ministering at other times.
I’m not degrading the idea nor saying it’s wrong but it would be difficult. That’s a lot of chickens, squawking, shitting, clucking, dying off and along with the pigs producing a vast amount of manure. Far too much to process on a 1/2 acre. It would smell to high heaven. That it would take so damn many people doing this to equal what we have now should tell you how difficult it is to change.
Permaculture is a good approach. We need this to be more widespread.
“…Sam J/other permaculture people, is this true?
2. Agriculture provided a more reliable food supply….”
I’m not sure if this is true or not. I believe, though I don’t have concrete evidence for it that permaculture, and other what you might consider hippy type agriculture can not complete with industrial agriculture and will not churn out enough food. I could very well be wrong. My belief is we should move to cell based agriculture, which 100% no doubt can produce all the food Anyone could want n marginal land or the sea with little harm to the environment.
“…as modern agriculture is completely dependent on oil….”
This is 100% true.
Given the thrice and quadrupled-vaxxed who are developing SADS and dying, etc. are disproportionately on the left, this will help to counterbalance the Vote Fraud Machine. Conservatism is not able to be killed.
Brazil’s election court says it will nullify election winners that spread online “disinformation”
The linked video contains silence at timestamp 6’17” for 5 seconds, as though an actor’s line has been censored. Anybody care to guess about the censored content and the reason for censorship?
Homosexuals reproduce through child molestation:
According to investigators.
Yes of course, they’re vampires. Without the ability to procreate naturally they can only corrupt the offspring of someone else.
Niacaragua authorizes entry of Russian troops, planes, ships
Virtuous Pagan COVID jitters flare up as parts of Shanghai resume lockdown
That comment from yesterday, I think it was- about how in 1950 there were alive as many people as who had ever been alive. And therefore all of the evil people alive now are equal to the sum of all of the evil people ever alive in all of history. It got me thinking about how one of the arguments against reincarnation is that very argument – that we’ve gone past the equal point to now there are significantly more people alive than have ever lived so the number of bodies must greatly outpace the number of souls.
The counter argument has always been, souls could come from other animal, non-entities, or places.
But maybe the criticism is correct and not all bodies get a human soul? Which leaves room for demons to enter without even fighting to overcome a soul. (I wouldn’t follow this to its logical conclusion- soulless women are a-ok to abort their babies because the babies don’t have souls either. Just thinking out loud). Which would be the NPC thing.
A second thought. A reader recommended the book “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.” First, thanks for the rec. Second, this is the single most terrifying thing I’ve ever read. The guy is basically saying everyone prior to about 5000 years ago was an NPC. (So far I’m not buying all his premises as he’s a materialist and completely tosses out the idea that hearing voices in your head- either schizophrenic or in response to prayer- could be legit 3rd auditory phenomena and not merely auditory hallucinations). But going with that premise gets you to the same place as above- NPCs are real, it was the norm for humans until recently, we PCs are the aberration, and therefore it’s not surprising that we are surrounded by so many NPCs.
Just some random shower thoughts. I guess my question is, do you all think
a. NPC = conscious but soulless (demon, psychopath)
b. NPC= unconscious but ensouled (dogs)
c. NPC = lack of consciousness and lack of soul (robot)
d. NPC= conscious and ensouled but just stupid (stupid people)
e, other
NPC=d and e
d=someone who turns off their consciousness and coasts on their instincts/emotions and outside influences (the end result is almost the same as b)
e=possessed (a soul overcome by a demon some or all of the time)
Some may be both d and e.
““The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.””
Likely me who recommended that book. I can’t think of any other references to it here but mine. You would be surprised how many anthropologists were influenced by that book. The reason is simple. Humans went for millions of years doing essentially nothing, then all of a sudden started making all this society and stuff. The reason that anthropologist are influenced by that book, and I’m NOT saying they or I believe it, is because…there’s nothing else. I don’t know of any other theory at all except the one I have come up with. Now I certainly could be wrong but I don’t know where anyone has tried to explain this change in a logical way.
Here’s a link to where I was asked a question about it and in the answer I link history, animal studies and some common sense to come up with an answer. Now I’m nobody so I doubt they will be teaching this in classes anytime soon but as best as I can tell I’m the first to come up with it.
I realized I didn’t make myself clear on what I thought. I think the
“The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.” is wrong that there was a spit mind BUT I do think the book is very important for realizing that the Pre-Civilization mind was very different from the minds of people after the rise of civilization.
Thanks for the link back. What an enigma! Your empathy idea seems very near the mark. It would also explain why there is less “civilization” in the cities, than in a countryside (populated by genteel Whites, at least): more people = less empathy. My work has always brought me into contact with countless Jews, both wealthy and not so much; Blacks from all social strata; and Whites from all social strata and ethnicities. The Blacks and Jews show massive lack of empathy as well as high degree of self-centeredness and love of “drama” for it’s own sake (especially the Blacks, on that one — check out some of their Instagram posts). However, I have net a few from both groups that exhibited much empathy. Even the best Jews have exhibited higher than average paranoia, in my experience.
Whites from all social strata and ethnicities have shown amazingly great empathy. I’d chalk that up to “group preference and White privilege, except that Black “crabs-in-a-basket” thang, and the way they really do seem to disrespect and despise their fellow Negroes.
How’s this for a K shift.
Texas pastor says gay people should be ‘shot in the back of the head’ in shocking sermon
“You know a lot of pastors have this stupid idea where it’s just like, ‘oh you know God loves everyone. And God hates the sin but loves the sinner.’ But people have taken this to such an extreme where they’re saying celebrate the sin, not just tolerate it, celebrate it,” he continued. “Let me show what the Bible says about these people.”
Awes read several passages from the Bible and condemned homosexuality as a sin. At one point, he told the congregation that gay people “are dangerous to society” and said that “all homosexuals are pedophiles.”
Please! That pastor is so, so wrong! Shooting them in the back of the head would make a terrible mess! Surely a more tidy solution can be found. What was wrong with good old rope?
BTW Isn’t it weird to meet people who not long ago just wanted to be let alone to live in peace now advocating extermination of homos and (yes) Jews?
Someone on another site posted the following:
[quote]Dwayne Johnson, during the summer games fest livestream:
“Always room for a cheesy joke. There’s always room for the extra large cheese pizzas, especially when I’m delivering – and I deliver them often.”
For those who know…
He’s the only one speaking during his segment btw and it had nothing to do with the topic[/quote]
An interesting story about the school system with hints of cabal in it:
reading the article it felt like the author’s trolling it’s just that hilarious
Edit: the second page explains it
4 decades of research proves phonics to be optimal for teaching readng to children. Phonics should be mastered by 3rd grade, though 4th grade remedial mastery is fine. If individuals have not mastered phonics by 4th grade, it will be difficult for them to ever reach beyond the 10th grade reading level even as adults. There’s a reason why Common Core replaced phonics with “Reading Comprehension”. And it wasn’t to increase reading comprehension.