Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Today will be another opinion issuance day at the Supreme Court, just scheduled. First opinion will be released at 10AM, each subsequent one will come at 10 minute intervals.
A Brad Raffensperger aide was trying to execute some sort of scheme to have non-authorized electors in Georgia trick everyone into accepting their electoral votes for Trump so that Georgia would officially be marked down as a Trump win in 2020. He was setting it all up by email, as he told those involved to keep absolute secrecy so nobody would know about the plan, and he was claiming to work for Trump. Now he is working for Raffensperger, saying he no longer thinks the election was rigged, and Democrats are using his emails to claim President Trump tried to overthrow the government.
We Build The Wall trial against a Bannon associate ends in a mistrial.
Liz Cheney tries to extract campaign cash from Jan 6th witness subpoenaed by her committee. That is some real nice freedom you have there. It would be a shame….. if something….. happened to it….
Bob Woodward said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that he believed former President Donald Trump and others “conspired in a criminal way to overturn” the 2020 election and prevent President Joe Biden from taking power. He knows exactly what is going on.
Handwritten notes from 2017 show FBI agents mislead DOJ on the Trump-Russia investigation. Basically their predicate for surveillance was falling apart, and they just lied and misled to DOJ to keep the operation going. Oddly enough it was preserved in contemporaneous notes.
Obama approved accusing Russia of DNC hack before FBI received DNC server images.
Chilling death scene photos of woman linked to dead Bill Clinton advisor (Mark Middleton) spark calls for new inquiry. He was found hanging from a rope with a shotgun blast to the chest, and it has been ruled a suicide. She went out on a paddleboard, and was found dead, sunk in 10 ft of water with the same type of electrical cord as the guy, wrapped around her legs, tying her to a cinderblock to hold her down. Again, it is being ruled an obvious suicide. From the article, on Radar online: “Famed pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht … tells Radar it is common for people bent on committing suicide by drowning to weigh themselves down with a heavy object to prevent the body’s natural reflex to surface.”
Democrat Eric Swalwell’s Campaign Spends Nearly $60K on Travel in Miami, Paris. And you can tell looking at this guy he is barely a midwit. But he is traveling the globe on everyone else’s dime, banging Chinese spies, and passing gas in the middle of interviews. The guy is a moron, and he is higher on the totem pole than the 99% of the population which is better than him in every regard. That is why Cabal needs to make everyone think the meritocracy was eliminated by crazy liberals, and not as part of an intel op to put morons in charge, because the morons will do anything to stay in a state of power they could never attain on their own.
CIA Chief observed torture of Saudi detainee ‘raped’ by US interrogators.
Monkey Pox may be getting more contagious. A healthcare worker in gloves was changing bedsheets of a patient and caught it, and then her husband caught it from her. From the article : “She is currently being treated in isolation at a specialist unit at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, where she was rushed on Tuesday by emergency staff wearing biohazard gear.” This happened a decade back with a strain of Methicillin Resistant staph. Normally you could get it on your skin, and it would die there, as it could not get through the skin and the immune system. But it got in the gays, and the ones who were inconsistent with their HIV drugs were always immunocompromised. So it managed to begin burrowing into human skin there, and gradually getting better at it, as they spread it around. Then it began in the gays who were not immunocompromised, and got even better at burrowing in and spreading, until 20-something heterosexuals who were perfectly healthy were going to gyms, getting it on their skin from the pads, and in a week or so they had an open, non-healing ulcer, where the bacteria had eaten right through the skin and began eating right down into the flesh, and their immune system could not get rid of it on its own, without some last-line antibiotic therapy. This could end up with us all looking like sad Monkey-Pepe, if they don’t get a handle on it. Clearly by the way they treated her, they know what is going on. It is getting stronger.
DHS terror threat bulletin warns online forums are encouraging copycat Uvalde attacks. FBI is hard at work.
Biden administration releases 7,000 COVID-infected illegal border crossers into McAllen, Texas.
Biden’s Homeland Security issues ‘heightened threat advisory’ because of fears of ‘mass casualty violence’ if Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. I was thinking, is it purely a coincidence that just as SCOTUS rules on Roe and creates a violent environment, it may also give us a Right To Carry? How organized and controlled was the bringing of that case?
May migrant apprehensions hit 220K — breaks Clinton era record. Probably a fraction of what came across, and all of them, the apprehended and the not-caught are probably released right into the US.
Rasmussen poll: Majority of Americans say a depression is ahead.
Military recruitment lags despite reduced targets, record incentives to boost interest.
Poland encourages people to collect firewood in forests amid soaring energy costs.
American bishops ‘cold’ about new pro-Lgbt cardinal.
Brain scans looking at activity levels in different areas are remarkably good at teasing out a person’s ideology. The amygdala is in there, as is the hippocampus, which implies a difference in memory between ideologues. Maybe leftists don’t produce as deeply felt memories to make them realize how bad what they are doing ended last time. Interestingly though, so is the inferior frontal gyrus, which is “involved in language processing and speech production.” And the differences in brain activity there is always present, even when the person is just sitting, and not doing anything. I wondered if that might be the inner monologue, versus the people who have no inner monologue.
Norwegian feminist faces three years in prison for saying biological men can’t be lesbians.
Biden waives solar tariffs in massive win for China ‘They haven’t done a single thing to support U.S. solar manufacturers.’ There was an article about this on the sponsor site yesterday. It turns out US manufacturers are supposed to be able to go to the commerce department, and if they can show an imported good’s price is artificially low, like it uses sweatshop labor to get low prices, and it is hurting the US manufacturer, the law says Commerce has to slap tariffs on the goods so the US company can compete. These Chinese solar panels are being made in places like Indonesia with cheap labor and shipped on here at ultra low cost. A US solar panel maker went to commerce to file for tariffs which should have been a no-brainer. But it has that kind of feel where you would think the Chinese are buying everyone off behind the scenes. Industry groups, Senators, regulatory people, are all intervening, trying to get a precedent where the tariff law is ignored, “for a public good,” namely climate change. But if the rule is broken, that is such a vague excuse, every time there is a potential for tariffs, the foreign company will just bribe everyone, and a public good will be declared, and there will be no tariff. You see how this one went. 10% for the big guy.
Victims furious as British police forces let off 870 sex offenders after they say they are sorry. In my travels here, I have heard a decent number of stories, considering how small this site is, of girls with high genetic IQ, and with some who describe this thing following their families, who have pretty clearly had the machine launch a carefully organized and planned sex-assault operation against them, with an operative sent in specifically to sexually assault them. It is clearly an effort to disorient them, and knock them off their path, most likely so they will either not have kids, or any kids they have will not have a stable home life. As best I can tell, this thing is tracking high IQ genes very closely. It views the highest IQ genes as a threat, and it tries to prevent women who have them from having children. It is kind of like the periodic elites who shows up on /pol and say they are flooding the west with low IQ third worlders because the West is a threat to them. Only the high IQ operation is more targeted. I assume it is almost entirely what was behind the GATE program. It would not surprise me if this thing is older, and more organized, and more prolific in Britain, and all these guys were assets, either grooming girls for the network in an Epstein fashion, or in some cases, they were trying to take out high IQ girls. And this is the network protecting them. Men naturally protect. This is unnatural.
• The US currently has at least 75 Soros-Backed social justice prosecutors, supported through campaign dollars and/or Soros-funded progressive infrastructure groups.
• These 75 prosecutors represent more than 1 in 5 Americans or more than 72 million people, including half of America’s 50 most populous cities and counties.
• From 2018 to 2021, Soros spent $13 million on just 10 prosecutors’ races, where his organizations were by far the biggest spender in the race and comprised the majority of the progressive candidate’s campaign spending – as much as 90% in some cases.
• To date, Soros has spent more than $40 million on direct campaign spending over the past decade to elect prosecutors.
• Soros uses a series of shell organizations, affiliates, and pass-through committees to steer contributions to both candidates and his robust support network for progressive prosecutors, which provide gravitas and perks to preferred prosecutors.
German Minister wants COVID-19 protesters classified as ‘right-wing extremists.’
Cabinet Minister in Dominican Republic slain in his office.
Pending embargo on Xinjiang over the abuse of the Uighurs promises higher prices, more shortages.
Cracks appear in Western show of unity against Russia as France, Germany, and Italy call for an end to the Russia-hatred, and an acknowledgement Ukraine will lose. I am not an investor, but I know how organized the top is and how it plans. When things end with Russia, and relations normalize, the price of oil will drop. And the timing on that can be controlled somewhat. And there are a lot of artificial, and more importantly controllable factors that are pushing oil up. Before things get normalized with Russia, the big players will have taken up short positions everywhere there is money to be made, and they will make sure everything that will drop oil hits as one to collapse the price fast, so they can clean up. My guess is it will happen long enough before November 2024 that Biden will be able to claim to the public he has fueled an economic revival. This is the first step toward that. Unless Q really is in control, and he is doing it to murder Biden in 2024 against Trump. Then it might persist through the election.
World Bank board approves $1.49 billion in new funds for Ukraine.
Putin rules out Russia legalizing gay marriage – ‘There will be a dad and a mum.’
Lured by discounts, India in talks to double oil imports from Russia’s Rosneft.
Republican insiders begin to reluctantly support Doug Mastriano doe PA Governor.
Steve Scalise is working in the House to stall the anti-gun bills.
“In Wisconsin, leaders of the Republican-controlled state Legislature are facing primary challengers who launched campaigns on grievances over the 2020 election that they tie to the incumbent lawmakers.”
2020 was expensive for them, though they probably don’t realize it. They are deep in the hole. Deep.
“Norwegian feminist faces three years in prison for saying biological men can’t be lesbians.”
That’s too bad. It’s so bad I’m crying. 😂
This is one of those new briefs that make me wonder, is reading all of this news about how fucked everything is really helping me?
When red pills aggregate and become one massive black pill.
When it becomes apparent that the creation and propagation of HIV was not merely to target gays, but even more sisterly, to turn the gay population into even more of a disease propagation and amplification vector.
When it becomes apparent that high-IQ girls are getting turned en masse into turquoise-haired man-hating LGBTQ-activist childless radicals because of trauma induced by targeted, systematic sexual abuse.
When UK criminal justice is more focused on tamping out “Hate Speech” than they are in literally doing anything above a slap on the wrist for rapists (many of whom were and still are part of the reviled Paki grooming gangs)
When the Biden Administration’s economic mission is, like all prior Cabal administrations, to kneecap American-based manufacturers in lieu of foreign/globalist multinational operations.
When a literal pretty-faced ethics-challenged retard like Eric Swalwell is elevated to the high position of Senator, living high on the hog.
When Guns are put on a show trial, in Prime Time, even. William Cooper was all too right.
And on and on and on.
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this valley of Fake and Gay Clown World.
Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
At least the trust fund commie Boudin got voted out.
By their sodomic lifestyle. Homosexuals are perfect natural incubators for diseases.
Today’s post makes it clear to me there aren’t any white hats behind the scenes.
We have been pushed over the precipice and we are falling directly into the abyss.
“…our life, our sweetness, and our hope.”
A simplified chronology:
Fed takes control of education.
Fed abuses children by teaching them there is no God.
People keep sending their kids there.
God removes His protection.
Things get bad, really bad. Looks a lot like having a millstone tied around your neck, and being tossed intop the sea.
“Hey I have a swell idea. Let’s violate the first commandment!”.
This is Biden Country!
FWIW, I’m a high IQ girl who retains her natural hair color, but I hate to admit it’s getting to me as well, and I have about as good of a friends/family support system as a person can have.
There just can’t be this many psychopaths in the world, can there? It’s like there’s a different species in charge. They look human, but they’re not, like an alternate branch that split off a million years ago. Homo diablous. They not only have no capacity for a conscience, but they get some equivalent of dopamine or serotonin hits from hurting others.
Look, for decades, maybe centuries, our kind had no idea of any of this. My parents were followed everywhere because this thing followed my mom, I had it all around me in grade school and college. Neighbors were in it, family friends were in it. And we had no idea.
Under those conditions, it is no surprise this thing went this far. It had no resistance. Nobody could imagine it could exist, let alone that it did. And it took full advantage. We never ran for office, when businesses failed, or opportunities went to morons, we accepted the cover stories and told ourselves it was all random and spontaneous. We never fought.
Now, more than ever, people know. Go on 4Chan, or Gab, or anywhere our kind meets, and they at least hold gangstalking by some hidden secret society that has tentacles into government may be real. That is huge. I would not have accepted the possibility fifteen years ago myself. Now there are people less paranoid than me who believe it possible without having seen it first hand. That is huge. Moreover, they just accept our elections are rigged. You cannot overstate the degree to which, for all Trump supporters, the government is rapidly becoming an open enemy. A phony, rigged group of criminals who destroyed the Constitutional Republic that made America magical. “Huge” doesn’t begin to describe it.
And you cannot put that genie back in the bottle. It is out and flying around, and now it will go where it will go, which will eventually be open, direct confrontation. This thing is like another nation, occupying the same land as our kind. The next stop will be, which side gets to occupy the land and run the government. It is just a matter of time. Everything now is about hardening our side so they know the surveillance has to be eliminated, and shut down first, before the war starts.
It has to be outed and taken apart. It needs to be our sole focus. Because if we fail there, we fail period.
This is a fork in the road in history coming up. Maybe three years, maybe five, maybe ten or twenty. But it is unstoppable now. And we will get to be the names that go down in the history books as part of this battle. It is not all bad.
But we have to see clearly what is coming, where it is going, and we have to eliminate the domestic Stasi first.
Nothing is new under the sun. All this has happened before, and what’s coming has already been foretold in biblical prophecy.
Smiert Spionem
One thing we forget. About 1950, there was for the first time as many people alive at that moment as were alive all through human history. That meant statistically, all of the evil people who have existed since the fall where all alive, right now, all at once. It is a sobering but accurate assumption. With the human race essentially fallen and broken and Satan on the loose with all this technology assisting his efforts, what do you expect. We are in the only war that matters and the enemy is about to launch their “Battle of the Bulge” for their time is short.
That’s an incredible perspective – thank you for this
> They look human, but they’re not, like an alternate branch that split off a million years ago. Homo diablous. They not only have no capacity for a conscience, but they get some equivalent of dopamine or serotonin hits from hurting others.
You’re not the only one. A friend of mine called them “pod people” and refused any contact with them if at all possible. I’m not so good at spotting them until they actual do something, but once they come on the radar, it’s obvious that they’re just meat puppets. Another friend describes them as “soulless”. I could agree with that.
Wow. In my family, we call them pod people too.
It is kind of natural I suppose, given all of their interactions with everyone outside the conspiracy are just fake and orchestrated for the command. I remember the kids in high school, and as much as I didn’t belong with them, they must not have felt like they belonged with normal kids, who I assume they are taught are the competition from when they are little. I mean, all their life they never just meet someone and have a normal relationship. They get told by some command they are going in here, to deal with this person, how they will deal with them, objectives, when they will get out. Even what house they will live in. I would not be surprised, even who they will marry.
In a way, they were raised in it, just like we were raised clueless. Their fate was probably just as preordained as our’s was, being raised, in essence by their operation, clueless to it. Sort of Yin and Yang.
Except we can break out of the cycle by recognizing truth and fighting it, whereas they will always be trapped by their own fear of the command.
If these people are being raised in a cult that makes all their decisions for them, then the prospect of being ejected from it might be terrifying to them.
It would mean having to think for themselves for the first time in their lives.
It is an excellent point. They may also be living in a cult-owned house, driving a cult-owned car, getting paid by a cult-owned employer, married to a cult-owned spouse, having cult-owned kids, and so on. And in a way, Epstein was the exact same thing. You could not separate him from the cult because everything in his life was cult-supplied.
Pod People is taken from the 1956 Sci-fi classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
There is term I read online that describe them well from frog twitter: Deros, detrimental robots. The term was original coined by Richard Sharpe Shaver, a sci fi writer. He wrote about civilization that reside in the hallow earth and describe them in series of letters to pulp sci fi mags. Here non wiki article about him and here is the key passage from the article:
Over the course of their correspondence, Shaver described a race of aliens who had populated caves within the Earth before fleeing the planet, though not without leaving behind two groups of offspring—one, the “Teros,” a benevolent humanoid group, and the other, “Deros,” or “detrimental robots,” a sadistic group that tortured and ate humans. Women, especially, were treated brutally by the Deros. (Shaver claimed to have been held prisoner by the Deros for several years, though Palmer later stated that, in fact, Shaver had been in a mental institution.) These alien races were explained in detail in a 10,000-word document titled “A Warning to Future Man,” which Palmer edited and rewrote, cutting much of the sadomasochistic content toward women, though he claimed that he remained true to Shaver’s vision. Palmer re-titled the now 31,000-word manuscript “I Remember Lemuria!” and published it in the March 1945 issue of Amazing Stories.
The issue sold out. Palmer claimed to have received thousands of letters in response from people who claimed to have experienced similar things. According to Barkun, circulation of the magazine increased from about 135,000 to 185,000. “Shaver Mystery Club” societies were created in several cities. The controversy gained some notice in the mainstream press at the time, including a mention in a 1951 issue of Life magazine.
Shaver’s accounts got made fun decades later by another sci fi authors. When you look at what Shaver was saying to what we know of our world today, Shaver was not about alien civilization. He was talking about the Cabal.
Maybe it was the same thing.
Whatever we are dealing with could easily have decided he was too close to the mark and had him committed.
Dr L wilson describes something similar here.
In first article
They can post something like this and mean it.
They have nothing in common with our kind.
Think back on the description of the inhabitants of Sodom and realize they are still among us and their number is increasing.
Homo soulless. Those without souls.
Another high IQ, natural hair gal here.
I feel the despair sometimes too- how am I going to (1) keep my kids safe-ish and (2) find them non-gmo spouses someday?
Re: homo Diablo’s. Think of them as literally demon possessed – maybe with a tormented soul under there soenwhere. But it’s the demons we just stand strong against. The battle is spiritual, it’s the same battle of good and evil that had raged since the beginning of time, and we’ve been put here, and led to this place specifically, at a time of one of the great crescendos. The battle is on whether we like it or not, and we’ve been chosen to be here for it. In my experience, God, in his own time and own always, has a heavy sense of poetic justice. Our job is to pray and to listen for our mission – for those of us gals with kids, easing them right and protecting them- and to do our best to live up to the high vote of confidence that God has in us by having placed us here and now.
“As best I can tell, this thing is tracking high IQ genes very closely. It views the highest IQ genes as a threat, and it tries to prevent women who have them from having children.”
High IQ and rebelliousness = threat, high IQ and conformity = valued asset. Most very intelligent women are so ideologically captured by feminism and/or careerism that there’s no need to trouble them individually. Even if they have kids, they’ll just indoctrinate them the way they were indoctrinated. The most interesting case I know is an UHIQ female professor with several kids, who dresses and behaves like a tradcon wife, but whose academic papers firmly push the SJW agenda, and not in a major that rightwingers like to scoff at.
This tracks with my own observations, as a woman who was considered, at the very least, gifted, and considering various female friends I’ve had for decades who were also considered gifted. The conformist ones, who will go along to get along no matter what their private views, are doing very well. One was launched from being a SAHM for 15 years into an extremely high paying cushy government job recently, and believes this all happened due to her own efforts and skills and education. If I shared the chain of events, it would sound unbelievable (with no offense meant to her).
When I look back at my own personal chains of events that led me directly to where I am today, and think of them in the context of AC’s surveillance theory, it makes my skin crawl to think some shadowy group was observing me all this time. I’m just old enough to have lived my younger years without ubiquitous internet. I was not particularly rebellious, but had my limits where I would not comply with various authorities and rarely if ever followed trends, or belonged to a big group of girlfriends, for better or worse. There was so much strangeness in these events, so many unlikely things that happened. And even with this context, I will always feel like a first-class idiot for various choices I made, but here we are.
You cannot feel like that if you were operating assuming an environment where everyone was like you and the world was as you were told, and the reality was so different.
You were literally a child, handed to the most psychopathic of CIA shrinks, and they were told to get in your head from before you had any ability to resist, and screw you up. Nobody has any ability to resist under those conditions. You have to learn everything yourself, while fully deceived, and with an entire first class intelligence service actively trying to keep you deceived, and owning many or most of the people around you, while you can’t even imagine such a thing would exist.
To us, we were just individuals drifting through the world. But to them, the high IQs as a pool are death incarnate in a world that is 100% Darwinian. And they pride themselves on being wolves.
Once they are in the system, and have you from a little kid, when you can’t possibly know any better, I think very little that happens is by accident. So long as you have no idea, they have full control. It is what pisses me off about this entire thing so much.
To me Bob was the personification of evil. And I used to laugh because he was constantly assuming everyone was out to fuck him, and always on guard. But those evil people project themselves on others, and end up protected against this thing.
The high IQ kids they target though, they beat them because those kids are good people and project that on others. As a result, they just have no idea, and end up completely rolled over. It is really a system designed to enslave the good. If you were under and didn’t know, it wasn’t your decisions that were being made, it was their’s. And that you fell for it is actually kind of a stamp of approval of who you are as a person.
Women LARPing as Men in behavior(As Feminism ends up doing) as well as physically through hormones is a pathway to disorder and death.
Feminism is spiritually at its core transgenderism for women:
Women will tend to run with The Hive come hell or high water.
“The most interesting case I know is an UHIQ female professor with several kids, who dresses and behaves like a tradcon wife, but whose academic papers firmly push the SJW agenda, and not in a major that rightwingers like to scoff at.”
They must dealt with. We are in a Culture War. And we must be victorious.
Even if we lose. We must never lose hope. Its just temporary and ground can always be retaken.
In addition the ultimate victory is in Christ. So we have no reason to give up any gains to the left.
So why not be relentless? As our enemies are relentless.
“First monkeypox patient to go public is a gay HR manager from London who was deported from Dubai just weeks ago for testing positive for HIV.”
From the article:
“He became convinced he had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) after sleeping with around 10 new partners in the weeks before his symptoms started.”
This guy is 35 btw. Let’s say 10 new partners every month since he was 18. That’s a bit over 2,000 sexual partners and it’s probably more since he was probably hooking up like a madman during his early-mid 20s.
And people wonder how these diseases spread so fast. Normal people have no idea how degenerate these freaks are. They literally eat shit. It’s why they’re constantly immunocompromised.
And the gut is designed as a petri dish for bacteria. Since Gut bacteria is so important for our digestion and physical health.
And viruses too of course by extension.
Yup. Linked it to my wife with the comment that most people don’t have 10 partners in a LIFETIME, much less a few weeks.
Plus, if he self-reported “around ten,” then the real number likely is even higher.
If he’s gay multiply by three. If he’s straight divide by three.
“US Seeks $4.3 Billion for Uranium to Wean Off Russia Supply”
Oh, if only we still had the 25% of our national uranium supply Hilary sold off to the Russians when she was SOS. Also when Biden was VP mind you.
Mucho Kudos to Vox Day for his comment about E. Michael Jones being an idiot!
Here: Murder Hamster Economics
Thank you for shiving E. Michael Jones on his race idiocies! Brilliant! Thank you, Vox, will use that in the future.
Does not seem like a shiv at all just seems like polite disagreement.
Eat your heart out John Lennon.
Also, I once saw Bob Woodward’s photo in the dictionary as part of the entry for “Faggotry”. True story.
‘Norwegian feminist faces three years in prison for saying biological men can’t be lesbians.’
Ah, the splendor of Marxist cannibalism.
Today marks the anniversary of the passing of Andrew Jackson.
“Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!”
His views on white supremacy, slave ownership, and the trail of tears put him near the top of my list for greatest US Presidents.
The man was a simpleton. Yes, he hit the correct notes on somethings—on the other, he did not. “Rule of Law”? The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee Nation. Andrew Jackson disregarded it. Moreover, he gave the vote to all men. It used to be that voting was restricted to ONLY those that owned property. The FFofA were against democracy. They wanted rule of the middle class–those that owned property. Andrew Jackson here shows himself to be classically illiterate. From infogalactic:
He did not have the education of the FFofA who were all somewhat yeomen of culture and leisure. Jackson lived a brutal beginning life in the Revolutionary War. Brutality scars mentally people. Andrew Jackson was a scarred, bruised man.
Also, he was of “Scots-Irish”–and Presbyterian, meaning an arch-gnostic. The Presbyterians were the force of revolution in the English Civil Wars and the American Revolutionary War was first called “The Presbyterian War” because all there and sundry saw that the Am. Rev. War was a continuation of the English Civil Wars.
By allowing all men to vote, Jackson destroyed America. The destruction of America begins with him. But since Jackson truly was of the “Vulgar class” it show that he gave power to his class, The Vulgar Class, which the FFofA feared the most! And when the Vulgar Class rules—well, democracy destroys itself.
And he was a Freemason!
The guy was a basket case. Brutalized by war in his youth. Couldn’t get along with family. In constant physical pain. Badly educated and formed.
He is not a person, I want to hang my hat upon!
he was the white man’s president, and remains that. most founders and pols then were masons, either at the start or more often, recruited later, for star power. the money power did all it could to deter jackson. and failed. take notes. jackson broke the bank. the country did fine without it. he was an american hero, patriot, and moreso than other presidents, an actual man. unarmed, he beat up would-be assassins. he was the best and trump put his portrait back in the white house. he doesnt need your hat. it would only sully him. working men shouldnt vote? hello there, hamilton.
Property ownership is the wrong way to restrict franchise.
But it was better than no restrictions.
Well, if all you wanted was a planter elite society hugging a coastline, and nothing else, then, sure, stick with that. Central America is just delightful if you are on top, and a squalid little dump for everyone else. Is that what you want?
If you wanted a dynamic, expanding nation that went to the far ocean, then you need Jackson. You mention that his family did not house him. Other people did. Obviously a great many other people thought he was worth sheltering. He was even taken in by Indians. They did not do this with everyone.
I’d get into the whole Presbyterian thing, except I’d like to point out that Anglicans can barely govern their own tiny little island. They have their Southern England parts under control. Northern England is full of Dissenters, Low Church, non-aligned, Irish- and factories. Or at least it did have factories. The machinists that built the Industrial Revolution lived in Northern England. The talented poor, musicians and so on, were born in Northern England.
If Americans wanted to join the nearly Stone Age cult worshipping an inbred hive queen wearing a metal head decoration, well……… It’s stomach-turning. The inbred hive queen also seems to have no problem with having people close to her prey on young, innocent, poor, helpless people.
>Presbyterians are trouble.
A particularly smarmy Jewish boy in high school joked that the two best or most useful careers: English teacher and Presbyterian minister. Most of us had no idea he was a Jew, even with a surname of Singer. I didn’t realize it until many years later. Did he pick up that gem from his father at the dinner table? Meanwhile, is it true that John Knox was Jewish? Was Knox really the spiritual advisor of the king responsible for the King James Bible? Does that make it a “government-issued” Bible?
jackson wasnt their kind of presbo. he broke their bank.
No. His parents were Scotch Roman Catholics.
Possibly. He was friends with Lord Moray (James’ regent) and preached at his coronation as king of Scotland,
Yes, from a properly Christian government.
Wrong. Apparently Presbyterians are the only “gnostics” that that insist on teaching from the accepted canon of the Bible and only the Bible.
Yup. That’s what happens when you ship your rebels off… and then try to keep lording over them.
“Cabinet minister in Dominican Republic slain in his office.” Orlando Jorge Mera was shot to death by Fausto Miguel de Jesus Cruz de la Mota. And there goes the theory of assassins always having three names.
The USS Liberty was attacked on this date 55 years ago.
It’s three names that have extended meaning to each of the three names. Fausto. Miguel de Jesús. Cruz de la Mota. It’s tying origin to a name, like O’Conner being “of Conner,” or similar concepts. Miguel of Jesus, and Cruz of the Mota.
Thank you for providing that explanation. My high school Spanish is weak and I stand corrected.
There are 2 things you can do with Power.
One is to either have it used against you or you use it against them.
Or as I said last time. Cast the One Ring into Mount Doom.
Destroy it and render it permanently useless to your enemies. That’s Tolkien’s solution to Totalitarianism.
Tolkien’s comments on unrestrained power(The One Ring). And how it amplifies and draws out our sinfulness:
Why destroying it is desirable in his eyes.
Hippocampus is also vital in the flight or flight response The amygdala sets off the alarm that something is up, but the hippocampus is what assesses the situation and decides to override the amygdala or not. The analogy I use is that the amygdala is the alarm system, while the hippocampus is the guard who looks at the CCTV and decides if it’s a real alarm and whether or not to call the cops or turn off the alarm.
If your amygdala isn’t working, you can’t see the threat. If your hippocampus isn’t working, you can’t say “false alarm” and anything that upsets you continues to upset you even after you know it is nothing. (Sound like SJWs to you?)
If your amygdala is overactive, then things that shouldn’t alarm you do. (PTSD.) If your hippocampus is overactive, then you take stupid risks because you asses things as OK that your amygdala warned you about.
From the study:
Man arrested outside Justice Kavanaugh’s house, claimed there to kill Kavanaugh.
Chief Justice Roberts said he didn’t have time to comment on the threat, as he was hard at work running the Dobbs opinion through spellcheck for the 11,314th time this month.
Kavanaugh assassin foiled.
Justice Roberts: “Hopefully, this type of awful thing doesn’t happen again when Brett has lunch at Ruth’s Chris on K St at 11:45. NOT the one on Connecticut” Roberts then immediately went back to work running the Dobbs opinion thru spellcheck for the 11,314th time this month.
or filing his draft kav-less gun control and abortion decisions away for another day…
“This is one of those new briefs that make me wonder, is reading all of this news about how fucked everything is really helping me?”
Agreed. The links today and commentary are particularly interesting, but this stuff is really depressing.
One of the linked articles does have a problem, and that is the article on the appointment of a new American cardinal.
The problem here is that the article was obviously originally written in Italian, and the English translation is really bad. It is “English as she is spoke” level bad, and the result is gobbledygook. If you are a native English speaker, you actually get a better understanding of the article by clicking on the Italian flag at the bottom, and just reading the article in Italian, even if you don’t speak Italian. Going to the Italian version and putting the article into Google translate might work.
Whatever direction the Catholic Church goes to is important, but you will get little sense of that from trying to read the article.
Biden’s Homeland Security issues ‘heightened threat advisory’ because of fears of ‘mass casualty violence’ if Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. I was thinking, is it purely a coincidence that just as SCOTUS rules on Roe and creates a violent environment, it may also give us a Right To Carry? How organized and controlled was the bringing of that case?
For a couple generations now there has been a truce between Left and Right not to mess with their respective “holy grails” unless you wanted a war. For the Left, that is abortion. For the Right, it is the 2nd amendment.
Now that the line has been crossed, it’s not surprising these two issues form their own kind of political dialectic. And a highly charged one, at that. But is there even more to it?
We all know it’s game over if they take our guns. Perhaps abortion is equally important for Cabal?
As to who has the upper hand managing the dialectic towards a desired synthesis, it looks to me like the Patriots are pushing the overall trend.
Trump still approving the vax, and saying that teaching trans crap to kids is OK as long as there’s parental permission (if he did say that) makes me wonder if he’s the spearhead of the dialectic. Apparently his rallies still draw large crowds.
I will need a citation to believe the second one.
Here’s the problem I have with people claiming whether patriots are in control or not. I think most people who follow Q tend to picture “patriots in control” as being like the scene from wargames, with top ranking generals all crowded around wargaming everything. I do not believe that is the case. Patriots, I believe, is simply a term used to describe people who understand symbolism, who understand the system, who use this knowledge to help the world, rather than clowns, who simply use it as a paycheck, ie the people fucking with ac and others. This implies that there is another breed of people, beyond the clowns that are described by ac, that use this knowledge of the system to help people, rather than get rich off of it. Remember guys, trump was a part of this machine, and given fame and fortune, until they fucked with him enough, and he decided to turn this whole system on it’s head. For example, whenever you hear on the news about a hero that miraculously saved the day, even though they shouldn’t have any knowledge of the event, thats generally a patriot who saw that something bad was going to happen, through comms in the media, and acted accordingly. As Q said “There are more good people than bad”
But I will say, what I see is big enough it essentially knows all. Want to spray paint MAGA on a street sign? Pull into a neighborhood at 3AM to do it, so nobody will see, and when you turn the corner at that entrance to the neighborhood, the mic on the telephone pole is transmitting that to somewhere which is assigned that corner. Maybe an observation post in the neighborhood, maybe some command center, if everyone in the neighborhood is punched out for the night. But somebody will hear the car turn in, and they will wonder, “Why is this car turning in here at 3AM?” And they are going to check out who you are, and what you are up to. You are actually probably more likely to get picked up at 3AM, just because they are always there in teh background, and you will make them curious.
For that matter, when you started your car at your house, even if you are not a priority target, I think it likely some house in your neighborhood heard the engine start, maybe through ground-mounted geophones, and thought, “Who is getting up and starting a car at this hour?” And they probably tracked you to the other neighborhood just out of curiosity about what you were doing. They were probably on you from the first moment.
The control is absolute. To the point guys like Greg Phillips, who ostensibly opposes the election hacking, see me mention it in a conversation they are having, and they shut up cold. Won’t go near it. Either he is not in it, but it is so powerful he will not go near it, even as he picks at the margins attacking election fraud, or even worse, he is in it, and some of the only people who appear to be actively fighting this thing are actually part of it and it is all show. And there are a lot of people in it.
My point being, that level of control is not easily resisted. Either the patriots have it, in which case they should have eliminated school shootings and a ton of other shit, or they do not, in which case I think the deck is very heavily stacked against them. Because if you do not control this thing, it is very hard to resist it.
I hope they win, but I think at this point, everyone needs to assume that is a rosy scenario, and keep red pilling everyone you meet, and trying to get everyone to see the domestic Stasi and disassemble it. Because there will never be freedom so long as it is operational.
Or the patriots DON’T have it…yet, but as part of their ultimate victory they’ve established the need to gradually wake up the frogs to the reality of the pot in which they currently reside. I am now beginning to appreciate just how maddening it must have been for a rebel in 1776 to get Joe Sixpack to give a crap about gaining his freedom. Q/patriots are winning or losing, already lost or already won, but in any event, never stop talking about Cabal in your neighborhood. Normies don’t want to believe it yet, but keep moving the Overton window.
It’s especially informative to bring it up in mixed company, and watch who leaves the room immediately without even considering whether Cabal in your neighborhood is possible or not. Like the subject is so uninteresting they decide to go to the bathroom right away.
Yeah, just asking someone, geez, is it me or is this an awful lot of traffic, as the cars are all going by, can be amusing, as their eyes go wide, and they try to deny seeing anything unusual.
“we dont want ANY trouble” and “we dont want ANYONE to think we have such opinions”
I’ve decided I’m a TERM
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Mother 😀
From Vox Day:
Chaser: Remember that time The Lone Gunmen pilot had that plot about the jet taken over by remote so it could fly into the World Trade Center?
Not sure I can agree with his attitude, though. People are stupid for not assuming a story on a TV show about conspiracies was warning them in real life? What if they didn’t watch X-Files? How would it even work? Chris Carter was a white hat?
“Experimental vaccine” was enough for me to avoid the clot shots.
following up on what the Mad Piper posted. Interesting article about how the globalists have to tell us what they are planning. Interesting linked vid. Not too long. 2016 X-files episode with some eerie similarities to the whole covid BS. Plus, at the end of the vid, reminding us of the Lone Gunmen plot telling us to expect 9/11.
Brought to mind all the — every one — zombie movies and TV shows about the grey goo inside the zombies. Juxtapose that against those reports of black goo being found in vax-killed corpses. Hmm….
Got pregnant from a toilet seat story
Gloves only go up so far. When you are changing sheets, it just has to get between your short sleeve scrub shirt and the gloved area- so your forearm to elbow, to get onto your skin. Skin on healthcare workers is always kind of irritated and dried out from washing so much. Then do something like sneeze, brush hair off your face, yawn and cover your mouth, touch your other arm.
When I had a rotation that included an MRSA patient, we double gloved, put on face masks, and I was still advised to go home, strip outside the house, and take clothes immediately to the washer to for a bleach and detergent hot water wash. I was also advised to head to a shower right after stripping, and to use the hottest water possible.
Washers in Europe are not allowed to use as much water or as hot water as the USA. Neither clothes, nor the person, can be thoroughly sanitized, as much as the USA.
After all that, I was counselled by the trainer to not pursue a full-time job at this position, since it would endanger my toddler children. The labworkers, not the professors, preceptors or lab managers- the actual workers- were – this is a job with easy replacement rates and low pay. Your children risk being harmed.
I met a woman who had disregarded this advice. Her daughter had been in and out of the hospital for her entire life, because her mother brought home MRSA from the hospital. It had colonized her, and it would not respond to anything. So imagine a beautiful little girl with oozing green pustules, heart disease, inflamed lungs, and who knows what else.
current top jim stone blurb – russia today on the “USS Liberty” – Jimstone – World Class Investigative Truth (
Thank you for providing that link. It still matters.
In reversal, Twitter plans to comply with Musk’s demands for data
AC, i keep forgetting to tell you: the change to the banner is terrific.
Yeah, it makes me laugh every time I check the page out!
He actually got these dupes to sign a pro-petition for the Firearms Policy Coalition… because the title is vague enough that it COULD BE a gun control group. None of the crowd even bothered to look it up on their phones. Then there’s the usual – the crowd demanding restrictions that have been in place for decades.
This is a strange one.
Florida: Haiti’s Special Olympics team mysteriously vanishes after checking into their hotel room in Osceola County on Monday, leaves behind all luggage.
The Special Olympics USA Games said five of the six missing individuals did not have a disability
So these are not even normal illegals. They are illegals who faked being handicapped and went to the competition to get on the team and beat all the handicapped people mercilessly to take their spots on the team, so they could come here and disappear into the country. Nice,
I was wondering why my posts seem to disappear…could you email me why?
I sent an email.