News Briefs – 06/06/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Ben Carson is probably least likely to be Cabal. My only worry is, I would prefer Trump’s second be somebody so out there, with such hatred for Cabal, and so nuts, Cabal would prefer Trump to them.

The new Governor of Louisiana signed many MASSIVE election integrity bills.

McCabe: DOJ, FBI folks worried about being thrown in jail in second Trump term.

Chris Matthews said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that it was “very reasonable to assume” former President Donald Trump will become a dictator if elected.

Democratic Manhattan District Alvin Bragg’s office defended on Wednesday keeping former President Donald Trump under his gag order, requesting that it stay in place at least through Trump’s sentencing hearing in late July and any post-trial motions.

The NYPD is preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s concealed carry permit following the numerous felony convictions handed down by the jury last week.

Plurality of Americans believe Trump trial was politically motivated; new poll finds.

Trump says Democrats may be prosecuted if he wins: ‘Very possible it’s gonna have to happen to them.’

Putin says courts are being used against Trump.

Trump warns of ‘breaking point’ for Americans if he’s jailed.

FBI witness confirms in court: no tampering occurred with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Paul Sperry:

DEVELOPING: In a desperate move, Hunter Biden’s legal team led by Abbe Lowell are spinning a wild conspiracy theory to the judge hearing the case that his father’s DOJ is conspiring w ATF, Delaware State Police & the gun shop owner to frame Hunter for lying on his gun application

President Joe Biden is having trouble focusing on work because he is obsessing and worrying about his son’s gun trial in Delaware, a report by Politico claims.

Daily Mail – Doctors ramp up calls for Biden to take cognitive test after worrying new details about his mental decline.

California forced to repay millions after giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to ‘noncitizens’ who did not qualify for it.

Arizona voters to decide whether to make border crossing by noncitizens a state crime.

Many illegal migrants will voluntarily flee to Canada if President Donald Trump is re-elected, a Democrat-appointed ambassador told an elite Canadian audience in Ottowa.

Meet the NGOs facilitating mass immigration under the banner of religion. CIA was well known for using missionary work as a cover to go places where American intelligence might not be welcome. It even had the nickname Christians In Action. And after we pulled out of Somalia, where CIA recruited ground surveillance which was no longer needed in Somalia, all those CIA assets were suddenly brought to America by “Christian” groups in Maine and Minneapolis. I would be shocked if Ilhan Omar does not have a CIA plug-in.

After bankrolling illegals, FEMA says it will run out of cash for hurricane season.

ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum: sources.

Prosecutor asks court to reverse ‘unlawful’ Daniel Perry pardon.

The Montana Libertarian Party announced on Tuesday that it has officially rejected Libertarian nominee Chase Oliver, urging other affiliates to do the same and calling for the national party leadership to suspend and replace him as the nominee.

SEC to close Salt Lake office after ‘gross abuse of power’ in Utah crypto case.

“Out of control” container ship prompts temporary closure of Ravenel Bridge; remains anchored outside Charleston Harbor.

Episode 8 of Silenced with Tommy Robinson – Dr David Martin.

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy.

Pope Francis again welcomes group of ‘transgender’ males, homosexuals at Vatican audience.

Vatican official says 77% of cases sent to discipline office are about child abuse.

President of El Salvador explains how MS-13 operates as an actual, sworn, satanic organization, and there are known cases of them killing children, and sacrificing babies for “The Beast.”

Philippine government still studying US request to become ‘processing center’ for pipeline to resettle Afghans in the US.

Nigel Farage’s Reform Party just 2 points behind the Conservatives.

Gunmen attack U.S. embassy in Lebanon.

Accuracy of this is unknown, but I suspect nobody is allowed in those higher levels of politics, unless the surveillance shows up, and you make it clear you will betray the nation for the conspiracy. If the surveillance is CIA, (and it could be run by CIA), then this is correct:

U.S. warns: dual citizens may be stuck in Ukraine under mobilization law.

A new study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health found that men who are more satisfied with their penis size are actually more likely to own guns.

Spread r/K Theory, because life is your most valuable commodity

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8 months ago

The comment sections were being 404’d this morning. Good to see them back.

8 months ago

Perhaps the creators of Aliens and of X-Files had real sources.
The black goo is alive. Do your best to keep this out of your body

Second video:
Do you know about the Black Goo? It is real.

8 months ago

> After bankrolling illegals, FEMA says it will run out of cash for hurricane season.

Not a problem; FEMA will still hold meetings and issue press releases as usual, and the local citizenry will work with the likes of the Cajun Navy.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

One weird thing about the Cajun Navy…last year, this boy Cameron Robbins somehow ended up in shark infested water while on a Disney pirate boat cruise in the Bahamas with his HS graduating class. Either the sharks were there because the waters were being chummed with food or they are just trained to follow these boats because they find food near them but the boys was eaten alive in seconds by sharks and it is on video. Anyway, for some reason, TPTB want to say that he was taken away by the current and not eaten alive by sharks, maybe it’s bad for business. But the Cajun Navy spokesperson, Brian Trascher lied and said it was certainly not a shark attack. This is pure nonsense, so it makes me feel like if this guy will lie for some business so they don’t lose profit, I just wouldn’t really trust him at all regarding anything else. If he said…yeah we looked for your kid but he must have frozen to death and disintegrated, he must have floated off into space, he must have accidentally drowned in the river, whatever he said, I’d just know he was a liar so I’d assume he was lying.

8 months ago

U.S.S. Eisenhower attacked in the Red Sea. On fire. Many casualties. Coverup in process?Notice that the nuke sub could not shoot down the missiles.

8 months ago

> Ben Carson is probably least likely to be Cabal. 

Carson seems level-headed. Rubio is pro-“gun control”, that is, he has worked to subvert my Constitutional rights. Stefanik seems flaky. No opinion on the others, most of whom I’ve never heard of.

8 months ago

> The NYPD is preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s concealed carry permit following the numerous felony convictions handed down by the jury last week.

“It’s the law!” Though it infringes on the “shall not be infringed” part of the Second Amendment. But nobody cares about that obsoleted old document.

On the other hand, Trump has armed Secret Service guards. Reagan’s SS carried Uzi submachine guns, which they waved freely at bystanders during Hinckley’s assassination attempt.

8 months ago

“Trump warns of ‘breaking point’ for Americans if he’s jailed.”

Who’s going to stick their necks out for him after he abandoned his Jan 6th supporters?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Cornpop
8 months ago

A lot of people

8 months ago

> California forced to repay millions after giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to ‘noncitizens’ who did not qualify for it.

The state will “repay” the stolen money by stealing more money from the same citizens they stole from to begin with.

Nothing will happen to the politicians and bureaucrats who implemented the thievery.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

“Anatomy 101 short video” animation, things that we all used to know and still should. Plus a few notes. Why males vs females walk with different gaits, and more. Skulls are very different! “Why dat girl haid so beeg?”
Exposes the trans-human movement. A great quick-reference.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
8 months ago

I’d be wary of trusting Dr. David Martin. His older videos filmed from his office showed quite a bit of masonic imagery. His business, M-CAM, has a website chock full of occult symbolism. His personal webpage boasts about the leadership role he had in promoting Davos.

8 months ago

Noticed the recent comment page and individual pages weren’t loading. Did you make a change, AC?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Thats even weirder. We were literally discussing the comments and they failed. One might suspect the culprit was cleaning up his tracks?

Bix Noodleman
Bix Noodleman
8 months ago

Bizarre stalker shows himself on Steve Bannon show. Really creepy.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
8 months ago

Nigel Farage’s Reform Party just 2 points behind the Conservatives.

The methodology used was changed. Under the old methodology, Reform would be ahead.

When Reform overtakes Klaus Schwabb’s Conservative party, the anti-labour vote will flip. Once the disenchanted see change is possible, the disengaged will re-engage.

The media’s most important task currently is to bury Farage & Reform.

Farage needs serious protection. Cabal is not playing games.

Charles Charlie Charles
Charles Charlie Charles
8 months ago

34 candidates were murdered in the Mexico election.

Look closely at the winners.

comment image

8 months ago

AC, your outage this morning was weird. I could load the main page and the blog page, but individual briefs and comments returned a 404 error. I’ve never seen them break it like that before.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Everything from 06/05 is 404’d still. 99 comments that can’t be read.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Yep. You were right. Works fine now. Thanks.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Works for me.

English Tom
English Tom
8 months ago

Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley Lennon
Agent of ZOG.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

He’s just playing his part like a good little shabbas goy, bringing on the race/religious war for our Jewish overlords.

All the world’s a stage AC and Stephen is playing his part to perfection.
Remember, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

Nothing is ever what it seems, especially Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

He makes all that noise because he is promoted by (((those))) who control the media. If he was not owned by ZOG he would not be heard of. Has any of you here heard of Sam Melia? Google him.

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

Perception is Reality. Many support of Israel because of a good PR machine.

8 months ago

CIA is known as Christians In Action? No, the CIA has long been known as Catholics In Action.

I am not sure why this website and many commenters feel it is so important to deny that the Vatican is the center of cabal. It’s very bizarre. No matter how many really bad guys in our national life are tied to the Jesuit Order, we keep hearing that is actually the Freemasons running things. Even as Catholic “charities” have worked tirelessly for decades to import more Catholics to replace legacy American Protestants, we keep hearing about how it’s really the Jews behind all of our problems.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Brilliance of the creator generation.
Not the current generation at any level.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I heard they are all mormons.

Goes to show, we only know what we hear.

8 months ago

The best pick for VP would be Don Jr. He’s already more right wing than his dad, the base loves him, and as assassination insurance a son is pretty much unbeatable.

Reply to  Anon
8 months ago

Lacking knowledge to the contrary I must agree.

Reply to  Anon
8 months ago

He would be a natural successor… 2028 perhaps

8 months ago

MRNA vaccines to be tested on cows:

To protect from “bird flu”? This smells like 2020 again.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Smells like the bugs we’ll be eating in 2030.

Last edited 8 months ago by Ann K.
8 months ago

This guy makes me think the Ukraine “aid” grift is about keeping the foreign dollar market from collapsing (it probably can only delay it).

China v Dollar II – Impact on Eurodollar Market

8 months ago

Mock shooting.
Start the clock for the “real” one.