Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
The Defense Intelligence Agency has for months been debriefing a high-level Chinese Communist Party defector — but withheld the information from other agencies until recently because of fears that those agencies are compromised. From the article – “DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.” You would think this would lead the news, but you won’t see it on any major network, because they are penetrated too. I don’t think it is China per se. I think it is Cabal – likely allied with China in a syndicate of sorts, which ends up making Cabal’s network in essence, like a quasi-Chinese network since they all serve the same interests. Remember it was the gangstalking community which first pointed to this over a decade ago, as reports of targets fleeing to China for sanctuary emerged. They would get off the plane, only to see their coverage pick right up there with local networks of Chinese citizens, who seemed to know exactly what to do to recreate their program in China. It meant what was on the street in America was under the same command as what was on the street in China. You never know where that crucial piece of information that reveals a massive truth is going to come from, but chances are it will be counter-intuitive and not make sense at first.
Mike Lindell loses law firm representation after his new suit against the election machine companies launches. One lawyer left the firm to join him. Finding not just a court and judge you can trust, but even a lawyer, is difficult. There are a lot of lawyers out there that know Lindell’s lawsuit could be a golden ticket for them, if they take it on and sabotage it. No telling if Lindell has a trustworthy team, until we see how the case goes. What amazes me is how many criminal defense attorneys must know they could easily get their clients off if they targeted the illegal surveillance, but t to make every piece of evidence against their client fruit of the poisoned tree, but they don’t, because they are also keepers of the secret.
In California 3,000 votes were recorded from an empty dorm building.
President Trump just demanded a Pennsylvania election audit.
Pennsylvania Republicans are split over a proposed 2020 election audit.
NASA is now opening an investigation into the UFO phenomenon.
Border Patrol says sex offenders crossing the border are up 3,166%.
Laredo Border patrol reports an over 1,000% uptick in arrests of criminal migrants.
There is a surge in migrants from Muslim terror-linked nations, up 300-400%.
The George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations agreed to take $5 million from Chinese Communist Party-connected group. Look at how we gloss over the idea of $5 million dollars just being given away. Who made that money? Where did it come from? Who felt they had no better use for it than to just throw it at the Bushes? Would you just toss $5 million at the Bushes? If you had $10 million? $20 million?
Rand Paul tells Hannity he’s receiving death threats for criticizing Fauci.
US gave more money to the Chinese lab for bat research than Fauci claimed.
A Freeper got the vaccine, but has no antibodies.
KingOfAllNads, formerly Heartiste, on Gab notes : “There’s an intriguing connection between child car seat regulations and decreased family size. This theory explains that when car seats were mandated, families had to either upgrade to larger vehicles to accommodate more children, or settle on having fewer children.”
El Salvador becomes the world’s first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender.
Georgia dirtbag Governor Brian Kemp is booed loudly at the GOP state convention.
On twitter – Massive explosion reportedly hits Iranian steel factory in Zarand.
On Twitter – Video shows massive fire at a recycling plant in Phoenix, Arizona. Another denied area, with security, and fencing, and shifts, and trucks and vehicles coming and going at all hours, and high electric usage, but not much incentive for thieves to break in and go poking around.
LA County sheriff vows to approve more gun permits for self-defense amid 95% spike in homicides.
Trump says congressional run to become speaker and impeach Biden is ‘very interesting’ idea. He will return, but as Q said, he needs to be insulated from what is about to happen, 100%, so he will probably not be impeaching and removing Biden.
“In California 3,000 votes were recorded from an empty dorm building.”
See it’s stuff like this that really is just bad form. New strategy, for the next month or two, put other stuff on mute and put DIA’s China defector AND the vote rigging on blast. Just put it on blast. As many people have to know as possible. It should be a meme kids are talking about in school constantly in the fall giving their liberal teachers aneurisms.
“NASA is now opening an investigation into the UFO phenomenon.”
A possible explanation?
Another explanation? Russia did go balls to the wall on nuclear powered drones, aircraft and torpedoes after 2010 for some reason- after decades of keeping those programs on ice. In response to something perhaps? The stuff after the 6 minute mark looks kind of like a tic tac.
The gravity beam claim in that first link is interesting. In Chameleo, the protagonist Dion claimed in addition to the invisible midgets, they would shoot something at his house which would knock things over. In truth, if used rapid fire I could see it feeling, in a body, like the vibrations.
They way it works, as I understand it, is that something about a superconductor moves graviton “rays” the same way EM fields are bent, the Physics behind it being that in most GUTs (Grand Unified Theories) have all force carrier particles (of which gravity is but one of 4 or more) following fields equations and gravitons would be subject to the same principles as the strong, electrical or weak nuclear forces. The effect is lessened though, because gravity by itself is actually a very weak force.
Either that or, more likely, the electron fields of an objects atoms are subject to the the superconductors field locking and this can be directed over large distances (on the order of ten meters) by a large disc shaped superconductor. This could, in theory, change the apparent weights of objects near the disc (as Podkletnov observed) or even knock objects over, as described in Chameleo. An example is shown below.
“…gravity shielding devices consisting of rotating disks constructed from ceramic superconducting materials…”
This is consistent with the idea of an “inertia drive” subsisting of an acceleration of an accelerating mass. In this case possibly electrons rotating in the superconducting disk. Could it be they are considered “stationary” to the universes frame of reference??? and with electrons rotating around in the disk create an inertia field that shields the mass???
Maybe superconducting disc to shield the craft and rapidly accelerating discontinuous accelerating devices to propel it??? Possibly some sort of tuned piezoelectric, Magnetostriction or electrostriction device for propulsion.
“…In Chameleo, the protagonist Dion claimed in addition to the invisible midgets, they would shoot something at his house which would knock things over. In truth, if used rapid fire I could see it feeling, in a body, like the vibrations…”
If the private company involved in this, SARC I think, if they are hiding this from the US military the executives should be taken out and shot.
I wonder if the Fleischman-Pons experiment actually worked, but it was then faked as a failure and made “classified.”
I recall somebody saying decades back it could have generated something that could be used for nuclear weapons, and the powers that were wanted to keep that limited in quantity for national security reasons so they made it look like a failure.
Numerous people got Pons-Fleischman cells to work but it was somewhat random.
There was an Italian guy that got something similar to work. People tested it for heating. Eventually even after people said it worked I think he was prosecuted for fraud.
This wikipedia article I believe is wrong. I read about his stuff as he was doing it and I remember different and that test showed positive results.
This was several years ago. The military bought a set from him to supply heat in a shipping container for several million.
There’s been A LOT of people over the years that say they could transmute matter. A lot of them found it by accident but nothing ever comes of it.
I think it very likely that anything that threatens big oil, big pharm, etc. never sees the light of day. They have been several doctors killed that were using alternate medicine in extremely odd circumstances. I haven’t heard of any lately maybe because doctors decided to give up when warned instead of be killed. They see the news too.
Another interesting guy that got killed was a guy selling self administered CRISPR genetic engineering kits on line. I can’t remember all he was selling but one was the genes to make super muscles.
It did not. Cold fusion experiments are still being persued, though sometimes under the name “low energy” instead of cold to avoid stigma and attention of crackpot chemists. My bet is if any succeed in generating power it will be muon catalyzed cold fusion.
“California officials are vowing to fight back after a federal judge overturned the state’s 30-year-old ban on assault weapons.”
Of course they will. Remains to be seen whether or not this was done to get a preferential higher ruling that would grease the way for SCOTUS to rule against 2A or ignore lower rulings, or possibly for some Biden ExO. Cabal always tries to start things with a “loss” and then a “movement” as a response. Makes things look almost organic. Of course, it’s got filthy Soros hasbara pig shit all over it.
“The Obama administration lifted the block on “gain of function research” just eleven days before President Trump took office.”
Any gain of function research is bioweapon research. Why would you add capability to a virus, ever? The only medical uses of virons are if they are deactivated (for a hypothetical vaccine) or if the RNA is pulled out, and 1 gene put in, for some type of “gene therapy”. Any other research should involve pulling live viruses out of nature and sequencing them. That’s basically all you would ever do in a virus lab.
President Trump, “The time has come for America and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China.”
Well for starters- the 1.1 Trillion USD China holds in bonds should be made worthless, and a new trade deal (even harsher than the Trump one) should be negotiated. We can actually make China pay- we have that capability as a country. Then we can talk about the unpaid debt they owe us, from the Qing dynasty, if they ever want to do gainful commerce with us ever again.
“… We can actually make China pay- we have that capability as a country…”
I think we are at or very close to the point where the economy is so hollowed out by the Jews that it is us that will pay and we have no ability to make China do anything. Their economy is vastly larger than ours.
The Chinese economy is a house of cards and a paper tiger.
It is about to collapse and is in much worse shape than ours behind their wall of lies.
They will not be able to trade with us or pay us anything, we will have to seize assets to recover what they have stolen.
“The Chinese economy is a house of cards and a paper tiger….”
How many years have I heard this? A long time. Maybe you should think about the fact that they make real stuff. Material objects while a large part of our GDP is purely financial.
Here’s a link on GDP by sector. Manufacturing is only 10%. NOT GOOD. This is real stuff the rest does NOT actually create wealth for everyone. Sure it lines some individuals pockets but it is just moving money back and forth. Real value comes from making things or in some cases adding specific information to make things or use them more efficiently.
Percentage added to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States of America in 2020, by industry
Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) – China (27%) same source shows US at 9%. Arrrgh!
Even the stuff we do make like processors they fill with bugs so no one knows anything about the safety of their computers.
Not all manufacturing is worth something.
Building ghost cities and making mud pies doesn’t actually produce value.
They have been centrally mismanaging their economy and lying about their numbers.
They will vanish just like the USSR.
“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he wants to arrest everyone coming across the U.S.-Mexico border illegally for aggravated trespassing, which would allow them to be jailed for up to a year.”
Yep, once they cross a border they are on public or private land illegaly and Texas has the right, per the 10th Amendment to prosecute them for violating Texas State Law.
You can make special work units with them, where they work doing simple labor (agricultural or manufacturing) to pay back the state of Texas for court and law enforcement costs. After that’s over you just send them on back home, with empty pockets.
Send invoices to the countries they came from, billing them for all expenses incurred by dealing with their citizens. If their countries won’t pay up, let them starve behind razor wire if it comes down to it – if their own countries feel they are of no value, why should Texas? Not one Texas penny should go to their support.
Alternatively, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says:
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Run them through the courts and sell them to the Saudis.
“…You can make special work units with them, where they work doing simple labor (agricultural or manufacturing)…”
No make them build the wall out of large stone blocks like the pyramids. They make so many blocks we let them go.
The length of the Mexico-United States border extends 3,145 kilometers. So let’s say we make the wall 10 meters high and 5 meters across , that’s 15,725,000 one meter blocks. If we make them make four each then we would have lots of extra. Maybe make a triple wall.
“There is a surge in migrants from Muslim terror-linked nations, up 300-400%.”

“…The Defense Intelligence Agency has for months been debriefing a high-level Chinese Communist Party defector — but withheld the information from other agencies until recently because of fears that those agencies are compromised….”
“…Mike Lindell loses law firm representation after his new suit against the election machine companies launches….”
“…Pennsylvania Republicans are split over a proposed 2020 election audit…”
“…The George H.W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations agreed to take $5 million from Chinese Communist Party-connected group..”
You know if we could just get the people who are supposed to be on our side to act that way we would have it made.
A lot of what we see is all doom and gloom but things can be turned around without a mass civil war conflagration which would burn the whole house down. Now some want this as a huge catharsis but it’s not in our best interest. We do see things happening that can slowly break things our way so don’t give up hope.
“…Georgia dirtbag Governor Brian Kemp is booed loudly at the GOP state convention….”
“…A group of North Carolina Republican lawmakers from the General Assembly want the voting machines opened and to allow their own people investigate what happened in the 2020 Presidential election…”
Does anyone actually believe all these fires and explosions are accidents? This is gray zone warfare in action.
You might also want to check the back catalogue of Ice Age Farmer videos as there has been many fires at food production facilities all over the world. None of this is accidental and the great cull, by war, famine, disease etc is upon us.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
The funny thing is, how they program us from birth to not see those connections, and even imbue everybody with a sense that anybody who talks about them is a “conspiracy theorist,” and is not just mistaken, but actually has something deeply wrong with how they are wired, and is is a nut, or even dangerous to the people around them. And boy, the average plebe just eats that up and runs all those programs in their mind 24/7.
The average plebe just thinks everything is random, and nobody in the world conspires, or if they do it is extraordinarily rare and unusual. In a world that essentially run by a ruthless version of the CIA, writ large on a global scale.
Funny you should mention that!
Didn’t the Rothschild banking interests have a bang-up and dandy intelligence operation throughout the civilized world as early as the time of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo?
Isn’t it true that every nation state that gets a Rothschild-type central bank also receives a CIA type intelligence agency? Run by the usual suspects?
How far back does that network go?
Do you think that old Meyer Rothschild put that together?
All by himself?
Or could it have been in place as early as Sumerian times, which were, as you know, long before Semitic cultures and languages even existed?
Didn’t a Gregory Delaney “Novel,” titled, “The Sumerian Swindle,” address that very possibility?
Is that book still available free, online?
Do you really want to know the answers to the questions above?
Even if the answers disturb your slumbers?
? ? ?
Interesting. I will look into it.
Not only that, but Napoleon was a Rothschild asset. He tried to go for Russia, and wrecking Russia is a true Cabal Fetish.
I got guys who love Trump and their guns yet still went and got the vax because they believe what the TV says about covid. The same media that THEY KNOW was lying to them about Trump this whole time.
Then I got guys who love their guns, hate PC cancel culture and critical race theory and all that stuff but still hated Trump “cause he’s racist” so they’re glad Biden won.
The absolute mind fuck they’ve done to our society… I almost admire it as an accomplishment. I’m honestly impressed by how much damage they’ve done to the mental state of the world.
It is impressive. What we think is normal is amazing. None of this is natural. Everyone wants a united America, respect for service, patriotism, limited government, personal responsibility, sexual stuff kept out of the public square, and beautiful culture. They destroyed everything, and we accept it as normal.
Oh, come now!
Isn’t it a well known fact that people, organizations, and industries that might have good reasons to engage in vast networks of conspiracy, just happen to be plagued by perfectly explainable events that — only by Cohencidence, mind you — appear to be a vast network of conspiracy?
> Twitter declared a free and open Internet to be “an essential human right in modern society” Saturday morning after the Nigerian government banned access to the social media giant
The irony, it burnsss…
> Why was Fauci’s wife ever placed in a position at NIH where she was the final arbiter of the ethics of her husband’s experiments?
“These are highly-trained, deeply-respected professionals, and it’s just silly to imply that either the eminent Dr. Fauci or his wife would ever be less than entirely trustworthy…”
Or perhaps “A higher loyalty”, as former FBI Director James Comey described his actions of altering records, destroying evidence, and generally being a douchebag.
Or perhaps, “They’re Connected, get lost.”
> NBC tells us, experts warn, the Republican election audit fever is ‘unsustainable’ for U.S. democracy.
Their “U.S. democracy” is based on fraud, corruption, manipulation, and payoffs.
It is astonishing, the degree to which everything was a lie.
> A Freeper got the vaccine, but has no antibodies.
Maybe he was lucky and got Ringers’ or distilled water instead of mystery juice.
Or maybe the antibody test was a sham, like almost all the coronavirus tests were…
I’m wondering if they botched this vaccine, and it was fucking people up left and right in the first batches shipped out, and they have substituted saline now, because they cannot admit what happened, and have people be vaccine skeptical in future scamdemics, when they have something more purposeful they need everyone to take. So now everybody gets a shot of saline, they tell them they are protected, and they have to downplay the virus on the news, and let everyone reopen.
Trump is going to impeach Biden/Harris.
That’s the play, not FEMA. Everything is gearing up for 2022, that’s been obvious but why? Trump is going to take House Speaker from Pelosi and then impeach turnup brain. Then he get’s almost two years in the White House AND can run for another term. It’s the boomerang, they are getting hit with exactly what they threw at him. It fits.
I would prefer FEMA and the firing squads, but whatever. So you need to be able to survive another year under these degenerating conditions. What can I say, K isn’t made in a child-safe playgound, you have to suffer a bit.
Just to let everyone know, Ruqqus is a reddit clone which isn’t inundated with shills, bots, and demented leftists like reddit is. So the experience is far more enjoyable. Here is the Dark Enlightenment community there
I see all sorts of r/ strategists around me. They are like a dying breed. No human strategists have surrendered like r/strategist americana. A dead end sub branch of the species. Mother Nature has done with them. Nothing like self extinction to eliminate a sub species.
Self extinction is inevitable. r/ strategist just needs a little help along the way, speed things up. Timing is everything.
I see K Strategists around like predators carefully biding time. Husbanding resources, keeping watch along the frontier between reality and insanity. r/ stratigest know and are afraid. There is really nothing to be done about K Strategist, K Strategist is around because they are K Strategists. Different survival traits. No geneological predilection involving swarms and their life cycles.
Gotterdammerung in German mythology, the circular nature of history, Wagnor’s Ring cycle. May we be seeing the twilight of r/ strategists gods, surely seems so.
It’s like birds at sunrise. Getting on with life. Assuring their survival. Only the most productive and selective species thrive. Its a self selective hybrid vigor selection process.
Birds which sit down and bitch about other bitds positive energy wasting energy complaining about the productive positive nature of K Strategist birds do not last past a certain time. Imagine birds worrying about 57 sexes because a little birdy told them it was more important than survival of their species. Or its ok to use their baby birds as sex toys and for sacrificial blood rituals, or smash their eggs hatch, because the power of the victim stance then is a powerful one, can be had out of whole cloth, its your moral right and obligation to have free choice over survival of your species. Or begin a world dominion over all the birds because now there is the moral superiority aspect, that what i do is right therefore i am right with no regard or prudence for cramming this bunk up all the other birds ass’s.
It is a zero sum game, r/ strategist on the rise. because its a bird species that has an innate tendency to take not create, then must steal everything from the productive happy K Strategist birds, in fact without happy productive K Strategist birds to steal everything from they would not be able to create a world bird dominion under r/ strategists in the first place. You get the picture. The flaws in such ascenerio involve K Strategist birds always surviving, because they are K Strategists in the first place. Both are efforts actions of survival.
K Strategist is the creation of strategist species evolution of the highest order of the first law of self preservation. K Strategist is still evolving of course. Because K Strategist is become the pinnicle the Acme of K Strategy assured survival, while r/ strategist is past its prime MAD, mutual assured destruction, peak, which is r/ strategist last gasp act as a sub species to remain relevant in the natural order of power ring in the cycle of history/time.
An interesting alleghory of this is in fact MAD, the doctrine of the ultimate r/ strategist’s in the age of nuclear weapons brinkmanship during the cold war era. In what kind of world is it assured survival, not assured extinction, when you hold not only your enemy, but your own children and people hostage, in trade for playing chicken and who blinks first with half a million atomic warheads pointed at each other? Right?
Any question where r/ strategist found the penultimate form of war by other means power to become ascendent and obtain power across all facets of life and activity, get its foot in the door of politics, develop the power base and network, and establish a world spanning organized crime syndicate which instead of just running a vast organized crime ring for the sake of cornering all the illicit’s and other immoral monopolies of himan foibles and tendencies, why not totally jump the mother of all sharks and just build a world dominion, ( “Dominion” anyone? Ferris Bueller? Care to hazard a wild guess why what agency of the cabal has been running election coups and non violent regime change thru vote rigging for how long, is called Dominion? ), a cabal, its machine and the network you infest everything, allthethings with.
Gotterammerung. Ragnorak. Armmageddon.
K Strategist never has such problems of survival. If anything K Strategist runs into, is its too successful for another aspect of its evolution, which thru the Ring cycles, it runs into the incumbrances of waiting for this aspect to catch up with its primary evolutionary advancement: K Strategist because it is so successful it kind of looses the forrest for the trees in a good way, but with negative results, which it then must wrastle with and over come, yet, it is a componant of evolutionary and survival processes.
A great example is Colonial Era K Strategist. The ancient evil, in this case and time in the form of the r/ strategists running the globalistic organized crime syndicate of the British Empire, for its part, via ignorance created a huge loophole for K Strategists in the new world, the K Strategist colonials. Being niether fish nor fowl to the empire, non entities politically and economicly, not even subjects of the machine’s front, the Crown in the form of King George and his Torries, in their blind arrogance, left to their own devices unfettered mostly thru time, vast wild territory, and frontier, survival hybrid vigor further culling K Strategist early Americana, the burgeoning early days leading to the birth of the industrial revolution, the peak of classical education, the great Renaissance, the Reformation, the last of the late Roman Empire, Bysentium’s and Venices peak effects, and the unimaginable wealth and resources of the new world, all of which coincided to provide K Strategist Americana with the opportunity comes only once in an age if at all. A huge leap in evoluionary politics, in technological skills, in science, art, religion, agrarian philosophy and practice, a kind of colony of modern Stoics with Infantry Combat Rifles and the will, courage, and enthusiasm to use their Rifles and everything else, a great evolutionary leap, and realized, for the first time, actualized, made real and prosperous, unfettered economic activity and invention and productivity and creativity, which in conjunction with survival in the new world and its dangers, discovered this thing called Liberty and recognized its blessings as things as every K Strategist is born with as his natural right, and that no other King but the allmighty bestowes such unalienable rights, that no man is superior to the the unalienable rights and causes, even unto the demand of Liberty or Death, which are the fancy objectives of The Number One Law of all: Self Preservation.
As K Strategist’s we are witnessing the final days of MAD; “Mutual Assured Destruction” play out to it’s r/ strategist inevitable conclusion. r/ strategist is having a temper tantrum, it failed at MAD, so badly infact, that Vlad, Man of The West/East K Strategist Paradigm he is, bare chested on his steed, waving the banner of Crusades Bitchez, may very well turn r/ strategist system of proxy fakse insurgency, subversion, chaos and destruction on its head and an irony of the ages, actually become a wholly, or is it holy, safe far away provider of support and materiel of a true and legitimate grass roots insurgency, a second not unlike the first successful slave revolt to take place against the ancient r/ strategist evil.
As K Strategist it is very important the act to survive r/strategist as it destroys itself and attempts to gain premecy of the species as it takes K Strategist with it. Its premise that as r/ strategist’s enough survive after taking all with it, to survive K Strategist extinction. It is the doctrine and politics of MAD writ large.
r/ strategist, just as its ruthless pursuit of its MAD doctrine blinds it to how utterly mean good K Strategist gets when faced with violation of its political and cultural survival codes, does not understand K Strategist the penultimate plenary power of K’s prudence survival gene. It is prudence and its culture, its politics that is upstream from r/ politics of MAD, that which entirely seperates us as K Strategists from r/ strategists.
Though r/ strategist be noisome insidious creatures, we as K Strategist’s quietly prudently go about our business biding our time which comes inevitably. Some say it is cold anger, some say Crusades! or Dues Vault, a great K Strategist demanded Liberty or Death, no small number out of prudence and having made the choice wisely ahead of time, for every cause and legitimate unalienable right, are become armed to the fucking teeth, made of themselves every degree of citizen warrior, in effect are legion, ammassing in effect an unorganized leaderless purely small unit infantry combat orientated army, a legion in numbers unequaled in time and place. It can not be denied we as K Strategist are legion in number. Inferences abound, lending great credence to the notion such a determined K Strategist plurality possesses great motive power and audacity, that regardless it not being A Legion in fact, has little bearing on its existance in the aggragate is legion in nature. That r/ strategist in its ignorance of K Strategist prudence gene and willfull ignorance and hubris of its own r/ strategist MAD doctrine gene, rushes headlong off lemmings leap, and that the Acme of K Strategist Prudence is the recognition that one never interrupts or interferes r/ strategist when r/ strategist is pellmell on the cusp of self destruction.
Yeah, sure this is a long winded screed, but its an honest fromthe heart and from listening to my gut instincts, trusting to the instinctual perspective of my amydala DefCon early warning system. I can do no harm heeding this inner council, at worst my nterpratations and insights inferences and notions and my life experience sure can be off or inccorect, but perspective and simple wisdom of age of a life as K Strategist counts for something, and being “right” or predictive mtaters for shit, it is as K Strategist you live, assuring survival of our species, by each doing his part, keeping your ear to the ground and the hatchet sharp, powder dry, and not forgetting nothing, as good K Strategist Boy Scout’s motto emplifies, “Always Be Prepared”, don The Whole Armor of God for these times which come to us.
And fuck the infiltrators among us who cry wolf and resistance is futile. Everyone one of the scoundrels and scalawags. Yet even they who as agents of r/ strategist spue their poison of subversion doubt anddiscontent, it be a great sign that K Strategist be over the target representing the existential threat to r/ strategist, so may it be we be appreciative and prudent in such things also, as when our enemy r/ strategist speaks he also teaches. And the great sublime wisdom of K Strategist to recognize it as such.
If there is one thing AC teaches, it is that the workd is being run by what is simply nothing but world size organized crime irganization. America is run by criminals plain and simple. That the allmost incomprehensible thing is simply th le size and scope of this world size crime syndicate. That there is hardly a touch stone for how large this crime organization truly is, or how much lucre it has to stealto maintain its operations, how many in its employ, really not unlike an international mega monopoly corporation employing millions in every facet of the sphere of its operations divided between the primary divisions within its structure, namely the acquisition of wealth via theft and other means of extraction from the actual creators of wealth, ( the machine creates no wealth, zero wealth itself, thats why it wears the skinsuit of nations and governments and corporate entities, to possess the illusion, the false power and usurpation of power, of legitimately extracting part or parcel of the creators wealth, those who produce tangible wealth via their labors and creativity), that in order to survive, this evil incarnate that is the heart of the evolution of the worst r/ strategist can be, cabal has become a beast, a literal monster of its own makng, that its not only reached a state that it expends almost as much resources it steals just to survive its own illegitimacy in the eyes of those it robs, its attained the state of Hobbe’s Leviathan in real life writ yuuge.
If you want to make a change for others that counts, one method is to help others understand cabal, for them to see the machine and its network basically as whatvit is at heart, just simply an enourmous organized criminal gang that has taken control of all the goodies of our civilization and Republic.
Explain to them it is corruption that has saturated everything, and a network of people who all got their hand in the till and take, who because they hold the keys now to success and prosperity, while they all take oart of the skim, people they see and know who look them right in the eye and smile and say nice things, gulling us all in order to keep the flow of our wealth, our money, our property coming, all the while keeping us ignorant, as suckers in a just all but incomprehensible con job.
Yeah its hard to believe.
And who really likes finding out their entire life they been made a fucking sucker out of by this network.
Never mind those supposed “taxes” we all are systematically subjected to confiscatory regulations and attainders of writ, are some used to not only suppress or eliminate all who question the veracity of the network dress up in the skinsuit of our governments, but invested in a fuck peeping pervert machine, in order to dpy on us, on everything we do, from our most intimate activities even now to our thoughts, our hopes whishes beliefs and dreams.
And to top off thisshit sunday with the ultimate cherry, r/ strategist world wide organized crime gang like in the movie “Invasion of The Body Snatchers” is pointing and screeching at us K Strategist as the enemy. Really because r/ strategist knows us K Strategist’s, ie The Tea Party, ie, The Deplorable’s, ie, MAGA-KAG folks, are almost onto them and their huge criminal gang and what they been doing to us and why.
Figuratively, in essence, for r/ strategist and the r/ strategist horde its bred and programmed, and its hive mind collective, oh yeah biatchez’s, end of days is coming, it can not be stopped, the circular orbit of history is inexorable. The ascendency of K Strategist may ebb and flow, but K Strategist’s trajectory is assured, as the Ring cycle Gotterdammerung the downfall of r/ strategist as organized criminal world dominion is upon our time as the final battle ofArmmeggedon between good and evil is takng place before our eyes. There is no myth in the notions of Ragnorak and Gotterdammerung, it is predictive science of the nature if r/K political theory inliving color. It is litterally a war between good folks and bad folks, a battle between to ancient species of humans, its been brewing for millennia, as old as the himan race and what we have is diversing branches of the oldfamily tree, r/ and K Strategist’s are at the fork in the branch, r/ strategist can not survive without K Strategist to provide it with its lucre it depends on.
K Strategist literally has no use for r/ strategist.
The defining moment of this paradigm shift of K Strategist was in the period starting at Jamestown in 1609, thru the success of the slave revolt of 1776, till the great war of r/ strategist aggression, to keep R Strategist from seceeding and going full Agrarian Anarchist, before it was too late and all that nice fat juicy lucre got away from global crime inc 1859… tick… tock, and r/ strategist jumped the faustian shark, setting up an almost unbroken line of rule and power under the ruse of legitimacy via government by plausible deniability, right down to the K Strategist color revolution of 11-2015, which hearalded the advent of The God Emperor, and Race of Christian Greco/Roman K Strategist ascendent. Restablishing the dynamic of allegiance and loyalties of K Strategist Rex verses duties, responsibilities and honors of K Strategist Dux.
r/ strategist is inevitably toast.
r/ strategist is Kaput!
r/ strategist is failed to get past its inflextion point.
The very thing r/ strategist needed to stop over everything, by its own unintended consequences it paradoxically created, it actually helped along in recreating, what r/ strategist intended to destroy thru its foreverwars and breeding like rabbits its freeshit/hivemind collective to outnumber and smother out K Strategist, leaving all who survived to stick out like sore thumbs thus easily picked off in detail at its fun and liesure, r/ strategist created an environment of great excellerated selective K Strategist hybrid vigor. Birthing a new generation of K Strategist, one wholly immune from r/ strategist and its machine, a breed of K Strategist Indomitable Americanas.
You know who you are, we know what we are about, we know upon sight who we are to each-other, we are the quiet ones, the ones who possess the great virtues of abiding prudence, patience, and cold anger to freeze hell itself.
It is a great time to be K Strategist. The future is our time. The future of the human race belongs to us.
Rex, I skim your stuff and it looks good…but…it is a mountain of text.
Great, MntnMama has started blogging again.
Jesus Christ. Edit your thoughts my friend.
Although you may think John deNugent is a crackpot, he alleges that the Deep State is in collusion with extraterrestrials, Grey and Reptilian.
Nothing is impossible. Certainly some aspect of our economic system does not compute, and would make a lot more sense if there were another economic system with superior levels of resources to fuel what I see out there.
Could be, but why waste money on us? We have to produce something they want, or else an alien corporation goes broke each year or so supporting us.
The ayyy lmaos can’t meme
The Reptilians are vegetarians, but the Greys are psychopaths.
You may wish to consider that cabal has what seems such an excess of funds because that represents just how much they are pulling out of our society.
Look at the enormous investments that have been made in productivity since the 1950s. Our living standards should be SEVERAL TIMES what they were then.
Can you imagine the massive freeing up of clerical labor with the advent of computers? Imagine the expense of file cabinets, the space to put them, the people to tend to them. Imagine keeping inventory in retail back then. And the amount of shrinkage.
Take a look at home construction. Imagine how much faster a worker is with a nail gun than a hammer. SEVERAL TIMES FASTER.
Look at how much more efficient our automobiles are. SEVERAL TIMES MORE miles per gallon.
Our trucks are more efficient. Probably at least 2x.
Inventory management must offer massive savings over what our transportation system offered 70 years ago.
People should be earning much greater salaries and getting more bang for their dollar, even with inflation considered.
And for so many goods, like clothing and consumer electronics, we’re using dirt cheap labor.
Just think of how much more efficient an engineer with a computer is versus one with a slide rule and a drafting table.
Think of how much more efficient a writer with a computer is over one using a mechanical typewriter. A secretary. An administrator.
The amount of time savings and productivity enhancement in so many critical fields is off the charts higher than it was.
All that money is going somewhere.
Great post, and a very related graph:
The people who print the money control everything (reminder that the FED was founded by the Warburg family, tightly connected to the Israel founding Rothschild family).
Archive link for the graph linked above, for archival purposes (this one won’t expire, unless the 4plebs archive gets nuked (always archive everything yourself)):
Anyone talking about aliens is by definition, a crackpot
Any other topics that are off the table?
Because the way I see it, we know a few things for certain.
1. Things don’t work the way we are told.
2. The way things truest work, does not seem to be sustainable.
3. There seems to be some unifying force, ideology, purpose behind decades, centuries, millennia of actions taken to control the masses.
I see three obvious possibilities:
1. God vs Satan Great Controversy
2. Aliens
3. We are the sims in a video game.
I can’t prove or disprove any of them so they don’t affect my day to day.
Agnosticism is understandable.
As for your life being affected, and proof, you are definitely see your life affected by events in the next 11 years and 3 months, and you will, at some point, see both legit miracles (by me), faked miracles, an faked aliens.
So, you, the world will have to choose. Whatever you choose, you’re going to die within that period, it’s just a matter whether you are then resurrected to eternal life, or to a second death in a lake of fire.
Have you heard of faith?
Regarding lawyers, remember: there’s no such thing as attorney client privilege. Like our supposed free watchdog media, it’s a hoax.
EVERY attorney I’ve interacted with I suspect as cabal.
They know the score.
Also, gangstalking has been going on a for a long time. Or what I call organized gaslighting. Basically people pretending to be your friend to mislead you and plant ideas/suggestions/recommendations that are actually from a 3rd party in order to lead you to harm.
Never forget that the divorce industry was a huge source of profits, and a way for the cabal to weaken or destroy families who could be seen as rivals. Send in a honey trap, have plants that know both husband and wife make suggestions, recommend attorneys. What was once a vibrant, healthy family producing healthy children will now have vast amounts of wealth sucked out of it and the children will be more vulnerable.
AC, you’re often wondered how all of these activities such as surveillance are paid for. Well, this is part of it. The criminality and destruction is everywhere. It’s just that people don’t see it as robbery. They see it just as the Joneses inexplicably having marital problems.
Never underestimate the sheer diabolicalness of these people. Anyone is fair game to them. They have absolutely no sense of moral duty whatsoever. Not to children, not to the innocent. You won’t allow yourself to see their ruses because they are ferocious beyond imagination.
This makes sense.
Possible case of long term surveillance/gang stalking and the guy cracks, kills 3 neighbors (some of his coverage probably) sets his house on fire and dies in police gun battle in Baltimore.
Covered by a normie conservative that explains it all away as a nut.
The 2010 photo of the guy protesting his coverage at the top is just tragic knowing how it turns out.
if he is still employed by washtimes and wants to remain…
Thought the same thing when I saw this story. Note that none of the “victims” have traditional anglo-saxon or african-american names, either.
Reading that makes my blood boil. He tried for years to be peaceful.
AA is a ChiCom puppet.
The truths he speaks are all designed to cause trouble in the west to benefit China (not that the shouldn’t be told) and gain the trust of the reader so that he will swallow the ChiCom propaganda.
There is plenty of well documented verifiable information that shows Jewish collective power (including the Israeli lobby and their Israel first traitors) and China collaborating together against the West, regardless of the Chinee apparently having Jewed the Jews and basically denying them the opportunity to take over their territory like they did in the West.
Just because they are at each others throats now doesn’t make them both any less hostile towards the West.
Always remember that the Chinese admire the Jews, because they see them as rich, shrewd and wielding power. Frankly, it’s the sort of thing we say about Putin here. He’s not on our side, but he serves his side well, and as much as our interest can align with his, we should pursue that.
The ChinX don’t like the cold:
Harsh weather conditions force China to rotate 90% troops deployed against India
BTW, Burn Notice is fucking great.
Yeah, and very subversive. The writer had seen behind the curtain. The funniest part is the guy who created Management turns out to be a lowly shrink, assigned to fix broken spies, who set about manipulating them using psychology, until he amassed a global network, while working out of a basement office in some non-descript building somewhere.
How the treasonous Western politicians will try to remove all population from the rural areas and force them into the “smart cities”/modern ultra-tech golags:
Keep stocking up on that ammo and seeds American frens, you can’t allow them to take over control of US rural land.
Seeds will do you no good at all when the sun is blocked out by the ash from the volcanoes/earthquakes.
There will be famine all over the world, including America, and only those few who are God’s righteous servants will be protected from it (and the plagues and wars).
Seeds + indoor grow led lights + steam wood fueled generator + fire wood stockpile + water reserves = grow vegetables and feed
Use feed and vegetable scraps to feed worm farm and cricket farm.
Use feed, veggie scraps and crickets to feed quail. Get eggs, meat and fertilizer from quail.
Use worm farm products to get fertilizer.
Use indoor aquaponics to grow veggies and fish.
Panic among wildlife experts as unusual number of birds are suddenly going blind and dying around Washington DC
Miners carried canaries in coal mines for a reason.
“Rudy Giuliani associate Bernie Kerik says the next 3-4 weeks will be explosive and will vindicate everything we’ve been saying – the election was stolen.”
“…2 weeks, it’s happening..”
It’s getting worse now they are now up to 3-4 weeks before nothing happens…again.
“A ‘rare’ genome sequencing almost certainly proves COVID-19 was deliberately made in a Chinese lab before it leaked to the world, ”
it proves nothing of the sort. How can a gene sequence be said to have originated in ANY particular location? Unless they have actual samples from this location they are just putting this out as disinformation.
If you’ll notice Unz is pulling out the stops to blame the Chinese and US intelligence for corona but as I have said the US as a declining power does not have it in it’s interest to start a genetic weapons war with China. They do not have it in their interest to unleash a genetic weapon that can obviously blow back and effect the US. It makes NO SENSE. It is extremely likely to not have been US policy.
If anyone in the US has done this it is rouge Jewish elements within the intelligence centers. That the Jewish virus researcher from Harvard that secretly set up the Chinese lab was arrested means not everyone was on board with this or he would have never been arrested.
This has happened before. A Jewish researcher in a military bio lab where anthrax was kept went into the lab where it was stored, I read this I can’t verify obviously.
Shazam certain Representatives who doubt the 9-11 story and don’t want to vote for war and all the patriot acts are sent anthrax. Now the FBI blames some guy who has no motive at all until he either kills himself or they kill him.
There’s a great deal of evidence Ivins had nothing to do with it.
“…Those who argue for Ivins’ innocence claim that the anthrax used in the attacks was too sophisticated to be produced by a lone researcher without relevant training. “In my opinion, there are maybe four or five people in the whole country who might be able to make this stuff, and I’m one of them,” said Richard O. Spertzel, former deputy commander of USAMRIID.[57] “And even with a good lab and staff to help run it, it might take me a year to come up with a product as good.”[57] The spores in the Daschle letter were 1.5 to 3 micrometres across, many times smaller than the finest known grade of anthrax produced by either the U.S. or Soviet bioweapons programs.[57] An electron microscope, which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, would be needed to verify that the target spore size had been consistently achieved.[57] The presence of the anti-clumping additive silicon dioxide in the anthrax samples also suggests a high degree of sophistication as specialists working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory were unable to duplicate this property despite 56 attempts.[58]…”
But the guy who was written up for getting in altercations at work with Arab colleges is ignored even though he went after hours to where the bio weapon was held. It’s known the anthrax came from this lab. And by the way how does that square with Bin Laden doing 9-11????
The only people who benefit from this is the Jews and the State of Israel. Unz may print a lot of stuff about the Jews that doesn’t help them but he’s a Jew and we don’t know what his motives are or if he is running some long term Jew operation. That he’s not silenced tells you a great deal. Anyone else that has covered the material he has would likely have been warned then killed yet he has not.
Unz noted the strange matter of Iran. The initial outbreak happened in January, 2020 in Wuhan. By February it had mysteriously spread to the Iranian parliament and infected 10% of it; several elder Iranian leaders died. How to explain this?
A Israeli viral researcher said soon after the corona started he just Cohencidently happened to be working on the same virus with chickens so he could have a vaccine in 6 weeks yet not only have we heard nothing more from him the Israeli government is buying it”s vaccines from elsewhere. ????
Sounds like to me he knew about the actual corona virus and couldn’t contain his greed at all those vaccine shekels he could rake in but someone shut him up as it would look too much like…they knew what it was before it was a thing.
I also happened to look up a little data on chicken corona and it’s not the same as the one in humans.
Unz has obviously seen the dire straits the psychopathic Jews have put themselves in by attacking the world with corona and is pulling out all the stops to point anywhere but the Jews doing this. Their fingerprints are all over it though. The Jew sets up the lab in China. No doubt guiding their research to fit the pattern the Jews wish and keeping tabs on their progress. Allowing the material to be smuggled out of the lab in the US. Viral researchers in Israel that somehow know how to make vaccines in six weeks are silenced. Immediate infection of a large number of prominent people in Iran right after corona shows up in China. If I’m not mistaken the corona in Iran showed up in many places geographically separately at near the same time. Unlikely.
The only people who benefit from corona is the Jews. The internet is breaking their stranglehold on information and more and more people every day realize they vast amounts of harm they have and are continuing to do to all mankind.
They want to kill us all off to forestall their inevitable 10,000 year walled up quarantine in Israel. They can not be trusted to remain free.
Before the election of Trump there was a big build up that for all practical purposes seemed to be a push for nuclear war between China/Russia vs USA. If Hillary had been elected it could have been a real possibility. Now they seem to be pushing the same with Biden. Hopefully if he gives orders to this effect the military will ignore him. I expect they will.
We will have watch carefully that the Jews do not use their submarines to attack US ships in the China sea and blame it on the Chinese. I hope the military is shadowing Israeli subs so this can’t happen.