News Briefs – 06/05/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


OANN periodically runs this commercial. Watch it, and imagine if every aspect of our culture was made like this, pro-American, elevating of service and love of country, portraying all Americans as a united team on the same side with common beliefs. Imagine if we purged this corrupt Cabal that hijacked our elections and sicced the surveillance state on all of us. Imagine if overnight all their cultural degeneracy which nobody likes, all of their racial strife, anti-service strife, anti-American propaganda, anti-white propaganda, anti-service propaganda, all their corruption, and cynicism, and elevation of evil, all was replaced by cultural productions like this commercial. This is what the vast majority want. All that has to happen is this small minority of degenerates of Cabal get eliminated. We may see it happen yet. If we do, expect the retribution to be overwhelming once people realize what was stolen from them. Q would be right –  it will not be safe for them to walk the streets.

Austin Texas city officials spent $23K on gift cards for an anti-Police organization to give to followers. There are times when this page writes itself.

An interesting part of Mike Lindell’s Absolute 9-0, features the following statements, at about 2:55, from Mike Lindell’s computer specialist:

Yeah, so pcat is just an acronym for uh packet capture. So it’s essentially a moment in time that is captured and that the transmission of those packets – any information that travels between point a and point b is essentially a packet – and so those packets moving back and forth during the election were captured. But you need to actually uh record it. And so that’s where we’re very  blessed and fortunate to have you know some of these guys that actually recorded the information as it happened…

One more piece to that is you can’t go back in time and fake a pcap. Essentially you have to capture that packet in real time so you need to record it you can’t, you don’t go backwards and, you know, recreate this whole chain of events it happens…

It’s a it’s a blessing. We have, if we didn’t have them, everything, the evidence would be long gone… It would definitely be gone and you know, we’re luckily somebody pressed record during the entire election.

Was it just good luck somebody happened to know exactly what routers and fiber, the where and when, of how this data was going to travel, and they just happened to hit record, and save this data for now? That wasn’t some kid in his basement doing that, finding those packets among all the packets of porn, movie streaming, music downloads, celebrity gossip, online gaming, and so on, and recording them. A lot more is going on than we are being told about.

Members of the legal community and a former Trump administration member are “bewildered” by the “inexplicable” time it’s taking for Special Counsel John Durham to finish his probe of the FBI’s actions during the Trump-Russia investigation. Unless the story about him getting the mandate to investigate election fraud was real. Cabal, were it in control, would never let events follow this trajectory, threatening their control over who holds office in the US. If the elections get righted, we get leaders who represent us and want to serve us. If that happens, everything changes – surveillance, corruption, culture, the business environment, all conspiracies get investigated, everything.

Nevada Gov. Sisolak signs law allowing permanent mail-in voting.

Pennsylvania Republicans call for an election audit similar to Arizona’s.

China confirms it has its own UFO task force to probe a recent increase in sightings of unexplained objects in Chinese airspace.

JPMorgan halts donations to Republicans who objected to the 2020 election certification.

The Biden administration has quietly tasked six humanitarian groups with recommending which migrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. instead of being rapidly expelled from the country under federal pandemic-related powers that block people from seeking asylum. Which is the only group they release the name of? The International Rescue Committee. Two guesses whether they’ve ever been pegged as a front group for the CIA. From here – “… financed largely by the National War Fund. According to historian Eric Thomas Chester, by the 1950s the IRC had evolved into a global operation functioning as an integral link in the CIA’s covert network, became deeply involved in the volatile confrontations between the two superpowers, and participated in an array of sensitive clandestine operations.” Also, read here:

This book tells the story of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the largest nonsectarian refugee relief agency in the world. Founded in the 1930s by socialist militants, the IRC attracted the support of renowned progressives such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Norman Thomas, and Reinhold Niebuhr. But by the 1950s it had been absorbed into the American foreign policy establishment. Throughout the Cold War, the IRC was deeply involved in the volatile confrontations between the two superpowers and participated in an array of sensitive clandestine operations. The IRC thus evolved from a small organization of committed activists to a global operation functioning as one link in the CIA’s covert network.

So a CIA group is just telling the government which refugees get amnesty, no questions asked. I say a lot of crazy shit here, like these migrants are Cabal intelligence/surveillance assets, probably initially recruited into CIA’s global network since CIA is so heavily comped by Cabal. They’re being brought to the US to use against you in the battle for America. I say it, and here you see they are having relief groups, which are just known CIA fronts, tell them who they will admit, and who they will not. Ilhan Omar was from a CIA network family if not an asset herself on the ground in Somalia, following people to the local goat market. She was brought into the US, in violation of the law, and was installed as a Congressperson by this machine. Think what I have to see in my day to day, that I can tease out a fundamental truth this obscure, just from what I see around me. Go back in the archives years, long before we knew it was this bad, and I told you there, I was seeing these migrants, barely able to speak English, pitted against me in my day to day life, part of an intimidation operation against me on my own soil, for being pro-American. It is beyond belief. I am not this right about this much by accident.

Nearly $2 billion meant for the busiest border wall section goes unused. It was funded, and not able to be shut down by Biden, but it still stopped all construction.

Biden caves – The Biden Administration told a federal court yesterday that it will no longer give preferential treatment to select racial groups when awarding relief under the Restaurant Revitalization Fund. Again, much sound and fury, signifying nothing. This administration, time and again, claims to do leftist things which go absolutely nowhere. They had to know this would produce a lawsuit and they would have to back down. And in the meantime, no gun control, no stopping the election audits, no Jan 6 commission, no shutting down Durham.

Meanwhile, California’s Assault Weapons ban found unconstitutional. Good decision, but it was stayed, so California can appeal it to the Ninth. But could end up at the Supremes.

U.S. added 559,000 jobs in May, vs a 671,000 estimate.

A high-ranking Chinese defector has ‘direct knowledge’ of several Chinese special weapons programs, including their bioweapons programs. His info is what has led to Fauci’s problems of late, according to the article. This could get interesting. The timing is certainly curious.

Biden gets confused, mistakenly states Chinavirus deaths are up.

Rep. Chip Roy floats the idea of a criminal investigation into Fauci.

The Pentagon gave $39 million to Dr. Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – the charity that funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab accused of being the source of the outbreak, federal data reveals.

Fauci says recent attacks on him are, ‘Really very much an attack on science.’

Fauci had difficulty finding kids to test AIDS drugs on so he went to the NYC foster care system.

Anthony Fauci finally asked China to release medical records of the Wuhan lab workers to confirm Donald Trump’s intelligence report showing the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. China will of course offer false evidence.

German study finds lockdown ‘had no effect’ on stopping the spread of the Chinavirus.

Chinese military ‘engineered mice with humanized lungs’ in 2019 to test viruses on them – just months before the pandemic erupted.

Forging a vaccination card or providing fraudulent proof of immunity could soon be a felony in New York based on a measure approved Thursday by the Democratic-led Assembly. They want to make it a felony.

The FDA admits it has never licensed any Influenza vaccine for use by pregnant women and does not have a single trial supporting the safety of this practice.

Carcinogen found in some popular sunscreens and after-sun products including Neutrogena, tests show. Be sure to rub on your carcinogen so you don’t get cancer, and you don’t produce Vitamin D.

Biden’s Hologram device fails and defaults to cartoon mode, in this frame from this video. Strange is the Exit sign and doors are in good focus, though it is probably an image compression thing.


After openly declaring that it would be staging a ‘Pride Riot,’ a group of left-wing thugs took to the streets of New York and brazenly broke windows, cutting a female restaurant patron.

Andrew Cuomo’s daughter Michaela identifies as queer in Instagram post. A lot of those sexual anomalies are the result of traumas. I flash back to Biden’s daughter writing in her journal about being molested in inappropriate showers by Joe, and knowing something traumatic happened when she was extremely young at a house in her neighborhood which scared her, but not remembering what it was. These people are strange, there is no telling what has happened behind the scenes.

The Informed Consent Action Network was suspended by Twitter on Thursday after they announced that they will soon be publishing more emails from Anthony Fauci. These aren’t hacked emails, they are FOIA’d documents released to keep our government transparent.

Project Veritas obtains a new insider tape revealing how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and top executive Heidi Swartz prioritize punishing truth seekers over acknowledging secret censorship of actually true events or facts.

Facebook on Friday suspended former U.S. President Donald Trump from its platform for two years. So he can get back on just before the next election, at which point they will have a cover for not kicking him off, based on equal time rules of election law? In the meantime, Trump has a cover story for not posting anything, and being removed entirely in the eyes of the people, from the exposure of the rigged election and the imposition of rules to make sure it never happens again. I can kind of see a version of reality where Trump would have wanted to get banned, and actually scripted getting banned if he had control over the social media companies. The fraud was going to be revealed and remediated, and his being involved would only have hurt things. But he couldn’t just stop posting to twitter himself as all this ground-breaking shit went down, or it would have looked odd, and like some sort of prearranged plan by him to make all this happen.

Nigeria suspends Twitter indefinitely. Smart move.

EU looked at ‘importing 70 million Africans’ by 2035, says German MEP Gunnar Beck, denouncing ‘disastrous’ new migration pact.

Microsoft blocks Bing from showing image results for Tiananmen ‘tank man.’

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s dept asks public for help identifying 350-pound man who brutally beat woman at gas station. I would be surprised if the silver sedan at the right edge of the screen at 30 seconds, which then pulls in and does a drive-by and takes off, wasn’t a roving surveillance patrol. It is ridiculous nobody took him out on the spot. People who don’t know anything see that size and get intimidated, when it should be the opposite. If you were ever faced with that, guys that big have advantages in physical encounters. Surprisingly, even with poor fitness, just weight like that can make poorly executed punches land like sledgehammers compared to lighter people. And because they have so much mass and are accustomed to moving it, if they grab you, they can probably swing you around just by leaning slightly in one direction while holding onto you, which is a problem if you don’t understand unbalancing and momentum or have experience sensing it and using it to take someone down. So you need to avoid getting hit, and you don’t want to try to muscle him to the ground with stand-up grappling, especially since done wrong he could come down on top of you. I wouldn’t want to conventionally box either, because he is going to grab you and you are back to stand-up grappling. His big weakness is his legs are at maximum capacity just standing. Notice how he has to keep his knees straight, and almost hyper-extended. As a result, his leg muscles are atrophied, and his ligaments are probably stretched and loose. He can’t bend the knee, because his quads couldn’t support his weight. If I saw that, plan A would be kicking that knee in from the outside. You can try kicking from the front, it is hyper extended, but it is weakest coming from the side and going toward the back at an angle, where it will rupture the collateral ligaments on the sides before going back. Because it was already slightly hyper-extended and overloaded, it would not take much, and he isn’t going to be chasing you if you are in and out on the kicks, so you get as many tries as you like, just don’t let him grab you or fall on you. Plan B would be breaking his Tibia. The tibia is like a blade facing forward, so kicking it from the side, at the thinnest point just above the angle, while it is planted, is what you want to do. It works on light guys (I did it accidently to a thinner kid when I was eleven or twelve, and I didn’t even feel the break, or know I did it), and with his weight loading it, if his foot is planted and you get just a little flexion and a hairline crack, the whole thing is going, and he isn’t going anywhere from there. It might also roll his ankle and wreck it since it is bearing massive weight as well and the ligaments holding all the bones of the foot together are probably stretched out, but the Tibia would be the goal. Plan three would be taking him down by just sweeping (or kicking) his leg to the inside as he stepped forward to advance, and then getting out of the way. Once that guy went down, he would have trouble getting up, and would be on all fours for a bit, and then you could just soccer kick or roundhouse his head until your heart was content, hack at his arms, even go around back and stomp the thin parts of his tibias or soccer kick his groin. But his immobility, and weak legs should make you view him as an easy mark. Just be aware of surveillance cameras, and make sure any damage inflicted was done in plausible fear of being injured.

They are trying to brand George P Bush, Jeb’s son as “47.” He could be a great guy, but I’d hope Trump kneecaps his career, just to make an example. No more Bushes, they are as bad as the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Rosenbergs.

Yale University hosted a psychiatrist’s talk titled ‘Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind’ where she confessed to fantasizing about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person’ and said white people are ‘out of their minds.’ SJWs always project. With apologies to Vox Day and his book SJWs Always Lie.

China has declared a space race, aiming to surpass the West by the end of the decade. Had Hillary been elected, they would be well on their way. Kind of a Q-proof, as we weren’t thinking of space when he wrote it, but now it is obviously important.

California has shrunk by 165,000 taxpayers, and $8.8 billion in gross income.

Michelle Obama describes Barack’s favorite movies: ‘Everybody is sad, then they die.’ This is a psychological condition common to Narcissists, and I would assume leftists, since there appears considerable overlap. You have to see it to believe it. I had a job I had to get done once, back when my Narcissist Bob was present nearby. I began it, and realized I needed a different tool, so I turned away from the job to get the tool. Bob, who was nearby, turned and smiled with glee the instant I turned, his face lit up like a Christmas tree with sheer glee, as he asked, “You can’t do it?” I’m sure I must have looked perplexed at why he was so happy at the idea I failed, as I said, “No, I just need a different tool.” Immediately, his face changed to crestfallen, his shoulder slumped, and he turned, dejected, back to what he was doing. He had been watching me, hoping I would fail, which is why he knew I had stopped, and he turned so quickly. His hope is probably also why he so quickly jumped to the assumption I had failed, when there was so little indicating it. I saw him absolutely giddy once at a relative being all screwed up in an awful situation, laughing out loud over and over, as the relative told a story of misery after misery, that would make any normal person immediately feel depressed and sad. These were the people Cabal chose to run your country. It is funny they are so blind to their own defects, so lacking awareness that normal people could think differently from them, they freely relate such blatant indicators of real psychological problems.

Russia plans to complete Nord Stream 2 construction by end of year. As Biden shuts down our pipelines.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed legislation that bars members of “extremist” organizations from running for office. There are no principles when facing traitors who will use your nations rules against you. You do whatever is in your power to destroy them and protect your nation. Respect to Putin, being willing to actually fight all out.

UN “worried” as global food prices soar to a ten year high.

Chairman Allen West announces his resignation as Chairman of the TXGOP. Sounds like a beloved leader moving on to a new chapter in his life, maybe elected office again.

The great gun sales boom of 2020-2021 shows no end in sight.

Spread r/K Theory, because things have a certain logic to them.

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3 years ago

For those who were asking, this 90mn presentation hosted by two doctors, followed with 90mn of Q&A, explains in detail the covid forgery:
(I think you have to give them an email address to watch the presentation)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday signed legislation that bars members of “extremist” organizations from running for office.”

Smart move. When Russians decry an organization as extreme you know it’s no good. This also means that muslims, liberals, communists, globalists, aclu-types and other degenerates are in dead end management careers and will never make policy concerning the Russian people.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Neither will any of the elect or the saints, those desiring righteousness and obedience to God.

God’s laws are always classified by governments as ‘extremist’, unless you were around in the period from c. 800 AD to c.1900 AD, in Britain notably.

Blessings to King Alfred the Great, look forward to meeting him.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The great gun sales boom of 2020-2021 shows no end in sight.”

Since April 2020 it’s several times the number of firearms built in the WW2 buildup. Good times, Good times.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“They are trying to brand George P Bush, Jeb’s son as “47.””

No ¡Jebito! Guac night is cancelled.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Please clap.

3 years ago

“Q would be right – it will not be safe for them to walk the streets.”
They won’t be walking the streets, except to take short swing from a long lamp post. The addresses, employers, family members….all known. And we currently work among them.
There are millions of us, waiting for the right moment, for the first domino to fall. “The first arrest will shock the world”. Yeah, have no doubt about that. But what will really shock the world is what happens after that.
When the general dumb public, eventually, finds the right side, well…’may you live in interesting times’ becomes very, very relevant.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  millerized
3 years ago

When is the right moment? When the pozzing of the military is complete? Irreversible damage is happening. We’ll never be able to extract these invaders stampeding in now.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

We will be able to extract them.
Don’t let decades of RINOs pretending they can’t do things make you believe it.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Calm your tits, lady. Nothing is irreversible.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Your concern is noted.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Cali AWB overturned

Here’s how this one goes – it will be appealed to the Ninth, where the overturn will be overturned. The Supremes will refuse to hear it, or worse hear it and outvote Thomas to declare that individual states have the right to regulate away firearms as they wish, so long as they remain purchasable. The technocrats/cabal have fully taken control of the bureaucracy, and they WILL use that power. They are done waiting.

Until every SC justice that refused to hear the election cases is is dangling at the end of a rope you can safely already count your case there lost. The masks are off. Everyone has been revealed for who they really are, and most of SCOTUS have been revealed as globalist traitors that deserve a traitor’s fate.

The stalemate between Q’s Patriots and the Cabal is resolved with violence one way or another – the military is finally brought in to make mass arrests while FEMA steps in as a temporary government pending the result of the next elections, or the technocrats will run the US into the ground where it will dissolve politically as the left begins to use the government to purge the right. We’re not at the precipice yet, but you can see it from here.

A Country Farmer
A Country Farmer
3 years ago

> Yeah, so pcat is just an acronym for uh packet capture.

It’s pcap not pcat. Wireshark is the most commonly used tool to analyze it.

> One more piece to that is you can’t go back in time and fake a pcap.

That’s an imprecise statement. Normal evidentiary procedures need to be applied to pcaps so that they’re not tampered with. You can edit pcaps (Wireshark even comes with a tool called editcap); however, many internet companies, switches, etc. commonly capture all traffic, so if you wanted to fake something, it would be very hard unless you faked it everywhere. There are two sides to every packet (and the internet is a switching network meaning that a packet is duplicated many, many times).

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Trump back in office

Someone on Gab brought up a good point – the president is not elected by the popular vote, but by the electoral college which only meets at times specified in the constitution. Meaning Biden can be dragged from the White House but Trump cannot be installed until 2024. All cases of election fraud have been dealt with in court by requiring a new election.

We are either going to get a brand new precedent where the rightful winner presents irrefutable proof and is given the office rightfully won, OR it goes to the Speaker of House, and after Pelosi is proven tied to the fraud it keeps going down the list. Eventually they run out of people that aren’t under criminal investigation for election fraud and FEMA/Pentagon is forced to assume overt control over the US until 2025.

Then there’s the wrinkle that something like half of the people listed in line of succession are in the executive branch, and placed there by an illegitimate president. So yeah, FEMA looking much more likely. I believe that the shape of martial law predicted by Mark Taylor will look something like this.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

45th President Donald Trump released a short video this afternoon stating that the Republican Party will take back both chambers of the U.S. Congress and the White House “sooner than you think” and thanked supporters for their continued “love” and “affection” following his departure from Washington, D.C. on January 20, according to a video posted by to the news outlet’s Telegram channel.

“I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you’ve shown. We’re going to take back the Senate, take back the House, take back the White House, and sooner than you think, it’s going to be really something special,” said President Trump. “But the love and the affection and the respect that you’ve given all of us, it’s really important, the Republican Party is stronger than it’s ever been, and it’s going to be a lot stronger than it’s been right now. We’re going to turn it around, we’re going to turn it around fast, that support has been really incredible. Thank you.”

More at:

3 years ago

Excellent synopsis of how to fight one of these hungry hippos. The sidekick stomp to the knee was one of the mainstays of Fairbairn’s “Silent Killing” OSS course in WW2. If the Flabalanche DOES get ahold of you, immediately gouge his eyes with your thumbs and keep stirring them around until he lets go. The ROE has only one word: “Win”.

3 years ago

Re the IRC/CIA connection: The world headquarters of Global Vision in Federal Way, WA, has a “government section” with secure doors and card-access-only. Regular employees of WV are instructed to not attempt to enter that part of the building.

3 years ago

Michaela Cuomo was a good earner, but she can’t be part of our social club no more.

Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Democrats stab America’s heart every day with wild abandon.

Republicans float the idea of an investigation.

D.C. should have been turned into a funeral pyre on Jan. 6th with the bodies of everyone who works there hanging from every streetlight.

3 years ago

Chairman Allen West announces his resignation as Chairman of the TXGOP. Sounds like a beloved leader moving on to a new chapter in his life, maybe elected office again.

Texas lege just finished its session, and they only meet every others year, so it’s the right time for an orderly transfer.

3 years ago

Tons of gold bugs out there, saying precious metals are THE way to protect wealth. This young man lived through high-/hyperinflation in Romania and he tells you what to expect. Gold may be useful, but you will not be employing it for barter/purchasing. (Sellers will just presume that you are desperate.) And the government can just seize all the gold or hand you worthless paper for it. He says gold, if you can hold it, would only be good to hold until AFTER the inflationary cycle passes, as a way to survive the storm of currency devaluation.

Star Path Academy on the role of gold during a high-inflationary period:

Romanians didn’t even trade much in silver, while everyday items went up in price about 10x over just a few post-Ceausescu years. Interestingly, people priced their black-market transactions in Deutschmarks, although most still accepted the local currency (but when they received Lei notes they would turn around and spend it on something—anything—that would not lose value as the Lei continued its slide).

It looks like his channel is focusing on surviving inflation and be prepared to take notes, because knowing these tips could save you a lot of heartache if things keep going south this quickly.

Reply to  Anybody
3 years ago

Does the hyperinflation scenario applies to the Euro too?

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anybody
3 years ago

Great reminder. Easy to forget the specifics of how a purely financial hedge plays out in reality. I’ve found that people around me (not here, b/c there’s always talk of hedging with useful mechanical components, bullets, tools, seed grain etc.) focus on attempting to hedge purely for financial value. But a true inflation hedge also has to account for other forms of value: practical value, skills, food storage, the list goes on.

Another thing I rarely hear people talk about: if someone really believes that hyperinflation is inevitable, he should consider taking out massive loans for land. Absolutely massive loans, if you have the credit for it. If hyperinflation does happen, the inflated value of the dollar will make the price of the loan miniscule. I know a South American who has a $10USD/mo mortgage. He told me this is very common in his country. That’s less than 6 hours of work for him to pay off an entire year.

3 years ago

Apparently the Rockefeller Foundation foresaw the pandemic, where it would come from, all the measures which would be implemented . . . in 2010. A Dutch PM gives a summary of their report: And the report itself is here:

3 years ago

Re: Pride Riot

Q: Do you support gay pride?

A: Of course not….pride is a sin.