News Briefs – 06/03/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Patrick Byrne writes:

Tomorrow afternoon, before the close of business, I Believe you were going to see a lawsuit filed. That is one of the MOABs. You may have to work a little, but there’s a lot of information buried in it, information that will explain why I said this is a certainty, and Mike Lindell predicted a 9-0 Supreme Court decision. Information that explains why we are so certain and confident.

I can vouch that the data in Mike Lindell’s lawsuit is accurate.

That is 24 hours away…. In the days of early June you will have quite an important thing happen, and everyone will understand why their faith was well placed.

Arizona audit team is down to 15 pallets of ballots to analyze, down from 28 total pallets just one week ago. One week left?

Pennsylvania legislative delegation sits down with Arizona lawmakers to discuss election integrity and replicating the audit.

Investigation into the alarm that went off at the secure Fulton County ballot site which was inexplicably left open and unprotected, is looking at whether the private security contractors who heard the alarm and rushed to secure the room were trespassing.

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs announced her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor in 2022.

Hillary Clinton warned that the very “survival of American Democracy” could depend on Democrats passing legislation that would eliminate basic election integrity measures.

Biden names VP Harris to lead efforts on protecting voting rights.

President Joe Biden ran on a platform opposing new nuclear weapons, but his first defense budget backs two controversial new projects put in motion by former President Donald Trump and also doubles down on the wholesale upgrade of all three legs of the arsenal.

New details are coming to light about how Bill Barr and Chris Wray blocked President Donald Trump’s attempts to go after Antifa while he was still in the White House.

Hunter Biden claimed he didn’t remember his baby’s mama – now it turns out she was on his company’s health insurance plan and he sent a text ordering she be taken off of insurance.

Pentagon may allow LGBTQ pride flags to be flown on military bases, reversing Trump-era ‘no non-gov’t flags’ rule.

Former special counsel Robert Mueller will “share lessons” from his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election with three former senior members of Mueller’s team doing the main work teaching the course.

Would-be Reagan killer John Hinckley rebrands himself as singer-songwriter.

How amateur sleuths broke the Wuhan lab story and embarrassed the media. Basically the most damming aspect of the story, aside from the media coverups, was how the major researchers they accused would deny outright their research projects, in their entirety, only to have the denials clearly shown to be utter lies by the amateur sleuths when they would show the research papers proving the researchers were working on these viruses when they claimed to not be working with them.

Dr. Fauci plotted with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to push COVID-19 fear porn before the 2020 election.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel told Fauci that Covid seemed ‘less harmful’ than the Flu.

Emails reveal, the doctor who thanked Dr. Fauci for dismissing the Wuhan lab leak theory is the same guy who gave $600k to the lab, “investigated” and cleared it for the WHO, and then acted as a Facebook fact checker censoring info on the Wuhan lab leak theory.

Dr. Anthony Fauci advised Obama-era Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell against wearing a mask – even slamming the practice as “not really effective” – in private emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request.

COVID “looks engineered,” a govt-funded immunologist told Fauci in January, 2020.

Early in the pandemic, Fauci was emailing colleagues in a panic over studies which made it look like the China virus may have been a byproduct of gain of function research, such as that he was funding.

Fauci’s gain-of-function smoking gun email proves he lied to Senator Paul and America.

The White House is actively looking to dump Dr. Anthony Fauci amid recent flip-flopping and released emails that show further contradictions on the pandemic response.

Fauci’s forthcoming book has been removed for pre-order from all major online booksellers. That is strange. It is almost like a criminal who is judged unable to profit from his crimes. Might the book subject have been “life philosophy” because to write about the virus hoax would have been to more clearly to profit from his crimes, and he thought maybe the philosophy thing would squeak past the rules?

White House and Anheuser-Busch team up for COVID vaccine beer giveaway.

Israel sees probable link between the Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis cases.

California Health Department admits mRNA COVID-19 injections cause serious heart conditions.

Rand Paul says he’s ‘worried’ US funding is still allowing Chinese to run a bioweapons program.

Denninger notes, we are going to investigate the Chinavirus origins, and China is suddenly telling its citizens they need to prepare for nuclear war.

Britain on Tuesday reported zero daily coronavirus-related deaths.

The Chinavirus may cause severe long-term erectile dysfunction.

Google’s head of diversity is slammed for saying ‘Jews have an insatiable appetite for war and killing’ in 2007 blog post which argued they should have more ‘compassion’ because of the Holocaust.

Graham says Israel will request $1 billion from US after Gaza war. Why would we pick up this bill, when we are already well on the road to financial ruin?

Israeli opposition parties agree to a coalition to unseat Netanyahu – Right-winger Naftali Bennett could be PM in ten days unless Bibi chips away at his razor-thin majority.

Prosecutors seek 30-year sentence for Derek Chauvin.

Even Joe Scarborough admits crime is rising because Police have been put on their heels.

New York Democrats are looking for ways to sue gun manufacturers as shootings in New York City continue to surge.

Things you don’t see every day – Florida boy’s father gives in to his son’s requests to take him and friends on a paintball drive-by shooting binge, they all don ski masks, hit a party outside a house, the home owner pulls out his gun and returns fire, hitting the son, the son falls out of the van, gets run over, and now the father is arrested. It is not often I see a story these days, and think it is probably not a Cabal head game, but this looks genuine.

Researchers in Japan use soybean isoflvone to make catfish 100% female. Still think those Soy-based fake meats are good for men?

Pentagon requests blowout budget to fight ‘climate crisis’ and ‘extremism’ among the troops.

The Russian military is more technologically advanced than the U.S. realized and is quickly developing artificial intelligence capabilities to gain battlefield information advantage.

Another massive fire erupts at an Iranian oil refinery, following the sinking of their largest warship.

Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of India’s Delhi Covid-19 cases.

JBS meat plants reopening in US after ransomware attack because they had secure backup servers.

Approximately one-fifth of Americans who purchased guns last year were first-time buyers. K approaches.

Texas will revoke licenses for child care facilities that house refugee children.

CNN admits a 2022 red wave could be coming as Democrats are swamped by a wave of crime.

Facebook says Trump’s account has not been reinstated, contrary to reports. The reports arose because his site was up, and people could comment and share old posts, though supposedly Trump cannot post new posts. It is interesting something changed just as Trump took down the page on his site where he was posting to his fans. It is as if things are changing behind the scenes, and in coordinated fashion.

Vladimir Putin’s top adviser praises Trump as ‘modern George Washington,’ who terrifies globalists.

Spread r/K Theory, because isoflavones are bad.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Hillary Clinton warned that the very “survival of American Democracy” could depend on Democrats passing legislation that would eliminate basic election integrity measures.”

Translation: The survival of American satanism depends on passing legislation making massive vote fraud a permanent fixture of “democracy”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The Russian military is more technologically advanced than the U.S.”

True, most of their airpower derives from things that aren’t even airborne: Surface to Air missiles, ground launched cruise missiles and ship launched cruise missiles. They have thousands of those things just driving around Russia (a massive place), in addition to their Air Force which is only slightly smaller than China’s.

The Russian S-400, a surface to air missile system, can target and engage aircraft up to 400km away. A single battalion can field up to 144 missiles at a time, with replacements. Russia has over 57 battalions. That’s a lot of missiles, and alot of coverage. And that’s only one type of SAM system, Russia has many more.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Their electronic warfare is also, from what you can find in the open source community, at least a generation ahead of us. There are all appearances that not only can Russia operate in the RF spectrum with impunity and deny it to us completely, they even have the ability to (in a localized and targeted way) completely shut down our electronic devices.

Remember, the last time we try to Leroy Jenkins an Arleigh Burke class through the Black Sea, the Russians completely shut down the power plant and the CIC at will, while they made mock bombing runs over the ship. When the Russians either got bored or ran out of fuel, they turned our destroyer back on for us.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

You know how I would do that for a fraction of the cost? Find one sailor onboard with gambling debts or mistress (or who falls for your honeypot) that works in electronics. Arrange for him to pull the circuit breakers at a specified time. Make sure you have your fighter jet over the ship at that time. Let the Americans spend hundreds of millions trying to figure out your new wonder EMP weapon.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

This why gaybal spies on everyone, they know even the most nobody of the nobodies can be leveraged into playing a crucial part in some of their schemes as long as they have blackmail on him/her.

I hope someday the whole archives for everyone become universally available, IMHO it’s the only way to slay this beast, otherwise even if the whitehats get control over the gaybal infrastructure and archive of blackmail, nobody can guarantee that it cannot be hijacked by someone with an agenda they put first above the freedom of the general public. Case in point, see how the NSA (who are allegedly the champions of freedom of the Western world according to the Q lore) has been feeding Israel all the raw Intel they gather on everyone (including US citizens). I will only belive whitehats are not controlled opposition when I see all laws unjustly protecting, enriching and benefiting Israel gone from the West. And when the Western people are free to purge their Countries from all invaders and globohomo organizations and legislation (specially “gay marriage”). Until that happens, I consider everyone involved in the kabuki theater of politics and the great game of Intel to be controlled opposition, to one degree or another.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I favor simple human explanations, but I don’t think that works here. Multiple people (including damcon teams) are going to be checking the breakers first think. That gets you a couple of minutes, not an hour.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Did you ever see the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica? The Miniseries where the Cylons snuck an agent in who inserted a killswitch straight into the code running the defense systems for the entire colonial fleet? Pretty sure that was the admission of what they had done in the run up to the world war Hillary was going to provoke. Pretty sure that’s why there were planes simply falling out of the sky.

Keep saying it, guys Space Force is in charge of the only weapons that matter now – the orbital mass-drivers. They keep pretending that the only thing they can do is drop something and that they haven’t figured out how to accelerate iron even though a coilgun is a homeshop level project.

The space shuttle was obsolete and the replacement flying well before the shuttle was retired. NASA is the public front for the Pentagon space program, and it had one job, get the Air Force dominance over Earth orbit. DoE only has had one real job – space guns for the Space Force.

Everybody keeps trying to tell everybody else that their dad can beat up your dad, but the reality is MAD still Trumps everything.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Florida boy’s father gives in to his son’s requests to take him and friends on a paintball drive-by shooting binge…”

Guess the race. The father is also 26, and his son is 10. Paint-ball drive by’s? Yep, them’s be Black Israelites. No wonder (((cabal))) hires them out, with that kind of stupid on the cheap you can almost accomplish anything. And they breed out of control every 15 or 16 years, so it doesn’t really matter if you lose a crop of judeo-negroids, there’s bound to be another before long.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

…and the inevitable happened!
These “people” and their culture are irredeemable. Better be quick in sending them back to Africa — if the Chinese take over that continent, they won’t let you do that!

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Curvebell Implications Matter

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“New details are coming to light about how Bill Barr and Chris Wray blocked President Donald Trump’s attempts to go after Antifa while he was still in the White House.”

Really? You mean when Antifa was burning down 3 or 4 American cities last year? Gosh, that sounds like Treason or something.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“President Joe Biden ran on a platform opposing new nuclear weapons, but his first defense budget backs two controversial new projects put in motion by former President Donald Trump and also doubles down on the wholesale upgrade of all three legs of the arsenal.”

That’s because Raytheon is running the Pentagon right now. And those two projects aren’t controversial. Russia, China and North Korea have the same types of weapons. I wouldn’t be surprised if Japan and South Korea gave U.S. power brokers an ultimatum as well: You build them, or WE will.

And if you’re a naty-sosh or whitey nash pining for a North American hwhite ethnostate you had better pray the US builds as much as it can. There are millions of Mongoloids, Muslims and Blacks yearning for a chance to loot, pillage, rape and plunder a defenseless White nation. The bigger the US military gets before collapse and balkanization the more a White ethno rump-state will have to defend itself. That conversation has to include a sufficient number of nukes.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I read they expected a trillion dollars to upgrade the nukes. What a rip off. Kind of like the Lockheed-Boeing fiasco where they are building a new heavy lift spacecraft launcher and have already spent over 20 billion and they haven’t launched one damn thing. Even worse they are using space shuttle engines and I have no doubt flight computers and Inertial nav. can be had off the shelf so essentially we paid them 20 billion for a big tank they put rockets on and they can’t even launch that.

I’m for spending money on this sort of thing but…I mean they have to produce something. Make something work not just rake it off into their pockets. I even support it if they are costly but…at least build something that works.

Many hate Musk but if you gave him that kind of cash and pointed him in the right direction we could have hotels in lava tubes on the Moon in 5 or 6 years.

On the Chinese nukes. There was a bunch of students that were looking at satellite pictures of China where there was an earthquake. A bunch of tunnels collapsed and apparently the photos showed that the Chinese were building re-loadable nuke rocket launchers and putting them in these tunnels. They found the signature of these tunnels and found a whole bunch of them. So who knows how many nukes they have. They could have 10,000 for all we know. People forget in the 80’s the Russians had like 30,000 nukes pointed at the west. It was a massive number. And us likewise had about the same pointed at them.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

>”Mongoloids, Muslims and Blacks yearning for a chance to loot, pillage, rape and plunder a defenseless White nation.”

That’s already happening all over the West.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Denninger notes, we are going to investigate the Chinavirus origins, and China is suddenly telling its citizens they need to prepare for nuclear war.”

If China’s arsenal is smaller than 400 warheads they could be subject to a disarming first strike by the USA. Anything we don’t get in the first wave wouldn’t get past our missile shield in Alaska and on Aegis ships.

But China did this bio thing- it’s a pretty big gamble, but I would bet their arsenal is significantly larger than 400 warheads. America, by treaty, only keeps 1550 warheads active at any one time, which is probably why Trump wanted to withdraw from that treaty, Trump saw how big China’s arsenal really is and it was unacceptable to him. He basically said as much in 2017 after he was inaugurated.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Researchers in Japan use soybean isoflvone to make catfish 100% female. Still think those Soy-based fake meats are good for men?”

Soy does cause bigger breasts in females, but they turn to flapjacks at 30 because other hormones are shot. Then ovarian cancer by 35. Women shouldn’t eat soy either.

3 years ago

“I Believe you were going to see a lawsuit filed.”
…you ‘were’ going to see it….but you won’t.
I don’t believe any of them any longer.
I’ve had so much smoke blown up my ass I’m going to make a Big Boy look like an HO scale train.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I believe that we are currently in a stalemate between FEMA and the CCP/Biden admin. The CCP began telling the population to ready for nuclear war the day the US press began entertaining the idea that cv19 was engineered. Meanwhile on this side, I imagine that the reason for Trump stepping away was optics – China is a permanent member of the UN security council and the WTO – if trump had ordered arrests the CCP could have made the US into the most sanctioned nation on the planet overnight on the justification that a coup had taken place. Once the audits are even half concluded it will take that card out of the CCP’s hand. At that point if the Biden admin refuses to leave they can be dragged out by the military.

No matter how big the bomb is, it get’s defused one wire at a time.

And unlike others I do not believe Trump is reinstated this calendar year. It looks like everything is lining up for 2022 to me. It will be done in such a way that Trump can run again in 2024, OR Don Jr. can run. They are BOTH going to need a MAGA congress.

3 years ago

Hey boss – many thanks again for the daily work you do. I was searching about vault co and found the following blogpost from someone in Japan, and he hits upon something you’ve remarked on repeatedly, regarding Covid, about how there’s two ways to be fooled by the predictive programming (there is no virus vs. fear the virus and get the jab). I thought you might want to look at it and check his sources:

Reply to  LurkerAnon
3 years ago

I disagree with his conclusion on masks.
But the whole false dichotomy angle is awesome.

Reply to  LurkerAnon
3 years ago

This is a clown blog, sorry.
Viruses have never been shown to exist. This dates back to Pasteur’s time. He was a known fraud (as in making up data) and only won the “scientific” debate because he was Napoleon III’s own cousin.
I love how twisted your logic is. According to you, believing that there’s no virus is a “fear campaign”. Yes you heard that. If I realize there’s no virus, then I’ll be scared to death, won’t I. Cabal must have just tricked me into fear.
You can go back to the NY Times’ comment section now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

If there is no such thing as viruses then how can they disappear?

I mean where did whatever caused this go?

Is it a freak accident that after vaccinating people all over the world for smallpox the symptoms of small pox disappeared?

Same with polio. Polio was a big scourge in the past.

There’s no doubt that some vaccines have problems with production. They that in some cases infected organs were used to grow them on. Likely causing many cancers over time. But vaccines have saved a lot of lives.

The sad realty is a bunch of evil twisted people have taken over this infrastructure and used it for evil.

I’m not an anti-vaxer. I’m against the shoddy practice, and possible illegal, behavior of the manufacturers.

I got chicken pox when I was a kid. Where did I get it from if it was not a virus? It’s not like I lived in some deprived forsaken place. I lived in a modern large city with good food and a nice house. If you are going to deny viruses exist you have to explain this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

I read about 20% of this and deemed it to be totally sidestepping the issue. We know that there are tiny filters that only things the size of viruses can pass through. These have been used to verify that “something” that tiny can be infectious as things die when injected with this stuff.

As far as there not being any experiments, not true and I already gave you a “planetary” size experiment where people were vaccinated with small pox vaccine and then it ceased to infect people. Further more environment has nothing to do with it because it also disappeared in areas where the health and well being of the inhabitants were dismal. So don’t waste any more time explaining a thing to me unless you can explain the disappearance of polio and small pox. If you can’t explain that then you are wrong. If you can’t, then your “theory” has no explanatory value, no way to predict events and is worthless.

I bet that whoever wrote this is a Jew. I know this because this is what Jews do. Spend a vast amount of time gas-lighting people just because, well that’s what they do. I wrote without looking I’ll now look around a bit and see if I’m right………….

I couldn’t prove he was a Jew(he’s hiding his name and info) but..look at his art. He also has a facebook art page. if thta’s not a pile of Jew art I don’t know what is. Verdict…Jew.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
3 years ago

Re smallpox, and more:

Btw, you know Jesus was of the tribe of Judah, and that all the apostles and early martyrs were of the tribes of Israel? You’ve fallen for the anti-jew narrative (pushed by the fake jews, the ashkenazi), as well as falling for the virus/vaccine myths.

Wake up quickly, time is short.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Your question shows how successful virology as a clown op has been. They’ve managed to implant us with the idea “disease = virus” so badly that people have issues dissociating the two.

Disease has three primary causes: malnutrition, toxicity, and karma.

Malnutrition has been prevalent for most of our recent history. Cabal, as the aristocracy, made sure peasants were underfed, and that was enough for a long time. Malnourished people will develop all sorts of diseases. Later, with the Industrial Revolution, Cabal realized that malnutrition was going away and that they couldn’t do anything about it. That’s when they started poisoning us with toxic compounds to compensate for our newly acquired ability to eat properly. They went at it no holds barred: chlorination, fluoridation, vaccines, drugs, chemtrails, etc. Incidentally, virology and vaccines appeared right at the same time the poisoning practices started to be implemented. Viruses were meant to be the cover story for these livestock management techniques.

Finally there’s karma, also known as sin. Emotional traumas and memory of past wrongdoings accumulate in the body at the quantum level and slowly weaken it over time. If you want to clear your karma, you need to ask God every day in prayer. Ever wondered why sick people in the Gospel are described as “living in sin”? Ever wondered why Cabal has always pushed for long workweeks? Hardworking people have no time for daily prayers and meditations.

Think of it the following way. A properly nourished, non-toxic human body, should last thousands of years. 80 or so years is what you get when you’re being raised like poultry.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

10/10 for your comment Phil.

When I was first being purified by the Holy Spirit, 6 months after baptism, so many toxins were forced out of my body, I was unwell for a whole winter, with aches, lethargy, sinus issues, joint pains. I had no idea at the time what was causing it (thought I had become allergic to my cats). But it was a necessary purging of my whole system, the body, beliefs, all of it.

Then I was well, in body and spirit too.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Still waiting on you genius brainiacs to explain how one of the largest medical trials in the history of planet earth(plenty of papers on this as evidence look them up for yourselves), the wide spread administration of small pox and polio vaccines, wiped out out polio and small pox if they didn’t work and there is no such thing as a virus.

That poor health causes small pox and polio doesn’t cut it because these vaccines were used all over planet wide. Even in places where people had the worst sanitation possible and they still wiped out small pox and polio.

Not to mention Roosevelt got polio and he was hardly a poor deprived child.

And yes I know your next step, proclaim that vaccines are contaminated, blah, blah, blah, try to change the subject. Yes some of them are and were but that doesn’t change the fact that you say there are no viruses and vaccines don’t work. Stick with that don’t try to baffle us with bullshit. We know these tricks. Prove your point.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

One has to choose what one believes Sam.

The people who believe that viruses are bad, can be caught, and can be cured by vaccines, are the same people who believe we landed on the moon, that 9/11 was done by some Arabs, that JFK was killed by one man, that Iraq had WMDs, that govts have never carried out false flags, that evil is not in control of the world currently.

We each have to find the truth, or accept the narrative presented to us by the likes of Leo, Trump, Putin, Xi, Biden, all of whom push the vaccines/covid is real.

Give it two years, see hundreds of millions dead (from the vaccines), perhaps you will think differently?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Shoddy surgical masks do have health risks, particularly when reused improperly. Masks in general carry some health risks, particularly when used without common sense. People too stupid to understand that viral contagion’s lethality is dose dependent, and that even cloth masks reduce dose exposure by blocking airflow and larger particles, are also probably too stupid to use a mask without hurting themselves. Results may include face-eating bacteria, heat stroke etc.

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

And that’s with quality masks. The Chinese masks are often also contaminated with things like graphene. I’m honestly waiting to hear about silica contamination and an epidemic of silicosis.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“The people who believe that viruses are bad, can be caught, and can be cured by vaccines, are the same people who believe we landed on the moon, that 9/11 was done by some Arabs, that JFK was killed by one man, that Iraq had WMDs, that govts have never carried out false flags, that evil is not in control of the world currently.”

I knew you would lie. I knew you would obfuscate because you have nothing. You have no evidence at all to back up your claims and I have the largest ever medical test in the history of planet earth. So you spew nonsense and bullshit. Gas-light and lie and smoke and mirrors.

You also attribute things to me I never said. I do believe man landed on the moon and that vaccines can work but the rest I do not.

“Give it two years, see hundreds of millions dead (from the vaccines), perhaps you will think differently?”

See I called it before you even answered. I said explicitly that you would talk about everything except explain just how vaccines stopped small pox and polio. All the rest has NOTHING to do with what I said.

I agree with little book about mask. While they suck and are far from perfect the base load of viruses being smaller might give your body a chance to fight it off. Might not.

I worry that people will be convinced it was all fake, and that’s not an entirely illogical idea, because of all the fakers that claim nonsense like Gary Morgan.

I think they expected more deaths. I personally know someone who got corona. He said he thought there was a real possibility that he would die but recovered.

That they failed this time doesn’t mean they won’t try again and if another flares up wear a mask even if you think it might be false. It’s might save your life.

And don;t take the vax. Just because I believe vaccines work doesn’t mean I trust the people presently making them.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Phil
3 years ago

Phil for the WIN!

3 years ago

> Florida boy’s father gives in to his son’s requests to take him and friends on a paintball drive-by shooting binge, they all don ski masks, hit a party outside a house, the home owner pulls out his gun and returns fire, hitting the son, the son falls out of the van, gets run over, and now the father is arrested.

This one breaks all three of John Farnam’s rules:

Don’t go to stupid places;
don’t associate with stupid people;
don’t do stupid things.

Fail level: EPIC

3 years ago

> ballot site which was inexplicably left open and unprotected

This was deliberate. Now they can dispute the recount by claiming the evidence may have been tampered with. [yes, it was tampered before, but they denied it. Now it’s on official record, much easier to introduce in court.]

Recounting those ballots proves nothing. The whole election needs to be thrown out and re-done.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Hello Frenz, anyone have any good resources on how to build a Faraday cage? Are any sold commercially?

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

What’s the point?
Your coverage goes far beyond what a faraday cage could protect you against.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Not for coverage.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

There are, but they are almost universally overpriced. Metal ammo cans make excellent faraday cages, and metal trashcans with tight lids do as well. Make sure that they are electrically connected (if they are painted you may need to solder/weld some wires together, or you can just sand/remove some paint where they contact each other.) It’s a good idea to use a multimeter on diode or resistance (ohm) mode to make sure that they are one electrical piece (meaning near zero ohms.)

You can make them out of mesh, depending on which frequencies you want to defend against. The mesh just has to be small enough to block at least 1/4 of the wavelength. Metal boxes with overlaps at places where the metal joins and a good solid electrical connection between all parts is all that you need.

You’ll see a bunch of hemming and hawing about grounding. Don’t worry about that for storage faraday cages. You need good grounding when you have a connector exposed (like an antenna lead) that penetrates the cage. That’s where most of the mainstream literature is, because then RF engineers are making these, it is almost always to eliminate interference on sensitive circuitry. That’s not your goal (or you would be on electronics forum instead of here.) You want to block everything, and an ungrounded, electrically solid box does that through skin effect.

If you are dealing with an EMP event (natural or not) you want the skin effect to cause all that energy to pass around and away from the box. You don’t want to add a lead that disrupts that effect and ties it to a ground potential. You want it electrically floating. You’re worried about overvoltage, not interference. Ignore the interference literature.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Thanks bro! Just what I was looking for.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

I’ve looked into it a little, experimented some.One tip I saw saw to be sure the phone doesn’t touch the metal bag/housing./wrap, whatever it is. I followed the advice of a guy who simply wrapped his phone in plastic, like a bread bag, then aluminum foil, them more plastic, then more aluminum foil. I made sure the layers were going across each other, so the ends of the phone weren’t exposed. That worked, but involved a bit of wrapping. Got a bigger phone and wanted a bigger setup. Got a small ammo box, lined it with thick adhesive foil tape.(but didn’t wire the lid to the base as Phelps says below) It didn’t work by itself. So I made the wrap layers arrangement, and used that inside the box, and it works. Little in the way of testing, just tried calling my # from another phone.

Reply to  scruffy
3 years ago

Yes, insulate the interior from the cage, but you don’t need much of an air gap. Use one thick layer instead of multiple layers of foil. The potential problem is that conductor/insulator/conductor sandwiches are literally capacitors. The more layers you have, the more potential capacitance you have.

It’s likely not enough capacitance to matter, and it’s certainly better than your device in free air, but still not a good idea. The margins on even a strong EMP are so wide that you can screw a lot of things up and have all but your most sensitive devices be fine, as long as they don’t have an exposed antenna and they aren’t connected to the grid.

3 years ago

> Would-be Reagan killer John Hinckley rebrands himself as singer-songwriter.

Well, why not? Charles Manson did that for decades. Turns out prison music is a thing…

3 years ago

News 2021-06-03 Thu | vaxx spike Boomer coffin nail | why news roundups | VP errs on COVID19 origin | Basecamp, Coinbase ban (SJW) politics | CCP wolf warrior whimpers | Fauci fraud FOIA’d | bio WW3 underway

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…You can watch episodes of Burn Notice here for free…”

Here’s four more that are easier to use than the one listed. The first two have larger files, and small ones, the last two are mostly smaller compressed but usually fine to watch and fast to download.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Use a VPN, folks.

Also, the magic codephrase for complete media freedom is “VPN Sonarr SABNZBD Plex”. You’ll need an account to a usenet server. It’s some work, and you need to be at least “I can run my own minecraft server” savy, but beyond that, there’s plenty of info on yandex to get you going.

Edwin J
Edwin J
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Could you give me a link or two that would help me start this process? I’m not too tech savvy so some directions would assist me.

Reply to  Edwin J
3 years ago

If searching the code phrase doesn’t give you enough, then it is probably going to be too frustrating for you.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Been putting of anonymous browsing, but I need to get serious. Thanks for the tip and any others.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  scruffy
3 years ago

You’d be wasting your time.

Next on the Davos WF list is a faked-up global hacker attack, giving the govts the excuse to end online anonymity once and for all. Within a couple of years, it will be gone.

Soon, it will be time to put up or shut up for online voices hiding behind anonymity.

3 years ago

Investigation into the alarm that went off at the secure Fulton County ballot site which was inexplicably left open and unprotected, is looking at whether the private security contractors who heard the alarm and rushed to secure the room were trespassing.

I wonder if there is a time-out on the alarm system. A situation where, say, the cameras all start recording, but they automatically time out (thinking it’s a false alarm) if there’s no response in 30 minutes.

Might be why the off-duty cops didn’t find anyone. They were waiting the 30 minutes for the system to time out, but when they drove up to go in, they realized the off-duty cops were already inside and aborted.

3 years ago

Pentagon may allow LGBTQ pride flags to be flown on military bases, reversing Trump-era ‘no non-gov’t flags’ rule.

Cool. If they can fly LGBBQ flags, then that means that combat units can also fly MIA/POW flags, blue line flags, and III% flags, right?

3 years ago

JBS meat plants reopening in US after ransomware attack because they had secure backup servers.

AKA having a minimally competent IT department.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

GenXer who does all the family tech support. Can’t relate to this at all. Not a bit. Not a skosh.

Freedom Toons – Why Boomers Ruined Everything

3 years ago