News Briefs – 05/31/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Panama intercepts 1500 packages of Cocaine heading from Cuba to Turkey. Cuba has a history running drugs for FARC.

Brazilian pop star killed in plane crash. As Q said, many of these stars were kids who were hurt by the machine when they were vulnerable. Then they are made stars to keep them quiet, and because it is thought they can be controlled. But those who fit that description know and can just as easily be seen as threats.

Pelosi rages that facebook didn’t kill the video of her stuttering, which she claims was fake, but which wasn’t.

Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran has died at 81. Trump vouched for him as one of the good guys.

New Zealand funds increased domestic spying following the Christ Church shooting. You can see how this Tarrant event screwed up the patriot movement. Now if they keep their guns they are all at the mercy of the government and can be busted at any time. The spying will probably be scanning houses from outside, looking for signatures consistent with firearms inside, watching internet chatrooms, scanning emails, data mining old purchase records, and listening to conversations in the houses to see who has what. And everyone will get a file so if things heat up and they might resist they can be rolled up fast. If Tarrant hadn’t done the attack, you can bet they would have had someone else do it, because it has advanced the Cabal’s position so quickly and so far. Also, just another sign Cabal is preparing to try and use New Zealand as a safe haven, and is pulling a Colorado on the population. Watch for a drug problem to begin there soon, as Marijuana gets legalized.

California Assembly OK’s Medicaid for illegals. What is another $3 Billion a year, if it will make your state a magnet for deathly ill illegal immigrants?

45% of California roads are rated in poor condition.

Unmasker Samantha Power’s ancestor was IRA.

A ruling by FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer finds that 85% of NSA database requests under FISA section 702 authority at the DOJ were illegal or noncompliant. From the article – “Judge Collyer has ordered that the court be provided the names of every person targeted by the spying. Additionally, information on the content of every query entered into the NSA surveillance database. Once those names are made public, and they will be, a firestorm will erupt over the depth and corruption of the Obama White House abuse of the intelligence agencies and political processes.” If you are posting on the Chans, or Vox, or maybe even here, you may have one hell of a lawsuit coming soon, because surveillance doesn’t roll out piecemeal. If you are on that list, you will have gotten a lot more intrusive coverage than a mere database pull, as intrusive as that may be.

600,000 migrants entered the UK in 2018. That is not a big island.

Steve Hilton says Joe Biden has essentially taken billions in bribes from China.

1000 migrants apprehended at the Border by Border Patrol in just one group.

Hillary, whose every email, often with illegally sent classified data, was automatically CC’d to China by malware installed on her private email server, is set to headline a cyber defense summit. What is she getting paid for that keynote speech?

Iran says it will restart Nuclear activity unless cash demands are met.

Moscow to create large scale facial recognition system.

White House Self Immolator appeared to be hallucinating due to a hallucinogenic drug. Didn’t CIA dose people up on LSD before they jumped out windows during MK Ultra experiments? Then again, just hypnosis can change your perceptions of what you see around you. Might explain why he just strolled around while on fire as if nothing was going on.

Mainstream media makes the first step toward normalizing pedophilia with a TV Show promoting “Age-Gap-Love,” where older men hitch up to young girls. 44 year old male admits his attraction for his 16 year old wife began long before she turned 16, back when he was friends with her mother. We are at the point where “letting gays marry will not be a slippery slope that leads to naked men changing in locker rooms in front of little girls.”

New Hampshire goes ultra-leftist, repeals death penalty. Again, a border state.

Jill Biden promises to end her husband’s inappropriate behavior. headline – F35 Dogfight accidently resulted in sky-penis, officials say. Who are these assholes who are out there just waiting to criticize young military guys willing to die for the nation for meaningless fun?

Common Core shown to degrade US student performance.

Assange too weak to attend video conference on his US extradition? Faking? Being poisoned?

Washington State SEIU settles lawsuit over forging a person’s signature on a membership card and then just beginning to start pulling dues from their bank account. Who would think we would long for the days when Cabal used SEIU as violent thug-muscle instead of MS-13?

Just as Republicans win the Census Citizenship question, Democrats turn up last minute evidence from recently deceased Republican’s computer to try and forestall defeat. Arguably too late, but they are clearly trying to get a pause and hold the question off for ten years. Also makes you wonder when a Republican star strategist dies of cancer. You never know given the last two decades.

Salesforce software tells gun dealers they must stop using their software unless they stop selling AR-15’s.

Among 18-29 year olds, France has as many Muslims as Catholics.

John Brennan calls on Democrats to engage in further action on Mueller’s report, ie Impeachment:

Pakistan sentences two to death for espionage as they roll up an international spy ring.

New Mexico town issues new permits to We Build The Wall, and withdraws Cease and Desist Order.

North Korea executes top diplomat for failing to get a deal with Donald Trump. Was the last summit compromised? Two others were sent to prison camps. Imagine showing up to the next summit as a negotiator, and Trump begins putting on the pressure.

Bernie backers see DNC-media sabotage in Biden surge: ‘It’s the same thing all over again’

Don Jr’s Instagram shows he is quite the trout fisherman. And he does it in a MAGA T-shift with a Punisher Skull logo that has Trump hair and the 3%’er logo on its forehead. And in this timeline, that is a future President. What did we do to get so lucky?

Japan to propose a summit with North Korea.

WaPo strangely debunks Planned Parenthood’s claim that thousands of women were dying from abortions when it was illegal. Are the pieces of the machine being turned?

Trump promises a major statement on the border with something big in the works.

Trump says if someone tried to keep the USS McCain out of sight, they meant well.

US economy grew at a solid 3.1% in Q1.

This is good, but it points out one bump we may see in the Storm – illegal spying is so pervasive, that revelations of it may empty the prisons of real bad actors whose cases began with an illegal piece of information that will poison their entire cases:

Spread r/K Theory, because POTUS always wins.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

In the forces, my unit had a tradition of occasionally showing up for inspection wearing nothing but boots, rifle, and jockstrap.

Guys would write with markers “Exit Only” on their lower backs, with an arrow pointing to their cracks. A good time was had by all.

This shit with the backlash against sky penises really gets me down. Same with the outrage about songs the USAFA cadets sang that “promote rape.”

You expect men to go into COMBAT and do horrible things, but you permit them to discuss nothing more lethal than My Little Pony?

Rabbity AF.

r/K theory yawns.

I Want to Know Truth
I Want to Know Truth
5 years ago

AC wrote: ” The spying will probably be scanning houses from outside, looking for signatures consistent with firearms inside,”

How can someone protect guns in a house from being seen with these scanning devices?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Your short mention of the “age-gap love” thing torches my brain so much, I need to take a break from reading.

These fucking weak-ass bespectacled soy boi Gamma wimps will tell you straight to your face “The only reason you oppose this is because you find it disgusting. You can’t articulate a valid reason why it’s wrong.”

The disgust IS THE REASON, FFS!

Therein lies the dishonesty of the leftist. He spouts atheistic drivel about animal desires as a defense of his licentious hedonism, but opposes your natal instinct that rejects his sickness.

Z Malfoy
5 years ago

Not gonna lie, there have been some weird things since I posted here a time or two (and over at VP a couple times). The past several weeks, in particular. Weirdos watching me in a parking lot and being super weird about it. Someone making an appointment for my car that 1) I didn’t make but 2) contained an accurate description of what I would have included in the “notes” if I had (and was, in fact, planning to do), indicating someone close enough to hear the sounds my car made at start, but not while driving. On the one hand, kinda helpful (thanks buddies!). On the other, super weird. Even made a FB post telling the “Covert Surveillance Team” to check my schedule next time, as I never make car appointments for work days– that post didn’t show up on anyone’s feed, but neither did FB delete it. Which, in context, kinda suspicious.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I find it strange to reflect on my childhood and realize that nobody taught me to think any certain way on politics. I just remember hating unions the moment I learned of them, and despising environmental activists when I first laid eyes on Greenpeace. Not realizing that our militaries are just pawns for the evil powers that be, I was drawn to them.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

According to witness testimony from Keith Rainier’s trial, he writes left-handed.

Like Obama.

5 years ago

more extreme gerrymandered maps- read that as ” un-gerrymander the map”

5 years ago

“Watch for a drug problem to begin there soon, as Marijuana gets legalized.”
Well I’m still waiting for the drug problem to be solved once drug addiction is made a criminal matter. Let’s ban alcohol while we’re at it. The mafia isn’t getting enough money.

“Salesforce software tells gun dealers they must stop using their software unless they stop selling AR-15’s.”
On the other hand, the Libertarian fiction about the state being the only form of government impinging on freedom is more hollow by the day. Their premises imply that whatever the government does not prohibit is acceptable – for instance the mass deplatforming by monopolies. As the culture becomes more corrupted, the distinction between “Government” and “that which governs” will be revealed for the sham that it is.

John Calabro
5 years ago

Hey anonymous conservative have you ever hear of the S.M patient? While doing my research on the Amygdala I read on this women who as a child got a disease that attack her brain. Unlike other lesions it did not really affect the other parts of her brain.

I have put her wiki link

I think the lack of a Amygdala show a lot of r type behavior. No fear of dangerous animals check, overly trust in people that turn out to be criminal check, negative social cues check, lack of personal space check. This is just the wiki

On the book I am reading (Living without an Amygdala, it also state that she fails with money and forgets to get food and sometimes goes several days until starvation. Her relationship are short term (often no more than a year). She on Welfare. Has had kids with 2 different fathers and both walk out, one chock her and abuse her. Also she has been in many dangerous situation in a black neighborhood, (she is white and lives in a high crime area). Being rob and threaten (in one case had a gun put up on her and she did not fear) by mostly black men has not affected her view on blacks and she actually goes to a black church. Also her diet is mainly easy to get, cheap and requires less prepare like soft drinks, chesse, and juke. She can not cook that well. One time got into a car with a stranger and travel to a unknown place, almost got rape and demand to be taken home and got back into the car but did not think much about.

She Is almost the perfect Liberal expect her views on right and wrong is black and white more than most conservatives. If it was not for the modern society, the police, welfare and aleast a community that care she in my opinion would be dead.

Reply to  John Calabro
5 years ago

NWO model citizen!

5 years ago

I hope the spies Pakistan caught were working for the cabal and not another case of white hats exposed to weaken the US like what happened in China.

5 years ago

“We are at the point where “letting gays marry will not be a slippery slope that leads to naked men changing in locker rooms in front of little girls.”

Note that both scenarios are inherently against nature and natural law. When not rooted in Christ and natural law.

The premises guarantee moral degeneration and the slippery slope. Only a healthy anchoring on this will ensure no slippery slope despite the reforms.

Then its inevitable that deviant sexuality involving pre-teenage and non heterosexuality will end up being legitimized.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…North Korea executes top diplomat for failing to get a deal with Donald Trump. Was the last summit compromised? Two others were sent to prison camps. Imagine showing up to the next summit as a negotiator, and Trump begins putting on the pressure….”

WOW! talk about making sure some sort of deal goes through.

AC here’s a couple of links that will really interest you and a confirmation that people faces, and physiognomy in general, show their proclivities. This is a couple of blog post by a girl who was trained to look at the bodies, faces, and movements of Men so as to better read them and their weaknesses as a sex slave. See said it was a one month intensive training program where if she didn’t give the right answers she was tortured and drowned to near death. She said she can still look at people and immediately know their sexual proclivities decades after. I would rate the truthfulness of her stories very high. She was part of the Detroux case in Belgium. She and others gave very detailed evidence collaborated between several different witnesses and bodies were found collaborating their testimony.

The first two links are her talking about the training/torture she received and it’s purpose. The last is the starting of her blog.

I would say that her case as part the dutroux affair

The Franklin Scandal In-Depth Article – By: Nick Bryant

the finders case

The Jimmy Savile affair in England

Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’

FBI Presidio Child Molestation Report(This was called hysteria but some of the children had sexually transmitted diseases)

9-11 building 7 free fall with no support

I think these documented and collaborated instances leave no doubt that a bunch of child molesting, blackmailing psychopaths are running all the western governments.

Anneke Lucas articles are interesting in that she says that the people running things are just as fucked mentally as lot of the average people. That we look to our leaders as someone who knows what to do but in reality they are mental fucks themselves. I think they are just brazen and with normal investigative law enforcement where they are not allowed a get out of jail free card we could round all these fucks up in no time.

The question is whether Trump will just follow through or not. I think it’s a poor excuse that you have to take out every single one of them in one big hit. Taking out a lot of the bigger ones that provide coordination and cover for the local ones, followed by relentless tracking and investigation of the rest could destroy them. A parallel situation is the Thuggees that the Brits took out in India. They crushed them and disrupted them such that they have never returned.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Oops, sorry I missed the link to the starting post of her blog. Here.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Read all her blog post and found this video where she explains, briefly, that she was trained to see personality and particularly what kind of sexual needs Men have due to facial structures.

It would really interesting to steal one of their manuals. They must have been studying this for a long time. I wonder if this has been studied for a REALLY long time like thousands of years and they’ve passed this down.

With modern computer matching of facial structures think of the power of this. You could find people MUCH more likely to do whatever function you desired just by scanning large databases of faces. Think of the productivity enhancement if you only trained those most likely to benefit or function properly under such training.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

This is EXCELLENT material! Thanks for sharing. I, too, am trying to learn more about physiognomy.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

I spoke too soon. This is too hard to read because it’s from a female’s point of view. Most women can’t just stick to stating facts. It always has to be a drama, with the author at the center of it all.

Men just want the women to get to the point. Women don’t want to relinquish the drama points they suppose they have earned.

5 years ago

The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, No Name’s daughter signals for Trump to be assassinated:

Meghan McCain found herself in a precarious situation during Friday’s broadcast of The View when she went a bit too far with a metaphor about impeachment, prompting her and the rest of the crew to quickly walk back her comments.

Discussing President Trump recently declaring that impeachment is a “dirty, filthy, disgusting word” as pressure ramps up in the wake of Robert Mueller’s public comments, McCain noted that House Democrats are still being careful as the public hasn’t embraced the idea yet.

“What’s interesting is that only 45 House members are for impeachment proceedings, which actually surprised me,” she said. “It’s only 20 percent of House Democrats. Ten percent of the entire House and I do think, I agree with you, that Nancy Pelosi is an incredibly shrewd politician. Sixty-five percent of Americans say Congress should not begin proceedings at the moment.”

The conservative host then stated Democrats need to make sure they don’t miss if they go down the impeachment path—using a rather graphic analogy.

“I will say if you take this kill shot, Democrats, you better not miss,” McCain declared. “You better hit his jugular. If there is a finger still moving at the end of it, you will ruin your chances in 2020 but you better do this well if you’re going to do it.”

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