News Briefs – 05/30/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

CIA Officer Kevin Shipp says, “This was NSA domestic surveillance, and it’s been going on since before 9/11. It increased after 9/11… This leads all the way to Barack Obama and, of course, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton being the blackmailer extraordinaire and Barack Obama. . . . They were using this power to intimidate others and probably to blackmail others . . . that’s exactly what they were doing. . . . They were all engaging in flagrant criminal activity.” Not many would say intimidation. I would bet he has been intimidated himself.

Uber will deactivate accounts of riders with low ratings. Some are pointing out China’s social credit system may begin to be introduced this way, through private sector discrimination. Wear a MAGA hat, get a bad rating, and suddenly you are denied access to an entire business sector, based on some in it not liking something about you. And then maybe these groups begin sharing ratings “to better serve their users,” and suddenly you can’t get a car, a plane ride, or a train ticket, and all sorts of other vendors will not go near you.

Mueller gives a press conference, says he couldn’t prove Trump was innocent, and cryptically alludes to Impeachment as possibly appropriate. Mueller’s voice stress was sky high, to the point I would not have identified him by voice as the same person who was FBI director, back when his voice was relaxed, dominant, and in control. Bombard’s body language, who I saw after writing that, agreed. Hard to see how Pelosi holds the Impeachment crowd back now. Also, note Mueller says, “Two years ago, the acting Attorney General asked me to serve as Special Counsel.” If Q is right, that was a lie. Notice that just as he finishes, he rubs his nose. Clinton always did this when he was lying, and one analyst looking at video of Clinton doing it said the stress of lying sometimes triggers subtle changes in blood flow in special “erectile” tissue in the nose, which some think is the origin of the idea of Pinochio’s growing nose when he lied. The tissue expansion activates nerves, which causes a subtle itching, which will often lead people to touch or rub their nose immediately after a lie. Final observation : Nadler is back, nothing was wrong with his brain, and he is going on as if nothing happened. He wasn’t dehydrated. I can remember a football practice in 7th grade when we went for two and a half hours without drinking while doing non-stop drills in high heat because the coaches wanted to make people quit to shrink the team size. We were really dehydrated by the time we got to the fountains. I have never been so thirsty as I was twenty minutes into the practice. Wrestlers don rubber suits and hit the exercise bike until they have dropped 15 pounds of water. Nobody looks like Nadler did. That was an amygdala hijack, right after Q posted.

Mueller also officially resigned.

DSS testifies under oath they were warning Hillary about communications security and she was ignoring them.

Analyst who discovered links between reporters and Antifa is suspended by Twitter.

Bernie Sanders says he will support opening an Impeachment Inquiry.

20 year old illegal who got an 11 year old pregnant asks a judge if he can just sign his deportation order and get sent home. Judge says no. Getting locked up as a pedophile must not be fun.

In Italy, far-left extremist arrested in connection with Salvini office bombing. It is possible the true, large-scale political violence, as we have seen in history, is only possible with a central organizing force. Absent that, political violence may naturally tend to be a disorganized affair of small, isolated actors. We may have never really seen the “real” world, as it operates naturally, up until now.

Two US-based gang members arrested in Tijuana with cloned Police uniforms, methamphetamines, and a LAW rocket. The Caliber vs Capacity debate is a spectrum.

New guidelines from NYC Mayor will allow violent teens to go free. Getting gang members back out on the street for Cabal?

Disturbing account of what our smartphones are beaming out to third parties about us.

Yellow Vest facebook group with 350,000 members frozen on election day.

Pokémon App will monitor your sleep patterns and use the data to affect gameplay somehow.

Illegal alien serial killer had overstayed his Visa, and was still given a green card. 12 kills.

Colorado hogties cops when dealing with illegals, and prevents them from helping ICE. CIA Central. CIA rolled into a high-trust rural area where deals were signed with handshakes, and laid waste to it all. Now it is an anti-gun, drug-addled, leftist, illegal-alien shithole, and the people will never pose a threat to the government again.

Somebody’s aggregated database of 42 million dating app users was left unprotected on the internet without even password protection.

Obama paid $600,000 for a single speech in Colombia. Money paid like this has to come from somewhere, and be justifiable based on economic metrics, because the world is Darwinian. Obama talking there has to spur other people to buy enough additional units of something that there will be a profit, of which Obama’s speaking fee is one small part. Except Obama’s speech won’t do that. So whoever is paying this has made much, much more than $600,000 of something else Obama did, and this is how Obama is being paid by them.

Temple of satan to file a lawsuit challenging the law that requires fetal remains be disposed of as human remains. Wow. Was Planned Parenthood funneling baby-bodies to the satanic Temple for use in some sort of occult ceremonies? The left has been unusually obsessed with the issue.

Car manufacturers shut down production, “to cope with” chaos from a Brexit shutdown. As a result, production is down 45%, even though there has been no shutdown. Might this be why the shutdown failed? Cabal companies were going to screw up their own businesses to make it appear to everyone that leaving the EU would cripple an economy, and scare everyone into unification as opposed to nationalism? Instead Trump and Q made May botch it, so everyone could see that the manufacturing shutdown was not due to reduced ability to export, but rather because manufacturers were purposely crushing production?

Prominent Birmingham Muslims will lead the Pride Parade this year. Do you think it is coincidence that the prominent leaders of the Muslims are doing this? Is the Muslim community pro-gay? How did these people end up leading them, if they don’t represent them, and are obviously owned by Cabal? That is the product of an intelligence operation. A massive one, that has done that with every group. Think about how big it must be, to control not only business, media, politics, all of the religions, education at all levels, but even the “leaders” in neighborhoods. And I increasingly think that possibly after hundred of years of expansion, you can go to a third world shithole without plumbing, and the network there will have been briefed on your arrival, and be ready to keep an eye on you and report observations back which will end up in your primary file.

Illegal falls to death from Border Fence, New Mexico Governor blames America.

FBI leadership ran up $65K in freebies in LA Dodgers Luxury Box while team was the target of an FBI probe. All Federal Law Enforcement should be drawn from Local PDs, and run under them. Local officers who show promise get promoted in and trained up, and then work out of their local departments. They will interface better with the cops they serve with because they will have come up with them, they will have endured the rigors of the Police Academy, and you will not get the distillation of assholia among the leadership that you get by having the agencies based out of DC, because the leadership of each branch will be the leadership of the local PD, which is chosen, even indirectly, by the people of that community.

Kamala Harris says if she won the Presidency, she would absolutely go after Trump legally once he left office. I know the Storm is supposed to do great things to unify the country, but it is hard to see how we stay a functioning Republic when candidates are running on just how long they will imprison the opposition for, if they win, when the opposition hasn’t even committed any crime. On the left, it is pretty much fully 100% Banana Republic. Hopefully Trump has a cell warmed up for her in Gitmo.

Man sets himself on fire, is engulfed in flames right near White House.

China threatens to cut off rare earth minerals. This is really 50:50. Because the demand for them is there, if China cuts them off, then in very short order the money will be moved to access alternate unexploited sources. That would put us on a much better footing if War with China ever broke out. I will bet China wants to supply us so we are addicted. I almost wonder if Trump wants China to do this, as a way of forcing the creation of alternate supply lines, to make us fully self sufficient from China.

An LAPD officer has just caught Typhoid. You do not see that every day. Whatever the change is which causes pandemics to accompany the K-shift, as we see medieval diseases suddenly return, it would appear it is now becoming operative.

Former Assistant SecDef comes out and says UFOs are real, and they are not our’s because there are near-collision reports. If they were our’s secrecy would forbid them from doing things that generate reports. Maybe, Maybe not. What is certain is somebody has pulled the trigger on creating a UFOs are real narrative, and it feels related to the Storm. Be funny if Q was an alien intel officer on loan from a white-hat species, helping us repel the influence of a black-hat species, as part of some intersteller-political maneuvering. Somebody said we would never guess who Q was in 10,000 years, but that the revelation will blow everyone away when it is revealed. If JFK Jr is dead… Then again, we have heard Cabal has a plan to try and fake a UFO crisis to unite the world behind them. Either way, awesome timeline.

Above Fake News tweet has since been debunked by numerous sources, including the Navy and Trump himself:

New book shows research claiming homosexual parents provide equal rearing environments compared to heterosexual parents is false, and the media is lying about it.

Trump’s choice for new Immigration Chief is a hardliner. Opposes birthright citizenship and wants to strip illegal immigrants of unemployment benefits.

Louisiana moves to ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected. For decades, polling would show (much to my surprise), that abortion was actually opposed by a majority of voters. And yet the media narrative made it seem as if that was not the case, and the lack of action always seemed to make it seem as if a majority supported abortion – to the point even conservative areas would not go near it. Nothing on the surface has changed, but look how quickly the metrics of the issue, on the ground, have. It seems clear something has changed behind the scenes out of our sight. Forcing abortion to be easy may have been done as much to make our nation seem more welcoming to those r-strategists who are not like us, as it was to demoralize us and prevent our side from doing what was right.

US energy department rebrands fossil fuels as ‘molecules of freedom.’

Gallup says Trump’s leadership rating has jumped, now beats Obama on issues and ideology.

John Cleese touched off a Twitter war with this one:

But through the battle, he stood his ground:

Spread r/K Theory, because the magical boom is coming.

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5 years ago

Another interesting thing about the Satanic Temple challenge was RBG’s opinion included in the SCOTUS ruling on Tuesday that a pregnant woman is not a Mother. This is clearly meant to reinforce the idea that the fetus is a parasite, not a child. Though as always they seem to overlook that a man can be pursued for financial support as the Father of said child, while still in the womb. Sperm provider is Father, incubator is not a Mother, though clearly houses DNA material from the Father.

5 years ago

Was Planned Parenthood funneling baby-bodies to the satanic Temple for use in some sort of occult ceremonies?


“He said he performed many of the sacrificial abortion rituals at the clinics of ‘a large abortion provider,’ but he would not identify the provider for fear of lawsuits.”

How many ‘large abortion providers’ are there?

Reply to  Bonaventure
5 years ago


(24) – “Why Are Jews So Pro-Abortion?”

(25) – “Large majority of Jews favor abortion—for non-Jews”

(26) – “Alabama’s Anti-abortion Law: This Is What Christian Rule Looks Like in America”

(27) – “Groups Girding For New Fight On Abortion Rights”

(28) – “Jewish Groups Fight Abortion Restrictions in Health Care Bill”

(29) – “Behind the Headlines: Abortion Rights Issue Galvanizing Jewish Women’s Groups in America”

(30) – “Why Won’t Christians Stand with Alabama’s Decision to Ban Abortion?”

(31) – “Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter”
NOTE: the sources of this source are offline but archives for them can be found here:

From here:

Created May, 17th, 2019:

5 years ago

A year ago, a large deposit of rare earth minerals was discovered off the coast of Japan.

Pres. Trump just completed a successful visit to Japan.

Might be related.

5 years ago

Some are pointing out China’s social credit system may begin to be introduced this way, through private sector discrimination.

I’m not convinced that China’s social credit system is an inherently bad thing, I’m certainly not convinced that the people telling us about it are being honest, and I’m not convinced that this isn’t the way to take back our systems.

First, I’ve looked at the leaked criteria that China is using to base its score. It’s a bunch of factors that measure mainly two things:

1) Are you a muslim?
2) Are you running some kind of secret home industry that uses of lot of electricity (seemingly cryptomining and drug production)?

First, we already have #2 in our country. Having a high electric bill is already enough for the government to bust down your door here. And frankly, I don’t know that we are better off by letting Muslims have unrestricted access to our country (or theirs.)

But back to the uber system. First, it has protections built in, in the form of the ratings going both ways. You are rating your driver, and your driver is rating you. One bad rating isn’t going to hurt you. You get hurt by consistent bad ratings. Leftists can’t hide their hatred of anything they see like a MAGA hat. They are already getting themselves fired over it, so all the MAGA hat crowd has to do is bomb the ratings on drivers that simmer at their hat preemptively. (Uber is MUCH stricter on drivers ratings-wise.)

The other thing is that they are not as numerous as we feel. The ones that are out there are the most unpleasant and personally undesirable people on the planet. SJWs are personally disgusting and revolting as people, politics aside. I am certain that they have lower overall ratings on Uber as riders than conservatives. They smell, they are rude, they are entitled, and they are shitty tippers who won’t shut up about themselves. You know that Hugo, Andualme and Tesfaye (some of my recent uber drivers) fucking hate picking up SJWs.

I think this is more of a plus for us than a minus. When the ratings are coming from everyone, the SJWs are boned.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

“When the ratings are coming from everyone,”
Including migrants pouring across borders and r breeding. Remember, the criteria of who gets shut down are decided by these tech companies. I assume by the fact that you are here that you do understand what kind of people they are.

Reply to  fixeddisdain
5 years ago

I do. But the H1Bs aren’t driving cars and rating people. And the ones driving cars are the same ones who threw gays off buildings in their home countries.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Roosh wrote a very normie-friendly article on how Cabal works. An excerpt:

“The following is the only theory I could come up with that perfectly explains why all major world corporations are acting in the same way against their own profitability to virtue signal for globohomo:

Fortune 500 corporations are controlled by the same group or entity (i.e. “spider”) that is pushing globohomo to control and enslave humanity. Revenue and profits are useful by the spider to fulfill its main objective of control (power).

If you start with that theory, absolutely everything that corporations are doing today makes sense. While different corporations may not agree on every single agenda point, they do act like different organs of the same organism, operating in near lockstep to shape and control human behavior around the world. It also explains why corporations in completely different sectors, or ones that are even based in different nations, push the exact same propaganda. In fact, the above theory is so correct in my mind that the only remaining question is the identity of the spider.”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago


He was fine when he advocated r….

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

From an article on his website:

“Wrecking a prosperous country is a difficult task. Anyone who attempts it must have a strategy to subvert its biggest institutions from within, which includes the military, media, academia, and government. To accomplish it in the fastest and most efficient way possible, you would need to find percolating ideologies that has America hatred built-in before elevating its adherents to positions of power and influence. This is exactly what has happened in the United States.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

This may be the trio you are thinking of:

One of the serious problems in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals nor do they feel any obligations to follow their doctrine.”
— From a Soviet document

“The reason the American army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American army practices chaos on a daily basis.”
— Nazi General Officer

“If we don’t know what we are doing, the enemy certainly can’t anticipate our future actions!”
— anonymous

(From a US Army Logistics Evaluation Agency document.)

It reminds me of the origins of the armies in Warhammer 40K (a British product). The Imperial Army is obviously the Russians. The Space Marines are heavily influenced by medieval monks.

The Americans are the Space Orks.

5 years ago

British Muslims leading Pride Parade.. I wonder who could be behind that..
(British Govt. It’s the British Govt).

5 years ago